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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The leadership capability to scale social enterprises : An exploratory study about the factors that shape social entrepreneurs' capability to scale social enterprises / Ledarskapsförmågan för tillväxt av sociala företag : En utforskande studie om faktorerna som formar sociala entreprenörers förmåga att skapa tillväxt i sociala företag

Savu, Alice, J Hillyer, Jessica January 2022 (has links)
Background: The world’s population is confronting challenges related to sustainability. Businesses can and should contribute to solving these challenges, through their activities. Social entrepreneurs are the driving force of scaling social enterprises, through which economic and social value can be maximized. Hence, it is important to understand the leadership factors that shape a social entrepreneur’s capability to lead scaling processes. Purpose: To explore the role leadership factors play in social entrepreneurs’ capability to scale social enterprises Method: Ontology- Relativism; Epistemology- Social constructionism; Strategy- Qualitative, Exploratory; Design- Inductive, Grounded theory; Data collection- 11 Semi-structured interviews; Sampling- Purposive, Snowball; Data analysis- Grounded analysis. Conclusion: Several leadership factors, including background, personality characteristics and skills, motivation, team, work environment, networks and partnerships, environmental forces, and underlying factors, are identified as shaping social entrepreneurs’ capability to scale. By acknowledging not only multiple leadership factors but also on what level they exist and how they are connected, novel insights about social entrepreneurs’ capability to scale are offered.

Gemensamt värdeskapande i praktiken : En kvalitativ studie som undersöker värdeskapande aktiviteter samt avvägningen mellan företagsnytta och samhällsnytta.

Frykman, Lydia, Wennerström, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Gemensamt värdeskapande i praktiken Författare: Lydia Frykman och Johanna Wennerström Handledare: Rasmus Nyqvist Bakgrund: I dagens samhälle är utmaningarna inom hållbarhet högst väsentliga, till följd av att företag inte tar sitt fulla ekonomiska, ekologiska och sociala samhällsansvar. CSV har som ett resultat av detta blivit alltmer uppmärksammat då konceptet belyser företagens roll i att driva hållbarhetsutvecklingen framåt. Det saknas däremot empiriskt underlag som visar hur företag kan arbeta för att uppnå gemensamt värdeskapande i praktiken, samt hur den komplexa avvägningen mellan företagsnytta och samhällsnytta ska gå till. Därför undersöker denna kvalitativa studie värdeskapande aktiviteter samt avvägningen mellan företagsnytta och samhällsnytta. Syfte: Syftet är att bidra med en ökad förståelse för de aktiviteter som skapar gemensamt värde, vad som krävs för att företagen ska motiveras till dessa aktiviteter samt för hur företag hanterar den komplexa avvägningen mellan företagsnytta och samhällsnytta. Metod: Denna kvalitativa studie utgår från ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv, har en tvärsnittsdesign och en abduktiv forskningsansats. Det empiriska underlaget samlades in genom två studier, som bestod av semistrukturerade intervjuer med företagsrespondenter och experter inom ämnet. Slutsats: Resultaten från studien tyder på att företagen utövar CSV-aktiviteter i olika utsträckning, men att en stor utmaning är att identifiera när det är ekonomiskt rationellt att uppnå ett gemensamt värde. Vidare har studien klargjort att det finns flera drivkrafter till att uppnå gemensamt värdeskapande. Däremot behöver dagens lagkrav ytterligare förtydligande och förbättring, för att företagen ska agera mer osjälviskt. Studien lyfter avvägningen mellan företagsnytta och samhällsnytta och det framgår att det är denna del som är mest väsentlig i diskussionen om hur företag kan uppnå gemensamt värdeskapande. Slutligen har företagens utvecklingsriktning visat att det har adderats en intention om att göra gott för samhället, men faktumet att den ekonomiska faktorn väger tyngst kvarstår. / Title: Creating Shared Value In PracticeAuthors: Lydia Frykman and Johanna Wennerström Supervisor: Rasmus Nyqvist Background: In today's society, the challenges connected to sustainability are highly significant, as a result of companies not fully taking their economic, environmental and social responsibility. As a result, CSV has received increased attention as the concept highlights companies’ role in driving sustainability forward. However, there is a lack of empirical evidence showing how companies can work to achieve shared value in practice, as well as displaying how the complex trade-off between economic and social value creation should be handled. Therefore, this qualitative study examines value- creating activities and the trade-off between economic and social value creation. Purpose: The aim of the study is to contribute to an increased understanding of the activities that create shared value, what it is that motivates the companies to these activities and for how companies manage the complex trade-off between economic and social value creation. Methodology: This qualitative study is from a hermeneutic perspective, has a cross- sectional study design and an abductive research approach. The empirical evidence was collected through two studies, which consisted of semi-structured interviews with respondents from practice and experts within the field. Conclusion: The results of the study displays that companies practice CSV activities, however it ́s explained that it's hard to determine when it's economically rational to achieve shared value and not. Additionally, the study has clarified several driving forces to achieve shared value. Although, it ́s declared that today's legal regulations need further clarification, in order for companies to act more selflessly. Furthermore, the study highlights the trade-off between economic and social value creation and it appears from the results that this ́s the most essential part in the discussion of how companies can achieve shared value. Finally, the companies’ development has shown that an intention to do good for the society has been added, however, the fact that the economic aspect weighs the most still remains.

“JUST” Business and Often Personal: An Exploration Into the Incidents Social Entrepreneurs Identify as Critical to Leading Their Enterprises

Kalakay, Jerrid P. 14 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Integración de los elementos intangibles del paisaje en la gestión de los puertos deportivos mediante la aplicación de métodos de decisión multicriterio

Martín Polo, Ricardo 19 December 2024 (has links)
[ES] El objeto de esta tesis doctoral es cuantificar la importancia de los componentes intangibles del paisaje en la gestión de los puertos deportivos, aplicando métodos de decisión multicriterio. El paisaje es un concepto que integra el medio físico, la presencia de un observador y una mirada subjetiva fruto, a su vez, de un momento determinado. Este concepto tiene su origen en el arte y, en su evolución, ha ido adquiriendo mayor significación. Sin embargo, las diversas acepciones han ido quedando englobadas en el mismo término, lo que puede originar confusión en la interpretación de su expresión. En cualquier caso, dicha significación deberá encontrarse complementada en su contexto. El actual concepto de paisaje queda recogido en el Convenio Europeo del Paisaje, que supone una definición con carácter extensivo, integrador y dinámico, suponiendo un reconocimiento jurídico del mismo. El elemento crucial en el paisaje estriba en la subjetividad, que le proporciona una característica distintiva en cada individuo. La forma en que se produce la relación entre el medio físico y el observador, así como en los mecanismos por lo que se incorporan al conocimiento, marcan el proceso de percepción y asimilación, No obstante, las condiciones socioculturales crean patrones que condicionan estos mecanismos llegando, en casos extremos, a disociarse de la realidad que los sustenta. Así pues, el conocimiento de los patrones culturales que filtran la mirada y la escala de aproximación a la significación del entorno, resultan factores sustanciales en los procesos de percepción y asimilación del entorno, en el análisis y la interpretación del paisaje. Los puertos deportivos son instalaciones que se encuentran fuertemente vinculadas al turismo náutico. Se trata de elementos de transición entre el medio marítimo y el terrestre, proporcionando acomodo y actividades de ocio. Los puertos deportivos presentan una serie de relaciones con su entorno, con afecciones de carácter recíproco. Por una parte, existe una serie de condicionantes de carácter ambiental y social sobre el puerto deportivo, por lo que puede servir de espacio de oportunidad para proporcionar nuevos servicios basados en el potencial espacial y en los recursos naturales locales. Por otro lado, el puerto deportivo representa una oportunidad de revitalización de las comunidades próximas, no solo por los recursos tangibles, sino por los componentes intangibles. Dentro del primer grupo, el puerto puede incorporar materiales, colores y texturas diversas que den lugar a unos contornos y siluetas características, y que creen una imagen reconocible del mismo. Igualmente, es espacio portuario representa un área de oportunidad en una zona costera, frecuentemente sometida a presiones urbanísticas. En el segundo grupo, el puerto puede ser albergar recursos históricos, culturales, hospitalidad, seguridad, etc., que creen un ambiente agradable. Por tanto, el paisaje puede ser un activo importante dentro del puerto deportivo, estableciendo una identidad característica y propiciando unos valores intangibles atractivos para los usuarios y visitantes. En este sentido, no solo puede representar una ventaja competitiva respecto a otras instalaciones, sino materializarse en una ventaja económica dentro de su gestión. Esta investigación propone procedimientos para integrar del paisaje en la gestión de los puertos deportivos, centrando la atención en los elementos intangibles del paisaje y proporcionando herramientas para su cuantificación a través de métodos de decisión multicriterio. Partiendo de una definición de paisaje en el puerto deportivo, se asocia este elemento con las actividades relacionadas con la gestión de los puertos deportivos. Resulta importante la percepción que tienen del paisaje tanto los gestores del puerto deportivo como sus usuarios. En el primer caso, es un reflejo de las fortalezas y debilidades de este concepto y, por tanto, representa un punto de partida en su gestión. En el segundo cas / [CA] L'objecte d'esta tesi doctoral és quantificar la importància dels components intangibles del paisatge en la gestió dels ports esportius, aplicant mètodes de decisió multicriteri. El paisatge és un concepte que integra el medi físic, la presència d'un observador i una mirada subjectiva fruit, al seu torn, d'un moment determinat. Este concepte té el seu origen en l'art i, en la seua evolució, ha anat adquirint major significació. No obstant això, les diverses accepcions han anat quedant englobades en el mateix terme, la qual cosa pot originar confusió en la interpretació de la seua expressió. En qualsevol cas, esta significació haurà de trobar-se complementada en el seu context. L'actual concepte de paisatge queda arreplegat en el Conveni Europeu del Paisatge, que suposa una definició amb caràcter extensiu, integrador i dinàmic, suposant un reconeixement jurídic d'este. L'element crucial en el paisatge consistix en la subjectivitat, que li proporciona una característica distintiva en cada individu. La forma en què es produïx la relació entre el medi físic i l'observador, així com en els mecanismes pel que s'incorporen al coneixement, marquen el procés de percepció i assimilació, No obstant això, les condicions socioculturals creen patrons que condicionen estos mecanismes arribant, en casos extrems, a dissociar-se de la realitat que els sustenta. Així doncs, el coneixement dels patrons culturals que filtren la mirada i l'escala d'aproximació a la significació de l'entorn, resulten factors substancials en els processos de percepció i assimilació de l'entorn, en l'anàlisi i la interpretació del paisatge. Els ports esportius són instal·lacions que es troben fortament vinculades al turisme nàutic. Es tracta d'elements de transició entre el mig marítim i el terrestre, proporcionant acomodament i activitats d'oci. Els ports esportius presenten una sèrie de relacions amb el seu entorn, amb afeccions de caràcter recíproc. D'una banda, existix una sèrie de condicionants de caràcter ambiental i social sobre el port esportiu, per la qual cosa pot servir d'espai d'oportunitat per a proporcionar nous servicis basats en el potencial espacial i en els recursos naturals locals. D'altra banda, el port esportiu representa una oportunitat de revitalització de les comunitats pròximes, no sols pels recursos tangibles, sinó pels components intangibles. Dins del primer grup, el port pot incorporar materials, colors i textures diverses que donen lloc a uns contorns i siluetes característiques, i que creen una imatge recognoscible d'este. Igualment, és espai portuari representa una àrea d'oportunitat en una zona costanera, sovint sotmesa a pressions urbanístiques. En el segon grup, el port pot ser albergar recursos històrics, culturals, hospitalitat, seguretat, etc., que creen un ambient agradable. Per tant, el paisatge pot ser un actiu important dins del port esportiu, establint una identitat característica i propiciant uns valors intangibles atractius per als usuaris i visitants. En este sentit, no sols pot representar un avantatge competitiu respecte a altres instal·lacions, sinó materialitzar-se en un avantatge econòmic dins de la seua gestió. Esta investigació proposa procediments per a integrar del paisatge en la gestió dels ports esportius, centrant l'atenció en els elements intangibles del paisatge i proporcionant ferramentes per a la seua quantificació a través de mètodes de decisió multicriteri. Partint d'una definició de paisatge en el port esportiu, s'associa este element amb les activitats relacionades amb la gestió dels ports esportius. Resulta important la percepció que tenen del paisatge tant els gestors del port esportiu com els seus usuaris. En el primer cas, és un reflex de les fortaleses i debilitats d'este concepte i, per tant, representa un punt de partida en la seua gestió. En el segon cas, els valors paisatgístics percebuts pels usuaris posen de manifest les seues preferències. A més, l'assignació d'un valor a este paisatge, tant / [EN] This study aims to quantify the importance of the landscape's intangible components in managing marinas using multicriteria decision-making methods. The landscape is a concept that encompasses the physical environment, the presence of an observer, and a subjective perspective that is a product of a particular moment. This concept originated in art and has gained increasing significance over time. However, the various meanings have been subsumed under the same term, which can lead to confusion in its interpretation. In any case, the significance of the landscape must be complemented within its context. The current concept of the landscape is included in the European Landscape Convention, which provides an extensive, inclusive, and dynamic definition, representing a legal recognition of the landscape. The crucial element of the landscape lies in subjectivity, which provides a distinctive characteristic in each individual. How the relationship between the physical environment and the observer occurs and the mechanisms by which they are incorporated into knowledge shape the process of perception and assimilation. However, sociocultural conditions create patterns that condition these mechanisms, sometimes dissociating them from the reality that sustains them. Therefore, knowledge of cultural patterns that filter the gaze and the scale of approach to the meaning of the environment is a substantial factor in the processes of perception and assimilation of the environment in the analysis and interpretation of the landscape. Marinas are facilities that are strongly linked to nautical tourism. They are transitional elements between the maritime and terrestrial environment, providing accommodation and leisure activities. Marinas have a series of relationships with their environment, with reciprocal effects. On the one hand, the marina has a series of environmental and social constraints, so it can serve as a space of opportunity to provide new services based on spatial potential and local natural resources. On the other hand, the marina represents an opportunity to revitalize nearby communities for tangible resources and intangible components. Within the first group, the marina can incorporate diverse materials, colors, and textures that give rise to characteristic contours and silhouettes, creating a recognizable image. Similarly, the port space represents an opportunity in a coastal area, often subject to urban pressures. In the second group, the marina can house historical, cultural, hospitality, and security resources, creating a pleasant environment. Therefore, the landscape can be an essential asset within the marina, establishing a characteristic identity and promoting attractive intangible values for users and visitors. In this sense, it can represent a competitive advantage over other facilities and materialize in an economic advantage within its management. This research proposes procedures to integrate the landscape into the management of marinas, focusing on the intangible elements of the landscape and providing tools for their quantification through multicriteria decision-making methods. Firstly, a definition of landscape within marinas is established. Secondly, this element is associated with activities related to the management of marinas. Marina managers and their users' perception of the landscape is essential. In the first case, it reflects the strengths and weaknesses of this concept and, therefore, represents a starting point in its management. In the second case, the landscape values perceived by users reveal their preferences. In addition, assigning a value to this landscape, both from a social and economic perspective, demonstrates a quantification of the importance of the intangible elements of the landscape. / The authors acknowledge the Grant PID2020-117056RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. / Martín Polo, R. (2024). Integración de los elementos intangibles del paisaje en la gestión de los puertos deportivos mediante la aplicación de métodos de decisión multicriterio [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206771

Money talks and matters

Stoltenberg, Christian 03 November 2009 (has links)
Wie sollten Zentralbanken Geldpolitik gestalten und der Öffentlichkeit kommunizieren, um die Ökonomie bestmöglich zu stabilisieren? Diese Dissertation, bestehend aus drei selbständigen Essays in dynamischer Makroökonomik, widmet sich in erster Linie dem normativen Aspekt von Geldpolitik. Das Hauptresultat im ersten Essay ist, dass bei idiosynkratischen Risiko die öffentliche Bekanntgabe von Informationen zu aggregierten Risiko einen negativen Effekt auf die soziale Wohlfahrt haben kann: durch die Veröffentlichung von Informationen zu nicht-versicherbaren aggregierten Risiko werden die Versicherungsanreize der Individuen verzerrt und damit das individuelle Konsumrisiko erhöht. Als eine Anwendung, analysieren wir die Situation einer Zentralbank, die die Möglichkeit hat, Veränderungen in ihren Inflationszielen anzukündigen und dokumentieren, das der negative Effekt der verzerrten Versicherungsanreize konventionelle positive Aspekte der Ankündigung überwiegt. In zweiten Essay untersuchen wir optimale Geldpolitik in Falle von nominalen Rigiditäten und einer Transaktionsfriktion. In einem Standardmodell, Money-in-the-Utility function, zeigen wir, dass das langfristige Optimum durch die Friedmansche Regel gegeben ist. Daraus folgt für die kurze Frist, dass das Primat von Geldpolitik auf die Stabilisierung der Zinsen und nicht auf Inflationsstabilisierung ausgelegt sein sollte. Im dritten Essay untersuche ich, ob die Existenz und die Terminierung von Realkasseneffekten eine wichtige Rolle für die Determiniertheit des allgemeinen Preisniveaus spielen. Als wichtigstes neues Resultat zeige ich, dass auch bei Zinspolitik ein eindeutiges Preisniveau bestimmt werden kann, wenn die Geldmenge zu Beginn der Periode in Transaktionen verwendet wird. Unter diesen Umständen, hat prädeterminiertes reales Geld die Funktion einer Zustandsvariable und die Zinspolitik sollte passiv sein, um eindeutige, stabile und nicht-oszillierende Gleichgewichtssequenzen zu erreichen. / How should central banks conduct and communicate their policies to serve the goal of stabilizing the macroeconomy? This thesis -- consisting of three self-contained essays on dynamic macroeconomics -- is mainly intended as a progress report on exploring the normative aspect of monetary policy. The main result of the first essay is, that in the presence of idiosyncratic risk, the public revelation of information about uncertain aggregate outcomes can be detrimental. By announcing informative signals on non-insurable aggregate risk, the policy maker distorts agents'' insurance incentives and increases the riskiness of the optimal allocation that is feasible in self-enforceable arrangements. We consider a monetary authority that may reveal changes in the inflation target, and document that the negative effect of distorted insurance incentives can very well dominate conventional effects in favor for the release of better information. In the second essay, we study optimal monetary policy with the nominal interest rate as the single policy instrument. Firms set prices in a staggered way without indexation and real money balances contribute separately to households'' utility. The optimal deterministic steady state under commitment is the Friedman rule for a broad range of parameters. Optimal monetary policy in the short run is then characterized by stabilization of the nominal interest rate instead of inflation stabilization as the predominant principle. In the third essay, I examine whether the existence and the timing of real balance effects contribute to the determination of the absolute price level. As the main novel result, I show that there exists a unique price level sequence that is consistent with an equilibrium under interest rate policy, if beginning-of-period money yields transaction services. Predetermined real money balances can then serve as a state variable, implying that interest rate setting should be passive -- a violation of the Taylor-principle.

Termo de ajuste de conduta celebrado perante o Ministério Público do Trabalho / The commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement signed before the Labor Public Prosecution Office (Prosecuting Counsel)

Ferreira, Cristiane Aneolito 06 May 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo enfoca o termo de compromisso de ajustamento de conduta celebrado perante o Ministério Público do Trabalho. Importante salientar que os conflitos de massa trouxeram nova roupagem ao sistema jurídico brasileiro de forma a consagrar e a insculpir o preceito da tutela coletiva. Neste sentido, a efetividade dos direitos metaindividuais ganhou corpo por intermédio das formas extrajudiciais e judiciais de solução de conflitos coletivos, tudo em prol da garantia dos direitos sociais, da paz social e do pleno emprego. A coletivização dos interesses implicou redução dos conflitos trabalhistas individuais, abrangência de interesses de grupo, categoria ou classe, maior observância dos valores sociais do trabalho, conciliando, portanto, os princípios fundamentais e basilares da República Federativa do Brasil. O alicerce dos direitos metaindividuais trabalhistas estrutura-se nos direitos humanos fundamentais e, neste contexto, devem pautar-se as cláusulas mínimas a serem estipuladas no ajuste de conduta como forma de tutela contra as lesões a interesses difusos e coletivos na esfera da relação de trabalho. A defesa da ordem jurídica, do regime democrático e dos interesses sociais e individuais indisponíveis foi conferida ao Parquet Trabalhista na qualidade de órgão agente e consagrada pela Constituição de 1988, dissociando-se, efetivamente, da função eminentemente parecerista (órgão interveniente) até então prevalecente. A estrutura do termo de compromisso de ajustamento de conduta, bem como sua forma de celebração, natureza jurídica, objeto, limite das cláusulas, dano moral coletivo, hipóteses de flexibilização da multa estipulada, competência territorial para assinatura, descumprimento do ajuste, além de outros aspectos polêmicos alusivos ao tema constituem objeto da presente dissertação. Não menos importante é a abordagem do procedimento investigatório e do inquérito civil, instrumentos comumente utilizados no exercício do poder de investigação consagrado pelo artigo 127 da Constituição Federal brasileira à Instituição do Parquet em defesa da ordem jurídica, do regime democrático e dos interesses sociais e individuais indisponíveis. / The present study focuses on the commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement signed before the Labor Public Prosecution Office (Prosecuting Counsel). It is important to stress that the mass conflicts brought new drapery to the Brazilian legal system in order to establish and inscribe the precept of the collective protection/injunction. So, the effectiveness of the metaindividual rights got stronger through the mediation of the extrajudicial and judicial forms of solution of the collective conflicts, everything in favor of the social rights guaranty, social peace and full employment. The collectivization of the interests implied reduction of the individual labor conflicts, coverage of the interests of group, category or class, better compliance of the social values of work, reconciling, therefore, the fundamental and basic principles of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The basis of the labor metaindividual rights structures itself in the fundamental human rights and, in this context, there should be the minimum clauses to be stipulated in the conduct settlement as a form of tutelage against the damages to diffuse and collective interests in the sphere of the working relationship. The defense of the legal system/order, the democratic regime and of the unavailable social and individual rights was given to the Labor Parquet as an agent organ and consecrated by the 1988 Constitution, dissociating, effectively, from the eminently function of giving an option (intervening Organ) prevailing until then. The structure of the commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement, as well as its form of celebration, legal nature, object, limit of the clauses, collective wounded feelings, hypotheses of relaxation of the stipulated fine, territorial jurisdiction for signature, noncompliance of the settlement/adjustment, besides other polemic aspects allusive to the theme are object of the present essay. Not less important is the approach of the investigative proceeding and of the civil investigation, instruments commonly used in the performance of the investigation Power consecrated by the section 127 of the Federal Brazilian Constitution to the Institution of the Parquet in defense of the legal system/order, of the democratic regime and of the unavailable social and individual rights.

El rendimiento financiero de las empresas sociales de Lima: un análisis desde su orientación empresarial y al mercado / The financial performance of social enterprises in Lima: Analyzing their business and market orientation

Aquino Porras, Angela Karolina, Hernandez Huamañahui, Kelly Esther 20 February 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación se desarrolló a partir de los diversos problemas sociales que acontecen en nuestro país, debido a que las empresas sociales cumplen un rol fundamental en grupos vulnerables; se determinó como finalidad principal de esta investigación el estudio de estas en base a variables de gestión, que según la literatura afectarían el rendimiento de estas organizaciones. De esta manera, se plantea conocer el comportamiento del rendimiento financiero de las empresas sociales en estudio y de las variables orientación al mercado y orientación empresarial; según si estas poseen una orientación empresarial y al mercado: fuertes o débiles. Asimismo, se consideró relevante definir el tipo de interacción entre las variables orientación al mercado y orientación empresarial y se planteó identificar si las variables orientación al mercado y orientación empresarial influyen en la variable rendimiento financiero en las empresas sociales. En ese sentido, se busca que las empresas sociales puedan garantizar una contribución constante a aquellos sectores desatendidos a través de la autosostenibilidad financiera. Sin embargo, los hallazgos para la muestra del presente estudio demostraron que no es posible afirmar la existencia de la relación entre el rendimiento financiero y las orientaciones empresarial y al mercado. No obstante, se determinó que para dicha muestra existen indicios de interacción entre las variables independientes orientación empresarial y al mercado. / The present research has taken place from the diverse social problems in our country, so that social enterprises fulfill a fundamental role of contribution in vulnerable groups, the main purpose of this research was to study the behavior of their financial performance based on management variables; that according to the literature would affect the financial performance of these organizations. In this way, it is intended to know the behavior of the financial performance of the social enterprises under study and the market orientation and business orientation variables. For which, it was determined if these have a business orientation and market: strong or weak. Likewise, it was considered relevant to define the type of interaction between the market orientation and business orientation variables; It was also intended to identify if the market orientation and business orientation variables influence the variable financial performance in the context of the social ecosystem. In this sense, it is expected that business companies can guarantee a constant contribution to those sectors unattended through financial self-sustainability. However, the findings for the present sample show that it is not possible to affirm the existence relationship between profitability and business and market orientation in our study sample. Likewise, it was determined that for this sample there are possible signs of interaction between the independent variables, the business orientation and market orientation. / Tesis

Fourniture de main-d’œuvre, prêt de main-d’œuvre et droit pénal / Subcontracting of labour force, leasing of labour force and criminal law

Caressa, Myriam 06 February 2018 (has links)
Construit autour du contrat de travail, le droit du travail s’appuie sur une relation bilatérale entre l’employeur et le salarié. Le prêt et la fourniture de main-d’œuvre perturbent cet équilibre parce que la force de travail du salarié bénéficie à un tiers au contrat de travail. La méfiance originelle s’est traduite par deux prohibitions de principe pénalement sanctionnées : le marchandage et le prêt illicite de maind’œuvre. L’évolution du marché économique a contraint le législateur à dépasser la seule répression pour envisager la légalisation et l’encadrement de mises à disposition de plus en plus variées. Ces nombreux à-coups législatifs, en l’absence de revalorisation des incriminations, remettent en cause l’efficacité de la prohibition pénale. Le droit pénal est-il encore adapté pour lutter contre les dérives des prêts et fournitures de main-d’œuvre ? Si l’encadrement répressif actuel et sa mise en œuvre sont critiquables, la dépénalisation « sèche » n’est pas pour autant la seule solution. / Built around the employment contract, labour law is based on a bilateral relationship between an employer and an employee. The leasing and subcontracting of labour force disrupt this balance because the employee's labour force benefits a third party to the employment contract. The original mistrust resulted in two criminally sanctioned prohibitions: illegal subcontracting and illegal labour leasing. The evolution of the economic market has forced the legislator to go beyond repression alone and to consider the legalization and supervision of more and more types of manpower leasing. These numerous legislative interventions, in the absence of the revalorization of the incriminations, question the effectiveness of the criminal prohibition. Is criminal law still suited to fight against the excesses of labour leasing and subcontracting? Although the current repressive framework and its implementation are open to criticism, decriminalization alone is not the only solution.

Termo de ajuste de conduta celebrado perante o Ministério Público do Trabalho / The commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement signed before the Labor Public Prosecution Office (Prosecuting Counsel)

Cristiane Aneolito Ferreira 06 May 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo enfoca o termo de compromisso de ajustamento de conduta celebrado perante o Ministério Público do Trabalho. Importante salientar que os conflitos de massa trouxeram nova roupagem ao sistema jurídico brasileiro de forma a consagrar e a insculpir o preceito da tutela coletiva. Neste sentido, a efetividade dos direitos metaindividuais ganhou corpo por intermédio das formas extrajudiciais e judiciais de solução de conflitos coletivos, tudo em prol da garantia dos direitos sociais, da paz social e do pleno emprego. A coletivização dos interesses implicou redução dos conflitos trabalhistas individuais, abrangência de interesses de grupo, categoria ou classe, maior observância dos valores sociais do trabalho, conciliando, portanto, os princípios fundamentais e basilares da República Federativa do Brasil. O alicerce dos direitos metaindividuais trabalhistas estrutura-se nos direitos humanos fundamentais e, neste contexto, devem pautar-se as cláusulas mínimas a serem estipuladas no ajuste de conduta como forma de tutela contra as lesões a interesses difusos e coletivos na esfera da relação de trabalho. A defesa da ordem jurídica, do regime democrático e dos interesses sociais e individuais indisponíveis foi conferida ao Parquet Trabalhista na qualidade de órgão agente e consagrada pela Constituição de 1988, dissociando-se, efetivamente, da função eminentemente parecerista (órgão interveniente) até então prevalecente. A estrutura do termo de compromisso de ajustamento de conduta, bem como sua forma de celebração, natureza jurídica, objeto, limite das cláusulas, dano moral coletivo, hipóteses de flexibilização da multa estipulada, competência territorial para assinatura, descumprimento do ajuste, além de outros aspectos polêmicos alusivos ao tema constituem objeto da presente dissertação. Não menos importante é a abordagem do procedimento investigatório e do inquérito civil, instrumentos comumente utilizados no exercício do poder de investigação consagrado pelo artigo 127 da Constituição Federal brasileira à Instituição do Parquet em defesa da ordem jurídica, do regime democrático e dos interesses sociais e individuais indisponíveis. / The present study focuses on the commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement signed before the Labor Public Prosecution Office (Prosecuting Counsel). It is important to stress that the mass conflicts brought new drapery to the Brazilian legal system in order to establish and inscribe the precept of the collective protection/injunction. So, the effectiveness of the metaindividual rights got stronger through the mediation of the extrajudicial and judicial forms of solution of the collective conflicts, everything in favor of the social rights guaranty, social peace and full employment. The collectivization of the interests implied reduction of the individual labor conflicts, coverage of the interests of group, category or class, better compliance of the social values of work, reconciling, therefore, the fundamental and basic principles of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The basis of the labor metaindividual rights structures itself in the fundamental human rights and, in this context, there should be the minimum clauses to be stipulated in the conduct settlement as a form of tutelage against the damages to diffuse and collective interests in the sphere of the working relationship. The defense of the legal system/order, the democratic regime and of the unavailable social and individual rights was given to the Labor Parquet as an agent organ and consecrated by the 1988 Constitution, dissociating, effectively, from the eminently function of giving an option (intervening Organ) prevailing until then. The structure of the commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement, as well as its form of celebration, legal nature, object, limit of the clauses, collective wounded feelings, hypotheses of relaxation of the stipulated fine, territorial jurisdiction for signature, noncompliance of the settlement/adjustment, besides other polemic aspects allusive to the theme are object of the present essay. Not less important is the approach of the investigative proceeding and of the civil investigation, instruments commonly used in the performance of the investigation Power consecrated by the section 127 of the Federal Brazilian Constitution to the Institution of the Parquet in defense of the legal system/order, of the democratic regime and of the unavailable social and individual rights.

建構社會價值創造模型─以台灣上市公司為例 / Modeling the social value creation: A case of listed companies in Taiwan

吳浩銓, Wu, Hao Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
近期關於組織目標的研究指出,傳統以營利為目的的公司,隨著政府與大眾對於社會議題的日益關注而開始履行企業社會責任;另一方面,傳統以解決社會問題為目的的非營利組織,為了處理資金問題而開始從事營利行為。因為營利與非營利組織的分界開始模糊,各種混合型態的組織跟著出現,構成了一個組織目標的光譜。然而,這個概念上的目標光譜並不容易呈現,目前針對社會價值的創造(Social Value Creation,簡稱SVC)在量化上的分析成果亦有限。本研究從產業經濟學的混合寡占理論出發,提出一個「SVC投資市場」以衡量組織對於社會價值的重視程度,並使用觀察到的資料描繪出SVC投資市場中的需求。再透過組織目標函數的設定以及在市場中競爭的結果,推估組織考量社會價值的比重,找出組織在目標光譜中的位置。本研究針對台灣上市公司的企業社會責任報告書資料以及財報資料進行分析後發現,目前台灣上市公司的消費者並不太重視公司的SVC活動。政府若欲提升公司對於SVC的重視程度,可以嘗試藉由改變消費者的購買決策來影響公司的目標決策。

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