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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à l'étude de nouvelles technologies de co-packaging et de co-design appliquées à la réalisation de modules photorécepteurs pour les systèmes de télécommunications de prochaine génération / Study of new co-packaging and co-design technologies applied to photoreceiver modules for next generation telecommunication systems

Angelini, Philippe 29 June 2017 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse s'inscrivent dans le cadre des télécommunications optiques à haut-débit sur courtes distances. L'ère numérique dans laquelle nous vivons pousse les architectures actuelles à évoluer aussi rapidement que le besoin en débit. Les réseaux d'accès et data-centers doivent d'ores et déjà évoluer, notamment au niveau des composants et sous-systèmes chargés de détecter les signaux optiques après leur transmission : les photorécepteurs. La montée en débit à 40 Gb/s et au-delà est limitée par l'architecture actuelle des photorécepteurs dont l'interfaçage entre ses deux fonctions primaires (photodétection[PD]/amplification[TIA]) limite la bande passante. Les solutions présentées, visant à limiter la parallélisation multi-longueurs d'onde des composants et ainsi les coût de déploiement, proposent d'augmenter la rapidité des modules photorécepteurs en optimisant leur architecture. Deux axes d'optimisation sont alors proposés au niveau du photorécepteur : Une approche co-packaging ayant pour objectif de considérer les deux fonctions clés du photorécepteur comme des boîtes noires auxquelles il convient d'ajouter un circuit externe permettant d'augmenter la bande passante, et une approche co-design visant à concevoir un nouveau circuit amplificateur transimpédance (TIA) intégrant directement une fonction de pré-égalisation adaptée à la photodiode permettant de repousser la fréquence de coupure du récepteur. / This thesis falls within the scope of high-speed short-reach optical communication where the growing need in data transfer forces the current architectures to evolve as quickly. Acces network and data-center components and subsystems must follow this growth, especially on the photoreceiver side. 40 Gb{s and beyond high-speed communications are limited by the current photoreceiver architecture, which, due to the integration of both of its main functions (photodetection[PD]/amplification[TIA]), limits the maximum achievable bandwitdh. In order to reduce the amount of components and price caused by multi-architectures, photoreceivers bandwidth must be increased. Two solutions are proposed so that the photoreceiver performances can be optimized : A co-packaging approach in which both main functions of the photoreceiver are considered as black boxes to which must be added an external circuit allowing to increase the bandwidth, and a co-design approach in which a new transimpedance amplifier (TIA) is designed, integrating a pre-equalizing function based on the photodiode characteristics, allowing an enhancement of the photoreceiver bandwitdh.

O usuário e o processo de projeto: co-design em edifícios de saúde / User and design process: co-design in healthcare buildings

Caixeta, Michele Caroline Bueno Ferrari 26 October 2015 (has links)
Caracterizado por grande complexidade, o projeto de edifícios de assistência à saúde precisa garantir funcionalidade e eficiência operacional à edificação, através de espaços que facilitem a realização das atividades de atenção à saúde. Isto é ainda mais proeminente em países como o Brasil, onde os serviços de atenção à saúde são deficitários, principalmente na esfera pública. Para tanto, é necessário um amplo conhecimento acerca dos usuários e dos fluxos e atividades que compõem os serviços prestados, que geralmente os arquitetos não possuem. Neste contexto, e dada a complexidade dos edifícios de assistência à saúde, o envolvimento efetivo dos usuários no processo de projeto - co-design - pode contribuir para o redesenho das atividades de atenção à saúde e assim possibilitar que os arquitetos alinhem o projeto do espaço físico com o projeto dos serviços, aumentando a oferta e a qualidade do atendimento à população. No entanto, o co-design exige grandes esforços do arquiteto, relativos à coordenação e à linguagem utilizada, entre outros desafios. O problema desta pesquisa reside, portanto, na falta de amparo e dificuldades de envolver efetivamente os usuários no processo de projeto destes edifícios, como perspectiva para trazer os conhecimentos relativos à utilização da edificação ao projeto, e assim aumentar a adequação entre edifício e uso. A pesquisa aqui proposta busca, neste sentido, uma proposição inovadora de solução através da abordagem da Design Science Research (DSR) que tem como fundamento a proposta de soluções para problemas enfrentados no mundo real. A pesquisa incluiu as etapas de entendimento do tema, com revisão bibliográfica, estudo exploratório e estudos de caso em dois projetos de edifícios de saúde com co-design; proposta de uma solução e avaliação da solução. Como solução, apresenta-se um modelo conceitual de processo de projeto com co-design para auxiliar os arquitetos na promoção desta prática em edifícios de assistência à saúde. Descreve-se ainda o processo de seleção dos representantes dos usuários para as oficinas de co-design, com as questões que devem ser consideradas pela coordenação, a preparação dos usuários, a estrutura para orientar as oficinas e as revisões de fases, indicando as entradas, os métodos e instrumentos e as saídas das oficinas, e os subprodutos para análise, os critérios de passagem e o conteúdo dos relatórios de revisão, no caso das revisões de fase. O modelo foi avaliado por quatro profissionais, que são arquitetos com experiência em projetos de edifícios de saúde e pesquisadores da área. Com base nos resultados das avaliações, o modelo foi aprimorado para sua versão final. / Characterized by high complexity, the design of a healthcare building must ensure functionality and operational efficiency to the building through spaces that support healthcare activities. This is even more prominent in countries as Brazil, where healthcare services are deficient, especially in the public sphere. Therefore, a broad knowledge on users and service flows and activities, which architects seldom have, is required. Given the complexity of healthcare buildings, the effective involvement of users in the design process - co-design - can contribute to the redesign of healthcare activities and enable architects to align the design of physical space with that of services, which increases the supply and quality of services to the population. However, co-design requires great efforts, related to coordination and design language, among other challenges, from architects. This thesis addresses the lack of support and difficulties regarding the effective engagement of users in the design process of the healthcare buildings, as a perspective to provide knowledge on the use of the building to the design and increase the adequacy of building and use. It proposes an innovative solution through the Design Science Research (DSR), based on the proposal of solutions to problems faced in the real world. The research included the stages of understanding of the theme, through a literature review, survey and case studies in two healthcare buildings designed with co-design, development of a solution and its evaluation. A conceptual model of the design process with co-design is presented to assist architects in promoting this practice in healthcare buildings. The selection process of users´ representatives is described for the co-design workshops and indicates the issues to be considered by the coordination. The study also addresses the preparation of users, a framework to guide the workshops and phase reviews, stating the inputs, methods and tools and the outputs for the workshops, the deliverables for analysis, criteria for judgment and content of revision reports, in the case of phase revisions. The model was evaluated by four professionals, who are architects and researchers skilled in healthcare building design. According to the evaluation results, the model has been enhanced to its final version.

Hinder och möjlighet för förbättrad egenvård av lymfödem : En kvalitativ studie om patienternas behov och deras förbättringsförslag. / Difficulties and opportunities for improved self-care of lymphedema : A qualitative study of patients´needs and their suggestions for improvement.

Bergström, Linda January 2020 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Lymfödem är en kronisk symtomdiagnos som kräver livslång behandling där egenvård är en viktig del. Bristande egenvård leder till försämrat lymfödem och större benägenhet för erysipelasinfektioner. Problemet är att patienterna känner sig osäkra på egenvård av lymfödem och tvivlar på dess effekt. Syfte: Förbättringsarbetets syfte var att skapa förutsättningar och bättre följsamhet till patienters egenvårdsbehandling för att bidra till bibehållet eller förbättrat stadie av lymfödem och uppleva en god hälso-relaterad livskvalitet. Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av att leva med lymfödem, erfarenhet av den lymfterapeutiska vårdtjänsten och redogöra för patienters förbättringsförslag för att förbättra egenvård. Metod: Förbättringsarbetet genomförs med inspiration från tjänstedesign och förbättringsmodellerna 5P, Nolans förbättringsmodell och PGSA.Studien utförs med tematisk analys och beskrevs utifrån delar av Kanomodellen av Noriaki Kano; bas-, uttalade- och omedvetna behov. Resultat: Patienter blir säkrare på att göra egenvård om de har en egenvårdsplan och lymfterapeuterna blir tydligare i sin kommunikation med checklistan och i samskapande med patienten. Resultat från studien visar att lymfterapeuterna behöver bättre kommunicera egenvård och anpassa informationen individuellt. Slutsatser: Genom att patienterna delar med sig av sina erfarenheter och förbättringsförslag kan vi skapa ett lärande och öppna upp för mer patientinvolvering i utvecklingsarbetet. / Summary Background: Lymphedema is a chronic diagnosis that requires lifelong treatment where self-care is an important part. Lack of self-care leads to impaired lymphedema and greater tendency for erysipelas infections. The problem is that patients feel insecure about self-care of lymphedema and doubt its effect.  Purpose: The purpose of the improvement work was to create better compliance to the patients self-care treatment. The purpose of the study was to describe patients 'experiences of the lymphatic care service and living with lymphedema and also the patients' improvement suggestions for improving self-care. Method: With inspiration from service design and the improvement models 5P, Nolan's improvement model and PGSA. The study with thematic analysis method was described from parts of the Kano model by Noriaki Kano; basic-, expected- and  unexpected needs. Results: Patients become more confident in self-care if they have a self-care plan and the Lymphatic Therapists become clearer in their communication by a checklist and in collaboration with the patient. Results from the study show that the lymphatic therapists need to better communicate self-care and adapt the information individually.  Conclusions: By sharing patients' experiences and suggestions for improvement, we can create learning and more patient involvement in development work.

The AIR model (Activities, Internal world, Relationships): a pragmatic framework for evaluating co-design

Gosling, Julie, Craven, Michael P., Dening, Tom, Coleston-Shields, Dons, Aberturas, Adriana G., Martin, Sandra G., Muñoz, Marcos, Ruiz, Guillermo B., Bueno, Yolanda, Almeida, Rosa, Català, Andreu, Diaz, Marta, Karahanoglu, Armağan, Ludden, Geke D. S., Smith, Tina, Niederer, Kristina, Lüneburg, Lisa-Marie, Tournier, Isabelle, Abrilahij, Afsaneh 18 December 2019 (has links)
A pragmatic model, AIR (Activities; Internal world; Relationships), is presented for co-design of technologies and products to support well-being of people living with dementia. This model, co-developed with people with lived experience, is aimed at including psychosocial aspects in the prototype development process. The model is then related to a form of mindful evaluation framework that can be employed during the prototype testing of co-designed solutions. The components of this evaluation framework and associated instruments are described.

A New System Architecture for Heterogeneous Compute Units

Asmussen, Nils 09 August 2019 (has links)
The ongoing trend to more heterogeneous systems forces us to rethink the design of systems. In this work, I study a new system design that considers heterogeneous compute units (general-purpose cores with different instruction sets, DSPs, FPGAs, fixed-function accelerators, etc.) from the beginning instead of as an afterthought. The goal is to treat all compute units (CUs) as first-class citizens, enabling (1) isolation and secure communication between all types of CUs, (2) a direct interaction of all CUs, removing the conventional CPU from the critical path, and (3) access to operating system (OS) services such as file systems and network stacks for all CUs. To study this system design, I am using a hardware/software co-design based on two key ideas: 1) introduce a new hardware component next to each CU used by the OS as the CUs' common interface and 2) let the OS kernel control applications remotely from a different CU. The hardware component is called data transfer unit (DTU) and offers the minimal set of features to reach the stated goals: secure message passing and memory access. The OS is called M³ and runs its kernel on a dedicated CU and runs the OS services and applications on the remaining CUs. The kernel is responsible for establishing DTU-based communication channels between services and applications. After a channel has been set up, services and applications communicate directly without involving the kernel. This approach allows to support arbitrary CUs as aforementioned first-class citizens, ranging from fixed-function accelerators to complex general-purpose cores.

Design and Real-World Evaluation of Dependable Wireless Cyber-Physical Systems

Mager, Fabian 09 August 2023 (has links)
The ongoing effort for an efficient, sustainable, and automated interaction between humans, machines, and our environment will make cyber-physical systems (CPS) an integral part of the industry and our daily lives. At their core, CPS integrate computing elements, communication networks, and physical processes that are monitored and controlled through sensors and actuators. New and innovative applications become possible by extending or replacing static and expensive cable-based communication infrastructures with wireless technology. The flexibility of wireless CPS is a key enabler for many envisioned scenarios, such as intelligent factories, smart farming, personalized healthcare systems, autonomous search and rescue, and smart cities. High dependability, efficiency, and adaptivity requirements complement the demand for wireless and low-cost solutions in such applications. For instance, industrial and medical systems should work reliably and predictably with performance guarantees, even if parts of the system fail. Because emerging CPS will feature mobile and battery-driven devices that can execute various tasks, the systems must also quickly adapt to frequently changing conditions. Moreover, as applications become ever more sophisticated, featuring compact embedded devices that are deployed densely and at scale, efficient designs are indispensable to achieve desired operational lifetimes and satisfy high bandwidth demands. Meeting these partly conflicting requirements, however, is challenging due to imperfections of wireless communication and resource constraints along several dimensions, for example, computing, memory, and power constraints of the devices. More precisely, frequent and correlated message losses paired with very limited bandwidth and varying delays for the message exchange significantly complicate the control design. In addition, since communication ranges are limited, messages must be relayed over multiple hops to cover larger distances, such as an entire factory. Although the resulting mesh networks are more robust against interference, efficient communication is a major challenge as wireless imperfections get amplified, and significant coordination effort is needed, especially if the networks are dynamic. CPS combine various research disciplines, which are often investigated in isolation, ignoring their complex interaction. However, to address this interaction and build trust in the proposed solutions, evaluating CPS using real physical systems and wireless networks paired with formal guarantees of a system’s end-to-end behavior is necessary. Existing works that take this step can only satisfy a few of the abovementioned requirements. Most notably, multi-hop communication has only been used to control slow physical processes while providing no guarantees. One of the reasons is that the current communication protocols are not suited for dynamic multi-hop networks. This thesis closes the gap between existing works and the diverse needs of emerging wireless CPS. The contributions address different research directions and are split into two parts. In the first part, we specifically address the shortcomings of existing communication protocols and make the following contributions to provide a solid networking foundation: • We present Mixer, a communication primitive for the reliable many-to-all message exchange in dynamic wireless multi-hop networks. Mixer runs on resource-constrained low-power embedded devices and combines synchronous transmissions and network coding for a highly scalable and topology-agnostic message exchange. As a result, it supports mobile nodes and can serve any possible traffic patterns, for example, to efficiently realize distributed control, as required by emerging CPS applications. • We present Butler, a lightweight and distributed synchronization mechanism with formally guaranteed correctness properties to improve the dependability of synchronous transmissions-based protocols. These protocols require precise time synchronization provided by a specific node. Upon failure of this node, the entire network cannot communicate. Butler removes this single point of failure by quickly synchronizing all nodes in the network without affecting the protocols’ performance. In the second part, we focus on the challenges of integrating communication and various control concepts using classical time-triggered and modern event-based approaches. Based on the design, implementation, and evaluation of the proposed solutions using real systems and networks, we make the following contributions, which in many ways push the boundaries of previous approaches: • We are the first to demonstrate and evaluate fast feedback control over low-power wireless multi-hop networks. Essential for this achievement is a novel co-design and integration of communication and control. Our wireless embedded platform tames the imperfections impairing control, for example, message loss and varying delays, and considers the resulting key properties in the control design. Furthermore, the careful orchestration of control and communication tasks enables real-time operation and makes our system amenable to an end-to-end analysis. Due to this, we can provably guarantee closed-loop stability for physical processes with linear time-invariant dynamics. • We propose control-guided communication, a novel co-design for distributed self-triggered control over wireless multi-hop networks. Self-triggered control can save energy by transmitting data only when needed. However, there are no solutions that bring those savings to multi-hop networks and that can reallocate freed-up resources, for example, to other agents. Our control system informs the communication system of its transmission demands ahead of time so that communication resources can be allocated accordingly. Thus, we can transfer the energy savings from the control to the communication side and achieve an end-to-end benefit. • We present a novel co-design of distributed control and wireless communication that resolves overload situations in which the communication demand exceeds the available bandwidth. As systems scale up, featuring more agents and higher bandwidth demands, the available bandwidth will be quickly exceeded, resulting in overload. While event-triggered control and self-triggered control approaches reduce the communication demand on average, they cannot prevent that potentially all agents want to communicate simultaneously. We address this limitation by dynamically allocating the available bandwidth to the agents with the highest need. Thus, we can formally prove that our co-design guarantees closed-loop stability for physical systems with stochastic linear time-invariant dynamics.:Abstract Acknowledgements List of Abbreviations List of Figures List of Tables 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Application Requirements 1.3 Challenges 1.4 State of the Art 1.5 Contributions and Road Map 2 Mixer: Efficient Many-to-All Broadcast in Dynamic Wireless Mesh Networks 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Overview 2.3 Design 2.4 Implementation 2.5 Evaluation 2.6 Discussion 2.7 Related Work 3 Butler: Increasing the Availability of Low-Power Wireless Communication Protocols 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Motivation and Background 3.3 Design 3.4 Analysis 3.5 Implementation 3.6 Evaluation 3.7 Related Work 4 Feedback Control Goes Wireless: Guaranteed Stability over Low-Power Multi-Hop Networks 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Related Work 4.3 Problem Setting and Approach 4.4 Wireless Embedded System Design 4.5 Control Design and Analysis 4.6 Experimental Evaluation 4.A Control Details 5 Control-Guided Communication: Efficient Resource Arbitration and Allocation in Multi-Hop Wireless Control Systems 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Problem Setting 5.3 Co-Design Approach 5.4 Wireless Communication System Design 5.5 Self-Triggered Control Design 5.6 Experimental Evaluation 6 Scaling Beyond Bandwidth Limitations: Wireless Control With Stability Guarantees Under Overload 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Problem and Related Work 6.3 Overview of Co-Design Approach 6.4 Predictive Triggering and Control System 6.5 Adaptive Communication System 6.6 Integration and Stability Analysis 6.7 Testbed Experiments 6.A Proof of Theorem 4 6.B Usage of the Network Bandwidth for Control 7 Conclusion and Outlook 7.1 Contributions 7.2 Future Directions Bibliography List of Publications

Reliability-Based Formulations for Simulation-Based Control Co-Design

Sherbaf Behtash, Mohammad 23 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Jämlik ögonsjukvård genom co-production : Förbättringsarbete i samarbete med Synskadades Riksförbund med fokus på tillgänglighet och bemötande, samt en intervjustudie om personalens erfarenhet av co-production / Equal eye care through co-production : Improvement work in collaboration with the Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired with a focus on accessibility and service, as well as an interview study on the staff's experience of co-production

Manto, Muqaddas January 2022 (has links)
Sjukvården ska vara jämlik för alla patienter, men rapport från Socialstyrelsen visar att det finns brister i den svenska sjukvården. Ögonsjukvården på ett av Sveriges större sjukhus fick under sommaren 2021 in synpunkter gällande bristande tillgänglighet och bemötande. Ögonsjukvården hade lokaler som inte var anpassade för patienter med synskada, och bemötandet visade brist på insikt i hur det är att ha en synskada. Ett projekt startades i samarbete med Synskadades Riksförbund, för att tillsammans åtgärda dessa brister. Fyra patienter med synskada fick besöka ögonmottagningen och uppmärksamma brister och ta fram åtgärdsförslag. De fick även svara på en enkät före och efter genomförandet av åtgärderna för att senare kunna utvärdera om förändringarna lett till en förbättring eller inte. Frågorna gällde fyra aspekter i tillgänglighet på olika delar av sjukhuset. För att förbättra bemötandet föreslog Synskadades Riksförbund en insiktsutbildning för personalen. Utbildningen skulle ledas av personer med synskada, med målet att öka personalens förståelse för hur det är att leva med en synskada, Utbildningen följdes av en intervjustudie för att undersöka medarbetarnas erfarenhet av co-production, och hur verksamheten i framtiden kan samarbeta med patienterna. Resultatet visar att alla utom en patient upplevde förbättring av tillgängligheten på alla fyra aspekter. En av patienterna tyckte att tre av fyra aspekter hade förbättrats. Totalt 23 medarbetare hann genomgå insiktsutbildningen. Målet på en ökad tillgänglighet uppnåddes, medan målet om att hinna med att utbilda 30 medarbetare inte uppnåddes. Resultatet av studien visade att co-production är ett uppskattat arbetssätt som anses effektivt för att uppnå mer jämlik sjukvård. Slutsatsen är att co-production tillsammans med patienterna har lett till både bättre tillgänglighet och bättre bemötande. Projektet fortsätter, och målet under året är att alla medarbetare ska hunnit genomgå insiktsutbildningen. Projektet har tilldelats medel för fortsatta insatser för en mer jämlik sjukvård för ögonsjukvårdens patienter. / Healthcare must be equal for all patients, but a National Board of Health and Welfare report found shortcomings in Swedish healthcare in this area.  During 2021 the eyecare department at one of Sweden’s largest hospitals received remarks on accessibility and service. The facilities were not adapted for visually impaired patients, and they felt a lack of insight into their needs. A joint project was started with the Swedish Association of Visually Impaired (SRF) to address these shortcomings. Four members with visual impairments visited the clinic to assess the facilities, in order to propose an improvement plan. The participants also completed a questionnaire, before and after implementation of changes, to evaluate if it had improved. The questions covered four aspects of accessibility in different parts of the hospital. To improve the patient interaction, SRF proposed awareness training for hospital staff. The training was led by visually impaired people, with the goal of increasing awareness about living with visual impairments. The training was followed by a study about the staffs’ experience on co-production and how future collaboration with patients could be done. The results show that all but one patient experienced an improvement in accessibility in all four aspects. One of the patients thought that three out of four aspects had improved. 23 employees completed the awareness training. The goal of increased accessibility was achieved; however, the goal of training 30 employees was not reached. The study showed that co-production is appreciated and was considered effective in achieving more equal healthcare.  The conclusion is that co-production led to both better accessibility and treatment. The project continues, and the goal is for all employees to complete awareness training this year. The project has secured funds for continued efforts for a more equal healthcare for eye care patients.

En inbjudan från kvinna till kvinna : En designforskning för ökad involvering av kvinnor inom kampsport / An Invitation From Woman to Woman : A Design Study for Increased Involvement of Women in Martial Arts

Nilsson, Izabelle January 2023 (has links)
Studien är ett examensarbete som undersöker frågeställningen: hur vi med hjälp av produktdesign kan bjuda in fler kvinnor till kampsport? Studien undersöks utifrån designteorien användarcentrerad design och inslag av metoder från co-design. Det teoretiska ramverket undersöker designteori i samband med normer, genus och kampsport samt relaterade studier om kvinnor och kampsport. Kampsport har alltid varit mansdominerat och trots att idrott generellt är mer jämställt idag är det fortfarande brist på kvinnliga deltagare. Genom att undersöka användarnas behov genom intervjuer, deltagande observation, kreativ workshop och en slutgiltig prototyp kan forskningsfrågan besvaras. Eftersom studien utgår ifrån användarcentrerad design har användarna varit med under hela processen och tagit fram ett slutgiltigt designkoncept som innefattar en interaktiv produkt för kvinnor som vill börja utöva kampsport eller fortsätta utöva kampsport. Produkten fyller behovet av kvinnlig gemenskap och samhörighet genom att bjuda in varandra via interaktionen som finns i produkten. Studiens slutsats innebär ett designbidrag som kan stötta kvinnor att tillsammans utöva kampsport trots historiska samhällsnormer som till viss del kan finnas kvar i samhället. / The study is a bachelor thesis that investigates the question: how we by the aid of product design can invite more women to martial arts. The study is examined based on the design theory, usercentered design with elements from co-design. The theoretical framework examines design theory in conjuction with norms, gender and the related studies with women practicing martial arts. Even though sports in general are more gender equal today, the martial arts still lack female participants. By examining the users needs through interviews, observation through participation, creative workshops and by using a final prototype, the question can at last be answered. Since the study is based on user-centered design, the users have been involved throughout the entire development process and contributed to a final design concept that includes an interactive product for women that want to start or continue practicing martial arts. The final product fulfills the need for female community and affinity by inviting each other through the interactive elements in the product. The conclusion of the study implies a design contribution that have the ability to support women to practice martial arts together despite historical social norms that might be, to some extent, still remaining in our society.

Unspoken Echoes : Intersection of Design Fictions, Stigma, and Hearing Loss

Rocha de Souza Melhado, Felipe January 2024 (has links)
Designers, through their practice, often mirror the process of storytelling in how they perceive, portray, and make sense of the world around them. As designers, we increasingly engage with complex social contexts that require nuanced ways of working. Hearing loss stigma, as a wicked social problem, is not merely a physiological ailment; it is a multifaceted sociocultural challenge entwined with societal attitudes, perceptions, and structures.  This thesis investigates the systemic nature of this stigma, exploring how design practices can either perpetuate or challenge it. By adopting a critical design perspective and employing design fictions as provocations, it seeks to challenge existing stigmatised social narratives through open and critical reflections. Central to this process are co-creation sessions, which serve as participatory interfaces to shape the narratives.  Employing a mixed-methodology approach, findings reveal the importance of speculative design in prompting critical dialogue, thereby opening new spaces for reimagining social narratives surrounding hearing loss. / Em sua prática, designers frequentemente espelham o processo do storytelling na forma como percebem, retratam e dão sentido ao mundo ao seu redor. Como designers, cada vez mais nos ocupamos com contextos sociais complexos que exigem abordagens mais refinadas. O estigma da perda auditiva, como um problema social persistente, não pode ser simplificado como apenas uma condição fisiológica; é um desafio sociocultural multifacetado emaranhando atitudes, percepções, e estruturas sociais.  Esta dissertação examina a natureza sistêmica desse estigma, avaliando como as práticas de design podem tanto perpetuá-lo quanto desafiá-lo. Mediante a adoção de uma perspectiva de design crítico e utilizando design fictions como provocações, esta busca contestar narrativas sociais estigmatizadas por meio de reflexões abertas e críticas. O elemento central desse plano são as sessões de co-criação, que atuam como interfaces participativas para modelar as narrativas. Com uma metodologia de pesquisa mista, os resultados revelam a importância do design especulativo para estimular o discurso crítico, abrindo, assim, novos espaços para reimaginar as narrativas sociais relacionadas à perda auditiva.

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