Spelling suggestions: "subject:" cult"" "subject:" mult""
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Olúdándè : estudo da normatização na estrutura de poder das casas-matrizes Iorubás, no Recife e em SalvadorClaudia Maria de Assis Rocha Lima 30 April 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação se propõe analisar a normatização da estrutura de poder das casas-matrizes iorubás, buscando elementos no complexo processo histórico do grupo iorubá no cenário afro-brasileiro e nas práticas do sistema político-social no continente africano. Este estudo objetivou apontar possíveis contornos entre o arcabouço que delineia a sociedade africana em seu sistema de governo e a construção dos ritos iniciáticos que possibilitaram a ordenação das casas de culto de tradição iorubá no Brasil. Para tanto, a observação das práticas iniciáticas nas casas-matrizes de tradição iorubá do Recife e de Salvador formatou o processo litúrgico que dá legitimidade às práticas que fundamentalizam a instância do poder dos sacerdotes afro-brasileiros, visto que inexiste esta função, com este contingenciamento de poder no conjunto sociorreligioso iorubá africano, fora do âmbito real. Neste contexto, a dinâmica da pesquisa identificou, também, possíveis laços de parentesco sagrado entre as duas casas de culto pesquisadas: egbá e ketu / The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the normalization of the power structure of the Yoruba parent homes, seeking elements in the complex historical process of the Yoruba group both in the African-Brazilian scenery and in the practices of the socio and political systems of Africa. The main focus of this study was to identify possible contours of the framework which delineates the African society in its governance and the construction of initiation rituals which allowed the ordination of houses of worship of traditional Yoruba in Brazil. Therefore, the observation of initiation practices in the parent homes of Yoruba tradition of Recife and Salvador formatted the liturgical process that gives legitimacy to practices which support the instance of the power of the African-Brazilian Yoruba priests, since this function does not exist with this curtailment of power in all socio religious African Yoruba setting outside the real. In this context, the dynamics of the research also identified possible sacred bonds of kinship between the two houses of worship investigated: Egba and Ketu
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POSTMODERNÍ KULTURA: Proměny postojů, hodnot a vzorců chování v postmoderní společnosti. / Culture in Postmodern SocietyKUČEROVÁ, Radka January 2010 (has links)
The paper aims at giving analytic picture of postmodern culture in its various demonstrations in mass society and in its influence upon man{\crq}s individuality and their lifestyle.The beginning of the paper deals with terminology and with description of the western culture development. The main part of the paper analyses (gradual compilation) main works of important authors with various views and approaches (G. Lipovetsky, M. Maffesoli, Z. Bauman). An interesting contribution to this topic represents futurological vision of A. and H. Tofflers spouses, who describe mankind development and creation of new forms of democracy. The last chapter deals with comparing the similarities and the differences between the works of the above mentioned authors.
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Le centre monumental romain d'Appolonia d'Illyrie : images de synthèse et restitutions archéologiques / Roman monumental center in Apollonia of Illyria : computer-generated images and archaeological restitutionsFollain, Éric 18 February 2012 (has links)
Colonie grecque, Apollonia d’Illyrie (Albanie), a connu à l’époque romaine des phases de construction et d’aménagement importantes. En témoigne le centre monumental qui a fait l’objet de fouilles et de dégagements sous la direction du français Léon Rey au début du XXe siècle. Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les équipes albanaises ont poursuivi les recherches archéologiques et ont réalisé les restaurations et les présentations actuelles. Le centre monumental est organisé autour de deux édifices principaux, l’odéon et le monument des agonothètes. Ces lieux d’assemblée attestent du caractère public de ce secteur de la ville comme le fait un arc de triomphe légèrement postérieur. Des boutiques témoignent d’une fonction commerciale annexe. L’aspect religieux est illustré par un temple ionique, entouré d’un portique, associé à un bâtiment nommé usuellement "prytanée", et par un petit sanctuaire. Enfin, un édifice de plan carré peut être soit une bibliothèque soit un Augusteum. Après l’analyse des vestiges accessibles et de la documentation, une approche des fonctions des différents monuments et les renvois aux éléments comparatifs des hypothèses de restitutions sont proposées puis transposées en images de synthèse. Elles sont ensuite assemblées en une vision globale du centre monumental romain, dans son état du début du IIIe siècle ap. J.-C. Dans l’attente de l’achèvement des recherches sur l’agora, localisée à quelques centaines de mètres, cet ensemble pourrait être un complexe architectural dédié au culte impérial dont l’importance aurait attiré, dans le courant du IIe siècle, le bouleuterion que prudemment on désigne encore comme "monument des agonothètes". / During the Roman period, “Apollonia of Illyria”, a greek settlement in Albania, knew several phases of construction and development. This is demonstrated by the study of the monumental center which was the object of excavations supervised by a French archaeologist Léon Rey at the beginning of the XXth century. After World War II, Albanian teams pursued the researches. They realized the restorations and the current presentations. The monumental center is organized around two main buildings, the Odeon and the “monument of Agonothetes”. These meeting places give evidence of the public character of this part of the city, just like the existence of a triumphal arch built later on. Shops also prove the commercial function of this place. Then, the religious function is illustrated by an ionic temple surrounded by a portico associated with a building named “prytaneum’ and by a small sanctuary. Finally, a square building is either a library or an “augusteum”. After an analysis of the visible vestiges and documentation, a report on the functions of the various monuments and a presentation of the comparative elements, the hypothesis of reconstructions will be proposed and transposed into computer-generated images. They will be assembled in a global vision of the roman monumental center at the beginning of the third century. Researches concerning the agora, localized a few hundred meters further, are not achieved yet but this place could be an architectural complex dedicated to imperial cult. During the second century, its importance could have attracted the bouleuterion that remains, for the moment, named as “monument of Agonothetes”. / Kolonia greke e Apolonisë së Ilirisë, në Shqipëri, ka njohur faza të rëndësishme ndërtimi dhe riorganizimi urban në periudhën romake. Këtë e dëshmon qendra monumentale që ka qenë pikësynimi i gërmimeve dhe zbulimeve të kryera nën drejtimin e francezit Leon Rei, në fillim të shekullit të XX. Pas Luftës së II Botërore, ekipet shqiptare kanë vazhduar nxjerrjen në dritë të saj, si dhe kanë realizuar restaurimet dhe pamjet që shohim sot. Qendra monumentale është organizuar rreth dy godinave kryesore, odeoni dhe monumenti i Agonotetëve. Këto vende mbledhjesh dëshmojnë për karakterin publik të kësaj zone të qytetit, ashtu si dhe një hark triumfi pak më i vonshëm. Dyqanet dëshmojnë për një funksion tregtar aneks. Aspekti religjioz ilustrohet me praninë e një tempulli jonik, të rrethuar me një portik, dhe që lidhet me një godinë të ashtuquajtur prytaneum, si dhe me një faltore e vogël. Së fundmi, një ndërtesë në formë katrore mund të jetë ndoshta një bibliotekë apo augusteum. Në përfundim të studimit të rrënojave të dukshme dhe të dokumentacionit përkatës, parashtrohet trajtimi i funksioneve të monumenteve të ndryshme dhe i elementeve krahasuese të rimëkëmbjes hipotetike të tyre, që më tej transformohen në paraqitjet e informatizuara. Më pas, të gjithë elementët janë bashkuar në një pamje gjithëpërfshirëse të qendrës monumentale romake, ashtu siç paraqitej ajo në fillimin e shek. III të e. sonë. Në pritje të përfundimit të kërkimeve në agora, e cila gjendet vetëm disa qindra metra larg, ky ansambël duket të ketë qenë një kompleks arkitekturor që i kushtohej kultit perandorak, rëndësia e të cilit do të tërhiqte përgjatë shek. II të e. sonë buleterionin, që ende në mënyrë të kujdesshme emërtohet si “monumenti i Agonotetëve”.
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Olúdándè : estudo da normatização na estrutura de poder das casas-matrizes Iorubás, no Recife e em SalvadorLima, Claudia Maria de Assis Rocha 30 April 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-04-30 / The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the normalization of the power structure of the Yoruba parent homes, seeking elements in the complex historical process of the Yoruba group both in the African-Brazilian scenery and in the practices of the socio and political systems of Africa. The main focus of this study was to identify possible contours of the framework which delineates the African society in its governance and the construction of initiation rituals which allowed the ordination of houses of worship of traditional Yoruba in Brazil. Therefore, the observation of initiation practices in the parent homes of Yoruba tradition of Recife and Salvador formatted the liturgical process that gives legitimacy to practices which support the instance of the power of the African-Brazilian Yoruba priests, since this function does not exist with this curtailment of power in all socio religious African Yoruba setting outside the real. In this context, the dynamics of the research also identified possible sacred bonds of kinship between the two houses of worship investigated: Egba and Ketu / Esta dissertação se propõe analisar a normatização da estrutura de poder das casas-matrizes iorubás, buscando elementos no complexo processo histórico do grupo iorubá no cenário afro-brasileiro e nas práticas do sistema político-social no continente africano. Este estudo objetivou apontar possíveis contornos entre o arcabouço que delineia a sociedade africana em seu sistema de governo e a construção dos ritos iniciáticos que possibilitaram a ordenação das casas de culto de tradição iorubá no Brasil. Para tanto, a observação das práticas iniciáticas nas casas-matrizes de tradição iorubá do Recife e de Salvador formatou o processo litúrgico que dá legitimidade às práticas que fundamentalizam a instância do poder dos sacerdotes afro-brasileiros, visto que inexiste esta função, com este contingenciamento de poder no conjunto sociorreligioso iorubá africano, fora do âmbito real. Neste contexto, a dinâmica da pesquisa identificou, também, possíveis laços de parentesco sagrado entre as duas casas de culto pesquisadas: egbá e ketu
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A "influência" do mito babilônico da criação, enuma elish, em Gênesis, 1,1 -2,4aPONTES, Antonio Ivemar da Silva 26 July 2010 (has links)
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dissertacao_antonio_ivemar.pdf: 1096527 bytes, checksum: 04caca28bec8ca4eec2bb92ac535426f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-09T17:44:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010-07-26 / Among the various fields of interest of the Religion Sciences, the sacred and its impact over the cultures of different peoples and ages, has been studied by many who go through that vast field. Through bibliographic studies, this project, under the lights of the Religion Sciences, intends to make an hermeneutics comparative analysis about the relationship between the Babylonian poem of Creation, Enuma Elish, and the biblical account of creation in Genesis 1. This study, which is based on Comparative Theology, seeks to analyze the influence that a culture has when interacting with others. It aims to identify some similarities and differences between these two texts from different cultures and times. It also seeks to help the reader to understand how the myth can be understood and how it can be employed in the scientific field. After analyzing the survey data, we realize that there are some elements in common between the two poems. Among them we highlight: the creation of the universe, the firmament, the stars and man. We see, therefore, that in fact, when people interact with another culture than theirs, it comes to happen a mutual influence of one people over the other. / Dentre os vários campos de interesse das Ciências da Religião, o sagrado e seu impacto nas culturas dos diversos povos e épocas, tem sido objeto de estudo para muitos que enveredam nesse campo tão vasto. Através de pesquisa bibliográfica, o presente trabalho, à luz das Ciências da Religião, se presta a fazer uma análise hermenêutica comparativa sobre a relação entre o poema babilônico da criação, Enuma Elish, e o relato bíblico da criação em Gênesis 1,1—2,4a. Esse estudo, que tem como base a Teologia Comparada, busca fazer uma análise sobre a influência que uma cultura exerce quando interage com outra. Pretende sinalizar algumas semelhanças e diferenças entre esses dois textos de culturas e épocas diferentes. Procura ainda ajudar o leitor a perceber de que maneira o mito pode ser entendido e de que forma ele pode ser empregado no campo científico. Após a análise do levantamento de dados, percebemos que há alguns elementos em comum entre os dois poemas. Dentre eles destacamos: a criação do universo, do firmamento, dos astros e do homem. Percebemos, portanto, que de fato, quando um povo interage com outro de cultura diferente da sua, acaba havendo uma influência mútua de um povo em relação ao outro.
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Sociální dynamika v materiální kultuře - Keramika pozdní Staré říše z komplexu princezny Šeretnebtej j jižním Abúsíru / Social dynamics in the material culture - Pottery of the Late Old Kingdom from the complex of Princess Sheretnebty at Abusir SouthArias, Katarína January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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De skriver sekt - vad menar de egentligen? : en religionssociologisk studie av användningen av sektbegreppet i den efterföljande mediedebatten efter dokumentären ”De utvalda barnen”.Helmersson, Camilla January 2022 (has links)
In the beginning of 2021 the documentary “The selected children” was aired in one of the public Swedish television channels. In the film we follow the filmmaker as he returns to his elementary school that he left almost three decades ago. His memories where positive but the film depicts abuse with a focus on the leadership and a rope swing . The ensuing media debate was influenced by the fact that the school was, and still are, a waldorf school (Steiner school) and the cult concept was frequently used. This bachelor thesis aimed to find the underlying reasons for the media usage of the cult concept in this context and further how and why a description of a school in the past became a novelty in the present. The perspective is religion sociology and medialization. The purpose is to understand how and why the cult concept is used in nationwide written news media, narrowed down to 11 articles published in Aftonbladet, Dagens ETC, DN, Expressen, GP, SvD och SVT nyheter during May and June 2021. I used a qualitative content analysis method combined with an abductive reasoning. The theory used was in the field of cults, NRM and medialization with an emphasis on media logic also described as media modus operandi. The result shows that the cult concept is used to describe and frame the extreme characteristics of the school. There is a connection between the school and other waldorf schools both in the description of the schools as cults related to abuse and abnormality but the main reason is the foundation in relation to the waldorf pedagogy and anthroposophy. The media uses a very narrow number of sources describing the school, waldorf schools and the anthroposophic movement. The descriptions are made in the present as if the film was depicting the present school as well. As such the sources alongside the framing language constructs the news value in line with the media logic. In conclusion I argue that the findings show that media uses the cult as a description aswell as a news story in line with the theory, describing how the news are storytellers as they have developed into the entertainment industry.
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Československo za komunistické totality ve filmu a seriálu a využití těchto ve výuce / Czechoslovakia under communist totalitarianism in film and series and their use for educationNedbal, Václav January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the appropriate and effective use of film and serial adaptations of topics falling into the period of communist totalitarianism in Czechoslovakia (that is between 1948 and 1989, with emphasis on the period 1948-1969). The thesis is divided into four chapters, whereas the main part, which is didactic, is described in the third and fourth chapter. The first chapter describes the basic historical context of the communist government in Czechoslovakia between 1948 and 1989. It also shows and explains the origin of the idea of communism, the further development of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia during the First Republic, and the postwar Third Republic. This chapter was put together using found edited sources and secondary literature. The second chapter deals with individual film and serial processing of topics related to the period. It presents specific films and series which were produced in the most recent years (or the post-revolutionary period), but also materials produced during the totalitarianism before 1989. In this chapter some works are discussed in greater detail, others are presented as selected alternative options for interaction for educational purposes. The third chapter summarizes the didactic and historical potential of the discussed topic, it also...
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The Artistic and Architectural Patronage of Countess Urraca of Santa MarÃa de Cañas: A Powerful Aristocrat, Abbess, and AdvocateMcMullin, Julia Alice Jardine 09 May 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Countess Urraca Lope de Haro was the daughter of the noble Lord Diego Lope de Haro, friend and advisor to King Alfonso VIII of Castilla-León and granddaughter of Lord Lope Díaz de Haro and Lady Aldonza Ruiz de Castro, aristocratic courtiers as well as popular monastic patrons. As a young and wealthy widow, Countess Urraca took monastic vows at the Cistercian nunnery of Santa María de Cañas founded by her grandparents. Within a short time of uniting herself to this monastery, she was chosen as its fourth abbess in 1225, a position she held for thirty-seven years until her death in 1262. Following the tradition of monastic patronage established by her noble family members, Countess Urraca expanded the monastery's small real estate holdings, oversaw extensive building projects to create permanent structures for the nunnery, and patronized artistic projects including statuettes of the Virgin Mary and St. Peter in addition to her own decorative stone sarcophagus during her term as abbess. This thesis examines the artistic decoration and architectural patronage of this powerful woman and the influences she incorporated into the monastic structures at Cañas as she oversaw their construction. In dating the original buildings of the monastery at Cañas to the period of Countess Urraca's leadership, the predominant architectural features and decorative details of female Cistercian foundations in northern Spain are discussed. Comparisons with additional thirteenth-century Cistercian monasteries from the same region in northern Spain are offered to demonstrate the artistic connections with the structures Countess Urraca patronized. In addition, this thesis examines Countess Urraca's obvious devotion to the Virgin Mary and St. Peter by considering the medieval monastic world in which she lived and the strong emphasis the Cistercian Order placed on such worship practices. The potent spiritual connections Countess Urraca made by commissioning images of essential, holy intercessors testifies to her devotion to them and the powerful salvatory role she herself played in the lives of the nuns for whom she was responsible. As a nun and abbess, Countess Urraca was urged to emulate Mary's mothering, nurturing qualities, and, as she did so was simultaneously empowered by the Virgin's heavenly authority as administrator of mercy. Indeed, through studying her art it is clear that she saw herself as an intercessor on behalf of the nuns for whom she was responsible. Furthermore, discussion of the imagery displayed on Countess Urraca's decorative stone sarcophagus demonstrates not only a similar message of salvation through intercessors such as Peter and Mary, but also testifies of Abbess Urraca's aristocratic lineage. Through this artistic commission, the Abbess creates another direct, personal link between herself and the Virgin by including the symbol of the rosary throughout the iconography of her tomb. Such a symbol represents her devotion to Mary as Queen of Heaven and simultaneously empowers Countess Urraca as an intercessor herself. All of these architectural and artistic commissions confirm that she was a powerful woman who wielded a great deal of influence.
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Silencing the Revelry: An Examination of the Moral Panic in 186 BCE and the Political Implications Accompanying the Persecution of the Bacchic Cult in the Roman RepublicMoser, Heather S. 28 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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