Spelling suggestions: "subject:": cocial worker"" "subject:": bsocial worker""
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Att samverka kring barn med komplexa behov i en specialiserad socialtjänst : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares uppfattning av det professionella samarbetet kring barn med behov av samordnade insatser.Almström, Mathina, Hossain, Jarif January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur socialarbetare på Socialtjänsten upplever att samverkan mellan enheterna; Barn- och ungdomsenheten samt Enheten för funktionshinder fungerar i praktiken samt hur de ser på eventuella utmaningar med att utreda barn med komplexa behov. Studien byggde på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer och resultatet har analyserats utifrån organisationsteori och systemteori. Studien visar att enheterna kan betraktas som separata subsystem med olika institutionella logiker. Socialarbetarna beskriver att barn med komplex problematik behöver att de skilda subsystemen kan verka över de organisatoriska fälten och att samverkan är ett värdesatt verktyg. Det uttrycks en klar vilja till att samarbeta men det saknas tydliga direktiv för hur det ska säkerställas i praktiken. I syfte att förbättra samverkansarbetet beskriver socialarbetarna att det behövs fler och regelbundna utbildningstillfällen samt väldefinierade riktlinjer. Denna studie är visserligen inte generaliserbar till hela samhället men indikerar ändå att svårigheterna i samverkansarbetet är möjliga att motverka.
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Att möta personer med självmordstankar : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas arbetssätt och bemötande gentemot personer med självmordstankarHedberg, Caroline, Öjergren, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att ta reda på vilka arbetssätt och bemötande professionella använder gentemot klienter med självmordstankar. Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ intervjustudie där fem professionella som i sitt arbete möter klienter med självmordstankar varit delaktiga. Resultat visade att professionella använder sig av kartläggande samtal, bedömningsformulär, samtal och uppföljning i arbetet med dessa klienter. De professionella uppgav att det viktigaste i bemötandet är att lyssna, våga fråga, låta klienten berätta och visa att man finns där för klienten. Resultatet förväntades bidra till ökad kunskap om arbetssätt och bemötande gentemot klienter med självmordstankar för oss socialarbetare. Detta för att vi upplevde att vi saknade specifik utbildning i ämnet inom socionomutbildningen. / The aim of this study was to investigate the existing types of working methods and approaches used by professionals on clients with suicidal thoughts. Through interviews with five professionals who meet clients with suicidal thoughts, data were collected for a qualitative study. The result suggested that the working methods used by these professionals are mapping based on therapy talk, evaluation forms, talks and follow-ups. The professionals treat their clients by listening, having the courage to ask questions about suicide, to allow the client to narrate their story and to be there for the client. The results are expected to contribute to increasing our knowledge as social workers on working methods and approaches towards clients with suicidal thoughts. Our choice was based on the lack of specific training on that field within the study program in social work.
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Vad avgör beslutet att placera barn inom dess nätverk? : En studie om socialsekreterares upplevelserKelmendi, Vjollca, Hällström, Klara January 2019 (has links)
Studien syftade till att belysa vad socialsekreterare anser vara avgörande för beslutet att placera barn inom nätverket. Fem socialsekreterare på socialtjänstens enhet för barn och unga runt om i Sverige intervjuades i en kvalitativ intervjustudie. Den tematiska analysen visade att det saknas specifika riktlinjer för nätverksplacering men att man uttrycker sig ha ett nätverksorienterat arbetssätt, vilket i studien analyseras utifrån systemteori. Faktorer som avgör beslutet att placera barn inom nätverket visar sig vara bland annat, orsak till placering, nätverkets egenskaper och arbetsbelastning. Barn bedöms enligt socialsekreterarna inte ha förmåga att på grund av lojalitet till föräldrarna välja vart de ska placeras, vilket påverkar barns delaktighet i utredningen. Placering av barn inom nätverket visas vara ovanligt och det nätverksorienterade arbetet försvåras på grund av organisatoriska hinder. Resultatet visar att nätverksplacering är att föredra då både barn, föräldrar och socialsekreterare känner sig mer trygga än vid placering i främmande familjehem. / This study aims to highlight what social workers consider to be crucial for placement within network care. The study was conduted with qualitative interviews with five social workers at the social services in Sweden. The thematic analysis showed that there are no specific guidelines for network-oriented work but social workers nevertheless state that their mode of operation is network-oriented based on system theory. Factors that determine placement within network care are; reason for placement, network characteristics and workload. The study shows that children are not expected to be able to choose their placement due to loyalty to their parents and this affects children ́s participation in the investigation. Placement of children within network care appears unusual and network-oriented work is complicated due to organizational barriers. The result shows that preferred placement is within network care as both children, parents and social workers feel more secure compared to placement in foster care.
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Att arbeta inom socialtjänsten : En studie om medias framställning av socialarbetares arbetsmiljö / Working within the social services : a study on media's presentation of social workers' work environmentGreen, Magdalena, Östergren, Zandra January 2019 (has links)
Att massmedia är med och skapar allmänhetens uppfattning om verkligheten är kanske inget man tänker på dagligen. Massmedia har utifrån sina gestaltningar en stor makt att påverka hur allmänheten tolkar olika samhällsfenomen. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på vilken gestaltning media skapar av socialarbetarnas arbetsmiljö och dess effekter. Likväl vilken bild som media förmedlar till allmänheten. Frågeställningarna hade för avsikt att undersöka hur socialarbetarnas arbetsmiljö framställdes, vilka förhållanden kopplade till arbetsmiljön som framträdde och vilka aktörer som fick komma till tals i artiklarna. För att nå vårt resultat genomfördes en framinganalys, det vill säga, genom att rama in hur journalisterna strategiskt, medvetet eller omedvetet framställer det dem vill förmedla. Till vår hjälp i analysarbetet användes gestaltningsteorin för att kunna ta reda på hur media gestaltar och framställer socialarbetarnas arbetsmiljö och dess effekter. De 15 analyserade tidningsartiklarna som användes för studien publicerades mellan åren 2014–2019. Det framkom inte speciellt stora skillnader i hur journalisterna beskrev socialarbetarnas arbetsförhållanden mellan det undersökta tidsspannet. Det framkom bland annat att socialtjänsten framställs vara en ohälsosam arbetsplats och att socialarbetare flyr på grund av tunga arbetskrav och en arbetsmiljö präglad av hot och våld. De gestaltningsramar som framkom tydligt i studien var generella gestaltningar. Vilka formas av en medielogik som journalisterna själva skapat, det vill säga, utifrån nyhetsredaktionernas värderingar, praktiker och rutiner. Betydelsen för hur de olika gestaltningarna påverkar diskuteras i studien såväl som vilka effekter och vilket inflytande dem olika aktörerna som får komma till tals kan ha på allmänheten. / The fact that the media is involved and creates the public's perception of reality is perhaps nothing you think of daily. Based on their design, the mass media has a great power to influence how the public interprets different social phenomena. The aim of this study was to find which framing the media creates by the social workers' work environment and its effects. As well as which image media conveys to the public. The study's questions intended to examine how the social workers' work environment was presented, what conditions that emerged were linked to the work environment and which participants were to be heard in articles. To achieve our results, a framing analysis was carried out, by framing how the journalists strategically, consciously or unknowingly, produced what they want to convey. To our help in the analysis work, the framing theory was used to be able to find out how the media portray and produce the social workers' work environment and its effects. The 15 analyzed newspaper articles used for the study were published between 2014–2019. There were no particularly large differences in how the journalists described the social workers' working conditions between the time span examined. It emerged, among other things, that the social service as a workplace is presented as an unhealthy workplace and that social workers flee due to heavy work demands and because of a work environment characterized by threats and violence. The frames that emerged clearly in the study were general frames. Which are formed by a media logic that the journalists themselves created, that is, based on news editorial values, practices and routines. The significance of how the different frames influence is discussed in the study as well as what effects the various participants that may come to speak has influence on the public.
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Acolhimento no SUS: percepções da (o) assistente social sobre sua prática profissional / Reception in SUS: perceptions of the social worker about his professional practiceSantos, Hilma Guilherme dos 23 March 2018 (has links)
O acolhimento tem sido apontado como uma dimensão central nas práticas de saúde cotidianas, contribuindo para integrar diferentes sujeitos, bem como para reorganizar os serviços de saúde e articular os diferentes espaços de cuidado, proporcionando, sobretudo, a construção de vínculos entre usuários e profissionais da saúde. O acolhimento é abordado na perspectiva da integralidade da atenção e da humanização das relações. O objetivo foi compreender como a prática do acolhimento em saúde vem sendo operado por profissionais de Serviço Social no âmbito da saúde pública. O trabalho pauta-se por uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, cuja coleta de dados foi realizada com questionário/entrevistas gravadas acerca da visão dos profissionais sobre a prática cotidiana no que se refere ao acolhimento. Partindo das análises, a prática do acolhimento manifestou-se como escuta, informação, postura profissional e demanda dos usuários. Nota-se que o(a) profissional específico, ao realizar o acolhimento, utiliza seus conhecimentos técnicos para dar respostas efetivas não só às demandas apresentadas, mas ir além do esperado pelo usuário. O acolhimento é visto como espaço de criação de vínculo. Observa-se um atendimento que visa à objetividade a fim de subsidiar as demandas acerca das intervenções, bem como garantir os direitos sociais dos cidadãos. Para o Serviço Social, a prática do acolhimento na saúde é parte integrante do processo interventivo, amparado pelos fundamentos teórico-metodológicos, éticos, políticos e técnico-operativo. / The host has been identified as a central dimension in daily health practices, contributing to integrate different subjects, as well as to reorganize the health services and articulate the different spaces of care, providing about everything the construction between citizens and health professionals. Reception area is approached from the perspective of the integrality of care and the humanization of relationships. The goal was to understand how Social Service professionals in the field of public health have operated the practice of health care. The work is based on a qualitative research, done through a questionnaire / recorded interviews about the professionals\' view on the daily practice regarding the reception. Based on the analyzes, the practice of the reception manifested itself: listening, information, professional posture and user demand. It is noteworthy that the specific professional, when hosting, use his technical knowledge to give effective answers not only to the demands presented, but to go beyond what the user expects. The host is seen as a space for creating bonds. In the practice of the interviewees, there is a goal that aims at objectivity in order to subsidize the demands on the interventions, as well as guarantee the social rights of the citizens. For Social Work, the practice of health care is an integral part of the interventive process of supported by the theoretical-methodological, ethical, political and technical-operational.
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Osäkerhet i ärendehantering : En kvantitativ vinjettstudie om socialsekreterares hantering av barnavårdsärenden / Uncertainty in case management : A quantitative vignette survey about social workers management of child casesAhmetovic, Adela, Sahlborg Arroyo, Ofelia January 2019 (has links)
Social workers within child protection are faced with complex cases where they must comply with guidelines and regulations and at the same time also use the knowledge and experience that they as professionals have gained through the work. Research shows that there is also uncertainty among social workers in the management of child cases. The purpose of this study was to investigate, through a survey, whether there is an uncertainty in case management and decision-making regarding children who experience domestic violence. The purpose was also to investigate whether there is a variation regarding social worker’s education, experience and case management where children experience violence. The study is based on the concepts profession and institutionalization. The results of the survey show that the social worker feels confident in decision-making concerning child cases. However, a variation regarding social workers uncertainty in investigation is shown, where some are more confident and others not at all. Results also show that the majority of the social workers have a social science degree. The social workers consider that they have little or no knowledge and experience of children experiencing violence. The social workers had to handle fictitious cases where they all agree to open investigations to both cases. However, there was a variation regarding what intervention they recommend for the cases. Although the social workers have stated that the guidelines in their workplace provide support in case management, they consider that they have relatively large scope for action and self-determination. This may lead to that they choose different interventions when assessing. This can eventually result in the cases being handled differently depending on which social worker handles the case.
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Socialsekreterares syn på barn och ungas delaktighet i barnavårdsutredningar : - En fokusgruppsstudie / : Social workers view of children and young people's participation in child care investigationsHurtig, Lovisa, Svadling, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare praktiskt arbetar för att möjliggöra barn och ungas delaktighet i barnavårdsutredningar. I denna kvalitativa studie har fokusgruppsintervjuer använts och materialet har analyserats med hjälp av en kvalitativ tematisk nätverksanalys. Totalt tio socialsekreterare som arbetar med barnavårdsutredningar har deltagit. Studien visar att det finns olika sätt att praktiskt göra barn och unga delaktiga, att synen på delaktighet är bred och innefattar behov av att individanpassa delaktigheten till det unika barn eller unge de har framför sig. Studien visar även att relationen mellan socialsekreterare och barn och unga är av stor vikt samt att organisationens förutsättningar har stor betydelse i arbetet med att göra barn och unga delaktiga i barnavårdsutredningar. Studien visar att förbättringsmöjligheter inom framförallt organisationens förutsättningar finns i arbetet med att möjliggöra barn och ungas delaktighet. / The aim of this study is to investigate how social workers practically work to enable children and young people’s participation in child care investigations. The method used is qualitative focus group interviews and the empirical material has been analysed using a qualitative thematic network analysis. A total of ten social workers working with child care investigations have participated. The study shows that there are different ways of practically involving children and young people, that social workers view of participation is broad and involves the need to individualize the participation of the unique child or youth they meet. The study also shows that the relationship between social workers and children and young people is of great importance and that the organisation's prerequisities are of great importance in the work to enable children´s and young people’s participation. The study shows that opportunities for improvement within, above all, the organisation's prerequisities exist in the work to enable children´s and young people’s participation in child care investigation.
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Multiplicar práticas psicoeducativas: ofício e sentido para uma equipe de educadoresFerreira, Luciana Azevedo Noronha Schnur Gabriel 26 September 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-09-26 / The goal of this research was to understand how the practice of being a social educator has
happened after a course to prepare them. These social educators work in a Union in Sao
Paulo s north neighborhood. The participants were educators that live and work there, and
develop an Educational work with children and adolescents. Along 2011 and 2013, a research
group called ECOFAM, offered a course to train the Association s educators to improve their
work with families. After the course, the Association created a team of social educators to
work with neighborhood s families, who are the participants of this research. This was a
quality research, based on the fundamentals of Existential Phenomenology. In order to answer
the question that the research rose, there were five group meetings between the team and the
researcher, aiming to investigate their practice and the meaning of their work. The speeches
were transcript, analyzed, and revealed three constellations : relationship during the group
meetings, way of being social educator, group s goals. The results indicated that the social
educator s goal in their practice is to help the people and their community to overcome their
problems regarding their personal and civilian s lives, seeking a better life for its people and
themselves. The results indicate the meaning of this profession as the one which concerns to
the human being s existence it self / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender como vem se configurando o ofício de multiplicar
para educadores-multiplicadores de uma Associação na zona norte de São Paulo. Seu trabalho
acontece em uma comunidade que abriga a Associação que dirige um Centro da Criança e
Adolescente (CCA) e um Centro de Ensino Infantil (CEI). Entre 2011 e 2013, houve um
curso visando a formação de multiplicadores para o trabalho com as famílias. Após o curso,
os multiplicadores passaram a executar projetos com as famílias da comunidade.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a prática do multiplicador e compreender o
sentido de multiplicar para esses educadores. O método da pesquisa foi qualitativo, com base
no método fenomenológico existencial. A colheita dos dados se deu através de cinco
encontros grupais em que os participantes, a equipe atual de multiplicadores da Associação,
foram convidados a contar sobre suas ações e questões sobre o ofício de multiplicar. O
material colhido foi transcrito e analisado buscando o desvelamento de núcleos de sentidos
A análise compreendeu três constelações: modo de se relacionar nos encontros grupais, modo
de ser multiplicador nos encontros grupais e objetivo dos multiplicadores nos encontros
grupais. A conclusão da investigação desvelou que o ofício de multiplicar é realizar a ajuda
que as famílias e a comunidade necessitam, e o presente trabalho apresentou uma
compreensão do modo e o sentido que amparam tal ofício para a Associação
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Análise da categoria mediação na prática profissional do assistente social das varas da família e sucessões do Tribunal de Justiça de São PauloPaula, Viviane de 21 August 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-08-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation analyzes the category mediation in the professional practice of
social worker district Family Court of the São Paulo Court of Justice, Circuit Famuly
Court. The proposition of the research is to understanding the social studies, wich
materialize through the issued reports and opinions, mediating structures that allow
overcoming the immediate, dialectically articulation the singularity-particularityuniversality
triad in order to situate the subject of Right involved in disputes in the
Family Court, in a social and historical context, whose determinations reverberate in
how they establish the family organizations that are pervaded by social relations,
coming from capitalist mode of production. The reports and opinions are important
tools both to legitimeze the production of knowledge in the area of Social Services,
as to affirm their use in securing and enforcing rights, and say a lot about the
professionals who design them, both to affirm the ethical-political project of the
profession, as to substantiate a conservative pratica that shifts the social issue for
the individual s perspective. In this sense, professional practice takes place as
objectified or mere instrumental reason work? / A presente dissertação analisa a categoria mediação na prática profissional do
assistente social nas Varas da Família e Sucessões do Tribunal de Justiça de São
Paulo, comarca da capital. A proposição da pesquisa é apreender nos estudos
sociais realizados, que se materializam, por meio dos laudos e pareceres emitidos,
construções mediativas, que permitam a superação do imediato, articulando
dialeticamente a tríade singularidade-particularidade-universalidade, de forma a
situar os sujeitos de direito envolvidos nos litígios da Vara da Família e Sucessões,
num contexto social e histórico, cujas determinações reverberam na forma como se
estabelecem as organizações familiares que são perpassadas pelas relações
sociais, oriundas do modo de produção capitalista. Os laudos e pareceres tornamse
importantes instrumentos tanto para legitimar a produção de conhecimento, na
área de Serviço Social, quanto para afirmar a sua utilização na garantia e efetivação
de direitos, e dizem muito sobre os profissionais que os elaboram, tanto no sentido
de afirmar o projeto ético-político da profissão, quanto para consubstanciar uma
prática conservadora que desloca a questão social para uma perspectiva do
indivíduo. Neste sentido, a prática profissional se realiza como trabalho objetivado
ou mera razão instrumental?
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Justiça social e direito no processo de formação e de trabalho do Serviço SocialMenezes, Ana Maria 27 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-12-02T12:37:53Z
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Ana Maria Menezes.pdf: 2464377 bytes, checksum: 9a5c0a82d84335d96dda682b78003adb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-02T12:37:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-10-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Taking advantage of our dual training, we put ourselves at the same time as subject and
object in this doctoral study choosing as its theme "Social Justice and the Law in the
formation and work of the Social Service." Thus, we have established as main objective to
analyze the effectiveness of knowledge of the law and social justice in the formation of the
social worker. Specific objectives, analyze the content related to learning of Law and Social
Justice in the training of social work; analyze related curricular changes to the law shaping
the course of social work since the creation of the first school of education at the college
level (1936) to the present; and study the socio-historical processes of change which entailed
changes in the formation of the Social Service course. Our purpose is to initiate a broader
analysis of the knowledge of law in social work, thus contributing to further exploit this area of
The research conducted is of virtual nature and results allowed us to understand how is the
instrumentality of the Law on Social Services. The main concern was to establish the
relationship between the law and the law is taught in Social Work presenting a proposal for
feasibility of the theoretical and practical approach in the profession through the critical law / Aproveitando nossa dupla formação, colocamo-nos ao mesmo tempo como
sujeito e objeto neste estudo doutoral escolhendo como tema a “Justiça Social e o
Direito no processo de formação e de trabalho do Serviço Social”. Assim,
estabelecemos como objetivo geral analisar a efetivação dos conhecimentos relativos
ao Direito e à Justiça Social na formação do Assistente Social. Como objetivos
específicos, analisar os conteúdos relacionados ao aprendizado do Direito e da
Justiça Social na formação profissional do Serviço Social; analisar as mudanças
curriculares correlatas ao Direito que conformam o curso de Serviço Social desde a
criação da primeira escola de formação em nível superior (1936) até a atualidade; e
estudar os processos de mudança sócio-históricos que ensejaram alterações na
formação do curso de Serviço Social. Nosso propósito consiste em iniciar uma análise
mais ampliada sobre os conhecimentos do Direito no Serviço Social contribuindo,
desta forma, para um aproveitamento maior desta área de saber.
A pesquisa que realizamos é de natureza virtual e os resultados permitiram
compreender como se dá a instrumentalidade do Direito no Serviço Social. A
preocupação central consistiu em estabelecer a relação entre o Direito e o direito que
se ensina no Serviço Social apresentando uma proposta de viabilidade para a
aproximação teórica e prática na profissão por intermédio do Direito crítico
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