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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Décomposition arborescente des graphes planaires et routage compact

Dieng, Youssou 29 June 2009 (has links)
Savoir comment transmettre une information est fondamental dans un réseau. Il est essentiel que chaque entité du réseau soit capable de décider localement, avec sa vue du réseau, du chemin par lequel l'information doit passer. Ainsi, il est souvent utile d'étudier la topologie du réseau, modélisée par un graphe, pour répondre à ces exigences. Nous nous intéressons dans un premier temps, à la décomposition arborescente des graphes planaires. En effet, comme dans beaucoup de problèmes de graphes, l'étude de la topologie des graphes nous conduit à procéder à une décomposition du graphe afin d'exploiter les propriétés structurelles qui en découlent. En suite, nous nous sommes aussi intéressés à la structure des graphes qui excluent un mineur H, en particulier le graphe K_{2,r}. Ces travaux nous ont permis d'améliorer les bornes actuelles connues sur la largeur arborescente de ces graphes. Dans la dernière partie, nous abordons le problème du routage compact. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux schémas de routage de plus courts chemins utilisant des adresses, des tables de routage de tailles optimales de O(log n) bits, où n est le nombre de sommets du graphe. Nous proposons un tel schéma de routage pour une famille de graphes valués contenant les arbres et les graphes planaire-extérieurs. / In a network, it is crucial to know how to construct an efficent routing scheme. It is fundamental for each entity with its local knowledge of the network, to be able to decide on which link to forward messages. Thus, it is important to sutdy the underlying network topology in order to design routing schemes. In the first part of this thesis, we construct a new tree-decomposition for planar graphs. In fact, as in many graph problems, the study of the graph structure leads to do a tree-decomposition for exploiting structural propertys of the graphs. In second part, we studied the structure of H-minor free graphs, in particular whenever H = K_{2,r}. Our results improve upon previous known bounds about the tree-width of K_{2,r}-minor free graphs. At last, we treat the problème of compact routing scheme. More precisely, we are interested in shortest-path routing schemes that use O(\log n) bits for addresses, headers and routing tables, where n is the number of vertices in the graph. We propose such a routing scheme for a large family of weighted graphs including outerplanar graphs.

L'enfant ROM / The Roma Child

BIDAUD, Laure-Amélie 16 February 2012 (has links)
La spécificité de l’étude juridique du cas de l’enfant rom nécessite la coordination de différentes notions du droit. En effet, l’enfant rom se distingue par son appartenance à une minorité nationale et/ou ethnique, son statut de mineur de dix-huit ans et sa nationalité généralement étrangère, qu’il soit ressortissant communautaire ou issu d’un État tiers l’Union européenne ; qualifications dont la portée à l’égard de la personne de l’enfant doit être appréciée. Si l’intégration en droit interne de l’appartenance à un groupe minoritaire est de prime abord discutable, l’influence des normes de droit international et de droit européen relatives aux minorités, ainsi que l’orientation jurisprudentielle de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme, témoignent de l’importance de cette notion dans le domaine du droit. En outre, la situation de mineur de dix-huit ans de l’enfant rom le place en principe sous la protection d’un statut adapté aux particularismes de l’enfance. Cependant, la difficile conciliation du droit aux circonstances de fait entourant la présence en France de l’enfant rom l’expose à des traitements non respectueux de son statut de mineur ou du principe de non discrimination, dans les domaines de la législation régissant l’entrée et le séjour en France des étrangers, de la jouissance des droits fondamentaux à l’instruction, à la santé, aux prestations sociales et familiales ou encore de sa protection contre la délinquance. / What makes the legal analysis of the rights of the Roma Child so unique is that he is at the cross-road of several legal approaches. Indeed, the Roma Child is unique in the sense that he belongs to an ethnic and/or national minority, is less than 18 years old, in most cases is considered as a foreigner where he lives (whether from one of the European Union countries or not), all this to be put in perspective of his legal status of Child. If the integration of the fact that this child belongs to a « minority community » is very challengeable in regard to the National Legal Rights, it is obviously much more meaningful in regard to the international and European rights of the Minorities, both in terms of laws and jurisprudence of the European court of Justice. Furthermore, the legal rights of the Roma child as member of a minority are superseded by the rights of the children under the age of 18. However, the reality is sometimes not aligned with the legal principles when the actual circumstances of the presence of this child on the French territory expose him to treatment which are un-respectful to his status of child, and to the legal principles against discrimination. This is particularly true with respect to the laws regulating the entrance and circulation of foreigners on the French territory, which will collide with his rights to education, health, social benefits and protection against delinquency.

Les relations entre Grecs et Perses en Asie Mineure occidentale à l'époque achéménide (VIe-IVe siècle av. J.-C.) / Relations between Greeks and Persians in Western Asia Minor during the Achaemenid domination (6th-4th Centuries B.C.)

Bouzid-Adler, Fabrice 30 June 2015 (has links)
De la conquête de Cyrus II en 547 av. J.-C. à celle d'Alexandre le Grand en 334 av. J.-C., l'Asie Mineure occidentale a fait partie de l'empire achéménide. Les Grecs d'Asie ont donc vécu pendant plus de deux siècles en contact avec des populations perses, qu'il s'agisse des satrapes ou des membres de la diaspora impériale venus s'installer dans les régions conquises. Cette proximité géographique a donné lieu à de très nombreux échanges institutionnels, culturels et personnels. Cette thèse s’intéresse à la diversité des relations ayant existé entre les membres des deux communautés. Elle s'efforce de montrer de quelle manière deux peuples souvent présentés comme des ennemis héréditaires ont vécu dans un même espace géographique. / Western Asia Minor was part of the Achaemenid Empire from the conquest of Cyrus II (547 B.C.) to that of Alexander the Great (334 B.C.). Thus, during more than two centuries, Asian Greeks have lived in touch with Persians, either satraps or members of the imperial diaspora who settled in the conquered regions. This geographical closeness gave rise to a number of institutional, cultural and personal exchanges. This thesis explores the variety of relationships having existed between members of the two communities. It seeks to show how two peoples traditionally presented as enemies actually cohabited in the same geographical space.

Atribuição da guarda e suas conseqüências em direito internacional privado / Atribuição da guarda e suas conseqüências em direito internacional privado

Monaco, Gustavo Ferraz de Campos 20 October 2008 (has links)
A presente tese diz respeito à análise das hipóteses de atribuição da guarda dos filhos incapazes de pessoas que, por alguma razão, vivam separadamente, desmanchando eventual vínculo familiar entre elas existente. Corno esse fato não é apto a desfazer os vínculos entre cada um dos genitores e seus filhos, torna-se imperiosa a atribuição da guarda a um ou a ambos os pais (guarda simples, alternada ou compartilhada). A análise da questão toma em consideração os casos com elemento estrangeiro, ou seja, com algum fator que possa desvincular o caso fático de sua subsunção exclusiva ao ordenamento jurídico nacional, ligando-o, potencialmente, a outro ordenamento jurídico, quer pelo fato de um dos pais ser nacional de ou domiciliado em Estado estrangeiro, quer porque a criança seja estrangeira, ou, ainda, por um dos genitores manifestar a intenção de passar a residir no exterior, mesmo que todos os elementos até então existentes indicassem conexão exclusiva com o ordenamento brasileiro. Além da atribuição da guarda, outras conseqüências podem advir dessa relação fática, como a manutenção ou não do poder familiar, a regulamentação do direito de visitas, a estipulação do valor da pensão alimentícia etc. Torna-se necessário, assim, decidir qual a lei aplicável para a regulação da questão, bem como de suas conseqüências imediatas, vale dizer, a regulamentação do regime de visitas para o genitor afastado da convivência diuturna com os filhos, além da fixação da quantia necessária para a subsistência das crianças, por meio da pensão alimentícia a que façam jus. O estudo considera o direito à convivência familiar plena enquanto princípio maior e reitor da questão. O tema envolve, assim, urna série de institutos jurídicos ligados, em última análise, à proteção da criança em suas relações privadas (familiares), sejam elas de âmbito eminentemente pessoal, sejam, por outro lado, de âmbito patrimonial, englobando-se, desse modo, os direitos humanos e o direito internacional privado. Levou-se em conta o direito internacional privado convencional existente, mas ainda não ratificado pelo Estado brasileiro, indicando a eventual pertinência no que respeita a urna futura ratificação. A existência de uma série de convenções internacionais sobre o tema ainda não ratificadas pelo Brasil exigiu uma análise da questão não apenas do ponto de vista do direito interno, mas também, e principalmente, relativa à regulamentação sugerida pela sociedade internacional. O objetivo maior foi dar tratamento sistemático à matéria e indicar ao legislador nacional e ao Poder Executivo - dotado de competência para representar o país nas relações internacionais - um caminho que pode ser seguido pelo Estado brasileiro no que concerne à ratificação ou não dos tratados internacionais existentes sobre o assunto. A falta de estudos sistemáticos no Brasil a respeito do tema tem o condão de justificar a escolha empreendida, indicando a sua importância e sua originalidade, mormente quando se pretende indicar aos órgãos competentes as vantagens e/ou desvantagens que o sistema é capaz de proporcionar, seja na eleição do elemento de conexão posto em relevo para a escolha da lei aplicável à hipótese, seja nos aspectos procedimentais e de cooperação internacional envolvidos. O trabalho, em razão dos preceitos legislativos abrangidos, exigiu fossem seguidas duas metodologias distintas: uma de raiz e cunho dogmáticos a respeito dos institutos jurídicos conexos à questão e outra, de raiz e cunho comparativos a respeito da colação entre os sistemas existentes, qual seja, o sistema vigente no país e o sistema indicado pela sociedade internacional como o mais adequado para regular a questão. O método comparativo não se confunde com a mera descrição dos ordenamentos jurídicos (nacional e internacional), exigindo, isso sim, a análise de cada um dos fatores considerados relevantes em ambos os ordenamentos, procedendo-se a quadros comparativos que permitam ao intérprete atingir qual o sistema legislativo mais adequado para a hipótese. Não é recomendável, na aplicação de tal método, a análise de muitos ordenamentos jurídicos, daí por que a limitação do trabalho. Assim, não se perverte o método, conservando-se a cientificidade que o trabalho visou realizar. / The present thesis concerns the analysis of hypotheses on attributing the custody of children to people who, for some reason, live separately, undoing the possible family bond existing between them. As this fact is cannot undo the bonds between each of the parents and their children, the attribution of custody to one or to both parents (simple, alternate or shared custody) becomes imperious. The analysis of the matter takes into consideration the cases with a foreign element, that is, with a factor that may disentail the phatic case from its exclusive subsunction to the national legal system, potentially linking it to another legal system, be it for the fact of one of the parents being a foreign citizen or domiciled in a foreign country, be it for the child being a foreigner, or, still, for one of the parents manifesting the intention of living abroad, even if all the elements existing until then indicate exclusive connection with the Brazilian legal system. Besides the attribution of custody, other consequences may derive from this phatic relationship, such as the maintenance or not of the family power, the regulation of visit rights, the stipulation of the fee, etc. It turns thus necessary to decide what law is applicable to regulate the matter, as well as their immediate consequences, that is, the regulation of the visit regime for the parent removed from the daily coexistence with the children, besides the establishment of the necessary sum for the childrens subsistence, by means of the alimony they are entitled to. The study considers the full family coexistence right, while a major principle and ruler of the matter. The theme thus involves a number of legal institutions, in a final analysis, linked to children protection in their private (family) relationships, either of eminently personal ambit, or, conversely, of patrimonial ambit, thus comprehending human rights and private international law. The work took into consideration conventional existing private international law, not yet ratified by Brazil, indicating the possible pertinence concerning a future ratification. The existence of a number of international conventions on the theme, not yet ratified by Brazil, required an analysis of the matter, not only from the point of view of domestic right, but also - and mainly - related to the regulation suggested by international society. The major purpose was to provide a systematic treatment to the matter and to indicate to the national lawmaker and to the Executive Power endowed with competence to represent Brazil in international affairs a path that may be followed by Brazil concerning the ratification or not of the existing international treaties on the matter. The lack of systematic studies on the theme in Brazil have the prerogative of justifying the choice undertaken, indicating its importance and originality, specially when intending to indicate to the competent organisms the advantages and/or disadvantages the system is capable of providing, be it in the choice of the connecting factor detached for choosing the law applicable to the hypothesis, be it in the procedural and international cooperation aspects involved. The work, owing to the legislative rules encompassed, required two distinct methodologies to be followed: one of dogmatic root and character with respect to the legal institutions connected to the matter and another, of comparative root and character with respect to the collation of the existing systems, which is the system in force in Brazil and the system indicated by the international society as the most adequate to regulate the matter. The comparative method is not to be confounded with the mere description of (national and international) law systems, but one requiring the analysis of each of the factors considered relevant in both systems, referring to comparative tables that allow the interpreter to decide on the most adequate legal system for the hypothesis. In the application of the method, the analysis of different legal systems is not advisable, hence the limitation of the work. Therefore, the method is not perverted, preserving the scientificity aimed at by the work.

Números de Lê e classes de Milnor de hipersuperfícies analíticas complexas / Lê numbers and Milor classes of complex analytic hypersurfaces

Zanchetta, Michelle Ferreira 19 February 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho está dividido em duas partes distintas. Na primeira parte caracterizamos os números de Lê de polinômios que são rodutos de polinômios de Pham-Brieskorn de mesmo tipo, que denominamos de arranjos de Pham-Brieskorn, obtendo fórmulas para estes números somente utilizando o número de variáveis, os pesos e o grau de homogeneidade destes polinômios. Na segunda parte nos dedicamos a estabelecer relações entre os números de Lê, que é um conceito local, e as classes de Milnor, que são objetos globais que fornecem informações quanto a geometria e topologia de hipersuperfícies analíticas complexas. No contexto geral, usando a hipótese de especialização, relacionamos a classe de Milnor de dimensão máxima de uma hipersuperfície Z numa variedade compacta M com uma soma, sobre os estratos de uma estratificação de Whitney de Z (com estratos conexos) que estão contidos no conjunto singular, em termos do último número de Lê associado a cada estrato. Além disso, obtivemos uma caracterização da classe de Milnor de dimensão mínima via os números de Lê sem usar a hipótese de especialização. Esta classe coincide com o chamado número de Milnor de Parusinski que, assim como os números de Lê, também é uma generalização do número de Milnor / This work is divided into two distinct parts. In the first part we characterize the Lê numbers of polynomials that are products of Pham- Brieskorn polynomials of the same type that we call Pham-Brieskorn arrangements, obtaining formulas to these numbers only using the number of variables, weights and degree of homogeneity of these polynomials. In the second part we are dedicated to establishing relationships between Lê numbers, which is a local concept, and the Milnor classes, which are global objects that provide information about the geometry and topology of complex analytic hypersurfaces. In a general context, using the hypothesis of specialization we relate the top dimensional Milnor class of a hypersurface Z in a compact manifold M with a sum given in terms of the last Lê number associated to each stratum of a Whitney estratification of Z (with connected strata) that are contained in singular set. Moreover, we obtain a characterization of the Milnor class of minimum dimension via the Lê numbers without using the hypothesis of specialization. This class coincides with the Milnor number of Parusinski that, as the Lê numbers, it is also a generalization of the Milnor number

Mechanical properties and corrosion behaviours of the as-cast ZK40 alloys modified with individual additions of CaO, Gd, Nd and Y / Propriedades mecânicas e comportamento à corrosão de ligas fundidas ZK40 modificadas com adições individuais de CaO, Gd, Nd e Y

Buzolin, Ricardo Henrique 23 November 2016 (has links)
The effect of individual additions of calcium oxide (CaO), Gd, Nd and Y was investigated on the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the as-cast ZK40 alloy. The microstructural features were analised using optical, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Scanning Kelvin Atomic Probe Force Microscopy. The compressive and tensile behaviours of the as-cast alloys at room temperature were investigated. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, hydrogen evolution and weight loss under immersion in 0.5 wt.% NaCl solution were used to evaluate the corrosion behaviour. The results of the mechanical and corrosion tests were correlated with the microstructures. The 2 wt.% Gd addition enhanced the ductility, while the Nd addition resulted in deterioration in mechanical properties. The addition of 2 wt.% Gd and 1 wt.% Y resulted in the improvement of the ductility. The addition of CaO did not affect the mechanical properties while the 2 wt.% Nd deteriorate it. The 1 wt.% Y addition enhanced the ductility. The CaO addition did not caused enhancement in mechanical properties. The corrosion behaviour was enhanced with the addition of CaO and Gd. The modification of ZK40 with Gd opens up new perspectives in the development of Mg-Zn based alloys. / O efeito da adição individual de óxido de cálcio (CaO), Gd, Nd e Y foi investigado na microestrutura, propriedades mecânicas e resistência à corrosão de ligas ZK40 fundidas. As características microestruturais foram analisadas via microscopia óptica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, difração de Raios-X e \"Scanning Kelvin Atomic Probe Force Microscopy\". O comportamento à compressão e à tração das ligas à temperatura ambiente foi investigado. Espectroscopia eletroquímica de impedância, evolução de hidrogênio e ensaios de imersão em solução de 0.5% em peso de NaCl foram utilizados para avaliar a resistência à corrosão. Os resultados dos ensaios mecânicos e corrosão foram relacionados com a microestrutura. A adição de 2% em peso de Gd melhorou a ductilidade, ao passo que a adição de Nd resultou na piora das propriedades mecânicas. A adição de 2% em peso de Gd e 1% em peso de Y resultou na melhora da ductilidade. A adição de 1% em peso de Y causou uma melhora na ductilidade e a adição de CaO não teve impacto benéfico nas propriedades mecânicas. A resistência à corrosão foi melhorada com a adição de CaO e Gd. A modificação da liga ZK40 com a adição de Gd abre novas perspectivas no desenvolvimento de ligas Mg-Zn.

Remifentanil versus Ketamin zur Analgesie bei kurzen Narkosen

Deutsch, Frank 15 December 2000 (has links)
Hintergrund: In dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob durch die Nutzung von Remifentanil eine Verbesserung der Narkoseführung und Beschleunigung der postoperativen Erholung bei kurzen, schmerzarmen, diagnostischen Eingriffen zu erzielen ist. In der vorliegenden Studie wird ein Narkosekonzept unter Verwendung von Remifentanil/Propofol/Isofluran einer häufig für kurze gynäkologische Operationen genutzten Kombination Ketamin/Propofol/Lachgas gegenübergestellt. Methode: Die Untersuchung fand im Zeitraum April 1997 bis März 1998 im Krankenhaus im Friedrichshain (Berlin) statt. Einer statistischen Zufallsliste entsprechend wurden 108 Patientinnen, die vorher festgelegte Einschlusskriterien erfüllten, einer der beiden Narkosemethoden im einfach-blind Modus zugeordnet. Zur Bearbeitung der Fragestellung wurden kurze gynäkologische Eingriffe (Kürettagen, Interruptiones) ausgewählt. Die Dokumentation der Erholung erfolgte unmittelbar postnarkotisch unter Anwendung psychomotorischer und kognitiver Leistungstests (Memo- Test, Zahlen nachsprechen, Zahlenverbindungstest, Test d2, Maddox wing, Finger-Tapping). Die Aussage dieser Untersuchungen wurde durch Analogskalen (Schmerz-Score, Befindlichkeitsskala) und standardisierte Fragen (intraoperatives Träumen, Zufriedenheit) ergänzt. Die Teilnehmerinnen wurden dreimal hintereinander der selben standardisierten Untersuchungs-, Test- und Befragungsfolge unterzogen. Ergebnisse: Die beiden Untersuchungsgruppen waren hinsichtlich der allgemeinen Ausgangsdaten Alter, Gewicht, Größe, Body-Maß-Index und Nebenerkrankungen vergleichbar. Hinsichtlich der am Vortag (t0) erhobenen Ausgangsdaten und der Verteilung von Persönlichkeitscharakteristika gab es zwischen den Gruppen keine Unterschiede. Die in den Untersuchungen erhobenen Daten zeigten deutliche Vorteile in der psychomotorischen Erholung für die Remifentanil-Gruppe. Schnellere postoperative Erholung konnte durch die psychomotorischen Leistungstests sowie in den Analogskalen belegt werden. Vorteil der Verwendung von Remifentanil ist das Erwachen am Ende der Operation mit sofortigem Wiedererlangen der Koordination. Die narkosebedingten Nachwirkungen Übelkeit und Erbrechen sind selten und die Patienten fühlen sich wohl. Ein entscheidender Nachteil der Kombination Propofol/Remifentanil ist jedoch der intraoperative Abfall von Blutdruck und Herzfrequenz. In der Ketamin-Gruppe ist die Häufigkeit intraoperativer Träume erstaunlich hoch. Schlussfolgerung: Der Einsatz von Remifentanil bei Eingriffen, die postoperativ mit geringen bis mäßigen Schmerzen verbunden sind, sichert eine komplikationsarme und im Vergleich zu Ketamin schnellere postoperative Erholung. Der Überwachungsaufwand und die Überwachungsdauer können somit erheblich reduziert werden. Der indikationsgerechte Einsatz von Remifentanil bei diesen Eingriffen kann dazu beitragen, die Patientensicherheit zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig Aufwand und Kosten für die postoperative Patientenbetreuung zu senken. / Background: Aim of this study was to figure out, if the use of remifentanyl can improve management of anaesthesia and cause faster recovery after minor gynaecological operative procedures. For that reason we compared the common anaesthetic procedure using ketamine/ propofol/ nitrous oxide with the combination remifentanil/ propofol/ isoflurane. Method: The investigation was performed during April 1997 until March 1998 in the hospital Krankenhaus im Friedrichshain (Berlin). 108 female patients, who met fixed inclusion criteria before, were assigned to a statistic coincidence list according to one of the two methods of anaesthesia in single-blind mode. Short gynaecological interventions as curettages or termination of pregnancy were selected for the study. The recovery documentation took place immediately post narcotic, using psychomotor and cognitive performance tests (word recall, number recall, Maddox wing, finger tapping, number-connection test, test d2). The results of these investigations were supplemented by the results of line analogue rating scales (pain score, feeling scale) and standardized questions (intraoperative dreaming, satisfaction). According to a standardized schedule, the participants underwent three times the same standardized investigations-, tests- and questioning sequences. Results: The two groups of investigations were comparable regarding the general data age, weight, size, and Body measure index and side diseases. Regarding the original data, obtained at the previous day (t0), and the distribution of personality characteristics, there were no differences between the groups. The data raised in the investigations showed clear advantages in the psychomotor recovery for the group of remifentanil. Faster post narcotic recovery can be proved by the psychomotor performance tests as well as in the rating scales. Most important advantage of the use of remifentanil is awaking at the end of the operation with the immediate regaining of the coordination. The anaesthesia related side effects as nausea and vomiting are rare and the patients feel well. A remarkable disadvantage of the combination propofol/remifentanil is, however, the intraoperative drop of blood pressure and heart frequency, especially in elderly patients. Frequency of intraoperative dreaming can be observed much more in the ketamine group. Conclusion: By the use of remifentanil in operative procedures, causing less, up to moderate postoperative pain, we secured rare complications and post surgical faster recovery compared with the ketamine group. The postoperative monitoring expenditure as well as the duration of monitoring can be substantially reduced. The indication-fair use of remifentanil in these surgical procedures surgery can contribute to increase patient security and to lower expenditure and costs of the post surgical patient care at the same time.

Processus décisionnel du consentement aux soins de l’adolescent atteint d’un cancer dans une perspective triadique : Adolescent – Parent – Infirmière

Desrosiers, Joséanne 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Infrações penais de menor potencial ofensivo à luz dos princípios constitucionais

Gênova, Jairo José 06 November 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:26:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jairo Jose Genova.pdf: 531982 bytes, checksum: 321d2958a5855bafa6268c8c393ea5d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-11-06 / We developed an ultima ratio Criminal Law, with sanctions more suitable to human dignity. In the procedural field, the hierarchical relationship of the State to those whom commit a transgression begins to give a consensus to the scope of the law, especially between the offender and the victim of a crime of minor seriousness: this consent will determine that Criminal Law then performs the special role of social pacifier. This tendency follows from the constitutional principles of the Criminal Law, especially ancillary, offense, proportionality, insignificance which aims to give protection to the larger judicial system and the use of alternative punishment instead of deprivation freedom. We have now have a legal concept but to reduce anything potentially prejudicial, it is needed to establish some flexibility of this concept: letting those who apply the Law the incumbency of rating, in each factual case, the greater or lesser seriousness of the offense of the case. We propose the choice of positive requisites (availability of the legal assets, favored features of inheritance/ancestral law, punishment in perspective and reparation to the injured party). Also to consider some crimes of lesser seriousness with a maximum punishment over two years, assets of negative requisite (Human Rights) in order to exclude from this list crimes with a maximum penalty less than two years / Evoluímos para o Direito Penal de ultima ratio, com sanções mais adequadas à dignidade humana. No campo processual, a relação hierarquizada do Estado para com o autor da infração está cedendo lugar para o consenso no âmbito penal, em especial entre autor e vítima dos crimes de menor gravidade, consenso esse determinante para que o Direito Penal cumpra seu papel de pacificação social. Essa tendência decorre da fundamentação do Direito Penal nos princípios constitucionais, em especial os da subsidiariedade, da ofensividade, da proporcionalidade e da insignificância e visa, precipuamente, à proteção dos bens jurídicos mais relevantes e à aplicação de penas alternativas à privação da liberdade. Temos um conceito legal e rígido de menor potencialidade lesiva, mas é preciso criar mecanismos para flexibilizar o conceito, deixando aos aplicadores do Direito a incumbência de aferir, em cada caso concreto, a maior ou menor gravidade do fato. Propomos a adoção de requisitos positivos (disponibilidade do bem jurídico, formas privilegiadas dos crimes patrimoniais, pena em perspectiva e a reparação do dano) para considerar de menor potencialidade lesiva alguns crimes com pena máxima superior a dois anos, bem de requisito negativo (a dignidade humana) para excluir desse rol crimes com pena máxima inferior a dois anos

CALFRAC: Programa que quantifica o processo de cristalização fracionada e sua aplicação ao estudo de soleiras da Bacia do Paraná (Estado do Paraná) / CALFRAC: Program to quantify fractional crystallization processes and your application in the study Paraná Basin sills (Paraná).

Galdino, Luciano 06 December 2010 (has links)
Foi desenvolvido um programa computacional escrito na linguagem de programação C++ denominado CALFRAC para quantificar o processo de cristalização fracionada em sistemas ígneos, utilizando para isso as concentrações dos elementos maiores, menores e traços. O algoritmo moderniza, torna mais eficiente e aprimora os programas publicados na literatura e possui a grande vantagem de poder calcular, automaticamente, todas as possíveis combinações de evolução das amostras envolvidas na diferenciação, além de associar aos cálculos os elementos-traço, os quais servem para confirmar os resultados sugeridos pelos ajustes dos elementos maiores e menores. O CALFRAC calcula a fração total subtraída do magma inicial e as frações referentes a cada mineral fracionado através do cálculo do balanço de massa, utilizando as concentrações de elementos maiores e menores, empregando os métodos de estimativa de máxima verossimilhança e dos multiplicadores de Lagrange para a resolução por mínimos quadrados, enquanto para os elementos-traço o programa utiliza a Equação de Rayleigh. Em ambos os casos a média dos erros percentuais relativos é usada como indicação das melhores evoluções. O programa CALFRAC foi aplicado na investigação da possibilidade de diferenciação por cristalização fracionada em amostras de soleiras de diabásio da Bacia do Paraná, que ocorrem nos municípios de Salto do Itararé, Ponta Grossa, Prudentópolis, Rebouças, Irati, Reserva e Jaguariaíva (PR), as quais foram coletadas para essa finalidade. Nas 33 amostras coletadas foram realizadas determinações de elementos maiores, menores e traços, incluindo terras raras, empregando-se os métodos de Fluorescência de Raios X e Ativação Neutrônica. Os resultados fornecidos pelo programa foram insatisfatórios, não sendo possível estabelecer um percurso de diferenciação das rochas mais primitivas para as mais diferenciadas das intrusões, devido ao fato de que provavelmente muitas das amostras analisadas representam a mistura de magmas com porções contendo acumulação de fases minerais causada pelo próprio processo de cristalização fracionada in situ. / CALFRAC is a computer program written in C++ programming language developed to quantify fractional crystallization processes in igneous systems. Major, minor and trace element concentrations are used as input for calculations. The new algorithm enhances and makes the program more efficient than those published in the literature. Besides it is capable to automatically calculating all possible rock sample combinations involving differentiation by fractional crystallization process, using in addition trace element concentrations to corroborate the results obtained by the fitting of major and minor element abundances. CALFRAC calculates the total fraction subtracted from the original magma and the percentage of each fractionated mineral by solving least-squares mass balance equations based on major and minor element concentrations. The methods of maximum likelihood estimate and Lagrange multipliers are used to solve the equations, whereas for the quantification of trace elements the program uses the Rayleigh Equation. In both cases the mean relative percentage errors is used as an indication of the best results. The program CALFRAC was applied to investigate the possibility of differentiation by fractional crystallization of diabase samples from Paraná Basin sills, which outcrop nearby Salto do Itararé, Ponta Grossa, Prudentópolis, Rebouças, Irati, Reserva and Jaguariaíva towns (PR). The 33 collected samples were analyzed for major, minor and trace elements, including rare earths, employing X-Ray Fluorescence and Neutron Activation methods. The program output was not satisfactory, since it was not possible to establish a differentiation sequence from the more primitive to the more differentiated rocks of the intrusions. This is probably due to the fact that many rock samples are the result of mixing of magmatic melts with mineral accumulation zones, which were formed by the in situ fractional crystallization process.

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