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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Allmänhetens upplevelse av polisiär närvaro : ur ett trygghetsskapande perspektiv / Feelings of safety in the presence of the police

Lindberg, Lisa, Vidmark, Camilla January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur polisiär närvaro påverkar allmänhetens upplevelse av trygghet, samt om den upplevda tryggheten påverkas av polisens synliga utrustning. Fokus har riktats mot platser som generellt upplevs som trygga, men som även kan upplevas otrygga av allmänheten ur ett terrorhot-perspektiv. Studien har undersökt allmänhetens upplevelse av polisiär närvaro ur ett trygghetsskapande perspektiv, med utgångspunkt i Ulrich Becks teori om risksamhället. Datamaterial samlades in genom strukturerade intervjuer med 148 personer i Stockholm och Uppsala och analyserades genom univariata analyser och korstabulering. Resultatet visade att polisiär närvaro kan öka allmänhetens upplevelse av trygghet. Det framkom även att utrustning är av betydelse för hur polisiär närvaro upplevs och att polisiär närvaro kan verka trygghetsskapande på de platser som undersöktes. / The study has examined how the presence of the police affect people's feelings of safety and the way the public perceives exposed police equipment. The study, based on Ulrich Becks theory about Risk Society, has primarily been focused on sites that are generally considered safe, but could also be perceived as potentially vulnerable to terrorism. Structured interviews of 148 people in Stockholm and Uppsala has collected data for the study. The data source was analysed by descriptive statistics and by correlation. Results of the interviews suggest police presence can increase the public’s feelings of safety in the examined places. From the data collected, it also emerged that police equipment is instrumental in the perception of police presence and public’s feelings of safety.

O direito penal como garantia fundamental: o novo enfoque decorrente da globalização / The criminal law as essencial assurance: the new focus decurrent from globalization

Ivan Luis Marques da Silva 06 June 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho discute a função garantista do Direito Penal e o impacto do processo de globalização em sua estrutura, com o propósito de destacar e acompanhar as contribuições mais evidentes e significativas da teoria garantista, mesmo no âmbito da sociedade de risco. O Direito Penal vem sendo remodelado pelos novos comportamentos da sociedade de risco, baseado nas mudanças do processo de globalização. O garantismo pode ser entendido como uma teoria crítica do Direito que redefine os conceitos do constitucionalismo, substancializando-os. Três exemplos são apresentados para ilustrar a eficiência do procedimento garantista proposto. A análise permite a descrição da resposta garantista para o desenvolvimento harmônico do Direito Penal, mesmo em situações em que respostas céleres do Legislativo e do Judiciário são necessárias. A figura do juiz deve ser valorizada através do exercício hermenêutico. Relendo o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro a partir da teoria do garantismo penal, estabelece um novo modo de se compreender a maneira pela qual uma lei penal e/ou decisão penal são produzidas. / This work discusses the garantism function of criminal law and the impact of the globalization process in its structure, with the purpose of detaching and accompanying the most evident and significant contributions of the garantism theory, even at the world risk society situation. The criminal law has been being remodeled by the new risk society behavior, based on the changes of the globalization process. The garantism can be understood as a critical theory of the Right that redefines the concepts of the constitutionalism, imputing to it substance. Three examples are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the garantism characteristics proposed. The analysis allows a description of the garantism\' s response for the criminal law harmonic development, even in situations in which quick Legislative and Judiciary answers are necessary. The figure of the judge must be valorized through the hermeneutical exercise. Reading over the Brazilian judicial ordering since the penal garantism theory, it establishes a new way to understand how a penal decision and/or a criminal law is produced.

Gestão das Áreas de Recarga do Aqüífero Guarani: o caso do município de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo / Management of the Guarani aquifer recharge area: The case of Ribeirão Preto municipality, São Paulo

Pilar Carolina Villar 25 November 2008 (has links)
A sociedade contemporânea cria riscos de todas as ordens, ampliando o significado desse conceito. O risco pode estar associado à ameaças naturais, mas cada vez mais está relacionado à ações humanas, em especial devido ao uso de tecnologias. O uso do solo, tanto para fins agrícolas quanto urbanos, gera possibilidades de contaminação de áreas sensíveis, como é o caso da área de recarga do aqüífero Guarani, em Ribeirão Preto, no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Este trabalho objetivou realizar um estudo crítico de como a legislação aplicável às águas subterrâneas tratou a proteção das áreas de recarga do Aqüífero Guarani, frente aos riscos identificados pela literatura no município de Ribeirão Preto. A metodologia empregada foi a análise documental e a realização de entrevistas com os atores envolvidos na gestão desse recurso. Esse município é um dos mais importantes do Estado, além de elevado desenvolvimento econômico, destaca-se por estar situado junto à área de recarga do principal reservatório de água subterrânea do Cone Sul, bem como ter sido alvo de vários projetos para a proteção desse manancial subterrâneo, com destaque ao Projeto Aqüífero Guarani.A formulação de uma política de proteção para as áreas de recarga encerra o desafio de conciliar a gestão dos recursos hídricos com as políticas de uso e ocupação do solo e ambiental. A Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos tratou o tema de maneira superficial. O Estado de São Paulo, apesar de seu pioneirismo normativo, não conseguiu moldar uma política eficaz. A possibilidade de criar Áreas de Proteção Máxima nas zonas de recarga dos aqüíferos é elogiável, porém as lacunas legais existentes inviabilizam a aplicação prática desse instrumento. No âmbito municipal percebeu-se a priorização dos interesses dos principais setores econômicos em detrimento da proteção dessas áreas. A multidiversidade dos riscos, a ausência de uma política federal que estabeleça diretrizes para as políticas estaduais de recursos hídricos subterrâneos, bem como a falta de integração e articulação entre os diversos órgãos e atores que tratam do tema prejudicou a implantação e aplicação de uma política eficaz para as águas subterrâneas. A proteção das áreas de recarga acaba ocorrendo de forma indireta, via os instrumentos da política ambiental, não porque estes as tenham como objeto, mas como um desdobramento natural da proteção ao meio ambiente. / The contemporary society has created many kinds of risks, enlarging the meaning of this concept. It can be associated to natural disasters, but more and more it is related to human actions, especially because technology use. When soil is used to agricultural or urbane proposes, it creates condition for contamination of sensible areas, such as the Guarani Aquifers recharge area at Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil. This research aimed to analyze how the current subterranean water legislation works in order to protect Guarani Aquifers recharge area, considering risks identified by literature in Ribeirão Preto City. Data were collected by documental analysis and interviews that were conducted to key actors. Ribeirão Preto is considered one of the most important cities of São Paulo State. Its economy is highly developed and it is located in the recharge area of Guarani Aquifer. In addition, the city has been target by many projects of preservation, such as Guarani Aquifer Project. In order to create effective protection policy, the challenge consists of conciliating the hydric resources management with soil and environment policy. The National Water Policy has been leaded with this subject in a very superficial way. Even though São Paulo State has been pioneer in a normative way, it has not been able to create an efficient regulation. The possibility of establishing Maximum Protection Areas in the recharge zones is appreciable, but inconsistent laws create obstacles that interrupt a real application of this instrument. In the municipally level, the priority is the interest of powerful economy sectors instead of the recharge areas protection. The implementation and application of an efficient subterranean water policy is prejudiced by risks diversity, lack of a national policy that indicates directives to the state policy, and lack of integration and articulation among various involved sectors and actors. Recharge areas protection have been realized as an indirect way through environmental instruments. These instruments are not specific, but they reach the recharge areas as a natural consequence of the environmental protection.

Blå dunster och gröna skogar : en multimodal diskursanalys av filmer från Svenska Skogen

Enbom Burreau, Klara January 2020 (has links)
Genom att att beskriva hur ett strategiskt urval av information formar dessa filmer syftar uppsatsen dels undersöka hur skogsbruket porträtteras i Svenska Skogens filmer men även vilka diskurser som inkluderas. Vidare ämnar studien att via en kritisk ansats öka förståelse för de maktförhållanden som materialet signalerar och hur de förhåller sig till de risker som skogsindustrin i skapar. Materialet som studeras är filmer producerade av Svenska Skogen mellan 2017-2019 ovh metoden som används är multimodal kritisk diskursanalys. Studiens visar att filmerna förmedlar en identitet av produktion, miljömedvetenhet och medelklass. De har humor och är lättillgängliga för den urbana människan i Sverige. Den diskurs som präglar dessa filmer är miljöinriktad, men förmedlas på premisserna av produktion. Det är mycket som utelämnas från båda dessa diskursers klassiska utgångspunkter vilket gör att de genom konvergerande begrepp skapar en ny diskurs, här och i tidigare forskning kallad ekologisk modernitet.

Socially Sustainable Office Buildings - A better business for everyone

Kantola, Dunja January 2020 (has links)
Buildings account for 39 per cent of the global greenhouse gas emissions, therefore the way buildings are constructed and utilized plays an important role in the transition to a sustainable future. Environmental Certification Systems (ECS) functions as a catalysator for sustainable solutions within the building industry and is seen as a hygiene factor for property owners today. The market offers numerous environmental certifications for buildings to choose from, and Swedish property owners are frequently users of them. However, most of the environmental certification systems does not cover the social aspects of sustainability that directly include human health and wellbeing in the building. This has led to the creation of the sustainability certification WELL Building Standard – a global certification system for buildings that exclusively addresses the users in the building, in terms of health and wellbeing. There are currently 298 WELL-certified projects around the world, and in Sweden there are six property companies that have registered different project for the certification. Due to the Swedish property owners’ relatively modest efforts regarding the social sustainability work, this paper explores what the drivers is for these six companies into working with a WELL-certification. By exploring that, this study aims to contribute to the understanding on what can drive the willingness of corporations to invest in sustainability certifications in general, and in what ways a WELL-certification can fill a potential gap in the Swedish property market. The findings reveal that a WELL-certification has a unique selling point due to its human-centred approach. It can be a beneficial tool, both for property companies, who may attract new clients, as well as for the tenants that are renting their space, in terms of increasing their own employer brand and corporate reputation. According to Herzberg’s two-factor theory, this human centred approach can be used as motivation factor for the property owners, rather than a hygiene factor. The findings also reveal that there is a need in society for addressing health issues, due to the increasing numbers of sick leave in Sweden the past years. Furthermore, the study reveals that there have been a “competence gap” in the built environment for addressing this kind of issues and that a WELL-certification is therefore helpful in addressing areas of the built environment that the property owners never have thought of before.

Stoppa 5G! Risk, rädsla och misstro online : En multimodal diskursanalys av den 5G-kritiska rörelsen på Facebook

Wikberg, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
Den moderna informations- och kommunikationsteknologin har inneburit genomgripande för­änd­ringar av vårt sätt att leva och kommunicera men nya tekniker har också mötts av skepti­cism och väckt kontroverser. Ett aktuellt exempel är motståndet mot den femte genera­tion­ens mobil­nät, 5G. Trots att det inom den etablerade vetenskapen saknas stöd för att 5G skulle utgöra en hälsofara har en växande antistrålningsrörelse hävdat att tekniken för med sig nya och ökade strålningsrisker. I den här uppsatsen utforskas den svenska 5G-kritiska rörel­se som vuxit sig stor på Facebook. Syftet är att undersöka hur risk, rädsla och misstro i relation till mobilnätet 5G konstrueras diskursivt inom den 5G-kritiska rörelsen, med utgångspunkt i två av de största och mest aktiva 5G-kritiska grupperna på plattformen. Uppsatsen utgår från en socialkon­struk­tionistisk ansats och fokuserar tre analytiska teman: risk, rädsla och misstro. Dessa teman ligger även till grund för det teoretiska ramverket som utgår från Ulrich Becks (2012) risksamhälle och Frank Furedis (2006) teori om rädslokulturer. Studien bygger på en netnografisk insam­lings­metod där såväl språkligt som visuellt innehåll har samlats in och analyserats i en multi­modal diskursanalys. Analysresultaten visar att risk, rädsla och misstro konstru­eras via ”version­er av världen” där riskerna med 5G framställs som verkliga, akuta och hotande och där makt­hav­ande aktörer porträtteras som opålitliga, korrupta och in­kom­­petenta. Dessa diskur­s­iva mönster är såväl språk­­liga som visu­ella; de sker inte bara genom menings­skapande ord­val, narrativ och tecken utan också genom använd­ning av så kallade inter­net­mem och emojis. Studiens resultat visar också att sociologiska perspektiv på risk, rädsla och misstro kan fördjupa förståelsen för dessa konstruk­tioner och ge perspektiv på hur rörelsen förhåller sig till det omgivande sam­hället. Analysen tyder på att de definitions­strider och olika rationalitets­anspråk som Beck (2012) har beskriv­it som typiska för risksam­hället också präglar konstruk­tionen av riskerna med 5G. Furedis (2006) rädsloteman fördjupar vidare förståelsen för hur risker till­skrivs ett hotfullt innehåll genom sociala och kulturella pro­cesser. Dessutom visar analysen på att misstro gentemot etablerad expertis kan leda till fram­växten just den alter­na­tiva expertis som såväl Beck som Furedi har beskrivit. Samtidigt tycks social organi­sering online också innebära vissa nya förutsättningar som har potential att för­flytta tradi­tion­ella makt­positioner som finns beskriv­na i teorin. / Modern information and communications technology has brought about radical changes in the way we live and communicate. However, new technologies have also sparked scepticism and created controversies. A recent example is the opposition to the fifth-generation mobile network technology, 5G. According to the established science community, there is no evidence that 5G would pose a health hazard. Still, a growing anti-radiation movement has claimed that the tech­nology will cause new and increased radiation risks. This essay explores the Swedish 5G critical movement that has grown large on Facebook. The aim is to examine how risk, fear, and mistrust in relation to the mobile network 5G are constructed discursively within the 5G critical move­ment, based on two of the largest and most active 5G critical groups on the platform. Drawing on a social constructionist approach, the study focuses on three analytical themes: risk, fear, and mistrust. These themes also form the basis of the theoretical framework, consisting of per­spec­tives from Ulrich Beck’s (2012) risk society and Frank Furedi’s (2006) theory on culture of fear. The study is based on a netnographic collection method where both linguistic and visual data have been collected and analysed in a multimodal discourse analysis. The result of the analysis shows that risk, fear, and mis­trust are constructed via "versions of the world" in which the risks of 5G are presented as real, acute, and threat­ening and actors in power are portrayed as unreliable, corrupt, and incom­petent. These discursive patter­ns are both linguistic and visual; they take place not only through mean­­­ingful choices of words, narra­tives, and signs but also by using so-called internet memes and emojis. The results also show that sociological perspectives on risk, fear, and mis­trust can deepen the understanding of these construc­tions and provide perspectives on how the move­ment relates to the surrounding society. The analysis indicates that the definitional strugg­les and different claims of rationality that Beck (2012) has described as typical for the risk society also characterize the construction of risks related to 5G. Furedi’s (2006) themes of fear also deepens the understanding of how risks are assigned a threat­ening content through social and cult­ural processes. Moreover, the analysis reveals that distrust of established expert­ise can lead to the emergence of an alter­native expert­ise, which has been described by both Beck and Furedi. However, the results also suggest that social organization online entails some new con­ditions that have the potential to shift trad­itional positions of power described in theory.

Crisis Consultants & the Vastly Changing Environment : A deductive study of the crisis consultant's perceptions & the effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Azawi, Athil, Hassani, Pegah January 2021 (has links)
As the risk society has evolved, crisis management has become significant in order to survive a crisis. Crisis consultants have an important role in the risk society and organizations expects a whole lot from the profession. There is a gap in the research about the perceptions of crisis consultant’s role and expectancies in the risk society. Additionally, there is no research connected to the impact of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic on the profession of crisis consulting. The study aims to explore the crisis consultants view of and their role in the risk society. It also seeks to investigate how the crisis consultants have adapted to the Covid-19 pandemic. The study has been conducted through a qualitative case study consisting of various crisis consultants from diverse consultancies. The primary data consisted of eight semi-structured in- depth interviews. Crises in the risk society has become more complex due to the developing technology which has had an effect on the dispersion of information and personal exposures. Crisis consultants are expected to act as change agents who provides an outside perspective and pushes the client forward during crises. The Covid-19 pandemic has had no effect on the types of crisis and neither on the processes used by the crisis consultants. The shift lies within tools and certain procedures where social distancing and digitalization has become the new standard. Although the alterations have been challenging in some situations, the crisis consultants have still managed to fulfill their tasks and increase their workload.

Källsortera mot en hållbar utveckling : En kvantitativ undersökning om källsorteringsvanor hos Halmstads invånare

Törnqvist, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Idag finns det en större medvetenhet när det talas om klimatet och arbetet mot en hållbar utveckling har ökat. En del av avfallet tas inte hand om ordentligt idag vilket gör att en stor källa till energiomvandling inte tas hand om. Samverkan mellan hanteringen av avfallet och invånarnas attityd till källsorteringen är ett sätt att kunna uppnå en hållbar samhällsutveckling. Problemet med avfallet handlar i sin tur om hur varje person källsorterar, där det finns en förbättringspotential. Källsortering är en självklarhet för somliga men inte för alla, denna studien syftar till att med hjälp av en kvantitativ undersökning besvara frågeställningarna och undersöka hur Halmstad kommuns invånare ser på källsortering och deras källsorteringsvanor. De teoretiska perspektiven som behandlas i studien är risksamhället, miljösociologi och kollektivt medvetande. Studien visar på att det är olika faktorer som spelar roll vid källsortering och i synnerhet sorteringen av matavfall. / Today there is a bigger awareness when it comes to the climate and the work towards sustainable development has increased. A large part of the waste is not taken care of properly today which means that a large source of energy conversion is not taken care of. A collaboration between the management of waste and the inhabitants attitude to recycle, is a way of achieving sustainable societal development. The problem with waste is in turn about how each person recycle today and that there is a potential for improvement in it. Recycling is obvious to some people but not for everyone, this study aims to use a quantitative survey to answer the questions and investigate how Halmstads residents view of recycling and their recycling habits. The theoretical perspectives covered in the study are the risk society, environmental sociology and collective consciousness The study shows that there are various factors that play a role in recycling and in particular the sorting of food waste.

Jak se byznys zelená: kritická diskurzivní analýza korporátní zelené zodpovědnosti / Business going green: critical discourse analysis of corporate green responsibility

Tušková, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The present thesis introduces an analysis of a part of public corporate communication through which large international companies present a positive image of their brands, technologies, operations and, above all, their values vis-à-vis the issue of environmental protection. It would likely not provoke much dispute, shall it be stated that environmental protection has over the several past decades climbed to the top of the list of the world's priority agenda. Yet whether an ecological crisis is or is not a real threat, or whether the parties involved really do or do not take the proclaimed steps necessary for the improvement of the state of the natural environment, is not a matter of importance here. The important thing is that people (companies) are talking about the environment. In the context of a global ecological threat companies are on one hand pressured into accepting green responsibilities, on the other hand in building their green image they actively adopt certain aspects of green discourse and articulate their own environmental diagnoses and propose possible remedies. Using critical discourse analysis this thesis tries to uncover the ways of construction of corporate green responsibility discourse aiming to answer questions regarding the selection of discourse strategies and use of language,...

Etiska perspektiv på riskhantering i samhällsplaneringsprocessen : Hur kan hanteringen av risker med transport av farligt gods förstås utifrån etisk teori? / Ethical perspectives on risk management in society and spatial planning processes : Linking risk management regarding transportation of dangerous goods and ethical theory.

Sörman Laurien, Elvira January 2022 (has links)
Samhällets hantering av komplexa risker karaktäriseras av osäkerhet, ojämlikhet i exponering och otillräckliga resurser för att hantera riskerna. Det gör att avvägningar måste göras om vilka risker som kan accepteras och hur resurser ska allokeras för att hantera dem. Många av riskerna är också väldigt osannolika. Olyckor som resulteras av transport av farligt gods på vägnätet är exempel på sådana risker. Dessa risker utreds idag ofta av konsulter på företag som har specialiserat sig på ämnet. I avsaknad av specifika nationella kriterier för acceptabla risknivåer förhåller de sig dels till lagstiftning (till exempel Plan- och bygglag), dels till regionala riktlinjer och utvärderingar. Syftet med utredningarna är att beskriva riskerna med transport av farligt gods nära den plats där ny bebyggelse planeras, att bedöma huruvida riskerna kan accepteras samt i de fall riskerna bedöms som oacceptabelt höga även presentera förslag på åtgärder för att minska dem. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur dessa föreslagna åtgärder motiveras, med utgångspunkt i fem etiska teorier. Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där de etiska teorierna har införlivats visar uppsatsen att riskutredningarna och de förslag på åtgärder som presenteras främst bygger på de etiska teorierna utilitarism och teorin om det sociala kontraktet. Detta har konstaterats genom att tre teman identifierats och analyserats: risksamhället, ekonomiska argument och antropocentrism. Vidare har syftet varit att ge förslag på hur riskreducerande åtgärder kan motiveras utifrån etiska teorier som inte visat sig synliga genom den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen. I uppsatsens diskussionskapitel beskrivs hur deontologisk etik, dygdetik samt miljöetik kan användas för att motivera riskreducerande åtgärder på andra sätt. Slutligen konstateras i uppsatsens diskussion och slutsatser att de studerade utredningarna delar tre metodologiska utmaningar. Bland annat finns en motsättning mellan utredningarnas probabilistiska förståelse för risk och hur vissa riskreducerande åtgärder motiveras. En rekommendation görs att konsultföretagen diskuterar dessa utmaningar och deras implikationer för trovärdigheten i utredningarna. / Complex risks in today’s society are characterized by uncertainty, inequality in terms of exposure, and a lack of resources to handle all risks. Because of this, trade-offs have to be made in terms of what risks can be accepted and how society’s resources for risk management should be allocated. Added to this, many of the risks are very improbable. An example of such risks are accidents resulting from transportation of dangerous goods. In Sweden, these risks are often analysed by consultants at companies that have specialized themselves in this field. As there are no nationally determined criteria for when these risks are at acceptable levels, these consultants relate to legislation, regional policies, and evaluations. The purpose of these analyses is to describe the risks of constructing buildings near roads where dangerous goods are being transported. The purpose is also to assess whether the risks can be accepted, and if not, provide recommendations for measures to reduce the risk levels. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how these recommendations are motivated, with ethical theory as departure point. Through a qualitative content analysis (where five ethical theories were integrated) the study shows that it is mainly utilitarianism and social contract theory that underpin the assessments and recommendations. This is concluded through the identification and analysis of three key themes: risk society, economic arguments, and anthropocentrism. A second purpose was to provide alternatives to how risk reducing measures can be motivated. The discussion provides thoughts and examples on how deontology, virtue ethics and environmental ethics can be used to find other ways to motivate risk reducing measures. Finally, the thesis concludes that the six assessments studied share three methodological challenges. For example, there seems to be a contradiction between on the one hand a probabilistic understanding of risk, and the way some of the risk reducing measures are motivated. As a result, this thesis recommends that consultancy companies discuss these challenges and the implications of them on the credibility of the assessments.

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