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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Best Practices for Innovation Management. : A Study on Large Companies in Sweden. / God innovationsledningspraxis. : En studie om stora företag i Sverige.

The overall aim of this thesis was to identify and analyze good innovation management practices in Sweden’s most innovative large companies, excluding governmentally owned organizations. Out of 500 large organizations in Sweden, the top 25 most innovative companies have been ranked based upon over 7,000 printed press articles from 2018 available through Retriever Media. The companies are ranked by their innovations score which is calculated by the number of articles a company is mentioned in, adjusted to the company size, and multiplied with the mean sentiment score. The top 25 companies from the ranking was compared with 25 reference companies, active within the same industry based on the Swedish Standard Industrial Classification (SNI) number, that received a lower innovation score. Good innovation management practices were analyzed based on 14 qualitative interviews in 12 of the top 15 ranked companies and a quantitative survey responded by 20 top ranked and 17 reference companies. The interviews were semi structured with open ended questions to identify used practices, and the reasoning behind them. Spearman’s correlation method has been used to investigate if there was any correlation between the company’s innovation score, the mean performance score, and the mean importance score rated by respondents. The company case studies provide authentic examples on how and when different methods and concepts are used within industry. However, while theoretical frameworks often are strictly defined and described in solitary, the interviews have shown that when used within industry, it is rather the opposite. In many of the interviewed companies, frameworks and methods are modified, combined and constantly evolving. Aspects that the interviewees have expressed as important for an innovative company are: Innovation and change should be iterative, decentralized and started in small scale while receiving full support from top management. Examples of identified practices are: The innovation vision is used in the decision-making process for new ideas. Keywords connected to innovation are used for guiding new aspirations. There is an overall aim to become industry or/and digital leaders. Although the interviewed companies had similar innovation management practices, they were usually modified to fit within the company’s own organization and industry. The interviews contributed with interesting collection of practices within their authentic setting from which other companies could draw inspiration from. Lastly, a handbook was created describing how to conduct the innovation ranking annually, including a description of how to use the software as well as the required script of code. / Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats har varit att identifiera och analysera hur ett antal stora och framgångsrika bolag bedriver innovationsledning. Av 500 svenska företag har de 25 mest innovativa rankats baserat på hur företagen framställts i över 7000 tryckta artiklar under 2018. I artiklarna som tagits fram via Retriever Media har företagen poängsatts efter antalet artiklar som de omnämnts i, korrigerat efter företagens storlek, multiplicerat med artiklarnas genomsnittliga sentimentvärde. De 25 högst rankade företagen jämfördes sedan med 25 referensföretag aktiva inom samma bransch enligt standarden för svensk näringsindelning (SNI). God innovationsledningspraxis identifierades och analyserades genom 14 intervjuer med 12 av de 15 högst rankade företagen, samt en enkätstudie som besvarades av 20 av de 25 högst rankade företagen och 17 av referensbolagen. Intervjuerna var semi strukturerade med öppna frågor för att identifiera den innovationsledningspraxis som företagen använder sig av samt bakomliggande resonemang. Spearmans rangkorrelation användes för att identifiera eventuella korrelationer mellan företagens innovationsrankning och hur företaget presterar med avseende på olika innovationsaspekter samt hur viktiga dessa aspekter anses. Analysen av innovationsledningspraxis resulterade i praktiska exempel på hur och när olika metoder, verktyg och strategier användes inom företagen. Managementteorier som kan uppfattas som strikta i litteraturen visade sig kombineras, modifieras och utvecklas i flera av de intervjuade företagen. Aspekter som företagen lyfte fram som viktiga var att innovation och förändring behöver ske iterativt, decentraliseras och startas småskaligt med full uppbackning av företagsledningen. Några av de olika sätt att framgångsrikt leda innovation som identifierats är att: Det finns en vision för hur för företaget ska jobba med innovation och denna vision ligger till grund för mycket av den beslutsfattande processen när det kommer till nya idéer. Nyckelord kopplade till olika innovationsmål används frekvent för att leda forskning och utveckling i rätt riktning. Det finns även ett övergripande mål om att bli det ledande företaget inom olika områden och näringsgrenar. Även om många av de intervjuade företagen hade liknande innovationsledningspraxis så var denna ofta modifierade för att passa det enskilda bolaget eller branschen. De intervjuade företagen bidrog med en stor mängd intressanta metoder och insikter som andra företag kan inspireras och dra nytta av för att förbättra sin innovationsledningsförmåga. Slutligen sammanställdes en handbok för att genomföra en innovationsrankning, inklusive hur man använder de programvaror som krävs samt all nödvändig kod för att möjliggöra en återkommande rankning av innovativa företag.

Modernisation and innovation management : developing a digital society : an investigation into public sector modernisation and innovation management in its introduction of wireless technology

Ubiebor, Merhedia Ricardo January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents an exploratory study into the development of digital societies and it examines public sector modernization and innovation from a technology management perspective. The study presents reasons why most city-wide or council-wide development of wireless broadband access networks currently end in failure or are unsustainable. It also suggests its links with wider problems of innovation management and the commercial failure of otherwise technically competent solutions It explores the modernisation of society, government, the underlying theories that influence it as well as the innovations triggered by its wake. The exercise reveals a myriad of innovations; firstly in the modernisation of the infrastructure of government and secondly in the development of societal infrastructure in the form of broadband networks.

我國中小型資訊軟體業技術知識特質與創新行為之研究 / An Exploratory Study on Relationship between Characteristics of Technological Knowledge and Innovation Behavior on SME in Computer Software Industry in Taiwan

吳健鑫, Chien-Hsin Wu Unknown Date (has links)
中小企業在台灣的經濟發展過程中的地位是眾所皆知的,然而,有關科技型中小企業的創新行為的研究,無論是國內或國外都不是很多。本研究即以個案研究法,針對台灣的中小型資訊軟體公司,探討其軟體專業類型、中小企業特質與研發創新專案的技術知識特質,對創新行為之關聯性及影響。本研究之主要研究發現如下: 一、不同軟體專業類型之中小型資訊軟體公司,其技術知識特質不同。 二、技術知識特質會影響中小型資訊軟體公司的創新行為.: 1.創新專案之技術知識特質會影響:(1)共同解決問題時,團隊成員背景異質/多元性;(2) 共同解決問題時,問題時,藉由鼓勵創造性摩擦產生創造性的知識結合;(3)組織鼓勵實驗的風氣;(4)是否藉由參加教育訓練課程作為知識吸收之來源。 2.創新專案之技術知識的標準化程度高低不同,使用原型溝通的方式不同。 3.創新專案之技術知識的路徑相依程度會影響創新行為中鼓勵智慧型失敗的風氣。 三、中小企業特質會影響中小型資訊軟體公司的創新行為: 1.中小型資訊軟體業由於軟體專業類型不同,使得企業主參與程度不同,組織的創新行為(鼓勵創造性的知識結合與實驗的風氣)亦不相同。 2.中小型資訊軟體業的正式化程度與組織的創新行為無明顯關聯性。 3.中小型資訊軟體業的研發人員之自主性越高,對於組織的創新行為越有正面的影響。 四、不同軟體專業類型之中小型資訊軟體公司,其創新行為與管理作法不同。 五、本研究之次要研究發現: 1.中小型資訊軟體公司的軟體專業類型不同,企業主參與程度不同。 2.中小型資訊軟體公司的軟體專業類型不同,其研發人員自主性不同。 3.中小型資訊軟體公司的技術知識特質多元化程度與標準化程度不同,研發人員自主性不同。 4.中小型資訊軟體公司之創新行為中執行與整合新科技與工具時,使用者參與程度以諮詢模式為主。 5.中小型資訊軟體公司之企業規模越大,對於創新行為越有正面的影響。 因此,本研究建議,中小型資訊軟體公司若要持續性的創新以增強企業體質,確實需要瞭解不同的技術知識特質對創新行為的影響,藉由創新活動與程序的管理,來提升企業的創新能力與成效。 / It is well known that the SMEs (Small & Medium-sized Enterprises) have played an important role in the process of economic development in Taiwan. This thesis attempts to take an exploratory study of the relationship between characteristics of technological knowledge and innovation behavior on SMEs in computer software industry in Taiwan. There are primary figures found in the thesis: Ⅰ.Different categories of computer software in SMEs have the different types of characteristics of technological knowledge. Ⅱ.Characteristics of technological knowledge have the effect on the innovation behavior of SMEs, such as: 1. Characteristics of technological knowledge in an innovative project have an influence on a).the diversity of team members, when the team work is held; b).whether there comes a creativity of knowledge combination via creative abrasion or not, when the team work is held; c).the intensity of encouragement of R&D in a company; d).whether the company takes the formal training courses as a knowledge source. 2. The standardization of technological knowledge in an innovative project has an influence on how the prototype is used in the R&D process of the project. 3. The path-dependency of technological knowledge in an innovative project has an influence on the intensity of encouragement of failing forward in a company. Ⅲ. Characteristics of SMEs have the effect on the innovation behavior of SMEs in computer software industry, such as: 1. Due to different categories of computer software, the proprietors of SMEs have different intensity of involvement and then make innovation behavior of the organization different. 2. The organizational formalization of the SMEs in computer software industry has no apparent relationship with innovation behavior. 3. The extent of autonomy of R&D employees in SMEs in computer software industry has a positive relationship with innovation behavior. Ⅳ. SMEs in different categories of computer software have different innovation behavior and management methods. Ⅴ. Other submary figuress of this thesis are as follows: 1. SMEs in different categories of computer software have different intensity of involvement of proprietors. 2. SMEs in different categories of computer software have different extent of autonomy of R&D employees. 3. When SMEs in different categories of computer software have the different diversity along with standardization of technological knowledge, there is a different extent of autonomy of R&D employees. 4. In innovation behavior, most of SMEs in computer software industry take inquiry method as the intensity of involvement of users, when they attempt to implement and to integrate new technology or tools. 5. The larger scale of SMEs in different categories of computer software takes more positive effects on innovation behavior. As the results, this thesis suggests that SMEs in different categories of computer software should understand the how different characteristics of technological knowledge affect the innovation behavior, when they attempt to make the company stronger via continuous innovation. They can also improve the innovative capability and performance by innovation management.

個人與團隊創新之比較研究 — 以資策會專利為例 / A Comparative study of individual and team innovation - An Empirical study of patents in III

李昆鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來關於創新研究的相關文獻,多半著墨於團隊創新之探討,包括團隊知識分享、團隊信任、團隊領導與團隊互動等議題;但「個人」所產生的創新力量,事實上也應不容小覷。本研究將透過資策會的專利提案,針對近十年間所提出的專利資料與訪談進行分析,以探討個人與團隊在研發創新所扮演的角色,以及個人與團隊創新的適用情境、組成特徵與互動歷程特徵。 / 根據資策會1995-2005間專利數據(共426件。專利從申請到取得時間經常需要2至3年,因此,本次研究僅統計至2005年)初步分析後發現:(一)民國90年以前,個人專利總件數比兩人以上組成之團隊的專利總件數多。(二)民國91年起,資策會的專利件數快速增加,而此時兩人團隊所獲得的專利件數最多;到了93、94年,三人或四人以上團隊所獲得的專利數,則超越個人或兩人團隊所獲得之專利。(三)個人專利佔全部專利數的32%,而由2~4人團隊所取得的專利數則佔64%。(四)個人專利共70件;這些由單獨個人提案的獲證專利中,有將近六成(41件)的專利,該提案人只提了這一項專利而已,往後並未有其他專利,表示這些人很可能只是偶然靈光乍現而獲得專利,抑或表示個人專利提案的創新方式有所侷限。(五)另一方面,有部分曾經獲得個人專利的研發人員,也樂於與其他人組成團隊來一同申請專利,並獲得146件專利;(六)有些人不曾獲得個人專利,但透過團隊合作,也獲得210件專利,佔資策會總專利數的近半數。 / 由此可見,個人創新與團隊創新是研發創新的兩種重要途徑,不應偏廢。而個人創新與團隊創新的優劣與適用情境,則值得進一步探討。本研究除了以資策會專利數據比較個人與團隊在創新的效率與品質上的差異之外,進一步也透過實地訪談之方式,分別探究研發創新過程中,個人與團隊創新的組成特徵與互動歷程特徵,並嘗試歸納資策會在專利提案與專利構思的理想方式,作為研發機構進行創新管理、任務指派與團隊編組之參考,以促進研發同仁的創意效能,提升研發創新能量,進而提升專利價值。 / In recent years, the majority of innovative research literature focuses on team innovation such as team knowledge sharing, team trust, team leadership, and team interaction. The contribution of individual innovation, however, should not be overlooked. This study will explore roles of individual and team efforts in innovative research, adequate applications of individual and team innovations, and characteristics and interactive features of individual and team innovations through an analysis of patent cases proposed by III (Institute for Information Industry) in past ten years and personal interview with patent inventors. / According to the patents data between 1995 to 2005, results of III preliminary analysis indicated that (1) The total number of individual patents obtained was more than the total number of patents obtained by innovation teams with two or more members before 2001. (2) After 2002, the number of III’s patents increased rapidly. During this period, the innovation teams with two members received the largest number of patents. Between 2004 and 2005, the number of patents received by teams with three or four members exceeded the number of patents obtained by an individual or teams with two members. (3) Individual patents accounted for 32% of the total number of patents, whereas, patents obtained from teams with two to four members accounted for 64% of the total number of patents. (4) The total number of individual patents obtained between 1995 and 2005 was 70. Of these certified individual patents, nearly 60% (41) of patent inventors mentioned that they had only one and no other future patents. This suggests that these people are likely to obtain a patent because of an occasional spurt of ideas. It also demonstrates the limitation of creativities among individual inventors. (5) The III’s data also shows that about 40% of research and development specialists who had obtained an individual patent were delighted to team up with other members to apply for a patent. These people received a total of 146 patents. (6) Those individuals who had not had any patent in the past also acquired 210 patents through team works. These patents accounted for about half of III’s patents. / The above evidence shows that individual innovation and team innovation are both important venues to research and development and they should not be disregarded. The advantages, disadvantages, and adequate applications of individual and team innovations, however, should be explored further in future innovation studies. In addition to the analysis of patents data acquired from III to compare the efficiency and quality between individual and team innovations, the current study also utilizes personal interview to understand the characteristics and interactive features of individual and team innovations during the process of research and development. This study also attempts to summarize ideal patent proposals and conceptions in III and provide exemplars of innovation management, task assignment, and team grouping to research and development institutions. Finally, this study will help promote the efficiency of innovative performance among research and development specialists, enhance research and creative ideas, and consequently increase the values of patents.


陳又慈, Chen, Yu Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
歷史上出現許多既有領導企業被新興企業取代的例子,其背後的原因一直引起高度興趣。Christensen (1997)提出的破壞性科技 (disruptive technology)觀念為此現象提供一個解釋的方向。自破壞性創新的提出以來,已有眾多學者投入相關研究探討,但至今尚無一個廣泛被學界所接受且可適用於不同產業的模型,因此仍迫切需要更多的研究投入和實務驗證。評估破壞性創新的困難,就如預測未來般充滿著不確定性。對既有企業而言,藉由評估破壞性創新,可以對即將面對的衝擊早一步採取因應措施,使競爭優勢得以維持;對新興企業而言,評估破壞性創新即是找出成長的利基,並可依此進入主流市場甚至擊倒既有領導企業。 有鑑於評估破壞性創新的重要性和困難度,本研究提出評估成功的破壞性創新時應考量的關鍵構面,包含創新提供的性能對應於主流市場的需求、低價格或創造新的價值、市場擴散速度、以及社會環境。本研究以VoIP產業為破壞性創新個案來驗證各項構面。研究結果顯示PSTN的通話品質和功能已超過既有需求,讓VoIP有進入低階市場的機會。同時現階段VoIP的通話品質已可滿足大眾主流市場的需求,並提供較便宜的解決方案。尤其對既有網路人口而言,VoIP不僅是便宜且簡易的解決方案,更提供了多項應用服務的整合。VoIP破壞性創新正在市場上快速擴散,尤其在美國與歐洲等地區。透過評估構面的提出,使評估成功的破壞性創新能以更系統化的方式進行。評估構面的提出可為未來完整模型的建立提供一個發展方向,同時提供一個分析創新潛力的方法,產業界可以依據分析後的結果擬定相關策略。

臺北縣國民小學學校創新經營策略之研究 / A study of school innovation management strategies in Taipei county’s elementary schools

蔡念芷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北縣國民小學學校創新經營實施情況與成效,並分析不同背景變項下,學校創新經營策略運作及實施成效之差異情形,進而瞭解推動學校創新經營的動機、影響學校創新經營之因素與實施學校創新經營遭遇之困難,最後分析學校在推行創新經營所採取之策略,並依結果提出相關建議。 為達上述目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以「臺北縣國民小學學校創新經營策略之調查問卷」為研究工具,針對2006到2008年InnoSchool獲獎之臺北縣國民小學教育人員為問卷調查研究對象,共寄發出430份問卷,回收有效問卷共347份進行統計分析。此外,亦採取專家訪談法,以「臺北縣國民小學學校創新經營策略之研究」訪談大綱為研究工具,針對2006到2008年InnoSchool獲獎之臺北縣國民小學校長為研究對象進行訪談,共計26位校長,以深入瞭解學校創新經營所運用之策略。 綜合文獻探討與研究結果之發現,歸納可得研究結論如下: 一、臺北縣國民小學學校創新經營策略運作情況屬於良好程度。 二、臺北縣國民小學學校創新經營實施成效屬於良好程度。 三、臺北縣國民小學教育人員在學校創新經營策略運作表現情況,會因性別、學歷、參與方案與否、現任職務的不同而有所差異;在不同服務年資與年齡的教育人員中,其意見頗為一致。 四、臺北縣國民小學教育人員在學校創新經營實施成效知覺程度,因性別、學歷、參與方案與否、現任職務的不同而有所差異;在不同服務年資與年齡的教育人員中,其意見頗為一致。 五、臺北縣國民小學教育人員在學校創新經營策略運作表現情況,會因學校類型、學校歷史、學校位置的不同而有所差異;在不同學校規模的教育人員中,其意見頗為一致。 六、臺北縣國民小學教育人員在學校創新經營實施成效知覺程度,因學校歷史、學校位置有所差異;在不同學校類型與學校規模的教育人員中,其意見頗為一致。 七、促使臺北縣國民小學實施創新經營的動機,以提升學校競爭力為最多。 八、影響臺北縣國民小學實施創新經營的最大因素為校長領導。 九、臺北縣國民小學學校創新經營之最大困難為時間不足、成員參與意願低落及後續經營支援不足。 十、學校運用藍海策略的行動架構時,以消除校園閒置及不適宜空間為最多。 十一、學校運用藍海策略的行動架構時,以降低人員負擔為最多。 十二、學校運用藍海策略的行動架構時,以提升人力為最多。 十三、學校運用藍海策略的行動架構時,以創造學生多元能力為最多。 最後,本研究針對教育行政主管機關、學校與未來研究提出下列建議: 一、教育行政主管機關 (一)可持續推動學校創新經營之競賽與方案。 (二)可持續推動相關政策,以提供學校所須之資源。 二、學校 (一)應持續推動創新經營,並採取適當之策略。 (二)可採取藍海策略的行動架構,以協助學校推動創新經營。 (三)宜提供充裕的時間發展創新,並提升教師參與的意願,以延續學校創新經營。 (四)校長應採取有效的領導方式,以促進學校創新經營的推動。 (五)推動學校創新經營宜以校園環境空間為思考點。 (六)推動學校創新經營應重視人力的提升與素質的培養。 三、未來研究 (一)可擴大研究對象進行調查。 (二)可進一步探討學校創新經營策略運用的成效。 / This research was aimed to investigate the current situations and the effects on school innovation management in Taipei County’s elementary schools, and to analyze the differences between school innovation management strategies and effects in personal variables and school environmental variables. Moreover, the purposes of the research were to understand the motives, influencing factors and the difficulties in school innovation management, and to explore the strategies school adopted during the school innovation management. In order to achieve the purposes of the research, the methods for the research were questionnaire survey and interview. “The questionnaire of school innovation management strategies in Taipei County’s elementary schools” was developed as the research instrument. The samples contained 430 faculties from the InnoSchools in Taipei County from 2006 to 2008. Among them, 347 valid samples were finally collected to be analyzed through the statistical techniques. Furthermore, “The interview outline of school innovation management strategies in Taipei County’s elementary schools” was developed as the research instrument to profoundly examine the school innovation management strategies. The respondents were 26 principals from the InnoSchools in Taipei County from 2006 to 2008. According to the findings of the research, these conclusions were summarized below: 1. The current conditions of school innovation management strategies were good. 2. The current effects of school innovation management were good. 3. The conditions of school innovation management strategies varied significantly from different genders, degrees and positions. Also, participating in InnoSchool or not affected the conditions of school innovation management strategies. But among the faculties from different seniorities and ages, their views on school innovation management strategies were similar. 4. The awareness of effects on school innovation management varied significantly from different genders, degrees and positions. Also, participating in InnoSchool or not affected the awareness of effects on school innovation management strategies. But among the faculties from different seniorities and ages, their views on the effects on school innovation management were similar. 5. The conditions of school innovation management strategies varied significantly from different school types, history and locations. But among the faculties from different school scales, their views on school innovation management strategies were similar. 6. The awareness of effects on school innovation management varied significantly from different school history and locations. But among the faculties from different school types and scales, their views on the effects on school innovation management were similar. 7. The highly motives of school innovation management was to enhance the competitiveness of the school. 8. The key influencing factor in school innovation management was principal’s leadership. 9. The key difficulties in school innovation management were short of time, the willingness of members and the following support. 10. When schools used the four actions framework of Blue Ocean Strategy, the most common strategy was to eliminate vacant space and inappropriate school environment. 11. When schools used the four actions framework of Blue Ocean Strategy, the most common strategy was to reduce the staffs’ burden. 12. When schools used the four actions framework of Blue Ocean Strategy, the most common strategy was to raise human resources. 13. When schools used the four actions framework of Blue Ocean Strategy, the most common strategy was to create students’ multiple abilities. In the end, based on the findings and conclusions of the research, some suggestions were given as below: 1. Suggestions to the educational institutes (1) Promote school innovation management competitions and programs continuously. (2) Promote sustainable policies to provide the resources schools need. 2. Suggestions to schools (1) Promote school innovation management continuously and to take appropriate strategy. (2) Take four action framework of Blue Ocean Strategy to assist schools in promoting the innovative management. (3) Wish to provide sufficient time to develop innovation and enhance the willingness of teachers to participate in order to extend the innovative management. (4) Principals should take effective leadership in order to facilitate the promotion of school innovation management. (5) Carrying out school innovation management should focus on the school environment. (6) School should pay attention to upgrading and training the quality of members. 3. Suggestions to subsequent research (1) The further research may increase the sample numbers to make the results of the research more deducible. (2) The further research can further explore the effectiveness of school innovation management strategies.


陳宣輔 Unknown Date (has links)
3D動畫企業之營運結合藝術、科技與管理,本研究選擇D公司、P公司進行個案研究,希望透過研究的過程,找到我國專注於原創的D公司的優勢,以及與國外重要的原創動畫公司P公司相比,能否有我國動畫公司可以學習的地方,整合訪談與量化研究作出結論與建議,為我國動畫產業發展、為我國管理領域發展盡一份心力。 D公司為我國動畫原創公司中規模最大者,因此本研究選擇D公司進行研究。探討原創動畫公司如何能夠成功,除了經營理念、人才、科技等等因素之外,經由文獻回顧的過程,發現P公司在組織創新氛圍方面亦是有其獨特之處,評估正向組織創新氛圍可能對其創造力有正面助益,因此針對D公司之組織創新氛圍進行研究,利用哈佛大學Amabile的組織創新氛圍量表KEYS量表(政大修正版)作為量化研究工具,並透過訪談進行質性研究。 研究範圍則是涵蓋D公司所有與3D動畫創作有直接關連的部門,計有Layout、Lighting、TD、RD、MIS、Surface、Prop design、Animation、SFX、compose、model、Rigging、APM、音效等十四個部門。在實務面可以探討3D動畫領域相關之管理議題;在學術面可以為我國組織創新氛圍之研究開創新猷;也提出如何優化組織創新氛圍的模型,未來可以更進一步深入研究。 / When talking about art management, we cannot ignore 3D animation industries. The art management in the past did not involve technology, but right now technological aesthetic gradually becomes the mainstream.Technology and art are two discrete fields, but nowadays the upgrade of people’s aesthetic and taste allows the combination of the two. Both in the art and industrial sectors, domestic and foreign scholars start to focus on art management. Also, because the 3D animation's art management is a field that combines art, technology and management, using the 3D animation company as the case study is the first choice. This research will use this industry as case study to discuss the issue of art management and how Taiwan can break away from the limit of agent manufacture and become innovative and creative. The company I choose in this research is D company which emphasizes originality and has the largest scale in Taiwan. I hope through the process of the research to find the advantage of Taiwan’s animation industry. I will also compare with P company, an important foreign animation company, to analyze whether or not we can copy their mode. After all, because of the cultural factors, there may be some problems if we just copy everything. I combine interview and quantitative research to draw a conclusion and make some suggestions, and hope to devote to the development of Taiwan’s animation industry and art management. To discuss how an originative animation company succeeds, aside from the business philosophy, experts, technology, through reflecting on the literatures, I found that there is also some unique part of P company’s organizational innovative atmosphere which can enhance creativity. Thus focusing on the organizational innovative atmosphere, I will also use statistical analysis to assess its influence. With “organizational innovative atmosphere scale” as a tool, improved by NCCU from KEYS of Amabile, we can evaluate the members’ perception of the organizational innovative atmosphere and their confidence in engaging in the innovative activities. The organizational innovative atmosphere perceived by the members will activate their innovative motivation, creativity, and promote the innovation of the organization. Also, through the interview we conduct quality study of D company's organizational innovative atmosphere, and compared that with P company. The scope of the study cover all the fourteen departments related to 3D animation making in D company, including Layout, Lighting, TD, RD, MIS, Surface, Prop design, Animation, SFX, compose, model, Rigging, APM, sound effect, and so. To sum up, this research touches on the art management especially on the part of animation originality. It can also apply the “organizational innovative atmosphere scale” to the other animation-related or art-related industries. It provides the model for how art management can improve the working atmosphere which allows further research.

L'échange génératif de technologies innovantes : engagement conceptif et conception de la valeur / The generative exchange of innovative technologies : design engagement and value design

Jean, Fabien 21 December 2016 (has links)
Dans leurs processus d’innovation, les grandes entreprises subissent un manque de ressources entre Recherche et Développement appelé vallée de la mort. Le groupe Safran s’est doté d’une direction de l’innovation afin de le compenser. Son fonctionnement est fondé sur une logique d'échange avec les sociétés du groupe. Mais dans les phases amont, lorsque les échanges comportent des inconnus, ils s’interrompent brutalement. En particulier des fiches idées issues de DKCP ne sont pas explorées. Cette recherche-intervention ambitionne donc d’établir un modèle d’action collective pour échanger dans l’inconnu. Elle défend la thèse que dans l’inconnu, vendeurs et acheteurs de technologies innovantes s’engagent dans la conception de la frontière entre des technologies et des environnements.Face aux limites des modèles d’échange marchand, de décision, d’intéressement et de créativité, cette thèse adopte un modèle d’échange intégrant l’inconnu et un cadre analytique issu des théories de la conception innovante. Elle propose le modèle de l’engagement conceptif de ressources. Elle explicite les limites de l'outil conventionnel d'échange de technologies dit Technology Readiness Levels adopté chez Safran. Elle propose alors de modéliser les échanges entre vendeurs et acheteurs de technologies comme l’exploration de la frontière Technologie-Environnement en suivant le formalisme C-K T / C-K E construit. Finalement la méthode Pilotage de l'Exploration Par les Invariants Technologie-Environnement (PEPITE) est élaborée avec la direction de l'innovation Safran sur la base de deux cas d’exploration ayant effectivement passé la vallée de la mort durant l’intervention des chercheurs. / Innovation processes of large companies experience a lack of resources between Research and Development, i.e. the valley of death. Safran created its Innovation Department to counterbalance. It is based on exchanges with the subsidiaries. However such exchanges cannot be processed in most early stages, when they include unknowns. For instance, ideas generated through the DKCP method remain unexplored. This intervention-research aims at establishing a model of collective action to exchange in the unknown. It defends the thesis that, in the unknown, sellers and buyers of innovative technologies engage in the design of the boundary between technologies and environments.Facing the limits of classic models of exchanges of economy, decision, intéressement and creativity, this thesis adopts a design-theories framework. It proposes the model of design engagement of resources. It explains the limits of a common tool for exchanging technologies, i.e. Technology Readiness Levels. It proposes to model exchanges between seller and buyer as the exploration of the Technology-Environment boundary. To do so it constructs the C-K T / C-K E formalism. Finally, the method Steering Exploration Through Technology and Environment Invariants ("Pilotage de l'Exploration Par les Invariants Technologie-Environnement" (PEPITE) in French) is constructed in collaboration with Safran Innovation Department. It is based on two cases of explorations which passed the valley of death within the researchers intervention.

Impacto dos estágios pós-doutorais no exterior: a influência além da produção científica no sistema de pós-graduação / Impact of post-doctoral stage abroad: the influence beyond scientific production in the graduate studies system

Castro, Pedro Marcos Roma de 03 October 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho o estágio pós-doutoral é visto como um item de treinamento, desenvolvimento e educação próprio da carreira acadêmica, que atua como instrumento de atualização, reciclagem docente e incremento de conhecimento, por meio da socialização e contato entre pesquisadores. A presente pesquisa é exploratória, de abrangência nacional e tem como objetivo principal analisar qual o impacto do estágio pós-doutoral no exterior sobre o desempenho de docentes e programas de pós-graduação brasileiros. Para esse intento o estudo trabalhou em duas vertentes e que produziram resultados convergentes; uma vertente se pautou no levantamento da produção docente antes e depois da realização do pós-doutorado, basicamente utilizando como fonte de dados secundários o sistema Lattes, onde a construção de um Índice de Desempenho - ID, permitiu uma pesquisa exaustiva e objetiva acerca da produção científica e da produção técnica dos participantes, e outra vertente, pautou-se na coleta de dados primários por meio da aplicação de questionário estruturado com escalas psicométricas para mensurar a percepção e o julgamento dos docentes sobre o pós-doutorado e o seu impacto. Foram convidados a participar do survey todos os 2.565 docentes egressos do Programa de Estágio Pós-doutoral no Exterior, atuantes na pós-graduação e que tiveram bolsa da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES, no período de 1996 a 2008 (1996, ano de criação do programa, a 2008 quando este foi desmembrado em dois subprogramas); a taxa de retorno dos questionários enviados foi de 38,1% e configurou uma amostra de 978 professores participantes. O presente levantamento cobre todas as regiões geográficas do país e abrange todas as grandes áreas do conhecimento. Com o método de coleta bifurcado, no panorama ex ante e ex post do desempenho acadêmico, a pesquisa encontrou como resultado um impacto moderado do pós-doutorado sobre as publicações e pesquisas e um impacto quase nulo sobre o desempenho dos docentes em atividades técnico-científicas. Em relação ao questionário aplicado, as escalas utilizadas mostraram bons índices de confiabilidade e o resultado acerca das visões e das percepções dos docentes, também não foi entusiasta, registrou-se a percepção de impacto moderado e positivo sobre o trabalho docente e prevaleceu uma tendência de registro do julgamento por parte dos participantes de que o pós-doutorado no exterior possui impacto moderado e positivo sobre as atividades de pesquisa, um impacto menor sobre atividades de ensino-pesquisa e um impacto praticamente inexistente e pouco expressivo sobre as atividades de extensão universitária. Os resultados, no entanto são muito ricos e vão muito além do que os aqui expressos e sintetizados neste resumo, assim convidamos o leitor que se interesse pelo tema a passear por essa tese em sua íntegra, para acessar com maior amplitude às questões levantadas acerca do pós-doutorado e o seu efeito percebido pelos docentes no nível individual e o seu efeito julgado no nível do coletivo, bem como, em especial a influência do pós-doutorado sobre o desempenho docente no que diz respeito ao aumento da produção acadêmica e o cenário desafiador do contexto das produções docentes amplas que vão além das publicações em revistas especializadas e produções científicas no sistema de pós-graduação. / This research consider the post-doctoral stage as an item of training, development and education typical of the academic career, which operates as professor recycling, upgrade and knowledge increase instrument, by means of the socialization and the join contact of researchers professors. The main goal of the present research exploratory is to investigate what is the impact of the post-doctoral stage abroad on the professor\'s performance and programs of Brazilian Graduate Studies. For this purpose the study worked in two fronts and that produced convergent outputs, a front was based in weighing of the professor production before and after of post-doctoral realization basically using as a secondary data source the Lattes system, where the construction of a performance index allowed an ample and objective research of analysis of scientific production and technical production of the participants, and another front structured questionnaires were used for primary data collection via psychometric scales to measure the perception and the judgment of professors about the post-doctoral and its impact. Were invited to join the survey, all the 2.565 egresses professors of the program of post-doctoral stage abroad, active in graduate studies and that have scholarship of the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES), in the period 1996-2008 (1996, year of program creation, to 2008 when it was divided into two subprograms); the return rate of the questionnaires sent out was 38.1% which set up a sample of 978 professors participants. This survey covers all geographical regions of Brazil and covers all areas of knowledge. With the collection method bifurcated, in the perspective of academic performance ex- ante and ex-post, the research found a result of moderate impact on the publications and researches and an impact almost null on the professor\'s performance in technical-scientific activities. In relation the questionnaire applied, the scales used presented good levels of reliability and the result about the visions and professors perceptions, also was not enthusiastic, was registered the perception of moderate and positive impact on the professor work and prevailed a tendency de register of judgment that the postdoctoral abroad has moderate and positive impact on the researches activities, an impact less on the teaching-research and an impact practically nonexistent and little expressive in university extension activities. The results nonetheless are very rich and goes beyond the here expressed an synthesized this abstract, thus invite the reader, who has familiarity with Portuguese and that interest in the theme to walk this thesis in its entirety, to access with higher amplitude the questions raised about the postdoctoral studies and its effect judged in level of the collective, as well as in special the influence postdoctoral on the professor performance regarding the increase of scientific production and the defiant scenario of ample professor productions scenario which go beyond of publications in specialized journals and scientific productions in the graduate studies system.

A gestão das competências organizacionais em empresas da cadeia de valor para provimento de telefonia celular de 3ª geração (3G). / Organizational competencies management in the value chain for providing 3ª genneration celular telephone services (G3).

Silva, Sandro Marcio da 04 July 2002 (has links)
A tese teve como objetivo analisar os processos de desenvolvimento e compartilhamento intra-empresarial de competências organizacionais. Foi analisada a relação entre a Telemig Celular e as empresas que com ela compunham, em junho de 2002, a cadeia de valor para provimento de serviços de telefonia celular. O desenvolvimento das competências organizacionais foi analisado à luz da perspectiva de oferta dos serviços de 3G. A Telemig Celular foi analisada por meio de entrevistas e um workshop junto ao corpo gerencial. As demais empresas da cadeia foram abordadas via entrevistas junto às gerências de RH e estratégia. A utilização do modelo de Fransman mostrou que as relações entre as empresas ainda não constituem efetivas parcerias. Os elos mais forte da cadeia – indústria de equipamentos, baseada no domínio tecnológico, e operadoras, baseadas no acesso ao usuário final - têm liderado as decisões mais importantes da cadeia. Observou-se que o desenvolvimento das competências organizacionais é mais estruturado na camada 1, em que há claras regras de desenvolvimento e proteção das competências, além de diretrizes e alocação de recursos para a realização de pesquisas. Também os investimentos em RH são existentes e mais conectados com a estratégia organizacional. Nas demais empresas da cadeia encontraram-se áreas de RH reduzidas, quando existentes, e que adotam práticas e políticas de gestão tradicionais. A pesquisa mostrou que falta às empresas e, principalmente, ao RH uma visão integrada de negócios e cadeia de valor, o que tem levado à subordinação das empresas brasileiras e menores às empresas multinacionais e maiores. / This paper aimed to analyze the processes of development and intra-company sharing of organizational competencies. It looked at the relationship between Telemig Celular company and its counterparts making up the value chain in June 2002 for providing cellular telephone services. The organizational competency development was considered in the light of the 3G-service supply perspective. Telemig Celular was analyzed through interviews and a workshop with its managers. The other companies in the chain were approached through interviews with their strategy and HR managements. By using Fransman's model it was shown that the company relationships are not effective partnerships yet. The strongest links in the chain —equipment industry relying on their technological supremacy, and carriers relying on end user access— have been taking the chain's most important decisions. The development of organizational competencies was observed to be more structured in layer 1, where there are clear development rules and competency protection, as well as guidelines and fund allocation for research. Also, HR investments are present, and they are more connected to organizational strategy. In the rest of the chain companies, the research found small HR areas, if any, adopting traditional management practices and policies. And it showed that companies, mainly their HR, lack an integrated view of business and value chain, which has been leading to the subordination of the Brazilian and smaller companies to the multinational and larger ones.

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