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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

日本卡通對青少年消費文化影響之研究 / The influence of Japanese animation on youth culture and consumer culture

孫立群, Sun Li-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
日本卡通在台灣相當受到歡迎,其閱聽人不只限於兒童,更擴大到青少年甚至年輕成人的年齡層,已經是台灣重要的電視節目類型。日本卡通除了媒體文本的播映之外,同時亦挾帶大量相關產品叩關,不但創造出廣大的商機,更全面而深入的影響了閱聽人/消費者的休閒娛樂與日常生活空間。 本研究採用問卷調查的方式,以台北市國高中生為研究對象,深入探討國內青少年接受日本卡通與相關商品的情形。研究者首先探討媒介結合商品的廠商策略與市場現狀,繼而從閱聽人使用的角度,追問青少年如何將卡通相關產品使用在日常生活當中,並綜合討論日本卡通影響下的青少年消費文化。 統計結果發現青少年收看日本卡通的時間能夠有效預測日本卡通相關商品的購買頻率,因此證實了收看日本卡通確實能夠提高青少年對於日本卡通相關商品的購買行為。研究發現日本卡通結合相關產品的銷售可以互相增強,而台灣青少年購買最多的卡通相關產品,是兼媒體、商品於一身的漫畫與電動,因此卡通、漫畫、電動三者隱然表現出一種「成套」販賣、使用的特色,甚至對日本流行文化整體的接觸與好感都有互相加強的現象。研究亦發現台灣青少年購買卡通商品時,最主要的意義是「新奇流行」,可知台灣青少年受到消費主義相當的影響,尚未發展出具有真實性、抗拒性的青少年文化。然而資本主義市場邏輯與青少年文化的抗拒特性關係相當複雜,因此台灣青少年是否具有主動性?這個問題仍留下許多值得討論的空間。 / Japanese animation is so popular in Taiwan that it has become a major television genre across children, adolescents, and young adults. It is not only a media text, but also bringing lots of animation merchandise, including comic books, games, clothes, accessories, and so on. Thus Japanese animation industry has created marvelous benefit, and its influence is prevailing and deeply on many aspects of the audience/consumer*s leisure and everyday practice. This thesis takes the adolescents in Taipei for example, exploring the promotion tactics of the industry on the one hand, and discovering how the adolescents use the animation merchandise on the other; then the discussion of youth culture and consumer culture in Taiwan will be carry on. This research finds out that the animation merchandise would reinforce each other and enhance the audience/consumer*s buying frequency. Comics and games are consumed most by the adolescents in Taiwan, implying that the three (animation, comics, games) are sold and consumed in "packages". At the same time, the most important meaning adolescents inscribe to the animation merchandise is "fashion and novelty", revealing that the youth culture in Taiwan is following the market and consumerism, not a original and authentic one.

Políticas urbanas de patrimonialização e consumo : a paisagem cultural do Rio de Janeiro

Souza, Eder Cláudio Malta 07 July 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This thesis analyzes the city patrimonialization process of Rio de Janeiro and investigates the Dossier “Rio de Janeiro: Carioca Landscapes between the mountain and the sea”, coordinated by Iphan and approved by Unesco as first city Cultural Heritage in Cultural Landscape category, inscribed from the relationship between the landscape and the carioca urban culture. The research hypothesis concerns that patrimonialization symbolically values the cultural landscape and democratizing the spaces to nominate the representation spaces of affective and identity values of the city, but his nomination as world heritage stems from the inscription of properties and consumer places on the delimitation of the site. The central argument is that the patrimonialization of Rio de Janeiro aims at recomposition of identity and urban image built around the epithet “Wonderful City”, which lost the symbolic efficacy as a tourist attraction due to exhaust the city’s image, insofar as the strong publicity of socio-spatial differences, the conflictuality, social inequality, slums and urban violence become a counter-landscape of traditional places of Rio public visibility. Therefore, it proposed to discuss how the sociocultural landscape is incorporated in the search for a new image and conforms as a desirable future of social, environmental, economic and cultural sustainability of the city. / Esta tese analisa o processo de patrimonialização da cidade do Rio de Janeiro e parte da investigação do dossiê “Rio de Janeiro: paisagens cariocas entre a montanha e o mar”, coordenado pelo Iphan e aprovado pela Unesco como primeira cidade Patrimônio Cultural da Humanidade, na categoria Paisagem Cultural, inscrito a partir da relação entre as paisagens e a cultura urbana carioca. A hipótese de pesquisa refere que a patrimonialização valoriza simbolicamente a paisagem cultural e democratiza os espaços ao nominar os lugares de representação dos valores afetivos e identitários da cidade, mas sua nominação como patrimônio mundial decorre da inscrição dos bens e lugares de consumo na delimitação do Sítio. O argumento central é que a patrimonialização do Rio de Janeiro almeja a recomposição da identidade e imagem urbana construída em torno do epíteto “Cidade Maravilhosa”, a qual perdeu eficácia simbólica como atrativo turístico devido à exaustão da imagem da cidade, na medida em que a forte publicização das assimetrias socioespaciais, a conflitualidade, a desigualdade social, a favelização e a violência urbana tornam-se uma contrapaisagem dos tradicionais lugares de visibilidade pública carioca. Logo, propõe-se debater como a paisagem sociocultural é incorporada na busca de uma nova imagem e como conforma um futuro desejável de sustentabilidade socioespacial, ambiental, econômica e cultural da cidade.

Comprendre le comportement du consommateur masculin : une approche socioculturelle : du discours des marques sur l'apparence masculine aux représentations des consommateurs de lingerie d'homme / Understanding the masculine consumer behavior : a socio-cultural approach : from brand discourse on masculine appearences to male representations of men's lingerie

Ourahmoune, Nacima 31 August 2011 (has links)
Ce manuscrit vise une participation à la construction de savoir sur la consommation masculine, une thématique de recherche largement délaissée au profit des représentations féminines en la matière. Inscrite dans le courant de la Théorie Culturelle de la Consommation, la thèse propose d’investiguer à la fois le discours des marques liées à l’apparence et les discours d’hommes investis dans de nouvelles pratiques de consommations connotées du féminin, la lingerie d’hommes. Dans un premier essai, le discours sur la masculinité de 20 marques issues de traditions masculines (Automobiles, High-Tech,...) et de traditions féminines (Mode, Beauté...) est investigué sur une période de 40 ans (des années 1970 à nos jours) pour comprendre les termes du changement de l’identité masculine. Une lecture sémiotique du corpus combinée à une analyse critique de l’histoire socio-culturelle masculine française permet d’interpréter et qualifier l’évolution des imaginaires masculins contenus dans les récits de marques.Dans un deuxième essai, sur la base d’une étude phénoménologique (entretiens individuels avec 21 hommes), l’auteur interroge l’expérience de consommation de lingerie pour hommes en révélant les processus de découverte, d’entrée et d’implication dans une consommation jugée « anomique » jusqu’à peu. La mise en lumière du rôle d’un réseau esthétique féminin qui supporte cette consommation ainsi que les perceptions et bénéfices retirés dans l’entre- nous du couple hétérosexuel permettent d’aborder l’évolution des représentations liées à l’apparence et à l’intime. La recherche permet d’introduire le concept de l’intime dans le champ de l’investigation du consommateur masculin comme un marqueur de l’évolution des consommations masculines. Quatre dimensions du concept d’intimité ont par ailleurs émergé du discours des répondants.7Dans un troisième essai, l’auteur combine l’approche macro et l’approche micro de la consommation masculine dans le but d’éclairer sa participation à la construction des identités masculines. D’abord, la « Maison des hommes » ou les interactions entre pairs masculins permettent de mieux cerner les stratégies d’évitement et les tensions générées par l’adoption des nouveaux codes de consommation de parure proposés par le marché. Emerge notamment une dimension largement sous-investiguée en comportement du consommateur : la question de la relation au père dans la formulation des repaires de consommation. Ensuite, l’auteur propose la notion de limite pour matérialiser les termes des tractations identitaires vécues par les hommes et matérialisées par leurs choix de consommation. Une forte dualité entre schèmes égalitaristes et différentialistes émerge des représentations de l’identité masculine. Cette opposition sert la construction d’un carré sémiotique qui permet de resituer le discours des consommateurs dans le champ idéologique des forces sociales qui structurent les comportements des répondants et d’affiner les différents positionnements masculins. L’intrication de l’identité masculine avec l’identité nationale permet enfin d’apporter le versant français à la conception de l’idéologie masculine américaine de consommation développée par Holt et Thompson (2004). Il est proposé que le concept de performance peut rapprocher les masculinités américaines et françaises bien que des différences d’imaginaires notoires persistent entre les deux cultures de consommation / This doctoral dissertation aims participating in building knowledge on the masculine consumption, a topic that was neglected in consumer research until very recently. Through the Consumer Culture Theory lens, it proposes an investigation of this phenomenon both from brand (producer) and male (consumer) perspectives. The essays progress from public to private discourses on masculinity, combining macro and micro levels of analysis to unpack evolving gender ideologies and consumption.Through a socio-historic perspective, the first essay shows how the masculine identity is evolving from monolith masculinity to contemporary masculinities. The research aims to understand if and how these new cultural values are transferred to brands communication. Using a semiotic approach, masculine archetypes, their values and relationships are underlined by using a Utilitarian vs. Aesthetic semantic axis. A corpus of twenty brands communication of masculine and feminine sectors is analyzed with a past/present perspective. The study reveals an evolution of men’s representations in brands communication. The theoretical implications of the findings are discussed, theorizing especially the metrosexual managerial phenomenon.The second essay investigates male consumers representations and rituals as regard a new and highly feminine inspired product category: men’s lingerie. The process of discovery, entrance and involvement in this consumption is deciphered, the influencers’ roles highlighted and the interactions within the heterosexual couples emphasized. Doing so, the paper participates in building knowledge on the masculine consumption by describing male engagement in “anomic” consumption. It also introduces the concept of intimacy as a marker in the shift in9the masculine identity and proposes four dimensions of this concept as they emerged from consumers’ discourses.Finally the third essay attempts to explore how a new masculine consumption – men’s lingerie- that had clear divisions between men and women, may shape and reinforce men’s socially defined gender roles/identity construction. The author focuses on new identity landmarks, which move the social frontier between the sexes. First, the interactions in- between the male peers are emphasized as a window for the masculine identity construction through consumption. Secondly, the deep contradictions and the negotiations of acceptable masculine norms as expressed by the respondents are interpreted. Finally, the results are located in a macro-level of analysis allowing accounting for the role of the social forces in shaping masculine norms and French masculine schemes compared to the American masculinities described by Holt and Thompson (2004)

La marque Apple comme ressource dans la construction de l'identité familiale : une approche auto-ethnographique / The Apple brand as a resource to construct family identity : an autoethnographic approach

Billon, Dominique 09 January 2017 (has links)
La recherche se situe dans le courant de la Consumer Culture Theory dans la lignée de travaux récents visant à comprendre les relations collectives à une marque. La marque n’est plus pensée comme une « chose » fabriquée exclusivement par l’entreprise, mais comme un processus dans lequel sont impliqués de multiples acteurs échappant souvent au contrôle de l’entreprise. La thèse investigue comment la marque s’insère et est insérée dans les réseaux de relations, les pratiques et les représentations des consommateurs au sein de leur famille sur trois générations. La méthodologie est basée sur l’auto-ethnographie, une méthode rarement utilisée dans la recherche sur la marque. Le dispositif déployé permet une compréhension fine des interactions et stratégies des personnes, grâce à la prise en compte du temps long (trente ans) et à la multivocalité. La thèse étend le concept de « cultural branding » au niveau de la famille, en introduisant le concept de « réseau familial de marque » qui rend compte de la façon dont familles et marques s’imbriquent dans notre société. En décrivant une réalité différente des principes de gestion de la marque dans lesquels l’entreprise est supposée influencer un consommateur isolé, la thèse renouvelle les approches conventionnelles de la relation marque-consommateur et complète les approches communautaires de la marque. / This thesis is situated in the research stream called Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), in line with recent research trying to understand the collective relationships to a brand. The brand is no more understood as a “thing” created by a company (brand as a name), but as a process (branding as a verb) in which many participants play different roles, frequently outside the control of the company. The thesis investigates how the brand becomes embedded in the networks of relationships, practices and discourses within a family through three generations. The methodology is based on an autoethnography, a method rarely used in consumer and branding research. This approach enables a deep understanding of the interactions and strategies of people, taking a long-term perspective (thirty years) and considering the multivocality. This thesis is an extension of cultural branding at the family level, by introducing the concept of « brand family network », which reports how families and brands are embedded in our society. The thesis describes a reality different from the traditional principles of brand management, based on the idea that the company is supposed to influence a single consumer. By doing so, it extends the understanding of consumer-brand relationships, and complement the approach of the brand communities.

Becoming an Art Space: Daxin (The Sun) Department Store’s Art Gallery (1936-1950) and the Art World of Republican Shanghai

Liu, Yiwen January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Modeling Behavior: Boyhood, Engineering, and the Model Airplane in American Culture

Alcorn, Aaron L. 12 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Konzumní kultura sociálních tříd z hlediska zvyklostí při obstarávání a spotřebě potravin / Consumer culture of social classes in terms of food purchasing and consumption habits

Novotná, Monika January 2012 (has links)
Consumer culture of social classes in terms of food purchasing and consumption habits Monika Novotná Abstract This work deals with historical and sociological view on the issue of grocery obtaining and consumption between the end of World War II to the present. Grocery obtaining and consumption is understood as a symbolic expression of social status in society. The work is divided into two parts. Theoretical-historical part examines how food consumption is linked to changes of social stratification. Research part of thesis builds on the theme of food consumption by examining the shopping habits in relation to social class. The main question of theoretical-historical part is whether and how food consumption, relates to social differentiation. Trend of convergence of differences in consumption and rate of consumption stratification of social classes are monitored in time series in two eras - the communist period and the period after 1989. For both periods, a secondary analysis of historical data on the consumption of specific types of food that aims to detect differences or similar trends between social classes. While in the period of communism different social strata tend to convergence their consumption, with the exception of the cooperative farmers, whose consumption is influenced by self-supplying, after...

Got Silk?: Buying, Selling, and Advertising British Luxury Imports During the Stamp Act Crisis

Busse, Michele Conrady 08 1900 (has links)
Despite the amount of scholarship on the Stamp Act Crisis, no study has used advertisements as a main source. This study attempts to show that a valuable, objective source has been overlooked, through the quantitative analysis of 5,810 advertisements before, during and after the Stamp Act Crisis from five port cities: Boston, Charleston, Philadelphia, New York, and Portsmouth. The findings reveal the colonists' strong connection to imported British luxury goods, and a lack of interest in American-made goods, especially before and after the boycott. Advertisements also demonstrate that the decision of many merchants to place the needs and expectations of their community before their own personal gain offered a rare economic opportunity for others. The colonists' devotion to imports tested the strength of the boycott, especially among Boston merchants, who continued to advertise imported goods a good deal more than any other city. This lack of dedication to the boycott on the part of the Boston merchants shows disunity among the colonies, at a time when many argue was the first instance of colonial nationalism. Capitalism challenged and undermined a commitment to communal sentiments such as nationalism. Moreover, if Americans did share a sense of nationhood during the Stamp Act Crisis, it cannot be gauged by a rejection of "Englishness."

Servants to the Lender: The History of Faith-Based Business in Four Case Studies

Burton, Zachary T. 02 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Female Friendship Films: A Post-Feminist Examination of Representations of Women in the Fashion Industry

Geloğullari, Gülin 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis focuses on three fashion industry themed female friendship films: Pret-a-Porter/Ready to Wear (1994) by Robert Altman, The Devil Wears Prada (2006) by David Frankel, and The September Issue (2009) by R.J. Cutler. Female interpersonal relationships are complex – women often work to motivate, encourage and transform one another but can just as easily use tactics like intimidation, manipulation, and exploitation in order to save their own jobs and reputations. Through the lens of post-feminist theory, this thesis examines significant female interpersonal relationships in each film to illustrate how femininity is constructed and driven by consumer culture in the fashion industry themed films.

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