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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effektivisering av informationsflöde vid betongpålning

Eriksson, Jakob, Nilsson, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
Produktiviteten inom byggbranschen har länge ansetts som låg och byggbolag i sektorn arbetar för att bli effektivare. Denna rapport syftar till att utreda hur informationsflödet vid grundläggning av betongpålar kan effektiviseras. Studien utgår ifrån Skanska Sverige ABs region Skanska Grundläggning som bland annat bedriver betongpålningsverksamheten inom företaget. För att skapa en förståelse för informationsflödet inom verksamheten behövde författarna kartlägga de befintliga arbetssätten som används idag. Målsättningen var sedan att utifrån det nuvarande tillståndet formulera ett framtida tillstånd med en ökad effektivitet i informationsflödet. Inom byggsektorn implementeras BIM på bred front och detta arbetssätt utreds i rapporten som en möjlighet till ett förbättrat informationsflöde.  För att kartlägga betongpålningsproduktionen inom företaget har metoden värdeflödesanalys använts. Metoden är ett sätt att kartlägga en specifik process, där produkten som kunden vill ha följs. Analysen har sitt ursprung från Toyotas arbetssätt som idag benämns som lean.  Kartläggningen av betongpålning i rapporten hade sin start vid transport från fabrik och slut vid när pålen lämnats över till kunden. I kartläggningen följer författarna materialflödet samt informationsflödet knutet till materialet under förädlingsprocessen. Insamlingen av data till kartläggningen gjordes genom en intervjustudie och en observationsstudie. För att förstå möjligheten till implementeringar utfördes även en enkätstudie och intervjustudie, angående utnyttjandet av BIM inom Skanska Grundläggning. Användningen av BIM inom organisationen skiljde sig mellan de olika yrkesgrupperna, tjänstemän och yrkesarbetare. Enkätstudien utfördes på fem projekt i Stockholmsområdet. Bland tjänstemännen arbetade 8 av 19 med BIM varje vecka eller oftare medan 16 av 17 yrkesarbetare aldrig arbetat med BIM. Resultaten till värdeflödesanalysen var hämtade från två projekt, FSE 105 Betongtunnel Kungens kurva och Trafikplats Vega. Utifrån resultaten formulerades två förbättringsområden, där utsättning genom maskinstyrning var det ena och digitalisering av dokumentation var det andra. Implementeringen av GPS-styrning på pålkranar behöver inte lång tid för att löna sig ekonomiskt. Utifrån resultaten kan ca 170,000 SEK sparas per år och maskin om maskinstyrning implementeras, samt att det finns ytterligare positiva effekter som framkommit men inte uppmäts i denna studie. Det finns dock hinder i användarvänligheten och tekniken kräver idag manuell handpåläggning i vissa moment. För utvecklingen av BIM hos medarbetarna finns stora vinster genom förenklade informationsflöden men också svårigheter eftersom en stor del av medarbetarna idag blir hindrade av tekniken. / Productivity in the construction industry has for a long time been considered as low compared to other industries. The construction industry has started to adapt strategies that have been successful in other industries to increase the productivity. This report aims to examine how the information flow during foundation of concrete piles can be more efficient. The study is based on Skanska Sweden AB for the region of Skanska foundation. Concrete piling is one of the foundation activities that Skanska foundation performs. To create an understanding about the information flow, the authors had to identify the existing working method that was used today. The aim was then based on the current state to formulate a future state with a greater efficiency in the flow of information. BIM has begun to be implemented as a working method in the construction sector and have therefore been investigated in the report as an opportunity for an improved flow of information. To identify the production process for concrete piling within the company the authors have used value stream mapping. The method is a way of mapping a specific process, where the product that the customer wants is followed. The analysis originating from Toyotas method which today is referred to as lean. The mapping of concrete piling started from the transport of the factory to the pile was handed over to the customer. During the mapping the authors follows the material flow and the information flow related to the material during the process. The collection of data for the value stream mapping was done based on interviews and observations. To understand the possibility of implementations carried out a questionnaire and interviews, regarding the use of BIM in Skanska foundation. The use of BIM within the organization differs between the different professional groups, civil servants and skilled workers. The questionnaire survey was conducted on five projects in the Stockholm area. Among civil servants eight of 19 worked with BIM weekly or more often, while 16 of 17 skilled workers never had worked with BIM at all. The results of value stream analysis were collected from the two projects, the FSE 105 Concrete tunnel at Kungens kurva and interchange Vega. Based on the results the authors have formulated two areas of improvements. The first improvement is about release measuring through machine control and the second are about digitization of documents. Implementation of machine control on a pile driver does not need a long time to pay off financially. From the results, about 170,000 SEK can be saved per year and machine if machine control would be implemented on the pile drivers. There are more positive effects that have been observed during the study but these effects have not been measured.  However, there are obstacles in the usability and technology today that require manual intervention at certain stages. For the development of BIM among the employees there are great gains through simplified information flow. With that there comes difficulties since a large proportion of employees is hindered by technology.

Kvalitetssäkring av byggnadsinformationsmodeller / Quality assurance of building information models

Karlsson, Johan, Ahmed, Mahamed January 2016 (has links)
Samtidigt som konkurransen i byggbranschen idag är hög har kraven på kvalité och effektivitet från samhället ökat. Däremot har många av de frågor som rör hanteringen av digitala handlingar och digitala leveranser inte behandlats på det sätt som krävs för att få en standardiserad arbetsprocess. Begreppet BIM har florerat i branschen under en längre period vid det här laget, men trots detta råder det fortfarande en hel del oklarheter om vad det faktiskt innebär. Visualiseringsaspekten som utvinns ur en BIM-modell har blivit väl vedertagen, men tillskillnad från en 3D-CAD är det snarare I:et i BIM, informationen, som definierar övriga aspekter. Därför bör BIM snarare tolkas som ett informationsflöde med tillhörande 3D-modell än tvärtom. Framgångsfaktorer gällande implementeringen av ett standardiserat arbetssätt i våra grannländer har varit statliga riktlinjer och direktiv. I direktiven har varje del av byggprocessen behandlats ur ett BIM-perspektiv, där standarder och arbetsmetoder bestämts. I Sverige har vi i dagsläget inte kommit lika långt gällande ett standardiserat arbetssätt. Varje aktör beskrivs som sina egna pionjärer och risken blir således stor för att hjulet måste uppfinnas på nytt varje gång. Ett steg i rätt riktning hade därför varit att större byggherrar och förvaltare, gärna statliga, gemensamt utarbetar en manual liknande den som återfinns i våra grannländer och kräver BIM i sina upphandlingar. Hur vida en BIM-modell kan uppnå juridisk status lägger i sin tur grunden för hur framtidsutsikterna ser ut för arbetssättet. Här kommer även processen med att kvalitetssäkra modellerna bli ännu viktigare. / At the same time as the competition in the construction industry is high. The demand for quality and efficiency has increased from the community. However, many of the issues concerning the management of digital documents and deliveries are not being handled in the manner required to obtain a standardized work process. The concept of BIM have flourished in the industry for a long period of time at this point, but despite this there is still a lot of confusion about what it actually means. The visualization aspect obtained from a BIM model has been well established but in a BIM model it is the information that defines the other aspects. It should therefore rather be interpreted as a flow of information with an associated 3D model than vice versa. Success factors regarding the implementation of a standardized working process in our neighboring countries has been government guidelines and directives. The so called BIM manuals are treating each part of the construction process from a BIM perspective and standards and processes get determined. Meanwhile, the process regarding similar guidelines has not been progressed in Sweden. Each actor is being described as their own pioneer and the risk is therefore great for the wheel to be reinvented every time. A step in the right direction would be if larger property developers, preferably the ones being owned by the government, in collaboration drew up documents similar to the ones found in our neighboring countries and required BIM in their procurements. Whether or not a BIM model can achieve legal status lays the foundation for the future of BIM, at the same time as this greatly affects the process of assuring the quality of the models.

"BIM" och "Just in time“ i byggprojekt / “BIM” and “Justin time” in construction projects

Vu, Ann, Zarza, Kazhal January 2017 (has links)
Inom alla processer är det viktigt att eftersträva effektivitet, dvs. minsta möjliga resursanvändning för att uppnå ett visst mål efter de förutsättningar som finns. Resurserna kan vara olika, t.ex. kapital, tid, energi, råvaror och material. Sammantaget är det av vikt att rättmaterial levereras i rätt tid, och för att uppnå det målet finns det ett antal verktyg och koncept som kan användas. I detta examensarbete undersöker vi ett av de kändaste verktygen förplanering: BIM (Building Information Model/Modelling), för att sedan kombinera kunskapen om dem med resultatet av våra intervjuer och observationer. Examensarbetets syfte är att besvara frågeställningen: Hur kan BIM öka möjligheterna för att material levereras till byggarbetsplatsen i rätt tid och i rätt mängd? Frågeställningen avgränsas till Veidekkes byggarbetsplatser inom Göteborgskommun under tidsperioden mars-april 2017. Detta examensarbete är uppbyggt med enlitteraturstudie för en djupare förståelse för ämnet. Intervjuer, platsbesök, möten och seminarier har genomförts för att samla mer information och kunskap om ämnet. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för examensarbetet är forskningen och tillämpningen av BIM. BIM bygger i sin tur på teorier kring JIT (Just in time) som i sin tur bygger på teorier kring lean. För att ge en gedigen teoretisk bakgrund till BIM redovisar vi därför teorierna bakom lean och JIT. Enligt Koskela är lean bättre än traditionella koncept inom byggindustrin, bådegenom att lean baseras på bättre teorier och att lean är mer effektivt. JIT betyder Just in time, och innebär att material eller produkter levereras i rätt stund, alltså varken för tidigt eller försent. Att ett material eller produkt levereras i rätt stund underlättar flödet i organisationer. Sammanfattningsvis visade intervjuerna att BIM används i varierande grad och för olika syften. Alla intervjupersoner kunde se potentialen i BIM, även om de själva inte använde det fullt ut. BIM fungerar inte för alla aktörer pga. bristande eller otillräckliga kunskaper omdataprogram. Inga officiella utbildningar inom programmen har genomförts än. BIM har inte alltid stort användningsområde för JIT på grund av att vissa aktörer inte känner stor säkerhet eller riktighet i resultatet. Eftersom BIM förutsätter samarbete baserat på informationsutbyte mellan olika aktörer krävs att alla inblandade är förtrogna med BIM-systemet. Det är fullt förståeligt att aktörer fortfarande använder sig av traditionella, beprövade metoder baseradepå 2D-ritningar, men för att BIM ska kunna nå sin fulla potential behöver tilliten till systemetöka.• BIM har en viktig funktion och stor potential för moderna byggprocesser. • BIM används i dagsläget i varierande grad och för olika uppgifter men inte fullt ut. • BIM bör användas i så hög utsträckning som det aktuella projektet kräver och medger. • BIM bör användas redan från planeringsstadiet för att underlätta resten av projektet. • BIM:s användarvänlighet ökar ju fler övriga aktörer som använder det i projektet. Som förslag på fortsatt forskning inom ämnet BIM vill vi rekommendera empiriska studier kring erfarenheter av BIM4D och BIM5D. Vilka slutsatser kan dras av användningen av dessa verktyg? Studien kan vara jämförande med likvärdiga byggprojekt med BIM3D och byggprojekt där BIM inte används alls. / Within all processes it is important to pursue efficiency, i.e. the most efficient use of resources in order to achieve a certain goal given the circumstances. The resources may vary, for instance money, time, energy, raw materials and building materials. It is of significance that the right material is provided at the right time, and in order to achieve that there are numerous tools and concepts that can be used. In this report we analyze one of the best known tools for planning within construction: BIM (Building Information Model/Modelling), in order to combine that knowledge with the results from our interviews and observations. The purpose of this report is to answer the hypothesis: In what way can BIM help increase the possibilities for materials to be provided to the building site on time and in the right amount? This report consists of a theoretical study in order to gain a understanding of the subject. Interviews, site observations, participations in meetings and seminars have been made in order to gain further knowledge on the issue. The theoretical outset for the report is the research and application of BIM. BIM is based on the theories of JIT (Just in time), which in turn is based on the theories of lean. In order to provide a thorough background of BIM we therefore present the theories behind lean and JIT. According to Koskela (2002), lean is better than traditional concepts in construction, both due to that lean is based on superior theories and that lean is more effective. JIT means that materials or products are delivered at the right time, thus not too soon or too late. Materials or products delivered at the right time facilitate the flow inorganizations. The results from the interviews showed that BIM is being used in various degrees and for different purposes. All of the interviewees could recognize the potential of BIM, although they themselves did not fully use it. BIM does not work for all partners involved due to lack of sufficient knowledge of the BIM computer programs. BIM is not always of great use for JIT due to the fact that some partners do not trust the program. Since BIM requires cooperation based on information exchange between different partners, familiarization with the program is required. It is fully understandable that partners still use traditional, well-tried methods based on 2D blueprints, but in order for BIM to reach its full potential, the reliance of the system must increase.• BIM holds an important role and great potential for modern construction processes.• BIM today is used in various degrees and for different purposes but not at its full potential.• BIM should be used in the fullest extent as the project requires and allows.• BIM should be used readily from the planning level in order to facility of the rest of the project.• The usability of BIM increases the more other partners use it in the project. As suggestions for further research on the subject we would like to recommend empirical studies regarding experiences from BIM4D and BIM5D. What conclusions can be drawn from the use of these tools? The study can be comparative with similar projects using BIM3D and projects not using BIM at all.

Rutiner för dagens egenkontroller : Hur kan de förbättras? / Routines for today’s self-inspections : How can they be improved?

Haberland, Mikael, Loeb, Anton January 2019 (has links)
En hög rapporteringsgrad av egenkontroller är en förutsättning i dagens byggande. I varje projekt strävar alla parter mot att det både ska vara tids- och kostnadseffektivt. Egenkontrollen fungerar som en garanti för att rätt kvalitet på produkten hålls. Inte bara för beställaren men även för samhället och entreprenören själv. Denna studie har utförts i samarbete med PEAB Anläggning och har som huvudsyfte att undersöka företagets rutiner gällande egenkontrollsarbetet och därmed hitta möjliga förbättringar. Studien behandlar även vad de anställdas anser om dagens egenkontroller samt lyfter fram deras åsikter. Dessutom undersöks det hur PEAB Anläggnings pilotprojekt för BIM 360, som är ett digitalt system för hantering av bygghandlingar och dokument, har tagits emot av de anställda. En omfattande litteraturstudie har utförts för att ge information och kunskap inom ämnet. Från litteraturstudien har underlag för en enkätstudie och två intervjustudier skapats. Efter att resultatet analyserats och jämförts med litteraturstudien har det även diskuterats, både gällande resultat samt metod. För resultatet har förslag för möjliga förbättringsåtgärder lyfts fram. Förslagen kan leda till att PEAB Anläggning i framtiden kan utveckla sitt egenkontrollsarbete. Det kan i studien konstateras att det finns en del brister i dagens egenkontrollsarbete. En stor faktor är den krångliga administrationen. I studien har det även noterats att det finns ett engagemang bland de anställda att faktiskt arbeta och lära sig mer gällande förbättrad kvalitet och egenkontroller. Vidare bör PEAB Anläggning se över möjligheterna att utbilda sina anställda inom kvalitetssäkring och egenkontroller. / A high degree of self-inspection reports are essential in today's society where the construction is to be both time and cost effective. Self-inspections acts as a guarantee that the quality of the product is right. Not just for the customer but also for society and the contractor himself. This study has been prepared in cooperation with PEAB Anläggning and has as main purpose to examine the company's procedures regarding its own self-inspections work, and thereby find possible shortcomings. The study deals with employees' attitude towards today's self-inspections as well as highlighting their opinions. In addition, it examines how PEAB Anläggnings pilot project for BIM 360, a system for digital handling of construction documents is received by the employees. An extensive literature study was conducted to provide information and knowledge in the subject. From the literature study has the basis for a survey and two interview studies been created. After the results have been analyzed and compared with the literature study, it has also been discussed, both in terms of results and in terms of methods. The results have suggestions for possible improvement measures. The proposals could lead to the future development of PEAB Anläggnings self-inspections work. The study can confirm that there are some flaws in today's self-control work. A big factor is the complexity of the administration. In the study, it has also been noted that there is a commitment among employees to actually work and learn more regarding self-controls. Furthermore, PEAB Anläggning should look at the opportunities to train their employees in quality assurance and self-controls.

Introdução de Modelagem da Informação da Construção (BIM) no currículo: uma contribuição para a formação do projetista. / The Inclusion of Building Information Modeling (BIM ) in the curriculum : a contribution to the designer education.

Barison, Maria Bernardete 03 February 2015 (has links)
Estudantes têm ingressado no mercado de trabalho sem conhecimento em BIM e, portanto, despreparados para trabalhar com seus conceitos básicos. O objetivo desta Tese é propor uma forma de introduzir este conceito em currículos de cursos de Arquitetura e de Engenharia Civil no Brasil. Como a adoção de BIM, no Brasil, ainda está em estágios iniciais, optou-se por pesquisar documentos da literatura técnica internacional. Com base na Metodologia da Problematização com o Arco de Maguerez (MP), 408 documentos foram analisados, utilizando-se o método de pesquisa Análise de Conteúdo. Foi possível identificar os seguintes resultados: áreas do currículo em que BIM está sendo introduzido; tipos de colaboração ensinados; obstáculos enfrentados pelas instituições; a evolução do ensino de BIM; e níveis de proficiência em BIM (introdutório, intermediário e avançado). Concluiu-se que o ensino de BIM tem alcançado um elevado nível nos Estados Unidos, porém, está restrito a poucas universidades que possuem os recursos necessários e são capazes de estabelecer parcerias com empresas para troca de informações. Os métodos e recursos de ensino são, geralmente, definidos pela cooperação entre as instituições acadêmicas e a indústria, com o propósito de simular, na universidade, a prática profissional. Contudo, mesmo que BIM seja utilizado para ensinar conteúdos de uma disciplina, sua introdução nos currículos deveria seguir os critérios que são recomendados para cada nível de proficiência em BIM (NPBIM). Também foi possível identificar 12 tipos de especialidades BIM de quatro diferentes contextos e definir o perfil de um competente Gerente BIM. Para saber como algumas empresas de Arquitetura, Engenharia e Construção Civil, no Brasil, estão se estruturando para suportar projetos BIM, aplicou-se um questionário online cujos resultados contribuíram para construir um modelo para fluxo de trabalho BIM. Com base nesses estudos, foram identificadas as competências em BIM que deveriam ser ensinadas na graduação e aperfeiçoadas na profissão. Além disso, foram analisadas as ementas de dois currículos de uma universidade brasileira, assim como, as percepções dos professores quanto ao ensino de BIM. Todo conhecimento construído serviu como fundamentação para elaborar uma proposta para a introdução de BIM nesses dois currículos, assim como, a implementação de uma ferramenta que pode auxiliar professores a introduzir BIM em suas disciplinas, contemplando, assim, a última etapa da MP que é a Aplicação à Realidade. / Graduates are entering the labour market without any knowledge of BIM and are thus unprepared to work on projects that are undertaken within the framework of this new concept. The purpose of this thesis is to suggest ways this concept can be introduced in the curricula of courses in Civil Engineering and Architecture in Brazil. As the adoption of BIM in Brazil is still in its early stages, there was a need to search for suitable documentary material in the international technical literature. By employing the Problematization Methodology with the MaguerezArch (MP) 408 documents were analyzed based on the criteria of the \'Content Analysis\' method. This led to an assessment of the following areas : the parts of the curriculum where BIM is being introduced; the types of collaboration that are being taught; the obstacles faced by institutions when teaching BIM and the progress made by BIM Education in terms of the strategies adopted by academic institutions. In addition, three levels of BIM proficiency were defined: introductory, intermediate and advanced. It was concluded that BIM Education has reached an advanced level in the United States, although it is restricted to the few universities which have the required resources and are able to establish partnerships with companies to exchange information. The methods and teaching resources are designed to suit the requirements of those interacting between academic institutions and industry, as a means of simulating professional practice in the universities. However, even if BIM is only used as a teaching resource, or taught in a specific course, its introduction into the curricula must follow the criteria that are laid down for each level of BIM proficiency. It was also possible to categorize 12 types of BIM specialists working in four different areas and to define the profile of a competent BIM Manager. Moreover, a survey was conducted to find out how AEC firms in Brazil are being structured to support projects with BIM. The results made it possible to build a model for the BIM workflow. On the basis of these studies, it could be determined which BIM competencies should be taught in undergraduate courses and what improvements could be made in the profession. Furthermore, the syllabuses of two curricula from a Brazilian university were analyzed, as well as, the opinions of the teachers regarding the teaching of BIM. The knowledge obtained served as a theoretical basis for the introduction of BIM in these two curricula, as well as the implementation of a tool which can assist teachers in implementing BIM in their courses, and represents the last stage of the MP which is Assumptions of Solution.

Verificação de regras para aprovação de projetos de arquitetura em BIM para estações de metrô. / Code checking for subway station architecture design approval.

Mainardi Neto, Antonio Ivo de Barros 23 May 2016 (has links)
Tendo em vista a crescente demanda da região metropolitana de São Paulo por transporte público rápido e eficaz, os investimentos em novas linhas e estações de metrô são crescentes, bem como a necessidade de aceleração do projeto e construção de tal infraestrutura. Nesse contexto insere-se a implantação do processo BIM - \"Building Information Modeling\" ou \"Modelagem da Informação da Construção\" pela Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo em seus projetos de estações e vias. O Metrô atua produzindo projetos internamente e, principalmente, contratando projetos externos que necessitam de análise para aprovação. Com o desenvolvimento dos projetos básicos civis em BIM, houve alterações no trabalho diário, a análise visual se beneficiou do modelo 3D, representando agora o projeto inteiro e não apenas seções deste. Isto possibilitou antecipar decisões que antes eram tomadas no executivo, atuando assim em um momento com maior capacidade de alterações de projeto. Um dos usos importantes do BIM no processo de análise de projeto é a Verificação de Regras. O uso de verificação automatizada permite que o analista possa focar apenas na lista de não conformidades, ganhando tempo para dedicar-se mais a resolução destas. E, por parte do projetista, é possível verificar antecipadamente o cumprimento de diretrizes, e já providenciar soluções aos problemas apontados. A presente pesquisa visou apoiar o processo de implantação deste uso de BIM, pela proposta de fluxo para implantação da verificação automatizada, identificação dos padrões de regras existentes e desenvolvimento de uma classificação de regras com foco na automatização de sua verificação. Os padrões propostos foram usados na análise de documento de Instruções de Projeto Básico de Arquitetura e na tradução de suas regras para aplicação em software para este fim com a intenção de fechar o ciclo da verificação. / In view of the increasing demand of São Paulo metropolitan area for fast and efficient public transport, the investment in new lines and subway stations are growing, as well as the need for accelerating the design and the construction of such infrastructure. In this context is the deployment of BIM - \"Building Information Modeling\" by Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo - Metrô on its stations and rails. Metrô operates the production of projects internally, and particularly contracts external projects that require analysis for approval. With the development of their basic civil projects in BIM, there have been changes in daily work, the visual analysis has been benefited from the 3D model, representing now the entire project and not only its sections. This has made possible to anticipate decisions that used to be taken in the shop drawings phase, thereby acting at a time with greater ability to apply changes in projects. One of the important BIM usages in the project\'s review process is the code checking. This allows the analyst to focus on the list of nonconformities only, gaining time to make further effort on their resolution. And, on the part of the designer, it is possible to verify the compliance of the guidelines in advance, and provide solutions to the problems already presented. The present research aimed to support the implementation process of using this BIM use, based on the flow proposal for the deployment of automated verification, the identification of patterns of existing rules and the developing of classification rules focusing on automating its checking. The proposed standards were used when analyzing documents of the architecture basic design instructions and in the translation of their rules for software application for this purpose with the intention to close the checking cycle.

Projeto para produção de vedações verticais em alvenaria em uma ferramenta CAD-BIM. / Masonry design for production in a BIM-CAD tool.

Monteiro, Ari 04 May 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia para representar o PPVVA (Projeto para Produção de Vedações Verticais em Alvenaria) em ferramentas CAD-BIM de maneira a não degradar significativamente o desempenho de manipulação do modelo BIM devido à grande quantidade de componentes. Ao mesmo tempo, propõe uma linguagem computacional para descrever modulações de alvenaria e a especificação de novas funcionalidades nos CAD-BIM para automatizar algumas atividades do PPVVA. A pesquisa foi organizada adotando-se a seguinte metodologia: (i) avaliação dos principais CAD-BIM do mercado; (ii) levantamento de requisitos de representação dos objetos do PPVVA; (iii) especificação do modelo de representação; (iv) implementação do modelo e (v) definição de um fluxo de trabalho para utilização do modelo proposto. A avaliação dos principais CAD-BIM possibilitou verificar as limitações destas aplicações no atendimento dos requisitos de representação do PPVVA e a necessidade de adequação destas aplicações para esse uso. A partir de entrevistas com projetistas de vedações foi possível coletar e sistematizar regras, que serviram de base à elaboração do modelo de representação proposto. Uma das idéias chave deste modelo de representação é a especificação de uma linguagem de descrição para modulações de alvenaria chamada de MMDL (Masonry Modulation Description Language). A utilização da MMDL mostrou-se uma alternativa interessante para representar implicitamente os elementos do PPVVA. Uma abordagem de representação explícita, por meio de famílias de objetos, também foi utilizada. Embora esta última abordagem demande mais recursos da aplicação, ela oferece maior flexibilidade ao projetista na manipulação de cada elemento da modulação de alvenaria. Para contornar o problema de desempenho da representação explícita, foi utilizado o conceito de referência a arquivos externos, o que permite segmentar modelos complexos em modelos menores que podem ser manipulados com maior facilidade. Com base nestas características do modelo proposto, espera-se que este possa servir como uma boa alternativa para minimizar o problema de desempenho na manipulação de modelos BIM gerados por projetistas de vedações. / This work proposes a methodology for representing the MDP (Masonry Design for Production) in BIM-CAD tools in a way that does not significatively degrade the handling performance of a BIM model due to its large quantity of components. At the same time, it proposes a computer language for describing masonry modulation and specifies new functionalities for BIM-CAD tools aiming the automation of some MDP tasks. The research was organized according to the following methodology: (i) evaluation of the main BIM-CAD tools; (ii) compilation of the representation requirements of MDP objects; (iii) specification of a representation model; (iv) model implementation and; (v) definition of a workflow for using the proposed model. The evaluation of the main BIM-CAD tools showed the limitations of these applications regarding the requirements of MDP as well as the need for adapting these tools for such use. From interviews with masonry designers, rules were collected and systematized, serving as a base for preparing the proposed representation model. One of the key ideas of this model is the specification of a description language for masonry modulation, called MMDL (Masonry Modulation Description Language). The use of MMDL was shown to be an interesting alternative for implicitly representing the MDP elements. An explicit representation approach, through object families, was also used. Although this approach demands more resources from the application, it offers more flexibility to the designer concerning the direct manipulation of each individual masonry element. As a workaround to the performance problem of the explicit representation, the concept of external detailing files was used, allowing the segmentation of complex models into smaller ones which can be handled easier in the BIM-CAD tool. Based on these features of the proposed model, it is hoped that it can serve as a good alternative for minimizing the performance problem when handling BIM models generated by masonry designers.

A implementação e o uso da modelagem da informação da construção em empresas de projeto de arquitetura. / The implementation and use of building information modeling in architectural design firms.

Coelho, Karina Matias 28 November 2016 (has links)
Os avanços nas tecnologias de informação têm propiciado grandes mudanças no setor da construção civil. Sob o ponto de vista do aumento da competitividade, as empresas de projetos podem ter uma relevante contribuição. A modelagem da informação surgiu como uma tecnologia potencial para estimular a melhoria na qualidade dos projetos e pode ser considerada uma transição significativa na prática de projeto porque é uma mudança de paradigma. As empresas de projeto têm processos internos de gestão característicos ao seu universo os quais moldam a implementação de qualquer nova tecnologia nestas empresas. Ao mesmo tempo as mudanças no processo de projeto de arquitetura também são significativas quando estas empresas adotam a modelagem da informação da construção. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar por meio de estudos de caso a implementação e uso da modelagem da informação da construção em empresas de arquitetura. Foram analisados os impactos da implantação da modelagem da informação na gestão das empresas e no processo de projeto de arquitetura. Para atingir os objetivos propostos foram adotadas a revisão bibliográfica e o estudo de casos múltiplos. Os estudos de caso foram acompanhados pelo período aproximado de um ano, em três empresas de projeto de arquitetura. Como resultados percebeu-se que as empresas de arquitetura necessitam de maior capacitação em gestão para que possam se preparar e se beneficiar da adoção de novas tecnologias. A antecipação destas tendências pode colaborar com a manutenção de posições estratégicas ou criar novas oportunidades. A conversão dos desafios em vantagens pode ser fonte de grandes vantagens competitivas. A motivação e a metodologia para a implantação também são fundamentais para garantir o sucesso da implantação. O projeto de arquitetura obtém muitas vantagens, mas o uso de softwares BIM mas requer maior capacitação técnica do arquiteto e uma sólida formação em tecnologia. / Advances in technology of information have led to major changes in the construction sector. With the increase of competitiveness, design firms may have a potential contribution. The building information modelling emerged as a potential technology to encourage improvement in the quality of the projects and can be considered a significant transition in the practice of project because it is a genuine paradigm shift. The design firms have internal management processes which could shape the implementation of any new technology in these companies. At the same time the changes in the architectural design process are also significant when these companies adopt BIM. This study aimed to evaluate through case studies the implementation and use of BIM in design firms. Also, the impacts of the implementation of information modeling in business management and architecture design process were analyzed. To achieve the proposed objectives two main methodologies were adopted: the literature review and multiple case study. The case studies were followed for approximately one year in three design firms. As result it was realized that the architectural design offices need more management training so they can prepare themselves for the benefit of new technologies adoption. The anticipation of these trends may contribute to the maintenance of strategic positions or the creation of new opportunities. The conversion of the challenges in advantages can be sources of great competitive advantages. The motivation and methodology for implementation are also critical to ensure successful deployment. The design gets many advantages with the use of BIM software but requires greater technical skill of the architect professional and a solid background in technology.

Papel de BIM na geração de linfócitos T CD8+ antígeno-específicos, em resposta à vacinação com adenovírus recombinante. / Role of BIM in the generation of antigen-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes in response to vaccination with recombinant adenovirus.

Carazas, Maryanne Melanie Gonzales 18 April 2017 (has links)
BIM é uma proteína pro-apoptótica membro da família Bcl-2. No sistema imunológico, BIM foi descrita como reguladora da homeostase de linfócitos. Porém, ainda não foi estudado o papel do BIM no estabelecimento da resposta imune de linfócitos T CD8+. Sendo que os vetores adenovirais fortes ativadores da resposta, neste trabalho investigamos o papel de BIM na qualidade e frequência de linfócitos T CD8+ estimulados com Ad.cOVA. Camundongos C57Bl/6 selvagens, bim+/- e bim-/- foram imunizados com 2x106 PFU/100μl. Assim, observou-se uma redução da lise especifica e menor freqüência de linfócitos CD8+ produtores de IFNγ em camundongos bim-/-. Em paralelo, foi avaliada a resposta imune anti-tumoral destes camundongos sem encontrar diferencias significativas. A cinética da resposta efetora de linfócitos T CD8+ de camundongos bim-/- mostrou escassa perda das capacidades efetoras destes linfócitos, sendo o possível mecanismo para controlar a progressão tumoral. Em conclusão camundongos bim-/- apresentam uma menor freqüência de células efetoras, sugerindo um importante papel de BIM na produção de linfócitos T CD8+ antígeno-específicos trás a vacinação com Ad.cOVA. / BIM is a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 protein family. In the immune system, BIM has been described as lymphocyte homeostasis regulator. However, the role of BIM in the establishment of the immune response of CD8+ T lymphocytes has not yet been studied. As the strong adenoviral vectors activating the response, we investigated the role of BIM in the quality and frequency of Ad.cOVA-stimulated CD8+ T lymphocytes. Wild C57Bl/6 mice, bim+/- and bim-/- were immunized with 2x106 PFU/100μl. Thus, a reduction of the specific lysis and decreased frequency of IFNγ producing CD8+ lymphocytes in bim-/- mice was observed. In parallel, the anti-tumor immune response of these mice was evaluated without finding significant differences. The kinetics of the effector response of CD8+ T lymphocytes from bim-/- mice showed little loss of the effector capacities of these lymphocytes, being the possible mechanism to control tumor progression. In conclusion, bim-/- mice show a lower frequency of effector cells, suggesting an important role of BIM in the production of antigen-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes after vaccination with Ad.cOVA.

Introdução de Modelagem da Informação da Construção (BIM) no currículo: uma contribuição para a formação do projetista. / The Inclusion of Building Information Modeling (BIM ) in the curriculum : a contribution to the designer education.

Maria Bernardete Barison 03 February 2015 (has links)
Estudantes têm ingressado no mercado de trabalho sem conhecimento em BIM e, portanto, despreparados para trabalhar com seus conceitos básicos. O objetivo desta Tese é propor uma forma de introduzir este conceito em currículos de cursos de Arquitetura e de Engenharia Civil no Brasil. Como a adoção de BIM, no Brasil, ainda está em estágios iniciais, optou-se por pesquisar documentos da literatura técnica internacional. Com base na Metodologia da Problematização com o Arco de Maguerez (MP), 408 documentos foram analisados, utilizando-se o método de pesquisa Análise de Conteúdo. Foi possível identificar os seguintes resultados: áreas do currículo em que BIM está sendo introduzido; tipos de colaboração ensinados; obstáculos enfrentados pelas instituições; a evolução do ensino de BIM; e níveis de proficiência em BIM (introdutório, intermediário e avançado). Concluiu-se que o ensino de BIM tem alcançado um elevado nível nos Estados Unidos, porém, está restrito a poucas universidades que possuem os recursos necessários e são capazes de estabelecer parcerias com empresas para troca de informações. Os métodos e recursos de ensino são, geralmente, definidos pela cooperação entre as instituições acadêmicas e a indústria, com o propósito de simular, na universidade, a prática profissional. Contudo, mesmo que BIM seja utilizado para ensinar conteúdos de uma disciplina, sua introdução nos currículos deveria seguir os critérios que são recomendados para cada nível de proficiência em BIM (NPBIM). Também foi possível identificar 12 tipos de especialidades BIM de quatro diferentes contextos e definir o perfil de um competente Gerente BIM. Para saber como algumas empresas de Arquitetura, Engenharia e Construção Civil, no Brasil, estão se estruturando para suportar projetos BIM, aplicou-se um questionário online cujos resultados contribuíram para construir um modelo para fluxo de trabalho BIM. Com base nesses estudos, foram identificadas as competências em BIM que deveriam ser ensinadas na graduação e aperfeiçoadas na profissão. Além disso, foram analisadas as ementas de dois currículos de uma universidade brasileira, assim como, as percepções dos professores quanto ao ensino de BIM. Todo conhecimento construído serviu como fundamentação para elaborar uma proposta para a introdução de BIM nesses dois currículos, assim como, a implementação de uma ferramenta que pode auxiliar professores a introduzir BIM em suas disciplinas, contemplando, assim, a última etapa da MP que é a Aplicação à Realidade. / Graduates are entering the labour market without any knowledge of BIM and are thus unprepared to work on projects that are undertaken within the framework of this new concept. The purpose of this thesis is to suggest ways this concept can be introduced in the curricula of courses in Civil Engineering and Architecture in Brazil. As the adoption of BIM in Brazil is still in its early stages, there was a need to search for suitable documentary material in the international technical literature. By employing the Problematization Methodology with the MaguerezArch (MP) 408 documents were analyzed based on the criteria of the \'Content Analysis\' method. This led to an assessment of the following areas : the parts of the curriculum where BIM is being introduced; the types of collaboration that are being taught; the obstacles faced by institutions when teaching BIM and the progress made by BIM Education in terms of the strategies adopted by academic institutions. In addition, three levels of BIM proficiency were defined: introductory, intermediate and advanced. It was concluded that BIM Education has reached an advanced level in the United States, although it is restricted to the few universities which have the required resources and are able to establish partnerships with companies to exchange information. The methods and teaching resources are designed to suit the requirements of those interacting between academic institutions and industry, as a means of simulating professional practice in the universities. However, even if BIM is only used as a teaching resource, or taught in a specific course, its introduction into the curricula must follow the criteria that are laid down for each level of BIM proficiency. It was also possible to categorize 12 types of BIM specialists working in four different areas and to define the profile of a competent BIM Manager. Moreover, a survey was conducted to find out how AEC firms in Brazil are being structured to support projects with BIM. The results made it possible to build a model for the BIM workflow. On the basis of these studies, it could be determined which BIM competencies should be taught in undergraduate courses and what improvements could be made in the profession. Furthermore, the syllabuses of two curricula from a Brazilian university were analyzed, as well as, the opinions of the teachers regarding the teaching of BIM. The knowledge obtained served as a theoretical basis for the introduction of BIM in these two curricula, as well as the implementation of a tool which can assist teachers in implementing BIM in their courses, and represents the last stage of the MP which is Assumptions of Solution.

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