Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CONSULTING"" "subject:"[enn] CONSULTING""
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Servicekvalitet i affärssystemsinförande : En fallstudie inom Askk AB / Service Quality in Enterprise Systems Implementation : A case study within Askk ABZachrisson, Nils January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats i informatik är att undersöka vad som påverkar kundernas uppfattning av servicekvalitet vid införandet av ett affärssystem hos fallföretaget Askk AB. Genom intervjuer med fallföretagets kunder har studien identifierat flera faktorer som bidrar till kundernas upplevelse av servicekvaliteten. Kunderna uppskattade konsulternas proaktiva och engagerade tillvägagångssätt, snabba och effektiva kommunikation, samt deras lösningsorienterade inställning och tillgänglighet. Dessa faktorer bidrog till att skapa en positiv upplevelse av servicekvaliteten, tillsammans med systemets tillförlitlighet och användarvänlighet.
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Der Beitrag von Erfahrungen an den Entwicklungsprozessen zur Selbständigkeit / dargestellt am Beispiel von Existenzgründerinnen und Existenzgründern im Einzelhandel in den neuen BundesländernPanick, Veronika 13 December 1999 (has links)
Mit der Arbeit wird der Versuch unternommen, den Zusammenhängen von Biographie- und individuellen Lernprozessen nachzugehen. Dies erfolgt am Beispiel von acht ostdeutschen ExistenzgründerInnen, die sich nach der Wende in den neuen Bundesländern im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel selbständig gemacht haben. Hierbei interessiert die Frage, inwieweit Erfahrungen den Lernprozeß behindert oder gefördert haben. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit bestätigen die hohe Relevanz von Erfahrungen, Handlungsmustern und Verhaltensweisen und weisen auf die Bedeutung emotionaler Faktoren im Lernprozeß hin, die den Lernprozeß sowohl behindert, als auch gefördert haben. Die Autorin zieht hieraus den Schluß, daß individuelle Lernprozesse durch Lernberater zu begleiten und durch den Aufbau von Netzwerken zu unterstützen seien. Voraussetzung hierfür ist eine neue Lernkultur, die an den Biographie- und Kompetenzressourcen der Lerner ansetzt und dem Lehrenden eine beratende und moderierende Rolle im Lernprozeß zuweist. Wesentliche Grundlage sind kooperative und reflexive Kompetenzen und die Fähigkeit, eine vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre zu schaffen, in der sich beide Seiten öffnen können. / This paper attempts to look into the interrelationships between biographical and individual learning processes. The work is based on the example of eight female persons who, following German reunification, became self-employed within the food retail trade in the former East German states. The question of interest here is, in how far past experiences have promoted or impeded the learning process. The results of this work confirm the high relevance of experiences, action patterns and behaviour, and point out the significance of emotional factors within the learning process, through which this process was both impeded as well as promoted. The author comes to the conclusion that individual learning processes should be accompanied by educational consultants and supported through the establishment of networks. A pre-requirement for this is a new learning culture that starts out with the biographical and competence resources of the learning person and assigns to the teaching person a counselling and presenting role within the process of learning. The essential fundamentals are co-operative and reflexive competencies and the ability to create a trusting atmosphere within which both sides can open themselves up.
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Strategieberatung und strategische Unternehmensführung: Denk- und Verhaltensweisen von Geschäftsführern kleiner und mittlerer UnternehmenGünther, Lars 21 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Thematik der Strategieberatung in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) hat in der Managementforschung bisher wenig Beachtung gefunden und dies obwohl jenem Forschungsfeld hohe Relevanz attestiert wird. Die vorliegende Arbeit adressiert genau dieses Forschungsdesiderat. Im Rahmen einer explorativen, qualitativ-empirischen Studie wird beleuchtet, inwieweit KMU-Geschäftsführer (KMU-GF) Unternehmensberatung zur strategischen Unternehmensführung in Anspruch nehmen, ob diesbezüglich unterschiedliche Typen existieren und wodurch sich die entsprechenden Verhaltensweisen der KMU-GF begründen. Für die Analyse, weshalb KMU-GF Strategieberatung nutzen bzw. nicht nutzen, wird eine sozio-kognitive Perspektive eingenommen, die kognitive Strukturen sowie kognitive Prozesse als Auslöser von Verhalten untersucht und dabei auch die Rolle von Kontextfaktoren berücksichtigt. Ergänzend werden Einblicke in die Denk- und Verhaltensweisen von KMU-GF hinsichtlich der Themen Unternehmensberatung allgemein und strategische Unternehmensführung geboten.
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Through the Eyes of the Family: A Collective Case Study of Family Business ConsultingWaisner, Cynthia L. 03 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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台北市高中圖書館支援教學之研究 / A Study on the Teaching Support of Taipei Senior High School Libraries陳冠穎 Unknown Date (has links)
高中圖書館的宗旨在配合學校教育目標,並支援、豐富與實現學校的教育計畫,為學校整體教學中所不可或缺的一部份。許多國外研究亦已證明學校圖書館與教師之合作對於學生學術成就具有正向影響力。本研究透過訪談法瞭解臺北市高中圖書館支援教學之內涵,釐清圖書館負責人對於支援教學之看法,並分析支援教學所面臨之瓶頸與成功因素,探討高中圖書館如何突破困難,提出有效支援教學之策略。 / 綜合而言,臺北市高中圖書館支援教學之內涵包括:1. 積極發展館藏資源,以滿足教師之教學需求;2.善用資訊傳播科技以支援教學;3. 為師生提供圖書館利用教育,增進其資訊素養;4.由資訊融入教育著手,為教師提供教學諮詢服務。 / 若將支援教學相關服務依教師與館員合作關係歸納為「協調」、「合作」與「協同」三個層次,臺北市高中圖書館目前多已達協調、合作層次,僅少數圖書館達協同層次。和國外圖書館相較,臺北市高中圖書館離理想的協同性支援教學(如教學諮詢、協同教學、參與課程規畫)仍有一段距離。 / 臺北市高中圖書館支援教學之困難包括:1. 升學主義依然掛帥,成為圖書館推動資訊素養教育與資訊融入教育時之障礙;2. 館員缺乏學科教學專業知能,使教學諮詢服務不易獲得教師信任;3. 現階段圖書館人力不足,資訊相關業務之負荷過重。 / 而臺北市高中圖書館支援教學服務之成功因素則在於:1. 掌握資訊科技與資訊教育政策所提供之新契機;2. 館員具備圖書館學與資訊科技專業知能;3. 校長在經費、設備與人力資源上之支持;4. 教師之高度使用需求及參與意願;5. 館員之服務熱忱更為深化支援教學服務之要素。 / 綜合文獻探討與訪談結果,高中圖書館有效支援教學之策略包括: 1. 整合圖書館之服務及學科教學活動,以提升學生學習效能;2. 以資訊融入教育為己任,進而提供教學諮詢服務;3. 建置教學知識庫,整合教學資源;4. 充份整合人力資源,提供較深入之支援教學服務;5. 爭取教師之認同,共同創造新時代之教學願景;6. 培育種子教師,透過成功經驗之激勵,逐步推動高中圖書館之轉型;7. 積極爭取校外經費與設備之補助,以豐富師生教與學之經驗;8. 加強高中圖書館從業人員之專業知能,成為深度支援教學之支柱。 / 最後,本研究為深入支援教學提出幾點建議,供相關單位參考:1. 高中圖書館應協助教師進行個人知識管理;2. 高中圖書館員應深入了解社會發展、教育趨勢與學習需求;3. 高中圖書館從業人員應保持開放心態,隨時充實專業知能;4. 高中圖書館應持續推展與評鑑支援教學相關服務;5. 教育相關單位應將資訊素養概念納入學科教學中之中。 / The school library is the center for collecting, organizing and using information resources, and is therefore an indispensable part of school teaching activities. Teachers could better choose teaching materials, develop curriculum, and evaluate programs with school librarians’ support. Library literatures show that teacher and media specialist collaboration can effectively enhance student learning. This study use in-depth interviews to investigate the the situation of teaching support in Taipei senior high schools, to analyze the difficulties encountered, to identify the successful factors, and to provide strategies of teaching support. / Findings show that (1) teaching support services provided in most cases come under the “coordination” and “cooperation” stage, according to the Pollard and Montiel-Overall taxonomy framework, and very few senior high school libraries provide “collaboration” stage services. (2) Most directors keep conservative attitude toward “collaboration” stage services. (3) The difficulties encountered in teaching support include: tight course schedule, lack of education professional librarians, and tedious work. (4) Successful teaching support factors include: policy, professions in library and information science, unique personality, administration support, and teachers’ willingness. (5) Effectively teaching support strategies include integrating library programs into curriculum, helping teachers to integrate ICT into their lessons, assisting in teachers’ personal knowledge management, making better use of human resources, building visions with teachers, creating success stories, striving for budget actively, enhancing librarians’ professional ability. / Finally, the suggestions were made: (1) Senior high school libraries should assist in teachers’ personal knowledge management. (2) Senior high school librarians should keep learning. (3) Librarians should know the education trends and learning needs. (4) Services should be delivered, evaluated, and improved persistently. (5) Educational authorities should put emphasis on information literacy in subject instructions.
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企業併購對員工集體勞動關係影響之研究高傳堯 Unknown Date (has links)
在我國關於工會資訊權以及協商權是需要加強的部份,其內容可以不涉及營業機密,僅對於勞工可能受到的影響以及員工之後的安置方案進行資訊的提供以及協商,這方面可以參考歐盟以及歐洲國家、以及日本的規定,給予相關的資訊權;而協商不必全盤接受工會的意見,而是勞資進行協商,取得雙方的共識。在我國企業分割團體協約繼承規定上相當缺乏,可參考日本的勞動契約承繼法的規定,由工會與新舊雇主協商要繼承的協約部分。在併購後團體協約的規定應該要統一,可以讓兩企業內勞工在較公平的環境下工作,也不會有糾紛。除此之外,團體協約因為併購而失去效力這方面,應該要給予其餘後效力的保護。 / Our government announce the Laws about mergers and acquisitions(M&A)after 2000 and then announce“ Business Mergers and Acquisitions Law ”in 2002 .While M&A , the staff will usually be dismissed because enterprises want to increase their earning . The rights of the trade unions and collective agreement ,the purposes of collective labor relationship ,are the important issues about employees’ rights about M&A . The role of trade unions about M&A and collective agreements ’ effect should be influenced . Collective agreements ’ effect are changed because of M&A . One of the key points of this study is what the rules are when enterprise and trade union want to sign new collective agreement .
The article 4 (2) of “Business Mergers and Acquisitions Law”:Merger and acquisition include merger, consolidation, acquisition ,and division of a company . Only acquisition do not change the company’s body corporate in the three type of M&A ,and the other two types do .So what the employee’s rights are in the situations of consolidation and division are more complex than the situation of acquisition . According to “Labor Union Law”, trade union must consolidate or divisive because of M&A .There are no regulations about informing and consulting trade unions in our country’s laws. The companies must informate and consulate trade unions in the situation of collective redundancy .As the result, trade unions get the information hard about M&A ,and collective bargaining is a hard work .In the article 14 and article 27 of ” Collective Agreement Law ”provide that new employers must abide by the collective agreement which is signed by the original employer and trade union, but there are no regulations about the situation division.
In our laws, the regulations about informing and consulting trade unions in our country’s laws must increase. It can not include the secrets of operation of enterprise. It contain what the staff will be influenced and how to settle the staff after M&A is enough. About the issues ,we can refer to the regulations in the EU , UK, German , and Japan. The companies of M&A can accept all of the suggestions of the trade unions when collective bargaining . After collective bargaining between the companies and the trade union of M&A, it can get balance option between the employers and the employee. There are no regulations in our laws about collective agreement’s effect about the situation of division. We can refer to the system of Japan which provide that the employers and employees can negotiate about which provisions of the original collective bargaining the new employer must abide by when the situation of division .After M&A ,there must be the same collective agreement for the two enterprises’ employees. They will feel fair in this situation . On the other hand, if M&A delegalize the collective agreement , the labor conditions shall continue to constitute part of the labor contract between the parties to the expired agreement until otherwise provided by a labor contract.
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An exploration of processes of mutual recognition in organization development initiatives from the standpoint of a practising consultantWenzel, Eric January 2012 (has links)
What usually goes unaddressed in the consultancy literature is an exploration of how consultants make sense of their contributions in particular when they come to work in politically laden contexts. Resulting conflictual debates with clients and colleagues severely influence how their advice is responded to. Against this background, consultants’ ability to determine and predict future outcomes of their work is hardly problematized. Additionally, consultants are mutually dependent on both colleagues and clients. This dependency underpins power differentials and the struggle which arises when these are contested can often take violent forms, such as misrecognition, humiliation or public shaming. The central argument put forward in this thesis is that tolerating (the potential for) misrecognition and/or for violence when goals are not met or when power fluctuates is an important, yet rarely mentioned, aspect for being recognized as a consultant. These aspects deserve as much attention as the often ideal-typical forms management consulting is said to take in the mainstream management literature because they speak to the irremediably incomplete and rather probabilistic nature of consultants’ advice, and the multiplicity of (often not anticipated or undesired) meanings their work evokes. In order to make sense of the flux and flow of organizational activity, the plethora of responses such activity calls out and its attendant ambiguities are considered and critically reflected upon. The theory of complex responsive processes of relating (Stacey, 2007, 2010; Griffin, 2002; Shaw, 2002), theories of recognition, (Honneth, 1994, 2008; Kearney, 2003; Ricoeur, 2005), Hegelian dialectics and neo-pragmatist thought (Bernstein, 1983, 1991) are provided as non-orthodox views on human organizing. A perspective is proffered which pays attention to the inchoate, ambivalent and indeterminate dimensions of organizing as a way to make sense of how these simultaneously and paradoxically order, regularize, and normalize human activity. Particular attention will be paid to negotiations which take place in microinteractions to exemplify that it is not pre-planned human cooperation but the intermingling of intentions of people who are mutually dependent on one another which paradoxically gives rise to regular population-wide patterns and spontaneous change. To make sense of what these insights mean for a practising consultant a view is offered where our reflections (thought) on our interactions (practice) at once form and are being formed by one another. An attempt is made to move beyond the practice/theory dualism by taking a pragmatist view which claims that thought and action only ever arise together, thus rendering an understanding of consultative intervention in which thought comes before action idealized and rather dubious. It will be argued that the most important contribution consultants can make is to try to stay radically open, and to try to keep on exploring as long as possible the multiplicity of narratives which constitute the differing perspectives of organizational reality.
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Rozvoj dovednosti sebehodnocení žáků od 1. do 2. ročníku ZŠ / Development of self-assessment skills of pupils in 1st and 2nd year of primary schoolDurníková, Radka January 2015 (has links)
This graduation thesis has a theoretical and an exploratory character. The theoretical part is focused on the knowledge in the field of school evaluation and self- assessment of pupils. It defines the basic concepts, types, forms and functions of evaluation and self-assessment. The main aim is to define ways and various strategies to develop self-assessment skills of children in the beginning of primary school. The research questions and methods of investigation are formulated in the theoretical part. It presents results of long-term research about development of self- assessment skills of children from the beginning of 1st grade to the end of the first half of 2nd grade. One of the most significant parts of the research is devoted to specific strategies of the teacher, which positively affect the development of self- assessment skills of pupils, as well as involving parents in this process during a common consultation of teacher, student and parent.
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Činnost Speciálně pedagogického centra pro žáky s poruchami autistického spektra / Activities of a Special Education Centre for Pupils with Autism Spectrum DisordersHabartová, Iva January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the activities of the Special Education Centre, as provided to parents of children and pupils with autistic spectrum disorders in the region of Cheb, Czech Republic. The theoretical part summarizes - using the specialized literature available - basic information on the issue of autism, its complex assessment and diagnosing, and special education care with focus on the same. It specifies the forms of consulting services in the Czech Republic and the special education centre's services aimed at pupils with autistic spectrum disorders. The research part of the thesis contains the characteristics of the examined array and using a specific questionnaire, it collects information on the satisfaction of parents of pupils with autistic spectrum disorders with the special education centre's offer of services. It also analyses the degree of implementation of the individual strategies and maps out the possibilities of expanding the offer of special education care.
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