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康德美學中的構想力研究 / Imagination in Kant's Aesthetics

蔡幸芝 Unknown Date (has links)
康德(Immanuel Kant)對「構想力」(Imagination / Einbildungskraft)的看法,隨其思想發展而轉變。然而這出於康德對構想力觀點的修正,抑或主張同一種能力的不同表現?學者們各有見解。在我們看來,構想力的論爭與各家觀點,都可在文本中獲得佐證,難以輕言對錯。這除了是出於研究者對問題意識的趨向,可採取時間性的縱軸,研究構想力的發展歷程;抑或採取空間性的橫軸,探究構想力在特定領域(理論認識或審美活動)的效能;亦可針對問題本身,去論析構想力某種特定功能的轉變。在此同時,也顯示康德對構想力的看法不如其他認識能力(知性、判斷力、理性)的功能來得清晰明確;可是我們也可以大膽地假設,這是因為構想力本身就不是能夠被定義與完全闡明的能力。構想力的某些運作方式,究竟它如何產生的過程,至今仍是個謎團,超出人類目前所知的範圍。 我們將採取問題意識的研究路徑,主張構想力可作為理解康德思路轉變與發展的指標,因為構想力不但在其知識論與美學中扮演重要的角色,並且使得思想的整合與貫通成為可能。在《判斷力批判》之審美判斷力的部分,構想力獲得最自由的表現,「審美判斷力的批判」則被公認為康德的美學理論,因此我們以「康德美學中的構想力」為研究主題。然而構想力的自由,又是相對於它在理論認識中受到知性原理的規定而言的,所以我們必須先釐清在《判斷力批判》之前,構想力是否曾出現過一種前概念的、不受制於知性規範的綜合之自由,才能主張構想力在康德美學中表現得比知識論中更突出、更卓越。為此,我們的研究溯及構想力出現在最為人熟知的脈絡,即《純粹理性批判》的兩版「純粹知性概念的先驗演繹」與「純粹知性概念的圖式論」,以對比構想力的自由在理論認識與審美活動之間的差異。此外,我們認為構想力有許多功能與任務,就主體能力而言,構想力兼具感性與知性能力的特質;就對象知識的構成而言,構想力的先驗圖式亦介於概念與直觀之間,使得抽象概念應用於感性雜多成為可能;就審美活動而言,構想力是與知性或理性之間相互一致或不一致的作用。無論如何,由於康德賦予構想力某種中介的任務,它的功能始終要與其他認識機能一起進行的情況下,才能施展開來。因此,我們是將構想力置於它與判斷力的關係中探討。這是因為我們審視自然世界,無論採取認知的或審美的觀點,我們都在下判斷,即動用到我們心靈中的判斷力。然而無論是規定的判斷力在理論認識中,形成認知判斷;抑或反思的判斷力在審美活動中,形成優美及崇高判斷,判斷力的運用都需要藉助構想力的功能,才能完成一個判斷。因此,構想力在理論認識與審美活動的不同表現,更合適理解為返回到主體認識諸機能及其原理之中,考察構想力與判斷力的兩種運用之成果。 因此,我們便將構想力置於判斷力之運用的框架下,提出討論。論文共分七章,第一章導論與第七章結論之外,將以「反思判斷力與自然的合目的性原理」、「構想力與先驗演繹」、「構想力與圖式論」、「構想力與鑑賞判斷」及「構想力與崇高判斷」為主題依序闡述,至於闡述的明晰性(clarity),我們考量到康德所說的,「可建立在憑藉概念的推理的(邏輯的)明晰性,亦可建立在憑藉直觀的直覺的(感性的)明晰性,即憑藉實例或其他具體說明的明晰性。」 因此,我們希望既做到前後連貫的理論推演,也盡可能地運用例證來輔助說明。以下扼要闡述各章要點。 第二章「反思判斷力與自然的合目的性原理」,是我們正式進入構想力與判斷力運用關係之探討前的預備工作。由於康德是將美學(即審美判斷力的批判)置於其哲學體系的架構中處理,優美與崇高判斷是反思判斷力及其自然的合目的性原理之應用之一,我們就必須理解康德賦予《判斷力批判》的系統任務,才知美學理論在系統哲學中的地位,進而釐清構想力在美學中的作用。換言之,我們先綜觀全貌再轉進問題的核心,以避免見樹不見林的危險。本章就《判斷力批判》的〈導論〉為本,先論康德指出人類心靈具有三種高階的認識機能:知性、判斷力、理性;介於中間的判斷力具有兩種運用方式(規定的與反思的),其中反思判斷力才是《判斷力批判》的焦點。再論康德推得反思判斷力有其自身的先驗原理——即自然的合目的性原理,卻非將自然「認知」為蘊含目的因,而是指出我們對自然的經驗探究,主體必先採取一種假設的觀點:即自然「好像是」(as if)蘊含一個經驗法則的系統,它在一超越的理智之中被統一起來,並且正好契合了我們的認識能力及目的。最後,我們將分析自然的合目的性原理在三方面的應用:(1)作為知性認識系統化的規約性原理;(2)作為主觀的審美情感之規定性原理;(3)作為道德經驗與自然經驗的統一性之超感性的底基。 其中與本文直接相關者,在於經驗的個殊者、反思判斷力以及主觀情感,它們三者形成一藝術的領域,是前兩大批判尚未被探討的地帶;此地帶隱含了兩個領域獲得連結的可能性。 第三章「構想力與先驗演繹」,我們將先釐清康德在「形上演繹」中,提及「構想力的一般綜合」之意涵;再指出康德對構想力的兩種立場:第一,構想力的綜合先於知性的概念化綜合;第二,構想力的綜合隸屬於知性的綜合之下,是知性概念對感性對象的初步應用。在A版的主觀演繹中,康德談及一個判斷或對象知識的形成,通過「三重綜合」(threefold synthesis)的作用:直觀中領會的綜合(the synthesis of apprehension in intuition)、構想力中再生的綜合(the synthesis of reproduction in imagination)及概念中認定的綜合(the synthesis of recognition in a concept)。我們將指出三重綜合的結果顯示,先驗統覺作為經驗對象之同一性的先天根據,而構想力的綜合則促使直觀的雜多與統覺的統一性獲得連結,是形成理論知識的第三種能力。然而「本源的綜合統一性」指向先驗統覺,亦指向純粹的構想力,這與構想力是否是比感性與知性(統覺的思維)更基礎的能力有關。在B版的先驗演繹中,我們則探討「理智的綜合」(intellectual synthesis)與「圖象的綜合」(figurative synthesis)之區分與關係,並推論構想力的先驗綜合(圖象的綜合)如同知性的先驗綜合(理智的綜合)一般,必然服膺於範疇的規範。最後,我們將比較兩版先驗演繹中,構想力地位的轉變,並提出康德轉變的理由以及構想力的可能發展。 第四章「構想力與圖式論」,我們先確認圖式論與先驗演繹的關係,討論學者間對兩者任務是否重疊而引起的爭論;並提出我們的看法,即先驗演繹在於論證範疇是作為統覺的統一性之必要條件,著重在範疇與先驗統覺的關係;圖式論則指出範疇如何被運用於感性直觀上,強調範疇與感性直觀的關係,前者是理論的證明,後者卻是理論的應用。然而要回答範疇的經驗應用如何可能,應當關注構想力(作為一種中介的機能)在闡釋圖式論時所扮演的角色,意即構想力「如何」使知識的兩大主幹——知性與感性——一起和諧運作的問題。因此,我們根據康德的安排,將圖式論置於「判斷力的先驗學說」下,也就是一般判斷力與構想力的關係中,探討康德賦予圖式的種種意涵。康德將「先驗圖式」(transcendental schemata)與「經驗圖象」(empirical images)做出區別,並主張先驗圖式才是「先驗的時間規定」(transcendental determinations of time),後者僅是再生的構想力的經驗產物,而先驗圖式才使經驗圖象的產生成為可能。最後,我們將探討先驗的構想力(亦為生產性的構想力)如何運用先驗圖式而使直觀與概念被綜合為知識的過程,並藉由先驗圖式的特質,指出康德在先驗演繹與圖式論中,對於構想力之各種看法的關連性。 第五章「構想力與鑑賞判斷」,我們將指出反思判斷力是在一種沒有明確概念的規定,而以「自然與我們的認知機能契合一致」之不確定的概念為指導下,形成普遍可傳達的判斷。這種反思判斷力的運用,是以審美判斷力為典範,其形成的純粹的鑑賞判斷,具有四個構成環節或契機(moments):無利害關心的愉快(質)、無概念的普遍性(量)、無目的的合目的性(關係)、以及主觀的必然性(模態)。我們將指出四個契機的關連性,以及在此類判斷中,構想力與知性如何在一個既予的表象上自由遊戲(free play),因而產生愉快的心靈狀態。相對於此,在「美的理想」(ideal of beauty)與「美的藝術」(fine art)的討論中,構想力是與理性具有內在的關連。我們將指出美的理想與美的藝術都不是康德意義下純粹的鑑賞判斷,卻有助於理解示範之普遍有效性的意涵,因為有某些個殊者(individuals)(無論理想或經驗的)表現出康德所說的典範的(exemplary)作用,並從典範中發現「新規則」(new rules)的產生,這當中隱含了康德對反思判斷力如何在不進一步尋求規則下遵循規則,即自由活動又合規律的情況下,形成普遍有效的判斷之見解。因此在「美的理想」中,將分別探討美的理想作為鑑賞原型,而且美的理想必須具備兩個構成要素:感性的規格理念與理性理念。再以這兩者為尺度下,推得世上一切物種中,唯有人才能成為美的理想。接著在「美的藝術」中,我們將先談康德對藝術的看法,進而指出美的藝術只能作為天才的藝術。康德指出天才的四個特質:原創性、典範性、自然性、以及藝術性,然而就天才內心的各種機能的運用來說,康德認為天才是展示「審美理念的能力」(the ability to aesthetic ideas)(CPJ, §57, 5:344)。我們將指出,構想力在經驗知識的構成中,為展示一個知性概念而提供圖式;在藝術創作中,構想力則為展示一個理性理念而提供了審美理念,意即就構想力「激發」(to stimulate)理性起作用來說,構想力的審美理念提供了理性諸理念某種非認識的展示可能。最後,我們探討鑑賞判斷與道德判斷的關係上,康德主張「美作為道德的象徵」,用意在指出美可作為道德的預備,因為審美的教化有助於人從感性的束縛中掙脫,提升到超感性的道德層次,因而使自然的存有者更輕易地過渡為道德的存有者。 第六章「構想力與崇高判斷」,我們將先提出崇高概念的歷史意義,才能瞭解崇高何以單獨成為一個審美範疇。接著探討優美與崇高的異同,指出崇高判斷亦是審美的反思判斷之一,因而前章討論過優美之鑑賞判斷的四個契機,亦合適於對崇高判斷的說明。然而康德也提出兩者在對象的形式或無形式、不確定的知性或理性概念、愉快與質或量的關係、直接或間接的愉快、以及形式的合目的性之差異,並主張合目的性的表現方式最為不同。我們在文中將指出,崇高與優美在合目的性上的表現差異,主要在於主體與客體關係的改變,以及主體內在諸機能之間協調作用的方式,在崇高比在優美的鑑賞活動中更為複雜的結果,因而造成的愉快亦有直接與間接之別。為此,我們將在先就主體與客體的關係上,探討兩種崇高之特質:「數學的崇高」(the mathematically sublime)與「力學的崇高」(the dynamically sublime),並分析得出崇高只能針對內心的各種理性理念,而非在對象之中。然而,兩種崇高經驗所激起的理性理念與主觀感受,又出於主體內在諸機能之協作關係的不同而有別。於是,我們將在最後探討在數學的崇高經驗中,我們如何藉由偉大的可感事物,誘發我們體會到自己內心具有無限而絕對的總體理念,因而表現出構想力與理論理性的交互作用,由不一致轉為一致的合目的性關係。在力學的崇高經驗中,我們則從有力量的可感事物,促使我們體察到自己內心具有高於自然的道德理念,因而表現出構想力與實踐理性的內在關連性。所以,康德要指出,兩種崇高判斷乃基於我們將自己內心所有的理性理念,應用到偉大或有力的事物身上,才將它們評判為崇高的。在我們看來,康德對崇高的分析,同時涉及理論理性與實踐理性的理念,被以構想力與理性在一個既予的對象上和諧作用的合目的性關係來體現,此時人便是作為一個完整的存有者,因為這意味著我們在鑑賞活動中,我們彷彿感受(feel)到客體與主體之間的和諧關係,因而超感性自然與自由的道德主體便可在理性自身之中,供作反思運用的合目的性的原理為根據之下,獲得統一的可能。

Seeking alternative identities: changing masculinity among fashionable young men in Hong Kong.

January 2007 (has links)
Wong, Ching Wa Alana. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 123-128). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / Acknowledgements --- p.iii / Chapter Chapter One: --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Overview --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1.1 --- Objectives --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1.2 --- Who are fashionable Hong Kong young men? --- p.3 / Chapter 1.1.3 --- Significance and Setting --- p.5 / Chapter 1.2 --- Literature Review --- p.7 / Chapter 1.2.1 --- Changing masculinity in postindustrial society --- p.7 / Chapter 1.2.2 --- Beauty used to be associated with women --- p.10 / Chapter 1.2.3 --- Beauty has become part of masculinity --- p.12 / Chapter 1.2.4 --- Hong Kong's changing masculinity --- p.16 / Chapter 1.3 --- Methodology --- p.18 / Chapter 1.3.1 --- Media survey --- p.18 / Chapter 1.3.2 --- In-depth interviews --- p.20 / Chapter 1.4 --- Structure of the thesis --- p.22 / Chapter Chapter Two: --- Changing Perception of Masculinity in Hong Kong: Dominant and Alternative --- p.24 / Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.24 / Chapter 2.2 --- Meanings of Chinese masculinity --- p.24 / Chapter 2.3 --- Dominant perception of masculinity in Hong Kong --- p.26 / Chapter 2.4 --- Beauty becomes part of masculinity in Hong Kong --- p.28 / Chapter 2.4.1 --- Male beauty contest on television --- p.29 / Chapter 2.4.2 --- Hong Kong men's opinions on men's beauty --- p.32 / Chapter --- Appearance is important for men --- p.33 / Chapter --- Concern for appearance cannot be publicly admitted --- p.37 / Chapter 2.5 --- Conclusion: Caring for beauty is becoming part of masculinity --- p.40 / Chapter Chapter Three: --- Men's beauty in magazines in Hong Kong --- p.42 / Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.42 / Chapter 3.2 --- Magazines in Hong Kong --- p.43 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- Youth and gossip magazines --- p.43 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- Japanese male fashion magazines --- p.44 / Chapter 3.2.3 --- Men's lifestyle magazines --- p.45 / Chapter 3.3 --- Men's images in these three types of magazines --- p.45 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- Over- emphasis of Japaneseness: Youth and gossip magazines --- p.46 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Authentic Japanese style?: Japanese male fashion magazines --- p.51 / Chapter 3.3.3 --- High class men: Men's lifestyle magazines --- p.54 / Chapter 3.4 --- Men's images in magazines in Hong Kong: wen or wu? --- p.59 / Chapter 3.5 --- Conclusion: Beauty has become increasingly important for men in Hong Kong --- p.62 / Chapter Chapter Four: --- "Relationship between ""Japan"" and men's beauty in Hong Kong" --- p.64 / Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.64 / Chapter 4.2 --- "The meaning and common beliefs about ""Japan"" in Hong Kong" --- p.65 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Japan as work: Hair stylists and fashion designers --- p.66 / Chapter --- Hair stylist assistants --- p.66 / Chapter --- Fashion designers --- p.70 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- """Japan"" as leading fashion trends" --- p.73 / Chapter --- "To be ""cool"" means to learn from Japan" --- p.73 / Chapter --- Japan is the best --- p.77 / Chapter 4.3 --- "The influence of ""Japan"" on men's beauty" --- p.80 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- Awareness of Japan --- p.80 / Chapter --- Hong Kong men who deliberately choose Japanized beauty practices --- p.80 / Chapter --- Hong Kong men who have long term experiences in Japan --- p.80 / Chapter --- Band members --- p.82 / Chapter --- """Japan"" offers an alternative" --- p.83 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- Taken-for-Granted Japanese Influences --- p.84 / Chapter --- The daily beauty practices: Japanese influences are invisible --- p.84 / Chapter --- "No ""Japanese"" hair style" --- p.85 / Chapter --- "No ""Japanese"" clothing styles" --- p.86 / Chapter --- """Japan"" mixes with Hong Kong" --- p.88 / Chapter 4.3.3 --- Special cases --- p.90 / Chapter 4.4 --- Abandonment of Japanized beauty practices --- p.92 / Chapter 4.5 --- "Conclusion: ""Japan"" represents a temporarily attractive life for men" --- p.93 / Chapter Chapter Five: --- Negotiation with Women: Fashionable Hong Kong Young Men's Beauty Ideals --- p.95 / Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.95 / Chapter 5.2 --- "Women's ""gaze"" in the male beauty contest" --- p.96 / Chapter 5.3 --- The use of women in encouraging men's beauty in Hong Kong magazines --- p.97 / Chapter 5.4 --- Hong Kong men's masculinity: we listen and obey women's orders --- p.104 / Chapter 5.5 --- Conclusion: Fashionable Hong Kong young men's beauty practices are influenced by women --- p.109 / Chapter Chapter Six: --- Conclusion --- p.111 / Chapter 6.1 --- Conclusion --- p.111 / Chapter 6.2 --- A Review: Men's beauty as an alternative masculinity in Hong Kong --- p.111 / Chapter 6.2.1 --- Hong Kong men need to care about appearance --- p.112 / Chapter 6.2.2 --- "Japanized beauty practices can make men look ""cool"" and trendy" --- p.114 / Chapter 6.2.3 --- Men listen and obey women's orders on beauty practices --- p.116 / Chapter 6.2.4 --- "After all, career achievement and earning ability are more important" --- p.118 / Chapter 6.3 --- Conclusion: Limitations and self reflections --- p.120 / References --- p.123

Riding the Wave: How the Media Shapes South Korean Concepts of Beauty

Streng, Catherine Ann 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis features a qualitative analysis of eight Korean media products — both fiction and nonfiction. For many years, South Korea (hereafter also called Korea) has been called the "world's plastic surgery capital" by many publications, such as Business Insider and The New Yorker. Although Business Insider considers the United States the "vainest country in the world," the numbers of cosmetic surgeries, percentage wise, per person in Korea still outnumber those in the United States, with 20 procedures per 1,000 persons. In this thesis, I argue by using the cultivation theory that Korean television, such as K-Dramas, talk shows and films, which celebrate transformations and feature makeovers and thus normalize cosmetic surgery, create a fantastic space for viewers where the viewers are compelled to act on a media-generated desire to undergo cosmetic surgery in the belief that doing so will also transform or better their lives in the same way it does for the characters in these Korean television productions.

Celulitida jako sociální fenomén: Analýza českého tisku / Cellulite as a social phenomenon: Analysis of Czech print

Babková, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Cellulite as a social phenomenon: Analysis of Czech Press" deals with the topic of origination and development of a conception of cellulite as an illness and defect to the beauty in Czech press and also deals with constructing of this phenomenon in present time. The aim of the study was to analyze and show how the conception of cellulite, thanks to which a normal physiological fact changed into a defect to the beauty and to an illness, was developed and medialized, by using a brief quantitative analysis of Czech press as a whole, a brief quantitative analysis of the research sample and consequently a qualitative analysis of this research sample. Hereafter the aim of the diploma thesis was also seeking of an answer to a question to what extent cellulite is an construct created by advertising industry and manufacturers of cosmetic devices and products, which is abusing and supporting normative imaginings of ideal female body and beauty.

Be beautiful and speak up : Africana beauty at the forefront of an inclusive Internet beauty culture.

ALOUI, KENZA January 2022 (has links)
The beauty industry has been booming in the last few years, generating immense profits as it now translates into an Internet global beauty culture in its own right that finally made room for women of color. As research barely mentions African women and their diasporas, this study aims to critically analyze the dynamic of this North American-dominated Internet beauty culture celebrating non-white women, looking at how it impacts African women and their diasporas and participates in affirming a global woman of color through commodity capitalism.  Based on discourse analysis of multiple actors in the industry using popular culture sources, I then conducted a critical feminist autoethnography of my beauty journey, put in perspective with the results of decolonial interviews with African and African diaspora women recruited online. I asked about their relationship with the beauty industry and their opinions on some arguments I made. Self and collective analysis demonstrated the emergence of an African diasporic hybrid beauty culture, empowering women to feel like actors of change.

Min kära lilla ponny : Hästbokens utveckling från Black Beauty till Sigge / My dear little pony : The evolution of the horse book from Black Beauty to Sigge

Rosenqvist, Jessica January 2023 (has links)
The horse-book is a literary genre which is considered very popular among young girls. Black Beauty (1877) by Anna Sewell is the very first horse-book and was therefore what started the genre. It is highly different from the horse-books of today which is what this paper looks at to see how the genre has evolved. This is done by comparing Sewell’s novel to Britta och Silver (1966) by Lisbeth Pahnke and Alla älskar Sigge (2004) by Lin Hallberg. This is done by looking at how these novels are alike and different from one another with connection to the horse and the human. And how it differs when the horse is the narrator as compared to when the human takes the narrating role. In Black Beauty the horse is telling its life story and how humans treat the horse as some of the people in the novel are cruel towards horses. Many of the dangerous moments are caused by the humans being mean towards the horse. Whereas in the other books it is pure accident, the danger also mildens. In Britta och Silver there are mainly riding accidents but also a death incident where a horse dies. In Alla älskar Sigge the most dangerous thing that happens is that a pony gets so sick that it must go to the hospital where it is cured. These dangers getting milder is connected to how the genre is targeted towards a younger audience nowadays. In all three books there is also a clear boy-girl relationship between horse and human. The narrative makes how the human girl views the male horse sound like a description of a love interest. This makes the genre heteronormative. And with the narrative switching from the horse to the human there is also shown more of the human’s relations to one another and rivalry in the stable.

Salome: Reviving the Dark Lady

Gibson, Alanna Marie 05 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Virtue as consent to being : a pastoral theological perspective on Jonathan Edwards' construct of virtue

Zylla, Phillip Charles 11 1900 (has links)
Virtue can be seen as a core construct of pastoral theology when it is understood as a relational dynamic which includes the experience of suffering and the pastoral response of compassion. This thesis probes the philosophical theology of Jonathan Edwards, who proposed that virtue is a form of beauty defined as "consent to being." Edwards' construct of virtue is examined from its inception in his pastoral work at Northampton parish. Although it was offered in the context of the 18th century debates in moral philosophy, it is argued that Edwards' idea of virtue is a unique theological contribution to our understanding of the nature of virtue. The implications of this conception of virtue are weighed against current discussions in ethics and moral philosophy on the theme of virtue. Edwards' idea of "consent to being" is expanded from a pastoral theological perspective to include the notion of compassion as an integrative motif. The structure of experience and how we speak about our experiences are explored in relation to this aesthetic understanding of virtue as a form of beauty. This leads to the notion of compassion as ontological consent. Since language is the vehicle by which our experiences are conveyed, the thesis probes the issue of how moral vision is expressed in "experience-near" language through parable, poem, and lament. Moral vision is articulated most adequately through such language, the formulation of which takes the form of a necessary quest. The thesis concludes with a constructive proposal concerning a mature pastoral theology of virtue. This may be seen as an expansion of Edwards' concept of "consent to being" from the vantage point of pastoral theology. It is argued that a dynamic vision of virtue requires some connection between the experience of suffering and the inward striving toward the greatest good. The essence of virtue can be best understood, from a pastoral theological perspective, as the relational dynamic of "suffering with" another human being. / Practical Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

Hair representations among Black South African women : exploring identity and notions of beauty

Marco, Jenna-Lee 11 1900 (has links)
South Africa is a country of diversity, culture and various identities; and beneath this diversity, lays the complexity of defining and owning a space for oneself. This study was motivated with the intention to understand Black women’s representations in South Africa as well as the social interactions evident in the relationship between a Black woman and her hair. Literature elucidates on the historical richness of representation for Black people as well as the contemporary relevance of representation for Black women in particular. Furthermore, beauty discourse extends beyond the merely corporeal and finds meaning in historical, political, and circumstantial frames of thought. Eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with Black women. These interviews generated three discursive themes – hair and politics, hair and media and finally, circumstantial self-representation. Exploring these themes revealed that hair, as a projection of the self, is constantly redefining itself and its meaning in a progressive social culture. Furthermore, women assume agency and a degree of importance and identity from the hairstyles they choose to wear on a daily basis. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology-Research Consultation)

The symbolism and rhetoric of hair in Latin elegy

Burkowski, Jane M. C. January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the hair imagery that runs through the works of Propertius, Tibullus, and Ovid. Comparative analysis of the elegists’ approaches to the motif, with particular emphasis on determining where and how each deviates from the cultural assumptions and literary tradition attached to each image, sheds light on the character and purposes of elegy as a genre, as well as on the individual aims and innovations of each poet. The Introduction provides some background on sociological approaches to the study of hair, and considers the reasons why hair imagery should have such a prominent presence in elegy. Chapter 1 focuses on the elegists’ engagement with the idea of cultus (‘cultivation’), and their manipulation of the connotations traditionally attached to elaborate hairstyles, of sophistication on the one hand, and immorality on the other, to suit an elegiac context. Chapter 2 looks at how the complexities of the power relationship between the lover and his mistress play out in references to violent hair-pulling. Chapter 3 focuses on the sometimes positively and sometimes negatively spun image of grey-haired lovers, as a reflection of the lover-poet’s own contradictory wishes for his relationship with his mistress; it also considers grey hair as a symbol of physical mortality, as contrasted with poetic immortality. Chapter 4 examines the use of images of loose hair (especially images of dishevelled mourning) to suggest connotations ranging from the erotic to the pathetic, and focuses on the effects the elegists achieve by using a single image to communicate multiple implications. The Conclusion considers the ‘afterlife’ of elegiac hair imagery: the influence that their approaches had on later authors’ handling of similar images.

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