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"Jag är en kämpekvinna" : Utlandsfödda kvinnors upplevelser av arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering / "I am a fighting woman" : Immigrant women's experiences of vocational rehabilitationBarsch, Måna January 2010 (has links)
<p>Studien handlar om långtidssjuka, utlandsfödda kvinnors upplevelser av den arbetslivsinriktade rehabilitering de har fått och huruvida de upplever att den har varit betydelsefull, värdefull och stärkande för dem och i så fall på vilket sätt. Undersökningen har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod och består av fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnor i åldern 45-52 år, som är födda i Mellanöstern och har bott i Sverige i mer än 20 år. Gemensamt för samtliga informanter är att de har diagnosen fibromyalgi. Studien visar på att kvinnorna i nuläget mår så dåligt att de sannolikt har ett större behov av medicinsk rehabilitering än arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering. De upplever att sammanhållna rehabiliteringsprogram och samtalsstöd har varit de rehabiliteringsinsatser som har hjälpt dem i störst utsträckning.</p> / <p>The study is about long-term sick, immigrant women’s experiences of the vocational rehabilitation that they have received and whether they feel it has been important, valuable and strengthening and if so in what way. The study was conducted with a qualitative method and consists of five semi-structured interviews with women aged 45-52 years, who were born in the Middle East and have lived in Sweden for more than 20 years. Common to all informants is that they have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The study shows that the women currently are in such bad condition that they are likely to be in a greater need for medical rehabilitation than vocational rehabilitation. They feel that multiprofessional rehabilitation programmes and counselling have been the rehabilitation efforts that have helped them most.</p>
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Berättelser från Fountain House : En narrativ studieBaruch, Simon January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to study what the participation in the activities of the Fontain House in Stockholm means to its members. The research questions dealt with how the members describe their participation in the activities, whether they say that it has helped them, and, in that case, in which way. Furthermore, they dealt with how the members argue about their experiences of mental illness and of social help. The study was carried out within the framework of the narrative method. As tools for analyzing the narratives, parts of An-tonovsky’s theories as well as the theoretical concepts of inclusion and exclusion as described by Madsen, were used. Furthermore, earlier research on the Fontain House was applied in the analysis. The results of the study showed that all of the respondents said that the Fontain House was of great importance in their lives and that they could participate in its activities in regard to their own needs and resources. The thesis discusses whether the selection and the execution of the study may have affected the results toward a positive tendency. Concerning how the re-spondents argue about mental illness and about social help, the answers varied strongly.</p>
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"Duktiga flickor" : - Om högpresterande kvinnors val av identitet och karriär / "Good girls" : - High performing women´s choice of identity and careerFalkeborn, Sandra, Ferrari, Carolina January 2009 (has links)
<p>The “good girl” is today an accepted and widespread notion. It is delimited to young girls and women who are characterised to be, for example, ambitious, high performing, working too much and risks developing mental illnesses. In today’s society women are assumed to pursue their career alongside maintaining the main responsibility for the household and family. The overarching purpose of this study has been – via a hermeneutic approach and based on the theory of symbolic interactionism – to elucidate and contribute knowledge to the social role of being a “good girl” and the associated implications for a woman’s identity and career. The aim has moreover been to address the differences between the two groups of respondents: women born in the 1980s and women born in the 1960s.The study is based on six individual semi structured interviews and two group interviews. The purpose is to gain a deeper understanding of and, thereby, a better interpretation of the phenomena of “good girls”. The interviews were conducted on a sample suited to the purpose, where the younger group of respondents will have studied at least three years at the university before graduating. The older groups of respondents have studied at least four years at an academic level before taking up employment. The results show that all respondents are characterised by ambitious identities, which create conflicts between, on the one hand, how they perceive themselves and, on the one hand, how others expect them to act.</p>
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MARTE based model driven design methodology for targeting dynamically reconfigurable FPGA based SoCsQuadri, Imran Rafiq 20 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse sont effectuées dans le cadre des Systèmes sur puce (SoC, Systemon Chip) et la conception de systèmes embarqués en temps réel, notamment dédiés au domaine de la reconfiguration dynamique, liés à ces systèmes complexes. Dans ce travail, nous présentons un nouveau flot de conception basé sur l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM/MDE) et le profilMARTE pour la conception conjointe du SoC, la spécification et la mise en oeuvre de ces systèmes sur puce reconfigurables, afin d'élever les niveaux d'abstraction et de réduire la complexité du système. La première contribution relative à cette thèse est l'identification des parties de systèmes sur puce reconfigurable dynamiquement qui peuvent être modélisées au niveau d'abstraction élevé. Cette thèse adapte une approche dirigée par l'application et cible les modèles d'application de haut niveau pour être traités comme des régions dynamiques des SoCs reconfigurables. Nous proposons aussi des modèles de contrôle générique pour la gestion de ces régions au cours de l'exécution en temps réel. Bien que cette sémantique puisse être introduite à différents niveaux d'abstraction d'un environnent pour la conception conjointe du SoC, nous insistons tout particulièrement sur sa fusion au niveau du déploiement, qui relie la propriété intellectuelle avec les éléments modélisés à haut niveau de conception. En outre, ces concepts ont été intégrés dans le méta-modèleMARTE et le profil correspondant afin de fournir une extension adéquate pour exprimer les caractéristiques de reconfiguration à la modélisation de haut niveau. La seconde contribution est la proposition d'un méta-modèle intermédiaire, qui isole les concepts présents au niveau transfert de registre (RTL-Register Transfer Level). Ce méta-modèle intègre les concepts chargés de l'exécution matérielle des applications modélisées, tout en enrichissant la sémantique de contrôle, provoquant la création d'un accélérateur matériel reconfigurable dynamiquement avec plusieurs implémentations disponibles. Enfin, en utilisant les transformations de modèlesMDE et les principes correspondants, nous sommes en mesure de générer des codeHDL équivalents à différentes implémentations de l'accélérateur reconfigurable ainsi que différents codes source en langage C/C++ liés au contrôleur de reconfiguration, qui est finalement responsable de la commutation entre les différentes mplémentations. Enfin, notre flot de conception a été vérifié avec succès dans une étude de cas liée à un système anti-radar de détection de collision. Une composante clé intégrante de ce système a été modélisée en utilisant les spécifications MARTE étendu et le code généré a été utilisé dans la conception et la mise en oeuvre d'un SoC sur un FPGA reconfigurable dynamiquement.
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Approche Efficace de Développement de Logiciel Embarqué pour des Systèmes Multiprocesseurs sur PuceGuerin, Xavier 12 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Cette dissertation montre que des applications embarquées complexes peuvent tirer partie efficacement de plateformes MP-SoC hétérogènes tout en respectant les critères de flexibilité, mise à l'échelle, portabilité et time-to-market. Elle fait la description d'un flot de conception de logiciel embarqué amélioré combinant un générateur de code, GECKO, et un environnement logiciel innovant, APES, afin d'obtenir un haut niveau d'efficacité. La contribution ainsi présentée est double : 1) un flot de conception de logiciel embarqué amélioré avec un ensemble d'outils permettant la construction automatique d'objets binaires minimaux pour une application donnée ciblant une plateforme MP-SoC donnée, et 2) un ensemble de composants logiciels modulaire et portable incluant des mécanismes de systèmes d'exploitations traditionnels ainsi que le support de multiples processeurs.
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Deterministisk Komprimering/Dekomprimering av Testvektorer med Hjälp av en Inbyggd Processor och Faxkodning / Deterministic Test Vector Compression/Decompression Using an Embedded Processor and Facsimile CodingPersson, Jon January 2005 (has links)
<p>Modern semiconductor design methods makes it possible to design increasingly complex system-on-a-chips (SOCs). Testing such SOCs becomes highly expensive due to the rapidly increasing test data volumes with longer test times as a result. Several approaches exist to compress the test stimuli and where hardware is added for decompression. This master’s thesis presents a test data compression method based on a modified facsimile code. An embedded processor on the SOC is used to decompress and apply the data to the cores of the SOC. The use of already existing hardware reduces the need of additional hardware. </p><p>Test data may be rearranged in some manners which will affect the compression ratio. Several modifications are discussed and tested. To be realistic a decompressing algorithm has to be able to run on a system with limited resources. With an assembler implementation it is shown that the proposed method can be effectively realized in such environments. Experimental results where the proposed method is applied to benchmark circuits show that the method compares well with similar methods. </p><p>A method of including the response vector is also presented. This approach makes it possible to abort a test as soon as an error is discovered, still compressing the data used. To correctly compare the test response with the expected one the data needs to include don’t care bits. The technique uses a mask vector to mark the don’t care bits. The test vector, response vector and mask vector is merged in four different ways to find the most optimal way.</p>
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Power Modeling and Scheduling of Tests for Core-based System ChipsSamii, Soheil January 2005 (has links)
<p>The technology today makes it possible to integrate a complete system on a single chip, called "System-on-Chip'' (SOC). Nowadays SOC designers use previously designed hardware modules, called cores, together with their user defined logic (UDL), to form a complete system on a single chip. The manufacturing process may result in defect chips, for instance due to the base material, and therefore testing chips after production is important in order to ensure fault-free chips. </p><p>The testing time for a chip will affect its final cost. Thus it is important to minimize the testing time for each chip. For core-based SOCs this can be done by testing several cores at the same time, instead of testing the cores sequentially. However, this will result in a higher activity in the chip, hence higher power consumption. Due to several factors in the manufacturing process there are limitations of the power consumption for a chip. Therefore, the power limitations should be carefully considered when planning the testing of a chip. Otherwise it can be damaged during test, due to overheating. This leads to the problem of minimizing testing time under such power constraints. </p><p>In this thesis we discuss test power modeling and its application to SOC testing. We present previous work in this area and conclude that current power modeling techniques in SOC testing are rather pessimistic. We therefore propose a more accurate power model that is based on the analysis of the test data. Furthermore, we present techniques for test pattern reordering, with the objective of partitioning the test power consumption into low parts and high parts. </p><p>The power model is included in a tool for SOC test architecture design and test scheduling, where the scheduling heuristic is designed for SOCs with fixed- width test bus architectures. Several experiments have been conducted in order to evaluate the proposed approaches. The results show that, by using the presented power modeling techniques in test scheduling algorithms, we will get lower testing times and thus lower test cost.</p>
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"Man kan aldrig visualisera för mycket" : en studie om visualisering iskolanHultgren, Rebecca, Aringskog, Katarina January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie är att knyta an till Högskolan i Gävles riktlinjer för ett examensarbete, undersöka betydelsen av visualisering på en arbetsplats samt kartlägga en pedagogs uppfattningar av dennes tankar med hjälp av datorprogrammet Complador. Någon tidigare forskning har inte funnits inom detta område, vilket gjorde att ett intresse väcktes hos författarna. Studien bygger på litteraturstudier samt intervjuer. För att få svar på visualiseringens betydelse valdes intervjuer med en rektor samt tre pedagoger, kartläggning av en pedagogs uppfattningar gjordes via Complador vilket ledde till resultatet i denna studie. Intervjuerna visar på att visualisering har en stor betydelse både för pedagogerna själva samt deras dagliga arbete, både som kollega och klasslärare. Kartläggningen fick pedagogen att se och reflektera över dennes uppfattningar vilket gjorde att denne ställde sig positiv till Complador.</p>
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En studie på flygvapenpiloter kring KASAM och meningsfullhet med yrket / A study of air force pilots on SOC and meaningfulness of the professionDäldehög, Filip January 2010 (has links)
<p>Författaren till detta arbete har anledning att tro att piloter från olika flygsystem inom Flygvapnet känner olika stor grad av meningsfullhet med det arbete de utför. I detta arbete gör författaren en undersökning där han utifrån ett beteendevetenskapligt perspektiv försöker påvisa sådana skillnader mellan stridspiloter och transportflygpiloter. Samt vilka effekter dessa skillnader i så fall kan innebära för piloternas hälsa och motivation i såväl yrket som i livet i allmänhet. Författaren beskriver utifrån Aaron Antonovskys teori om känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) hur det går att förklara varför vissa människor är bättre rustade än andra för att klara av problematiska situationer eller svåra händelser. Vidare beskriver författaren även vikten av att individer känner en meningsfullhet i det arbete de utför och hur detta kan påverka deras vilja till att stanna kvar i det. Största delen av empirin till arbetet erhåller författaren genom en enkätundersökning bland piloter i Flygvapnet som flyger antingen JAS 39 Gripen eller C-130 Hercules. Resultatet av undersökningen är att författaren inte lyckas påvisa någon skillnad i känsla av sammanhang mellan de båda grupperna. De har utifrån detta resultat således likartade förutsättningar för att hantera motgångar och svåra situationer i livet. Författaren ser vidare en tendens till att transportflygpiloterna uppfattar sitt arbete som något mer meningsfullt än stridspiloterna, särskilt tydligt är detta i åldersintervallet 30-39 år. Författaren lyckas emellertid inte påvisa dessa skillnader som statistiskt signifikanta och utifrån uppmätt meningsfullhet med yrket drar författaren slutsatsen att de båda pilotgrupperna har likartade förutsättningar till att vilja stanna kvar inom sina respektive yrken.</p> / <p>The author of this work has reasons to believe that pilots from different systems within the Swedish air force experiences different degree of meaning with that work they carry out. In this essay the author does a survey where he on the basis of a behavior scientific perspective tries to identify such differences between fighter pilots and transport pilots. He also tries to describe what possible effects these differences, if they exist, could cause for the pilots' health and motivation. The author describes on the basis of Aaron Antonovskys theory about sense of coherence (SOC) how it is possible to explain why some people, better than other, manage to copewith difficult situations or threatening events. Furthermore the author describes the importance of feeling a purpose and meaningfulness with the work the pilots do and how this may affect their willingness to remain in their trade. The author has obtained most of the empirical material through a survey among pilots in the Swedish Air Force, flying either the JAS 39 Gripen or the C-130 Hercules. The result of the study is that the author is not able to detect any differences in sense of coherence (SOC) between the two groups of pilots. Based on this result they therefore seem to have similar abilities to handle adversities and difficult situations in life. The author also sees a tendency that cargo pilots experiences their work as something more meaningful than fighter pilots, this is particularly evident in the age 30-39 years. However, the author does not manage to prove these differences as statistically significant. Based on the study the author therefore draws the conclusionthat neither of the two different groups of pilots is more likely than the other to leave their profession due to lack of meaningfulness with what they are accomplishing.</p>
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"Jag är en kämpekvinna" : Utlandsfödda kvinnors upplevelser av arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering / "I am a fighting woman" : Immigrant women's experiences of vocational rehabilitationBarsch, Måna January 2010 (has links)
Studien handlar om långtidssjuka, utlandsfödda kvinnors upplevelser av den arbetslivsinriktade rehabilitering de har fått och huruvida de upplever att den har varit betydelsefull, värdefull och stärkande för dem och i så fall på vilket sätt. Undersökningen har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod och består av fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnor i åldern 45-52 år, som är födda i Mellanöstern och har bott i Sverige i mer än 20 år. Gemensamt för samtliga informanter är att de har diagnosen fibromyalgi. Studien visar på att kvinnorna i nuläget mår så dåligt att de sannolikt har ett större behov av medicinsk rehabilitering än arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering. De upplever att sammanhållna rehabiliteringsprogram och samtalsstöd har varit de rehabiliteringsinsatser som har hjälpt dem i störst utsträckning. / The study is about long-term sick, immigrant women’s experiences of the vocational rehabilitation that they have received and whether they feel it has been important, valuable and strengthening and if so in what way. The study was conducted with a qualitative method and consists of five semi-structured interviews with women aged 45-52 years, who were born in the Middle East and have lived in Sweden for more than 20 years. Common to all informants is that they have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The study shows that the women currently are in such bad condition that they are likely to be in a greater need for medical rehabilitation than vocational rehabilitation. They feel that multiprofessional rehabilitation programmes and counselling have been the rehabilitation efforts that have helped them most.
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