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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza podobnosti hodnot Indexu lidského rozvoje mezi evropskými státy / Analysis of the similarity of the human development index values between European states

Šafaříková, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
Main goal of this thesis is to analyze human development index for European countries and provide cluster analysis not only of human development index but even of another quality of life variables and to find similarities between particular countries by using hierarchical methods. The first part focuses on quality of life and definition of human development index. Human development index is one possibility how to measure quality of life, there are mentioned another possibilities, though how to analyze it. The second part of the thesis focuses on cluster analysis definition, which is used for searching for similarities between particular countries. Five hierarchical cluster methods is used for classify countries into clusters. Euclidean metric is used for express the distance between countries. Similar variables between countries is judged according to sorting into clusters by hierarchical methods. Diploma thesis enlightens similarity between European countries from quality of life overview and provides statistical evidence about this topic. Results of the thesis confirms similarities between geographical close states.

Los niños iberoamericanos y el recreo escolar. Una revisión de conceptos / The Ibero-American children and the school playtime. A concepts review

Arbulú Jara, Celeste Carolina, Campos Justiniano, Leslye Rosmery 07 July 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo documentar algunas aproximaciones teóricas respecto a la temática del recreo escolar en la educación básica iberoamericana. Para ello, se empleó un diseño metodológico documental que permitió la revisión y análisis de 35 fuentes obtenidas de diferentes bases de datos especializadas. Del mismo modo, se enfatizó en las consideraciones que parten desde un conocimiento empírico, proveniente de la práctica educativa y relacionada con la vida cotidiana del ámbito escolar. Los principales hallazgos indican que el recreo escolar es un espacio de mayor interacción social y participación libre según los intereses, capacidades y habilidades por parte de los estudiantes. Asimismo, es un elemento fundamental en el desarrollo social, cultural, físico y en la práctica de valores para la vida en comunidad. Por último, se reflexionó sobre los resultados, proponiéndose la necesidad de avanzar en los estudios vinculados al recreo escolar para fortalecer la comprensión de este factor en las instituciones educativas a partir de nuevas dimensiones, contextos y agentes educativos. / The objective of this research was to document some theoretical approaches regarding the subject of school recess in basic education in Latin America. To this end, a documentary methodological design was used that allowed the review and analysis of 35 sources obtained from different specialized databases. Similarly, it emphasized considerations from empirical knowledge, from educational practice and related to the daily life of the school. Key findings indicate that school recess is a space for greater social interaction and free participation based on students' interests, abilities, and skills. Also, it is a fundamental element in the social, cultural, physical development and in practice of values for the life in community. Finally, one reflected on the results, proposing to him the need to advance in the studies linked to the school playtime to strengthen the comprehension of this factor in the educational institutions from new dimensions, contexts and educational agents. / Trabajo de investigación

Class and Gender in Brazil: Informal Education and the Naturalization of Gender Inequality

Silva dos Santos, Emanuelle 05 February 2020 (has links)
Diese Arbeit ist ein Beitrag zur Erforschung des geschlechtsspezifischen Habitus. Anhand der Arbeit von Pierre Bourdieu, insbesondere seiner Konzepte von Habitus und männlicher Dominanz, untersuchte ich, wie Frauen die Ungleichheit der Geschlechter normalisieren und wie sie in jeder sozialen Klasse im heutigen Brasilien anders aussehen. Die Aspekte der Frauenidentität, die sich auf Schwächegefühle beziehen, die in einer eingebürgerten Form innerhalb der sozialen Klasse durch informelle Bildung übertragen werden. Meine Methodik wurde nach Souza (2011) Arbeitüber die soziale Ungleichheit in Brasilien entwickelt, . Somit wurden30 Mütter in verschiedenen sozialen Schichten interviewt.. Die Recherche beobachtete die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Müttern und Töchtern in ihren Häusern. Die informellen Bildungsansätze der befragten Mütter waren unterschiedlich. Der Diskurs der Mütter über die Ralé (Randschicht) war anders als die Mütter in der Oberschicht. Wir werden in Kapitel 6 ausführlich auf die Teilungsklasse eingehen. Ich habe untersucht, wie die Mütter ihren Töchter Identitäten, dessen einbetten, was es bedeutet, „Frau zu sein“, einschließlich der Wahrnehmung ihrer körperlichen Fähigkeiten und Verhaltensweisen, mit denen sie Gefühle, Verwundbarkeit,Schwäche und Zukunftsperspektiven ausgleichen. Nach meiner Forschung wurden unterschiedliche Konzepte von „Weiblichkeit“ gefunden. Einige Frauen hatten durch stark geschlechtsspezifische Habitus ein Verständnis für ihren Körper als relativ schwach und verletzlich erlangt. Die meisten Frauen hatten in jeder sozialen Klasse ein eigenes Verständnis dafür, wo sie eine Rolle spielen und was die Gesellschaft von ihnen verlangte - auch wenn es unbewusst war, aber von Handlungen und Aussagen wahrgenommen wurde. / This thesis is a contribution to research on gendered habitus. Drawing on the work of Pierre Bourdieu, particularly the concepts of habitus and male domination, I explored women’s normalization of gender inequality and its distinct manifestations in every social class in contemporary Brazil. The aspects of female identity that relate to feelings of weakness are transmitted in a naturalized form within a woman’s social class and through informal education. The focus of this research is the possibility that women can transfer aspects of their identity through social practice on a daily social practices and that the way to being a woman in a lower class, for example, is unlike being a woman in upper class in Brazil. I drew on Souza’s (2011) work on social inequality in Brazil to develop my methodology and interviewed 30 mothers from different social classes. This research observed the interactions between mothers and daughters in their homes. I found that the informal education approaches of the mothers interviewed varied across social class. The discourse of mothers from the Ralé (marginalized class) differed from the discourse of mothers from the upper class. In chapter six, I describe this class division in detail. I explored how mothers inscribe the identities of what it means “to be woman”, including perceptions of their physical capabilities, compensatory behaviors to combat feelings of vulnerability and weakness, and future prospects. I found different concepts of “womanhood” in my research. Some women had acquired an understanding of their bodies as relatively weak and vulnerable through strongly gendered habitus. Most of the women in each social class had an understanding of their role within society - even if it was subconscious, perceptible only through actions and statements.

¿Existe un techo de cristal que limita el ascenso laboral a las mujeres en las empresas?

Lopez Maldonado, Pablo Alonso, Alarcon Pizarro, Miriam Feli 25 May 2019 (has links)
El objetivo general de este trabajo es analizar, revisar y unir la investigación encontrada hasta a la fecha, acerca de la existencia del fenómeno llamado techo de cristal, que limita el ascenso laboral a las mujeres dentro de las empresas. Además de explicar la existencia del fenómeno del techo de cristal, la historia, panorama pasado y actual de la mujer en el ámbito laboral, así como sus hallazgos más notables. También, destacaremos la presencia e importancia de los factores externos que fomentan el techo de cristal tales como, la cosmovisión patriarcal, la sociedad machista, los estereotipos, los prejuicios, la cooptación, la conciliación entre la vida personal y familiar de la mujer, etc. Todos estos son aspectos que dan vida a las barreras invisibles que detienen el óptimo desarrollo académico y laboral del género femenino en las organizaciones públicas y privadas alrededor del mundo. Si bien estas condiciones externas impiden a mujeres capaces y profesionales de alcanzar puestos de mando en las empresas, no se pueden pasar por alto los factores internos, como la baja autoestima, creencias propias instaladas en la mente de cada mujer, baja autoeficacia en temas masculinos, etc. Estos son también influyentes e importantes a tomar en cuenta. Es así, como inicia la búsqueda de los factores más relevantes que fomentan el techo de cristal en América Latina. Un sub objetivo es brindar una perspectiva fresca, completa y distinta de las causas más relevantes del origen de este fenómeno con la esperanza de poder generar aporte en esta disyuntiva que resulta francamente anacrónica para cualquier sociedad del siglo XXI. / The objective of this study is to analyze and review the actual investigation of the existence of the phenomenon named “techo de cristal”, that limits the promotion at work for the women. Furthermore, to explain the existence of this phenomenon, its history and the actual and previous situation of the woman in the labor market. Also, to emphasize the presence and importance of the external factors promoting the “techo de cristal”, such as patriarchal perspective, male-dominated society, stereotypes, prejudices, work-life balance, among other things. All of them, are invisible barriers which are hampering the optimal academic and labour development of the female in the public and private organizations around the world. On the other hand, it is true that these external conditions preventing smart women to obtain high positions in the companies, but it is important to recognize the existence of internal factors, such as low self-esteem, beliefs, among other things. These aspects must be also considered. In this way, this paper searches the main factors that promote the “techo de cristal” in Latin America. A secondary objective of this study is to offer a complete and different perspective of the causes more relevant of the origin of this phenomenon. Also, to contribute to resolve this dilemma, that is inconsistent with a modern society of the XXI century. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Essays in innovation, inequality and risk

Koffi, Marlène 06 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s'articule autour de trois chapitres en économie de l'innovation et de la science. Pour ce faire, elle développe des modèles empiriques et théoriques pour analyser l'innovation technologique et scientifique et produire des recommandations politiques. Le premier chapitre utilise l'apprentissage automatique et les sciences de données pour construire un indicateur de l'innovation technologique. À l'aide d'une base de données unique sur les brevets au Canada, nous construisons un indice de qualité des brevets pour répondre à deux questions principales : l'absence d'une base de données systématique sur les brevets et leur valeur au Canada ainsi que l'évaluation du secteur pharmaceutique, l'un des principaux secteurs leaders de l'innovation au Canada . Les résultats révèlent que notre indice de qualité est lié à la performance économique des entreprises, à leur productivité et à la productivité agrégée. Le deuxième chapitre examine les innovations dans la recherche universitaire. Plus précisément, se focalisant sur les sciences économiques, ce chapitre vise à relier l'innovation et les inégalités en analysant la reconnaissance des idées des femmes. Des données bibliométriques issues de la recherche en économie sont utilisées pour étudier les biais de genre dans les citations. Sur la base des techniques d'apprentissage profond, on peut (1) établir les similitudes entre les articles (2) établir un lien entre les articles en identifiant les articles qui citent, les articles cités et les articles qui devraient être cités. Cette étude révèle qu'en moyenne, les articles qui ne sont pas cités sont 20% plus susceptibles d'être écrits par des femmes que par des hommes. Ce biais d'omission est plus répandu lorsqu'il n'y a que des hommes dans l'article citant. Dans l'ensemble, pour avoir le même niveau de citation que les articles rédigés par des hommes, les articles rédigés par des femmes doivent être supérieurs de 20 centiles dans la distribution du degré d'innovation de l'article. Enfin, le dernier chapitre analyse l'innovation dans une perspective plus macroéconomique, en se concentrant sur les entrepreneurs. En effet, les entrepreneurs sont au cœur du développement économique et de l'innovation. Cependant, l'activité entrepreneurial reste très risquée. Quelles sont donc les opportunités de diversification des risques d'investissement pour les entrepreneurs ? Pour répondre à cette question, nous étudions le rôle de l'intégration financière. Avec un modèle théorique en temps continu et avec des agents hétérogènes, nous montrons que l'ouverture financière produit des gains de bien-être substantiels pour les entrepreneurs et peut donc les aider à diversifier le risque d'investissement. Nos résultats sont également étayés par une analyse empirique. / This thesis is organized into three chapters in the economics of innovation and science. In doing so, it develops empirical and theoretical models to analyze technological and scientific innovation and produce policy recommendations. The first chapter uses data science and big data techniques to build an indicator of technological innovation. Using a unique database on patents in Canada, we build a patent quality index to answer two main questions: the absence of a systematic database on patents and their value in Canada and the evaluation of the pharmaceutical sector, one of the leading innovating sectors in Canada. The results reveal that our quality index is linked to the economic performance of firms, their productivity, and aggregate productivity. The second chapter looks at innovations in academic research. Specifically, focusing on economics, this chapter aims to connect innovation and inequality by analyzing the recognition of women's ideas in the field. Bibliometric data from research in economics are used to investigate gender biases in citation patterns. Based on deep learning and machine learning techniques, one can (1) establish the similarities between papers (2) build a link between articles by identifying the papers citing, cited and that should be cited. This study finds that, on average, omitted papers are 20% more likely to be female-authored than male-authored. This omission bias is more prevalent when there are only males in the citing paper. Overall, to have the same level of citation as papers written by males, papers written by females need to be 20 percentiles upper in the distribution of the degree of innovativeness of the paper. Finally, the last chapter analyzes innovation from a more macroeconomic perspective, focusing on entrepreneurs. Indeed, entrepreneurs are at the core of economic development and innovation. However, entrepreneurship remains very risky. What are the opportunities for investment risk diversification for entrepreneurs? To answer this question, we investigate the role of financial integration. With a theoretical model featuring a continuous-time dimension with heterogeneous agents, we show that financial openness produces substantial welfare gains for entrepreneurs and therefore can help its agents to diversify the investment risk. Our results are also supported by empirical analysis.

Percepción del clima laboral de mujeres limeñas recién egresadas que laboran en el rubro STEM

Ravines Toledo, Maricel Perlalucia 17 November 2020 (has links)
Este estudio describe la percepción del clima laboral de mujeres limeñas recién egresadas de la universidad, con una experiencia laboral de nueve y doce meses en el rubro STEM (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas). El estudio del clima laboral es importante en el desarrollo de los trabajadores, ya que es el modo en que estos perciben su contexto laboral. Este clima está formado por sentimientos positivos o negativos, acciones de la empresa y por la interacción entre el personal. El estudio se realizó bajo un enfoque cualitativo que involucra la herramienta de entrevistas semiestructuradas, a profundidad, a quince mujeres recién egresadas de la universidad que están empezando su vida laboral. Las quince participantes indicaron que se han enfrentado a filtros de género, desvaloración de su talento y acoso sexual laboral, todo lo cual ha afectado su clima de trabajo. Existe, entonces, un clima de desprotección en el que no hay igualdad de oportunidades laborales y se subestima la capacidad intelectual femenina. Este clima laboral negativo podría ser un riesgo para la retención y atracción de talento calificado. / This study describes the perception of the work environment of recently graduated Lima women with nine to twelve months of work experience in the STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The study of the work environment is important in the development of employees, since it is the way in which they perceive their work context. This environment is formed by positive or negative feelings, actions of the company and by the interaction among workers. The study was carried out under a qualitative approach that involves the tool of semi-structured in-depth interviews to fifteen recently graduated women who are beginning their working life. The fifteen participants indicated that they have faced gender filters, devaluation of their talent and sexual harassment that have affected their work climate. There is then a climate of vulnerability in which there is no equal employment opportunities and female intellectual capacity is underestimated. This negative work environment could be a risk for the retention and attraction of qualified talent. / Tesis

La percepción de mujeres profesionales de 25 a 35 años acerca de la campaña social de igualdad de género “Hablemos de horas personas” de Interbank / The perception of professional women between the ages of 25 and 35 about the Interbank social campaign for gender equality "Let's talk about personal hours"

Garcia Delgado, Ariana Jesus 11 September 2020 (has links)
La desigualdad de género es un problema social global, como país no somos ajenos a sus consecuencias en el ámbito laboral y salarial. Hoy en día existe una brecha salarial del 27.3% entre géneros. El problema se refleja en la inferioridad que se han visto rodeadas durante estos años, la que no les permite que se desarrollen profesionalmente en altos cargos y rubros como la medicina y ciencias. Esta distinción trae consecuencias negativas, de Interbank, busca enfrentar la realidad vigente hasta el día de hoy, reconociendo que el esfuerzo no tiene género, mostrando a mujeres profesionales que se desarrollan en distintos rubros como la medicina encontramos una cirujana, una programadora y ingeniería civil. Mostrando su objetivo final como campaña, el cual es construir una sociedad con igualdad de oportunidades. En la presente investigación se analizará la percepción de mujeres profesionales de 25 a 35 años de edad de nivel socioeconómico AB de la campaña “Hablemos de horas personas” de Interbank. Esta se logrará a través de un paradigma interpretativo con el objetivo de saber la percepción de las mujeres profesionales en sintonía con un enfoque cualitativo, puesto que las entrevistas permiten ahondar con mayor profundidad en la percepción. Asimismo, un diseño de caso instrumental nos abre paso a analizar un caso reciente en conjunto con las variables para contextualizar el tema y lograr explicarlo desde un ángulo diferente. / Gender inequality is a global social problem, as a country we are not oblivious to its consequences in the workplace and in wages. Today there is a 27.3% wage gap between genders. The problem is reflected in the inferiority that has been surrounded during these years, which does not allow them to develop professionally in high positions and areas such as medicine and science. This distinction brings negative consequences, Interbank seeks to face the reality in force until today, recognizing that the effort has no gender, showing professional women who develop in different areas such as medicine, we find a surgeon, a programmer and civil engineering. Showing its final objective as a campaign, which is to build a society with equal opportunities. In this research, the perception of professional women between the ages of 25 and 35 of the AB socioeconomic level of the Interbank “Let's talk about hours” campaign will be analyzed. This will be achieved through an interpretive paradigm with the aim of knowing the perception of professional women in tune with a qualitative approach, since the interviews allow to delve deeper into the perception. Likewise, an instrumental case design allows us to analyze a recent case in conjunction with the variables to contextualize the issue and be able to explain it from a different angle. / Trabajo de investigación

Gender Inequality and Habitus at the Indian Workplace

Sehgal, Reena 10 March 2020 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beleuchtet die wichtigen Komponenten des Habitus indischer Arbeitsplätze von Organisationen des privaten und öffentlichen Sektors in Delhi und zeigt auf, wie tief die in beiden Arbeitssektoren vorherrschenden geschlechtsspezifischen Ungleichheiten in ihren Habitus eingebettet sind. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Habitus und geschlechtsspezifischen Ungleichheiten wird durch im Rahmen dieses Projekts durchgeführte Forschungen und Feldstudien aufgezeigt, die zeigen, wie sich das Ausmaß, die Wahrnehmung, die Reaktion und der allgemeine Ansatz zur sexuellen Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz zwischen den Bereichen des öffentlichen und des privaten Sektors stark unterscheiden. Sexuelle Belästigung und unangemessenes Verhalten am Arbeitsplatz werden als Indikatoren für die Aufdeckung von Ungleichheiten zwischen den Geschlechtern im öffentlichen und privaten Sektor verwendet. Daher stellt diese These die Erforschung zweier zentraler Konzepte dar, d. H. Habitus- und Geschlechterungleichheiten, indem das Verständnis und die Herangehensweise an sexuelle Belästigung in beiden Sektoren untersucht werden und somit die Verbindung zwischen Habitus und Geschlechterungleichheit am indischen Arbeitsplatz begründet wird. / This thesis highlights the important components of the habitus of Indian workplaces of private and public sector organisations in Delhi and establishes how gender inequalities prevalent in both work sectors are deeply embedded in their habitus. The connection between habitus and gender inequalities is demonstrated by research and field studies conducted within this project that exhibit how the scale, perception, reaction and overall approach to sexual harassment at the workplace differs extensively between fields of public and private sector. Sexual harassment and inappropriate behaviour at the workplace are used as signifiers for the exposition of gender inequality in public and private sectors. Therefore, this thesis constitutes the exploration of two central concepts i.e. habitus and gender inequalities by studying the understanding of and approach towards sexual harassment in the two sectors and thus, substantiate the linkage betwixt habitus and gender inequality at the Indian workplace.

Žena mezi rodinou a prací a sociální stát / Woman between Family and Work and the Welfare State

Kropyvko, Tetyana January 2012 (has links)
Thesis "Women between Family and Work and the Welfare State" examines the challenges of balancing work and family roles of men and women, specifically in relation to institutional conditions of the Welfare State in the Czech Republic. The author analyzes and identifies external factors influencing family life and work balance. Furthermore, the author compares situation in the Czech Republic with selected countries of the European Union. The most important theoretical backgrounds of the thesis are the Welfare State theory, the family theory and the gender inequality theory. The main methods applied in the thesis are secondary data analysis and comparative analysis. The MA is divided in eight chapters. Key part of the thesis is analytical part, which consists of four chapters. First of them analyzes the external and internal factors that influence the behavior of men and women, namely the cultural value framework, structural labor market conditions and preferences of men, women and employers. The second one examines the institutional limitations and opportunities created by the Czech Welfare State. The comparative analysis of the situation among the Czech Republic, France and Sweden is carried out in the third chapter. The last chapter analyzes the motives and strategies of men's and women's family...

Centro Integral de Atención y Acogida para Mujeres Víctimas de Violencia en Chiclayo / Comprehensive Care and Shelter Center for Women Victims of Violence in Chiclayo

González Barturén, Gianella Estefanía 04 September 2021 (has links)
En el Perú, la desigualdad de género contra la mujer es uno de los problemas que sigue persistiendo, la cifra de casos de violencia es alarmante y la continua discriminación hacia la mujer, prolonga una cultura de desigualdad. En la región Lambayeque, según el ranking de mujeres afectadas por violencia familiar y sexual atendidas por el Programa Nacional contra la Violencia Familiar y Sexual (PNCVF) que ofrece el MIMP, en los últimos 4 años, 2016 al 2019, se ha presentado un significante aumento de número de víctimas, el año 2016 presentó 704 casos y el 2019, 4188. Asimismo, Lambayeque se ha colocado en el tercer lugar de las regiones del norte del país con una alta tasa de feminicidio y sétima a nivel nacional, según el MIMP; es importante destacar que existe una alta demanda de víctimas y un déficit de centros de apoyo para la mujer. Por ende, el proyecto de tesis busca desarrollar un Centro Integral de Atención y Acogida para Mujeres Víctimas de Violencia ubicado en Chiclayo, capital de Lambayeque donde se encuentra la mayor cantidad de casos de violencia, con la finalidad de brindar protección y apoyo integral a la mujer. En consecuencia, el Centro va a contar con ambientes de albergue, para las víctimas en estado severo de vulnerabilidad; de rehabilitación, para su recuperación psicológica y física; y educativo, que contribuya al aprendizaje. Con el objetivo de que la mujer desarrolle habilidades y una mentalidad fuerte para reinsertarse a la sociedad con total empoderamiento. / In Peru, gender inequality against women is one of the problems that continues to persist, the number of cases of violence is alarming and the continuous discrimination against women prolongs a culture of inequality. In the Lambayeque region, according to the ranking of women affected by family and sexual violence attended by the National Program against Family and Sexual Violence (PNCVF) offered by the MIMP, in the last 4 years, 2016 to 2019, there has been a significant Increase in the number of victims, in 2016 there were 704 cases and in 2019, 4188. Likewise, Lambayeque has been placed in third place in the northern regions of the country with a high rate of femicide and seventh at the national level, according to the MIMP; It is important to note that there is a high demand for victims and a shortage of support centers for women. Therefore, the thesis project seeks to develop a Comprehensive Care and Reception Center for Women Victims of Violence located in Chiclayo, the capital of Lambayeque, where the largest number of cases of violence are found, in order to provide comprehensive protection and support to the woman. Consequently, the Center will have shelter environments for victims in a severe state of vulnerability; rehabilitation, for their psychological and physical recovery; and educational, which contributes to learning. With the aim that women develop skills and a strong mentality to reintegrate into society with total empowerment. / Tesis

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