Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SOCIAL REPRODUCTION"" "subject:"[enn] SOCIAL REPRODUCTION""
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Drömjobbet- en planerad resa? : En kvantitativ analys kring vilka faktorer som påverkar personalvetarstudenters val av framtida arbete.Colde, Elina, Dahl, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att förklara samt karaktärisera personalvetarstudenters framtida yrkesval. Syftet preciseras med hjälp av två frågeställningar: Vilka karriärval strävar personalvetarstudenter mot? och Hur visar sig relationen mellan karriärval och personalvetares habitus? Studiens utgångspunkt grundar sig i teorier om habitus påverkan på karriärval. Habitus omfattar social kontext, familjebakgrund, erfarenheter, möjligheter och maktspel inom de sociala rummen. Studien utgår även från tidigare forskning inom det valda området vilka utgörs av studier och artiklar som belyser karriärvalets komplexitet och dess olika påverkansfaktorer.Studiens empiri bygger på ett urval av 101 personalvetarstudenter vid Uppsala Universitet. För att kunna besvara frågeställningar har en typologi över studenterna förankrats. Den baseras på studenternas handlingsmönster varpå två distinkta typer kunde utläsas: strategen och den luststyrda. Studiens resultat indikerar att personalvetarstudenter strävar främst mot att arbeta inom välkända, stora företag som inger hög status och ger möjlighet till meningsfulla- och stimulerande arbetsuppgifter. Respondenterna är generellt mer benägna att socialt reproduceras, i enlighet med deras familjebakgrund, än att utföra en vertikal- eller horisontell förflyttning. Slutligen påvisar resultatet att respondenternas karriärval är påverkade av deras habitus trots att detta ofta ter sig omedvetet.
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Agroecologia, resistência e reprodução social: o caso da Associação de Produtores em Agroecologia do município de Pão de AçúcarBenatto, Leandro 27 May 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Agro ecology have gained in a contradictory way more space in the global countryside. In Brazil, their inclusion in public policy reflects the demand and the political strength of this segment played by family farmers. In this context, access to such public policies on the one hand represents an opportunity to enter markets, ensuring the generation of income, autonomy and social reproduction of family farming in order to sociopolitical transformations towards sustainable rural development and on the other hand, operates tactically as capital expansion mechanism to incorporate the products and services from the practices and ways of living and working from the peasantry and the discourse of sustainability as economic dynamism elements. Before this problem, this thesis presents a case study to farmers of the Association of Producers in Agro ecology Sugar Loaf County (APAOrgânico) in Alagoas hinterland, and seeks to understand the process of construction of agro ecological experience APAOrgânico by social subjects from their practices, their ways of life, and their social reproduction strategies and, tangentially, as this is articulated and the influence of public policies for decision making and adherence to agro ecology. The study reconstructs the principal socio-productive systems engendered by the family agriculture to facilitate their social reproduction (economic and cultural) in the riverside portion of Sugarloaf municipality in a sociopolitical context dominated by agrarian elite rancher and its modern expression: agribusiness. The research showed the presence of agro ecological principles and practices carried out by peasant farmers related to the traditional management of the coastal ecosystem as identity elements and sociability, such as rice cultivation in "battalion" system, integrated practice of agriculture and artisanal fisheries, cotton intercropping with food crops, creating loose cattle in the bush and marketing at fairs and local markets. Agro ecology in this context is a constituent part of the lifestyle of the coastal farmers. However, social and environmental changes caused changes in lifestyle requiring flexibility and development strategies to ensure social reproduction. Thus, the membership organization for the production and marketing of organic food emerges as differential accessed by farmers as a marketing opportunity, a chance to facilitate their social reproduction. In this context of multiple interests, dialectically the riverside family farmers linked to APAOrgânico agency develops mechanisms and actively define their forms of resistance, their ways of life and their social reproduction strategies. This concrete experience points to the reflection characteristics of the institutional environment around the agro ecology promotion in the local context, in which case strongly marked by the socio-political environment, the interpersonal relations and the entrepreneurial bias, aspects that will determine the shape and contour of experience agro ecological of APAOrgânico. / A agroecologia vem conquistando cada vez mais espaço no mundo rural globalizado. No Brasil, sua inclusão em políticas públicas reflete a demanda e a força política desse segmento protagonizado pelos agricultores familiares, camponeses e comunidades tradicionais. Nesse contexto, o acesso a tais políticas públicas representa, por um lado, uma possibilidade de inserção em mercados, garantindo a geração de renda, autonomia e a reprodução social da agricultura familiar com vistas às transformações sociopolíticas na direção do desenvolvimento rural sustentável e, por outro, opera taticamente como mecanismo de ampliação do capital ao incorporar os produtos e serviços oriundos das práticas e modos de viver e trabalhar do campesinato e o discurso da sustentabilidade como elementos de dinamismo econômico. Diante desta problemática, a presente dissertação apresenta um estudo de caso realizado junto aos agricultores da Associação dos Produtores em Agroecologia do Município de Pão de Açúcar (APAOrgânico) no sertão alagoano e busca compreender o processo de construção da experiência agroecológica da APAOrgânico pelos sujeitos sociais a partir de suas práticas, seus modos de vida, e suas estratégias de reprodução social e, de forma tangencial, como essa experiência se articula e qual a influência das políticas públicas para a tomada de decisão e a adesão à agroecologia. O estudo reconstrói os principais sistemas socioprodutivos engendrados pela agriculta familiar camponesa para viabilizar sua reprodução social (econômica e cultural) na porção ribeirinha do município de Pão de Açúcar em um contexto sociopolítico dominado pela elite agrário-pecuarista e sua expressão moderna: o agronegócio. A pesquisa evidenciou a presença de princípios e práticas agroecológicos realizados pelos agricultores camponeses relacionados ao manejo tradicional do ecossistema ribeirinho como elementos de identidade e de sociabilidade, como a cultivo do arroz em sistema de “batalhão” - prática integrada de agricultura e pesca artesanal -, o cultivo consorciado de algodão com culturas de subsistência, a criação de gado solto na caatinga e a comercialização em feiras e mercados de proximidade. A agroecologia, neste contexto, é parte constituinte do modo de vida dos agricultores ribeirinhos. No entanto, mudanças socioambientais provocaram alterações no modo de vida local, exigindo flexibilidade e desenvolvimento de estratégias para garantir a reprodução social. Desse modo, a organização associativa para produção e comercialização de alimentos orgânicos emerge como diferencial acessado pelos agricultores familiares como uma oportunidade de comercialização, uma possibilidade para viabilizar sua reprodução social. Nesse contexto de múltiplos interesses, de forma dialética o agricultor familiar ribeirinho vinculado à APAOrgânico desenvolve mecanismos de agência e de maneira ativa define suas formas de resistência, seus modos de vida e suas estratégias de reprodução social. Essa experiência concreta aponta para a reflexão das particularidades do ambiente institucional em torno da promoção da agroecologia no contexto local, sendo neste caso fortemente marcado pela conjuntura sociopolítica, pelas relações interpessoais e pelo viés empreendedor, aspectos que irão determinar a forma e o contorno da experiência agroecológica da APAOrgânico.
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Investigating socio-spatial trajectories of class formation: Accumulation from below and above on 'New Qwa Qwa farms' from the mid-1980s to 2016Ngubane, Mnqobi Mthandeni January 2020 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This thesis investigates socio-spatial trajectories of class formation and processes of accumulation from below and above on redistributed farmland, the ‘New Qwaqwa Farms’ in the Eastern Free State province of South Africa, from the mid-1980s to 2016. Class formation trajectories of the studied land beneficiaries are traced across localised historical geographies and political contexts, from apartheid to the current democratic dispensation, that is, from the land beneficiaries’ recent ancestral history as labour tenants on white-owned farmland, and subsequent systematic expulsions from farmland, to their Bantustan labour reserve resuscitations as mainly nonagricultural petty commodity producers, and later targeting for land reform, as one measure of redistribution. The study adopted a mixed-methods survey, combining indepth qualitative and quantitative data, informed by critical realism and historical materialism within Marxist agrarian political economy. This methodology was retrospective, circumspective and prospective in unravelling agricultural households’ livelihood trajectories over time and space. The state’s targeting of classes of labour and fragments of the middle class as beneficiaries of land reform in the area of study has materialised into heterogeneous land reform outcomes centred on differentiated farming systems, farming scales, and farm labour requirements. Research findings suggest class differentiation of a sample of 62 cases of family farms into agricultural households engaged in social reproduction (50%), simple reproduction (26%), and accumulation (24%). The first two categories, constituting 76% of the sample, are essentially small-scale capitalist enterprises engaged in constrained and successful reproduction of capital – some of these households can be theorised as an impoverished landed property for their reliance on farm-rental income, combined with marginal farming, and precarious off-farm work for social reproduction. These are small-scale capitalist enterprises on the basis of the capital-wage relation. Their farm production rest upon small livestock herd reproduction and generalised renting out of arable and grazing land. A minority of these small-scale capitalist farms use solely family labour and can thus be defined as petty commodity producers on the basis of their embodiment of the capital-wage relation in one soul or family. The third category constitutes agricultural households on upward trajectories of capital accumulation from below and above, through expanded reproduction of mixed-farming systems, expressed in intensive farming of small but
capitalised farms, as well as extensive farming expressed in livestock expansion/accumulation and renting in of additional grazing land, plus capital intensive crop expansion on non-irrigated land and renting in of additional arable land by some of the top 24% of the sample. These research findings illuminate heterogeneous land reform outcomes centred on improved access to land for widening the base of social reproduction for classes of labour, and attendant simple reproduction of small-scale capitalist farms. This heterogeneity also includes the function of land reform for accumulation of capital for the black middle class who can muster off-farm capital resources into expanded farm
reproduction on their own and without accumulation from above, demonstrated by some accumulators in the area of study. Accumulation from above is taking place on some of the studied land reform farms, often through intersections with economic histories of accumulation from below, exposing the contradictions of capitalism and attendant compulsions of accumulators to accumulate capital by any means necessary. The downside of accumulation from above, however, through capture of public agricultural subsidy in the area of study, is that the collective 76% of the sample at the lower ends of social differentiation and those accumulators excluded from extraeconomic accumulation, are barred from accessing state subsidy that benefit a few politically-connected farmers. Whether class alliances across those excluded from
accessing state subsidy will materialise into overt political action in demanding a share of public goods from the local ruling elite remains to be seen. These research findings contribute to a heterogeneous understanding of land reform which is sensitive to differentiated livelihood outcomes. Prospectively, this suggests much-needed government policy tailored to different classes of farmers in post land reform localities.
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“Duschade och bytte du om?” : Grundskollärares syn på ombyte och dusch över tid / “Did you change and shower?” : Primary school teachers view of changing and shower over timeÖhrman, Mattis, Baad-Heimer, Love January 2022 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien är att undersöka om och hur lärare från olika generationer som undervisar i idrott och hälsa på grundskolenivå upplever att synen på ombyte och dusch förändrats över tid. De frågeställningar som kommer användas för att uppnå studiens syfte är: - Hur upplever lärare från olika generationer den förändring som skett i synen på ombyte och dusch i samband med idrott och hälsa? - Hur legitimerar lärare i idrott och hälsa från olika generationer ombytet och duschens vara eller icke vara i samband med lektioner i ämnet idrott och hälsa? Metod Studien har en kvalitativ metodologisk ansats, med semistrukturerade intervjuer som metod. Urvalet gjordes genom ett strategiskt urval. Urvalet bestod av sex aktiva examinerade grundskollärare i idrott och hälsa. Intervjuerna genomfördes i videokonferensprogrammet Zoom. För analys av datainsamlingen tillämpades tematisk analys. Studien har influerats i huvudsak av två teoretiska ramverk. Dessa är läroplansteorin och Pierre Bourdieus habitus och reproduktionsteorier. Resultat Resultatet av studien visar på att de lärare som intervjuats är till majoritet överens om att förändringen som skett i synen på ombyte och dusch i samband med ämnet idrott och hälsa över tid, snarare ligger i en förändring av attityd hos eleverna än något annat. Resultatet visar också att majoriteten av lärarna som intervjuats legitimerar ombytet och duschens vara eller icke vara med någon form av nedärvd metod från sin egen skolgång. Slutsats De slutsatser som dras i den föreliggande studien är att genom Pierre Bourdieus habitus och sociala reproduktion visar samtliga respondenterna i studien att en förändring skett i synen på ombyte och dusch över tid. Detta oavsett vilken generation läraren tillhör. En anledning till detta kan ses i läroplanen som i studien använts som ett tidsdokument utifrån läroplansteorin. Där förändringar i samhällssynen lett till förändringar i formuleringen av läroplanen. / Aim The aim of the study was to examine whether and how teachers from different generations who teach physical education and health at primary school level experience that the view of change and showering changes over time. The research questions that will be used to achieve the purpose of the study are: - How do teachers from different generations experience the change that has taken place in the view of changing and shower in connection with physical education? - How do teachers of physical education from different generations legitimize the change and the shower to be or not to be in connection with lessons in the subject of physical education? Method The study has a qualitative methodological approach, with semi-structured interviews as a method. The selection was made through a strategic selection. The sample consisted of six active graduate primary school teachers in physical education. The interviews are conducted in the video conferencing program Zoom. Thematic analysis is applied for analysis of the data collection. The study has been influenced mainly by two theoretical frameworks. These are curriculum theory and Pierre Bourdieu's habitus and reproduction theories. Results The results of studies show that teachers interviewed for the most part agree that the change that has taken place in the view of change and shower in connection with the subject of physical education over time, is rather a change in the attitude of the students than anything else. The results also show that most of the teachers interviewed legitimize the change and the presence or absence of the shower with some form of inherited method from their own schooling. Conclusion The conclusions drawn in the present study are that through Pierre Bourdieu's habitus and social reproduction, all respondents in the study show that there has been a change in the view of changing and showering over time. This regardless of which generation the teacher belongs to. One reason why this can be seen in the curriculum, which in the study was used as a time document based on the curriculum theory. Where changes in the view of society have led to changes in the formulation of the curriculum.
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Resisting work : Collective perspectives onequality and liberationFetterplace, Cameron January 2021 (has links)
Wage work, as a norm and institution, is more and more obviously incapable of fulfilling its promises: for gender equality, social integration, meaning, or even equitably meeting our basic needs. Yet, despite struggles for more, less, or better work, there is minimal public protest against work itself. Using qualitative, open-ended survey responses from 34 people who described themselves as resisting traditional work norms, this study explores the ways the participants conceive of work and their resistance to it. A feminist work-critical theoretical lens and reflexive thematic analysis as method are brought to bear on underexplored collective motivations and justifications for resisting work. The results indicate that people are not only driven by individualistic motives to resist work, but see work as in conflict with the basic needs of human connection and caring for social relationships.They also desire even more freedom from work than they have already achieved, and for this freedom to include everybody.
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Women's Time and Reproductive Anxiety in Contemporary Horror FilmsZhang, Qian 01 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Figuring Women's Work: The Cultural Production of Care and Labor in the Industrial U.S.Bartkowski, Lindsay J January 2020 (has links)
Scholars conventionally begin their investigation of U.S. labor history with industrialization, focusing on forms of industrial labor, union organization, and labor legislation, to the exclusion of work performed in the “private sphere”: domestic, service, and care labor. But by presuming that these forms of “women’s work” were outside the market and the interests of labor, scholars obscure a vast array of historical possibilities that precede our present economic and social order. This dissertation reads against this prevailing tendency in labor and working-class studies to pose the question: what if the antecedents of our present culture and economy may be found not merely in the industrial past, but in the nineteenth-century home? After all, whether in the gig and service economies, or in white-collar workplaces, the vast majority of working people now engage in some form of service, care, and affective labor. Figuring Women’s Work seeks to denaturalize our relationship to work, revealing that labor is a historically contingent political concept in order to expand the scope of what counts as work and open further lines of inquiry into both working-class studies and U.S. literary and cultural studies.
To pursue its hypothesis, this dissertation performs a genealogical investigation of service labor, beginning in the antebellum period when housewives and their servants struggled over the meaning of domestic labor in a slaveholding republic, and continuing through the early twentieth century as forms of women’s work were commercialized in the public sphere. In this context, social anxieties about the relationship among gender, race, economic dependency, and labor were articulated in literary forms like the seduction novel and servants’ tale, by leaders of social movements, and in legal battles that sought to distinguish market from domestic relations. These social tensions, each chapter argues, found symbolic resolution in the cultural idealization of a figure of labor—whether the celebration of the housewife as a pillar of democratic society, the Mammy as a selfless caregiver, the “office wife” as a model of industriousness and accommodation, or the sweated immigrant homeworker as a pitiable and romantic object of the philanthropic housewife’s charity. Reading literature written by working women, including Catharine Beecher, Harriet Jacobs, Harriet Wilson, Willa Cather, Anzia Yezierska, and Alice Childress, I demonstrate how the figures of women’s work were forged in relation to each other in order to apprehend the elaborate and racially segregated system of women workers engaged in the labor of social reproduction.
Whereas conventional approaches to labor treat domestic work and service as “invisible,” Figuring Women’s Work argues instead that the domestic labor relations that emerged in the antebellum home were described by a metaphorics of kinship, modeled on the myth of the “plantation family” that figured master and slave as parent and child. Within the cultural mythology that developed, housewives were imagined as “second mothers” to their childlike, foreign, and racialized charges, in a relationship of mutual obligation and affection. Even as women’s work was commercialized, and the labor of social reproduction was increasingly performed outside of the home, the notion that women should perform out of a sense of duty to others, rather than in pursuit of economic self-interest, persisted. The metaphorics of kinship, the idea that workers should see themselves as a “part of the family” was adapted to public workplaces like offices, businesses, and retailers. Now, a century later, the cultural imperative to perform an affect of “self-denying benevolence,” a demand first issued by nineteenth-century housewives to their slaves and servants, is widely felt by working people across industries and classes who, dominant cultural ideologies suggest, should labor out of “love” and love to labor. / English
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[pt] Essa dissertação pretende debater o encontro entre feminismo e marxismo, a partir da análise central da Campanha Internacional Salários pelo Trabalho Doméstico, que tomou forma na década de 1970. A atual relevância da produção teórica e atividade política dessas feministas se dá na medida em que contribui para uma crítica da situação das mulheres no contexto de sua inserção no sistema capitalista, ou seja, das relações que se estabelecem entre elas e o capital. Segundo as autoras cujos trabalhos serão fundamentais para esta dissertação, no capitalismo, a posição social da mulher está atrelada, em boa medida, a sua exploração invisibilizada na esfera da reprodução social – aquela que engloba tudo que é necessário à reprodução da classe trabalhadora em sua condição de dependência e subordinação – da qual o modo de produção capitalista é dependente. Essas análises se desenvolveram à luz dos debates sobre a exploração do trabalho doméstico e sexual das mulheres no interior da família e perderam sua força desde a chamada virada neoliberal. A partir da década de 80, a agenda feminista se concentraria cada vez mais em pautas liberais, refletindo uma política individualista e abandonando, em boa medida, os debates em torno dos efeitos que a reorganização mundial da reprodução social, nesse período, impunha sobre os corpos e as subjetividades femininas. Acreditamos que, sem atentar para essas questões, arrisca-se a manter um feminismo que cuide sempre de sintomas, entendendo-os como a raiz dos problemas. / [en] This dissertation intend to discuss the encounter among feminism and Marxism, based on the main analysis of the International Campaign Wages for Housework, which took shape in the 1970s. The current relevance of the theoretical production and political activity of these feminists is given as it contributes for a critique of the women situation in the context of their incorporation in the capitalist system, that is, of the relations established between them and capital. According to the authors whose work will be fundamental to this dissertation, in capitalism, women s social position is, to a large extent, tied to their invisible exploitation in the sphere of social reproduction – that which encompasses all that is necessary for the reproduction of the working class in conditions of dependence and subordination – on which the capitalist mode of production is dependent. These analyzes have developed in the light of the debates about the exploitation of women s domestic and sexual work within the family and have lost their strength since neoliberal politics has taken place. From the 1980s, the feminist agenda would increasingly focus on liberal patterns, reflecting an individualistic political view, and largely abandoning debates about the effects of the worldwide reorganization of social reproduction on the female bodies and subjectivities. We believe that, without looking at these issues, we risk maintaining a feminism that always takes care of symptoms, understanding them as the root of problems.
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In The Critical Tradition: An Examination Of National Board Certified Teachers In A Central Florida School DistrictFlanigan, Jacquelyn 01 January 2008 (has links)
In 1986, the Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy published A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century in which it recommended that a National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) be established to ascertain and institute criteria for teacher excellence (Steiner, 1995). No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) mandated that every classroom employ a "highly qualified teacher" (No Child Left Behind, 2001a); moreover, NCLB articulated the relationship between improving student achievement and higher standards for qualifying classroom teachers (Rotberg, Futrell & Lieberman, 1998). Research conducted in Miami-Dade County supports Florida's use of National Board Certification (NBC) as an "effective signal of teacher quality"(CNA Corporation, 2004, p.1). Critical theorist, Michael Apple, emphasized the role of education as an agent for the maintenance of hegemony (Apple, 2004). However, Apple further posited that the actual bureaucracy of school - the institution of education itself - is reflective of the same consumerist ideology of society, thus making the hegemony even more complete. Using the aforementioned theoretical construct, the researcher examined the development of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), the distribution of Nationally Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) in a central Florida school district, and their professional responsibilities as a means of examining whether this mechanism for identifying "highly qualified teachers" achieves its stated aim of providing every student with access to a "highly qualified" teacher, as is legislated and funded per NCLB.
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"Three meals a day and a place to stay" : Non-waged labor, household formation and the politics of scale on organic farms in the southeastern United StatesMirabito, Dean January 2023 (has links)
Family farms practicing organic agriculture often struggle to make a profit. Unable to pay wages, farms are increasingly recruiting laborers who agree to work without pay, instead receiving food and accommodation. To date, there has been little research examining everyday life in farm households shared by familial owner-operators and non-waged laborers. Based on ethnographic fieldwork at organic farms in the southeastern United States, this thesis describes how farm work, housework and consumption are organized in these households. Situating my analysis within debates on the agrarian question, I investigate how the recruitment of non-waged labor affects the ability of farm-family households to reproduce themselves. My findings suggest that, though farm owner-operators recruit non-waged laborers with the expectation of solving labor challenges, their recruitment produces numerous conflicts internal to the household. I analyze how farm owner-operators deploy scale constructions to defend and legitimize arrangements of productive and social-reproductive work which preserve the ability to self-exploit. I also show how laborer’s bodies are identified as both the problem and the solution in conflicts over consumption. Through attention to the lived experiences of farmworkers, this thesis contributes to debates concerning the social sustainability of organic farming.
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