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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Immigration, ethnicity, and the labour market : the Chinese in Montreal

Pao-Mercier, Laura Yuen-ha. January 1981 (has links)
No description available.

Betydelsen av uppåtgående klassresor : en litteraturstudie / The significance of upward social class mobility : a literature study

Rautio, Sanna, Hermansson, Sara January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to research what negative and positive effects upward social class mobility can give a person with focus on the inner emotional world. Through a literature analysis of autobiographies has authors who have undergone social class mobility from working class to middle class been selected. The qualitative research study shows that people can be affected in several ways by experiencing upward social class mobility. Our study finds that people can be negatively affected by their upward mobility and that most of the negative aspects are similar for all the people in our study. We have used a hermeneutic method when interpreting and identifying the negative aspects of social class mobility in our empirical data. We have thematized and analyzed the data with inspiration from Pierre Bourdieu's class theories. In the empirical data, we have identified several common themes of negative aspects that can be experienced with upward social class mobility. Some of the themes are feelings like guilt, shame, feeling like you live between two worlds and not feeling at home. Their relationships with their parents and current family can also be negatively affected. In the empirical data, we can see that all the people included in the study are affected by their previous class affiliation. The changes, new social codes and habitus, that the new class brings influences people from a psychological and social perspective which creates difficulties for them to feel belonging in the new class. / Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka negativa och positiva effekter en uppåtgående klassresa kan ge en människa med fokus på den inre känslomässiga världen för en klassresenär. Genom en litteraturanalys av självbiografier har urvalet varit målstyrt till författare som genomgått en klassresa från arbetarklass till medelklass. Studien visar att människor kan påverkas på flera sätt även negativt av sin klassresa och vi kan också se att dessa sätt är liknande för alla personer i vår empiri. De negativa aspekterna vi identifierat i studien är tolkade med hjälp av metoden hermeneutik. Tematisering och analyseringen av materialet har skett med inspiration från Pierre Bourdieus klassteorier. Vi har i empirin identifierat flera gemensamma teman av negativa aspekter som personerna upplevt av sina klassresor. Känslor som skuld, skam, att känna att man lever mellan två världar och att inte känna sig hemma. Relationen till sina föräldrar och nuvarande familj kan också bli negativt påverkade. I empirin ser vi att alla personerna i studien präglas av sin tidigare klasstillhörighet. De förändringar, nya sociala koder och habitus som den nya klassen har, påverkar personerna utifrån ett psykologiskt- och socialt perspektiv som skapar svårigheter för dem att känna tillhörighet i den nya klassen.


MARCELO JUCA QUINTAO 20 September 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender de que maneira os múltiplos contextos sociais impactaram na construção da trajetória profissional de ex-alunos oriundos das camadas populares de uma renomada IES privada do Rio de janeiro, cujo público, também, é composto por jovens das elites socioeconômicas. Para atingir este objetivo buscou-se identificar: i) de que forma os múltiplos contextos sociais, ao longo da trajetória profissional, inibiram ou habilitaram as relações desses jovens com seu meio tanto na constituição de um portifólio de capitais como nas estratégias (não) intencionais individuais e familiares, bem como nas disposições dos indivíduos; e (ii) quanto à persistência de barreiras que contribuem negativamente para a mobilidade social. Deste modo, este estudo contribui para a discussão acerca da mobilidade social nos estudos em Administração, partindo do pensamento de Pierre Bourdieu frente à distinção gerada pelo condicionamento social e dialogando com pensamento de Bernard Lahire, no afastamento do olhar homogeneizante do habitus. A pesquisa realizada foi de natureza qualitativa, utilizando entrevistas em profundidade com ex-alunos bolsistas de graduação de diferentes cursos. A análise dos resultados revelou que existem barreiras socioeconômicas e culturais que impactaram na trajetória profissional dos jovens bolsistas. Não obstante, a partir da influência dos múltiplos contextos nessas trajetórias, identificamos o desenvolvimento de um portifólio de capitais, resultado de vivências que permitiram o movimento de mobilidade social. Em última instância, os jovens pesquisados, apesar de terem enfrentados obstáculos diversos em suas trajetórias de vida e educacional, lograram obter postos trabalho qualificados que os habilitaram a ascender socialmente. / [en] This research aimed to understand how the multiple social contexts impacted the construction of the professional trajectory of alumni from the popular strata of a renowned private university in Rio de Janeiro, whose audience is predominantly composed of young people from socioeconomic elites. In order to achieve this objective, we sought to identify: i) how the multiple social contexts, throughout their professional trajectory, inhibited or enabled the relations of these young people with their environment both in the constitution of a portfolio of capital and in the (un) intentional strategies individual and family members, as well as in the dispositions of these trajectories; and (ii) regarding the persistence of barriers that contribute negatively to social mobility. In this way, this study contributes to the discussion about social mobility in Management studies, starting from the thinking of Pierre Bourdieu in the face of the distinction generated by social conditioning and dialoguing with the thinking of Bernard Lahire, in moving away from the homogenizing look of the habitus. The research carried out was of a qualitative nature, using in-depth interviews with former undergraduate scholarship students from different courses. The analysis of the results revealed that there are socioeconomic and cultural barriers that impacted the professional trajectory of the young scholarship holders. Nevertheless, based on the influence of multiple contexts in these trajectories, we identified the development of a portfolio of capitals, the result of experiences that allowed the movement of social mobility. Ultimately, the young people surveyed, despite having faced different obstacles in their life and educational trajectories, managed to obtain qualified jobs that enabled them to ascend socially.

Poétiques du récit de retour aux origines : du documentaire au roman ; et, Je t'envoie des photos des primevères dans le sable

Noël, Marine 08 1900 (has links)
Thèse en recherche-création Cotutelle avec l'Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France / Cette thèse porte sur le récit de retour aux origines dans la littérature contemporaine française et se concentre sur des auteurs transclasses, c’est-à-dire qui ont quitté leur milieu d’origine et changé de statut social. Elle s’intéresse spécifiquement à un corpus d’auteurs originaires de régions non attractives de l’Hexagone. Elle concentre son analyse sur des textes de Nicolas Mathieu, Annie Ernaux, Didier Eribon, Édouard Louis et Raymond Depardon. Ce travail détermine d’abord ce qui est entendu par « récit de retour » en littérature, notamment lorsqu’il s’agit de représenter les campagnes qui intéressent ces auteurs. Il dégage des poétiques du retour chez chacun de ces auteurs, en observant l’hybridité générique qui les traverse : la photobiographie et le documentaire avec Depardon, le roman avec Ernaux et Mathieu, l’autobiographie avec Louis, l’essai avec Eribon. Dans un second temps, la thèse examine la temporalité et la géographie du retour, en particulier les motifs de la nostalgie et du déplacement. La thèse explore ensuite le point de vue de l’auteur, narrateur ou personnage transclasse sur son milieu d’origine, point de vue tantôt décalé, renouvelé ou surplombant. À cette recherche succède un texte de création, Je t’envoie des photos des primevères dans le sable, qui allie, en deux temps, fiction et enquête photolittéraire et qui questionne lui aussi le geste de retour aux origines en milieu rural. / This thesis focuses on the return to origins in contemporary French narratives. It examines the works of authors who left their hometown or their village and experienced social mobility. It specifically investigates the works of authors who come from post-industrial and non-touristy areas in France: Nicolas Mathieu, Annie Ernaux, Didier Eribon, Édouard Louis and Raymond Depardon. First, this work analyzes what the notion of return in literature implies, especially when French rural life is represented. The study aims to define a poetics of return for each of these texts, focusing on how these books are multi-genre or genre-bending: photobiography and documentary with Depardon, fiction with Ernaux and Mathieu, autobiography with Louis, essay with Eribon. In a second part, we examine the temporality and the geography of return, in particular nostalgia and displacement. This thesis also explores the author, narrator or character’s point of view on their background, as someone who left and changed their social status: the final chapter analyzes how this point of view has shifted, how it is renewed, but also how it can present itself as distant and apart. A creative text follows this research: titled I am sending you pictures of the primroses in the sand, it brings fiction and documentary (which includes photographs) together and reflects on the return gesture within rural areas.

L’influence du systeme d’education japonais sur la mobilite sociale selon une perspective du capital de Bourdieu

Langford, Jonathan 08 1900 (has links)
La quête de mobilité sociale s’est renforcée dans l’imaginaire collectif, les valeurs et l’identité japonaise depuis le décloisonnement territorial et social procuré par le changement radical des politiques lors de la Restauration Meiji. Ces nouveaux gains spatiaux et sociaux, en parallèle avec le développement d’une économie capitaliste, stimulent les mouvements humains et de capitaux, développant de nouveaux réseaux transitoires. Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le Japon vit à nouveau des transformations qui viennent bouleverser la gestion de l’espace et son système d’éducation. En effet, l’espace physique et social se voit être redéfini de sorte à prioriser les secteurs industriels qui correspondent aux nouveaux standards socioéconomiques de la société. Rapidement, le principe méritocratique s’installe dans le nouveau système d’éducation « égalitaire » pour répondre au désir grandissant de la population de mobilité. Enfin, l’éclatement de la bulle spéculative dans les années 1990 vient une fois de plus bouleverser les structures sociales et scolaires du Japon. Dans cette nouvelle réalité: l’éducation agit-elle comme une force sociale qui permet ou empêche le gain de mobilité; ou bien maintient-elle ou augmente-t-elle la position sociale des individus? Et quelle est l’influence des classes sur le phénomène de la reproduction sociale? Différentes thématiques seront abordées dans cette recherche, notamment l’effet des classes sociales sur les inégalités quant à l’accès à l’éducation; le rôle de l’éducation dans une société néo-libérale basée sur la certification (« diplômatie » – société des diplômes), créant un déséquilibre entre les établissements scolaires et les régions; et enfin l’influence des capitaux sur la position sociale d’un individu. Par ailleurs, une théorisation conceptuelle sera proposée afin de faire ressortir l’importance de la spatialité dans la mobilité sociale en tant que complément à la théorie des capitaux de Bourdieu. / The quest for social mobility has been reinforced in the Japanese collective imagination, values and identity since the territorial and social decompartmentalization provided by the radical change in policies during the Meiji Restoration. Such new spatial and social gains, paired with the development of a capitalist economy, fostered the movement of people and capital, developing new transitory networks. After the Second World War, Japan once again experienced transformations that disrupted the management of its territory and its education system. Indeed, the physical and social space was redefined in order to prioritize the industrial sectors that corresponded to the new socio-economic standards of the society. Soon, the meritocratic principle was established in the new "egalitarian" education system to respond to the population's growing desire for mobility. Finally, the bursting of the speculative bubble in the 1990s once again disrupted the social and educational structures of Japan. Considering this new reality: does education act as a social force that allows or prevents the gain of mobility; or does it maintain or strengthen the social position of individuals? And what is the influence of class on the phenomenon of social reproduction? Different themes will be addressed in this research, including the effect of social class on inequalities in access to education; the role of education in a neo-liberal society based on certification ("diplômatie" – Diploma system), creating an imbalance between schools and regions; and finally, the influence of capital on an individual's social position. Furthermore, a conceptual theorization will be proposed to highlight the importance of spatiality in social mobility as a complement to Bourdieu's capital theory.


鄭同僚, ZHENG, TONG-LIAO Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要以衝突論(CONFLICT THEORY) 的觀點, 探討教育成就 (以教育程度為代表 ) 對社會流動(SOCIAL MOBILITY) 的影響. 研究目的有三: 一.探討我國收入的分配是否不均 ? 二.探討不同的從業分析(EMPLOYMENT STATUS) 中, 教育成就對收入的影響力如何 三.探討教育成就對於個人進入不同從業身份的影響力如何? 研究以民國七十三年行政院主計處家庭收支調查資料為樣本. 全文共一冊, 約六萬言 結果指出, 樣本顯示不同從業身份會造成收入不均, 而教育成就對不同從業身份的收入有不同的影響力, 但是教育成就對於個人進入不同 從業身份影響力顯著, 亦即只部份支持衝突論的看法.


康文聰 Unknown Date (has links)
公務人員受委託行使行政權,享有身分保障和穩定收入,因而被視為社會體系的中上階層。基於此等特性,學者曾經提出代表性官僚理論與多元代表性等理論,希望能夠以此調和民主與效率兩大價值,達成政策執行的實質公平。然過去相關的實證研究,多半屬於「事後檢測」。但是我國公民除了通過公務人員考試之外,幾乎沒有其他擠身常任文官的管道,因此有關代表性或多元性的討論應該包括考試階段。換言之,考試錄取人員的人口特性值得深入的分析。本研究以2003至2007年的高等考試參與者為主要研究對象,輔以司法官三等考試的資料以利比較。接著,引用社會學「地位取得」的分析架構,採取指數比較分析與邏輯迴歸分析,探索性別、年齡、受教育時間、畢業學校特性、出身地域與錄取與否的關係。   本研究結果顯示,女性、非傳統公立綜合大學的畢業生、鄉鎮地區出身者以及41歲以上的考生在公務人員考試中處於較為不利的地位,但是與優勢團體之間的差距隨著考試等級和種類有所不同。例如女性在行政類與司法官考試中,與男性的表現平分秋色甚至猶有過之;剛完成高等教育的25歲以下人口在司法官考試裡最具優勢,但高考三級則有利於26至35歲的青年;傳統公立大學的文憑與都市出身的背景,在技術類考試能發揮的正效果比行政類考試為弱。基於上述的研究發現,為消除各種團體在公務人員考試裡的地位差距,本研究對於未來的考選政策提出下列建議:1.加強命題與口試委員的多元化;2.強化試題的研究發展;3.配合政府再造鬆綁人事法規;4.營造一個落實多元平等的大環境。 / Civil servants, with administrative power in hand, are commonly regarded as part of upper class. Therefore, researchers, to integrate democracy and efficiency in civil service system and to realize the genuine equality, propose representative bureaucracy and team diversity theory. Senior Civil Service Examination, the main approach, if not only, for citizens in Taiwan to enter the bureaucracy affects the representativeness and diversity of state apparatus substantially. By adopting the research approach of “status attainment” from sociology, this study gives an account of the relation between the examination result and the demographics in terms of gender, education, school characteristic, and region. All the data of this research is based on participators’ personnel information cards collected by the Ministry of Examination from 2003 to 2007. The result indicates that four types of participators are inferior in the examination, including women, graduates from private untraditional technological colleges, participators from rural areas, and adults above forty-one years old. The differences between superior and inferior groups, however, vary with the level and subject of examination. To prevent demographic differences in Senior Civil Service Examination, the study suggests the following factors be considered: the diversity of the composition of examiners committee should be ensured, the enhancement of development research of test questions, the deregulation of public personnel rules and, last but not least, the construction of a diversity-respecting society.

The celebrity gossip column and newspaper journalism in Britain, 1918-1939

Newman, Sarah Louise January 2014 (has links)
This thesis analyses the content, tone, form and authorship of the national newspaper gossip column 1918-1939, as a new means through which the qualities of the popular press in this period can be more closely defined. Often dismissed as an example of the sensational, Americanization of early twentieth-century popular culture, the celebrity gossip column has been loosely grouped with the friendly, informal language and bolder formatting of the ‘New Journalism’ of the late nineteenth century and the development of the dramatic ‘human-interest’ stories of ‘everyday life’ in the interwar period (LeMahieu, 1988; Wiener, 1988). Through a comparative study of six newspapers including the Daily Express, Daily Mail and News of the World, I analyse the changing representation of the celebrity subject, and, originally, the shifting character and persona of the gossip columnist. Whereas some historians have analysed the content of newspapers without considering the questions of the newspaper’s production, I analyse newspaper employment records, gossip columnists’ memoirs and their unpublished letters and diaries to define the specific economic, social and cultural circumstances which, I argue, influenced their public portrayal. Also, in examining the unpublished correspondence between editors, proprietors and columnists and the burgeoning print culture of journalistic training manuals and professional memoirs, I provide a history of the press’s professionalization in this period. The national popular press has often been used as a historical source to define national character and national identity in the interwar period (Bland, 2008; Kohn, 1992). By scrutinizing the content and production of the gossip column and particularly the class, behaviour, interactions and subject matter of the columnist, I argue that the gossip column presented a version of ‘Britishness’ that was not so inward-looking and domesticated as so many accounts of interwar Britain suggest.

La mobilité occupationnelle entre pères et fils au Québec et en Ontario, 1852-1881

Torres Cantor, Catalina 11 1900 (has links)
Marquée par la mise en place et par le développement graduel d’importantes transformations de type socioéconomique et démographique, la deuxième moitié du 19e siècle constitue le scénario à partir duquel nous analysons et comparons le phénomène de la mobilité sociale intergénérationnelle au Québec et en Ontario, plus précisément dans la période 1852-1881. Grâce à la disponibilité de bases de microdonnées censitaires largement représentatives de la population qui habitait dans chacune de ces deux provinces en 1852 et en 1881 ainsi qu’au développement récent d’une technique de jumelage automatique, nous avons réussi à obtenir un échantillon de 4226 individus jumelés entre les recensements canadiens de 1852 et de 1881. Ces individus sont les garçons âgés de 0 à 15 ans en 1852, qui habitaient majoritairement en milieu rural au Québec ou en Ontario et qui se trouvent dans l’échantillon de 20% du recensement canadien de 1852. Cet échantillon jumelé nous a permis d’observer les caractéristiques de la famille d’origine de ces garçons en 1852 – par exemple, le statut socioprofessionnel du père et la fréquentation scolaire – ainsi que leur propre statut socioprofessionnel (en tant qu’adultes) en 1881. Malgré certains défis posés par la disponibilité et le type de données ainsi que par la procédure de jumelage, cet échantillon illustre bien les changements majeurs qui ont eu lieu durant la période étudiée dans le marché du travail, soit le déclin du groupe des cultivateurs au profit des travailleurs non-manuels et des travailleurs manuels (surtout les qualifiés). De plus, cet échantillon nous a permis d’identifier que malgré le déclin du groupe des cultivateurs entre les pères (en 1852) et les fils (en 1881), l’agriculture aurait continué à être importante durant cette période et aurait même été ouverte à des individus ayant des origines socioprofessionnelles ou socioéconomiques différentes, c'est-à-dire, à des fils de non-cultivateurs. Cette importance soutenue et cette ouverture de l’agriculture semble avoir été plus importante en Ontario qu’au Québec, ce qui pourrait être associé aux différences entre les provinces en ce qui a trait aux caractéristiques et au développement du secteur agricole entre 1852 et 1881. / Marked by the gradual development of important socioeconomic and demographic transformations, the second half of the 19th century constitutes the context of our analyses of the intergenerational social mobility in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, specially focusing on the period 1852-1881. Taking advantage of the availability of census microdata databases – which are to a great extent representative of the population residing in those two provinces in 1852 and in 1881 – as well as of the development of a recent technique of automatic linkage, we used a sample of 4226 individuals who were linked between the Canadian censuses of 1852 and 1881. Those individuals are boys aged 0 to 15 years in 1852, who lived mainly in a rural area in Ontario or in Quebec and who are included in the 20% Canadian census sample of 1852. From this linked sample we could observe the characteristics of the family of origin in 1852 – e.g. the occupational status of the father and the boy’s school attendance – as well as the subject’s own occupational status as an adult in 1881. Despite some challenges posed by the availability and the type of the data as well as by the linking procedure, this sample illustrates quite well the transformations of the labour market that took place during the period of the study, notably the decline of the occupational group of the farmers in favour of the non-manual and manual skilled workers. Nevertheless, despite the decline in the proportion of farmers among sons (in 1881) compared to their fathers (in 1852), using this linked sample we discovered that agriculture continued to play an important role in economic activity and that this sector was even open to individuals with different occupational or socioeconomic backgrounds, i.e. to sons of non-farmer fathers. The sustained importance and openness of the agricultural sector seems to have been more important in Ontario than in Quebec. This difference could be associated with the contrasts between those two provinces regarding the characteristics and the development of the agricultural sector during the second half of the 19th century.

La relation entre l'enseignement supérieur et la mobilité sociale dans la communauté rurale en Libye (cas de la municipalité Haraba) / The relationship between higher education and social mobility in the rural community in Libya (case of the Municipality of Haraba)

Shelig, Adel 28 March 2019 (has links)
Cette étude se concentre principalement sur le rôle de l'enseignement supérieur dans la mobilité sociale. Les enquêtes qualitatives et quantitatives ont été réalisées dans la municipalité de Haraba en Libye auprès des jeunes de 18 à 32 ans. Ils ont été interrogés notamment sur leurs parents et grands-parents afin de mesurer les grandes lignes de la mobilité sociale dans une zone rurale de Libye située dans l'ouest du pays. L'étude s'est surtout focalisée sur les grands changements sociaux-professionnels dans la société libyenne et sur le rôle de l’éducation depuis l’indépendance du pays. / This study focuses mainly on research into the role of higher education in social mobility for the benefit of the third generation, compared to the two previous generations. The qualitative and quantitative survey was carried out with 18 to 32 year-olds from the municipality of Haraba situated in a rural area of Western Libya. Indeed, the study focused on the occupational variations that have taken place in Libyan society, particularly in the study area, by comparing the educational levels and occupational diversity of three generations successively.

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