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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Professionellas syn på ungdomskriminalitet : En studie om insatser och samverkan

Wilma, Sundell, Malm, Frida January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze how police and social services in Stockholm workwith juvenile crime. The focus is how the professions work and which interventions are used.The study also focuses on how the professions collaborate on juvenile crime. A qualitativemethod was used and six interviews with social workers and police were performed. Theresult has been analyzed with the method Theoretical thematic analysis and Systems theory.The result shows that the respondents see a new type of youth criminality which is moreserious than before, which they are not educated to work with. The result also shows that theyouth are influenced by their peers, and that the area where the youth lives can affect theirconditions in life. A common effort with serious crime within social service is thereforedislocation, so the youth can change all systems in his life. The respondents also describe thatcollaboration between the professions are important, which previous research also points out.The collaboration works well but there are a few obstacles, professional secrecy amongothers. The professions work with juveniles in different ways, but they share the same pointof view on how to handle juvenile delinquency.


TATIANE VALERIA CARDOSO DOS SANTOS 29 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese busca revelar e analisar o processo de desregulamentação do trabalho dos assistentes sociais através do fenômeno de contratação por pregão, modalidade licitatória praticada pelo Estado. Trata-se de pesquisa que recupera e aprofunda achados iniciais da minha dissertação de mestrado, intitulada Transformações Societárias do trabalho do assistente social na ordem do capital: uma análise do campo de atuação do conjunto CFESS/CRESS 7 Região. Para tanto, apresentamos os fundamentos e objetivos do uso do instrumento legal que instrui o procedimento da licitação e do pregão e o seu direcionamento para a contratação desses trabalhadores, tomando para análise o período de 2010 a 2020. Partimos do entendimento de que o atual estágio de desenvolvimento capitalista e as consequentes transformações societárias trazem repercussões significativas para o âmbito do trabalho enquanto práxis humana. Nesse processo sócio-histórico ocorre a intensificação das formas de espoliação da força de trabalho que se expressam, notadamente, através das práticas de flexibilização, precarização e intensificação das formas de uso e exploração da força de trabalho. Desse modo, a contratação por pregão é expressão desse processo. Norteada por esses pressupostos, esta tese busca respostas para o seguinte problema: quais as repercussões da contratação por pregão para o trabalho dos assistentes sociais na conjuntura de contrarreformas do direito do trabalho no Brasil? Quais as respostas políticas do Conjunto CFESS/CRESS para o enfrentamento do quadro de aumento da precarização do trabalho de assistentes sociais? Qual a compreensão jurídica deste novo fenômeno na profissão de Serviço Social? Para compreender este fenômeno e sua inovação no mercado de trabalho dos assistentes sociais, realizamos entrevistas com membros do Conselho Federal de Serviço Social (CFESS) e com desembargadora aposentada do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (TST) e pesquisadora do Cesit/Unicamp. Além disso, retomamos entrevistas realizadas com o Conselho Regional de Serviço Social do Rio de Janeiro (CRESS 7 Região) para a dissertação de mestrado. Para examinar a totalidade das contratações por pregão no Brasil exploramos a plataforma Licita Já, que busca licitações no território nacional, utilizando os termos pregão e assistente social. De modo complementar, nos debruçamos sobre fontes documentais oficiais, bem como jornais e revistas, além de acessarmos dados secundários de institutos de pesquisa e de termos realizado revisão teórico-bibliográfica sobre o tema. Recuperamos a centralidade do trabalho como fio condutor de análise desta tese, que buscou, em seu desenvolvimento, aprofundar os conceitos de acumulação por espoliação, precarização social e flexibilização, relacionando-os ao trabalho do assistente social. Constatamos que enquanto trabalhador assalariado, os assistentes sociais também estão sujeitos a esses processos, que atingem as suas condições e relações contratuais de trabalho e as possibilidades de efetivação do Projeto Ético-Político Profissional hegemônico. A modalidade de contratação por pregão e a forma de relação trabalhista revelam- se contrárias ao que se perseguiu, em termos de condições de trabalho, ao longo do desenvolvimento e maturidade do Serviço Social brasileiro, que é a defesa da solidez contratual através do concurso público, e, notadamente, o vínculo estatutário. Observamos que esta tentativa de ressignificação, a qual nomeamos como trabalho atípico, assesta significativamente o trabalho do assistente social, tem maior incidência nos municípios brasileiros e atingem as políticas públicas de assistência social e saúde. A centralidade deste estudo compreende que tais injunções rigorosas são um desvirtuamento do direito ao trabalho regulamentado e protegido e, portanto, um constrangimento às normativas trabalhistas e ao projeto profissional do Serviço Social brasileiro. / [en] This thesis seeks to reveal and analyze the process of deregulation of the work of social workers through the phenomenon of contracting by auction, a bidding modality practiced by the State. This is research that retrieves and deepens the initial findings of my master s thesis, entitled Societal Transformations of the work of the social worker in the order of capital: an analysis of the field of action of the CFESS/CRESS 7th Region. To this end, we present the fundamentals and objectives of the use of the legal instrument that instructs the bidding and bidding procedure and its direction for the hiring of these workers, taking for analysis the period from 2010 to 2020. We start from the understanding that the current stage of capitalist development and the consequent societal transformations have significant repercussions for the scope of work as human praxis. In this socio- historical process there is an intensification of the forms of expropriation of the workforce that are expressed, notably, through the practices of flexibility, precariousness and intensification of the forms of use and exploitation of the workforce. In this way, contracting by auction is an expression of this process. Guided by these assumptions, this thesis seeks answers to the following problem: what are the repercussions of hiring by public auction for the work of social workers in the context of counter-reforms of labor law in Brazil? What are the political responses of the CFESS/CRESS Group to tackle the situation of increasing the precariousness of the work of social workers? To understand this phenomenon and its innovation in the job market of social workers, we conducted interviews with members of the Federal Council for Social Work (CFESS) and with a retired judge from the Superior Labor Court (TST) and researcher at Cesit / Unicamp. In addition, we resumed interviews with the Regional Council of Social Service of Rio de Janeiro (CRESS 7th Region) during the research for the master s degree. In order to examine the total number of contracts per auction in Brazil, we explored a bidding search platform in the national territory (Licita Já), using the terms auction and social worker. In a complementary way, we look at official documentary sources, as well as newspapers and magazines, in addition to accessing secondary data from research institutes and having carried out a theoretical and bibliographic review on the topic. We recovered the centrality of work as the guiding thread for the analysis of this thesis, which sought, in its development, to deepen the concepts of accumulation by plunder, social insecurity and flexibility, relating them to the work of the social worker. We found that as a salaried worker, social workers are also subject to these processes, which affect their conditions and contractual working relationships and the possibilities for carrying out the current Professional Ethical-Political Project. The mode of contracting by auction and the form of labor relationship are contrary to what was pursued, in terms of working conditions, throughout the development and maturity of the Brazilian Social Service, which is the defense of contractual strength through public tender, and, notably, the statutory bond. We observed that this reframing attempt, which we call atypical work, significantly undermines the work of the social worker, has a greater incidence in Brazilian municipalities and affects public policies on social assistance and health. The centrality of this study understands that such strict injunctions are a distortion of the right to regulated and protected work and, therefore, a constraint to the labor standards and the professional project of the Brazilian Social Work.

Individanpassade insatser eller anpassade individer? : En kvantitativ studie om klientanpassning utifrån socialarbetarens handlingsutrymme / Adapted efforts or adapted individuals?

Persson, Karin, Vesterlund, Liza January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of our thesis is to investigate through a survey how specialization affects the perceived scope for discretion of the social worker. The study will also examine how the social worker can customize outpatient care targeted at children and young people. The study's empirics were collected through a web survey that was sent out via email to social workers who worked with children and young people in IFO's outpatient care.  The study examines how social workers' discretion is affected by the organization of social services such as the division of clients within the organization and the way in which they interact. The results indicate that guidelines, norms, and laws affect the social worker's discretion in a way that reduces client-customization. In addition, the study examines how the social worker can client-customize their efforts and which factors influence the degree of client-tailoring. The study shows that previous experience and education affect the scope for discretion in a way that increases client-customization. The empirical study is analysed using Lipsky's theory of street level bureaucrats.

”Det handlar inte om sexologi, det handlar för fan om hur människor är” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om det sociala arbetet med sexuell hälsa / ”It is not about sexology, it is about how people are goddammit” : A qualitative interview study about social work with sexual health

Ciscar Houshi, Maya, Karelius, Kiara January 2023 (has links)
Sexuell hälsa är ett område som inte har en given plats i socionomutbildningen och i många fall inte heller i det praktiska sociala arbetet, trots att det är en stor del av att vara människa. När den sexuella hälsan inkluderas i det sociala arbetets fält handlar det vanligen om värden såsom genus och intersektionalitet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka socialarbetares uppfattningar om det sociala arbetet med sexuell hälsa i Sverige, med fokus på existentiella frågor, samt vilka kunskaper och färdigheter socialarbetare anser är nödvändiga för att möta området. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod och data har samlats in genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer med åtta socialarbetare. Datan analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och resultatet analyserades utifrån teori om institutionalisering och handlingsutrymme. Resultatet visade att det finns uppfattningar om att det råder en polarisering inom den sexuella hälsan i samhället och det framkom att sexuell hälsa och existentiella frågor är tätt sammankopplade. Det framgick även att det behövs en större integrering av sexuell hälsa och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter (SRHR) samt att frågor om sexuell hälsa bör vara en rutin i socialt arbete.Slutligen visade resultatet att en majoritet av socialarbetarna inte fått tillräcklig kunskap om ämnet under sin grundutbildning och att det inte finns någon specifik manual gällande det sociala arbetet med sexuell hälsa. Studiens slutsats är att det råder bristfälliga kunskaper om sexuell hälsa och existentiella frågor i utbildningar inom socialt arbete och till viss del inom det sociala arbetets fält. / Even though sexuality is an important part of being human, sexual health takes none or very little place in social work education and in practical social work. When sexual health is incorporated into the field of social work, it predominantly revolves around values such as gender and intersectionality. This study aimed to investigate social workers’ perceptions of social work with sexual health in Sweden with an emphasize on existential issues. Additionally, the study aimed to identify which knowledge social workers consider necessary to engage within the domain. The study was made with a qualitative method and data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with eight social workers. The collected data was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis, and the results were analyzed through the theoretical concept of institutionalization and the concept of room for action. The results showed a strong connection between sexual health and existential issues and unveiling a picture of polarity regarding sexual health within our society. Additionally, this study showed that issues within sexual health should be a routine in social work and that a greater integration of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is needed. Finally, the results demonstrated that themajority of social workers have not received adequate knowledge about the topic during their education, and that there is no specific manual regarding social work with sexual health. This study concluded that both education within social work as well as the field of social work lacks knowledge about sexual health and existential issues.

Det skolsociala arbetet med problematisk skolfrånvaro : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om skolkuratorers och skolsocionomers upplevda handlingsutrymme / The school social work with problematic school absenteeism : - A qualitative interview study of school counselors´ and school social workers experienced discretion

Emilsson, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to describe and understand how school counselors and school social worker experience and perceive their discretion related to the work with problematic school absenteeism in elementary school. My study is based on six qualitative interviews where the professional roles each made half of the total number, which has been analyzed using qualitative content analysis. I wanted to describe and understand the discretion of school counselors and school social worker based on their role and function as that are not sufficently defined and specified, this associated with work on problematic school absenteeism. The conclusions of this study are that some of them felt limited regarding confidentiality, while some were positive about laws and guidelines. Also, that other actors within school or BUP, their working conditions and resources influenced the school counselors´and school social workers own work performance. The managers gave them freedom to shape their professional role within the organization´s framework. The possibility of resistance was also expressed. Also, that there is bigger experience of obscurity than clarity regarding the job description, which can be based on cooperation and the opportunity to take place. Collaboration and cross-border work as well affected the discretion of the professional role. School councelors and school social worker also have different opportunities in their preventive practical work to meet and manage absenteeism.

Barns delaktighet i barnavårdsutredningar utifrån : Berättelser från socialsekreterare / Children's participation in child welfare investigations based on Signs of Safety : Social workers’ accounts

Ahlm, Emelie, Bäckström, Maria January 2022 (has links)
Barn enligt Barnkonventionen ska ges förutsättningar till att uttrycka sina åsikter i frågor som rör dem. Trots detta lyfts i tidigare forskning, samt av flertalet myndigheter, brister kring hur barn i praktiken görs delaktiga i barnavårdsutredningar. Syftet med studien är att undersöka socialsekreterares upplevelser och erfarenheter av hur de med stöd av arbetsmetoden Signs of Safety involverar barn i utredningar. Utifrån en kvalitativ ansats genomfördes sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare i socialtjänsten som arbetar med barnavårdsutredningar utifrån Signs of Safety. Genom en tematisk analys framkom det att socialsekreterare kan identifiera en del hinder och svårigheter med delar av Signs of Safety men att de i hög grad anser att Signs of Safety stöttar dem till att involvera barn i utredningar. / According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, children shall be provided the opportunity to express their views in all matters that affect them. Despite this, research and several public authorities highlight several shortcomings concerning the participation of children in child welfare practice. The purpose of the study is to investigate social workers' experiences with involving children when using the Signs of Safety working method. The study is based on a qualitative approach and seven semi-structured interviews with social workers in social services who work with child welfare assessments based on Signs of Safety. A thematic analysis indicated that social workers could identify some obstacles and difficulties with parts of Signs of Safety. However, they largely believe that Signs of Safety supports them to involve children.

”JAG VET INTE OM DET JAG HAR UPPLEVT ÄR SEKUNDÄR TRAUMATISERING MEN…” : En kvalitativ studie om sekundär traumatisering hos socialsekreterare.

Hällgren, Malin, Wässman, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
Sekundär traumatisering beskriver ett tillstånd som kan uppstå till följd av att arbeta med traumatiserade människor. Konsekvensen av att drabbas av sekundär traumatisering kan ge livslånga psykiska och fysiska besvär hos den drabbade. Studien syftar till att undersöka uppkomsten och upplevelsen av sekundär traumatisering hos socialsekreterare, detta då tidigare forskning visat på att socialarbetare anses vara i riskzon för att utsättas för sekundär traumatisering. En kvalitativ metod har använts med semistrukturerade intervjuer. För att få ett fördjupat perspektiv på syndromet sekundär traumatisering samt socialsekreterarnas upplevelse har teorierna coping och KASAM använts, då de kan tänkas besvara hur människan hanterar utsatta situationer samt ger en bakgrund till hur dessa känslor kan komma uppstå och hanteras. Studien baserades på fem semistrukturerade intervjuer av socialsekreterare som arbetar i två olika kommuner inom våld i nära relation i Sverige. Resultatet av studien visade att socialsekreterarna upplevde negativa känslor till följd av andrahandsexponering av klienternas trauman, orsaken var bland annat bristen på reflektion, detta till följd av hög arbetsbelastning och personalomsättning. En skyddsfaktor som gick att finna var att socialsekreterarna kunde hantera uppkomsten av sekundär traumatisering med hjälp av copingstrategier samt känsla av meningsfullhet (KASAM), vilket bidrog till ökat förståelse för socialsekreterarnas upplevelser.

Socialt arbete i en medicinsk kontext : Kuratorers upplevelser av sina möjligheter att bedriva psykosocialt arbete inom hälso- och sjukvården / Social Work in a medical context : Healthcare social workers experiences of conducting social work within the healthcare system

Sjödin, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur kuratorer upplever sina möjligheter att bedriva psykosocialt arbete inom en medicinsk kontext. Upplever kuratorerna att de har handlingsutrymme att utföra psykosocialt arbete samt har förutsättningarna ändrats sedan införandet av en legitimation för hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorer? Studien har genomförts som en kvalitativ intervjustudie där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med sex kuratorer på olika mottagningar på en klinik på ett medelstort sjukhus i Sverige. För att bearbeta materialet har tematisk analys använts, där fyra huvudteman och fjorton underteman växte fram. Kuratorerna på kliniken gör ett gediget psykosocialt arbete men utrymmet det får i kontrast till det medicinska är begränsat. Hierarkier och statusskillnader framkommer på olika sätt i materialet. Uppsatsen visar på att det upplevda handlingsutrymmet är stort men att det faktiska handlingsutrymmet till viss del är begränsat. Gällande hälso-och sjukvårdskuratorslegitimationen ges en bild av att legitimationen inte hade haft någon inverkan på kuratorernas arbete på kliniken, varken gällande arbetsuppgifter, arbetsförhållanden eller status. En förhoppning fanns hos dock alla informanter men främst hos de med kortast tid på kliniken gällande att legitimationen framledes skulle stärka deras ställning samt förbättra deras arbetsvillkor. / The overall aim of this essay was to examine how healthcare social workers experienced their opportunities to conduct social work within a medical context. Do they feel that they have room for action to carry out social work, and have the conditions changed since the introduction of a license for health care social workers? The study was conducted as a qualitative interview study where semi-structured interviews were held with six healthcare social workers at a clinic in a medium-sized hospital in Sweden. To analyze the material, thematic analysis was used, where four main themes and fourteen sub-themes emerged. The healthcare social workers at the clinic do solid social work, but the space it gets in contrast to the medical perspective is limited. Hierarchies emerge in different ways in the material. The essay shows that the perceived room for action is large, but that the actual room for action is to some extent limited. The healthcare social workers didn´t experienced any improvement regarding duties, working conditions or position at the clinic since the introduction of a license for health care social workers. However, there was a hope among all the informants, but mainly among those with the shortest time at the clinic that the license in the future would strengthen their position and improve their working conditions.

Lika, Olika eller Unika? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med socialsekreterare som utför mognadsbedömningar i samband med barnavårdsutredningar / Same, different or unique? : A qualitative interview study with social workers who conduct maturity assessments as part of child welfare investigations

Rodin, Susanne, Lindh, Zanna January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur den sociala barnavårdens socialsekreterare hanterar mognadsbedömningarnas komplexitet, mer specifikt hur de resonerar gällande eventuella skillnader som beaktas mellan barn i bedömningarna av olika barns mognad. Vidare syftade studien till att undersöka hur socialsekreterare resonerar kring deras tolkningsföreträde över barns mognad respektive barns rätt att komma till tals i barnavårdsutredningar. Studien tar avstamp i kritiska barndomsstudier som teoretiskt ramverk och baserar sig empiriskt på sju intervjuer med socialsekreterare. Våra fynd visar att även om socialsekreterarna talar om alla barn som unika individer framhävs ”det talbara” och ”det sårbara” barnet som avgörande olikheter när olika bedömningar förs på tal. Respondenterna diskuterar ett ”starkt barnperspektiv” och samtidigt hur mandatet över att bestämma barns mognad kan vara “läskigt” och “farligt” då mognadsbedömningen har stor inverkan på barns liv. Resultatet av vår studievisar att det är komplicerat att göra mognadsbedömningar eftersom det inte finns tydliga riktlinjer om hur de ska genomföras. / The aim of this study was to examine how child welfare social workers handle the complexity of maturity assessments, and more precisely how they reason concerning the potentialdifferences between children that they take into account in such assessments. Furthermore, the aim was to examine how social workers reason concerning their interpretation primacy over children’s maturity versus the right of the children to have their say in child welfare investigations. The study uses critical childhood studies as a theoretical framework. Empirically, it is based on seven semi-structured interviews with social workers. Our findings indicate that although social workers address all children as unique individuals, they still foreground differences related to “talkable” or “vulnerable” children as essential in assessments. The respondents discuss a “strong child perspective” and simultaneously how their mandate in maturity assessments is “scary” and even “dangerous” because maturity assessments have a great impact on children’s lives. The outcome of our study revealed that itis complex to carry out maturity evaluations on children as there are no comprehensible recommendations on how it should be carried out.

"Den största svårigheten är väl att vi inte riktigt når dem" : Samverkans betydelse för socialtjänstens bedömningar av våldsutövare som också är föräldrar / "The biggest challange is sort of that we don't really reach them" : The importance of collaboration for social services' assessments of perpetrators of domestic violence who also are parents

Lundberg, Lina January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilken betydelse socialtjänstens samverkan har för bedömning av våldsutövare som också är föräldrar. Genom en kvalitativ undersökning genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre arbetsgrupper inom socialtjänsten, informanterna i studien kommer på något vis i kontakt med våldsutövare. I syfte att skapa förståelse för resultatet har jag använt mig av organisationsteori, samverkansteori, samt teorier kopplade till intersektionalitet, genus, maskulinitet och teorier om våld. Resultatet visar att informanterna i studien är eniga om att geografisk närhet till kollegor främjar samverkan i ärenden som rör våld i nära relation. Informanterna som sitter nära kollegor beskriver en välfungerande samverkan med andra enheter. De arbetsgrupper som upplever en välfungerande samverkan beskriver också att kollegor inom socialtjänsten har kännedom om varandras respektive arbetsuppgifter. Informationsutbyte avseende bedömningar gällande våldsutövare som också är föräldrar delges mellan olika enheter när det finns en välfungerande samverkan. Samtliga informanter beskriver att det finns stöd ifrån organisationens ledning, däremot är det bara två arbetsgrupper som beskriver en välfungerande samverkan. I resultatet framkommer att framgång avseende att nå ut till våldsutövare som också är föräldrar skiljer sig åt. Den arbetsgrupp som upplever större framgång i att nå ut träffar våldsutövaren tillsammans med enhet Barn och unga. Samtliga arbetsgrupper beskriver på något sätt svårigheter att bedöma hjälpbehov och mottaglighet hos våldsutövare och att det finns flera faktorer som de tänker kan påverka och försvåra mottagligheten och möjlighet att uppnå förändring, i vissa fall skiljer sig svaren från informanterna åt. Att kollegor har olika förklaringsmodeller till våld kan bidra till att olika bedömningar görs eller att våld betraktas på olika vis. Samtliga arbetsgrupper beskriver en begränsad kunskap avseende våldsutövare som också är föräldrar. Kunskapsbristen beror bland annat på bristande erfarenhet, då samtliga informanter kommit i kontakt med relativt få våldsutövare. Denna studie visar vikten av intern samverkan inom socialtjänsten i ärenden som för våld i familjer där det finns barn. / The aim of the study is to investigate the importance of social services’ collaboration for the assessment of perpetrators of domestic violence who also are parents. Through a qualitative study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with three working groups within the social services, the informants in the study come into contact with perpetrators of domestic violence in some way. In order to create an understanding of the results, I have used organizational theory, collaboration theory, as well as theories connected to intersectionality, gender, masculinity and theories of violence. The results show that the informants in the study agree that geographical proximity to colleagues promotes collaboration in cases involving domestic violence. The informants who sit close to colleagues describe a well-functioning collaboration with other units. The work groups that experience a well-functioning collaboration also describe that colleagues in social services are aware of each other's respective tasks. Information exchange regarding assessments concerning perpetrators of domestic violence who are also parents is shared between different units when there is a well-functioning collaboration. All informants describe that there is support from the organization's management, however, only two working groups describe a well-functioning collaboration. The results show that success in reaching out to perpetrators of domestic violence who are also parents differs. The working group that experiences greater success in reaching out meets the perpetrator together with colleagues from the child protective services. All working groups describe in some way difficulties in assessing the need for help of perpetrators of domestic violence and that there are several factors that they think can influence and hinder the possibility of achieving change, in some cases the answers from the informants differ. The fact that colleagues have different explanatory models for domestic violence can contribute to different assessments being made or violence being viewed in different ways. All working groups describe a limited knowledge regarding perpetrators of domestic violence who are also parents. The lack of knowledge is due, among other things, to insufficient experience, as all informants have come into contact with relatively few perpetrators of domestic violence. This study shows the importance of internal collaboration within the social services in cases involving domestic violence in families where there are children.

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