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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O trabalho do assistente social no Programa Saúde da Família (PSF) de Ipatinga/MG : limites e perspectivas / The work of social workers in Family Health Program in Ipatinga/MG: limits and perspectives

Valdirene Firmina Pacheco 04 August 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa o trabalho do Assistente Social no Programa Saúde da Família PSF, tomando por base o município de Ipatinga-MG. Buscou-se mostrar a concepção de parte da gestão local da Política de Saúde e dos profissionais da equipe básica do programa sobre o trabalho do Assistente Social na saúde e no PSF, e se esse profissional tem conseguido realizar um trabalho que contribua para a efetivação do programa enquanto estratégia de reorientação do modelo assistencial na atenção básica. O estudo foi desenvolvido através da metodologia de estudo caso, com enfoque qualitativo. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de consultas documentais e bibliográficas sobre a Política de Saúde e PSF a nível nacional e municipal; visitas às unidades básicas de saúde e a realização de entrevistas com uma porcentagem dos gerentes, dos profissionais da equipe básica e com os Assistentes Sociais. O estudo apontou que, o profissional de Serviço Social não vem conseguindo realizar um trabalho em conjunto com o Saúde da Família, se limitando aos atendimentos de casos isolados, assumindo papel complementar e subsidiário aos profissionais da equipe básica, não conseguindo, assim, contribuir para a concretização do programa enquanto estratégia que traga mudanças na organização dos serviços de atenção básica em saúde no município. / This dissertation examines the work of the social worker in the Family Health Program - PSF, based on the Ipatinga-MG. We tried to show the design of the local management of health policy and professional team basic program on the work of the social worker in health and PSF, and this work has succeeded in making work that contributes to the realization of program as a strategy for reorienting the care model in primary care. The study was developed through case study methodology, focusing on quality. Data collection occurred through consultation documents and literature on health policy and PSF at national and municipal levels; visits to primary health care and interviews with a percentage of managers, professionals from the basic and the Social Workers. The study found that the professional social work has been unable to perform work in conjunction with the Family Health care is limited to isolated cases, assuming a role complementary and alternative practitioners in the core team, failing thus to contribute to carrying out the program as a strategy to bring changes in the organization of services of primary health care in the city.

O planejamento familiar na perspectiva feminina /

Silva, Edileusa da. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Íris Fenner Bertani / Banca: Regina Maura Rezende / Banca: Adriana Giaqueto / Resumo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma aproximação da realidade vivenciada pelas mulheres que fazem uso do Ambulatório de Planejamento Familiar, equipamento de saúde pertencente à Secretaria Municipal de Saúde no município de Franca /SP. Trabalhamos como assistente social neste ambulatório desde a sua implantação em maio de 2000, o que nos possibilitou uma maior compreensão dos aspectos relativos à vida sexual e reprodutiva das usuárias, despertando nosso interesse em estudar e pesquisar assuntos pertinentes as suas vidas na tarefa de ser mulher, trabalhadora e mãe. Pesquisamos qual conhecimento estas mulheres têm sobre o planejamento familiar, considerando serem elas as maiores usuárias dos serviços de saúde e, em geral, quem decide qual método contraceptivo será usado pelo casal, mesmo quando quem vai se submeter à cirurgia de esterilização seja o seu companheiro. Justifica-se nosso interesse no descortinamento dessa realidade, pois munidas dessas reflexões elas poderão ter maiores condições de decidirem sobre suas vidas, mesmo dentro do contexto e influência da sociedade a qual pertencem e do meio em que vivem. Utilizamo-nos da pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa. Para a abordagem quantitativa aplicamos questionário a sessenta mulheres usuárias do Ambulatório de Planejamento Familiar. Realizamos a pesquisa qualitativa entrevistando seis mulheres selecionadas aleatoriamente deste universo. A análise favoreceu a elaboração de um perfil das usuárias do ambulatório, bem como identificação das crenças e valores por elas relatados. O estudo favoreceu uma compreensão da vida dessas mulheres que ressaltam a maternidade como umas das vantagens em ser mulher, mas num paradoxo a colocam como um peso, um fardo, e expressam suas insatisfações em se aterem à vida privada, deixando explícito o desejo de se interarem do mundo público. / Abstract: This research has as objective to do an approach of the reality lived by the women that make use of the Clinic of Family Planning, equipment of health belonging to the Municipal Secretariat of Health in the municipal district of Franca / SP. We worked as social worker in this clinic from the implantation in May of 2000, what made possible us a larger understanding of the relative aspects to the users' sexual and reproductive life, rousing our interest in to study and to research pertinent subjects their lives in the task of being woman, worker and mother. We researched which knowledge these women have about the family planning, considering be them the largest users of the services of health and, in general, who decides which contraceptive method will be used by the couple, same when who will submit to the sterilization surgery is his companion. It is justified our interest in the discovery of that reality, because starting from those reflections they can have larger conditions of they decide about their lives, same inside of the context and influence of the society which they belong and of the middle in that they live. We used ourselves of the quantitative and qualitative research. For the quantitative approach we applied questionnaire to sixty women users of the Clinic of Family Planning. We realized the qualitative research interviewing six women of this universe randomly selected. The analysis favored the elaboration of a profile of the users of the clinic, as well as identification of the beliefs and values for them told. The study favored an understanding of those women's life that they emphasize the maternity as some of the advantages in being woman, but in a paradox they put it about a weight, a burden, and they express their dissatisfactions in detain to the private life, leaving explicit the desire of will acquaint of the public world. / Mestre

O trabalho do assistente social na busca pela efetivação de direitos humanos às egressas do sistema prisional /

Silva, Amanda Daniele. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Cirlene Aparecida Hilário da Silva Oliveira / Resumo: O trabalho profissional dos assistentes sociais nos múltiplos espaços ocupacionais deve basear-se num princípio ético primordial: a defesa intransigente de Direitos Humanos. A concepção de Direitos Humanos ainda é algo muito vago dentro das inúmeras categorias profissionais e no âmbito acadêmico e sua efetivação mostra-se como um desejo utópico em contextos sociais como o brasileiro, no qual houve a naturalização das desigualdades e da violação de direitos elementares à sobrevivência humana. Muitas destas disparidades entre os indivíduos são baseadas em ações discriminatórias que sobrepõem determinadas populações em detrimentos de outras. Indivíduos advindos de camadas sociais mais vulnerabilizadas sofrem, diariamente, as consequências das injustiças sociais, as quais são provenientes da penalização do modo como estas pessoas vivem. Em casos específicos como encarcerados e egressos do Sistema Prisional, a garantia de Direitos Humanos é transfigurada, pelo senso comum, em privilégios para bandidos, requerendo um esforço ainda maior dos profissionais que atuam na defesa e efetivação de direitos a esta população. Por meio da revisão da literatura e das pesquisas documental e de campo (de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa), este estudo se pautou na análise da efetividade do trabalho de assistentes sociais na garantia de Direitos Humanos às egressas do Sistema Prisional do Estado de São Paulo através das Centrais de Atendimento ao Egresso e à Família (CAEF’s); no conhecimento e... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The professional work of social workers in multiple occupational spaces must be based on a primordial ethical principle: the uncompromising defense of Human Rights. The conception of Human Rights is still very vague within the numerous professional categories and in the academic scope , and its concretization shows itself as a utopian desire in social contexts such as the Brazilian one, in which there was the naturalization of inequalities and the violation of elementary rights to human survival. Many of these imparities between individuals are based on discriminatory actions that overlap particular populations at the expense of others. Individuals from more vulnerable social strata suffer the consequences of social injustice daily, which comes from the penalization of how these people live. In specific cases as incarcerated and ex-prisoners of the Prison System, the guarantee of Human Rights is transfigured, by the common sense, into privileges for bandits, requiring an even greater effort of the professionals who act in the defense and effectiveness of the rights of this population. Through a literature review and documentary and field research (qualitative and quantitative approach), this study was based on the analysis of the effectiveness of the work of social workers in guaranteeing Human Rights to graduates of the Prison System of the State of São Paulo through the Care Centers the Egress and the Family (CAEF's); in the knowledge and understanding of the status of the ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor


Hopkins, Heather Nicole 01 June 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the ability of students in the Master of Social Work (MSW) program to correctly identify signs of autism in children by completing a survey. This research project was conducted in collaboration with California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) and the MSW program by using MSW students as participants. The study used a survey designed with items that measured the knowledge of participants. The results of this study may be beneficial to the Director of Social Work, future MSW students, and professors to examine how well the current MSW program is preparing students to work with children that have autism. Ultimately, this study may improve the MSW program and curriculum that could benefit future social workers and their competence in the field. The results of this study found significance between amount of previous work experience with children who have autism and their scores on the survey, as well as their experience with children who have autism from learning about it in a course, personal interaction, or work experience. However, there were not significant findings regarding MSW standing or field of interest and autism scores. This can be determined to mean MSW students have knowledge of autism from previous work experience, but there are no findings that indicate the MSW program at CSUSB is additionally preparing students with an understanding of the nature, primary symptoms of, and treatment of autism. This may also mean students are able to retain more knowledge regarding autism based on their experiences directly working with children who have autism, rather than learning about it in a course. The findings of this study are beneficial to improve upon the CSUSB curriculum for the MSW program to incorporate autism into more courses to increase knowledge of autism symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and treatment options, as well as including more fieldwork opportunities with this population.

Socialarbetares arbetsmiljö och hur den påverkar deras arbete med barn. / Social workers' environment and how it affects their work with children.

Stjärnsäter, Marianne January 2019 (has links)
Tidigare forskning gör gällande att arbetsvillkoren för socialarbetarna har försämrats över tid, med avseende på arbetsbörda, stress och klientkontakt. Denna studie är en kvantitativ enkätstudie med 162 socialarbetare som arbetar eller har arbetat med barn där myndighetsutövning förekommer. Studien avser att undersöka hur socialarbetarna upplever sin arbetsmiljö, känsla av stress i yrket samt hur de förhåller sig till den tid som ges för möten med barn. Vidare utforskas hur möten med barn påverkas av socialarbetarnas arbetsmiljö och eventuella stress. Resultaten visar att socialarbetarna är stressade och upplever arbetsbördan som tung. Stridande mot tidigare forskning framkommer att socialarbetarna är lika positiva som negativa till de förändringar som skett inom organisationen. Mer tid för klientkontakt önskas av 98 % av respondenterna. Studien visar ett samband mellan brist på tid till att möta klienter och stress. Det finns också ett samband mellan stress och felaktigt fattade beslut. Den största faktorn som bidrar till felaktiga beslut är underlagsbrist. Studien visar att 17 % av socialarbetarna upplever maktmissbruk inom organisationen ofta eller dagligen. Studien sluter sig till att de som förlorar mest på de förändringar som skett inom organisationen är de som socialarbetarna strävar efter att hjälpa; barnen. / Research suggests that working conditions for social workers have deteriorated over time, with regard to workload, stress and client contact. This study is a quantitative survey with 162 social workers. The study aims to investigate how social workers experience their working environment and their sense of stress in the profession and how they relate to the amount of time given for meetings with children. Results show that the social workers are stressed and experience the workload too heavy. Contradictory to previous research this study reveals that social workers are as positive as negative to changes that have taken place within the organization. More time for client contact is desired by 98% of the respondents. The study finds a connection between lack of time to meet clients and stress. There is also a correlation between stress and wrongly made decisions. The biggest factor contributing to incorrect decisions is lack of background information of the child. The study show that 17% of the social workers have experienced abuse of power within the organization frequently or daily. The study concludes that those who suffer most from the changes that have taken place within the organization are those that the social workers strive to help; children.

Hur gör vi med barnen? En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares syn på barnperspektivet inom ekonomiskt bistånd

Boström, Suzanne, Tanttu, Farida January 2019 (has links)
In previous research the lack of usage of a child perspective and child participation has been a recurring theme. The purpose of this study is to examine the usage of a child perspective within social assistance where the target group is adults and the main goal of the work is to support households to self-sufficiency. This study’s aim is to further highlight the presence of a child perspective, child participation and how social workers collaborate with other units within matters concerning children. This qualitative study has used research interviews as it’s data collecting method, the empirical material consists of interviews with six social workers who all work within one social assistance unit at a social services office. The results show the difficulties of defining what it means to practice a child perspective within one’s work. It also puts focus on the dilemma of wanting to practice a child perspective and their increased participation, versus how the respondents view their task as social workers within social assistance. The conclusions of this study further raise a question on how children's participation and a child perspective can be integrated into the practical work of social assistance.

Insatsen kontaktperson för ungdomar mellan 13-18 år : en rättssociologisk studie

Göthe, Elisabet, Härfstrand, Susanne January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay was to study which arguments social workers used in the basis of their estimation concerning young people of the age 13-18 given an aid, a contact person (swe. kontaktperson). The purpose was also to describe how the legal paragraph, regarding contact person, is regulated and then compare the arguments made by the social worker with the intentions expressed by the legislator. To answer our purposes we studied the law and the intentions expressed by the legislator, which is the foundation for the legal paragraph that regulates contact person, 3 chap. 6 §. Through studies of social journals at five local authorities we collected material to make a comparison between the arguments found in the journals with the intentions expressed by the legislator.</p><p>We used legal method and the perspective of sociology of law. The Swedish law, Socialtjänstlagen (2001:453) is a basic law which means that our legal paragraph, 3 chap 6 §, is open for interpretation. It is every local authority's own option how to apply the paragraph. The results showed that the social workers do use the same terms as the legislator. Our results also showed that the social workers to a great extent used arguments that could not be traced to the intentions expressed by the legislator. The essay is a quantitative study. Our data has been processed through a program for statistical analysis, SPSS, version 14.0 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences).</p>

Är det slumpen som avgör? : Vad styr socialarbetarens val av institution vid placering av ungdomar?

Gustafsson, Ulrika, Eriksson, Ingela January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was investigating the means which rule the social worker’s choice of institution placing youths and how they match the youth’s individual need compared with the type of home. The questions were: Which significance has the characteristics of the youth and their family for the placing? Which significance has the characteristics of the institution? Which significance has the social workers’ way of working, investigation, theories, economy etc.? A qualitative way of interviewing has been used. Eight interviews were done; six with social welfare secretaries who place youths and two social workers who work with coun­selling and placement. The choice of respondents was made from a systematic selection be­cause they were considered having knowledge of the subject. The interviews were taped, which enabled several revisions. Then concentrations and structural analysis were made in order to look for both common and deviant patterns in the material. The analysis and inter­pretation is based upon the theory of risk, behaviour, response and systems alongside with earlier studies in the subject. The conclusions were that there was a combination of factors which ruled the choice: the need of the youth, earlier experience of institutions, and pro­fes­sional network connections. The social welfare secretary realized the importance of matching but saw difficulties in acute placing and shortage of places. In order to facilitate for the social welfare secretary there is a need for a system where they can get objective informa­tion about the institutions for example from a co-ordinating authority.</p> / <p>Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad som styr socialarbetarens val av institution vid pla­cering av ungdomar och hur de matchar behandlingshem utifrån ungdomens individuella be­hov. Frågeställningarna var: Vilken betydelse för placeringen har egenskaper hos ungdomarna och deras familjer? Vilken betydelse för placeringen har egenskaper hos institutionen? Vilken betydelse för placeringen har socialtjänstens arbetssätt, utredningar, teorier, ekonomi mm? En kvalitativ intervjumetod har använts. Åtta stycken intervjuer gjordes varav sex med pla­ce­rande socialsekreterare och två socialarbetare med rådgivnings- och placeringsfunktion. Ur­valet av respondenterna gjordes utifrån ett systemiskt urval då respondenterna antogs be­sitta relevant kunskap i ämnet. Till grund för analys och tolkning ligger risk-, behovs- och respon­sivitetsteorin, systemteorin samt tidigare forskning i och omkring ämnet. Slutsatsen blev att det som styr valen av institution var en kombination av barnets behov, tidigare erfaren­het av institutioner och professionellt kontaktnät. Socialarbetaren insåg vikten av matchning men såg svårigheter vid akuta placeringar och platsbrist. För att underlätta för social­arbetaren behövs ett fungerande system där de kan få objektiv information om institu­tionerna som exempelvis en samordnande instans.</p>

Mellan kunskap och handling : Socialsekreterares kunskapsanvändning i utredningsarbetet

Nordlander, Lars January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study is about how social workers use knowledge in their investigation work. The study includes 16 social workers documentation of their knowledge use in 21 investigations in three personal social services in Västerbotten, Sweden. The three research-questions that the study aims to answer are: what knowledge do they use, how do they use their knowledge and on what grounds do they choose these knowledge’s?</p><p>The studies empirical findings are a result of a systematic documentation instrument SPP (Systematic Planned Practice). The instrument consists of seven different forms that together correspond to the whole investigation process, from the first meeting with the client to a complete investigation. The SPP-instrument was designed by Professor Aaron Rosen from Washington University in St. Louis, USA. The SPP-instrument was used in this study as tool to gather information on what knowledge social workers use in the investigation work. The seven forms that the instrument consists of were sent to the social workers electronically. In each step of the investigation work the social workers filled out each form and send them back to the researcher for analyse.</p><p>The results from the study shows that social workers use a variety of different types of knowledge as a base for their decisions in the investigation work. In the majority of these knowledge’s the social workers relates them to actual client situations. When the social workers describe how they use their knowledge the result shows that they use different strategies to express their use of knowledge in relation to specific decisions in the investigation work. How they use these knowledge’s seams not to correspond with what kind of knowledge they have used. The social workers claims that their choice of knowledge as roughly has to do with two different set of circumstances: 1) circumstances that limits their choice of knowledge and 2) circumstances that they intellectual know that they can influence ones they reflect upon their choices, but not during the actual choice of knowledge.</p><p>All together the study shows that the social workers use of knowledge is partly a hidden process that they have trouble to express in writing. However this do not mean that they are short of relevant knowledge for their profession. Instead it shows that social workers use of knowledge is highly situational and that their use of knowledge is a cognitive process that is difficult to describe or conceptualise.</p>

Experiences of unaccompanied minors : an exploratory study conducted with refugee children

Magqibelo, Lungile. January 2010 (has links)
<p>The main aim of this study was to explore lived experiences of unaccompanied foreign minors in South Africa from a social work perspective. An important goal was to also explore the lack of guidelines on how to assist these young people. This study was conducted in a Children&rsquo / s Shelter, which is situated in the North-Eastern outskirts of Polokwane, where a group of unaccompanied refugee children from Zimbabwe were living. This study was qualitative and explorative in nature. Non-probability sampling was used to select participants for the study. Ten children were selected, ranging from age 14 to 18 years. Semi-structured interviews with the children and a focus group discussion with five care workers were held. Thematic analysis was used. The findings of this study revealed that services by government social workers are limited compared to those from social workers employed with nongovernmental organisations. It is hoped that this study will assist government and other role players in planning, advocacy and policy development related to the issues affecting unaccompanied refugee children.</p>

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