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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le rooibos : dynamiques locales autour d'un produit marchand à succès, révélatrices d'une société sud-africaine plurielle

Leclercq, Maya 15 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Le rooibos est une tisane produite à partir d'une plante sud-africaine endémique (Aspalathus linaris), typique de la formation végétale fynbos. Il s'agit d'une production localisée ou « produit de terroir » au sens où elle est inscrite dans le temps et que les savoir-faire de production et la ressource sont liés à une région, le sud-ouest du pays. Cette production combine tous les caractères constitutifs d'un patrimoine : elle est produite collectivement, ancrée dans le temps et dans l'espace, transmise ou conservée. Le rooibos se situe donc dans le champ des études sur la patrimonialisation des productions localisées. Il fait actuellement l'objet d'un projet de valorisation par une indication géographique (IG) et présente à ce titre un caractère emblématique pour ces recherches dans les pays du Sud. Afin d'éclairer le processus de valorisation, notre recherche a consisté à étudier les dynamiques à l'origine de sa dimension patrimoniale. Nous montrons que cette production est indissociable des contextes et des enjeux (politiques, sociaux, identitaires) qui ont traversé la société sud-africaine à différentes époques. La filière du rooibos s'est révélée être un objet d'étude privilégié pour observer les tensions nationales dans l'Afrique du Sud post-apartheid. Nous observons une volonté de promouvoir une nation multiculturelle qui tranche avec celle de conserver la structure hiérarchique à l'origine des inégalités socio-économiques. L'imaginaire du rooibos associe l'ingénierie des producteurs afrikaners, le savoir-faire des ouvriers métis et l'utilisation de figures patrimoniale comme celle des Khoesan ; mais d'un autre côté, l'organisation actuelle de la filière reproduit les disparités au sein des acteurs locaux de la production, d'une part entre producteurs et ouvriers agricoles et d'autre part entre producteurs afrikaners et métis. Nos résultats suggèrent que la construction des nouveaux patrimoines sud-africains n'est pas nécessairement un facteur d'intégration et de réconciliation nationales.

Paisagem, terroir e sistemas agrários : um estudo em São Lourenço do Sul

Lima, Maria Imaculada Fonseca January 2006 (has links)
O município de São Lourenço do Sul está assentado sobre a Planície Costeira Sul-Brasileira e o Escudo Cristalino Sul-Rio-Grandense, localizado na “metade sul” do Rio Grande do Sul, a chamada metade desfavorecida do Estado, mas com um grande potencial natural para a agropecuária, extrativismo e o turismo. Ao mesmo tempo, essas atividades têm colocado em risco a natureza. Para tentar compreender a complexidade da relação sociedade-natureza aí existente, formulou-se a questão que norteou o desenvolvimento da pesquisa: quais os elementos na paisagem que potencializam e/ou inibem a implementação e a sustentação dos sistemas agrícolas no município de São Lourenço do Sul – RS. Consideraram-se como hipóteses da pesquisa: (1) os terroirs existentes hoje, foram construídos a partir de um referencial histórico; (2) alguns terroirs se afirmam como características do aprimoramento técnico e produtivo; (3) aconteceram modificações nos terroirs no contexto histórico do município; (4) nas unidades da paisagem há sinais de desestruturação do terroir da batata e surgimento de novos terroirs como o fumo. Através da observação criteriosa da paisagem é possível constatar e interpretar a dinâmica resultante da interação entre o potencial ecológico, a exploração biológica e a ação antrópica, conceitos trabalhados por Bertrand, Sotchava e Tricart, entre outros, e que foram usados como referencial teórico e metodológico da pesquisa, para a definição e interpretação das unidades da paisagem e seus terroirs. Cada uma das unidades da paisagem e os seus terroirs representam uma porção local, com dinâmica e funcionamento diferenciados, relacionando elementos da morfologia da paisagem e a ocupação do território através dos seus sistemas produtivos, em estreita relação com o contexto histórico, abordagem usada por Deffontaines. A coleta de dados constou de observação dos indicadores visuais como a ocupação, as práticas, as estruturas, as relações e as formas de apropriações, de entrevistas com agricultores e informantes-chave do município, da análise documental, de fotografias e do mapeamento do meio físico. Como resultado foi produzido o Perfil e o Mapeamento das Unidades da Paisagem de São Lourenço do Sul, distinguindo as seguintes unidades de paisagem e terroir: Unidade de Paisagem Planície (terroir do arroz), Unidade de Paisagem Colinas (terroir da soja e milho e gado leiteiro), Unidade de Paisagem Colinas/Domos (terroir da batata, feijão e fumo) e Unidade de Paisagem Domos/Platôs (pecuária extensiva), que apresentam características originais e se manifestam em escala variadas de observação. Pode-se verificar a estreita relação do contexto histórico na construção e na modificação das unidades de paisagem e terroirs, resumida em três momentos distintos: a colonização pelos portugueses, a imigração dos pomeranos e a modernização da agricultura; e também a desestruturação do terroir da batata e o surgimento do terroir do fumo. / The municipality of São Lourenço do Sul is situated upon the Coastal Plain in southern Brazil and the Crystalline Shield at the south of the Rio Grande do Sul, a region which is known as the disfavored area of the state, but with a natural potential for agriculture, livestock, extraction and tourism. At the same time, those activities have put in risk the nature. For trying to understand the complexity of the society-nature relationship, which exists there, a guiding question has been formulated in order to develop this research: which are the elements of the landscape that strength and/or inhibit the implementation and sustenance of the agricultural systems within São Lourenço do Sul. It has been considered the following hypotheses: (1) the nowadays terroirs have been constructed from a historical reference; (2) some terroirs are confirmed as characteristics coming from their technical and productive enhancement; (3) there have been some changes on the terroirs that have occurred within the historical context of the municipality; (4) inside the lanscape units there are some signals of distructuring within the terroir of potato and the emergence of new terroirs like tobacco. Through a critical observation of the landscape, it is possible to prove and make interpretations about the dynamisms that resulted from the interaction among the ecological potential, the biological exploration and the anthropic action, concepts which are worked by Berthand, Stchava and Tricart, among other authors, and were used as theoretical and methodological reference of research, for defining and interpreting the landscape units and their terroirs. Each one of the landscape units and their terroirs represent a local portion, with differentiated dynamisms and functioning, relating elements of landscape’s morphology and the occupation of the territory throughout their productive systems, in a stretched relationship with the historical context. It’s an aproache used by Deffontaines. The collected data comprised the observation of visual indicators such as occupations, practices, structures, relationships and forms of appropriation; the interviews with farmers and key informants, the documental analysis, pictures and the mapping of the physical area. As a result, it has been produced a Profile and a Mapping, distinguishing the following landscape units and terroirs: Plain Landscape Unit (terroir of rice), Hill Landscape Unit (terroir of soya, maize and milked cows), Hill/Dome Landscape Unit (terroir of potato, beans and tobacco) and Dome/Plateau Landscape Unit (extensive livestock); which show original characteristics and are manifested in various scales of observation. It could be verified the stretched relationship of the historical context during the construction and modification of the landscape units and terroirs, which are summarized in three moments: the colonization by Portuguese, the Pomeranian immigration and the modernization of agriculture; and also, the distructuring of the terroir of potato and the emergence of the terroir of tobacco.

Hystérésis et dynamiques agricoles dans les territoires du Nord Beira portugais

Roux, Christine 12 November 2010 (has links)
Les territoires du Nord Beira portugais présentent une situation extraordinaire de maintien d’une agriculture paysanne de minifundium nord-ouest ibérique et, ce, malgré les signes de déprise perceptibles à travers les recensements agricoles de 1989 et 1999. Cette situation est singulière par rapport au modèle de la moyenne montagne fragile construit par les géographes de Clermont-Ferrand. Dans les montagnes du Sud de l’Europe, les hautes terres se sont, soit vidées comme en Espagne, soit orientées vers des systèmes extensifs et de production de qualité peu peuplant comme dans le Massif central. Le cas des territoires du Nord Beira se révèle donc exceptionnel. Le maintien d’un nombre important de micro-exploitations depuis la « révolution des oeillets » traduit une forte capacité à intégrer un héritage, une mémoire d’une agriculture traditionnelle dans les évolutions en cours. Il s’agit d’un phénomène d’hystérésis dont la définition a été enrichie à partir d’une approche interdisciplinaire en sciences physiques et en sociologie. L’outil conceptuel éclaire le mode d’articulation entre les innovations agricoles impulsées par la PAC appliquée depuis 1994 et les permanences (effets de lenteur, de résistance, de métissage). Il permet d’analyser les causes liées à une interaction entre des éléments constitutifs des territoires du Nord Beira (choix politiques des gouvernements portugais depuis 1974, représentations négatives de la montagne dans la culture portugaise) et une conjoncture (application de la PAC dans l’esprit de la réforme de 1992 et processus de patrimonialisation de l’agriculture traditionnel émanant d’une nouvelle donne sociale). Il questionne le sens des évolutions en cours dans un contexte social européen favorable à l’agriculture durable / Os territórios do Norte da Beira apresentam uma situação extraordinária de conservaçãoda agricultura campesina de minifúndio no Noroeste iberíco, apesar dos sinais de abandonoobservados através dos recenseamentos agrícolas de 1989 e 1999. Esta situação é singular emrelação ao modelo da média montanha frágil edificado pelos geógrafos de Clermont-Ferrand. Nasserras do sul da Europa, as terras altas despovoaram-se como em Espanha, ou orientaram-se parasistemas agrícolas extensivos de qualidade, com densidades de população baixas como no Maciçocentral. O caso dos territórios do Norte da Beira é excepcional. A conservação dum número muitoimportante de micro-explorações desde a « revolução dos cravos » traduz uma forte capacidade paraintegrar a herança, a memória da agricultura tradicional nas evoluções actuais. Trata-se de umfénomeno de histerese cuja definição foi enriquecida pela abordagem pluridisciplinar da física esociologia. O instrumento conceptual esclarece o modo de articulação entre as inovações agrícolasresultante da PAC aplicada desde 1994 e as permanências (efeitos de lentidão, de resistência, demestiçagem). Permite de compreeender as causas ligadas a uma interacção entre os elementosconstitutivos dos territórios do Norte da Beira (escolhas políticas dos governos português desde 1974,representações negativas da montanha na cultura portuguesa) e uma conjonctura (aplicação da PACno espírito da reforma de 1992 e processo de patrimonialização da agricultura tradicional ligada auma nova procura social). Interroga o sentido das evoluções em curso num contexto social europeufavorável à agricultura sustentável

LA PRESSE DE TERRITOIRE : D'une conception stéréotypée à une consommation sécurisante.

Demeure, Gilles 18 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse étudie l'interface, le lien, le relais existant entre le magazine de territoire, le citoyen consommateur, et le territoire lui‐même. Concernant les acteurs acquéreurs de la presse magazine de territoire, il ressort que le développement des espaces observés par les médias favorisent à la fois la connaissance du territoire et son affectation identitaire. Les créateurs, très dépendants à la fois des lecteurs et de la qualité intrinsèque des terroirs, adoptent des stratégies et des comportements différents afin d'assurer le maintien de leurs activités et de leurs revenus. Ajoutons aussi à cela les crises multiples que la presse en générale traverse. Les crises identitaires, particulièrement ressenties par nos concitoyens, nous montrent une vision schématique mais essentielle de leur adoption d'une forme de presse attachée aux valeurs territoriales. Depuis sa création, le média imprimé est porteur d'une forme élaborée d'appartenance à des concepts idéologiques qu'ils soient identitaires, politiques ou éthiques. Cette grande traversée du monde de l'information écrite depuis des siècles abonde en la faveur d'une réciprocité entre le lecteur et “son” magazine de presse. Ce voyage entraîne des comportements très souvent liés et affectés, en la circonstance, au développement des clivages socioculturels que notre société d'hyper consommation impose à tout un chacun. C'est également dans l'apologie de l'éphémère que vont se rencontrer les acteurs de la consommation et du territoire historique, culturel et identitaire.

The Creative Food Economy and Culinary Tourism through Place Branding: Terroir into a Creative and Environmentally Friendly Taste of a Place

Lee, Anne H.J. 23 March 2012 (has links)
Culinary tourism can contribute to the economic development of many rural communities. Creating competitive advantage for a rural community by establishing a culinary cluster requires a strategy designed to leverage the economic, cultural and environmental qualities of a place in an attractive setting and within reach of interested markets. Accordingly, culinary tourism development occurs in places with a ‘local milieu’ that possesses a concentration (spatial agglomeration) of local culinary-related products and services produced by their clustered production of a number of inter-connected firms and service providers. This can attract visitors, new residents and investments and lead to more sustainable economic outcomes that increase the quality of life of residents. To take full advantage of such possibilities, a strategy for partnership and collaboration among various stakeholders involved in culinary tourism is required. This study provides a conceptual foundation for culinary tourism as a part of the creative food economy through place branding. It analyzes the formation of culinary clusters in place-based rural community development. A culinary cluster results from innovation in the production and consumption of local food. The research began with a review and assessment of literature on culinary tourism, economic geography and business/management that led to the definition of concepts that were combined in the creation of a conceptual model based on modification of Porter’s (1990) clustering model. The model consists of ‘four interdependent determinants’ and ‘four facilitators’ that influence the creation of a culinary cluster, and that require attention in building a creative food economy and an environmentally friendly taste of a place as a brand. A ‘terroir’ contributes to the formation of a successful culinary cluster. Tourism and agriculture are leading sectors in this process. Four broad elements specified in the model (‘environmentally friendly movement’, ‘leadership’, ‘stakeholder collaboration’ and ‘communication & information flows’) are the challenges that must be met for the successful transformation of a ‘terroir’ into a creative and environmentally friendly tourism destination that provides the taste of a place and, eventually, contributes to the global green movement. The creation of the model is an important conceptual contribution of the study. The model is used in a variety of ways. First, it was used to guide the collection of information in field investigations of two selected case study sites in the province of Ontario, Canada (Savour Stratford and SAVOUR Muskoka). Second, it was used to structure the qualitative analyses in each case study. Third, it guided comparison of the case studies where it was also used as an evaluative tool to suggest what is working well and less well in the study clusters. It was also used prescriptively to suggest what elements require further attention to strengthen the performance of the clusters. The study focuses on the relatively new concepts of a creative food economy, environmentally friendly culinary tourism and place branding in the formation of a culinary cluster in place-based rural community development. These themes are obviously interrelated, but have not been explored together previously; and thus, the study provides conceptual coherence for addressing their relationships. The findings of the comparative case study suggest that the transformation of a ‘terroir’ into a taste of a place through place branding is based upon the identification of the strengths of a place through inventory of the culinary-related core resources, and the leading and supporting assets (e.g., hard factors of natural environment and soft factors of cultural heritage). Since these will be different from place to place, one should expect different outcomes as the comparative case study demonstrates. Success will depend upon the use of culinary-related resources, based on local things and knowledge, leadership, and stakeholder involvement through collaboration and partnership, to create a uniquely appealing identity and image (place brand). Thus, a synergistic relationship can be established between the primary sector (agriculture) and service sector (tourism) through innovative entrepreneurial activities. The study makes important contributions both conceptually and empirically by creating a model that addresses the conversion of ‘terroir’ into a creative and environmentally friendly tourism place, by demonstrating the utility of the model through application to two cases in a comparative format; and practically, by directing attention to items that need careful consideration if synergistic relationships are to be established between agriculture and tourism through the development of culinary clusters as part of place-based rural community development.

Le terroir, essai d'une réflexion géographique à travers la viticulture

Rouvellac, Éric 04 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Depuis les débuts de nos recherches nous travaillons sur le concept de terroir, sur un essai d'une réflexion géographique à travers la viticulture. Voilà pourquoi nous nous sommes intéressés à l'évolution de ce concept, à la fois dans les domaines de la recherche concernés et dans notre parcours de géographe, pour essayer de cerner un concept bicéphale entre nature et culture. Nous avons insisté à propos de la confusion qui est souvent entretenue avec le sol ou le substrat dans l'application du concept à la viticulture. Pour nous, le terroir doit être assumé sous tous les angles, et nous avons étudié comment deux approches, deux écoles s'ignorent aux sujet des terroirs viticoles alors que nous penchons pour une synthèse, une approche intégré du concept pour mieux le cerner et mieux modéliser le réel pour répondre aux demandes des viticulteurs. La justification du terroir arrive parfois à postériori, dans une logique déterministe ou alors de communication sans garde fou. Nous envisageons le terroir comme possibilité, comme potentiel, comme un concept applicable, de l'agro terroir jusqu'au marketing visant le consommateur. Nous avons approché le concept d'abord par des biais environnementaux avec une étude et une cartographie à grande échelle appliquées à deux grands vignobles à l'échelle du Sud-Ouest viticole, Cahors et Bergerac. Cartographier des terroirs nous a mené à vérifier par l'expérience la corrélation de ceux-ci avec la qualité du vin. Nous avons alors confronté notre vision du terroir viticole au Nouveau Monde avec l'Afrique du Sud. Nous avons analysé un système d'appellations viticoles complexe et sous-utilisé avec deux centres historiques, patrimoniaux, qui concourent à l'image des vins sud africains et un poids important de la coopération dans la diffusion de la vitiviniculture et l'amélioration de la qualité. Le terroir est mobilisé en Afrique du Sud de l'agro-terroir jusqu'à la représentation et l'instrumentalisation, notamment dans des tentatives de " déracialisation " du vin face aux défis post apartheid. Ces stratégies différenciées de marketings allant jusqu'à la fabrique des terroirs nous ont amenés à prolonger nos réflexions encore plus pour comprendre comment passait-on encore plus du cultural au culturel, à travers un vignoble artificialisé à haute dose, celui de Banyuls Collioure dans les Pyrénées orientales françaises. Il s'est d'abord agi d'analyser les enjeux autour d'un territoire patrimonialisé, partagé (écartelé ?) entre activités balnéaires, viticulture et paysages emblématiques. Qu'était-ce qu'un terroir viticole dans le contexte de Banyuls ? Nous sommes passés alors du terroir au paysage pour comprendre leur utilisation et leur évolution depuis le début du XIXème siècle jusqu'à nos jours à travers quatre exemples de bassin-versant. Fort de savoir comment avaient évolué les paysages viticoles, nous avons pu étudier comment la communication et le marketing frappaient l'imaginaire en inventant, en rêvant l'histoire du vignoble. Parfois classique, restant dans des domaines très historiques ou agro géologiques, la communication à propos des terroirs en arrive jusqu'à dissoudre le concept dans la poussée actuelle de l'architecture iconoclaste de certains domaines à travers le monde viticole.

Le terroir, essai d'une réflexion géographique à travers la viticulture, volume 2

Rouvellac, Éric 04 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Depuis les débuts de nos recherches nous travaillons sur le concept de terroir, sur un essai d'une réflexion géographique à travers la viticulture. Voilà pourquoi nous nous sommes intéressés à l'évolution de ce concept, à la fois dans les domaines de la recherche concernés et dans notre parcours de géographe, pour essayer de cerner un concept bicéphale entre nature et culture. Nous avons insisté à propos de la confusion qui est souvent entretenue avec le sol ou le substrat dans l'application du concept à la viticulture. Pour nous, le terroir doit être assumé sous tous les angles, et nous avons étudié comment deux approches, deux écoles s'ignorent aux sujet des terroirs viticoles alors que nous penchons pour une synthèse, une approche intégré du concept pour mieux le cerner et mieux modéliser le réel pour répondre aux demandes des viticulteurs. La justification du terroir arrive parfois à postériori, dans une logique déterministe ou alors de communication sans garde fou. Nous envisageons le terroir comme possibilité, comme potentiel, comme un concept applicable, de l'agro terroir jusqu'au marketing visant le consommateur. Nous avons approché le concept d'abord par des biais environnementaux avec une étude et une cartographie à grande échelle appliquées à deux grands vignobles à l'échelle du Sud-Ouest viticole, Cahors et Bergerac. Cartographier des terroirs nous a mené à vérifier par l'expérience la corrélation de ceux-ci avec la qualité du vin. Nous avons alors confronté notre vision du terroir viticole au Nouveau Monde avec l'Afrique du Sud. Nous avons analysé un système d'appellations viticoles complexe et sous-utilisé avec deux centres historiques, patrimoniaux, qui concourent à l'image des vins sud africains et un poids important de la coopération dans la diffusion de la vitiviniculture et l'amélioration de la qualité. Le terroir est mobilisé en Afrique du Sud de l'agro-terroir jusqu'à la représentation et l'instrumentalisation, notamment dans des tentatives de " déracialisation " du vin face aux défis post apartheid. Ces stratégies différenciées de marketings allant jusqu'à la fabrique des terroirs nous ont amenés à prolonger nos réflexions encore plus pour comprendre comment passait-on encore plus du cultural au culturel, à travers un vignoble artificialisé à haute dose, celui de Banyuls Collioure dans les Pyrénées orientales françaises. Il s'est d'abord agi d'analyser les enjeux autour d'un territoire patrimonialisé, partagé (écartelé ?) entre activités balnéaires, viticulture et paysages emblématiques. Qu'était-ce qu'un terroir viticole dans le contexte de Banyuls ? Nous sommes passés alors du terroir au paysage pour comprendre leur utilisation et leur évolution depuis le début du XIXème siècle jusqu'à nos jours à travers quatre exemples de bassin-versant. Fort de savoir comment avaient évolué les paysages viticoles, nous avons pu étudier comment la communication et le marketing frappaient l'imaginaire en inventant, en rêvant l'histoire du vignoble. Parfois classique, restant dans des domaines très historiques ou agro géologiques, la communication à propos des terroirs en arrive jusqu'à dissoudre le concept dans la poussée actuelle de l'architecture iconoclaste de certains domaines à travers le monde viticole.

The Creative Food Economy and Culinary Tourism through Place Branding: Terroir into a Creative and Environmentally Friendly Taste of a Place

Lee, Anne H.J. 23 March 2012 (has links)
Culinary tourism can contribute to the economic development of many rural communities. Creating competitive advantage for a rural community by establishing a culinary cluster requires a strategy designed to leverage the economic, cultural and environmental qualities of a place in an attractive setting and within reach of interested markets. Accordingly, culinary tourism development occurs in places with a ‘local milieu’ that possesses a concentration (spatial agglomeration) of local culinary-related products and services produced by their clustered production of a number of inter-connected firms and service providers. This can attract visitors, new residents and investments and lead to more sustainable economic outcomes that increase the quality of life of residents. To take full advantage of such possibilities, a strategy for partnership and collaboration among various stakeholders involved in culinary tourism is required. This study provides a conceptual foundation for culinary tourism as a part of the creative food economy through place branding. It analyzes the formation of culinary clusters in place-based rural community development. A culinary cluster results from innovation in the production and consumption of local food. The research began with a review and assessment of literature on culinary tourism, economic geography and business/management that led to the definition of concepts that were combined in the creation of a conceptual model based on modification of Porter’s (1990) clustering model. The model consists of ‘four interdependent determinants’ and ‘four facilitators’ that influence the creation of a culinary cluster, and that require attention in building a creative food economy and an environmentally friendly taste of a place as a brand. A ‘terroir’ contributes to the formation of a successful culinary cluster. Tourism and agriculture are leading sectors in this process. Four broad elements specified in the model (‘environmentally friendly movement’, ‘leadership’, ‘stakeholder collaboration’ and ‘communication & information flows’) are the challenges that must be met for the successful transformation of a ‘terroir’ into a creative and environmentally friendly tourism destination that provides the taste of a place and, eventually, contributes to the global green movement. The creation of the model is an important conceptual contribution of the study. The model is used in a variety of ways. First, it was used to guide the collection of information in field investigations of two selected case study sites in the province of Ontario, Canada (Savour Stratford and SAVOUR Muskoka). Second, it was used to structure the qualitative analyses in each case study. Third, it guided comparison of the case studies where it was also used as an evaluative tool to suggest what is working well and less well in the study clusters. It was also used prescriptively to suggest what elements require further attention to strengthen the performance of the clusters. The study focuses on the relatively new concepts of a creative food economy, environmentally friendly culinary tourism and place branding in the formation of a culinary cluster in place-based rural community development. These themes are obviously interrelated, but have not been explored together previously; and thus, the study provides conceptual coherence for addressing their relationships. The findings of the comparative case study suggest that the transformation of a ‘terroir’ into a taste of a place through place branding is based upon the identification of the strengths of a place through inventory of the culinary-related core resources, and the leading and supporting assets (e.g., hard factors of natural environment and soft factors of cultural heritage). Since these will be different from place to place, one should expect different outcomes as the comparative case study demonstrates. Success will depend upon the use of culinary-related resources, based on local things and knowledge, leadership, and stakeholder involvement through collaboration and partnership, to create a uniquely appealing identity and image (place brand). Thus, a synergistic relationship can be established between the primary sector (agriculture) and service sector (tourism) through innovative entrepreneurial activities. The study makes important contributions both conceptually and empirically by creating a model that addresses the conversion of ‘terroir’ into a creative and environmentally friendly tourism place, by demonstrating the utility of the model through application to two cases in a comparative format; and practically, by directing attention to items that need careful consideration if synergistic relationships are to be established between agriculture and tourism through the development of culinary clusters as part of place-based rural community development.

Paisagem, terroir e sistemas agrários : um estudo em São Lourenço do Sul

Lima, Maria Imaculada Fonseca January 2006 (has links)
O município de São Lourenço do Sul está assentado sobre a Planície Costeira Sul-Brasileira e o Escudo Cristalino Sul-Rio-Grandense, localizado na “metade sul” do Rio Grande do Sul, a chamada metade desfavorecida do Estado, mas com um grande potencial natural para a agropecuária, extrativismo e o turismo. Ao mesmo tempo, essas atividades têm colocado em risco a natureza. Para tentar compreender a complexidade da relação sociedade-natureza aí existente, formulou-se a questão que norteou o desenvolvimento da pesquisa: quais os elementos na paisagem que potencializam e/ou inibem a implementação e a sustentação dos sistemas agrícolas no município de São Lourenço do Sul – RS. Consideraram-se como hipóteses da pesquisa: (1) os terroirs existentes hoje, foram construídos a partir de um referencial histórico; (2) alguns terroirs se afirmam como características do aprimoramento técnico e produtivo; (3) aconteceram modificações nos terroirs no contexto histórico do município; (4) nas unidades da paisagem há sinais de desestruturação do terroir da batata e surgimento de novos terroirs como o fumo. Através da observação criteriosa da paisagem é possível constatar e interpretar a dinâmica resultante da interação entre o potencial ecológico, a exploração biológica e a ação antrópica, conceitos trabalhados por Bertrand, Sotchava e Tricart, entre outros, e que foram usados como referencial teórico e metodológico da pesquisa, para a definição e interpretação das unidades da paisagem e seus terroirs. Cada uma das unidades da paisagem e os seus terroirs representam uma porção local, com dinâmica e funcionamento diferenciados, relacionando elementos da morfologia da paisagem e a ocupação do território através dos seus sistemas produtivos, em estreita relação com o contexto histórico, abordagem usada por Deffontaines. A coleta de dados constou de observação dos indicadores visuais como a ocupação, as práticas, as estruturas, as relações e as formas de apropriações, de entrevistas com agricultores e informantes-chave do município, da análise documental, de fotografias e do mapeamento do meio físico. Como resultado foi produzido o Perfil e o Mapeamento das Unidades da Paisagem de São Lourenço do Sul, distinguindo as seguintes unidades de paisagem e terroir: Unidade de Paisagem Planície (terroir do arroz), Unidade de Paisagem Colinas (terroir da soja e milho e gado leiteiro), Unidade de Paisagem Colinas/Domos (terroir da batata, feijão e fumo) e Unidade de Paisagem Domos/Platôs (pecuária extensiva), que apresentam características originais e se manifestam em escala variadas de observação. Pode-se verificar a estreita relação do contexto histórico na construção e na modificação das unidades de paisagem e terroirs, resumida em três momentos distintos: a colonização pelos portugueses, a imigração dos pomeranos e a modernização da agricultura; e também a desestruturação do terroir da batata e o surgimento do terroir do fumo. / The municipality of São Lourenço do Sul is situated upon the Coastal Plain in southern Brazil and the Crystalline Shield at the south of the Rio Grande do Sul, a region which is known as the disfavored area of the state, but with a natural potential for agriculture, livestock, extraction and tourism. At the same time, those activities have put in risk the nature. For trying to understand the complexity of the society-nature relationship, which exists there, a guiding question has been formulated in order to develop this research: which are the elements of the landscape that strength and/or inhibit the implementation and sustenance of the agricultural systems within São Lourenço do Sul. It has been considered the following hypotheses: (1) the nowadays terroirs have been constructed from a historical reference; (2) some terroirs are confirmed as characteristics coming from their technical and productive enhancement; (3) there have been some changes on the terroirs that have occurred within the historical context of the municipality; (4) inside the lanscape units there are some signals of distructuring within the terroir of potato and the emergence of new terroirs like tobacco. Through a critical observation of the landscape, it is possible to prove and make interpretations about the dynamisms that resulted from the interaction among the ecological potential, the biological exploration and the anthropic action, concepts which are worked by Berthand, Stchava and Tricart, among other authors, and were used as theoretical and methodological reference of research, for defining and interpreting the landscape units and their terroirs. Each one of the landscape units and their terroirs represent a local portion, with differentiated dynamisms and functioning, relating elements of landscape’s morphology and the occupation of the territory throughout their productive systems, in a stretched relationship with the historical context. It’s an aproache used by Deffontaines. The collected data comprised the observation of visual indicators such as occupations, practices, structures, relationships and forms of appropriation; the interviews with farmers and key informants, the documental analysis, pictures and the mapping of the physical area. As a result, it has been produced a Profile and a Mapping, distinguishing the following landscape units and terroirs: Plain Landscape Unit (terroir of rice), Hill Landscape Unit (terroir of soya, maize and milked cows), Hill/Dome Landscape Unit (terroir of potato, beans and tobacco) and Dome/Plateau Landscape Unit (extensive livestock); which show original characteristics and are manifested in various scales of observation. It could be verified the stretched relationship of the historical context during the construction and modification of the landscape units and terroirs, which are summarized in three moments: the colonization by Portuguese, the Pomeranian immigration and the modernization of agriculture; and also, the distructuring of the terroir of potato and the emergence of the terroir of tobacco.

Perfil de antocianinas e potencial antioxidante de vinhos tintos brasileiros / Anthocyanins profile and scavenging properties of brazilian red wines

Dullius, Mariana de Vasconcellos January 2012 (has links)
A atividade antioxidante (AOX) de vinhos é decorrente, dentre outros fatores, da presença de substâncias fenólicas, como as antocianinas que, além de contribuírem para a formação da cor, devido a sua capacidade redutora, são capazes de neutralizar moléculas de radicais-livres. No presente trabalho, 92 amostras de vinhos tintos da safra 2008/2009, provenientes de diversas regiões do país, agrupadas de acordo com a sua similaridade (UF e fisiografia), foram analisados quanto à cor, através de parâmetros de luz, saturação e tonalidade; à concentração de antocianinas totais (por espectrofotometria diferencial e por CLAE); à caracterização dos pigmentos (por CLAE); à concentração de polifenóis totais (IPT) (pelo método de Folin Ciocalteau’s); e à atividade antioxidante (por DPPH+), sendo que as duas últimas características foram avaliadas sob a forma de evolução temporal. Os resultados mostram que, em relação ao perfil evolutivo, pelo menos um dos grupos difere (p<0,05) nos tempos. A região Vale do Rio São Francisco (VSF) exibiu, tanto os mais elevados valores de IPT em todos os tempos de análise [(tzero=4.516; t25=3.516; t35=2.475; t45=2.027; t55=1.598) mg.L-1 GAE], quanto a mais alta AOX, nos quatro primeiros dos cinco momentos avaliados. A região Oeste do Paraná (OPR) apresentou os mais baixos resultados para ambos os parâmetros considerados em todos os tempos medidos, sendo que os valores de IPT corresponderam a 47, 52, 54, 58 e 63% e os valores de AOX a 49, 55, 57, 61 e 79% dos valores encontrados para VSF. No decorrer das 55 semanas avaliadas, as diferenças entre os grupos tende a diminuir. Em relação aos pigmentos, 12 padrões comerciais permitiram comparar os vinhos no que diz respeito as presença e a quantificação destes compostos. À exceção de dois, todos os vinhos analisados por CLAE confirmaram a malvidina-3-monoglicosídeo (Mv-3G), como o composto antociânico predominante. O Vale dos Vinhedos (Vvi) apresentou os maiores conteúdos, tanto do pigmento majoritário da uva (Mv-3G – 38,66 μ.L-1), quanto da cianidina-3-monoglicosídeo (Cn- 3G – 0,914 μ.L-1), composto antociânico mais relatado em alimentos. Correlações fortes e muito fortes foram observadas entre IPT e AOX e fortes entre antocianinas totais (expressas em Mv-3G por espectrofotometria diferencial) e Mv-3G (quantificada por CLAE). ANOVA mostrou que, em CLAE, não houve diferenças (p<0,1) entre as regiões, indicando que variações internas nos grupos, sobressaíram-se às evidenciadas pelas regiões, não sendo possível caracterizá-las conforme o tipo nem a concentração de antocianinas. / The antioxidant capacity (AOX) of wines is due, among other factors the phenolic substances, such as anthocyanins that, beyond to color contribution, present scavenging properties, having effect on radical oxygen species (ROS). In this study, 92 samples of 2008/2009 vintage Brazilian red wines, from dissimilar production areas, were grouped according to similarities (Federal State and physiographic attributes) and analyzed in terms of color, through light, saturation and hue parameters; in terms of total anthocyanin concentration (by pH-differential spectrophotometric methods and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)); in terms of pigment characterization (HPLC); in terms of total polyphenols concentration (IPT) (Folin Ciocalteau’s method); and in terms of its scavenging properties (DPPH+), being the last two attributes analyzed over time evolution profile. The results showed that for the evolution profile, at least one of the groups differed (p<0,05) in the evaluated times. The “Vale do Rio São Francisco” (VSF) region exhibited not only the most elevated values for IPT in all analyzed sampling [(tzero=4,516; t25=3,516; t35=2,475; t45=2,027; t55=1,598) mg.L-1 GAE], as the most AOX in the first four from the five evaluated moments. The “Oeste do Paraná” (OPR) presented the lowest results for both IPT and AOX parameters, in all measuring times, and the IPT values corresponded to 47, 52, 54, 58 e 63%, while the AOX values to 49, 55, 57, 61 e 79% from values found for VSF. Over the 55 weeks, the differences among groups tended to diminish. Considering the pigments, 12 commercial standards allowed to compare wines based on presence and concentration of these compounds. Except for two samples, all the HPLC-analyzed wines confirmed the malvidin-3-monoglucoside, as the anthocyanin most abounding in wines. The VVi exhibited the highest levels, even for the grape major pigment (Mv- 3G – 38.66 μ.L-1), as for cianidin-3-monoglucoside (Cn-3G – 0.914 μ.L-1), the most reported anthocyanin in food. Strong and very strong correlations were found among IPT and AOX, while total anthocyanins (in Mv-3G base, by pH-differential analysis) and Mv-3G concentration (by HPLC) exhibited strong linear associations. ANOVA showed that, in terms of chromatographic analysis, no differences (p<0,1) among regions were found, indicating that inside-groups variations were high enough to not allow the characterization according to qualitative and quantitative anthocyanin profile.

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