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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitalisering och ekologisk hållbarhet i den smarta regionen / Digitalisation and Ecological Sustainability in the Smart Region

Sandelin, David, Hammarström, Erik January 2016 (has links)
Stockholms läns regionala planeringsorgan vill utveckla sitt arbete med digitalisering inom regional planering med inriktning på ekologisk hållbarhet. Syftet med denna rapport är att bidra till detta arbete genom att jämföra och identifiera sätt som digitaliseringen behandlas i regional planering i syfte att nå ekologisk hållbarhet. Begreppet ”digitalisering” syftar på den process där teknik och digital information blir en del av samhället. Konceptet ”smart city” identifierades som intressant och tolkades om för en ”smart region”, och vad det skulle kunna innebära. Ingångar i frågorna skaffades i en workshop med Stockholmsregionens Tillväxtoch Regionplaneförvaltning, samt i en intervju med sakkunnig. Det genomfördes en studie av fem storstadsregioners regionplanedokument, och av litteratur om regional planering, digitalisering och ekologisk hållbarhet. Sju strategier för digitalisering och ekologisk hållbarhet i regional planering identifierades utifrån de regionala planeringsdokumenten. En digital plattform identifierades som ett möjligt sätt att arbeta med tjänster som är kopplade till strategierna. I litteraturen hittades analysverktyg vilka användes för att identifiera hur strategierna med digitalisering kan innebära ökad ekologisk hållbarhet. Efter det diskuterades hur den digitala plattformen kan samverka med regional planering, samt hur den digitala plattformen och samarbetsplattformen kan tolkas ur en planeringsteoretisk vinkel. / The Stockholm County regional planning agency wants to develop its work on digitalisation in Regional Planning with a focus on ecological sustainability. The purpose of this report is to contribute to this work by comparing and identifying ways that digitalisation is treated in regional planning in order to achieve ecological sustainability. The concept of "digitalisation" refers to the process where technology and digital information becomes a part of the community. The concept of "smart city" was identified as interesting and was interpreted for a "smart region", and what this could entail. Starting points to the issues were gathered in a workshop with the Stockholm region's Growth and Regional Planning Administration, as well as in an interview with an expert. A study was conducted of the five metropolitan regions’ regional planning documents, and of literature on regional planning, digitalisation and ecological sustainability. Seven strategies for digitalisation and ecological sustainability in regional planning were identified on the basis of the regional planning documents. A digital platform was identified as a possible way to work with services that are linked to the strategies. In the literature analysis tools were found which were used to identify how the strategies of digitalisation can lead to increased environmental sustainability. After that it was discussed how the digital platform can interact with regional planning, as well as how the digital platform and the collaboration platform can be understood from a planning theoretical angle.

Data Governance in Digital Platforms : A case analysis in the building sector

Ender, Linda January 2021 (has links)
Data are often the foundation of digital innovation and are seen as a highly valuable asset for any organization. Many companies aim to put data at the core of their business, but struggle with regulating data in complex environments. Data governance becomes an integral part for data-driven business. However, only a minority of companies fully engage in data governance. Research also lacks knowledge about data governance in complex environments such as digital platforms. Therefore, this thesis examines the role of data governance in digital platforms, by researching the conceptual characteristics of platform data governance. The iterative taxonomy development process by Nickerson et al. (2013) has been used to classify the characteristics of platform data governance. The results are derived from existing literature and motivated by new insights from expert interviews as well as a case analysis of a real-life platform. The final taxonomy shows that the conceptual characteristics of platform data governance are based on the dimensions purpose, platform data, responsibilities, decision domains and compliance. The findings address challenges of data governance in inter organizational settings and help practitioners to define their own data governance. Additionally, the thesis highlights the potential for future research.

Plataforma digital para la venta de arreglos florales

Cruz Morales, Cesar Augusto, Milla Mendoza, Rubén Darío, Obispo Delgado de Arbulú, Carmen Maritza, Vásquez Novoa, Guissella Claudia 13 December 2021 (has links)
El confinamiento obligatorio producto de la pandemia COVID-19, generó un cambio en el comportamiento del consumidor, acelerando la transición de sus actividades presenciales a las actividades online, siendo las compras una de sus actividades más impactadas. El presente modelo de negocio “Todoflores.com”, una plataforma online multilateral, que ofrece el servicio de venta de arreglos florales, ha sido diseñado respondiendo a las necesidades identificadas en el segmento estudiado, con una propuesta de valor centrada en el cliente, ofreciéndole productos de calidad a un precio justo, facilitándole al cliente el proceso de compra y brindándole seguridad. La plataforma de venta de flores Todoflores.com tendrá como uno de sus socios claves a los floristas de los diversos mercados de abastos de Lima Metropolitana, quienes proveerán los arreglos florales y se beneficiarán con el incremento de sus ingresos. En cuanto a la gestión operativa, Todoflores.com, seguirá políticas de calidad, seguridad, cumplimiento, transparencia y de experiencia al consumidor. El negocio financieramente, será sostenible, debido a su fuente de ingresos que se obtendrá por el cobro de una comisión para el proveedor y para el cliente, por cada transacción realizada en la plataforma. Con una inversión de S/ 165,059.00, se realizó la evaluación financiera considerando un horizonte de cinco años. Se hallaron el costo de capital 13.9 % y el Valor presente Neto del proyecto, se calculó la Tasa Interna de Retorno, la cual es mayor al costo de capital; por lo que se considera que es un proyecto viable y que generará valor al inversionista. / The mandatory confinement product of the COVID-19 pandemic, generated a change in consumer behavior, accelerating the transition from their face-to-face activities to online activities, with purchases being one of the activities that it was most affected. The present business model “Todoflores.com”, a multilateral online platform, which offers the sale service of floral arrangements, has been designed in response to the needs identified in the segment studied, with a value proposition centered on the customer, offering products of quality at a fair price, facilitating the customer's purchase process and providing security. The Todoflores.com flower sales platform will have as one of its key partners the home florists of markets of metropolitan Lima, who will be the suppliers of the flower arrangements and who will benefit from the increase in their income through of online sales. Regarding operational management, Todoflores.com will follow policies of quality, security, compliance, transparency and consumer experience. The business model will be financially sustainable, due to the source of income that will be obtained from the collection of a commission for the provider and for the client, for each transaction carried out on the platform. With an investment of S / 165,059.00, the financial evaluation was carried out considering a five-year horizon. The cost of capital 13.9% and the Net Present Value of the project were found, the Internal Rate of Return was calculated, which is larger than the cost of capital. Therefore, it is considered a viable project that will generate value for the investor's capital. / Trabajo de investigación

Plataforma virtual ticketazo / Virtual Platform Ticketazo

Elias Abad, Adan Joel, Martinez Pumallihua, Joel, Oré Casella, Germánico Aldair, Rivera Oscanoa, Rosmery 15 July 2020 (has links)
Este proyecto nace ante las dificultades por las que, en este año, todo el pueblo peruano está atravesando, que es el Covid - 19. En tales parámetros, hemos considerado que toda actividad comercial realizada a través del canal tradicional se vería afectado al menos durante el presente año 2020. Entonces, viendo tal situación, optamos por una alternativa la cual es referida al canal virtual. Es ahí cuando nace TicketAzo, que es una plataforma web que le brinda a los usuarios, streamings referidos a teatros musicales. Por ende, en el siguiente trabajo, presentamos todas las investigaciones que se realizaron para poder viabilizar este negocio. Para tal fin, hemos tomado las consideraciones en materia de marketing, diseño, recursos humanos, presupuestos, resultados y estimaciones. Asimismo, mostramos en efecto que, para este rubro, existen ciertos pasos que deben realizarse, tanto legales, estratégicos y operacionales. Para ello, acudimos a fuentes confiables como páginas web del Estado, entrevistas a expertos que nos permitieron llegar a la conclusión de realizar las transmisiones a través de una plataforma web. Además, las estrategias que desarrollamos apuntan a resultados tanto para el corto y largo plazo, los cuales también incluyen a los prospectos financieros destinados como gastos o inversiones para poder incrementar nuestra demanda y estabilidad en el mercado. Respecto a los conceptos operacionales, buscamos optimizar todo tipo de actividad de comprometa un sobrecosto. / This project was born due to the difficulties that the entire Peruvian people are going through this year, which is Covid - 19. In these parameters, we have considered that all commercial activity carried out through the traditional channel would be affected at least during the present year 2020. So, seeing such a situation, we opted for an alternative which is referred to the virtual channel. That's when Ticketazo was born, which is a web platform that provides users with streams referring to musical theatres. Therefore, in the following work, we present all the investigations that were carried out to make this business viable. To this end, we have taken the considerations in terms of marketing, design, human resources, budgets, results and estimates. Likewise, we show in effect that, for this item, there are certain steps that must be carried out, both legal, strategic and operational. To do this, we went to reliable sources such as State web pages, interviews with experts that allowed us to reach the conclusion of making the transmissions through a web platform. In addition, the strategies we develop aim at results for both the short and long term, which also include financial prospects intended as expenses or investments in order to increase our demand and stability in the market. Regarding operational concepts, we seek to optimize all types of activity to commit an extra cost. / Trabajo de investigación

Plataforma virtual Gamerlink para servicio de conectividad y coaching dirigida a Gamers / Gamerlink virtual platform for connectivity and coaching services aimed at Gamers

Calderon Veliz, Diego Jesus, Loyola Gonzales, Mariaclaudia, Pinche Pérez, Angel Alberto, Ramos Agurto, Cesar Faustino, Zorogastua Nuñez, Migelmartin Andres 01 November 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo promueve un nuevo modelo de negocio orientado a una industria nacional que empieza a ganar fuerza en el mercado. El proyecto presentado hace referencia a una plataforma web que fomenta la conectividad entre gamers, y ayuda a fortalecer el desarrollo de una comunidad por medio de una red de contacto. Esta plataforma web ofrece diferentes funciones, entre las cuales resaltan, actualización de noticias y eventos importantes publicados por los usuarios pertenecientes a la comunidad, ofrecer disponibilidad de acceso a torneos publicados por academias de e-Sports para captar competidores y espectadores. Por otro lado, también ofrece un canal de coaching siendo un vínculo entre gamer aficionados en búsqueda de capacitación y gamer con mejores destrezas de juego que necesitan o desean monetizar sus habilidades. Para poder validar todas las hipótesis previamente mencionadas se realizaron una serie de experimentos que nos ayudarán a entender mejor el mercado objetivo y poder adaptar nuestro modelo de negocio. Posteriormente a la validación, se realizaron ventas concretando con éxito el desarrollo de la plataforma y de tal manera poder evaluar si nuestro proyecto será sostenible en el tiempo. / The present work promotes a new business model oriented to a national industry that is beginning to gain strength in the market. The project presented refers to a web platform that encourages connectivity between gamers, and helps to strengthen the development of a community through a contact network. This web platform offers different functions, among which they stand out, updating important news and events published by users belonging to the community, offering availability of access to tournaments published by e-Sports academies to attract competitors and spectators. On the other hand, it also offers a coaching channel being a link between amateur gamer in search of training and gamer with better gaming skills who need or want to monetize them. In order to validate all the previously mentioned hypotheses, a series of experiments were carried out that will help us better understand the target market and be able to adapt our business model. After validation, sales were made, successfully specifying the development of the platform and in such a way being able to assess whether our project will be sustainable over time. / Trabajo de investigación

Digitalisering i bostadsmäklingsprocessen / Digitization in the housing brokerage process

Borbos, Anton, Bernhed, Jonatan January 2021 (has links)
Problem statement: How can a digital platform be designed to become an alternative to the brokerage profession and at the same time be beneficial for sellers? What problems can there be for stakeholders with a digitized platform in a housing business? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out how a digitized platform can be designed for sellers and brokers. We will also investigate whether it can possibly lead to a more cost-effective and smoother process in a digital world. Through increased understanding, we will see what opportunities and problems emerge and what a future digital brokerage world can look like Method: A qualitative and a quantitative survey was conducted to get answers to the study's questions from both brokers 'and sellers' perspectives. With the help of semi-structured interviews, empirical data has been collected through telephone interviews. Empirical data has also been collected through survey questions that previous sellers have answered. Conclusion: The real estate service can currently be partially digitized through administration and digital tools that either replace or supplement the existing services. A few more parts of the process may be digitized in the future, but changes in laws and regulations are needed to make this possible. The human factor that exists in the personal meetings between the parties and the security it provides shows the importance of having an impartial advisor throughout the process, which is so important that it can not be replaced by digital solutions at the moment. / Problemformulering: Hur kan en digital plattform utformas för att bli ett alternativ förmäklaryrket och samtidigt vara fördelaktigt för säljarna? Vilka problem kan finnas förberörda parter med en digitaliserad plattform i en bostadsaffär? Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att ta reda på hur en digitaliserad plattform kan utformasför säljare samt mäklare. Vi ska även undersöka om det eventuellt kan leda till enkostnadseffektivare och smidigare process i en digital värld. Genom ökad förståelse kommervi se vilka möjligheter och problem som växer fram och hur en framtida digital mäklarvärldkan se ut. Metod: En kvalitativ och en kvantitativ undersökning utfördes för att få svar på studiensforskningsfrågor utifrån både mäklare och säljares perspektiv. Med hjälp avsemistrukturerade intervjuer har empirisk data samlats in genom telefonintervjuer. Empiriskdata har även samlats in genom enkätfrågor som tidigare säljare fått svara på. Slutsats: Fastighetsmäklartjänsten kan i dagsläget delvis digitaliseras genom administrationoch digitala verktyg som antingen ersätter eller kompletterar de befintliga tjänsterna.Ytterligare några delar i processen kan i framtiden komma att digitaliseras men de behövsförändringar i lagar och regler för att möjliggöra det. Den mänskliga faktorn som finns i depersonliga mötena mellan parterna och tryggheten det ger visar på vikten av att ha en opartiskrådgivare genom hela processen vilket har så pass hög vikt att den idag inte kan digitaliserasbort.

<b>Signal Value in Online Marketplaces: The Role of SIGNALING in Driving User Engagement and Platform Growth</b>

Rajan Mishra (19188460) 22 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In the dynamic landscape of digital platforms, which includes various e-commerce and online review platforms, reputation systems play a fascinating role in shaping consumer behavior and influencing market outcomes. Seller-level reputation badges and individual recognition interventions, such as status badges and exemplar reviews, serve as important tools for enhancing trust and guiding customer decisions. Despite the prevalent use of customer reviews and ratings, the additional value provided by these reputation mechanisms warrants comprehensive investigation. This dissertation delves into the multifaceted impacts of seller-level reputation badges and exemplar reviews on consumer behavior and platform performance through two distinct essays.</p><p dir="ltr">In the first essay, we utilize a distinctive panel dataset from Airbnb to estimate the comprehensive effects of the seller reputation badge on both individual sellers and the overall platform. This study diverges from existing research that predominantly examines the influence of product-level reputation badges on individual sellers. By employing a difference-in-differences methodology and an exogenously determined schedule of updating the Superhost badge status, we find a substantial positive impact of the Superhost badge system on the bookings for Airbnb sellers and the platform. Additionally, we employ counterfactual estimators to uncover evidence of temporal dynamics in the badge system's positive effects. Our findings from counterfactual estimators indicate that the influence of the Superhost badge intensifies considerably within the initial weeks following its implementation, after which it reaches a state of equilibrium. Moreover, our analysis suggests that the Superhost badge exerts a more significant positive effect on the bookings of properties managed by hosts with multiple listings than those with a single property. These observations underscore the significant value of instituting a seller reputation badge system, even for online platforms with customer review mechanisms.</p><p dir="ltr">In a related analysis, the second essay investigates the strategies employed by online review platforms, which often involve targeted interventions such as status badges and exemplar reviews, to enhance user contribution to the platform's review system. However, a minority of individuals receive these interventions, and limited research exists on how reviews written by such intervention recipients result in second-order effects on nonrecipients' contributions. In this study, we leverage a quasi-experimental framework on a leading Asian review platform to evaluate the impact of exemplar reviews on users' review-writing behavior. We utilize a combination of econometric methods and natural language processing techniques to show an increase in the quantity and quality of user contributions following exposure to exemplar reviews. We also observe that users adapt their writing styles in response to exemplar reviews. Importantly, the effect of an exemplar review is moderated by the user's review-writing experience. Specifically, our findings reveal that less experienced reviewers, as opposed to their more seasoned counterparts, tend to increase their review volume and length upon reading exemplar reviews. However, they need more progress regarding review readability and perceived helpfulness. Further investigation indicates that reviews by users exposed to exemplar content gradually exhibit increasing homogeneity over time in terms of length, sentiment, readability, and topic diversity, suggesting a self-herding behavior that has not been previously documented in the literature on user-generated content. These insights provide valuable practical implications for platform managers on effectively utilizing reward programs to enhance the sustainability of their review platforms.</p>

Plan de negocio para una plataforma digital de auto decoración

Linares Romero, Carola Elisa, Tomey Kanashiro, María Rosa, Vásquez Patiño Paul, Cynthia Silvia 28 June 2019 (has links)
El presente Trabajo de Investigación tiene como finalidad plantear el desarrollo de una Plataforma de Auto Decoración que permite al usuario poder decorar su hogar sin la necesidad de contratar los servicios de un decorador. Esta propuesta estará dirigida al NSE B y C de Lima Metropolitana. Los sondeos de mercado realizados permitieron validar la viabilidad del modelo de negocio propuesto, así como la propuesta de valor del mismo, tanto para el consumidor final (Business to Consumer) como para los comercios locales de venta de artículos decorativos que sean parte de esta plataforma (Business to Business). Para desarrollar este modelo de Startup, se requerirá de una inversión inicial de S/.116,550 nuevos soles, donde la mayor inversión estará destinada al programa principal de la plataforma: Realidad Aumentada. En cuanto a los ingresos, se considera que se obtendrán tanto por parte del Business to Consumer (B2C) como del Business to Business (B2B) y los gastos, la mayor parte estará destinada a los gastos de Marketing Online y Offline, acciones comerciales y el mantenimiento de la plataforma digital. La estrategia del plan de negocio estará enfocada en desarrollar un sólido plan de marketing online y offline basado en la Experiencia, Exchange, Evangelism y Everyplace del Marketing Mix con la finalidad de: generar audiencia de consumidores potenciales, generar acuerdos comerciales con empresas locales de venta de artículos decorativos, a través de una plataforma que sea simple e intuitiva gracias a la tecnología de la Realidad Aumentada. / The following Research Work is about the creation of a Self-Decoration Platform that will allow users to decorate their own spaces without the need to hire an interior decorator. This business plan is aimed to people for the Socio-economic Level B and C of Lima Metropolitana. A market research was made to ratify the viability of this Business Plan and the value proposition for both the business-to-consumer and business-to-business. To develop this Startup Model, it will require an initial investment of S/.116,550 nuevos soles. The highest investment will be related to the main component of the platform: Augmented Reality. About the revenues, will be derived from the Business to Consumer (B2C) and from the Business to Business (B2B). On the other hand, the expenditure will mostly be from the Marketing Online and Offline, the commercial activities and maintenance of the digital platform. The strategy of this Business Plan is focusing on building a Marketing Online and Offline based on the Experience, Exchange, Evangelism and Everyplace of the Marketing Mix. The aim is to generate audience of potential customers, generate commercial agreements with local enterprises that sales decorative products that will become our principal stakeholders. All this will be done through a simple and intuitive digital platform thanks to the Augmented Reality. / Trabajo de Investigación

Percepción de los empleadores sobre las competencias de los futuros publicistas / Employers' perception of the skills of future advertisers

Silva Baissel, Carolina 24 August 2020 (has links)
El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar cuáles son las principales competencias laborales que los empleadores de medios digitales valoran en los futuros publicistas. Validar desde el punto de vista de estos empleadores de agencias publicitarias si es que los futuros publicistas cuentan con las habilidades requeridas de acuerdo al mercado laboral actual. De este modo analizaremos los ejes de la publicidad digital, la evolución de las agencias publicitarias, la formación digital de educación superior y las competencias laborales. Estas nos darán claridad sobre el contexto actual de las habilidades y desempeño de publicistas de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas en sus áreas laborales.  Los empleadores identificaran cuales son las herramientas imprescindibles las cuales un publicista debe manejar para lograr las competencias las cuales ellos valoran como necesarias para un futuro publicista de medios digitales. / The objective of this research is to identify what are the main job competencies that digital media employers’ value in future advertisers. Validate from the point of view of these advertising agency employers if the future advertisers have the required skills according to the current job market. In this way, we will analyze the axes of digital advertising, the evolution of advertising agencies, digital higher education training and job skills. These will give us clarity about the current context of the skills and performance of publicists from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences in their work areas. Employers will identify what essential tools an advertiser must use to achieve the skills they value as necessary for a future digital media advertiser. / Trabajo de investigación

Modelo de Negocio basado en la conexión entre dueños y emprendedores especializados en el rubro de mascotas domésticas / He connection between owners and entrepreneurs specialized in the field of domestic pets

Estrada Maucaylle, Raúl Jose, Muelle Macchiavello, Ricardo, Recuay Paz, Irene, Vizcarra Barra, Juan Sebastián 07 July 2021 (has links)
El presente proyecto de investigación se enfoca en demostrar la viabilidad de un modelo de negocio basado en la conexión entre dueños de mascotas y emprendedores especializados en el rubro del sector en Lima. Nuestro emprendimiento lo hemos denominado PETLINE, el cual se origina por la coyuntura actual que está pasando el país y el temor de salir de las personas a salir de sus hogares para poder solicitar servicios veterinarios para su mascota, en base a ello, nace este proyecto. Nuestra propuesta de valor es centralizar a diferentes especialistas del sector mascotas que brindan servicios a domicilio en varias categorías, por ejemplo, grooming, consultas médicas, paseos, adiestramientos y ventas de productos ofertar en nuestra plataforma web permitiendo así en un solo lugar encontrar la opción más adecuada según las preferencias de su futuro cliente. Para ello, en el transcurso de las semanas se realizaron diversos experimentos que nos permitieron obtener información relevante para mejorar los procesos tanto para la venta a clientes como afiliación para los especialistas. Asimismo, se ha elaborado un plan estratégico, actividades y estrategias que sirvieron para visualizar un panorama más amplio en las cosas que estaban bien y aquellas que se necesitaban mejorar. Finalmente, se determinó que el modelo de negocio que brinda PETLINE es viable, rentable y escalable en el tiempo. / This research project focuses on demonstrating the viability of a business model based on the connection between pet owners and entrepreneurs specialized in the sector in Lima. We have called our enterprise PETLINE, which originates from the current situation the country is going through and the fear of people leaving their homes to request veterinary services for their pet, based on this, this project was born. Our value proposition is to centralize different specialists in the pet sector that provide home services in various categories, for example, grooming, medical consultations, walks, training, and product sales to offer on our web platform, thus allowing you to find the option in one place. more suitable according to the preferences of your future client. To do this, various experiments were carried out over the weeks that allowed us to obtain relevant information to improve processes both for sales to clients and affiliation for specialists. Likewise, a strategic plan, activities and strategies have been developed that served to visualize a broader panorama of the things that were good and those that needed to be improved. Finally, it was determined that the business model provided by PETLINE is viable, profitable, and scalable over time. / Trabajo de investigación

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