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Livsstilsförändring på livstid? : Projekt med inriktning mot unga, överviktiga, på Väddö Folkhögskola, 2005 - 2008Sellström, Ebba January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Jag ville hoppa av min utbildning och min framtid" : En studie om avhopp från gymnasieskolans yrkesprogram och vikten av skolans insatser för att förhindra avhoppMoberg-Venter, Elin, Nilsson, Maria January 2016 (has links)
According to statistics, it is common that Upper Secondary school students in vocational programs drop out. The aim of this study was to find out why these students decide to complete their education after having considered a dropout. How many students considered dropping out, who are those students and what reasons did they have? What thoughts and experiences did they have of the schools attempt to prevent them from dropping out? To collect data to this study a survey was used, followed by qualitative interviews. The data was later analyzed based on Antonovsky’s Sense of Coherence. The results showed that half of the students had at some point considered dropping out of school. The three main reasons for dropping out were: low motivation, mental health problems and that the education lacked quality. The top three reasons for wanting to pursue their education were: wanting an education, parents´ expectations and social interaction with friends. All students agreed that they have good relations with someone working at the school whom is willing to listen to them. One conclusion is that a healthy and safe school environment and good relations between school staff and students is a key to prevent school dropouts.
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När hjälp och stöd blir till bojor och hinder : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares arbete med att återintegrera våldsutsatta kvinnor med skyddade personuppgifter i samhället.Björndahl, Linda, Saxe, Cecilia January 2017 (has links)
In the society of today there is a gender power order where men are parent of women. This superiority tends to permeate and affect institutions and organizations of the society. The responsibility of abused women in Sweden lies with the social services and is controlled by the social services act. Together with the national guidelines and common advice of the social board the idea is for the business to form strategies and actions to provide help and support for abused women. The purpose of our investigation is to see how social workers are working to reintegrate women who live with protected personal data in the society based on the right to be self sufficient and independent. A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews were conducted. The empirical data, based on six social secretary experience, evaluated through a thematic analysis and linked to previous research and theoretical perspectives SOC and gender power. The conclusions we have reached are that the work is affected by both experience, way of work, as well as guidelines and limitations in the legislation. The activities offered are helping women in the acute phase but the long termed work have several limitations mainly for protected women. / I dagens samhälle råder en könsmaktsordning där män är överordnade kvinnor. Överordningen tenderar även att genomsyra samhällets institutioner och organisationer. Ansvaret för våldsutsatta kvinnor i Sverige ligger på socialtjänsten och regleras i socialtjänstlagen. Tillsammans med Socialstyrelsens nationella riktlinjer och allmänna råd utformas strategier och insatser för att ge hjälp och stöd till våldsutsatta kvinnor. Syftet med undersökning var att titta på hur socialsekreterare arbetar för att återintegrera kvinnor med skyddade uppgifter i samhället, utifrån rätten att vara självförsörjande och självständig. En kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Det empiriska materialet, baserat på sex socialsekreterares erfarenheter, utvärderades genom en tematiskanalys och kopplades till tidigare forskning och de teoretiska perspektiven KASAM och könsmaktsordningen. Våra slutsatser är att socialsekreterarnas arbete påverkas av såväl erfarenhet, arbetsformer, riktlinjer samt begränsningar i lagstiftningen. Erbjudna insatser hjälper de våldsutsatta kvinnorna i den akuta fasen men i det långsiktiga arbetet återfinns åtskilliga begränsningar främst för skyddade kvinnor.
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Finns det samband mellan ungdomars känsla av sammanhang och självtillit vid kondomanvändning? : En pilotstudieAndersson, Emma, Lindroth, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Idag belyser forskning att sexuellt överförbara infektioner (STI) och oönskade graviditeter ökar då ungdomar brister i kondomanvändning vid sex. Det är viktigt att förebygga sexuellt överförbara infektioner som behöver antibiotikabehandlas genom preventivt arbete. Minskas antibiotikaanvändningen främjas en hållbar utveckling. Genom en pilotstudie med tvärsnittsdesign under 2016, undersöktes om samband fanns mellan gymnasieungdomars känsla av sammanhang via mätinstrumentet (SOC) och deras självtillit vid kondomanvändning via mätinstrumentet (CUSES). Pilotstudien genomfördes i ett par klasser i ett fåtal skolor i mellersta Sverige. Studien innefattar 107 deltagare, 63 unga män, 41 unga kvinnor och en uppgav hen som kön. Åldersspannet på deltagarna ligger mellan 16-21 år. Pilotstudien visar att det inte fanns något samband mellan känsla av sammanhang och ungdomarnas självtillit vid kondomanvändning. Däremot visar resultatet att ungdomar med hög grad av känsla av sammanhang använde kondom vid sex i större utsträckning. Vi anser att det behövs studier som fokuserar på salutogena faktorer för att främja ungdomars sexuella- och reproduktiva hälsa samt deras kondomanvändning och därigenom minska STI och antibiotikaanvändning och på så sätt möjliggöra en mer hållbar utveckling. / Research today illustrates that sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies are increasing as adolescent’s use of condoms during sex is inadequate. It is important to prevent sexually transmitted diseases that needs to be treated with antibiotics. We can accomplish this through preventative work. By decreasing the use of antibiotics we are withholding a sustainable development. During the spring and late summer of 2016 a pilot study was made with a cross section design that analyzed if there was any connection between young people’s sense of coherence and their self-efficacy on condom use. The pilot study was performed in a number of classes at a few different schools in the middle of Sweden. The study implicated 107 participants’, 63 young men and 41 young women and one defining the sex as hen. The age range among the participants was between 16-21. The pilot study showed that there is no connection between high sense of coherence and self-efficacy on condom use. Although it did show that young people with a higher sense of coherence were using condoms in a greater occurrence. We believe it is necessary that more studies should focus on a salutogenic approach to promote adolescent´s sexual and reproductive health as well as their condom use. By doing so we can reduce sexually transmitted diseases and the use of antibiotics and this will result in a more sustainable development.
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Application du concept des transactions pour la modélisation et la simulation multicoeur des systèmes sur puceAnane, Amine 01 1900 (has links)
Avec la complexité croissante des systèmes sur puce, de nouveaux défis ne cessent d’émerger dans la conception de ces systèmes en matière de vérification formelle et de synthèse de haut niveau. Plusieurs travaux autour de SystemC, considéré comme la norme pour la conception au niveau système, sont en cours afin de relever ces nouveaux défis. Cependant, à cause du modèle de concurrence complexe de SystemC, relever ces défis reste toujours une tâche difficile. Ainsi, nous pensons qu’il est primordial de partir sur de meilleures bases en utilisant un modèle de concurrence plus efficace. Par conséquent, dans cette thèse, nous étudions une méthodologie de conception qui offre une meilleure abstraction pour modéliser des composants parallèles en se basant sur le concept de transaction. Nous montrons comment, grâce au raisonnement simple que procure le concept de transaction, il devient plus facile d’appliquer la vérification formelle, le raffinement incrémental et la synthèse de haut niveau. Dans le but d’évaluer l’efficacité de cette méthodologie, nous avons fixé l’objectif d’optimiser la vitesse de simulation d’un modèle transactionnel en profitant d’une machine multicoeur. Nous présentons ainsi l’environnement de modélisation et de simulation parallèle que nous avons développé. Nous étudions différentes stratégies d’ordonnancement en matière de parallélisme et de surcoût de synchronisation. Une expérimentation faite sur un modèle du transmetteur Wi-Fi 802.11a a permis d’atteindre une accélération d’environ 1.8 en utilisant deux threads. Avec 8 threads, bien que la charge de travail des différentes transactions n’était pas importante, nous avons pu atteindre une accélération d’environ 4.6, ce qui est un résultat très prometteur. / With the increasing complexity of SoCs, new challenges continue to emerge in the design of these systems in terms of formal verification and high-level synthesis. Several research efforts around SystemC, considered the de facto standard for system-level design, are underway to meet these new challenges. However, because of the complex concurrency model of SystemC, these challenges remain difficult tasks. Thus, we believe it is important to continue on a better footing by using a more effective concurrency model. Therefore, in this thesis, we study a design methodology that provides a better abstraction for modeling parallel components based on the concept of transaction. We show how, through simple reasoning about transactions, it becomes easier to apply formal verification, incremental refinement and high-level synthesis. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this methodology, we set the goal to optimize the simulation speed of a transactional model by taking advantage of a multicore machine. We present a modeling and parallel simulation environment that we developed. We study different scheduling strategies in terms of parallelism and synchronization overhead. An experiment made on a Wi-Fi 802.11a transmitter model achieved a speed up of about 1.8 using two threads. With 8 threads, although the workload of individual transactions was not significant, we could reach a speed up equal to 4.6 which is a very promising result.
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Adaptace u seniorů jako předpoklad úspěšného stárnutí / Adaptation of seniors as a assumption for successful agingDoskočilová, Aneta January 2016 (has links)
Successful aging is increasingly topical issue given the rapidly aging population and it is therefore crucial to deal with the way the old people adapt to the coming age, and whether there is some way we can be prepared for it. Model coping with life's problems - selection, optimization and compensation is a lifelong adaptation strategy, which currently in old age leads to successful aging. Besides adaptation are important attitudes towards aging and old age, that have an impact on senior's self-esteem. The main goal of this thesis was to analyze attitudes towards age and the use of model coping with life problems in a sample of younger and older Czech seniors using questionnaires SOC and AAQ. The research had a qualitative aspect, which focused on mapping the topic of retirement planning and strategies for successful aging. It turned out that the younger and older seniors differ from each other only in the use of the strategy chosen selection, in other strategies there was no difference between age groups. In the area of attitudes to each other, age groups also did not differ. The results also show that between using SOC strategies and their own attitude to old age, there is no relationship. Seniors recommend to young people and to their peers to think of their health, maintain good relationships...
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När hjälp och stöd blir till bojor och hinder : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares arbete med att återintegrera våldsutsatta kvinnor med skyddade personuppgifter i samhället.Björndahl, Linda, Saxe, Cecilia January 2017 (has links)
In the society of today there is a gender power order where men are parent of women. This superiority tends to permeate and affect institutions and organizations of the society. The responsibility of abused women in Sweden lies with the social services and is controlled by the social services act. Together with the national guidelines and common advice of the social board the idea is for the business to form strategies and actions to provide help and support for abused women. The purpose of our investigation is to see how social workers are working to reintegrate women who live with protected personal data in the society based on the right to be self sufficient and independent. A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews were conducted. The empirical data, based on six social secretary experience, evaluated through a thematic analysis and linked to previous research and theoretical perspectives SOC and gender power. The conclusions we have reached are that the work is affected by both experience, way of work, as well as guidelines and limitations in the legislation. The activities offered are helping women in the acute phase but the long termed work have several limitations mainly for protected women. / I dagens samhälle råder en könsmaktsordning där män är överordnade kvinnor. Överordningen tenderar även att genomsyra samhällets institutioner och organisationer. Ansvaret för våldsutsatta kvinnor i Sverige ligger på socialtjänsten och regleras i socialtjänstlagen. Tillsammans med Socialstyrelsens nationella riktlinjer och allmänna råd utformas strategier och insatser för att ge hjälp och stöd till våldsutsatta kvinnor. Syftet med undersökning var att titta på hur socialsekreterare arbetar för att återintegrera kvinnor med skyddade uppgifter i samhället, utifrån rätten att vara självförsörjande och självständig. En kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Det empiriska materialet, baserat på sex socialsekreterares erfarenheter, utvärderades genom en tematiskanalys och kopplades till tidigare forskning och de teoretiska perspektiven KASAM och könsmaktsordningen. Våra slutsatser är att socialsekreterarnas arbete påverkas av såväl erfarenhet, arbetsformer, riktlinjer samt begränsningar i lagstiftningen. Erbjudna insatser hjälper de våldsutsatta kvinnorna i den akuta fasen men i det långsiktiga arbetet återfinns åtskilliga begränsningar främst för skyddade kvinnor.
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Determinants of contraceptive use among currently married women in Amhara and Oromiya Regions of EthiopiaTeferi, Zeleka January 2009 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil / The purpose of this research is to study the effect of different demographic and socio economic factors on the contraceptive use among currently married women of age 15-49 in the two regions of Ethiopia, Amhara (17,214,056) and Oromiya (27,158,471). Data are obtained from the 2005 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS). Information on contraceptive use was provided by current use 1334 (14.7), future use 4017 (52.0), unmet need for spacing 1817 (20.0) and limiting 1249 (13.3) currently married women aged 15-49 interviewed in the 2005 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS). / South Africa
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Arbetet för en ökad KASAM och integrering. : En kvalitativ studie om ett utbildnings- och aktiveringsprograms utformning av aktiviteter. / The work for increased SOC and integrationSanchez, Denise, Fogelquist Hedwall, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka på vilket sätt personalen inom ett utbildnings- och aktiveringsprogram i en kommun i Sverige arbetade för att öka de tre olika komponenterna; begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet i deltagarnas känsla av sammanhang (KASAM). Metoden som användes var en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning där personal inom ett utbildnings- och aktiveringsprogram intervjuades. Det insamlade materialet blev analyserat med hjälp av en teoristyrd tematisk analys. Genom analysen utkristalliserades olika subteman med utgångspunkt från våra tre förutbestämda huvudteman som var: begriplighet, meningsfullhet och hanterbarhet. Resultatet visade att personalen till exempel arbetade med språkundervisning, motivationsarbete och praktiskt utförande. Personalen uppgav att språkundervisningen bidrog till deltagarnas känsla av begriplighet, motivationsarbetet bidrog till en känsla av meningsfullhet och praktiskt utförande bidrog till en känsla av hanterbarhet. Studien visar att verksamheten arbetade för att öka alla tre komponenterna i begreppet KASAM, men personalen önskade att arbeta ännu mer med det som skapar en känsla av meningsfullhet. / Our purpose with the study was to investigate in what way the personal at a municipal education- and activity program worked to increase the three components; comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness in the participants sense of coherence (SOC). The method used was a qualitative interview study in which the personal at an education- and activity program was interviewed. The collected material was processed by a theoretical thematic analysis. By analyzing the result, six sub-themes were crystallized, with a starting point from our three predefined main themes were: comprehensibility, meaningfulness and manageability. The result showed that the staff for example worked with teaching language, motivational work and practical training. The staff stated that teaching language contributed to the participants sense of comprehensibility, motivational work contributed to a sense of meaningfulness and practical training contributed to a sense of manageability. The study showed that the program worked to increase all three components in the participants SOC, but the staff wished to work even more with the parts that increase the sense of meaningfulness.
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Avalia??o sistem?tica de redes intrachipSchneider, William 13 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Ci?ncia da Computa??o (ppgcc@pucrs.br) on 2018-07-06T13:04:33Z
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-13 / The increase in the number of cores available in Systems on a Chip has enabled the design of circuits with increasingly aggressive specifications. Efficient interconnection architectures such as intrachip networks are critical to the viability of these projects. However, measuring and comparing performanceof these networks for a given system is still a challenging task, which results from: (i) the complexity imposed by the abundance of available options in the design space of these networks; (ii) the current non-adoption of a unique evaluation platform to compare different networks proposals; (iii) the fact that the network traffic has a greater influence on the performance of such networks than any other design characteristic. This work has as main strategic goal the evaluation and comparison of different intrachip network architectures through the use of a unified evaluation platform. It adopts Nocbench, a recent platform, already validated in some contexts and proposed as a standard for the evaluation of intrachip networks. The employed evaluation method is based on the simulation of networks and uses as input traffic and computation models described in the form of traces, both extracted from real application. The main contributions of this work reside in: (i) the proposal of several enhancements to the chosen platform; (ii) the development of modules added to integrate the networks Hermes HS,Hermes OO, Hermes TB, Hermes VC, and YeaH from the author?s research group to the platform; (iii) the enhancement of the platform performance evaluation process, through the inclusion of metrics usually employed to compare intrachip networks, including: latency, throughput and jitter. A set of experiments validates the contributions and demonstrate the use the Nocbench platform as a useful tool in the comparison of intrachip networks of diverse origins. / O aumento no n?mero de n?cleos presentes em Sistemas Integrados em Chip tem proporcionado o projeto de circuitos com especifica??es cada vez mais agressivas. Arquiteturas de interconex?o eficientes tais como as redes intrachip s?o fundamentais para a viabilidade destes projetos. Entretanto, medir e comparar o desempenho destas redesainda ? uma tarefa desafiadora, resultado: (i) da complexidade imposta pela abund?ncia de op??es dispon?veis no espa?o de projeto destas redes; (ii) da atual n?o ado??o de uma mesma plataforma de avalia??o para a compara??o de diferentes propostas de redes; (iii) e do fato de o tr?fego de rede exercer uma influ?ncia muito maior do que qualquer caracter?stica de projeto no desempenho destas.
Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo estrat?gico a avalia??o e compara??o de diferentes arquiteturas de redes intrachip atrav?s de uma plataforma de avalia??o unificada. Adota-se Nocbench, uma plataforma recente, j? validada em alguns contextos e proposta como um padr?o para a avalia??o de redes intrachip. O m?todo de avalia??o empregado baseia-se na simula??o de redes e utiliza como entrada modelos de tr?fego e de computa??o descritos sob a forma de traces, ambos extra?dos de aplica??es reais. As principais contribui??es do trabalho residem: (i) na proposta de diversas melhorias para a plataforma escolhida; (ii) no desenvolvimento de m?dulos para a integra??o das redes Hermes HS, Hermes OO, Hermes TB, Hermes VC e YeaHdo grupo de pesquisa do Autor ? plataforma em quest?o; (iii) no aprimoramento do processo de avalia??o de desempenho da plataforma, atrav?s da inclus?o de m?tricas comumente utilizadas para comparar redes intrachip, incluindo: lat?ncia, vaz?oe jitter. Um conjunto de experimentos valida as contribui??es e demonstra o uso da plataforma Nocbench como uma ferramenta ?til na compara??o de redes intrachip de origens diversas.
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