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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dire la vieillesse en termes d'enfance. Un dévoiement du regard / The return to infancy : old age and second childhood

Humbert, Cédric 12 November 2015 (has links)
Comment comprendre la récurrence, dans la culture occidentale, des rapprochements entre la vieillesse et l’enfance fondés sur une idée de ressemblance ? Pour éclairer ce phénomène, nous avons analysé, dans la longue durée, ses manifestations discursives. Les métaphores, les comparaisons et les raisonnements par analogie à travers lesquels s’opèrent ces rapprochements apparaissent comme les expressions condensées de représentations sociales. Ces énoncés, qui reposent sur une hiérarchisation des âges de la vie et la valorisation de l’un d’entre eux, l’adulte que l’enfant n’est pas encore et que le vieux ne serait plus, forment un système d’interprétation où la vieillesse est dite en termes d’enfance, qu’il s’agisse de la décrire, de l’expliquer, de la dénigrer, d’en rire ou d’orienter les conduites. Invariant culturel qui renvoie au besoin de se référer à quelque chose de connu, ou supposé tel, pour comprendre quelque chose qui l’est moins, dire la vieillesse en termes d’enfance est un phénomène qui traverse les registres de discours et qui est observable jusque dans des propos d’experts de la vieillesse et du vieillissement. Il est traversé par des mécanismes de mise en valeur des ressemblances entre les vieux et les enfants et de masquage de leurs différences. Ces mécanismes favorisent les confusions entre le semblable et le même : le comparé peut être regardé comme identique au comparant et ce dernier devenir imitable. / Age and childhood, based on the idea of similarities? To shed light on this phenomenon we have studied how it manifests itself in speech in the long term. The metaphors, the comparisons and the analogical reasoning leading to these connections appear to be the condensed expressions of social representations. These statements, which rest on a hierarchy of the ages of man and the enhanced value of the adult, which the child has not yet reached and the elderly could no longer aspire to, form a system of interpretation where old age is depicted with the terms of childhood, be it to describe it, explain it, denigrate it, laugh about it or guide behaviour. It is a cultural habit which sends you back to the need to refer to something well known, or supposedly so, in order to understand something which is less familiar: talking about old age in terms of childhood is a phenomenon found throughout all levels of speech. It is noticed even in statements by experts in old age and ageing. It is full of mechanisms stressing similarities between the elderly and children and concealing their differences. These mechanisms favour some confusions between the similar and the identical: the compared item can be considered identical to the comparing item and the latter can become imitable.

Rôle des identités sociales dans la représentation sociale de la fatigue en France et en Syrie / The role of sociales identities in the social representation of the fatigue in France and Syrie

Saimouaa, Khaled 09 November 2015 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, plusieurs facteurs comme la charge d’entraînement sont considérés comme liés aux problèmes d’adaptation des athlètes à l’entraînement. La fatigue est l’un de ces problèmes perçu par les athlètes. Physiologiquement, la fatigue peut se définir comme une diminution au cours du temps de la capacité d’un muscle à générer une force ou une puissance lors d’un exercice donné. Cependant, d’un point de vu social, la fatigue renvoie à une autre réalité qui varie en fonction des groupes sociaux. Cette représentation de la fatigue, propre à chaque groupe, doit être envisagée comme une forme de connaissance, socialement élaborée et partagée. Dans ce travail doctoral, nous nous intéressons à la représentation de la fatigue en France et en Syrie et plus précisément à la représentation sociale de l'athlète fatigué et de la personne non pratiquante fatiguée dans chacun des ces pays. La connaissance sociale de la fatigue est abordée par le biais des théories liées à la fatigue physiologique, à la catégorisation sociale et plus particulièrement à la théorie de l'identité sociale et à la théorie de la représentation sociale. À la suite de cette construction théorique, six études principales ont été réalisées afin de déterminer la représentation de la fatigue de chaque groupe dans les deux pays. Les deux premières études cherchent à mettre en évidence les éléments constitutifs de la représentation sociale de la fatigue issus du dictionnaire des synonymes en français et en arabe. Dans le domaine sportif, la fatigue et la forme restent à l'avantage des athlètes comparés au groupe non pratiquant le sport. C'est par le jeu de catégorisation les athlètes parviennent à établir une comparaison sociale favorable pour leur groupe. Les quartes études suivantes s'intéressent à la représentation de la fatigue à partir de deux groupes sociaux donnés dans les deux pays. À partir de l'utilisation de l'outil RepMut, nos résultats permettent de voir que la représentation de la fatigue est différente en fonction du groupe social interrogé (sportifs, non sportifs) et du pays d'origine de ses membres (France, Syrie). En France, il s'avère qu'au niveau catégoriel, seuls les athlètes sont en mesure de se positionner de façon satisfaisante face à la fatigue, alors qu'en Syrie les athlètes sont en mesure de se positionner favorablement aussi à une situation de fatigue que de pleine forme. / For a few years, many factors, such as the burden of training, are considered to be linked to the athletes’ difficulties to get used to training. The fatigue is one of the perceived problems by the athletes. Physiologically, the fatigue can be defined as “the decrease of a muscle’s capacity over time to exert force or power during a given exercise”. However, from the social point of view, the interpretation of fatigue is different and varies according to the social groups. This representation of the fatigue, specific to each group, should be considered as “a form of knowledge, socially developed and shared. In this doctoral thesis, we focus on the representation of fatigue in France and in Syria, more precisely on the social representation of being fatigued (worn out/tired/exhausted) among athletes and non-athletes in these two countries. The form of social knowledge of fatigue is approached via theories related to the physiological fatigue, the social categorization and in particular, via the theories of social identity and social representation. After the construction of the theoretical framework, six studies have been carried out in order to ascertain the representation of fatigue in each group of the two countries.The first two studies sought to highlight the elements of the social representation of fatigue in the French and Arabic dictionary. In the field of sports, low fatigue and better physical shape remain more to the athletes benefit then the non-practicing sport group. That why athletes seek to establish a favorable social position in their group by using social categorization. In the following research, four of the studies are interested in the representation of fatigue from two groups coming from two differents countries. Results using our ‘RepMut’ tool allow us to see that the representation of fatigue is different depending on the social group interviewed (sports, non-sport) and the country of origin of its members (France, Syria). In France, it appears that on a categorical level, only athletes are able to position themselves satisfactorily in the case of fatigue only, while in Syria the athletes are able to position themselves satisfactorily in the cases of fatigue and well being.

Représentations sociales de la culture dans les petites communes de région Centre : Une étude comparative d'Issoudun à Vendôme et Châteaudun / Social representation of culture in small cities in region Centre : Issoudun’s case compared to Vendôme and Châteaudun

Bernon, Marie-Laure 12 May 2015 (has links)
Concevoir la culture comme représentation sociale met en perspective les travaux de la sociologie despratiques culturelles en éclairant leurs liens à un univers de sens et de valeurs. Les composantesconnotatives qui la structurent à Issoudun constituent les modalités par lesquelles elle devient un outilde positionnement social.Les usages sociaux différenciés de la culture sont analysés par la distance des acteurs à la culturecultivée, d’abord définie par l’appartenance professionnelle. Intégrée dans le système culturel local, lareprésentation de la culture rend compte de rapports sociaux de force qui structurent la société locale,marquée par le poids de l’acteur politique. La cohérence des liens unissant les représentations etpratiques culturelles montre l’existence de modes de vie spécifiques de groupe. L’observation deperturbations dans la superposition de l’espace des pratiques culturelles et des positions socialessouligne la force de la dimension subjective des hiérarchies culturelles : c’est à ce niveau, plutôt qu’àcelui des pratiques, que s’expriment les différences sociales.Les effets de localité, alliant dimensions urbaines et rurales, sur les façons de penser la cultures’expriment particulièrement dans les discours politiques. Les conceptions différenciées de la culture àIssoudun, Vendôme et Châteaudun sont mises en oeuvre selon des modes et des intensités variablesd’intervention dans le champ culturel local. Les usages politiques de la culture mettent enfin en évidencel’élaboration de figures originales de la ruralité au service de l’élaboration d’une identité urbainespécifique, notamment à travers la fête. / Social representation of culture is interesting for a sociology of culture by putting in perspective theknowledge about cultural practices with their values and meanings for individuals. Different elementsallow an identification of a social representation in Issoudun, which is used in various ways by socialactors.The different uses of the notion of culture depend on occupation in general, and in the local system ofculture, in which political actors weight heavily in small cities. The relations between cultural practicesand representations underline different ways of life. Local factors of social representations are alsodescribed, specifically regarding the socioeconomic profile of the local population and the rural contextof the cities. The results show that the main expression of social differences stays rather on a mindlyperspective than on a practical one.The impact of rural context on social representation of culture appears mainly in political speeches. Thepolitical way to think the cultural phenomenon in rural spaces leads to specific actions which allow toidentify different types of cultural policies. In this way, culture is also used to revalue the idea of ruralityto build a new cultural identity of the city.

Discours d'éducateurs de jeunes enfants et d'enseignants de maternelle sur la diversité des formes et des situations familiales / Discourse of early childhood educators and preschool teachers on the diversity of family situations and patterns

Martin, Claire 03 March 2015 (has links)
Dans cette recherche, nous nous intéressons aux discours de professionnels de la petite enfance sur la diversité des formes et des situations familiales en France, et plus particulièrement à deux types de professionnels que sont les éducateurs de jeunes enfants et les enseignants des écoles maternelles. Après un passé distancié, les relations parents-professionnels sont aujourd'hui devenues une injonction. Elles sont présentées comme la base incontournable de l’accueil de l’enfant, dans une visée de bien-être et de bien-devenir de celui-ci. Dans ce contexte, nous cherchons à savoir si la forme et la situation familiale sont identifiées par les praticiens de la petite enfance comme un paramètre influant la trajectoire de l’enfant. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’étudier, au prisme de l’éducation comparée, deux s professionnelles à l’égard de cette question. Nous nous demandons quels facteurs, mais aussi quelles compétences peuvent être utiles à un accueil de qualité de la diversité. Pour aborder ces questions, nous avons choisi de croiser les méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives, mais aussi de travailler avec plusieurs approches qui, bien que différentes, s’avèrent complémentaires pour la compréhension de notre objet d’étude. C’est ainsi que nous évoquerons les évolutions historiques des lieux d’accueil de la petite enfance, celles de l’institution familiale, le champ de l’éducation comparée et le concept de représentation sociale.Pour mener notre étude, nous avons dans un premier temps étudié les textes qui organisent l’accueil des enfants de 0 à 6 ans, sur la question des relations parents-professionnels, tant au niveau de la réglementation que des dispositifs de formation initiale et continue. Puis nous avons recueilli les points de vue et les discours d’étudiants, de professionnels – aussi bien éducateurs de jeunes enfants que professeurs des écoles – mais aussi de parents, en utilisant quatre outils méthodologiques : des questionnaires, des entretiens, des situations-problèmes et l’analyse de forums de discussion sur Internet. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent que, face à l’objet à la fois familier et pourtant complexe que représente la famille, des représentations sociales tenaces existent sur la forme familiale. En effet, une référence à la famille intacte et un idéal familialiste persistant sont apparus dans notre étude et ce, pour les deux groupes d’étudiants, en dépit de formations pourtant très différentes en la matière (au niveau des contenus, des outils et de l’architecture du cursus). Si la confrontation au réel de la pratique professionnelle vient par la suite conforter les EJE dans leurs compétences, il semble que cela ne soit pas le cas pour les PE. En outre, les moyens mis à disposition sur le terrain en matière de formation continue et de processus de travail en équipe, viennent amplifier cet écart. Ainsi, lors de situations « extra-ordinaires » du point de vue des professionnels, les EJE convoquent principalement leur formation (initiale et continue) et à leur expérience professionnelle, alors que les PE font principalement référence à leur expérience personnelle, comme si les éléments théoriques apportés par la formation initiale n’avaient pas pris sens dans l’opérationnalité. Au regard des enjeux de société à la fois pour le bien-être et le bien-devenir de l’enfant mais aussi pour la construction identitaire des parents, nous plaiderons en faveur d’une réflexion sur la formation des enseignants de l’école maternelle afin de permettre à chaque enfant et à chaque parent d’être accueilli dans sa diversité. / This research focuses on the discourse of early childhood professionals on the diversity of family situations and patterns in France. Particular attention is paid to two types of professionals : early childhood educators and preschool teachers. After having being neglected for a long time, collaboration between professionals and parents has become today an injunction. Indeed it appears as the essential basis for every child’s welfare and well-becoming. In this context, the research intends to find out whether family patterns and situations are identified by early childhood practitioners as a parameter influencing the child's path. The aim is to study, through the prism of comparative education, how two professional s relate to this issue. What parameters, but also what skills can be useful to improve how diversity is embraced? To address these issues, quantitative and qualitative methods have been crossed. Additionally several approaches have been used – though different, they prove to be complementary to the understanding of our subject. Thus, the evolution of early childhood education institutions, of family patterns, of the comparative education field and of the concept of social representation is discussed.To conduct this research, the study has focused on texts which organize the care and education of children from 0 to 6 years. These texts approach the issue of parent-professional relationships, in terms of both regulation as well as initial and continuing training devices. In addition different views and speeches have been collected: students, professionals – both early year’s educators and preschool teachers – but also parents. Four methodological tools have been used: questionnaires, interviews, problem-situations and analysis of internet discussion forums. The results of this research show that, when facing a familiar yet complex subject such as the family, stubborn social representations exist on the familial pattern. Indeed, a persistent reference to the intact and idealistic family is present in both students’ groups, despite having followed very different trainings in the field – in terms of content, tools and organization of the curriculum. If the confrontation with the reality of professional practice has subsequently consolidated early year’s educators in their skills, it seems that this is not the case for the preschool teachers. Furthermore, the resources made available on the ground in terms of continuing training and team work process can amplify the difference. Thus, when “extra-ordinary” situations arrive (from the professionals point of view), two positions are observed: early year’s educators mainly summon their training – initial and ongoing – and their professional experience, while preschool teachers mainly refer to their personal experience, as if the theoretical elements provided by the initial training had not taken an operational sense. In view of social issues for both the child’s welfare and well-becoming but also for the building of the parents’ identity, this research argue in favor of a reflection on preschool teachers training in order to allow every child and every parent to be considered in its diversity.

Les représentations sociales de la scolarisation des enfants avec handicap mental / social representation of schooling of children with mental disability

Boukhelif, Meryem 20 April 2015 (has links)
La scolarisation des enfants avec handicap mental reste encore un champ de recherche sous exploité malgré la richesse des informations qu'il peut apporter afin d'adapter au mieux les interventions pour la réussite de la loi d'intégration.L'intégration en milieu scolaire ordinaire est un défi de société. C'est un service offert aux enfants qui présentent une déficience intellectuelle, afin qu'ils puissent recevoir une éducation de qualité dans un cadre le plus normal possible et ainsi, établir des contacts avec des pairs non handicapés.Depuis 1996, les textes législatifs et réglementaires engagent de plus en plus l'éducation nationale à l'accueil de tous les enfants, quelles que soient leurs difficultés, la scolarisation deshandicapés mentaux avec cette loi rencontre des difficultés à se réaliser hors d'institutions spécialisées.Les actions de recherche sur la scolarisation des enfants avec handicap mental restent très rares, c'est pourquoi cette recherche va se concentrer sur les représentations de la société mises en avant (parents d'enfants handicapés, enseignants, parents d'enfants normaux) et de les expliquer afin de cerner les conditions requises pour l'intégration scolaire des élèves présentant une déficience. / The school attendance of children mental handicap remains an underexploited field of search despite the opulant amount of informations that could bring to adapt to the best the interventions for the success of the Integration Act.The integration into mainstream education is a societal challenge. This service aims children with intellectual disabilities, so they can receive a quality education in a most normal framework possible and thus the ability toestablish contacts with non-disabled peers.Since 1996, laws and regulations engage more and more education brought to all children, whatever their difficulties, the education of mentally disabled with this law encounter difficulties to be achieved outside specialized institutions.The research actions on the education of children with mental handicaps remains very few, this is why research will focus on the representations of society put forward (disabled children's parents, teachers, normal children's parents), and to explain to them in order to identify the conditions for inclusive education.


ANA CARLA LIMA RIBEIRO 11 March 2005 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar as representações sociais, elaboradas por mulheres que tiveram câncer de mama, sobre a doença, sua etiologia e tratamento. Desenvolvemos teoricamente o tema a partir de quatro perspectivas: biológica, psicossomática, psicossocial e multifatorial. Realizamos uma pesquisa de campo, de natureza qualitativa, estudando 10 casos de mulheres que tiveram câncer de mama com idades entre 35 e 50 anos, que se submeteram à mastectomia, podendo ter feito ou não a reconstrução mamária, e que participavam como membros de uma associação de apoio a mulheres com câncer de mama da cidade de Niterói, Rio de Janeiro. Como instrumento desta pesquisa, utilizamos um questionário identificador e entrevistas semidirigidas, aplicados a tais mulheres individualmente e, depois, a seus familiares, com base em roteiro pré-elaborado. Para avaliação dos dados obtidos, empregamos a análise de discurso intra-sujeito e intersujeito. Na primeira, buscamos identificar, em cada caso, a percepção das entrevistadas sobre a doença, sua etiologia e as repercussões do tratamento oncológico em sua identidade feminina. Na segunda, construímos 10 categorias de análise. Os resultados revelaram que o câncer é apreendido pelas mulheres como um risco e ameaça à vida, que a retirada da mama afeta, majoritariamente, a identidade corporal e feminina, e que o adoecimento provoca muitas mudanças em suas vidas. / [en] The prime purpose of this paper is to assess the social representations created by women who have had breast cancer, and to discuss the disease, its etiology and treatment. We developed the theme theoretically, based on four perspectives: biological, psychosomatic, psychosocial and multi-factorial. We performed field research of a qualitative nature, studying ten cases of women who had breast cancer in the 35 to 50 age group and had undergone a mastectomy, could have done mammary reconstruction or not, and who participated as members of a support association to women with breast cancer in Niterói city, Rio de Janeiro State. As an instrument of this research, we used an identifying questionnaire and semi-focused interviews with those women individually and later with their relatives, based on a previously prepared script. In order to assess the obtained data, we used intra-subject and inter-subject discourse analysis. In the former, in each case we looked to identify the interviewee s perception of the disease, its etiology and the repercussions of cancer treatment on her female identity. In the latter, we created ten analytical categories. The results showed that women are apprehensive of cancer as life threatening and a risk, that breast removal in most cases affects the corporal and female identity, and that contracting the disease causes many changes in their lives.

Representações sociais sobre a moradia e o direito à moradia para técnicos sociais e beneficiários de projetos habitacionais no bairro Santa Maria / REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT SOCIAL AND HOUSING THE RIGHT TO SOCIAL HOUSING FOR TECHNICAL AND BENEFICIARIES HOUSING PROJECTS NEIGHBORHOOD IN SANTA MARIA.

Poconé, Claudia Alves 23 March 2010 (has links)
In areas of subnormal settlement in the Brazilian cities, questions about infrastructure, sanitation and basic services to reflect the social exclusion suffered by your habitants. Santa Maria s district in Aracaju city is an area which receives considerable investments from state government through the buildings, infrastructure and social inclusion actions. This research intends to recognize and to analyze the social description about habitation and beneficiaries warrant habitation and social coach by habitation s projects in Santa Maria s district. This research was developed in two reviews which they were accomplished during one year, and the first was realized two months after beginning the state intervention. The social representation about habitation came to light having many aspects that s includes physical and social s features. The house to the participants is like a refuge they received with cost; although it was emphasized the risky and insalubrity s in the area. The participants report that they never had any access to habitations and now they will go to get it. There was a hope among the participants about the relationships and the new links and social behavior that they associated their personal conduct with their merits in benefit received. Representations about the present, with the current habitations, and the future, which were viewed through all projects, they were showed the continuous process of recreation in the representations with this phenomenon not common. / Nas áreas de assentamento subnormal das cidades brasileiras, problemas relacionados a infraestrutura, saneamento e serviços básicos ao cidadão formam o retrato da exclusão social sofrida por seus habitantes. O Bairro Santa Maria, no município de Aracaju, é uma dessas áreas, que atualmente recebe grande investimento estatal através de obras de infra-estrutura, construção de casas e ações de inclusão social. Esta pesquisa visa identificar e analisar as Representações Sociais sobre a Moradia e o Direito à Moradia para Beneficiários e Técnicos Sociais de projetos habitacionais no bairro Santa Maria. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em dois estudos, realizados com um intervalo de um ano, sendo o primeiro realizado dois meses após o início da intervenção estatal no local. A Represe ntação Social da Moradia apareceu como um conceito multifacetado abrangendo características físicas e sociais. A casa para os participantes aparece como um abrigo e um bem conseguido com muito sacrifício; mas também foram ressaltadas a precariedade e insalubridade do local. Os participantes consideraram não ter acesso ao Direito à Moradia, o que seria conseguido com as novas moradias. Havia ainda uma expectativa entre os Beneficiários sobre uma construção de novos vínculos e modos de condutas sociais que associaram seu comportamento pessoal com merecimento sobre o benefício recebido. As representações sobre o presente, na figura das moradias atuais, e o futuro, visualizado através dos projetos, revelaram o processo contínuo de recriação das representações diante da não-familiaridade deste fenômeno.

Narrativas e representações sociais sobre a atuação fonoaudiológica na escola / Narratives and social representation about the speech and language therapy actuation in the school

Didier, Maria Carolina Caldas 02 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:24:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria didier.pdf: 710580 bytes, checksum: 0344885830674dca2c8edfa974bd8a9b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-02 / The Speech and Language Therapy had your origin in the educational environment, when the speech and language therapists were called rehabilitators and they looked for solutions to solve the language problems of the educationalists inside the school. Nowadays, it was detected some problems in this interlocution witch carry to a difficult in this activity. In this context, the aim of this research was to study representations which are in the base of the teacher and therapist s discussions about the actuation of this last one, in the school, in order to reach a better comprehension between these professionals and contribute to the consolidation this professional identity. Through what was obtained by a middle structures interview, with eight participants, we looked for analyze the results founded into two views: a dialogic one, suggest by Bakhtin, which considers the interaction fundamental to the language, and the other, which also brings the Moscovici ideas, about the social representations conformed by the communicative action influences in the society and which can be expressed through the common sense. What we found in this research make us think the Speech and Language Therapy, as we know in Recife, it is not clear about the aims of the actuation inside the school. The Therapists interviewed still have an actuation representation bonded to the beginning of the history of this job, toward to the student s difficulties, a reductionism view which could be emerged in these therapist s formations who don t understand the healthy promotion as a most effective way to actuate in this reality. In the teacher s view, about this theme, in spite of realize the bond to detection and treatment of pathologies, could emphasize this professional actuating in an inclusive view and to a student and teacher s Speech and Language Therapy prevention. In the end of this research we observed that, if the study investments in this area, continue not enough, if changes doesn t happen in the university conceptions in relation to the action of this job in the school and, specially, if the few who actuate in educational institutions continue with this reductionism view about what to do, we will lose one more field actuation inside of the Speech and language Therapy, in the same way that the education will lose professionals who can help to generate big changes in the teach / A Fonoaudiologia teve sua origem no meio educacional quando os fonoaudiólogos ainda eram chamados de reabilitadores e buscavam solucionar os problemas de linguagem dos educandos dentro da própria escola. Na atualidade, detectamos alguns problemas de interlocução que levam a uma dificuldade no exercício dessa atividade. Considerando-se esse contexto, o objetivo do trabalho foi estudar as representações que se encontram na base dos discursos produzidos por fonoaudiólogos e por professores sobre a atuação fonoaudiológica na escola, a fim de alcançar uma melhor compreensão a respeito do que circula entre esses profissionais, contribuindo, assim, para a consolidação da sua identidade profissional. Através dos dados obtidos com a realização de uma entrevista semi-estruturada, com oito participantes, buscamos analisar os resultados encontrados a partir de duas perspectivas: uma dialógica, sugerida por Bakhtin, que considera a interação como uma realidade fundamental para a linguagem; e outra, correspondente às idéias de Moscovici sobre as representações sociais geradas pelas influências comunicativas em ação na sociedade e que podem ser expressas por meio do senso comum. Os nossos achados sugerem que a Fonoaudiologia, tal como a conhecemos em Recife, não apresenta clareza em relação à sua proposta de atuação no meio escolar. Os fonoaudiólogos entrevistados possuem a representação de uma atuação ligada ao início da história da profissão, direcionada à percepção de dificuldades nos alunos, não compreendendo a promoção de saúde como uma forma mais eficaz de ação, demonstrando dessa maneira, uma visão reducionista de sua atuação, que se reflete na sua formação. A visão do professor sobre o mesmo tema, apesar de vinculada à detecção e ao tratamento de patologias, revela a necessidade do trabalho do fonoaudiólogo, especialmente se considerarmos a perspectiva inclusivista, bem como na prevenção fonoaudiológica para alunos e professores. Ao final da pesquisa, observamos que, se o investimento em estudos nessa área permanecer incipiente e, principalmente, se os poucos profissionais que atuam em instituições educacionais continuarem com uma visão limitada do seu papel, perderemos um campo de atuação da Fonoaudiologia, do mesmo modo que a Educação perderá um profissional que pode ajudar a gerar grandes mudanças no ensino

Métodos de recuperação pós-exercício: efeitos sobre o desempenho, marcadores fisiológicos, psicológicos, bioquímicos, imunológicos e sentidos atribuídos por sujeitos treinados / Post-exercise recovering methods: effects on physiological, psychological, biochemical, immunological, performance and sense markers applied by trained subjects

Alexandre Magno Câncio Bulhões 05 February 2013 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar o efeito agudo de três métodos de recuperação pós-exercício (recuperação ativa, passiva e crioterapia) sobre o desempenho físico, marcadores fisiológicos, psicológicos, bioquímicos e imunológicos, bem como os sentidos atribuídos por sujeitos treinados. Doze corredores treinados em provas de meio-fundo e fundo, voluntários, do gênero masculino (idade: 20,6 ± 1,7 anos; Massa corporal: 64,1 ± 5,6 Kg; Estatura: 1,74 ± 0,05 m.; Gordura corporal: 6,8 ± 2,7 %; VO2máx: 57,0 ± 5,9 mL.Kg-1.min-1; vVO2máx: 15,7 ± 1,7 Km/h; Tlim: 603 ± 243 s.) realizaram três corridas de 30 minutos, em esteira rolante, a 80% da vVO2max, estimado através de teste incremental. Em seguida foram aplicados os métodos de recuperação ativa (corrida a 40% da vVO2max), passiva (sentado em uma cadeira) e crioterapia (imersão em água com gelo quebrado a 5° [±1º] até a altura da crista ilíaca) por 20 minutos, em ordem contrabalanceada. Logo após, os sujeitos realizaram um teste de corrida (Tlim) a 100% da vVO2max. Uma semana antes da realização dos testes, foi realizado um procedimento de familiarização com os métodos de recuperação a serem aplicados. As taxas dos marcadores tempo limite de corrida, distúrbio de humor total, razão fadiga/vigor, percepção subjetiva de esforço, frequência cardíaca, lactato, IL-6, TNF-, leucócitos, neutrófilos, monócitos e linfócitos foram mensuradas no momento anterior a corrida (M1), após a corrida na esteira rolante (M2), imediatamente após a aplicação dos métodos recuperativos (M3) e após a aplicação do teste de corrida tempo limite (M4), exceto a PSE que foi mensurado no M1 e M4, e o Tlim e a entrevista (para análise de representações sociais) que foram realizadas no M4. Foram retirados 18ml de sangue venoso, em cada momento de coleta, para realização dos procedimentos de análise sanguínea. Após os resultados concluímos que o uso dos métodos de recuperação ativa, passiva ou crioterapia durante 20 minutos após uma corrida de 30 minutos a 80%vVO2máx não afetou o desempenho subsequente de corrida a 100%vVO2máx até a exaustão. A crioterapia promove maior queda na frequência cardíaca e menor remoção de lactato após exercício a 80%vVO2máx comparada aos métodos de recuperação ativa e passiva, promovendo maior produção de lactato e menor resposta cronotrópica durante corrida subsequente a 100%vVO2máx até a exaustão e que o uso da crioterapia não interfere na percepção de esforço e nas respostas psicológicas após o esforço, mas induz uma maior perturbação sobre os marcadores imunológicos, especificamente, sobre leucócitos e linfócitos. Na perspectiva qualitativa, verificou-se uma variedade discursiva sobre a escolha do melhor método de recuperação. Os sentidos que mais se destacaram foram: uma maior leveza do corpo, acalmando a musculatura e fica mais... assim, relaxado na crioterapia; ação natural do corpo e quando se está cansado paramos para descansar na recuperação passiva e; continuidade de movimentos, operabilidade, manutenção do ritmo e da normalidade na recuperação ativa / This study aimed at comparing the acute effect of three post-exercise recovering methods (active, passive and cryotherapy recovering) on the physical performance, physiological, psychological, biochemical, immunological, performance and sense markers attributed by trained subjects. Twelve male volunteer runners (aged 20.6 + 1.7 years old; Body mass: 64.1 + 5.6 kg; Height: 1.74 + 0.05 m; Body fat 6.8 + 2.7%; VO2máx: 57,0 ± 5,9 mL.Kg-1.min-1; vVO2máx: 15,7 ± 1,7 Km/h; Tlim: 603 ± 243 s.) trained in middle-distance and distance races have accomplished three 30-minute runnings on a treadmill at 80% of the vVO2, estimated through an incremental test. After that, the active (running at 40 % of the vVO2max), passive (sitting on a chair) and cryotherapy (immersion in water with broken ice at 5° [+ 1°] until the height of the iliac crest) recovering methods were applied for 20 minutes in counterbalanced order. Then, the subjects carried out a running test (Tlim) at 100% of the vVO2max. One week before the accomplishment of the tests, a procedure in order to familiarize them with the recovering methods to be applied was carried out. The running limit time markers, total humor disturb, fatigue/vigor ratio, subjective perception of effort, heart rate, lactate, IL-6, tnf-, leucocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes rates were measured at the moment before the running (M1), after running on the treadmill (M2), immediately after applying the recovering methods (M3) and after doing the limit time running test (M4), except the PSE, which was measured in M1 and M4, and the Tlim and the interview (to analyze the social representations), which were carried out in M4. 18 ml of venous blood were taken, in each moment of the blood collecting so as to carry out the blood analysis procedures. After the results, we reached the conclusion that the use of active, passive and cryotherapy recovering methods within 20 minutes after a 30-minute running at 80%vVO2máx hasnt affect the performance of a following running at 100%vVO2máx until exhaustion. The cryotherapy promotes a higher fall in the heart rate and a smaller lactate removal after the exercise at 80%vVO2máx, compared to the active and passive recovering methods, thus promoting higher production of lactate and a smaller chronotropic response during the follow-up running at 100%vVO2máx until exhaustion; and that the use of cryotherapy does not interfere in the effort perception or in the psychological responses after effort, but it leads to a higher disorder on the immunologic markers, specifically on the leucocytes and lymphocytes. Within the qualitative perspective, it was verified a discursive variety about the choice of the best recovering method. The senses which were highlighted most were, a larger lightness of the body, calming the muscles down and it gets sort of, relaxed in cryotherapy; natural action of the body and when youre tired we stop to rest in the passive recovering; and, continuity of movement, operability, keeping the rhythm and the normality in the active recovering

Educação do campo e professores de escolas rurais: as representações sociais sobre competência

Simone Guimarães Braz 24 June 2014 (has links)
The Field Education, in accordance with the legal provisions, is the Basic Education aimed at the rural population and the determination of its Operational Guidelines, proposals for adequacy of school with the country life are established. In related educational policies are mentioned contextual dimensions of the field, covering purposes for the pedagogical work and the training of teaching working in this area. Thus, the objectives of this study lie in contextualizing the Field Education, meet the duties assigned to teachers by educational policy field, trace the sociodemographic profile of educators and to identify the social representations of these teachers on professional competence. To achieve the study objectives, this research is characterized as basic, exploratory and descriptive, with quantitative and qualitative approach. The subjects are 88 teachers of basic education active in local rural schools Taubaté, Pindamonhangaba, São Luiz do Paraitinga, Redenção da Serra and state belonging to the Regional Board of Education of Taubaté and Pindamonhangaba. A semistructured interview and questionnaire are the tools used for data collection. Qualitative data were treated from the content analysis. Quantitative data were analyzed as having support for data quantification by Sphinx software and organized in graphs and tables. Qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis (BARDIN, 2011) and categorized by units of meaning. The number of interviews obeys the criterion of saturation data, and interviewed 23 teachers of rural schools. Results indicate that the teachers of rural schools surveyed in its most feminine, unaware of the principles of Field Education and the legislation that supports these precepts. Recognize the dimensions of teaching, including the difficulties encountered in this profession. The professional reference of respondents is still rooted in the propositions of education developed in urban areas. While acknowledging the specificity of field space, yet incorporate in their discourses and practices. Initial and ongoing training of teachers surveyed did not include training for the rural context, the practice in these schools is driven by knowledge of everyday life experience. The representation of competence sets up a series of actions, but actions related to quality, namely, how to do and do well. It is believed that the contributions of this study will help to rethink the processes of teacher education that operates in rural schools in understanding the precepts of Rural Education. / A Educação do Campo, de acordo com as disposições legais, compreende a Educação Básica destinada à população rural e nas determinações de suas Diretrizes Operacionais, são estabelecidas propostas de adequação da escola com a vida no campo. Nas referentes políticas educacionais, são mencionadas as dimensões contextuais do campo, abrangendo propósitos para o trabalho pedagógico e para a formação do profissional docente que atua nesta área. Desta forma, os objetivos deste estudo situam-se em contextualizar a Educação do Campo, conhecer as competências designadas pelas políticas educacionais aos professores do campo, traçar o perfil sociodemográfico dos educadores e identificar as representações sociais destes docentes sobre competência. Para atingir os objetivos do estudo, esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como básica, exploratória e descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa. Os sujeitos são 88 professores da Educação Básica atuantes em escolas rurais municipais de Taubaté, Pindamonhangaba, São Luiz do Paraitinga, Redenção da Serra e as estaduais pertencentes à Diretoria Regional de Ensino de Taubaté e Pindamonhangaba. A entrevista semi-estruturada e o questionário são os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta de dados. Os dados qualitativos foram tratados a partir da análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 2011) e categorizados segundo unidades de significado. Os dados quantitativos analisados tiveram como suporte a quantificação dos dados pelo software Sphinx e organizados em gráficos e tabelas. O número de entrevistas obedece ao critério de saturação de dados, sendo 23 professores de escolas rurais entrevistados. Os resultados apontam que o professores das escolas rurais pesquisadas, em sua maioria feminina, desconhecem os princípios da Educação do Campo e a legislação que respalda estes preceitos. Reconhecem as dimensões da docência, incluindo as dificuldades encontradas no exercício desta profissão. A referência profissional dos pesquisados ainda encontra-se enraizada nas proposições da educação desenvolvida nas áreas urbanas. Embora reconheçam a especificidade do espaço do campo, ainda não incorporam em seus discursos e práticas. A formação inicial e continuada dos docentes pesquisados não contempla uma formação para o contexto rural, a prática nestas escolas é conduzida pelos conhecimentos do cotidiano, da experiência. A representação de competência configura-se numa série de ações, mas ações vinculadas à qualidade, ao saber, saber fazer e fazer bem. Acredita-se que as contribuições deste estudo seja repensar os processos de formação do professor que atua em escolas rurais na compreensão dos preceitos da Educação do Campo.

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