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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teacher Perceptions of Grades and Grading in a Pandemic

Anderson, Michael V. 12 December 2022 (has links) (PDF)
A grade serves as the primary means of reporting feedback to teachers, students, and parents about the student's level of learning (Heflebower et al., 2014). Many schools have attempted to have teachers adopt standards-based grading, yet school leaders do not know teachers' perceptions about grades and grading. This quantitative study examines the perceptions of 1271 secondary teachers in one school district regarding grades and grading and how they may have changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data collected from a survey reveals how changes in teacher perceptions about grades and grading may yield an opportunity for further standards-based grading reform. This study found that most teachers' consideration of grading practices remained the same when compared to pre-pandemic conditions. However, when they did change, it was generally in favor of positive movement towards standards-based grading principles and practices. It is anticipated that this study will help school leaders better understand teachers' perceptions of grades and grading practices as they attempt to transition to standards-based grading systems.

Psychische Störungen in deutschen pädiatrischen Praxen vor und während der COVID-19-Pandemie: Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Dr. med. an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig

Weber, Kerstin 06 December 2023 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie und der damit verbundenen Infektionsschutzmaßnahmen auf die psychische Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung stehen dabei Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 2 und 17 Jahren, die in Praxen von Fachärztinnen und Fachärzten für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin behandelt wurden. Ziel einer ersten Studie war es zu klären, ob und in welchem Umfang die Gruppe dieser jungen Patientinnen und Patienten in den pädiatrischen Praxen gegenüber einem präpandemischen Vergleichszeitraum häufiger unter Störungen mit ängstlicher oder depressiver Symptomatik litten. Als Vergleichszeitraum wurde hier April 2020 bis Dezember 2020 versus April 2019 bis Dezember 2019 gewählt. Der erste Ergebnisparameter war die Anzahl der Kinder und Jugendlichen mit den Diagnosen Depression (ICD-10: F32, F33) und Angststörung (ICD-10: F41) pro Praxis. Der zweite Ergebnisparameter der Studie war die Veränderung der Prävalenz von Depressions- und Angststörungsdiagnosen im Zeitraum April 2020-Dezember 2020 gegenüber April 2019-Dezember 2019 (Studie 1). In einer zweiten Studie wurden alle psychischen Störungen des Kapitels F des ICD-10 untersucht. Hier war ein längerer Vergleichszeitraum von 2018 bis 2021 möglich. 2018 und 2019 waren präpandemische Jahre und 2020 und 2021 wurden als pandemische Jahre eingestuft. Im Zentrum stand hier die Gesamtzahl der Patienten mit psychischen Störungen und die Anzahl von Patienten mit diesen Störungsbildern in den einzelnen Praxen (Studie 2). Die Ergebnisse der ersten Studie zeigten, dass die Anzahl der Kinder und Jugendlichen mit Depressions- und Angstdiagnosen pro Praxis im Zeitraum April 2020 bis Dezember 2020 im Vergleich zum gleichen Zeitraum 2019 zugenommen hatte (Angst: +9%, Depression: +12%). Der Anstieg war bei Mädchen deutlich größer als bei Jungen (Angst: +13% vs. +5%; Depression +19% vs. +1%). Die Prävalenz der Angststörung stieg von 0,31% auf 0,59% (p<0,001), die der Depression von 0,23% auf 0,47% (p<0,001). Die größten Anstiege wurden bei Mädchen beobachtet (Angst von 0,35% auf 0,72% (+106%, p<0,001), Depression von 0,28% auf 0,72% (+132%, p<0,001) (Studie 1). In der Folgestudie zeigten die Ergebnisse, dass in den Pandemiejahren 2020 und 2021 im Vergleich zu den beiden Vorjahren signifikant mehr psychische Störungen diagnostiziert (chi2 p<0,001) wurden. Ein Anstieg von 2018 zu 2021 wurde besonders bei affektiven Störungen deutlich. Allerdings war die Zunahme der Anzahl dieser Patienten in der einzelnen Praxis mit einer durchschnittlichen Zunahme von 7 Patienten pro Praxis im Jahr sehr gering und war vermutlich für die einzelne Ärztin oder den einzelnen Arzt kaum wahrnehmbar (Studie 2). Während in der ersten Studie für einen kürzeren Zeitraum von 9 Monaten gezeigt wurde, dass die Zahl der pädiatrischen Diagnosen von Depressionen und Angststörungen im Pandemiejahr 2020 im Vergleich zum Vorjahr zugenommen hatte, konnte in der zweiten Studie für einen Zweijahreszeitraum belegt werden, dass die Summe aller psychischen Störungen des Kapitels F der ICD 10 zugenommen hatte. Beide Studienergebnisse weisen auf die Chance hin, dass wenige standardisierte Fragen zur psychischen Gesundheit z. B. in die pädiatrischen Vorsorgeuntersuchungen implementiert werden können, um ungedeckte Bedarfssituationen im Hinblick auf die psychische Gesundheit besser wahrzunehmen.:1. Einleitung 1 1.1. Hintergrund 1 1.2. Fragestellungen 2 1.3. Methoden 3 2. Publikationen 5 2.1. Zunahme von Depressions- und Angststörungsdiagnosen während der Covid-19-Pandemie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen 5 2.2. Psychische Störungen in deutschen pädiatrischen Praxen vor und während der COVID-19-Pandemie 14 3. Diskussion 19 4. Schlussfolgerungen, Implikationen für Forschung und Praxis 23 5. Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 25 5.1. Zusammenfassung 25 5.2. Studienziele 25 5.3. Ergebnisse 26 5.4. Schlussfolgerung 27 5.5. Implikationen für die weitere Forschung 27 6. Literaturverzeichnis 28 7. Anlagen 34 7.1. Darstellung des eigenen Beitrages 34 7.2. Selbstständigkeitserklärung 38 7.3. Lebenslauf 39 7.4. Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen 40 7.5. Danksagung 42


THAMIRES SILVA DE JESUS 22 November 2023 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar as consequências do contexto de pandemia da COVID-19 para o acompanhamento realizado no Serviço de Proteção Social a Adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa em meio aberto no SUAS do município de Niterói/RJ. O estudo contextualiza o percurso histórico das ações voltadas à crianças e adolescentes para compreensão das tendências presentes na atualidade tendo como foco o contexto em se encontram adolescentes autores de ato infracional, problematizando as violações de direitos que aflige este grupo e as contradições diante dos direitos assegurados desde a promulgação do ECA. A análise se centra sobretudo no trabalho desenvolvido nas medidas socioeducativas considerando os desafios para a execução da socioeducação em tempos de pandemia e a consequente intensificação da precarização do trabalho no âmbito do SUAS. A análise conta com a entrevista estruturada com os profissionais que estiveram na linha de frente no acompanhamento de Liberdade Assistida (LA) e Prestação de Serviço à Comunidade (PSC) apontando importantes reflexões acerca da execução da socioeducação, da violência na sociedade capitalista e das limitações impostas pela conjuntura pandêmica, considerando também a dinâmica estrutural das violações de direitos de adolescentes autores de ato infracional. / [en] This research aims to analyze the consequences of the context of the COVID-19 pandemic for the follow-up carried out at the Social Protection Service for Adolescents in compliance with a socio-educational measure in an open environment at SUAS in the municipality of Niterói/RJ. The study contextualizes the historical course of actions aimed at children and adolescents in order to understand current trends, focusing on the context in which adolescents who commit offenses are found, problematizing the violations of rights that afflict this group and the contradictions in the face of rights guaranteed since the enactment of the ECA. The analysis focuses mainly on the work carried out in socio-educational measures, considering the challenges for implementing socio-education in times of a pandemic and the consequent intensification of precarious work within the scope of SUAS. The analysis relies on a structured interview with professionals who were at the forefront of monitoring Assisted Freedom (LA) and Community Service Provision (PSC), pointing out important reflections on the implementation of socio-education, violence in capitalist society and the limitations imposed by the pandemic situation, also considering the structural dynamics of violations of rights of adolescent perpetrators of infractions.

Distriktsköterskors erfarenheter av arbetet med förlossningsdepression under covid-19 pandemin : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Lind, Victoria, Hallkvist, Katarina January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Mars 2020 infördes restriktioner i samhället på grund av covid-19 pandemin och detta påverkade distriktssköterskors arbete med förlossningsdepression. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av arbetet med förlossningsdepression hos nyblivna mödrar under covid-19 pandemin. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med tio semistrukturerade intervjuer. Dataanalysen utfördes med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: I resultatet framkom två kategorier; förändrat arbetssätt och ökad arbetsbelastning samt underkategorierna screening, digitala och fysiska bedömningar, förändrat teamarbete, ökad psykisk ohälsa hos mödrarna och ökat stödbehov hos mödrarna. Konklusion: Arbetet med förlossningsdepression upprätthölls av samtliga distriktssköterskor. Arbetet såg dock olika ut beroende på förutsättningar som fanns och för att få en mer likvärdig vård för denna patientgrupp, om en ny pandemi uppstår, behöver gemensamma riktlinjer upprättas. Studien kan användas i sjuksköterskors specialistutbildningar för att uppmärksamma ämnet och förbättra vården för nyblivna mödrar. Bibehåller mödrar sin hälsa kan de i sin tur ge barnen en trygg uppväxt. Vidare forskning kan inriktas på hur teamet kring distriktssköterskan påverkar arbetet med förlossningsdepression. / Background: In March 2020, restrictions were introduced in society due to the covid-19 pandemic and this affected district nurses who working with postpartum depression. Purpose: The purpose of the studies was to describe district nurses´ experiences of working with postpartum depression in new mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: A qualitative interview study with ten semistructured interviews. Data analysis was performed using a qualitative content analysis. Results: In the results, two categories emerged; changed working methods and increased workload as well as the subcategories screening, digital and physical assessments, changed teamwork, increased mental illness among the mothers andincreased need for support among the mothers. Conclusion: The work with postpartum depression was maintained by all district nurses. However, the work differed depending on the conditions that existed, and to achieve more equal care for this patient group, if a new pandemic occurs, common guidelines need to be established. The study can be used in nurses' specialist training to draw attention to the subject and improve care for new mothers. If mothers maintain their health, they can, in turn, give their children a safe upbringing. Further research can focus on how the district nurse team affects the work with postpartum depression.


ISABELA ULRICHSEN CALIL JORGE 21 November 2023 (has links)
[pt] Durante a pandemia, em que grande parte das pessoas ficou isolada em suas casas, a troca de mensagens por WhatsApp e o uso das mídias sociais foi fundamental para que muitos se mantivessem informados sobre o tema. Nesse cenário, o influenciador digital foi uma figura que contribuiu significativamente para que as mensagens fossem tivessem maior alcance. Assim, eles passaram a contribuir para o debate público e ter um papel político. Nesse sentido, este trabalho busca, por meio de uma análise de redes e também comparando os enquadramentos dos tuítes publicados por influenciadores, políticos e jornais de referência, contribuir para o entendimento de como essas figuras têm ganhado cada vez mais relevância no debate político. / [en] During the pandemic, when most people were isolated in their homes, exchanging messages via WhatsApp and using social media was essential to stay informed. In this scenario, the digital influencer had a significant contribution to ensure that messages had better reach. Thus, they had great participation in the public debate and in the political role. In this sense, this work seeks, through network analysis and comparing the framing of tweets published by influencers, politicians, and newspapers, to contribute to the understanding of how these influencers have gained increasingly more relevance in the political debate.

Factors Associated with COVID-19 Vaccination Decisions Among Florida Nurses

Koo, Jacey G 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
At the beginning of 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, known more commonly as COVID-19, created a pandemic. To slow its spread, healthcare workers were heavily encouraged to vaccinate themselves. However, nurses have been less likely to be vaccinated against COVID-19 than physicians. Four common themes have been associated with vaccine hesitancy among nurses, namely certain demographic variables (e.g., younger age and female sex), fears of the vaccine, conspiracy theories and news sources, and medical and psychological histories that pertain to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Thus, this study aimed to identify whether these factors apply to Florida nurses' decisions to get vaccinated after the height of the pandemic. To approach this problem, sixty-five participants were surveyed through a Qualtrics cross-sectional questionnaire. The results revealed that approximately 18.5% of participants were not vaccinated. Trends in the data revealed that older age and a postgraduate education level were associated with receiving the vaccine. Non-vaccinated participants had less confidence in the vaccine's ability to reduce the risk of hospitalization, death, and infection, and they had a stronger fear of side effects and the vaccine's rapid development. Several vaccinated and non-vaccinated participants also believed vaccine conspiracy theories, such as that vaccine safety data is falsified. Many non-vaccinated nurses also received SARS-CoV-2 information from social media or their patients, whereas many vaccinated nurses received information from government news sources or physicians. Non-vaccinated nurses also tended to have more discomfort towards hypodermic injections than vaccinated nurses. These conclusions are generalizable to the nurses of this study and may not be generalizable to all nurses. However, because nurses are on the frontlines of the healthcare field and have an essential role in informing the public about health, the results of this study can help inform vaccine education interventions should a future pandemic occur.

High School Assistant Principals' Perceptions of Leadership Related to School Discipline in One Public School Division Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic

Bacs, Corrin Matthias 08 June 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to identify assistant principals' perceptions of their roles in school leadership, their experiences with student discipline in the public school setting pre- and post-COVID-19, and the professional learning they were provided to navigate the student discipline process. The basic qualitative study addressed two research questions: What were high school assistant principals' perceptions of leadership related to student discipline in public schools pre- and post-COVID pandemic? Furthermore, what professional development would support assistant principals with the student discipline process post-COVID-19? Using a standard interview protocol, the researcher interviewed eight high school assistant principals in one southeastern Virginia school division. The interview questions were organized into themes in response to the research questions based on the respondents' shared perceptions of their roles, student discipline experiences pre- and post-COVID-19 pandemic, including professional development needs. This study revealed that assistant principals perceived changes in their leadership capacity due to declining student behavior, and the frequency of student discipline referrals "increased dramatically" post-COVID-19 pandemic. Whereas high school assistant principals prioritized instructional leadership before the pandemic, in the post-COVID-19 pandemic, negative student behavior caused school leaders to focus on processing school discipline over instructional leadership. This research found that student behaviors changed the educational landscape post-COVID-19, highlighting areas of concern for student well-being, such as physical aggression, substance abuse, lack of school attendance, and mental health concerns. The study also found that high school assistant principals reflected positive outcomes post-COVID-19 pandemic as they adjusted their professional practice as empathetic leaders fostering positive relationships with school stakeholders. Finally, the researcher sought to examine the high school assistant principals' experiences with professional development opportunities when learning the student discipline process. The study found that assistant principals wanted actionable, collaborative, and interactive learning opportunities, including authentic mentorships, hands-on learning experiences, and guidance to communicate with stakeholders during the student discipline process. Implications from this study include calling on the Department of Education, school divisions, and school principals to identify, plan, and support high school assistant principals as they navigate the role of school leaders post-COVID-19 pandemic. / Doctor of Education / The COVID-19 pandemic created a catalyst for change in an uncertain educational environment for school leaders. As the "boots on the ground," high school assistant principals became the front-line offense for school divisions and principals in navigating students' return to face-to-face instruction post-COVID-19 pandemic. This research interviewed eight high school assistant principals for their perceptions, interactions, and experiences as administrators, especially with the school discipline process before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The study also examined the professional development assistant principals perceived they needed to navigate the post-pandemic student discipline process. This study revealed that assistant principals perceived changes in their leadership capacity due to declining student behavior, and the frequency of student discipline referrals "increased dramatically" post-COVID-19 pandemic. Student behaviors changed the educational landscape post-COVID-19, highlighting areas of concern for student well-being, such as physical aggression, substance abuse, lack of school attendance, and mental health concerns. Although pre-COVID-19 pandemic high school assistant principals prioritized instructional leadership, in the post-COVID-19 pandemic school setting, the study found that negative student behavior shifted the school leaders' priority to processing school discipline over instructional leadership. In addition, the administrators in this study expressed the need for professional development focused on the school discipline process that is actionable, collaborative, and involves interactive learning opportunities. Authentic mentorships, hands-on learning experiences, and communication guidance during traumatic events are suggested. The study closed by calling on the Departments of Education, school divisions, and school principals to identify and plan for support of high school assistant principals' need to navigate the role of school leaders post-COVID-19 pandemic.

Profiles of Teacher Context and Competence to Predict Emotional State: Latent Profile Analysis

Schwartz, Samantha, 0000-0002-9926-967X January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation study reports on a survey of teacher wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using an ecological, strengths-based adaptation to Herman and colleagues’ (2020) 3C model for teacher wellbeing, the current study examined teachers’ contexts, working conditions supporting their feelings of competence, and coping (i.e., positive emotional state). Measures included the Measure of Stressors and Supports for Teachers (MOST) and COVID-19-specific measures created by the research team. The research was guided by the following questions: (1) What profiles emerge from teachers’ ratings of their context and competence? (2) Do these profiles of context and competence predict teachers’ abilities to cope, as measured by their positive emotional state? I hypothesized that four profiles would emerge: high context-high competence, low context-low competence, high context-low competence, and low context-high competence and that these profiles would be predictive of teachers’ emotional states. Using latent profile analysis, I found that the best-fitting solution had three profiles with high, medium, or low scores across all measures. A four-profile solution is also discussed. I discuss the findings and future research directions aimed at promoting teacher well-being in schools. / School Psychology

“I had to find my own way” A qualitative study of how middle managers handled the challenge of providing support to their subordinates during a sudden enforced change

Bidiwala, Aqsaa, Söderlund, Karin January 2023 (has links)
The covid-19 pandemic plunged the world into an experiment in work-from-home without any collective experience in how to manage this situation. During a crisis characterised by social distancing and blurring lines between home and work, providing support to employees is important. Middle managers, being in-between upper management and subordinates, were in a special situation of having to balance new demands from both sides. In light of this, the purpose of our study was to investigate how middle managers handled the challenge of supporting their subordinates during the pandemic. To achieve the purpose of this study, a qualitative research methodology was applied. We investigated middle managers experiences of supporting their subordinates during the pandemic. The data was collected through 8 semi-structured interviews with middle managers working in Sweden. Our results show that during the pandemic middle managers had to adopt empathic behaviour as leaders and adapt their way of leading to each subordinates needs.

ICT Services and Gender-based Violence in Ethiopia : A Study of Four Organisations’ Implementation of ICT Services During the “Shadow Pandemic” of COVID-19

Emilsson, Cecilia January 2022 (has links)
The term “shadow pandemic” arose along with the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic globally, referring to the parallel increase of gender-based violence (GBV) as a result of lockdowns, preventive measures and economic hardships in almost every nation worldwide, including Ethiopia, with one of the highest rates of GBV in the world. With limited physical access to essential services and support, information and communication(ICT) services became an important factor to rely on. Based on interviews with four Ethiopian organisations working with women’s health and rights, this study investigates how ICT services were implemented to support victims of GBV during COVID-19 in Ethiopia, including the facilitators and barriers to using these services for women seeking support and information. The study finds that all four organisations either created new or scaled up existing ICT services during COVID-19. The ICT services provided by the organisations were mainly telephone helplines, while interactive voice response services and mobile chat applications were also provided as channels for support. The identified facilitators and barriers to using these ICT services were related to accessibility and technology, language and cultural traditions, and anonymity and security. While the use of ICT services for victims of GBV seems to be a functioning option for many when the access to in-person support is limited, barriers such as the lack and disruption of networks and telephones still pose a significant challenge for women in rural areas to use the support systems provided by the organisations. A postcolonial feminist approach to the findings highlights the need for a contextualisation of the services and the need to move away from simplistic assumptions that access to services automatically leads to active use and empowerment, and the need to work with an intersectional lens and multiple layers of analysis when battling sensitive issues like GBV in areas where harmful practices are part of longstanding cultural traditions, to ensure access and active use for groups in different contexts and areas throughout the country.

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