Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS"" "subject:"[enn] COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS""
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Représentation sémantico-conceptuelle et construction du sens : l'adjectif et sa combinatoire avec d'autres expressionsRudel, Audrey 21 October 2011 (has links)
Ce travail a comme source une réflexion sur les problèmes liés à la complexité de lasémantique adjectivale. Puisque l’adjectif constitue le noyau de cette thèse, nous ledéfinissons et faisons ainsi ressortir ses caractéristiques, notamment la souplesse dont il faitpreuve. Nous envisageons la modification du nom par l’adjectif, puis nous considérons laplace de ce dernier vis-à-vis du substantif recteur ainsi que les changements de sens entreantéposition et postposition.Chemin faisant, notre réflexion porte non seulement sur la notion de sens mais aussisur la construction du sens que nous considérons comme un processus dynamique. Nousmettons en avant l’activation de l’information ainsi que les problèmes rencontrés lors de laconstruction du sens d’expressions Adj-N et N-Adj. La polysémie lexicale constitue un despoints sur lesquels nous nous attardons puisque ce phénomène est au centre de la langue.Nos recherches s’intègrent dans le cadre de la Grammaire Cognitive deR.W. Langacker (1987, 1991, 2008). Nous étudions donc l’adjectif de même que lacombinaison Adj-N/N-Adj à la lumière de cette théorie. Notre raisonnement nous amène ànous questionner, entre autres choses, sur la représentation sémantico-conceptuelle associéeaux adjectifs à sens multiples.Nous postulons que toute expression linguistique est associée, dans l’appareil cognitifdes locuteurs-auditeurs, à une structure conceptuelle d’informations organisées. Notreréflexion s’oriente vers la représentation des items lexicaux à sens multiples en GrammaireCognitive. Le modèle des réseaux schématiques (Schematic Network Model) permet de rendrecompte des différents sens d’un lexème ainsi que des liens les unissant. Sur la base destravaux de D. Tuggy (1993), nous proposons de répartir les représentationssémantico-conceptuelles des mots à sens multiples le long d’un continuum allant del’homonymie au vague, en passant par la polysémie et la multi-facialité. Enfin, nousproposons une analyse des adjectifs à sens multiples pauvre, cher et curieux, toujours dans lecadre de la Grammaire Cognitive. Pour chacun d’entre eux, nous établissons unereprésentation sémantico-conceptuelle et nous donnons les régularités sémantiques liées à laconstruction du sens lors leur combinatoire avec un substantif. / This work is concerned with the problems which surround the complexity of adjectivalsemantics. As the adjective is at the heart of this thesis, we firstly seek to define it and, in doingso, we bring to light its characteristics, and in particular its flexibility. We consider theadjective when used in noun modification before turning to the place of the adjective withregards to the noun and, finally, considering the changes in meaning between adjectives in theanteposition and postposition.Inevitably, our reflection concerns not only the notion of meaning but also meaningconstruction,which we consider as a dynamic process. We focus upon the activation of theinformation as well as the problems linked to meaning-construction of Adj-N and N-Adjexpressions. We pay particular attention to lexical polysemy; this phenomenon being centralto language.The framework for our research is that of R.W. Langacker’s Cognitive Grammar(1987, 1991, 2008). We, thus, study the adjective as well as the Adj-N/N-Adj combinations inlight of this theory. Our reasoning brings us to question, among other things, the semanticconceptualrepresentation associated with adjectives which offer multiple meanings.We postulate that any linguistic expression is associated, in a speaker-hearer’scognitive device, with an abstract structure of organized information. Our reflection turns tothe representation of lexical items which offer multiple meanings in Cognitive Grammar. TheSchematic Network Model is used to allow us to take into account different meanings of alexeme as well as the links between them. On the basis of D. Tuggy’s works (1993), wesuggest distributing the semantic-conceptual representations of words with multiple meaningsalong a continuum going from homonymy to vagueness, and including polysemy andmultifaciality. Finally, we offer an analysis of the adjectives pauvre, cher and curieux whichhave multiple meanings, once again within the framework of Cognitive Grammar. For each ofthese adjectives, we establish a semantic-conceptual representation and we offer the semanticregularities connected to meaning-construction when these adjectives are combined with anoun.
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The Postposed Indefinite Article Noun Phrase from a Construction Grammar PerspectiveHillert, Albin January 2010 (has links)
<p>English noun phrases (NP) which include degree modified adjectives show some interesting variation of the position of the indefinite article. A particularly salient pattern is displayed in <em>This is anticipated to be <strong>more common a scenario</strong> than fleas spreading bubonic plague </em>(BoE, BU-NX022521)<em>.</em> The present paper is based on a study of utterances where this pattern was used even though a canonical word order would have been possible. Such constructs are referred to as the <em>Optional Postposed Indefinite Article Noun Phrase </em>(OPIANP) and have been collected from the British National Corpus (BNC) and <em>Collins Word Banks Online: English Corpus</em> (BoE). The central question is whether there is semantic motivation for this postposition of the indefinite article. The results suggest that there is such motivation, namely that the OPIANP could be an extension of a more frequent construction identified as the <em>Postposed Indefinite Article Noun Phrase</em> (PIANP). Furthermore, it is shown that the pattern’s semantics is unpredictable from the composition of its parts and that its primary function is that it positions already given arguments on an adjectival scale. That is, it foregrounds scalar qualities and backgrounds the noun. These conclusions stem from observations of patterns of unification with other constructions, illustrating how the OPIANP unifies best with the non-referential, descriptive PC-constructions and less well with referential constructions such as the subject and direct object constructions. These findings are remarkable as the idea of an adjective-scalar centred NP-construction challenges the idea of NPs being centred round their head, the noun.</p>
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Les métaphores de guerre dans la prose journalistique du français / War metaphors in French newspaper proseDilks, Charlotte January 2009 (has links)
This study explores the use of war metaphors, more specifically metaphors centred on the verb, in modern French newspaper prose from three principal angles. The first part of the analysis shows that the verbs of war used are metaphorical rather than concrete. However, the vast majority of the metaphors stem from only five verbs, namely attaquer, affronter, combattre, défendre and lutter. The second part of the analysis focuses on these five verbs and their metaphorical uses. It is shown that it is the semantic role of patient that separates a metaphorical use from a concrete use. A classification of the patients according to semantic fields reveals that each of the five verbs shows a distinct preference for a certain type of patient and the verbs also differ in whether their patients have negative or positive connotations. This creates an image of five verbs, each of which is conventionalised in a certain linguistic context. The final chapter of the analysis investigates war metaphors from a textual perspective, analysing their usage according to three parameters: position, function and target domains. The position that is the most susceptible to war metaphors is the initial position. The textual functions of metaphors are divided into one semantic and three pragmatic functions. The semantic function structures the theme of an article in terms of war, construing an antagonism by means of elaborating or extending a conventional metaphor. The pragmatic functions considered are argumentative, descriptive and expressive. In the articles studied, war metaphors have mostly a descriptive or argumentative function. Finally, the target domains and their interconnections with the source domain WAR are considered, showing that the war metaphors are linked to power or the lack thereof. The metaphor often describes the person in power, but the case can be reversed with the metaphor describing the powerless resisting or fighting the person in power.
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Moralės modeliai viešajame diskurse: kontrastyvinė metaforų analizė / Morality models through metaphors: a cross-linguistic analysisArcimavičienė, Liudmila 17 May 2010 (has links)
Ši disertacija – tai kontrastyvinio pobūdžio lingvistinis darbas, kurio tyrimų objektas yra viešasis anglų ir lietuvių kalbų diskursas politine tema. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti, kokiais moralės modeliais vadovaujamasi Didžiosios Britanijos ir Lietuvos viešajame diskurse politine tematika, remiantis metaforos analize. Moksliniam tyrimui buvo renkami analitiniai straipsniai, kuriuose aprašomi Lietuvos (www.politika.lt) ir Didžiosios Britanijos (www.economist.com) politiniai įvykiai ketverių (Britanijos atveju) ir dvejų (Lietuvos atveju) metų laikotarpiu. Visame sinchroniniame tyrime taikomas trianguliacijos metodas, leidžiantis ištirti metaforos raišką įvairiais aspektais, derinant kokybinius (aprašomąjį, analitinį ir kognityvinį) tyrimus su kiekybiniu tyrimu. Buvo nustatyta trylika universalių metaforų: JUDĖJIMAS, JĖGA, KARAS, GYVŪNAI, SANDARA, JUSLĖS, VISUMA, SPORTAS, SVEIKATA, SANTYKIAI, PURVAS, VERSLAS ir TEATRAS. Gretinamoji analizė rodo, kad anglų kalbos metaforos skiriasi nuo lietuvių kalbos metaforų savo epistemine sandara. Anglų kalbos metaforų analizė rodo vertinimą, grindžiamą kompleksiniu moralės modeliu. Toks politinių įvykių vertinimas byloja apie progresyvią demokratinę politinę sistemą, pasižyminčią dinamiškumu, vertinimų kaita ir įvairove. Lietuvių kalbos metaforų analizės metu nustatytas vyraujantis pragmatinis metaforos moralės modelis su labai nežymiai išreikštais kitais metaforos moralės modeliais. Toks Lietuvos politinių įvykių vertinimas rodo pragmatinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The present study has attempted the analysis of public discourse and its moral expectations through metaphor at a contrastive level in the theoretical framework of cognitive linguistics. The study deals with the identification of morality models in public discourse in English and Lithuanian. The materials of the study consist of analytical political articles extracted from the online archives of two following websites: (1) www.economist.com, (2) www.politika.lt. The collected data amounts to 415, 670 words in total. Three methods of analysis were applied to the collected data: qualitative, quantitative and contrastive. The analysis reveals that political affairs in both cultures are framed by the same conceptual metaphors. The structural composition of the conceptual metaphors has been examined in terms of the following thirteen SOURCE domains: MOTION, RELATIONSHIP, STRENGTH, HEALTH, SPORTS, WAR, ESSENCE, BUSINESS, DIRT, SENSES, WHOLENESS, THEATRE, and ANIMALS. The cross-mapping between SOURCE domains and TARGET domains is held by different epistemic correspondences, which leads to the variability of MORALITY models across the two languages, i.e. English and Lithuanian. British politics tends to be more varied in its moral expectations, which derive from three types of Morality Systems: Pragmatic, Rational and Integrated. Thus, the moral expectations governing British political discourse are based on the Complex Morality Model. By contrast, Lithuanian politics is... [to full text]
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Morality models through metaphors: a cross-linguistic analysis / Moralės modeliai viešajame diskurse: kontrastyvinė metaforų analizėArcimavičienė, Liudmila 17 May 2010 (has links)
The present study has attempted the analysis of public discourse and its moral expectations through metaphor at a contrastive level in the theoretical framework of cognitive linguistics. The study deals with the identification of morality models in public discourse in English and Lithuanian. The materials of the study consist of analytical political articles extracted from the online archives of two following websites: (1) www.economist.com, (2) www.politika.lt. The collected data amounts to 415, 670 words in total. Three methods of analysis were applied to the collected data: qualitative, quantitative and contrastive. The analysis reveals that political affairs in both cultures are framed by the same conceptual metaphors. The structural composition of the conceptual metaphors has been examined in terms of the following thirteen SOURCE domains: MOTION, RELATIONSHIP, STRENGTH, HEALTH, SPORTS, WAR, ESSENCE, BUSINESS, DIRT, SENSES, WHOLENESS, THEATRE, and ANIMALS. The cross-mapping between SOURCE domains and TARGET domains is held by different epistemic correspondences, which leads to the variability of MORALITY models across the two languages, i.e. English and Lithuanian. British politics tends to be more varied in its moral expectations, which derive from three types of Morality Systems: Pragmatic, Rational and Integrated. Thus, the moral expectations governing British political discourse are based on the Complex Morality Model. By contrast, Lithuanian politics is... [to full text] / Ši disertacija – tai kontrastyvinio pobūdžio lingvistinis darbas, kurio tyrimų objektas yra viešasis anglų ir lietuvių kalbų diskursas politine tema. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti, kokiais moralės modeliais vadovaujamasi Didžiosios Britanijos ir Lietuvos viešajame diskurse politine tematika, remiantis metaforos analize. Moksliniam tyrimui buvo renkami analitiniai straipsniai, kuriuose aprašomi Lietuvos (www.politika.lt) ir Didžiosios Britanijos (www.economist.com) politiniai įvykiai ketverių (Britanijos atveju) ir dvejų (Lietuvos atveju) metų laikotarpiu. Visame sinchroniniame tyrime taikomas trianguliacijos metodas, leidžiantis ištirti metaforos raišką įvairiais aspektais, derinant kokybinius (aprašomąjį, analitinį ir kognityvinį) tyrimus su kiekybiniu tyrimu. Buvo nustatyta trylika universalių metaforų: JUDĖJIMAS, JĖGA, KARAS, GYVŪNAI, SANDARA, JUSLĖS, VISUMA, SPORTAS, SVEIKATA, SANTYKIAI, PURVAS, VERSLAS ir TEATRAS. Gretinamoji analizė rodo, kad anglų kalbos metaforos skiriasi nuo lietuvių kalbos metaforų savo epistemine sandara. Anglų kalbos metaforų analizė rodo vertinimą, grindžiamą kompleksiniu moralės modeliu. Toks politinių įvykių vertinimas byloja apie progresyvią demokratinę politinę sistemą, pasižyminčią dinamiškumu, vertinimų kaita ir įvairove. Lietuvių kalbos metaforų analizės metu nustatytas vyraujantis pragmatinis metaforos moralės modelis su labai nežymiai išreikštais kitais metaforos moralės modeliais. Toks Lietuvos politinių įvykių vertinimas rodo pragmatinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Estudi interlingüístic de les construccions que expressen estats patològics en català i en mandingaCrous Castañé, Berta 30 January 2009 (has links)
La tesi de Crous (2009) descriu les característiques de les estructures gramaticals del català i del mandinga que expressen malalties, signes i símptomes, trets físics i psíquics, etc. (com ser diabètic, estar refredat, tenir febre, tenir un bony (a la cama), tenir mal de panxa o tenir mal a la panxa, venir un atac de tos, agafar febre o fer mal el cap). La tesi demostra que la conceptualització i la categorització dels estats patològics, la manera com els parlants perceben alguns aspectes dels estats (com la temporalitat, l'abast corporal, la causalitat o el grau d'afectació) i les relacions entre aquests estats i els altres dos participants de la situació d'afectació (una persona i les seves parts del cos), no només es posa de manifest en els mots d'una llengua sinó que també intervé en la construcció i en la distribució dels diferents participants dins d'una oració. / Crous' doctoral dissertation (2009) describes the characteristics of Catalan and Mandinga grammatical structures expressing illnesses, signs and symptoms, physical and psychic traits, etc. (like ser diabètic 'to be diabetic', estar refredat 'to have a cold', tenir febre 'to have a fever', tenir un bony (a la cama) 'to have a lump (in one's leg)', tenir mal de panxa 'to have a bellyache' or tenir mal a la panxa 'to have an ache/a wound in one's belly', venir un atac de tos 'to have/suffer a cough attack', agafar febre 'to catch a fever' or fer mal el cap '(someone's head) to hurt'). This dissertation shows that the conceptualization and the categorization of the pathological states, the way speakers perceive some aspects of the states (such as their temporality, the corporal extend, the causality or the degree of affectedness), and the relations between these states and the other two participants in the situation (a person and his/her body parts) are not only manifested in the vocabulary of the language, but also in the construction and distribution of the participants in a sentence.
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Les interjeccions en un corpus audiovisual. Descripció i representació lexicogràficaMatamala Ripoll, Anna 22 November 2004 (has links)
"Les interjeccions en un corpus audiovisual: descripció i representació lexicogràfica" aborda l'estudi de les interjeccions en un corpus audiovisual de comèdies de situació originals i doblades de l'anglès al català. En la tesi es descriuen les interjeccions des de diferents perspectives i, després d'analitzar-ne la representació als diccionaris, es proposa una aplicació lexicogràfica electrònica bilingüe. / "Les interjeccions en un corpus audiovisual: descripció i representació lexicogràfica", PhD studies interjections in an audiovisual corpus of sitcoms, both original and dubbed from English into Catalan. Interjections are described from different perspectives and, after analysing their representation in dictionaries, a bilingual electronic lexicographical tool is proposed.
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Ditos populares em músicas do cancioneiro popular: uma abordagem cognitiva / Popular sayings in popular musics: a cognitive approachAntonio Marcos Vieira de Oliveira 30 March 2012 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, analisam-se alguns ditos populares retomados em músicas do cancioneiro popular, com base na teoria da metáfora conceptual (Lakoff e Jonhson, 1980; Kövecses, 2002), e na teoria da integração conceptual (Fauconnier e Turner, 2002). Busca se investigar se a projeção metafórica presente no dito empregado em situações cotidianas se sustenta, quando o mesmo é retomado em uma letra de música. Este estudo encontra sua justificativa em uma das assunções basilares da linguística cognitiva de que as metáforas conceptuais estão presentes tanto nas conversas cotidianas quanto nas manifestações literárias e artísticas. Pretende se, assim, observar a multidirecionalidade dos processos de significação desse tipo de construção linguística, a fim de postular seu poder projetivo e metafórico na mente dos falantes. Dentro do repertório de construções proverbiais em português, é perceptível a construção proverbial condicional com a configuração sintático semântica [x P Q], entre as quais foi escolhida como objeto de estudo a configuração [Quem P Q]. A escolha das músicas foi aleatória, já que não se buscou um gênero ou estilo específico, mas canções que possuíssem ditos populares em suas letras. Na análise, de cunho interpretativo, procedeu-se a identificação do papel da metáfora conceptual presente no dito empregado em situações cotidianas e nas 10 músicas selecionadas para este estudo. Em seguida, postularam-se redes de integração conceptual subjacente ao sentido dos ditos nas interações em geral e nas músicas, de modo a explicar que as diferenças de sentido observadas ou não nos ditos transpostos para letras de músicas estão relacionadas ao tipo de rede de integração conceptual ativado durante o processo de mesclagem. As redes de integração postuladas para explicar a construção de sentido dos ditos e destes nas músicas analisadas, revelam compressões das relações de CAUSA EFEITO, MUDANÇA, IDENTIDADE, ANALOGIA DESANALOGIA e TEMPO, devido, sobretudo, ao papel que os ditos desempenham ao ilustrar cenas da vida das pessoas. Entre as metáforas que estruturam os ditos, nas interações e nas músicas, encontram-se A VIDA É UMA VIAGEM / A VIDA É UM TRAJETO QUE DEVE SER PERCORRIDO COM CAUTELA / VIDA É UM JOGO DE AZAR; TEMPO É LOCAL PARA ONDE ALGO SE DESLOCA; DIFICULDADES SÃO IMPEDIMENTOS (IN) TRANSPONÍVEIS; RELIGIÃO É UMA TRANSAÇÃO COMERCIAL; MORAL É UM OBJETO PRECIOSO (MAS FRÁGIL COMO O VIDRO); EXAGEROS SÃO GOLPES INCERTOS. Espera-se que a hipótese aventada com este estudo motive outras pesquisas sob o escopo teórico da Linguística Cognitiva; em especial, as teorias da metáfora e da mesclagem conceptual, as quais revelaram um potencial descritivo promissor para análise de fenômenos semântico-pragmáticos da língua portuguesa, como os ditos populares, construções situadas no topo da escala de idiomaticidade / In this dissertation, some popular sayings found in folk songs, based on conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980; Kövecses, 2002), and conceptual integration theory (Fauconnier and Turner, 2002) are analyzed. We investigate if this metaphorical projection in those popular saying is sustained in everyday situations, when it is taken up in a lyric. This study finds its justification in one of the basic assumptions of cognitive linguistics that conceptual metaphors are present both in everyday conversations and in the literary and artistic manifestations. The aim is to observe the processes of significance of this type of linguistic construction in order to posit its power projective and metaphorical in the speakers minds. Within the repertoire of proverbial constructions in portuguese, it is noted the proverbial conditional construction with this syntax semantics configuration [x PQ], among these, it was chosen as the object of this study the setting [About PQ]. The choice of songs was random, since no attempt was made to a specific genre or style, but songs that possess popular sayings in his lyrics. In this analysis, interpretive nature, we proceeded to identify the role of conceptual metaphor in that this employee in everyday situations and in the 10 songs selected for this study. Then, it was postulated conceptual integration networks underlying the effect of said interactions in general and in music, in order to explain the observed differences in meaning or not the sayings translated into lyrics. Those songs are related to the type of conceptual integration of network activated during the merge process. The network integration postulated to explain the construction of meaning of these sayings and the songs are analyzed and it shows the compression of the relations of CAUSE AND EFFECT, CHANGE, IDENTIDY, ANALOGY AND DISANALOGY, TIME, due mainly to the role that those plays illustrate scenes of people's lives. Among the metaphors that structure those popular sayings in the interactions and in the songs are: LIFE IS A JOURNEY / LIFE IS A PATH TO BE TRAVELED WITH CAUTION / LIFE IS A GAMBLING GAME, TIME IS A PLACE WHERE SOMETHING MOVES; DIFFICULTIES ARE BARS (IN) TRANSPOSABLE; RELIGION IS A COMMERCIAL TRANSACTION, MORAL IS A PRECIOUS OBJECT (BUT FRAGILE AS GLASS). It is expected that the hypothesis of this study will motivate further research on the theoretical scope of Cognitive Linguistics, in particular, theories of metaphor and conceptual blending, which revealed a potential promise for descriptive analysis of semantic-pragmatic phenomena of Portuguese as the sayings popular construction on the top idiomatic scale
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Antropomorfní metafory v češtině a španělštině: analýza neliterárních textů / Anthropomorphic Metaphors in Czech and in Spanish: Analysis of non-literary textsDUDOVÁ, Štěpánka January 2018 (has links)
The aim of our work is to analyze 500 samples from the Spanish and Czech corpora. When analyzing the samples, we will focus on the occurrence of anthropomorphic metaphors. Due to the large amount we generated, we specified our search for a lexical unit head and la cabeza. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part includes the approximation of the terms of metaphors and metonymies from the literary and non-literary point of view and the practical part of the analysis and description of the found excerpts. After analyzing all the lexical units in the practical part, there is a chapter containing the comparison of the excerpts in both languages and a summary in the Spanish language.
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Dos manuais didáticos à compreensão do aprendiz: a relevância da metáfora no ensino-aprendizagem de Inglês como Língua Estrangeira (ILE)Carneiro, Monica Fontenelle January 2009 (has links)
CARNEIRO, Monica Fontenelle. Dos manuais didáticos à compreensão do aprendiz: a relevância da metáfora no ensino-aprendizagem de Inglês como Língua Estrangeira (ILE). 2009. Dissertação (Mestrado em Linguistica) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Letras Vernáculas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística, Fortaleza-CE, 2009. / Submitted by Liliane oliveira (morena.liliane@hotmail.com) on 2012-08-28T14:16:22Z
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Previous issue date: 2009 / Based on the fact that teaching/learning methods and approaches developed in previous centuries haven`t focused on metaphor and taking into account how important it has become to the teaching/learning of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), this study investigates the role of metaphor as an element which can favor this process.This investigation not only describes the treatment which is given to it in sets of books used in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) courses, but also evaluates if the instruction on metaphoric mappings and image schemas which belong in the figurative language contribute to a better understanding on the learner`s part. First, it presents the traditional view of metaphor, which emphasized logic and abstraction, in opposition to the experiential view, which considers metaphor an instrument of cognitive organization and production. This concept is based on Lakoff and Johnson`s (1980, 1999) Theory of Conceptual Metaphor, as well as on Grady`s (1997a) important contributions. The methods used in the documental investigation (which examines the approach in the sets of books), and those used in the semi-experimental one (which investigates if metaphor favors the learner`s understanding), as well as all the proceedings used to obtain and analyze the specific data are then described. Following that, the results are presented and discussed / Considerando que os métodos e abordagens desenvolvidos ao longo dos séculos pouco exploraram a metáfora e reconhecendo a sua importância no processo de ensino/aprendizagem de Inglês como Língua Estrangeira (ILE), este estudo investiga esse seu papel como elemento facilitador, tanto descrevendo o tratamento que lhe é dado nos manuais didáticos, quanto analisando se a instrução sobre mapeamentos metafóricos e esquemas imagéticos pertinentes à linguagem figurada contribui para uma melhor compreensão do aprendiz. Este trabalho apresenta inicialmente a visão clássica da metáfora, que priorizou a lógica e a abstração, contrapondo, a essa perspectiva, a visão experiencialista, que considera a metáfora instrumento de organização e produção cognitiva. Essa visão tem como base a Teoria da Metáfora Conceitual, de Lakoff e Johnson (1980, 1999) e as valiosas contribuições de Grady (1997a). A metodologia adotada em cada uma das duas investigações: a documental (que examinou a abordagem nos manuais didáticos) e a semi-experimental (que tem o seu foco na análise do papel da metáfora como facilitadora da compreensão do aprendiz de língua estrangeira), assim como todos os procedimentos adotados para obtenção e análise dos dados são, então, descritos. Em seguida, os resultados são apresentados e discutidos
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