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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O uso da atenção como classificador diagnóstico em crianças e adolescentes com transtorno do humor bipolar e transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade / Attention-based classification pattern in youths with bipolar disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Ana Kleinman 14 August 2013 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias vem contribuindo para um conhecimento mais aprofundado da fisiopatologia dos transtornos psiquiátricos, mas os resultados ainda são controversos e não parecem ser específicos para cada diagnóstico. As altas taxas de comorbidade também questionam as características principais de um diagnóstico específico. Em 2009, o Instituto Nacional de Saúde Mental dos EUA iniciou um projeto chamado Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) com o objetivo de desenvolver novas classificações para a pesquisa baseadas em dimensões de comportamentos observáveis associadas a medidas neurobiológicas. Para o estudo da fisiopatologia da comorbidade entre duas doenças mentais, esta proposta sugere que se execute o estudo de sintomas compartilhados e não partir de dois grupos diagnósticos distintos. Na psiquiatria infantil, as altas taxas de comorbidade entre o transtorno do humor bipolar (THB) e o transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) são um tema controverso. O prejuízo na atenção é um forte candidato para um estudo com a metodologia proposta pelo RDoC visto que os poucos estudos que avaliaram concomitantemente a atenção em jovens com THB e TDAH apresentaram resultados contraditórios. Um dos testes mais utilizados para o estudo da atenção em THB e TDAH é o Continuous Performance Test (CPT). Nossos objetivos foram: 1.Verificar qual é o melhor agrupamento dos sujeitos através dos resultados do Conner\'s Continuous Performance Test (CPT II) independentemente do grupo de origem (THB, TDAH, THB+TDAH, controles); 2. Construir um classificador baseado nos resultados do CPT II; 3com THB+TDAH e 18 controles com idades entre 12 e 17 anos. A melhor divisão dos sujeitos, baseada nos resultados do CPT II, foi em dois novos subgrupos. Grupo A com 35 sujeitos composto de: 30% THB, 52,2% TDAH, 51,5% THB+TDAH, e 16,7% controles. Grupo B com 49 sujeitos: 70% THB, 47,8% TDAH, 48,5% THB+TDAH, e 83,3% controles. O grupo A comparado com o B apresentou um prejuízo funcional maior evidenciado por médias significativamente mais altas no CPT II, com uma diferença significativa em oito das 12 variáveis do CPT II: omissão (p=0,0003), comissão (p=0,00000002), erro padrão (EP) do tempo de reação (TR) (p=1,7x10-20), variabilidade do EP (p=4,3x10-22), detectabilidade (p=0,000008), perseveração (p=0,0000001), TR por intervalo interestímulo (IIE) (p=4,7x10-10) e TR(EP)IIE (p= 1,5x10 -13). Foi possível construir um classificador baseado nas doze variáveis do CPT II, sendo sua acurácia de 98,8% em relação a nossa amostra e 95,2% em relação à validação cruzada confirmando a consistência desses novos grupos. As principais variáveis do CPT II usadas na função discriminante desses novos agrupamentos foram: variabilidade do erro padrão, erro padrão de TR e erro padrão de TR por intervalo interestímulo. Não houve diferença estatística em nenhuma das variáveis do CPT II quando realizamos a comparação tradicional entre THB, TDAH, THB+TDAH, e controles; e a acurácia do classificador para esses grupos foi mais baixa, de 40,5% na nossa amostra e 23,8% na validação cruzada. Discussão: Esses resultados evidenciam a heterogeneidade encontrada nas respostas do CPT II pelos grupos THB, TDAH, THB+TDAH, e controles. As três medidas que mais influenciaram a diferenciação entre os novos agrupamentos A e B foram as que medem a variação no tempo de resposta, que é um dos prejuízos mais replicados no TDAH e também está associada com THB. Essa variabilidade de resposta aumentada é sugerida como um marcador endofenotípico inespecífico de psicopatologia. Conclusão: Nossos achados refletem a heterogeneidade encontrada em pacientes classificados através de categorias diagnósticas vigentes e sugerem que a abordagem da metodologia do RDoC pode ser de grande valia para a melhor compreensão dos transtornos psiquiátricos que acometem crianças e adolescentes. Essa metodologia pode identificar subgrupos com diferenças relevantes do ponto de visto neurobiológico contribuindo para a melhor compreensão da fisiopatologia dos transtornos e promovendo caminhos nos quais a pesquisa pode trazer benefícios para decisões clínicas / The better understanding of psychiatric disorders\' pathophysiology is undeniable. Yet, the results are still replete of controversy and are not diagnostic specific. Categorical approach analysis implicitly involves the notion of a unitary entity, not taking into account the acknowledged heterogeneity present in clinical diagnoses. High comorbidity rates also raises questions about the core features of a specific diagnosis. For this purpose, the National Institute of Mental Health has initiated the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) project. Instead of using disorders categories as the basis for grouping individuals, RDoC suggests to find relevant dimensions that can cut across traditional disorders. The starting point suggested to study comorbid disorders should be shared symptoms and behaviors, instead of two distinct diagnostic groups. One of the strongest controversies in child psychiatry is the high comorbidity rate between bipolar disorder (BD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Distractibility, one of the most common symptoms in BD and ADHD could be a good candidate for an RDoC unit of analysis. Our aim was first to study the patterns of attention based on the Conners\' Continuous Performance Test (CPTII) results in youth with BD, ADHD, BD+ADHD and controls; followed by developing a classifier to compare the classification accuracy of this new formed groups and the original diagnostic ones. Results: 18 healthy controls, 23 patients with ADHD, 33 BD+ADHD and 10 BD were assessed. Using cluster analysis, the entire sample was best clustered in two new groups, A and B, based on the twelve CPT II variables performance, independently of the original diagnoses. 35 subjects in group A: 30% BD, 52.2% ADHD, 51.5% BD+ADHD and 16.7% controls. 49 individuals in group B: 70% BD, 47.8% ADHD, 48.5% BD+ADHD and 83.3% controls. Group A presented a greater impairment exhibited by higher means in all CPTII variables, SNAP-IV means, and lower CGAS means. When we compared the CPT II variables performance between the new clustered groups A and B we found eight out of the twelve CPT II measures that were statistically significant: omission (p=0.0003), commission (p=0.00000002), standard error (SE) of hit reaction time (RT) (p=1.7x10-20), variability of SE (p=4.3x10 -22), detectability (p=0.000008), perseveration (p=0.0000001), hit RT by interstimulus interval (ISI) (p=4.7x10 - 10) and hit RT SE ISI. We found high cross-validated classification accuracy for A and B groups: 95.2%. The stronger CPT II variables in the discriminative pattern were: variability of standard error ranking first, followed by hit RT SE, hit RT SE ISI. There were no statistically significant differences in any of the CPT II measures when comparing the four original groups (BD, ADHD, BD+ADHD, controls). The cross-validated classification accuracy based on the CPT II measures performance in order to classify subjects in the original four groups was much lower (23.8%). Discussion: These results highlight the heterogeneity of CPT II responses among each of the four original groups: BD, ADHD, BD+ADHD and controls. The three variables that most influenced the new clustered groups were the ones that measure and adolescents may share this attentional trait marker. Conclusion: In summary, our findings highlighted the heterogeneity of patients clustered by categorical diagnostic classification. In addition, our classificatory exercise supports the concept behind new approaches like the RDoC framework for child and adolescent psychiatry. It can define meaningful clinical subgroups for the purpose of pathophysiological studies and treatment selection, and provide a pathway by which research findings can be translated into changes in clinical decision making

Xadrez motivacional: uma nova abordagem de estimulação das funções executivas em dependentes de cocaína/crack / Motivational Chess: a new approach of executive function stimulation in crack/cocaine dependence

Priscila Dib Gonçalves 19 November 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A dependência de cocaína/crack está associada a prejuízos neuropsicológicos, principalmente nas funções executivas, estas gerenciadas predominantemente pelo córtex préfrontal do cérebro. O jogo de xadrez é uma atividade que recruta funções executivas e tem sido empregado na reabilitação de pacientes com outros transtornos psiquiátricos; porém, nenhum estudo, até hoje, avaliou o impacto deste jogo em pacientes com dependência química. OBJETIVO: Investigar a viabilidade e o impacto de uma abordagem inovadora, o Xadrez Motivacional, com foco na estimulação das funções executivas, especialmente em memória de trabalho, planejamento e tomada de decisões. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 72 pacientes entre 18 e 45 anos que estavam internados na Enfermaria do Comportamento Impulsivo (ECIM) do IPq-HC-FMUSP com diagnóstico de dependência de cocaína/crack. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos, o Grupo Intervenção (n=42), submetido ao Xadrez Motivacional (intervenções por meio de estratégias de Entrevista Motivacional e jogo de xadrez) e o Grupo Controle, (n=30) submetido a atividades recreativas. Os pacientes foram avaliados pré e pós intervenção (aproximadamente um mês de abstinência) através de testes neuropsicológicos e escalas de autopreenchimento. RESULTADOS: Foi observada melhoria significativa na maioria das funções avaliadas, em ambos os grupos (intervenção e controle), porém a participação no Grupo Intervenção associou-se com uma melhoria mais significativa em memória de trabalho verbal. CONCLUSÃO: Estes resultados são promissores por demonstrarem a viabilidade do Xadrez Motivacional nesta população e, principalmente, por auxiliar significativamente na melhoria da memória de trabalho no Grupo Intervenção / INTRODUCTION: Crack cocaine dependence is associated with neuropsychological impairments, mainly in executive functions, managed predominantly by the prefrontal cortex. The game of chess is an activity that recruits executive functions and has been used in the rehabilitation of patients with other psychiatric disorders, but no study to date has evaluated the impact of this game on patients with substance dependency. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the feasibility and impact of an innovative approach, Motivational Chess, focusing on executive function stimulation, especially in working memory, planning and decision making. METHODS: The study enrolled 72 patients between 18 and 45 years who were admitted in the Impulsive Behavior Ward (ECIM) of IPq-HC-FMUSP diagnosed with crack/cocaine dependence. Patients were divided into two groups, the intervention group (n=42) underwent Motivational Chess (interventions using Motivational Interviewing strategies and chess game) and the control group (n=30) was submitted to recreational activities. Patients were assessed pre and post intervention (approximately one month of abstinence) using neuropsychological tests and self-report scales. RESULTS: We found significant improvement in most of the functions evaluated in both groups (control and intervention), but participation in the intervention group was associated with a more significant improvement in verbal working memory. CONCLUSION: These results are promising to show the feasibility of this approach of cognitive stimulation in this population and mainly to aid significantly improve of working memory

Estudo prospectivo dos aspectos neuropsicológicos e da qualidade de vida de doentes com lesão axonial difusa traumática / Prospective study of the neuropsychological aspects and quality of life of patients with traumatic diffuse axonal injury

Ana Luiza Costa Zaninotto 29 July 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE) é o maior problema de saúde pública nos países ocidentais. A lesão axonial difusa (LAD) é uma das mais importantes causas de sequelas neurológicas e resultam do comprometimento da substância branca causada por forças rotacionais e/ou aceleração/ desaceleração no parênquima encefálico que tensiona e lesa os axônios. Apesar dos doentes com TCE apresentarem déficits neurológicos transitórios, as mudanças cognitivas podem ser persistentes, especialmente em lesões moderadas e severas. Até o momento poucos estudos analisaram aspectos neuropsicológicos de doentes com LAD. Método: Estudo unicêntrico, prospectivo, exploratório, com braço único e três níveis de medidas repetidas. Quarenta doentes com LAD de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 18 e 55 anos foram avaliados na fase 1 (até 3 meses após o trauma), fase 2 (6 meses) e fase 3 (12 meses). Na fase 1 avaliou-se os sintomas depressivos (BDI), ansiosos (IDATE), qualidade de vida (QV SF-36) e sobrecarga do cuidador (Zarit Burden Interview). Na fase foram avaliadas as mesmas variáveis, acrescida da avaliação cognitiva (QI, memória episódica verbal e visuoespacial, processos atencionais, funções executivas, coordenação motora). Na fase 3 repetimos o procedimento da fase 2. Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa dos sintomas depressivos, de ansiedade, sobrecarga do cuidador nas fases 1, 2 e 3. Constatamos melhora significativa na memória episódica verbal e visuoespacial (p < 0,05), dos processos atencionais (p < 0,05). O QI e a idade do doente foram preditores para desempenho dos doentes em diversos testes, o mesmo não foi observado em relação a gravidade do trauma. Conclusão: O estudo mostrou melhora espontânea da memória episódica e dos processos atencionais em doentes com LAD no primeiro ano após o trauma. Esses resultados foram independentes da gravidade do trauma e dos sintomas depressivos, ansiosos e da QV dos doentes. Esses achados podem estar associados à neuroplasticidade, evidenciando-se janela terapêutica importante no primeiro ano após o trama / Introduction: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major public health problem in Western countries. Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) is one of the most important causes of neurological damage and result of white matter impairment caused by rotational forces and / or acceleration / deceleration in the brain parenchyma tenses and damages the axons. Although patients with TBI present transient neurological deficits, cognitive changes may be persistent, especially in moderate and severe injuries. To date few studies have examined neuropsychological aspects of patients with DAI. Method: single-center study, prospective, exploratory, with one arm design and three levels of repeated measures. Forty patients with LAD, both sexes, aged 18 to 55 were evaluated in phase 1 (up to 3 months after the trauma), phase 2 (6 months) and phase 3 (12 months). In phase 1 we evaluated depressive symptoms (BDI), anxiety (STAI), quality of life (QoL SF-36) and caregiver burden (Zarit Burden Interview). In phase 2 were evaluated the same variables, plus the cognitive assessment (IQ, verbal and visuospatial episodic memory, attentional processes, executive functions, motor coordination). In phase 3 we repeat the procedure from step 2. Results: No significant differences in depressive symptoms, anxiety, and caregiver burden in phases 1, 2 and 3. We found significant improvement in verbal and visuospatial episodic memory (p < 0.05), of the attentional processes (p < 0.05). The IQ and patient age were predictors for performance of patients in several tests, the same was not observed for the severity of the trauma. Conclusion: The study showed spontaneous improvement of episodic memory and attentional processes in patients with LAD in the first year after the trauma. These results were independent of the severity of the trauma and depressive symptoms, anxiety and QoL of the patients. These findings may be associated with neuroplasticity, demonstrating important therapeutic window in the first year after the trauma

O papel da escolaridade, do alfabetismo funcional e dos fatores sociodemográficos na avaliação cognitiva do idoso / The role of formal education, functional literacy, and demographic factors on the cognitive assessment of older adults

Daniel Apolinario 06 August 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A busca pelo diagnóstico cada vez mais precoce das demências traz a necessidade de estratégias mais eficientes na utilização dos testes cognitivos. A definição dos parâmetros de normalidade para esses testes é particularmente desafiadora no contexto brasileiro de baixa escolaridade e grande heterogeneidade sociocultural. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos de diferentes estratégias de ajuste de normas nas propriedades do Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM). MÉTODOS: Duzentos e trinta idosos encaminhados a um serviço de Geriatria por suspeita de comprometimento cognitivo foram recrutados sequencialmente e submetidos ao MEEM. Todos os pacientes passaram por uma segunda avaliação cega para o resultado do MEEM, constituída de testagem neuropsicológica e entrevista com um informante para obtenção de diagnóstico padrão-ouro. Para o ajuste de normas, quatro fatores preditores foram testados: (1) características sociodemográficas; (2) uma classificação simples de alfabetismo funcional com quatro níveis; (3) um questionário de habilidades cognitivas pré-morbidas respondido pelo informante; (4) um teste de leitura de palavras aplicado diretamente ao paciente. Três técnicas de predição foram testadas: (1) agrupamento em níveis; (2) regressão linear; (3) regressão não-linear por modelo polinomial fracional. As combinações de fatores preditores e técnicas de predição deram origem a vinte modelos que foram testados individualmente na comparação com o MEEM sem ajuste. Os desfechos avaliados foram a acurácia do modelo na detecção de comprometimento cognitivo e a variação da sensibilidade e da especificidade entre os níveis socioeconômicos. RESULTADOS: Entre os 230 idosos recrutados, 106 (46%) apresentavam envelhecimento cognitivo normal, 56 (24%) comprometimento cognitivo sem demência e 68 (29%) demência. A classificação de alfabetismo funcional, o questionário de habilidades cognitivas pré-mórbidas e o teste de leitura de palavras não apresentaram propriedades adequadas para ajuste de normas, mas as limitações podem estar relacionadas a problemas específicos dos instrumentos utilizados e não devem ser generalizadas. Alguns modelos baseados em fatores sociodemográficos foram capazes de melhorar a acurácia do MEEM, resultado que diverge da literatura atual e que deve ser confirmado em outros estudos com populações de baixa escolaridade. Um modelo polinomial fracional utilizando variáveis sociodemográficas apresentou propriedades ótimas de acurácia e promoveu estabilização da sensibilidade e da especificidade entre os níveis socioeconômicos. A partir das equações geradas por esse modelo podem ser construídas tabelas simples de uso clínico para converter o resultado bruto em escore z ou percentil. CONCLUSÕES: Nossos resultados apontam o modelo polinomial fracional baseado em variáveis sociodemográficas como a melhor opção para ajuste de normas de testes cognitivos em nosso meio / INTRODUCTION: The need for diagnosing dementia early demands effective strategies on the use of cognitive tests. Establishing criteria of normality for these tests is a challenging task in environments of low education and enormous sociocultural heterogeneity such as observed in Brazil. OBJETIVE: To evaluate how different strategies for adjusting norms can change the properties of the Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE). METHODS: Two hundred and thirty older adults referred for a geriatric service because of suspected cognitive impairment were recruited sequentially and completed the MMSE. All the patients underwent a second assessment, blind to the result of the MMSE, which was composed of a neuropsychological battery and an interview with a close informant for the establishment a gold-standard diagnosis. For the adjustment of the norms, four predictive factors were evaluated: (1) demographic characteristics; (2) a simple classification of functional literacy with four levels; (3) a premorbid abilities questionnaire; (4) a word-reading test. Three techniques of prediction were evaluated: (1) grouping in demographic or ability levels; (2) simple or multivariate linear regression; (3) nonlinear regression by using a fractional polynomial model. Some possible combinations of predictive factors and prediction techniques originated twenty models that were assessed individually in comparison with the raw MMSE scores. The endpoints assessed were accuracy of the model for detecting cognitive impairment and the variation of the sensibility and specificity across socioeconomic levels. RESULTS: Of the 230 older adults recruited, 106 (46%) had normal cognitive aging, 56 (24%) presented cognitive impairment no dementia (CIND) and 68 (29%) had dementia. The functional literacy classification, the premorbid cognitive abilities questionnaire and the word-reading test did not present adequate properties for the adjustment of norms, but the limitations may be associated to specific problems of the instruments an cannot be generalized. Some models based on the demographic characteristics were able to improve the accuracy of the MMSE. This finding diverges from the currently available literature and should be confirmed in further studies with low-educated populations. A fractional polynomial model employing demographic factors presented very good properties and was able to stabilize the sensibility and the specificity across the socioeconomic levels. The equations generated by this model can be employed to construct practical tables for converting raw scores into z scores and percentiles. CONCLUSIONS: Our results point to the fractional polynomial model based on demographic variables as the best choice to adjust norms for cognitive tests in our context

Malperformance in Verbal Fluency and Delayed Recall as Cognitive Risk Factors for Impairment in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living

Köhler, Mirjam, Kliegel, Matthias, Wiese, Birgitt, Bickel, Horst, Kaduszkiewicz, Hanna, Bussche, Hendrik van den, Eifflaender-Gorfer, Sandra, Eisele, Marion, Fuchs, Angela, König, Hans-Helmut, Leicht, Hanna, Luck, Tobias, Maier, Wolfgang, Mösch, Edelgard, Riedel-Heller, Steffi, Tebarth, Franziska, Wagner, Michael, Weyerer, Siegfried, Zimmermann, Thomas, Pentzek, Michael January 2011 (has links)
Background: Maintaining independence in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) is crucial for older adults. This study explored the association between cognitive and functional performance in general and in single IADL domains. Also, risk factors for developing IADL impairment were assessed. Methods: Here, 3,215 patients aged 75–98 years were included. Data were collected during home visits. Results: Cognitive functioning was associated with IADL both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Regarding the single IADL domains cross-sectionally, executive functioning was especially associated with shopping, while episodic memory was associated with responsibility for own medication. Conclusion: Reduced performance in neuropsychological tests is associated with a greater risk of current and subsequent functional impairment. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Malperformance in Verbal Fluency and Delayed Recall as Cognitive Risk Factors for Impairment in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living

Koehler, Mirjam, Kliegel, Matthias, Wiese, Birgitt, Bickel, Horst, Kaduszkiewicz, Hanna, van den Bussche, Hendrik, Eifflaender-Gorfer, Sandra, Eisele, Marion, Fuchs, Angela, Koenig, Hans-Helmut, Leicht, Hanna, Maier, Wolfgang, Moesch, Edelgard, Riedel-Heller, Steffi, Tebarth, Franziska, Wagner, Michael, Weyerer, Siegfried, Zimmermann, Thomas, Pentzek, Michael 04 August 2020 (has links)
Background: Maintaining independence in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) is crucial for older adults. This study explored the association between cognitive and functional performance in general and in single IADL domains. Also, risk factors for developing IADL impairment were assessed. Methods: Here, 3,215 patients aged 75–98 years were included. Data were collected during home visits. Results: Cognitive functioning was associated with IADL both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Regarding the single IADL domains cross-sectionally, executive functioning was especially associated with shopping, while episodic memory was associated with responsibility for own medication. Conclusion: Reduced performance in neuropsychological tests is associated with a greater risk of current and subsequent functional impairment.

Neuropsihloški korelati mikrostrukturnih promena mozga utvrđenih metodom magnetne rezonance kod obolelih od blagog kognitivnog poremećaja i Alchajmerove bolesti / Neuropsychological correlates of microstructural brain damage visualized by magnetic resonance imaging in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease

Vujanić Stankov Tijana 24 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Alchajmerova bolest je najče&scaron;ća demencija od svih demencija i karakteri&scaron;e je depozicija senilinih plakova i neurofibrilarnih klubadi u kortikalnim moždanim regionima, koje daljim razvojem bolesti postaju atrofične. Klinički se karakteri&scaron;e smetnjma na planu pamćenja, egzekutivnih funkcija, pažnje i ostalih kognitivnih funkcija uz odustsvo sposobnosti samostalnog funkcionisanja u svakodnevnom životu. Blagi kognitivni poremeća (BKP) je klinički entitet koji se smatra početnim stadijumom demencije u kom se registruju smetnje na planu pamćenja, ali i drugih kognitvnih funkcija, uz očuvanu funkcionalnost u svakodnevnom životu. Kod obe bolesti je utvrđeno da pored kortikalnog zahvatanja, patolo&scaron;kim procesom je zahvaćena i bela masa mozga. U dana&scaron;nje vreme se mirkostrukturno o&scaron;tećenje bele mase mozga može ispitati difuzionim tenzorskim imidžinogom (DTI) na magnentoj rezonanci mozga (MR). Cilj: Utvrditi razlike neuropsiholo&scaron;kih skorova i razlike DTI parametara između obolelih od AB, BKP i kontrolne grupe zdravih ispitanika, kao i utvrditi da li postoji korelacija između neuropsiholo&scaron;kih skorova i DTI parametara kod BKP i AB.&nbsp; Metode: U istraživanje je uključeno tri ispitivane grupe od po 30 ispitanika: oboleli od AB u blagom stadijumu bolesti, oboleli od amnestičkog multi-domen BKP i kontrolna grupa zdravih ispitanika. Dijagnoza kod obolelih u obe grupe je postavljena na osnovu kliničkih kriterijuma aktuelnih dijagnostičkih kriterijuma iz 2011. godine. Kod svih ispitanika je sprovedeno detaljno neuropsiholo&scaron;ko testiranje u cilju procene kognitivnih funkcija (smetnji na planu pamćenja, egzekutivnih funkcija, pažnje, govora, vizuospacijalnih i vizuokonstrukcionih sposobnosti), depresivnosti i drugih neuropsihijatrijskih simptoma i kvaliteta života. Samo je kod obolelih od AB dopunski vr&scaron;ena procena sposobnosti svakodnevnog funkcionisanja. Kognitivne funkcije su ispitane formiranjem kognitivnih domena, na osnovu pretpostavke o zajedničkom predmetu merenja kori&scaron;ćenih testova. Potom je načinjen MR mozga, u okviru koje je analiziran i DTI. Dalja obrada DTI je sprovedena primenom TBSS metode, čime su dobijene vrednosti DTI parametara: frakcione anizotropije (FA), srednje difuzivnosti (SD), radijalne difuzivnosti (RD) i aksijalne difuzivnosti (DA). Nakon toga je načinjena korelacija neuropsiholo&scaron;kog postignuća i DTI parametara kori&scaron;ćenjem Pirsonovog, odnosno Spirmanovog koeficijenta korelacije. Rezultati: Oboleli od AB su imali lo&scaron;ije postignuće na planu vizuelnog pamćenja, verbalnog pamćenja, neposrednog upamćivanja, odloženog prisećanja, pažnje, govora, egzekutivnih funkcija, mi&scaron;ljenja, radne memorije i vizuospacijalnih i vizuokonstrukcionih sposobnosti u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu zdravih. Oboleli od BKP su imali lo&scaron;ije postignuće u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu zdravih u domenima vizuelno pamćenje, neposredno upamćivanje, odloženo prisećanje, govor, mi&scaron;ljenje i vizuospacijalne i vizuokonstrukcione sposobnosti. Obe grupe obolelih su ispoljile vi&scaron;e depresivnih simptoma u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu zdravih ispitanika. Takođe, obe grupe obolelih ispoljavaju statistički značajno vi&scaron;e neuropsihijatrijskih simptoma u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike, gde se kod obolelih od AB registruju sumanute ideje, halucinacije, agitacija, euforija, dezinhibicija, ritabilnost i apatija, dok se kod obolelih od BKP registruju anksioznost i iritabilnost. Oboleli od AB imaju lo&scaron;iji kvalitet života u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike, dok između oboleli od BKP i zdravih ispitanika nema razlike u proceni kvaliteta života. &Scaron;to se tiče DTI parametara, oboleli od AB imaju niži FA i vi&scaron;u SD, RD i DA u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike na vi&scaron;e puteva bele mase: prednji krak kapsule interne, prednja korona radijata, telo korpusa kalozuma, cingulum, kapsula eksterna, fornix-strija terminalis, koleno korpusa kalozuma, donji fronto-okcipitalni fascikulus, zadnja korona radijata, gornji fronto-okcipitalni fascikulus, gornji longitudinalni fascikulus i fascikulus uncinatus. Oboleli od BKP imaju sniženu FA i povi&scaron;enu SD, RD i DA u regiji forniksa u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike. Kod obolelih od AB registrovane su značajne povezanosti mikrostrukturnog o&scaron;tećenja bele mase i o&scaron;tećenja svih kognitivnih domena, izuzev domena mi&scaron;ljenje, dok su kod obolelih od BKP registrovane značajne povezanosti mikrostrukturnog o&scaron;tećenja bele mase i o&scaron;tećenja svih kognitivnih domena, izuzev domena egzekutivne funkcije. U grupi obolelih od BKP je bilo vi&scaron;e registrovanih korelacija o&scaron;tećenja domena verbalno pamćenje, odloženo prisećanje i govor sa o&scaron;tećenjem bele mase mozga, dok je kod AB bilo vi&scaron;e registrovanih korelacija o&scaron;tećenja domena vizuelno pamćenje, neposredno upamćivanje, pažnja, radna memorija i vizuospacijalne i vizuokontrukcione sposobnosti sa o&scaron;tećenjem bele mase mozga. Depresivnost je jedino u grupi BKP značajno korelirala sa o&scaron;tećenjem određenih puteva bele mase mozga. Zaključak: U blagom stadijumu obolelih od AB se registruje kognitivno o&scaron;tećenje svih ispitivanih domena, vi&scaron;e su ispoljeni depresivni simptomi, utvrđen je veliki broj neuropsihijatrijskih simptoma i naru&scaron;en je kvalitet života u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike. Kod obolelih od BKP je registrovano kognitivno o&scaron;tećenje vi&scaron;e od pola procenjivanih kognitivnih funkcija, vi&scaron;e su ispoljeni depresivni simptomi i utvrđeno prisustvo anksioznosti i iritabilnosti, dok kvalitet života nije naru&scaron;en u ovoj fazi bolesti u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike. Rezultati vezani za mikrostrukturno o&scaron;tećenja mozga u najranijim fazama AB ukazuju da je neuronska mreža značajno o&scaron;tećena u najranijim kliničkim fazama bolesti, dok je u stadijumu BKP izolovana na o&scaron;tećenje u regiji forniksa. U grupi obolelih od BKP je bilo vi&scaron;e registrovanih korelacija o&scaron;tećenja domena verbalno pamćenje, odloženo prisećanje i govor sa o&scaron;tećenjem bele mase mozga, dok je kod AB bilo vi&scaron;e registrovanih korelacija o&scaron;tećenja domena vizuelno pamćenje, neposredno upamćivanje, pažnja, radna memorija i vizuospacijalne i vizuokontrukcione sposobnosti sa o&scaron;tećenjem bele mase mozga. Stepen depresivnosti i o&scaron;tećenje bele mase mozga je povezano isključivo na nivou BKP.</p> / <p>Alzheimer&#39;s disease (AD) is the most common dementia of all dementia with deposition of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in cortical brain regions, which become atrophic in the further disease development. It`s main clinical characteristics are impairment of memory, executive function, attention and other cognitive functions with impairment in daily living activities. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a clinical entity considered as an initial stage of dementia with present memory impairment, as well as other cognitive functions, while maintaining the functionality of the everyday life. In both diseases, pathological processes affect also the white matter of the brain. Nowadays, microstructural damage of the brain white matter is diagnosed by using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in the brain magnetic resonance imaging (MR). Objective: The aim of this study was to determine differences in neuropsychological scores and differences in DTI parameters between patients with AD, MCI and control groups of healthy subjects, as well as to determine whether there is a correlation between scores and DTI parameters in MCI and AD.&nbsp; Methods: The study included three groups of 30 patients each: of AD patients in the mild stage of the disease, patients with multi-domain amnestic MCI, and healthy controls. The patient&rsquo;s diagnosis are based upon clinical criteria of current diagnostic criteria proposed in 2011. All patients had assessment of cognitive functions (impairment of memory, executive function, attention, language, visuospatial and construction abilities), depressive symptoms and other behavioral disorders and quality of life. Only in patients with AD, we also assessed ability of daily living activities. Cognitive functions were tested by forming cognitive domains, based on the assumption of a common object of measurement of analyzed tests. Further, participants had MRI scan, in which DTI was analyzed. DTI post-processing was carried out by using TBSS method, whereby the values of DTI parameters were: fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), radial diffusivity (RD) and axial diffusivity (DA). We conducted correlation analysis of the neuropsychological achievements and DTI parameters using Pearson or Spearman&rsquo;s correlation coefficient, dependent on variable distribution. Results: The patients with AD had lower scores in the field of visual memory, verbal memory, immediate and delayed recall, attention, language, executive functions, reasoning, working memory and visuospatial and construction abilities compared to the control group. Patients with MCI had lower scores compared to the control group in the domains of visual memory, immediate and delayed recall, language, reasoning, and visuospatial and construction abilities. Both groups of patients have more depressive symptoms in relation to the control group of healthy subjects. In addition, both groups of patients exhibited a significantly higher degree of behavioral disorders as compared to healthy subjects, where AD patients experienced delusions, hallucinations, agitation, euphoria, disinhibition, irritability and apathy, while MCI patients experienced anxiety and irritability. Patients with AD had a poor quality of life compared to healthy subjects, whereas people with MCI did not. As for the parameters of DTI, AD patients had decrease of FA and increase of MD, RD, and DA compared to the healthy subjects in the multiple white matter tracts: anterior limb of internal capsule, anterior part of corona radiata, the body of the corpus callosum, cingulum, external capsule, fornix- striae terminalis, genu of the corpus callosum, inferior frontal-occipital fasciculus, posterior corona radiata, superior frontal-occipital fasciculus, superior longitudinal fasciculus and fasciculus uncinatus. Patients with MCI had decreased FA and increased MD, RD and DA in the fornix compared to healthy subjects. In AD patients, there was significant association between microstructural white matter brain damage and all cognitive domains, except domain reasoning, while in patients with MCI significant association was evident between microstructural white matter damage and all cognitive domains, except the domain of executive function. Results related to the microstructural white matter brain damage in mild AD indicates that wide neural network is significantly damaged at the earliest clinical stages of the disease, while in MCI stage only fornix shows microstructural white matter brain damage. Level of impairment of verbal memory, delayed recall and language correlates more frequently in MCI group compared to mild AD group, where impairment in the field of visual memory, immediate recall, attention, working memory and visuospatial and construction abilities correlates more frequently with white matter brain damage. Association of depressive symptoms and white matter brain damage was significant in MCI patients. Conclusion: In mild AD, cognitive impairment is present in all cognitive domains; patients experience more depressive symptoms and wider spectrum of behavioral disorders with compromised quality of life compared to healthy subjects. In MCI patients, cognitive impairment is present in more than half of the assessed cognitive functions; patients also experience more depressive symptoms, as well as anxiety and irritability without quality of life deterioration compared to healthy subjects. Results related to the microstructural white matter brain damage in mild AD indicates that wide neural network is significantly damaged at the earliest clinical stages of the disease, while in MCI stage only fornix shows microstructural white matter brain damage. Level of impairment of verbal memory, delayed recall and language correlates more frequently in MCI group compared to mild AD group, where impairment in the field of visual memory, immediate recall, attention, working memory and visuospatial and construction abilities correlates more frequently with white matter brain damage. The degree of depression correlated significantly with white matter brain damage solely at the level of MCI.</p>

Neuropsychological predictors of treatment outcome in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

Motaghi, Mohammad Javad 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The Use of Methylphenidate for Cognitive Decline Associated With HIV Disease

Brown, George R. 01 January 1995 (has links)
OBJECTIVE: Complaints of cognitive changes are often expressed by patients at all stages of HIV infection. Such changes include decreased memory and attention span, diminished concentration, apathy, and "slowing." Methylphenidate (MPD) has been used in several clinical studies in men with late-stage HIV disease in an attempt to ameliorate these difficulties. The objectives of this review article are to review salient psychopharmacological characteristics of MPD and to describe the research and clinical literature supporting the use of MPD in patients at all stages of HIV infection. METHODS: Seven studies, case reports, or abstracts from International Conferences on AIDS were available in the English literature through August, 1993, directly addressing the use of MPD in patients with HIV disease. Twenty-nine papers were reviewed for pharmacokinetic data, eighteen for safety and side effects issues, and seventeen for relevant contributions from the neuropsychological testing literature. RESULTS: Studies in clinical settings have used doses ranges from 10-90 mg. per day in two or three divided doses with reportedly good results in improving both affective and cognitive symptoms associated with HIV disease. Side effects have been relatively mild and patient satisfaction with treatment has been high. However, no studies have been conducted in early stage HIV disease, where a significant minority of patients have similar complaints in the absence of clinically apparent immunosuppression. Likewise, placebo-controlled, dose-finding studies in AIDS patients are entirely lacking, and no studies in women with HIV disease and cognitive changes have been published. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of these important research short-comings, clinical experience with MPD treatment of cognitive changes in men with HIV/AIDS is consistent with the notion that this medication holds significant promise to improve the quality of life for persons living with HIV/AIDS. Controlled studies to test this hypothesis are warranted.

Metamemory and prospective memory in Parkinson's disease

Smith, Sarah J., Souchay, C., Moulin, C.J.A. January 2011 (has links)
No / Metamemory is integral for strategizing about memory intentions. This study investigated the prospective memory (PM) deficit in Parkinson's disease (PD) from a metamemory viewpoint, with the aim of examining whether metamemory deficits might contribute to PM deficits in PD. METHOD: Sixteen patients with PD and 16 healthy older adult controls completed a time-based PM task (initiating a key press at two specified times during an ongoing task), and an event-based PM task (initiating a key press in response to animal words during an ongoing task). To measure metamemory participants were asked to predict and postdict their memory performance before and after completing the tasks, as well as complete a self-report questionnaire regarding their everyday memory function. RESULTS: The PD group had no impairment, relative to controls, on the event-based task, but had prospective (initiating the key press) and retrospective (recalling the instructions) impairments on the time-based task. The PD group also had metamemory impairments on the time-based task; they were inaccurate at predicting their performance before doing the task but, became accurate when making postdictions. This suggests impaired metamemory knowledge but preserved metamemory monitoring. There were no group differences regarding PD patients' self-reported PM performance on the questionnaire. CONCLUSIONS: These results reinforce previous findings that PM impairments in PD are dependent on task type. Several accounts of PM failures in time-based tasks are presented, in particular, ways in which mnemonic and metacognitive deficits may contribute to the difficulties observed on the time-based task.

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