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En studie på flygvapenpiloter kring KASAM och meningsfullhet med yrket / A study of air force pilots on SOC and meaningfulness of the professionDäldehög, Filip January 2010 (has links)
Författaren till detta arbete har anledning att tro att piloter från olika flygsystem inom Flygvapnet känner olika stor grad av meningsfullhet med det arbete de utför. I detta arbete gör författaren en undersökning där han utifrån ett beteendevetenskapligt perspektiv försöker påvisa sådana skillnader mellan stridspiloter och transportflygpiloter. Samt vilka effekter dessa skillnader i så fall kan innebära för piloternas hälsa och motivation i såväl yrket som i livet i allmänhet. Författaren beskriver utifrån Aaron Antonovskys teori om känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) hur det går att förklara varför vissa människor är bättre rustade än andra för att klara av problematiska situationer eller svåra händelser. Vidare beskriver författaren även vikten av att individer känner en meningsfullhet i det arbete de utför och hur detta kan påverka deras vilja till att stanna kvar i det. Största delen av empirin till arbetet erhåller författaren genom en enkätundersökning bland piloter i Flygvapnet som flyger antingen JAS 39 Gripen eller C-130 Hercules. Resultatet av undersökningen är att författaren inte lyckas påvisa någon skillnad i känsla av sammanhang mellan de båda grupperna. De har utifrån detta resultat således likartade förutsättningar för att hantera motgångar och svåra situationer i livet. Författaren ser vidare en tendens till att transportflygpiloterna uppfattar sitt arbete som något mer meningsfullt än stridspiloterna, särskilt tydligt är detta i åldersintervallet 30-39 år. Författaren lyckas emellertid inte påvisa dessa skillnader som statistiskt signifikanta och utifrån uppmätt meningsfullhet med yrket drar författaren slutsatsen att de båda pilotgrupperna har likartade förutsättningar till att vilja stanna kvar inom sina respektive yrken. / The author of this work has reasons to believe that pilots from different systems within the Swedish air force experiences different degree of meaning with that work they carry out. In this essay the author does a survey where he on the basis of a behavior scientific perspective tries to identify such differences between fighter pilots and transport pilots. He also tries to describe what possible effects these differences, if they exist, could cause for the pilots' health and motivation. The author describes on the basis of Aaron Antonovskys theory about sense of coherence (SOC) how it is possible to explain why some people, better than other, manage to copewith difficult situations or threatening events. Furthermore the author describes the importance of feeling a purpose and meaningfulness with the work the pilots do and how this may affect their willingness to remain in their trade. The author has obtained most of the empirical material through a survey among pilots in the Swedish Air Force, flying either the JAS 39 Gripen or the C-130 Hercules. The result of the study is that the author is not able to detect any differences in sense of coherence (SOC) between the two groups of pilots. Based on this result they therefore seem to have similar abilities to handle adversities and difficult situations in life. The author also sees a tendency that cargo pilots experiences their work as something more meaningful than fighter pilots, this is particularly evident in the age 30-39 years. However, the author does not manage to prove these differences as statistically significant. Based on the study the author therefore draws the conclusionthat neither of the two different groups of pilots is more likely than the other to leave their profession due to lack of meaningfulness with what they are accomplishing.
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RETHROTTLE : Execution Throttling In The REDEFINE SoC ArchitectureSatrawala, Amar Nath 06 1900 (has links)
REDEFINE is a reconfigurable SoC architecture that provides a unique platform for high performance and low power computing by exploiting the synergistic interaction between coarse grain dynamic dataflow model of computation (to expose abundant parallelism in the applications) and runtime composition of efficient compute structures (on the reconfigurable computation resources). Computer architectures based on the dynamic dataflow model of computation have to be an infinite resource implementation to be able to exploit all available parallelism in all applications. It is not feasible for any real architectural implementation. When limited resource implementations are considered, there is a possibility of loss of performance (inability to efficiently exploit available parallelism). In this thesis, we study the throttling of execution in the REDEFINE architecture to maximize the architecture efficiency. We have formulated it as a design space exploration problem at two levels i.e. architectural configurations and throttling schemes.
Reduced feature/high level simulation or feature specific analytical approaches are very useful for the selective study/exploration of early in design phase architectures/systems. Our approach is similar to that of SEASAME Framework which is used for the study of MPSoC (Multiprocessor SoC) architectures. We have used abstraction (feature reduction) at the levels of architecture and model of computation to make the problem approachable and practically feasible. A feature specific fast hybrid (mixed level) simulation framework for the early in design phase study is developed and implemented for the huge design space exploration (1284 throttling schemes, 128 architectural configurations and 10 applications i.e. 1.6 million executions).
We have done performance modeling in terms of selection of important performance criteria, ranking of the explored throttling schemes and investigation of the effectiveness of the design space exploration using statistical hypothesis testing. We found some interesting obvious/intuitive and some non-obvious/counterintuitive results. The two performance criteria namely Exec.T and Avg.TU were found sufficient to represent the performance and the resource usage characteristics of the architecture independent of the throttling schemes, the architectural configurations and the applications. The ranking of the throttling schemes based on the selected performance criteria is found to be statistically very significant. The intuitive throttling schemes span the range of performance from the best to the worst. We found absence of trade-off amongst all of the performance criteria. The best throttling schemes give appreciable overall performance (25%) and resource usage (37%) gains in the throttling unit simultaneously. The design space exploration of the throttling schemes is found to be fine and uniform.
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"Man kan aldrig visualisera för mycket" : en studie om visualisering iskolanHultgren, Rebecca, Aringskog, Katarina January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att knyta an till Högskolan i Gävles riktlinjer för ett examensarbete, undersöka betydelsen av visualisering på en arbetsplats samt kartlägga en pedagogs uppfattningar av dennes tankar med hjälp av datorprogrammet Complador. Någon tidigare forskning har inte funnits inom detta område, vilket gjorde att ett intresse väcktes hos författarna. Studien bygger på litteraturstudier samt intervjuer. För att få svar på visualiseringens betydelse valdes intervjuer med en rektor samt tre pedagoger, kartläggning av en pedagogs uppfattningar gjordes via Complador vilket ledde till resultatet i denna studie. Intervjuerna visar på att visualisering har en stor betydelse både för pedagogerna själva samt deras dagliga arbete, både som kollega och klasslärare. Kartläggningen fick pedagogen att se och reflektera över dennes uppfattningar vilket gjorde att denne ställde sig positiv till Complador.
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Berättelser från Fountain House : En narrativ studieBaruch, Simon January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to study what the participation in the activities of the Fontain House in Stockholm means to its members. The research questions dealt with how the members describe their participation in the activities, whether they say that it has helped them, and, in that case, in which way. Furthermore, they dealt with how the members argue about their experiences of mental illness and of social help. The study was carried out within the framework of the narrative method. As tools for analyzing the narratives, parts of An-tonovsky’s theories as well as the theoretical concepts of inclusion and exclusion as described by Madsen, were used. Furthermore, earlier research on the Fontain House was applied in the analysis. The results of the study showed that all of the respondents said that the Fontain House was of great importance in their lives and that they could participate in its activities in regard to their own needs and resources. The thesis discusses whether the selection and the execution of the study may have affected the results toward a positive tendency. Concerning how the re-spondents argue about mental illness and about social help, the answers varied strongly.
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Livsstilsförändring på livstid? : Projekt med inriktning mot unga, överviktiga, på Väddö Folkhögskola, 2005 - 2008Sellström, Ebba January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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"Duktiga flickor" : - Om högpresterande kvinnors val av identitet och karriär / "Good girls" : - High performing women´s choice of identity and careerFalkeborn, Sandra, Ferrari, Carolina January 2009 (has links)
The “good girl” is today an accepted and widespread notion. It is delimited to young girls and women who are characterised to be, for example, ambitious, high performing, working too much and risks developing mental illnesses. In today’s society women are assumed to pursue their career alongside maintaining the main responsibility for the household and family. The overarching purpose of this study has been – via a hermeneutic approach and based on the theory of symbolic interactionism – to elucidate and contribute knowledge to the social role of being a “good girl” and the associated implications for a woman’s identity and career. The aim has moreover been to address the differences between the two groups of respondents: women born in the 1980s and women born in the 1960s.The study is based on six individual semi structured interviews and two group interviews. The purpose is to gain a deeper understanding of and, thereby, a better interpretation of the phenomena of “good girls”. The interviews were conducted on a sample suited to the purpose, where the younger group of respondents will have studied at least three years at the university before graduating. The older groups of respondents have studied at least four years at an academic level before taking up employment. The results show that all respondents are characterised by ambitious identities, which create conflicts between, on the one hand, how they perceive themselves and, on the one hand, how others expect them to act.
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Pedagogiska verktyg i arbetet för elevens motivation : En studie inom särskolanMartini Calmen, David January 2012 (has links)
This study was conducted at a special school for children with autism and developmental disabilities. The study consists of three interviews where pedagogues have different experiences of working with children in need of special support. The aim is to get an idea of how teachers think about working with children autism, but above all to find out what methods and educational tools that are used, and why they are used to best motivate students to a rewarding education. Sense of coherence (SOC) is a central concept and a theoretical basis of the study relating to the student to create comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness in life. All of these three are essential for the student to find a predictable environment. From the result shows how schools and teachers use different methods and different tools, but both have a focus to help the student find motivation in the learning process. Pedagogues mentions three pedagogical tools where two of them get a little more space in the paper. The pedagogues tell how they think about the various tools and intention of these in the process of helping the student in the quest to find the motivation and meaningfulness in school and life. It is important to highlight the need for special education for children with special needs where special school is an institution that offers expertise in this. Something that makes a big impression is the discussion of how education and training should be tailored along each student's abilities and needs. The pedagogue dialogue is easy to attach to the policy in their operations, curriculum for special school (2011). One pedagogue also expresses this to be a living document which will also serve as support staff in the business.
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Étude et élaboration d'un système de surveillance et de maintenance prédictive pour les condensateurs et les batteries utilisés dans les Alimentations Sans Interruptions (ASI)Abdennadher, Mohamed 25 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Pour assurer une énergie électrique de qualité et de façon permanente, il existe des systèmes électroniques d'alimentation spécifiques. Il s'agit des Alimentations Sans Interruptions (ASI). Une ASI comme tout autre système peut tomber en panne ce qui peut entrainer une perte de redondance. Cette perte induit une maintenance corrective donc une forme d'indisponibilité ce qui représente un coût. Nous proposons dans cette thèse de travailler sur deux composants parmi les plus sensibles dans les ASI à savoir les condensateurs électrolytiques et les batteries au plomb. Dans une première phase, nous présentons, les systèmes de surveillance existants pour ces deux composants en soulignant leurs principaux inconvénients. Ceci nous permet de proposer le cahier des charges à mettre en œuvre. Pour les condensateurs électrolytiques, nous détaillons les différentes étapes de caractérisation et de vieillissement ainsi que la procédure expérimentale de vieillissement standard accéléré et les résultats associés. D'autre part, nous présentons les résultats de simulation du système de surveillance et de prédiction de pannes retenu. Nous abordons la validation expérimentale en décrivant le système développé. Nous détaillons les cartes électroniques conçues, les algorithmes mis en œuvre et leurs contraintes d'implémentation respectifs pour une réalisation temps réel. Enfin, pour les batteries au plomb étanches, nous présentons les résultats de simulation du système de surveillance retenu permettant d'obtenir le SOC et le SOH. Nous détaillons la procédure expérimentale de vieillissement en cycles de charge et décharge de la batterie nécessaire pour avoir un modèle électrique simple et précis. Nous expliquons les résultats expérimentaux de vieillissement pour finir avec des propositions d'amélioration de notre système afin d'obtenir un SOH plus précis.
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Anhörigstöd : Om tre fruar till personer med demenssjukdom, deras upplevelser av stöd och tre anhörigkonsulenters arbete med att stödjaOuld Bouamama Sundström, Malin January 2013 (has links)
The paper aims to examine how the wives of men with dementia experience their lives and how they perceive support from the society. The paper also aims to highlight the family care consultants´ work and views on support for families of people with dementia. Three spouses of people with dementia and three family care consultants were interviewed and the results were analyzed using Antonovsky's (1991) three theoretical concepts; comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness that comes from his theory Sense of coherence. The results show that the three wives whose men suffered from dementia spend most of their time, effort and energy on their husbands. They do not have time to think about their own needs and what support they feel they could use for themselves. They do not think about themselves as caregivers, they are spouses. Family care consultants are well aware of the importance of meeting and see the relatives in their lives, and denounces the importance of a support designed individually. Family care consultants understand that the most important and the best support society can provide a family care giver is that their close ones are well taken care of and given good care.
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DESIGN AND PROTOTYPE OF RESOURCE NETWORK INTERFACES FOR NETWORK ON CHIPMahmood, Adnan, Mohammed, Zaheer Ahmed January 2009 (has links)
Network on Chip (NoC) has emerged as a competitive and efficient communication infrastructure for the core based design of System on Chip. Resource (core), router and interface between router and core are the three main parts of a NoC. Each core communicates with the network through the interface, also called Resource Network Interface (RNI). One approach to speed up the design at NoC based systems is to develop standardized RNI. Design of RNI depends to some extent on the type of routing technique used in NoC. Control of route decision base the categorization of source and distributed routing algorithms. In source routing a complete path to the destination is provided in the packet header at the source, whereas in distributed routing, the path is dynamically computed in routers as the packet moves through the network. Buffering, flitization, deflitization and transfer of data from core to router and vice versa, are common responsibilities of RNI in both types of routing. In source routing, RNI has an extra functionality of storing complete paths to all destinations in tables, extracting path to reach a desired destination and adding it in the header flit. In this thesis, we have made an effort towards designing and prototyping a standardized and efficient RNI for both source and distributed routing. VHDL is used as a design language and prototyping of both types RNI has been carried out on Altera DE2 FPGA board. Testing of RNI was conducted by using Nios II soft core. Simulation results show that the best case flit latency, for both types RNI is 4 clock cycles. RNI design is also resource efficient because it consumes only 2% of the available resources on the target platform.
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