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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Qui dit le droit ? Etude comparée des systèmes d'autorité dans l'industrie des services financiers islamiques. Une analyse comparée des modes d'autorité en finance islamique en Asie du Sud-est, au sein des pays arabes du Conseil de Coopération du Golfe, en Asie du Sud. / The law of which land ? A comparative study of authority systems in the islamic financial services industry

Gintzburger, Anne-Sophie 04 July 2013 (has links)
Les trois monothéismes conçoivent un Dieu créateur et ordonnateur du monde, révélé dans l’histoire, garant de toute justice et de tout équilibre, et déterminant l’autorité et les systèmes d’autorités. La théologie a informé le droit et les lois, l’économie et l’éthique des personnes et des États. L’islam, loin d’être homogénéisé dans ses approches économiques, financières et réglementaires, révèle par le biais d’un exemple concret, par l’industrie des services financiers islamiques, les différentes facettes de ce qu’est l’autorité dans un contexte musulman, international et en pleine évolution. Prenant en compte la dynamique des questions sectaires, géographiques et interprétatives, la thèse analyse cette force déterminante que sont les « autorités » en finance islamique. Ces dernières semblent déterminer la finance islamique dans ses formes les plus tangibles, en structurant des produits financiers islamiques. L’analyse comporte d’abord une approche théorique, ensuite une étude comparée des facteurs qui déterminent les décisions prises lors de la structuration de produits financiers islamiques. Ces structures sont en effet fondées sur des contrats financiers conformes aux principes de la sharia. Leur approbation par des membres de conseils de la sharia est-elle déterminée par une autorité régionale, par des autorités internationales ou par des autorités de régulation ? Ces autorités sont-elles conventionnelles ou religieuses ? Afin de bien évaluer la problématique non seulement de l’autorité en tant que telle mais aussi de l’équilibre complexe entre les différentes autorités, nous développons une analyse comparée du système de structuration des produits financiers islamiques par les autorités concernées, en fonction des zones géographiques, au moyen d’un échantillon de 121 membres de conseils de la sharia couvrant l’approbation de produits financiers islamiques au sein de 243 institutions financières islamiques sur 35 pays. / The three monotheistic religions refer to a God who is the all-powerful creator of all that exists, revealed throughout history, guarantor of justice and fairness, who is the ultimate moral authority. Theology advises some of the laws, economics and ethics of individuals and of states. Islam is not homogeneous in its economic, financial and regulatory approaches. However, through the financial services industry, it reveals in a tangible manner various facets of authority across Muslim contexts. These include contexts that are international and highly dynamic. Taking into account the delicate balance between sectarian, geographic and interpretive facets, the thesis analyses the determining forces that we refer to as authorities in Islamic finance. These contribute to the Islamic finance industry in its most tangible form in the structuring of Islamic financial products. Analysis is carried out initially theoretically. It is followed by a comparative study of factors affecting decisions pertaining to the structuring of Islamic financial products. These structures are based on financial contracts that conform to the principles of the Sharia. Is approval by Sharia board members fashioned by a regional authority, by international authorities, or by regulatory authorities? Are these authorities conventional or religious? We address the question as it pertains to the dynamics between various types of authority. We develop a comparative analysis of the approach taken in structuring Islamic financial products, according to geographical areas related to a sample of 121 Sharia board members covering Islamic financial products for 243 Islamic financial institutions in 35 countries.

Les investisseurs protégés en droit financier / Protected investors in financial law

Tehrani, Adrien 29 October 2013 (has links)
En droit financier, la conception des investisseurs protégés apparaît imprécise, alors que le dispositif juridique de protection est composé d’un grand nombre de mesures. Le contraste est saisissant. La première partie de cette recherche souligne la nécessité d’une clarification. Le flou entourant les investisseurs protégés est détaillé et ses conséquences sur l’objectif de protection, d’une part, et sur le dispositif de protection, d’autre part, sont mises en lumière. Plusieurs questions se posent, relatives à la notion d’investisseur comme à la logique et aux critères de protection. Source d’insécurité juridique, une conception indéterminée des investisseurs protégés pèse de différentes manières sur la qualité de la protection. La seconde partie est un essai de clarification qui porte sur la notion juridique d’investisseur, d’une part, et sur la politique juridique de protection, d’autre part. Il est ainsi proposé d’introduire une définition légale de l’investisseur dans le Code monétaire et financier, en s’appuyant sur les notions de sujet de droit et d’acte d’investissement. Une définition juridique de l’acte d’investissement contribue aussi à distinguer la notion juridique d’investisseur, d’un côté, et celles d’actionnaire, de client et de consommateur, de l’autre. La politique de protection envisagée ensuite s’appuie sur des axes connus mais qui gagnent à être réaffirmés et précisés. La pleine mise en oeuvre de cette politique impose alors, compte tenu aussi des catégories redéfinies d’investisseur et d’investisseur qualifié, d’élaborer une nouvelle catégorie juridique d’intervenants sur les marchés financiers. / In financial law, the conception of “protected investors” appears to reveal many uncertainties while at the same time, investor protection measures are numerous. This raises a number of questions. The first part of this research shows that there is a need to clarify this conception. Such a need results mainly from the detailed description of existing uncertainties and their negative consequences on investor protection objective and measures. These difficulties, which are about the concept of investor, the logic of the protection and its criteria, are a source of legal uncertainty. As a result, the quality of the protection is undermined in many different ways. The second part of this research is an attempt to clarify these points. It focuses on the legal concept of investor and on investor protection policy. The idea is to amend the legislative part of the French Monetary and Financial Code to introduce a definition of the word « investor », which relies on the suggestion that an investor should have legal personality and that there should be an act of investment. The legal definition suggested for the concept of “act of investment” also helps to draw distinctions between the legal concept of investor on the one hand, and those of shareholder, client and consumer, on the other hand. The investor protection policy which is then described lies on grounds that may look familiar, but to state them more precisely appears to be useful. For this policy to be fully implemented, and taking into account the definitions or amendments brought to the categories of “investor” and of “qualified investor”, a new legal category of actors in the financial markets needs to be elaborated.

Information and control in financial markets

Lee, Samuel January 2009 (has links)
Market Liquidity, Active Investment, and Markets for Information. This paper studies a financial market in which investors choose among investment strategies that exploit information about different fundamentals. On the one hand, the presence of other informed investors generates illiquidity. On the other hand, investors who use different strategies can serve as quasi-noise traders for each other, thereby also supplying each other with liquidity. Thus, investment strategies can be substitutes or complements. Such externalities in information acquisition have effects on investor herding, comovement in prices and liquidity across assets, trade volume, and the informational role of prices. They further affect the relationship between financial markets and information markets. Information market competition fosters investor diversity, whereas monopoly power promotes investor herding. Also, in order to benefit from quasi-noise trading, a financial institution may engage in both proprietary trading and information sales. Security-Voting Structure and Bidder Screening. This paper shows that non-voting shares can promote takeovers. When the bidder has private information, shareholders may refuse to tender because they suspect to sell at an ex-post unfavourable price. The ensuing friction in the sale of cash flow rights can prevent an efficient sale of control. Separating cash flow and voting rights mitigates this externality, thereby facilitating takeovers. In fact, the fraction of non-voting shares can be used to discriminate between efficient and inefficient bidders. The optimal fraction decreases with managerial ability, implying an inverse relationship between firm value and non-voting shares. As non-voting shares increase control contestability, share reunification programs entrench managers of widely held firms, whereas dual-class recapitalizations can increase shareholder wealth. Signaling in Tender Offer Games. This paper examines whether a bidder can use the terms of the tender offer to signal the post-takeover security benefits to the shareholders of a widely held target firm. As atomistic shareholders extract all the gains in security benefits, signaling equilibria are subject to a constraint that is absent from bilateral trade models. The buyer (bidder) must enjoy gains from trade that are excluded from bargaining (private benefits), but can nonetheless be relinquished and enable shareholders to draw inference about the security benefits. Restricted bids and cash-equity offers do not satisfy these requirements. Dilution, debt financing, probabilistic takeover outcomes and toeholds are all viable signals because they make bidder gains depend on the security benefits in a predictable manner. In all the signaling equilibria, lower-valued types must forgo a larger fraction of their private benefits and these signaling costs prevent some takeovers. When the bidder has additional private information about the private benefits as in the case of two-dimensional bidder types, fully revealing equilibria cease to exist. This does not hold once bidders can offer not only cash or equity but also (more) elaborate contingent claims. Offers which include options avoid inefficiencies and implement the symmetric information outcome. Goldrush Dynamics of Private Equity. This paper presents a simple dynamic model of entry and exit in a private equity market with heterogeneous private equity firms, a depletable stock of target companies, and rational learning about investment profitability. The predictions of the model match a number of stylized facts: Aggregate fund activity follows waves with endogenous transitions from boom to bust. Supply and demand in the private equity market are inelastic, and the supply comoves with investment valuations. High industry performance precedes high entry, which in turn precedes low industry performance. There are persistent differences in fund performance across private equity firms, first-time funds underperform the industry, and first-time funds raised in booms are unlikely to be succeeded by a follow-on fund. Fund performance and fund size are positively correlated across firms, but negatively correlated across consecutive funds of a private equity firm. Finally, booms can make ”too much capital chase too few deals.” Reputable Friends as Watchdogs: Social Ties and Governance. To examine how governance is affected when a designated supervisor befriends the person to be supervised, this paper embeds a delegated monitoring problem in a social structure: the supervisor and the agent are friends, and the supervisor desires to be socially recognized for having integrity. Strengthening the friendship weakens the supervisor’s monitoring incentives, forging an alliance against the principal (bonding). But the agent also grows more reluctant to put the supervisor’s perceived integrity at risk, thus becoming more aligned with the principal (bridging). If the supervisor’s desire for social recognition is strong, the principal’s preferences regarding the supervisor-agent friendship are bipolar. Weak friendship makes the supervisor monitor intensively to save face. Strong friendship leads the supervisor to abandon monitoring but the agent to behave well in order to protect the supervisor from losing face. The strength of friendship necessary for the latter outcome decreases in the supervisor’s desire for esteem; that is, image concerns leverage the bridging effect of friendship. This suggests that overlapping personal and professional ties can enhance delegated governance in cultures or contexts where social recognition is important, and provides a novel perspective on issues related to crony capitalism, corporate governance, and organizational culture. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2009 Sammanfattning jämte 5 uppsatser

The political risk of international sanctions and multinational firm value: an empirical analysis using the event-study methodology

Gadringer, Mark-P. 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis emphasizes the role of political risk in international business by analyzing the impact of political events on the valuation of firms. The guiding question is how governments interfere with the business interests of firms located in their own country as well as with the business interests of firms from other nations, as a consequence of the application of international sanctions. Therefore, the focus is on multi-country and multi-sector effects due to the occurrence of specific sanction events. The empirical methodology is the event-study approach, which analyzes stock market reactions to new information. The research objective is to detect abnormal stock returns across multiple markets and sectors, as a consequence of events related to the imposition of or threat of international sanctions. The empirical model of this thesis differentiates between risk-effects for firms located in the sender country (i.e., the origin of sanctions), for firms located in or specifically related to target countries (i.e., the receiver of sanctions) and firms located in third countries (i.e., countries not directly involved). There are three different cases analyzed: E.U. Economic Sanctions against African countries (2002-2005), the U.S. Steel Tariff (2002) and the Iran Sanctions Act (2007). The cases represent sanctions applied on the nationwide, sector- and firm-specific level. The event studies provide empirical evidence for the existence of political risk-effects due to sector-specific sanctions. Risk-effects are detected for firms in target countries and for firms in the sender country itself. The applied political risk framework describes how political risk affects multinational firm value and explains that it varies among firms. The impact of political risk on a firm's value depends on the risk exposure of a firm's individual business interests to it. This contributes a new perspective on political risk that emphasizes multinational and multi-sectoral effects and underlines that a specific political risk can be relevant for a variety of different international business interests. (author's abstract)

Rozvoj finančních trhů v Rusku / Development of financial markets in Russia

Zhiganov, Artem January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the diploma is to introduce provide information about financial system of Russia. It includes a description and classification of Russian financial markets, development of the whole system and describe a current financial position during the crisis. Diploma also includes Regulation and Supervision part, which is relatively important due to a present situation in the financial world. In terms of practical part basing on technical and fundamental analyses the author tends to forecast the probable future trend of development of the Russian Trade System RTS. The diploma is made for a wide range of prospective readers, who even might not be interested in Finance.

Jak finanční trhy sledují hospodářství / How Financial Markets Assess the State of Major Economies

Němeček, Josef January 2013 (has links)
In accordance with its main goal, the main thesis shows which published data and indicators contemporary financial markets use to assess the state of major economies and forecast their short-term future development. Using Bloomberg as the primary source, the thesis provides a detailed analysis of the indicators and surveys sought by finance professionals when assessing the performance of the economy in the United States, the euro-zone (with emphasis on Germany) and, in the context of the impact on the global economy and markets, in China and Japan. A preliminary hypothesis about the similarity or closeness between the theoretical view and the practical approach of financial markets has been refuted. Instead, after close scrutiny and detailed analysis, we have established that financial markets put great emphasis on forward-looking indicators and monetary policy. This emphasis was confirmed by a survey of local investors. Using expert opinion and analysis, the thesis charts an overview of select economic indicators and their over- (payrolls, consumer sentiment) or undervaluation (regional Fed activity indexes, CFNAI).

Essays in functional econometrics and financial markets

Tsafack-Teufack, Idriss 07 1900 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, j’exploite le cadre d’analyse de données fonctionnelles et développe l’analyse d’inférence et de prédiction, avec une application à des sujets sur les marchés financiers. Cette thèse est organisée en trois chapitres. Le premier chapitre est un article co-écrit avec Marine Carrasco. Dans ce chapitre, nous considérons un modèle de régression linéaire fonctionnelle avec une variable prédictive fonctionnelle et une réponse scalaire. Nous effectuons une comparaison théorique des techniques d’analyse des composantes principales fonctionnelles (FPCA) et des moindres carrés partiels fonctionnels (FPLS). Nous déterminons la vitesse de convergence de l’erreur quadratique moyen d’estimation (MSE) pour ces méthodes. Aussi, nous montrons cette vitesse est sharp. Nous découvrons également que le biais de régularisation de la méthode FPLS est plus petit que celui de FPCA, tandis que son erreur d’estimation a tendance à être plus grande que celle de FPCA. De plus, nous montrons que le FPLS surpasse le FPCA en termes de prédiction avec moins de composantes. Le deuxième chapitre considère un modèle autorégressif entièrement fonctionnel (FAR) pour prèvoir toute la courbe de rendement du S&P 500 a la prochaine journée. Je mène une analyse comparative de quatre techniques de Big Data, dont la méthode de Tikhonov fonctionnelle (FT), la technique de Landweber-Fridman fonctionnelle (FLF), la coupure spectrale fonctionnelle (FSC) et les moindres carrés partiels fonctionnels (FPLS). La vitesse de convergence, la distribution asymptotique et une stratégie de test statistique pour sélectionner le nombre de retard sont fournis. Les simulations et les données réelles montrent que les méthode FPLS performe mieux les autres en terme d’estimation du paramètre tandis que toutes ces méthodes affichent des performances similaires en termes de prédiction. Le troisième chapitre propose d’estimer la densité de neutralité au risque (RND) dans le contexte de la tarification des options, à l’aide d’un modèle fonctionnel. L’avantage de cette approche est qu’elle exploite la théorie d’absence d’arbitrage et qu’il est possible d’éviter toute sorte de paramétrisation. L’estimation conduit à un problème d’inversibilité et la technique fonctionnelle de Landweber-Fridman (FLF) est utilisée pour le surmonter. / In this thesis, I exploit the functional data analysis framework and develop inference, prediction and forecasting analysis, with an application to topics in the financial market. This thesis is organized in three chapters. The first chapter is a paper co-authored with Marine Carrasco. In this chapter, we consider a functional linear regression model with a functional predictor variable and a scalar response. We develop a theoretical comparison of the Functional Principal Component Analysis (FPCA) and Functional Partial Least Squares (FPLS) techniques. We derive the convergence rate of the Mean Squared Error (MSE) for these methods. We show that this rate of convergence is sharp. We also find that the regularization bias of the FPLS method is smaller than the one of FPCA, while its estimation error tends to be larger than that of FPCA. Additionally, we show that FPLS outperforms FPCA in terms of prediction accuracy with a fewer number of components. The second chapter considers a fully functional autoregressive model (FAR) to forecast the next day’s return curve of the S&P 500. In contrast to the standard AR(1) model where each observation is a scalar, in this research each daily return curve is a collection of 390 points and is considered as one observation. I conduct a comparative analysis of four big data techniques including Functional Tikhonov method (FT), Functional Landweber-Fridman technique (FLF), Functional spectral-cut off (FSC), and Functional Partial Least Squares (FPLS). The convergence rate, asymptotic distribution, and a test-based strategy to select the lag number are provided. Simulations and real data show that FPLS method tends to outperform the other in terms of estimation accuracy while all the considered methods display almost the same predictive performance. The third chapter proposes to estimate the risk neutral density (RND) for options pricing with a functional linear model. The benefit of this approach is that it exploits directly the fundamental arbitrage-free equation and it is possible to avoid any additional density parametrization. The estimation problem leads to an inverse problem and the functional Landweber-Fridman (FLF) technique is used to overcome this issue.

Inherentní nestabilita finančních trhů / Inherent instability of financial markets

Hladík, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of this presented diploma thesis is to help build a systematic understanding of the political and social foundations of global financial markets, their operations and impacts on the global power affairs. The thesis highlights the dynamic complexity of the post financial crisis state of the World with its itra- and inter-social features. It instrumentaly uses critique of a free market agenda and neo-classical economy which contrasts the Efficient Markets Hypothesis with Hyman Minsky's Financial Instability Hypothesis (FIH), taking into account the dynamic complexity of financial markets. This approach offers analytical tools that can account for crisis through processes endogenous to contemporary financial capitalism. I shall argue that a financially complex system is, according to the FIH, inherently flawed and unstable. After a theoretical and historical review, the thesis discusses various aspects of the process of austerity regime and its social consequences. This provides an opportunity for analyses of the ongoing existence of interstate competition, of militarised foreign policy, and of other international, at times violent conflicts. In an effort to make sense of some of these phenomena, I instrumentaly use the study of geoeconomics that builds on some fundamental assumptions...

Evaluación del comportamiento de carteras con gestión automatizada comparada con los rendimientos de carteras aleatorias y fondos de inversión

Plá María, Marcos 24 July 2014 (has links)
Este trabajo se plantea la cuestión que millones de inversores se han planteado en algún momento: ¿cuál es la mejor opción para sus ahorros, fondos de inversión, inversión aleatoria o estrategias de análisis técnico? Para este propósito se describen en primer lugar las normas que regulan a las instituciones de inversión colectiva (IIC) en España, distinguiendo entre los diferentes tipos de fondos en cuanto a su forma legal. A continuación se repasan las teorías sobre eficiencia en los mercados financieros. Estas teorías se enlazan con los estilos de gestión; gestión pasiva para aquellos ortodoxos que defienden la eficiencia fuerte y gestión activa para los gestores que no toman la eficiencia como un dogma. Estos últimos creen en las anomalías de mercado y recurren a estrategias basadas en fundamentos contables (estimación de beneficios, ventas, etc.). Esta primera parte concluye con una evaluación del rendimiento de los fondos españoles según su estilo de inversión. Puesto que esta no es del todo favorable para las gestoras se intentan aportar motivos por los cuales los fondos siguen disfrutando de amplia aceptación. La segunda parte del trabajo describe la metodología empleada para estudiar el comportamiento de una cartera de inversión gestionada mediante estrategias de análisis técnico. Con este fin ha sido necesario desarrollar un software capaz de realizar la gestión de carteras y que se alimenta de cotizaciones históricas desde 1/2003 hasta 1/2012. Los datos se separan en dos estudios paralelos, uno para Europa y el otro para EE.UU con el objetivo de analizar diferencias y semejanzas. El programa permite el control completo sobre la cartera, gestión de liquidez, stop-loss, etc.; y nos abastece al mismo tiempo de una gran cantidad de información estadística. La particularidad del software es la capacidad de poder variar los parámetros de las estrategias mediante barrido, obteniendo así no solamente una única simulación sino una población de simulaciones referidas a una estrategia. En la tercera parte se recurre a este conjunto de simulaciones a las que denominaremos estudios y están compuestas por varios millones de operaciones de compra y venta. Estos estudios se aproximan a funciones normales que describen la esperanza de rentabilidades que tendría un inversor que decidiera participar en el mercado siguiendo alguna de las estrategias descritas. Para poder comparar el comportamiento de las estrategias técnicas se utilizan diferentes métodos aleatorios que pretenden simular una operativa al azar. Por último se confrontan los tres métodos de inversión: fondos, análisis técnico y aleatorio; comparados con los índices de referencia correspondientes. / Plá María, M. (2014). Evaluación del comportamiento de carteras con gestión automatizada comparada con los rendimientos de carteras aleatorias y fondos de inversión [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/38987

La liberté contractuelle du banquier : réflexions sur la sécurité du système financier / The contractual freedom of the banker : reflections on the safety of financial system

Maymont, Anthony 17 December 2013 (has links)
La liberté contractuelle du banquier est une liberté parmi d’autres. Cependant, elle est la plus sensible dans lamesure où elle peut avoir des répercussions sur son activité. A priori sans limites aujourd’hui, cette liberté auraitmême des conséquences indéniables sur la sécurité du système financier en facilitant le phénomène des« bulles ». Le contrat, situé au coeur de l’activité bancaire et financière, serait ainsi la cause de cette réalité. Leschocs récents, telles les crises financières, imposent l´examen détaillé des opérations bancaires nationales maisaussi internationales, notamment celles les plus dangereuses. Encore méconnue, la mesure de la libertécontractuelle du banquier s’avère nécessaire pour en proposer une relecture. L’objectif n’est donc pas d’excluretoute liberté au banquier mais de définir le degré de liberté contractuelle à lui accorder pour chaque opération.L´idée étant de lui octroyer un niveau satisfaisant de liberté tout en assurant la sécurité du système financier.L’enjeu repose finalement sur la conciliation de l’impératif contractuel, résultant de la liberté contractuelle dubanquier, avec l’impératif de sécurité du système financier, nécessaire à la pérennité des banques et del’économie mondiale. / The contractual freedom of the banker is a freedom among the others. However, it is the most sensitive in so faras it can affect on his activity. Apparently unlimited today, this freedom would have even undeniableconsequences on the safety of the financial system by facilitating the phenomenon of “speculative bubbles”. Thecontract, situated in the heart of the banking and financial activity, would be thus the cause of this reality. Therecent shocks, such as financial crises, require the detailed examination of the national but also internationalbank transactions, especially the most dangerous. Still ignored, the measurement of the contractual freedom ofthe banker proves to be necessary to propose a review. The aim is not thus to rule any banker’s freedom out butto define the degree of contractual freedom to grant to him for each transaction. The idea being to grant him asatisfactory level of freedom while ensuring the safety of financial system. The stake rests finally on theconciliation of the contractual requirement, resulting from the contractual freedom of the banker, with the safetyrequirement of the financial system, necessary for the sustainability of banks and worldwide economy.

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