Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SON"" "subject:"[enn] SON""
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Expériences sonores et intersubjectivité dans le spectacle vivant contemporain. L'inter[o]ralité, entre désir et pouvoirs / Sonic experience and intersubjectivity in contemporary theatre. Inter[o]rality, between desire and powerFargier, Noémie 14 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une réflexion sur la relation entre scène et salle se tissant à travers l’écoute. Dépassant le modèle activité/passivité auquel pourrait être rattachée l’expérience sonore du spectateur, nous tenterons de cerner les contours de cette relation où l’un émet tandis que l’autre reçoit, mais aussi répond. Le pouvoir semble du côté de la scène, capable de forcer l’écoute du spectateur, d’écraser toute réaction, tandis que le désir serait l’enjeu même de cette relation asymétrique, et circulerait de part et d’autre. Associant la notion d’auralité, qui englobe en un seul terme l’écoute et l’audition, à celle d’oralité, acte d’émettre une parole à l’intention d’un auditeur, la notion d’inter[o]ralité, fusionne les deux pôles, émission et réception, et les deux organes, bouche et oreille. Elle cherche à cerner la dimension intersubjective de la relation d’écoute liant la scène à la salle : si celle-ci prend modèle sur la situation d’énonciation, elle ne se réduit pas à l’écoute muette d’une parole ; elle est jeu d’adresse, intention d’attention.Cette réflexion, mûrie au fil d’une expérience de spectatrice, nourrie de la mémoire, souvent fragmentaire, de spectacles, se fonde sur un corpus d’oeuvres vues et entendues entre 2004 et 2017, créées par des artistes de la scène européenne tels que Joël Pommerat, Romeo Castellucci, Maguy Marin, Vincent Macaigne, Gisèle Vienne, Rimini Protokoll, dont le rapport au sonore est remarquable ou parlant du fait de la relation qu’il engendre avec le spectateur. Aussi cette réflexion invite-t-elle à une appréhension plus large de l’écoute : non seulement comme réception du sonore et de ce qu’il y a à entendre, mais comme réponse à une proposition émise à l’attention d’un autre, attention à cette attention elle-même, à laquelle ce dernier est libre, à tout moment, de se dérober. / This thesis explores the relationship between stage and audience as it arises in listening. Going beyond the activity/passivity paradigm that could be used to describe the audience’s sonic experience, we will try to draw the contours of a relationship in which the one produces while the other not only receives, but also responds. Power seems to belong to the stage in order to enforce listening on the part of the spectator and to prevent any reaction, while desire appears to be circulating back and forth as the purpose of this asymmetrical relationship. Conflating the notion of aurality, which gathers “listening” and “hearing”, and the notion of orality, which is the act of producing speech for a listener, the notion of inter[o]rality combines the two sides, production and reception, and the two organs, mouth and ears. It aims at capturing the intersubjective dimension of the listening relationship between stage and audience : even if it is modeled on the paradigm of enunciation, it is not limited to the mute listening of what is being said ; it is a game of addressing, an intention of attentiveness. This reflection, which has matured along with my experience as a spectator and which relies on the often incomplete memory of the shows I have seen, is based on a corpus of works that I watched and heard between 2004 and 2017. They were produced by European stage directors and artists such as Joël Pommerat, Romeo Castellucci, Maguy Marin, Vincent Macaigne, Gisèle Vienne, or Rimini Protokoll, whose connection to sound is remarkable or significant because of the relationship it creates with the spectator. In this way, this reflection encourages a wider approach to listening, considered not only as the reception of sound and of what is to be heard, but also as a response to what is offered to the attention of an other, and as an attentiveness to this attention itself, which the other is free, at any moment, to relinquish.
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A methodology for analyzing data from long-term passive acoustic monitoring. / Metodologia para análise de dados de monitoramentos acústicos passivos de longa duração.Sánchez Gendriz, Ignacio 23 March 2017 (has links)
Despite the extensive Brazilian coast areas, little is known on underwater acoustic environments in Brazil. Acoustic environments (or soundscape) are composed by biological, geological and man-made sound sources. Soundscapes are strongly linked to ecosystems dynamics, and follow temporal patters that can vary at daily and seasonal scales. Thus, for soundscape characterization, it is necessary to undertake sound recordings for long periods, which demands innovative analyzing methods. Accordingly, the present research focuses in two principal objectives: (1) to develop methods for analyzing long-term acoustic recordings and, (2) to characterize marine soundscapes of selected points in São Paulo State. Four deployment sites were selected for the underwater acoustic monitoring: a point located at the channel entrance of the Santos Harbor, and three marine Protected Areas (PAs) in Sao Paulo state. As a result, the largest underwater acoustic database from Brazilian seas was acquired. The present work used Power Spectral Density (PSD), Sound Pressure Level (SPL) and Spectrograms to develop an innovative methodology for analyzing long-term acoustic data. In addition, a new visualization tool and a method for automatic detection of dawn and dusk choruses are presented. The achieved results validated the proposed methodology as an effective tool for analyzing long-term acoustic data. The area close to the first site, the vicinity of Santos Harbor, was dominated by ship noise, which values reach levels that can affect some species of fish and marine mammals. The soundscapes of the other three remaining measurement sites were dominated by fish and crustacean choruses, with daily and seasonal patterns (related to sunrise and sunset). For the monitored regions, the present work signifies the first contribution for cataloguing fish choruses, and establishes a baseline for the study of their underwater acoustic environment. Although the proposed methodology has used long-term undersea acoustic datasets as case-study, it can also be extended for monitoring other aquatic or terrestrial ecosystems. Finally, the research indicates to Brazilian environmental agencies and to the related scientific community that passive acoustic monitoring is a noninvasive and cost-effective tool that can be used for the management of PAs and points of economic relevance. / Apesar da ampla área dos mares brasileiros, pouco se conhece sobre paisagens acústicas submarinas no Brasil. Estas paisagens são compostas por sons de origens biológicas, geológicas e as produzidas pelo homem. As paisagens acústicas estão fortemente ligadas à dinâmica dos ecossistemas, mostrando padrões temporais diários e sazonais. Para caracterizar paisagens acústicas é necessário realizar gravações de sons por períodos de tempos prolongados, o que demanda métodos de análise inovadores. Neste sentido, a presente pesquisa visa dois objetivos principais: (1) desenvolver métodos para a análise de gravações acústicas de longa duração, (2) caracterizar a paisagem acústica do litoral do estado de São Paulo. Quatro pontos de coleta foram selecionados para monitoramento acústico passivo: um ponto situado no canal de entrada do Porto de Santos e os outros três em áreas de proteção marinhas (APM) do estado de São Paulo. Como resultado foi obtida a base de dados de sons submarinhos mais extensa dos mares brasileiros. Do ponto de vista da análise destes dados, o presente trabalho baseia-se no cálculo da Densidade Espectral de Potência, Níveis de Pressão Sonora e Espectrogramas, obtendo métodos de análise novedosos a partir técnicas tradicionais. Neste contexto a tese apresenta uma ferramenta para a visualização de dados acústicos e um método para a detecção automática de coros biológicos matutinos e vespertinos. Os resultados obtidos permitiram validar a efetividade dos métodos propostos na descrição e análise de dados acústicos de longa duração. O ambiente acústico nas proximidades do Porto de Santos foi dominado por ruído de embarcações, alcançando valores de níveis sonoros capazes de afetar algumas espécies de peixes e mamíferos marinhos. As paisagens acústicas dos três pontos restantes foram dominadas por coros de peixes e crustáceos, com padrões diários e sazonais (relacionados ao nascer e pôr do sol). O presente trabalho constitui a primeira pesquisa que cataloga coro de peixes e que estabelece uma referência para o estudo do ambiente acústico das regiões monitoradas. Embora os métodos apresentados usaram como estudo de caso dados de sons submarinos, a sua aplicação pode ser estendida para o monitoramento de outros ambientes aquáticos ou terrestres. Por último, a pesquisa mostra aos órgãos ambientais brasileiros que o monitoramento acústico passivo é uma ferramenta eficaz para o manejo e monitoramento de áreas protegidas e pontos de relevância econômica.
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Os sentimentos maternos diante da hospitalização da criança pequena : em busca de um colo /Pazian, Rafaela Tardivo. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Olga Ceciliato Mattioli / Banca: Heloisa Maria Heradão Rogone / Banca: Isabel Cristina Gomes / Resumo: A hospitalização de uma criança significa um momento de sofrimento, permeado por sentimentos de medo, angústia e ansiedade. Essa experiência é acompanhada de perto pela sua família, especialmente a mãe, vista, geralmente como alguém capaz de contribuir para a recuperação da saúde da criança. Contudo, também ela é atravessada pelo sentido de sofrimento diante do adoecimento e hospitalização do filho. Em razão disso, o presente trabalho se propõe pensar os sentimentos despertados sobre a mãe acompanhante do seu filho hospitalizado, suas estratégias de enfrentamento e o significado atribuído a sua função, nesse contexto. Esta pesquisa realizou-se na Santa Casa de Misericórdia do município de Assis-SP, no período de abril a agosto de 2006. Para a coleta dos dados, utilizamos a entrevista semi-dirigida a dez mães acompanhantes de suas crianças de até dois anos de idade e a observação na enfermaria infantil, tendo os referenciais psicanalíticos como guias para a sua efetivação. Assim, as análises estiveram guiadas pelos conceitos psicanalíticos de associação livre, transferência, contratransferência e interpretação, permitindo-nos compreender os conteúdos manifesto e latente das linguagens verbais e não-verbais de cada mãe, aproximando-nos de suas angústias. Além disso, a formação do psiquismo dessas mulheres sofre influência de contextos socioculturais a respeito da maternidade, de modo que esses aspectos também permearam as análises. Estas últimas revelaram um sentido concedido à maternidade de amor e dedicação exclusiva, bem como de uma pré-condição feminina, ainda revelando uma influência do ideal romântico de amor materno, construído no século XVIII. Diante da ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: A child hospitalization means a moment of suffering, full of fear, anguish and anxiety. This experience is closed attended by the family, especially by the mother. She is generally seen as someone capable to contribute to the child.s health recovery. However, the mother is also touched by the suffering in face of child.s sickness and hospitalization. According to this, the report suggests to think about the mother who accompanies her hospitalized child, her strategies to face the experience and the meaning of her role in this context. The search took place in Santa Casa de Misericórdia - Assis/SP. The tool used to collect data was the semi-adressed interview to a group of mothers who accompany their twoyear children and to the children nursing observation, with pshycoanalistic concernings used as guide to their accomplishment. Its construction is based on pshycoanalistic concerning, being analysis guided by the free association, transferring and interpretation concepts, allowing us to understand the discernible and hidden content of the verbal and non-verbal speech of each mother, getting close to their anguishes. Besides, these women psychic development are influenced by social and cultural contexts about motherhood, so that these aspects will also be envolved with the analysis done. Analysis demonstrate a sense of exclusive love and dedication conceded to motherhood, as well as a feminine prior condition, still revealing the mother love romantic ideal influence, built in XVIII century. In face of children hospitalization, mothers feel the responsibility to redouble those affections and care. The feeling of blame was the most manifested one by the mothers, making them wish they were in their children.s place in ...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below) / Mestre
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O aspecto fônico da língua : uma reflexão sobre o lugar do ouvinte na proposta SaussurianaStawinski, Aline Vargas January 2016 (has links)
Il y a cent ans, Ferdinand de Saussure avait été pour toujours inscrit dans l’histoire des sciences. Considéré comme le fondateur de la linguistique que nous connaissons aujourd’hui, l’érudit a acquis une renommée grâce à la publication du Cours de linguistique générale, en 1916, ouvrage qui continue à provoquer l’intérêt des spécialistes du langage, au-delà de sa valeur historique. Parmi de différentes lectures, recherches et découvertes de textes manuscrits, les réflexions du genevois ont donné lieu à la discussion sur la définition de l’objet de la linguistique. Saussure a également été responsable de tracer le chemin pour les futures générations de linguistes, dont la tâche serait, enfin, d’établir des théories et des méthodes qui pensassent la langue comme un objet construit à partir d’un certain point de vue, compte tenu de son fonctionnement sémiologique via la notion de système. Ce travail propose de relire Saussure partant de la matérialité sonore, afin de regarder celle-ci en tant que signifiant linguistique, et ce, en raison de l’historique suppression du fait concret, par le fait abstrait dans des interprétations sur la pensée du genevois. Étant donné le rôle crucial de l’auditeur dans la délimitation des unités linguistiques et son rapport avec la notion de signifiant, on a pour but, ainsi, de réfléchir à la place de l’auditeur dans les propositions de Saussure. Nous nous demandons donc quelle est l’importance de la notion d’auditeur pour la définition de signe linguistique, et dans quelle mesure cette position est insérée dans la réflexion générale de la théorie conçue par Saussure. Pour notre recherche, on utilise principalement le Cours de linguistique générale (2006), les Écrits de linguistique générale (2004) et les manuscrits de Harvard, présents dans Phonétique (1995), une fois que nous sommes aperçus, en lisant ces matériaux, un nombre pertinent de considérations qui renvoient à la position d’auditeur dans la langue. Nos lectures seront guidées par des concepts-clés de la théorie de Saussure, en particulier les notions qui dialoguent directement avec le thème de notre travail, les questions liées au signe, signifiant, sujet parlant, auditeur, valeur et découpage de l’unité. La lecture du corpus de recherche, dans la quête de la place de l’auditeur, nous a permis d’entrevoir l’importance de la forme sonore de la langue dans la réflexion théorique, à partir d’un point de vue qui paraît étroitement lié aux principes généraux de la proposition saussurienne. Nous avons été en mesure de discerner la place cruciale occupée par l’auditeur dans la définition de ce qui peut être pris comme unité linguistique tout en envisageant l’inséparabilité fondamentale entre l’aspect phonique de la langue et la possibilité de la signification. / Há cem anos, Ferdinand de Saussure fora gravado para sempre na história das ciências. Considerado fundador da linguística como hoje a conhecemos, o estudioso ganhou fama graças à publicação do Cours de Linguistique Générale em 1916, obra que continua provocando o interesse de estudiosos da linguagem para muito além do seu valor histórico. Em meio às mais variadas leituras, pesquisas e descobertas de textos manuscritos, as reflexões do genebrino deram lugar à discussão sobre a definição do objeto da linguística e fora responsável por projetar caminhos para as futuras gerações de linguistas, cuja responsabilidade seria a de, enfim, estabelecer teorias e métodos que pensassem a língua como objeto construído a partir de um determinado ponto de vista, considerando seu funcionamento semiológico via noção de sistema. O presente trabalho propõe-se a reler Saussure partindo da materialidade sonora a fim de olhar para seu valor como significante linguístico, em decorrência do constante apagamento do fato concreto em detrimento do fato abstrato realizado por interpretações dos ensinamentos do genebrino. Tem-se como objetivo, assim, pensarmos o lugar do ouvinte na proposta saussuriana, em razão do papel crucial operado por este na delimitação das unidades linguísticas. Nos questionamos, portanto, qual a importância da noção de ouvinte para a definição do signo linguístico, e em que medida esta posição está inserida na reflexão geral da teoria projetada por Saussure. Para nossa investigação, lançaremos mão prioritariamente do Curso de Linguística Geral (2006), dos Escritos de Linguística Geral (2004) e dos manuscritos de Harvard presentes em Phonétique (1995), visto que percebemos, na leitura destes materiais, uma presença significativa de considerações que levam em conta a posição de ouvinte na língua. As leituras serão guiadas por conceitos-chave da teoria saussuriana, em especial às noções que dialogam diretamente com a temática do trabalho, como as questões relacionadas ao signo, significante, falante, ouvinte, valor e recorte da unidade. A leitura do corpus de pesquisa à procura do lugar do ouvinte permitiu-nos vislumbrar a importância da forma sonora da língua na reflexão teórica a partir de um ponto de vista que mostra-se estritamente vinculado aos princípios gerais da proposta saussuriana. Foi-nos possível divisar o lugar crucial ocupado pelo ouvinte para a definição do que pode ser tomado como unidade linguística, vislumbrando a indissociabilidade fundamental entre o aspecto fônico da língua e a possibilidade da significação.
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Caractérisation des bruts lourds en présence de solvant / Characterization of heavy oil in presence of solventVaret, Guillaume 23 March 2012 (has links)
La croissance de la demande en produits pétroliers (essence et gazole), en particulier dans les pays développés, et la nature limitée des ressources pétrolières conduisent l’industrie pétrolière à s’intéresser de plus en plus à l’exploitation et la transformation des huiles lourdes et extra-lourdes. Leurs propriétés non conventionnelles du fait de leur forte composition en asphaltènes (particules définies comme l'ensemble de constituants insolubles dans le n-heptane et solubles dans le toluène) nécessitent la mise en oeuvre de procédés de plus en plus sophistiqués à toutes les étapes de leur exploitation et de leur production. Ces bruts, situés principalement au Canada et au Venezuela, sont caractérisés par leur forte viscosité de 1 à 55 Pa.s (1 000 cP à 55 000 cP), qui rend leur transport en surface impossible dans leur état naturel. Le développement de solutions technologiques nouvelles repose sur une meilleure connaissance des propriétés thermo- physiques et du comportement colloïdal de ces produits.Les méthodes de caractérisation expérimentale et de modélisation utilisées pour les bruts conventionnels sont inadaptées pour les bruts lourds et extra lourds. La caractérisation PVT des bruts lourds fait l’objet de nombreux travaux à l’heure actuelle. Les propriétés à déterminer sont les équilibres de phase et les propriétés thermo physiques des phases en équilibre. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse a pour objectifs principaux le développement de méthodes expérimentales et de modèles adaptés aux bruts lourds et aux procédés de récupération envisagés pour ces bruts (production froide, injection de solvant VAPEX, injection de vapeur SAGD, etc...). / Due to increasing demand for fuel, in particular for developed countries, and the limited nature of reserves, petroleum industry is, and will, growing concerned by the heavy and and extra-heavy oil processing. The non-conventional properties of these oils (due to a high asphaltene composition) require specific engineering solutions during the different steps of their processing. These crudes, mainly localized in Canada and Venezuela, are characterized by their strong viscosity, from 1 up to 55 Pa.s, which makes their transport to earth surface impossible. The development of new technological solutions is based on a better knowledge of the thermophysical properties and the colloidal behavior of these products. The methods of experimental characterization and modelling used for the conventional crudes are unsuited for both heavy and extra heavy crudes. To date, characterization PVT of heavy crudes is the subject of numerous studies. The properties to be determined are balances of phase and thermophysical properties of the equilibrium cycles. In this context, the main objectives of this thesis are not only the development of experimental methods and models suitable for heavy crudes, but also the recovery processes envisaged for these crudes (cold production, VAPEX process, SAGD process, etc…).
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Caractérisation thermophysique des fluides sous pression à l’aide d’un dispositif unique de mesures acoustiques : application aux biodiesels et à leurs constituants / Thermophysical caracterisation of fluids under pressure using an unique probe of acoustic measurements : application to biodiesels and their componentsHabrioux, Matthieu 01 October 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre d’une réduction d’émission de gaz à effets de serre, la possibilité d’introduire une quantité de biodiesel dans les diesels dits « traditionnels », c’est-à-dire issus des énergies fossiles est une possibilité envisagée par les groupes pétroliers. Cependant, la connaissance des propriétés thermophysiques des fluides sous pression est mince, que ce soient des mélanges ou des corps purs, où peu de données expérimentales existent. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, une nouvelle sonde de mesures des propriétés acoustiques sous pression a été développée dans le but de réaliser des mesures de toutes les propriétés thermophysiques en utilisant un volume d’échantillon minimum grâce à la fois, à une technique de mesure de vitesse du son via l’utilisation de transducteurs piézoélectriques et de viscosité via l’utilisation de cristaux de quartz. Si cette thèse s’inscrit dans une démarche visant à travailler sur les biodiesels et leurs corps purs, la sonde développée au cours de ces trois ans est amenée à être expérimentée dans un avenir proche, sur des fluides directement issus de champs pétroliers et/ou de synthèses, sous pression afin de déterminer des propriétés thermophysiques mais également des équilibres de phase sous pression. / Key words : speed of sound, compressibility, density, viscosity, biodiesel, methyl and ethyl esters, pressure.In the context of reduction of exhaust gases, the possibility to introduce a quantity of biodiesel inside traditional diesel from fossils fuels is one of the step taken by petroleum societies. However, the knowledge of thermophysical properties of fluids is scant, for mixture and pure compounds, where few data exist. In this work, a new measurement probe under high pressure, has been developed in the aim to realize measurements of thermophysical properties using a minimum volume sample, thanks a technique of measurements of speed of sound using piezoelectric transducers and viscosity using quartz crystals. If this thesis is focused on the work on the biodiesels and their pure components, this probe will be experimented, in a near future, on fluids directly from oil fields and/or syntheses ones under pressure, in the aim to determine thermophysical properties but also phase equilibria.
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The Ardour DAW – Latency Compensation and Anywhere-to-Anywhere Signal Routing Systems / Le "Ardour DAW" : compensation de latence et systèmes ouverts de routage de signaux.Gareus, Robin 08 December 2017 (has links)
Dans des systèmes numériques essentiellement latents, compenser la latence n’est pastrivial, en particulier lorsque les graphes de routage du signal sont complexes commec’est souvent le cas dans une station audionumérique (DAW).Tandis que le problème général est de nature mathématique, des complicationsapparaissent dans la conception de systèmes audio en temps réel à cause des contraintesdu matériel, de l’architecture du système, ou de l’ingénierie.Pour construire un système fournissant une compensation de latence sur l’intégralitédu graphe avec possibilité de connecter n’importe quelle source à n’importe quelledestination, uniquement décrire les mécanismes est insuffisant. Le système completdoit être conçu d’un bloc à l’aide de prototypes pour prendre en compte les limitationsdu monde réel.Cette recherche a été menée en utilisant Ardour, une station audionumériquelibrement disponible sous licence libre GPL. Cette thèse est autant un rapport deconception qu’une documentation de recherche.Une analyse complète des éléments de base et de leurs interactions est présentée.La plupart ont été implémentés au delà de la démonstration de faisabilité, dans lebut de combler l’écart entre les systèmes professionnels de production audio et ladocumentation librement accessible pour la recherche et le développement.Même si elle s’attache ostensiblement à Ardour, cette thèse décrit les conceptgénériques des station audio tels que les Ports, les pistes (Tracks), les bus (Busses)et les processeurs de traitement numériques du signal (Processors) ainsi que lesinteractions opérationnelles entre eux.Les concepts de base communs à toutes les entrées/sorties numériques sont expliquésainsi que les sources de latence. Les graphes de traitement et de latence sont illustréspour présenter une vue d’ensemble.Les problèmes généraux rencontrés lors de l’alignement temporel, tant local que / In inherently latent digital systems it is not trivial to compensate for latency, particularlyin situations of complex signal routing graphs as is the case in a Digital AudioWorkstation.While the general problem is of mathematical nature, design complexities arisein real-time audio systems due to constraints by hardware, system-architecture andengineering.To construct a system providing for full-graph latency compensation with anywhereto-anywhere routing capabilities, it is insufficient to merely describe mechanisms.The complete system has to be designed as one and prototyped to take real-worldlimitations into account.This research was carried out using Ardour, a digital audio workstation, whichis freely available under the GPL free-software licence. This thesis is as much adesign-report as it is research documentation.A complete breakdown of building-blocks and interaction is presented, most of whichhas also been implemented beyond a proof-of-concept with the goal to bridge the gapbetween professional audio production systems and freely accessible documentationfor research and development.While ostensibly focusing on Ardour, this thesis describes generic concepts of AudioWorkstations like Ports, Tracks, Busses, and DSP Processors, as well as operationalinteraction between them.Basic concepts common to all digital I/O processes an,d sources of latency areexplained, and process- and latency graphs are illustrated to provide a completepicture. General issues related to time-alignment, both local, and global, as wellas more DAW specific cases like parameter-automation and parallel-execution arediscussed. Algorithms are modelled with pseudocode where appropriate and applicationprogramming interfaces are presented as examples to concepts throughout the text.
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Theological ethics of migrationJanklow, Aaron Philip January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis I develop a theological ethics of migration that is attentive to the contemporary global crisis of human migration. Using the fourfold sense of scripture, with particular attention to allegory, as reclaimed from patristic and medieval exegesis by Henri de Lubac, I investigate four biblical narratives that I will show are paradigmatic of biblical approaches to the treatment of migrants. These narratives include Exodus, the Book of Ruth, and the parables of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son. I present an in-depth exegesis of these narratives as vital theological and ethical sources for addressing the contemporary migration crisis. The core claim I advance in this thesis is that migration is theologically significant for Christians because loving aliens is commended throughout scripture and the theme of hospitality to migrants is central to the prophetic witness of the Church to the nations. Refugees and migrants reveal the interconnected nature of the contemporary world, and I argue that the millions of people who are currently on the move from their home nations are not only an urgent humanitarian challenge to the global community, but an ethical and theological litmus test of contemporary global civilization. The existence of so many migrants and refugees in a global civilization divided into bordered nation-states, which is also daily joined by movements of people and goods in planes, ships and trucks, reveals inconsistencies in modern political conceptions of the nation-state and of the rights of citizens. I argue that longstanding theological traditions that speak of Christians as wanderers and aliens provide a valuable source for addressing and repairing these inconsistencies. In Part I, I address the politicization of migration and modern contradictions that arise between migration law and globalization, such as territorial sovereignty and economic liberalism, and I identify vestiges of social contract theories arising before and during the Enlightenment as preventing migration from being addressed in ways that acknowledge basic and profound truths about the interconnected nature of the world. I argue that without addressing these underlying issues, migration will remain an ongoing political and humanitarian problem. In Part II, I engage in biblical exegesis to develop ethical claims for Christians and the Church, and address the underlying issues identified in Part I. I will argue that the exegesis of these biblical narratives reveal that aid, care and rescue of migrants, even to the point of self-sacrifice, present contemporary Christians and others with the opportunity to rediscover the meaning of justice and citizenship on an interconnected planet.
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DESENVOLVIMENTO DE BEBÊS PREMATUROS: análise de experiências maternas / Development of preterm babies: Analysis of maternal experiencesMendes, Maria de Nazareth 30 November 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-11-30 / The present study had as objective to identify the mothers' socioeconomic characteristics, to know the experiences of neonatal internment, to know the mothers' perception on their babies' development, to know the mothers' perception on his/her role in the development through a descriptive study of qualitative approach. The data were collected at the Clinic of Continuation of the Infantile of the Academical Hospital Maternal Unit starting from the record register and semi-structured interview, applied with ten mothers. The data were separated in three categories: experiences from the birth to the discharge, the maternal perception on the baby's development and the maternal paper in the baby's development; later they were submitted to the content analysis. The found results were: that the mothers present low socioeconomic level, they consider development as health and comfort of the baby, worrying about the relationship between premature birth and their children's development, recognizing his/her role as caretakers primary, vigilant and stimulating for the children's good development, understanding that the family assumes a secondary paper in the development process. It is concluded this way that: the mothers' low socioeconomic level should be considered by the team in the planning of the attendance, seeking the improvement of the maternal knowledge on premature and development. The valorization of the daily experiences lived by the mother and the baby, the importance of stimulating the other members of the family is emphasized to make part as support in the process of the babies' development. / A percepção das mães sobre o desenvolvimento dos bebês prematuros. Objetiva identificar as características socioeconômicas das mães, conhecer suas experiências de internação neonatal, conhecer a percepção das mães sobre o desenvolvimento de recém-nascidos, conhecer sua percepção sobre o seu papel no desenvolvimento dos bebês, através de um estudo descritivo de abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados no Ambulatório de Seguimento da Unidade Materno-Infantil do Hospital Universitário, através de ficha de coleta de dados e de entrevista semi-estruturada, realizadas com dez mães. Os dados foram agrupados em três categorias: experiências do nascimento à alta, a percepção materna sobre desenvolvimento do bebê e o papel materno no desenvolvimento do bebê; posteriormente foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Os principais resultados encontrados foram: que as mães apresentam baixo nível socioeconômico, conceituam desenvolvimento como saúde e bem-estar do bebê, preocupando-se com a relação entre prematuridade e desenvolvimento dos seus filhos, reconhecendo seu papel como cuidadoras primárias, vigilantes e estimuladoras para o bom desenvolvimento dos filhos, compreendendo que a família assume um papel secundário no processo de desenvolvimento. Conclui-se desta forma que: o baixo nível socioeconômico das mães deve ser considerado pela equipe no planejamento da assistência, visando ao aprimoramento do conhecimento materno sobre prematuridade e desenvolvimento. A valorização das experiências cotidianas vivenciadas pela mãe e pelo bebê ressaltam a importância de estimular os demais membros da família a participar como rede de apoio no processo de desenvolvimento dos bebês.
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[pt] A família contemporânea está em franco processo de
reformulação. O divórcio e, posteriormente, o recasamento
do pai e/ou da mãe, envolve a participação de novas pessoas
na vida dos filhos daquele casal. Com isso, o tempo do pai
com seu filho, após a separação, tende a diminuir. Em
contrapartida, o convívio entre pai e filho, sem a mediação
da mãe, também pode aproximá-los. Somado a essa
recomposição familiar, observamos, o intercâmbio entre as
funções materna e paterna, em que os pais precisam dividir
seu tempo entre o trabalho e os cuidados destinados à prole.
Esta dissertação visa uma investigação exploratória acerca
da construção e manutenção do vínculo afetivo entre pais e
filhos, após a separação. Com este intuito, realizamos
entrevistas em profundidade com pais, mães e filhos,
moradores da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, avaliados pela
metodologia da análise de discurso. A partir das
entrevistas foi possível averiguar que ao manter um bom
relacionamento os pais proporcionam uma sensação de
acolhimento e segurança às crianças. Dentre os principais
resultados obtidos, citamos a existência de um laço afetivo
entre pais e filhos, que possibilita uma relação de
proximidade e intimidade entre ambos. Por fim, constatamos
a crescente capacidade masculina em aprender a expressar
suas emoções e lidar com elas. / [en] The family today is in an unmistakable process of change.
Divorce and remarriage thereafter, brings other people into
the childrens life. The father normally has less time to
spend with his children after divorce. On the other hand,
without the mother around, the relationship between father
and children may bring them together. All of us are
witnesses of a growing, interchanging course among the
traditional roles of the father and the mother, who are
forced to manage their time between working and caring for
their children. The purpose of this dissertation is to
explore and investigate the formation and preservation of
the affectionate union between fathers and his children,
post-divorce or separation. In order to pursue this topic,
we thoroughly interviewed mothers, fathers and children,
all residents of Rio de Janeiro, evaluated by discourse-
analysis methodology. After interviewing, we observed that
the existence of a healthy-working relationship among
separated parents, greatly benefits their children. Among
the most important results that we obtained was the
survival of a loving bond between separated fathers and
their children, with proximity and intimacy between them.
In addition, we found a growing capacity among men to
willingly express and deal with their emotions.
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