Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DOCUMENTATION"" "subject:"[enn] DOCUMENTATION""
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Administrativa a dokumentace ošetřovatelské péče v práci sestry / Administration and documentation of nursing care in the nursing careerNOVÁKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Administration and documentation are inseparable and obligatory parts of nurse's everyday work. Documentation in healthcare serves to communication of necessary patient information. Medical documentation is kept by physicians. Nursing documentation is conducted in parallel with medical documentation. Nursing documentation records facts of the nursing care provided to a particular patient. Duly kept nursing documentation is a quality indicator of qualified nurse's work. It has to comply with applicable legislation and reflect the latest research results. Documentation has to be brief, clear, concise and factual. It should definitely not be extensive, time consuming, complicated and it should not contain useless information and duplicities. Nurses should not be overloaded by document keeping and should not spend more time on it than with patients. The aims of the thesis: Aim 1: To map the approach to documentation among nurses at selected hospital departments. Aim 2: To map how nurses perceive document keeping in terms of time, how much time they really spend on documentation within their working hours. Aim 3: To analyse nursing documentation at selected hospital departments. Research questions: Research question 1: Do nurses feel overloaded by nursing documentation keeping? Research question 2: How much time do nurses have to spend on documentation within their working hours? Research question 3: Is the time spent on documentation used effectively? Research question 4: Would nurses welcome changes in nursing documentation? Applied methods: The research part of the thesis was based on qualitative research method applied at selected departments of a regional type hospital.The research results from the interviews, document analysis and working hours scanning will be provided to the examined hospital management. They may help the hospital management with better insight into their documentation and lead to improvement of the document keeping in general and particularly ease the work of nurses as they are overloaded anyway.
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Corps à l'oeuvre, à l'ouvrage et à l'épreuve : sociohistorique des arts de la performance, années 1970 / Bodies at work. A Sociohistory of Performance Arts, 1970'sBarbut, Clélia 12 December 2014 (has links)
Entre les décennies 1960 et 1980 émergent les courants de l’« art de la performance », du « happening », du « body art », de l’« art corporel » ou encore de l’« art de l’action », qui désignent les démarches des nombreux plasticiens qui font directement intervenir le corps, souvent leur propre corps, dans leurs travaux. À travers les productions des acteurs qui soutiennent ces courants le corps est fabriqué comme un sujet légitime d’attention et de valeur. La thèse décrit l’émergence de ces courants artistiques pendant la décennie 1970 en soutenant qu’ils peuvent et doivent être interrogés comme des phénomènes sociaux. En effet, jamais auparavant autant d’acteurs des mondes de l’art visuel n’avaient décidé simultanément de se tourner vers le corps lui-même, et de le mettre à l’œuvre, à l’ouvrage, à l’épreuve. Interroger leurs productions du point de vue du corps peut permettre de dérouler de comprendre en profondeur la présence incisive et percutante du phénomène. Ces courants viennent poser des questions cruciales à l’anatomie du travail créateur : rapports sociaux de sexe, interactions avec les spectateurs, engagements politiques, marchandisation. L’étude, sociohistorique, focalise autour de trois scènes (France, côtes est et ouest des États-Unis) à partir d’un corpus d’archives documentaires (entretiens, critiques, essais, manifestes, notations, photographies). La thèse comprend un volet d’enquête qui mesure la reconnaissance de ces pratiques, un second volet d’histoire institutionnelle et intellectuelle qui décrit les savoir-faire et les modalités d’énonciation liés aux actions et aux événements et enfin, une topographie qui résume les modèles du corps produits par les gestes les raisonnements des artistes et de leurs commentateurs. / « Performance art », « body art » and « happenings » appeared on the art scene between the 1960s and the 1980s. The human body was at the heart of these artistic movements, to the extent that many artists embodied their own works. Within such creative processes and productions, the body undeniably became a legitimate subject of attention and value. This dissertation describes the initial stages of the art movements aforementioned, and argues that they must be analyzed as sociological phenomenons. Never before had such a larger of artists within the same time period decided to focus on the entity of the body itself, to use and misuse it so intensely. Observing their approaches through the lens of the body allows us to voice critical questions about the anatomy of a creative work - gender relations, interactions with the viewers, political commitments, and marketing. This sociohistorical research studies three landmark art scenes of the time (France, the east coast, and the west coast of the USA), by delving into a documentary material of archives (interviews, reviews, essays, manifestos, notations and photographs). The thesis begins with a sociological inquiry which measures the visibility of these artistic movements ; it is followed by a history of the institutional and critical apparatus which described the atistic skills and statements at work within body actions and happenings ; lastly, the dissertation presents a topography of the workings of the body, drawn from the artists’ performances and theoretical stances, as well as art critics’ viewpoints and analyses.
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Communiquer la recherche en arts numériques : Une approche info-communicationnelle de la documentation / Communicate research in digital arts : An information-communication approach to documentationBellin, Stéphane 28 June 2017 (has links)
La recherche en art se caractérise par une articulation polarisée entre la pratique artistique et la théorie. Cette thèse propose de transférer ce paradigme symptomatique de cette discipline vers la question pragmatique des modalités de sa communication scientifique. La forme de cette dernière fait débat pour les acteurs des écoles supérieures d'art françaises, qui défendent une liberté face au modèle prédominant de l'écrit universitaire. L'hypothèse formulée par cette thèse consiste à penser que la documentation devient une forme plausible de communication scientifique adaptée à la recherche en art. Pour traiter de cet objet d'étude, la recherche en arts numériques, le plus souvent interdisciplinaire, coopérative et collective, s'est avérée particulièrement pertinente, car la pluralité et la fragmentation de ses résultats permettent justement de sortir de la dichotomie pratique versus théorie. En effet, ces derniers impliquant plusieurs intervenants se partagent entre des créations artistiques, des développements technologiques et des contributions théoriques. Le constat d'un glissement de la documentation vers la communication scientifique est conditionné par l'existence de l'énonciation documentaire ; puisque le savoir, peu importe la pratique discursive utilisée, se concrétise par un discours compris comme le résultat d'un acte énonciatif. Trois études de cas à vocation exploratoire ont été menées autour de trois dispositifs documentaires établis par des acteurs de la recherche en arts numériques, en France et au Québec – le Cahier de Résidence de Kawenga, territoires numériques, le Répertoire des œuvres hypermédiatiques et les autres rubriques du sites internet du laboratoire NT2 et l'Archive Arc_Danse développée au laboratoire Hexagram-UQAM. La méthodologie utilisée érige l'énonciation documentaire pensée dans le prolongement de l'énonciation éditoriale comme un concept opérationnel. Elle s'articule en deux étapes. La première étudie la documentation comme dispositif info-communicationnel en utilisant, selon les terrains, différents outils et modes d'implication du chercheur. La seconde examine les objets documentaires par une approche sémiotique afin d'y relever directement les marques indicielles de l'énonciation documentaire et d'identifier conjointement les énonciateurs signalés et dissimulés. Il en ressort la caractérisation de régimes énonciatifs spécifiques. Cette thèse conforte l'idée que la documentation véhicule un discours documentaire au point qu'il est possible de l'utiliser comme un moyen communicationnel et non plus comme un outil de transfert neutre du contenu informationnel de documents vers des usagers. Elle en détaille aussi plusieurs attributs qui attestent concrètement de sa faculté à pouvoir répondre aux enjeux info-communicationnels propres à la recherche en arts numériques et plus globalement à la recherche en art. / Art research is characterized by a polarized articulation between art practice and theory. This thesis proposes to transfer this symptomatic paradigm from this discipline to the pragmatic question of the modalities of its scientific communication. The form of the latter is debated by the actors of the French higher art schools, who defend freedom in the face of the predominant model of academic writing. The hypothesis of this thesis is that documentation becomes a plausible form of scientific communication adapted to art research. To deal with this object of study, digital arts research, which is most often interdisciplinary, cooperative and collective, has proved particularly relevant, since the plurality and fragmentation of its results make it possible to break out of the practical versus theoretical dichotomy. Indeed, the latter involving several participants are divided between artistic creations, technological developments and theoretical contributions. The observation of a shift from documentation to scientific communication is conditioned by the existence of documentary enunciation; since knowledge, regardless of the discursive practice used, is embodied in a discourse understood as the result of an enunciative act. Three exploratory case studies were conducted around three documentary devices established by actors in digital arts research in France and Quebec - the Cahier de Résidence de Kawenga, territories numériques, the Répertoire des œuvres hypermediatiques and other sections of the NT2 laboratory website, and the Archive Arc_Danse developed at the Hexagram-UQAM laboratory. The methodology used raises the documentary statement thought to be an extension of the editorial statement as an operational concept. It is divided into two stages. The first one studies the documentation as an information-communication device using, depending on the field, different tools and modes of involvement of the researcher. The second examines documentary objects using a semiotic approach in order to directly identify the index marks of the documentary utterance and to jointly identify the reported and concealed utterers. This results in the characterization of specific enunciative regimes. This thesis supports the idea that documentation conveys a documentary discourse to the point that it can be used as a means of communication and no longer as a tool for the neutral transfer of information content from documents to users. It also details several attributes that attest concretely to its ability to respond to the info-communication issues specific to digital arts research and more generally to art research.
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”Viskleken” : Informationsöverföringen från operationsavdelning till vårdavdelning. / “Chinese Whispers” : Information transfer from surgical ward to care unit.Paulsson, Lotta, Helgeson, Victoria January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: En bra kommunikation är en förutsättning för god kvalitet och patientsäkerhet i vården och när två olika system används har vi funderat över vad som händer med omvårdnadsdokumentationen när patienten förflyttas mellan vårdenheterna. Syftet: Vårt syfte med studien var att undersöka om de omvårdnadsåtgärder som operations-sjuksköterskan dokumenterat i operationsplaneringssystemet och rapporterat vidare, återfinns i omvårdnadsjournalen. Metod: En kvalitetsgranskning av journalanteckningar har utförts. Inklusionskriterierna var att patienterna opererats under minst tre timmar och att vårdtiden efter operationen var minst 24 timmar, då det var det första dygnets journalföring som kvalitetsgranskades. Sammanlagt granskades 40 stycken journaler. Resultat: I studien granskades sex stycken sökord ur operationsplaneringssystemet, vilka var; hudstatus, operationsläge, dränage, KAD, förband samt hudsuturer. Studien visade att överföringen av informationen var bristfällig. I en del fall framkommer det att information saknades eller förändrades när patienten förflyttades från operationsavdelningen till vårdavdelningen. Vidare framkom det att patienten förflyttades mer än en gång mellan vårdenheter. Slutsats: Resultatet i vår studie anser vi tyder på att en gemensam standardiserad journal med tydliga riktlinjer skulle underlätta för informationsöverföringen mellan de olika enheterna. Klinisk betydelse: Risken för att fel eller missförstånd uppstår minskar om ett gemensamt journalsystem används, vilket vi anser ökar patientsäkerheten. / Background: Good communication is prerequisite for good quality and patient safety in health care and when two different systems are used, we wondered what happens to the nursing documentation when the patient moves between different care units. Aim: The aim of the study was to examine whether the operation theatre nurses nursing care documentations in the operations planning system was reported on and can be found in the nursing journal. Method: A quality review of nursing care journal documentations was performed. Inclusion criteria was that the patient should have had an operation for at least three hours and aftercare for at least 24 hours, since it was the nursing care documentation that were done during the first day that were being quality reviewed. A total of 40 journals were examined. Results: Six keywords out of the operation planning system were examined, which are; skin status, operation position, drainage, KAD, dressing and skin sutures. Result of the study showed that the transfer of data was incomplete. In some cases it revealed that information was missing or altered when the patient was moved from the surgical ward to the care unit. Furthermore, it was found that the patient was moved more than once between different units. Conclusion: According to our study, we suggest that a common standardized journal with clear guidelines could make it easier to transfer the information between the different units. Clinical significance: Risk of error or misunderstandings are reduced in a common journal system, which we believe increases the patient safety.
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Étude ergonomique pour la consultation sur écran de petite taille de la documentation de maintenance aéronautique / Ergonomic study of aircraft maintenance documentation on small screen devicesZafiharimalala, Herimanana 24 March 2011 (has links)
Cette étude est fondée sur deux constats dans le domaine de la maintenance aéronautique : l’utilisation non systématique de la documentation de maintenance aéronautique (DMA) malgré la prescription légale et l’évolution technologique qui a entraîné l’introduction de l’utilisation de l’appareil à petit écran ou mobile pour la consultation et la recherche d’information pour la réalisation de la tâche de maintenance. L’objectif de cette étude est double : identifier les raisons de la sous utilisation de la DMA et contribuer à la conception d’une documentation de maintenance adaptée à la fois aux supports mobiles (PDA), à l’utilisateur et au contexte de la maintenance aéronautique. Des tests d’utilisabilité ont été menés et testaient l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’utilisation du petit écran a un effet négatif sur les performances des utilisateurs. Des observations et entretiens dans les centres de maintenance ainsi que des tests sur avion ont aussi été conduits pour évaluer la lisibilité de l’interface et la portabilité des appareils mobiles. Les résultats montrent que les raisons de la non utilisation de la documentation de maintenance sont principalement liées à la non adaptation de celle-ci aux utilisateurs et au contexte du métier, que l’utilisation du petit écran est envisageable aussi bien pour une application destinée aux petits écrans que pour celle destinée aux écrans standard. En outre, l’utilisation du petit écran ne détériore pas, d’une façon générale, les performances des utilisateurs et qu’elle est envisageable aussi bien chez les novices que chez les experts qui sont encore réticents mais n’y sont pas opposés. / Literature review shows that maintenance operators do not use the aircraft maintenance documentation (AMD) systematically despite the legal obligation. The aim of this study is to contribute to the identification of users’ difficulty about the use of the AMD and the designing of maintenance documentation well-adapted to mobile devices (PDA), to users and to aircraft maintenance context. Hypothesis consists on verifying the effect of the small screen use on users’ performances. According to the usability test results, the small screen use has no negative effect on the users’ (experts and novices) performances. Field studies in maintenance centers and on aircraft show that small screen use is suitable to novices and experts for small screen documentation consultation and also for standard screen documentation when consultation is limited. Some users, particularly experts, are hesitant about using small screen for information consultation. However, they are not against the use of such format if information display is improved. Results are not limited to small screen documentation issue, some parts (e.g. information display study to reduce user effort) could be generalised to information system for task support.
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Sjuksköterskors utmaningar vid omårdnadsdokumentation : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses' challenges in nursing documentation : A literature reviewHjelm, Hanna, Babirye, Brenda January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Florence Nightingale ligger till grund för omvårdnadsdokumentation som är en del av omvårdnadsprocessen och en av legitimerade sjuksköterskors skyldigheter. Ofullständig omvårdnadsdokumentation är ett återkommande problem. Den vårdsökande personens delaktighet samt sjuksköterskors attityder och förhållningssätt påverkar omvårdnadsdokumentationen. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av omvårdnadsdokumentation inom öppenvård och slutenvård. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med induktiv ansats genomfördes där tolv artiklar med kvalitativ metod analyserades i fem steg av Friberg. Resultat: Analysen ledde till en huvudkategori: Utmaningar vid omvårdnadsdokumentation, två kategorier: Genomförande av elektronisk omvårdnadsdokumentation och Annat som styr omvårdnadsdokumentationen samt fem underkategorier. Sjuksköterskor i sluten- och öppenvård hade erfarenheter av att utföra omvårdnadsdokumentation. Genomförande av elektronisk omvårdnadsdokumentation upplevdes nödvändig då den gav tillgång till viktig information. Elektronisk omvårdnadsdokumentation upplevdes som tidskrävande särskilt vid tekniska fel eller vid användning av nya dokumentationssystem. Individuella idéer, lagar, arbetsmiljö och chefens påverkan var bidragande till sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av omvårdnadsdokumentation. Slutsatser: Sjuksköterskor upplevde olika utmaningar vid omvårdnadsdokumentation. Utbildningar i användning av, forskning på arbetsmiljö och ledarens påverkan på omvårdnadsdokumentation kan vara betydelsefull för utvecklingen av området. / Background: Florence Nightingale laid the basis of nursing documentation. Nursing documentation is part of the nursing process and is an obligation of registered nurses. Incomplete nursing documentation is a recurring problem. Participation of the person seeking care and nurses' attitudes influence nursing documentation. Aim: To describe nurses' experiences of nursing documentation in inpatient and outpatient care. Method: A literature review with an inductive approach that analyzed twelve qualitative articles using the five steps of analysis according to Friberg. Results: The analysis gave a main category: challenges in nursing documentation two categories: implementation of electronic nursing documentation and other things controlling nursing documentation and five sub-categories. Nurses in inpatient and outpatient care had experience in nursing documentation. Implementation of electronic nursing documentation was considered necessary as it provided access to important information. Electronic nursing documentation was experienced as time-wasting especially because of technical errors and when new documentation systems were used. Individual ideas, laws, working environment and leaders’ influence contributed to nurses' experiences. Conclusion: Nurses experienced challenges during nursing documentation. Training in the use of electronic documentation systems, research on the influence of the work environment and leadership on nursing documentation could be important for the development of the field.
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"Att ge en röst till barnen" : Förskollärares beskrivningar av barns delaktighet och inflytande i pedagogisk dokumentation / "To give children a voice" : Preschool teachers describe children’s participation and influence in pedagogical documentationAndersson, Josefine, Tällberg, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur förskollärare beskriver arbetet med barns delaktighet och inflytande i pedagogisk dokumentation. Studien har utgått från den sociokulturella teorin och för att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har en kvalitativ metod använts. Enskilda kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med fyra förskollärare på tre olika förskolor. Resultatet visar att barns delaktighet och inflytande i pedagogisk dokumentation både ses som en möjlighet och en utmaning för förskollärare. Möjligheterna med pedagogisk dokumentation är bland annat att synliggöra barns röster och förslag till fortsatt undervisning. Resultatet visar även att det finns en tvetydighet gällande dokumentation och pedagogisk dokumentation samt barns delaktighet och barns inflytande. Det krävs därmed en samsyn på olika begrepp i förskolan för att skapa möjligheter och inte hinder för barns delaktighet och inflytande i den pedagogiska dokumentationen. Dialog, interaktion och reflektion mellan barn och förskollärare framstår som betydande för att möjliggöra barns delaktighet och inflytande i den pedagogiska dokumentationen.
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Metodika ohledání dopravní nehody policií / Methodology for the Inspection of Traffic Accident Sites by the PoliceDvořáček, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis comprehensively covers the concept of procedure of examination of a traffic accident location by the police and its subsequent documentation in order to maximize the data and materials objectification. The thesis pursue to describe each step taken while investigating a traffic accident, as well as provides an overview of processing the facts collected and the measurements taken at the scene. Furthermore, a summary of each type of clue and damages occurring in the causality with traffic accidents is provided.
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Dokumentation i det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärarens dokumentation / Documentation in the systematic quality work : A qualitative study of preschool teachers' documentationEckers, Ida, Andersson, Marielle January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to contribute with knowledge about preschool teachers’ perspectives on documentation in the systematic quality work. The study uses a qualitative method where the collected empirical evidence is based on answers from 10 interviewed preschool teachers. The study is based on a phenomenographic method and the process of the analysis is based on post-constructionist theory. The result of the study shows that the preschool teachers describe two different ways to look at the purpose of documentation. One way described was to see the documentation as an important tool to acknowledge the children’s processes of learning and for the preschool teachers to see their own actions to further develop their profession. The other way, according to some preschool teachers, was to document for others. The preschool teachers described how they followed and documented each child's learning and development differently. Some preschool teachers expressed that the documentation was linked to projects and themes. Other preschool teachers, as the study interprets, follow and document the children through the stages of their development. The result of the analysis of documentation showed that some of the preschool teachers reflected and analyzed together with their team of co-workers. Many of the preschool teachers involved the children in the reflections while some of the preschool teachers did not analyze the documentation at all. Our conclusion is that there is a difference between how preschool teachers think and work with their documentation depending on their practical conditions, for example, time and competence. / Studiens syfte var att bidra med kunskap om förskollärares perspektiv på dokumentation i det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet. Studien är av en kvalitativ metod där vår insamlade empiri består av svar från 10 intervjuade förskollärare. Studien bygger på en fenomenografisk metodansats och vi har utgått ifrån ett postkonstruktionistisk teoretiskt perspektiv i vår analysprocess. Studiens resultat visar på att förskollärarna har olika uppfattningar som genererade i två skilda sätt att se på syftet med dokumentationen. Det ena var att förskollärarna uttryckte att dokumentationen var ett viktigt redskap för att få syn på barns lärprocesser och att förskollärarna kunde använda dokumentationerna för att få syn på sitt eget agerande, för att kunna vidareutveckla sin profession. Det andra skilda sättet som några förskollärare ansåg, var att dokumentera för andra. Förskollärarna beskrev olika kring hur de följde och dokumenterade varje barns lärande och utveckling. En del förskollärare gav uttryck att dokumentationen var kopplad till projekt och teman. Andra förskollärare tolkar vi att de följer och dokumenterar barn utifrån deras utvecklingsstadier. I resultatets analys av dokumentation visade resultatet att en del av förskollärarna reflekterade och analyserade med sitt arbetslag. Många av förskollärarna involverade barnen i reflekterandet. Medan en del av förskollärarna inte analyserade dokumentationerna alls. Vår slutsats är att det är olika hur förskollärare tänker och gör med sin dokumentationer beroende på deras förutsättningar i praktiken, som exempelvis tid och kompetens.
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Against Dissociation: Documentation as the Object of CareWielocha, Aga 08 August 2024 (has links)
Often durational, process or/and concept-based, transient and participatory, contemporary art understood as a paradigm of artistic practice calls for new approaches to the institutional collecting and all related practices including conservation. The intangible agents of contemporary artwork often exist as, and thus might be transmitted only through various kinds of documents. The resulting documentation does not only contain information about artwork’s provenance, history, meanings and character but it hosts an important part of the artwork itself. As decisions about the future presentations and hence interpretations of artworks are made based on documentation, the latter not only shapes but also determines the future of contemporary artworks.
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