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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le Survenant : la figure du fuyard hors-la-loi dans la littérature québécoise contemporaine en milieu rural

Malafouris, Layla 05 1900 (has links)
Consacré à l’étude de deux romans contemporains, soit La liberté des détours (2015) de Mathieu Blais et Dixie (2013) de William S. Messier, ce mémoire étudie la présence d’une régionalité transformée, voire déconstruite dans l’imaginaire littéraire québécois. Pour ce faire, il examine ces lieux fictifs à la lumière de la reprise de la figure du Survenant, imaginée par Germaine Guèvremont en 1945. Le premier chapitre présente la figure du nomade, des récits historiques au roman de la terre, pour réfléchir sur son évolution. Il explore ensuite la conception novatrice que lui accorde Guèvremont dans Le Survenant au moyen d’une analyse textuelle. Le deuxième chapitre s’attache à la définition de la régionalité, telle qu’elle est définie par Francis Langevin, en fonction des besoins relatifs au corpus primaire de cette étude. Cette approche nous permet d’analyser les filiations en relation avec le topos de l’étranger en milieu rural, et plus précisément la dichotomie entre « habitant » et « étranger » imposée par la littérature terroiriste. La méthode employée pour l’analyse des textes est inspirée des théories de l’intertextualité, de l’hypertextualité et de la narratologie. Finalement, le troisième chapitre examine les thématiques intertextuelles de la liberté et de l’héritage dans les romans contemporains, lesquelles adoptent une esthétique « rurale trash » caractérisée par un refus de l’idéalisation, comme la définit Mathieu Arsenault. De ce fait, le Survenant, idéalisé dans le roman de Guèvremont, se transforme en figure de fuyards hors-la-loi dans La liberté des détours et dans Dixie. / Dedicated to the study of two contemporary novels, La liberté des détours (2015) by Mathieu Blais and Dixie (2013) by William S. Messier, this thesis examines the presence of a transformed, even deconstructed, regionality in Quebec's literary imagination. To do so, it examines these fictitious places in light of the revival of the figure of the Survenant, imagined by Germaine Guèvremont in 1945. The first chapter presents the figure of the nomad, from the tales of history to the rural novel, to reflect on its evolution. It then explores Guèvremont's innovative conception of Le Survenant through textual analysis. The second chapter focuses on Francis Langevin's definition of regionality, based on the needs of the primary corpus of this study. It is a novel way of reflecting on their filiations to the topos of the foreigner in rural areas, and more specifically to the dichotomy between “inhabitant” and “foreigner” imposed by terroirist literature. The method used for the analysis of the texts is inspired by the theories of intextextuality, hypertextuality and narratology. Finally, the third chapter examines the intertextual themes of freedom and heritage in contemporary novels, which adopt a “rural trash” aesthetic characterized by a refusal of idealization, as Mathieu Arsenault defines it. As a result, the Survenant, idealized in Guèvremont's novel, is transformed into the figure of outlaw fugitives in La liberté des détours and Dixie.

O syre z Mokrej, trochu inak / About the Cheese from Mokrá in Other Perspective

Prokopová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is the production of cheese in a slovak village Mokrá. It is described from the perspective of Actors-Network theory and from the practice-turn point of view. The thesis combines the results of an ethnographic research on the location with an experimental ethnographic writing. It all comes from the notion, that cheese can be considered as an actor, that is able to influence physical and socio-cultural life of the cheesemongers. The cheese is taken as hybrid, natural, discursive and collective character. The author focuses on the agency of cheese primarily in the relationship to the bodies of the cheesemongers using the concept of practical understanding, as well as in the relationship to the landscape using the concept of terroir and taskscapes. In order to see the phenomenon of homemade cheese from a new perspective, the author writes from different space-time perspectives. At the beginning the space-time perspective is extended, so cheese is perceived as an event, what enables us to find new actors in the cheese production process. Afterwards the perspective is reduced to the world of the lactic acid bacteria to discover their impact on the cheese production, its taste and quality and on the discurse of micro-biopolitics. A separate part of the thesis is focused on the...

Changing [Vitivini]Cultures in Ohio, USA, and Alsace, France: An Ethnographic Study of Terroir and the Taste of Place

Arceño, Mark Anthony 30 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

La diète méditerranéenne : usages géopolitiques, enjeux patrimoniaux et représentations touristiques de l'imaginaire méditerranéen

Romagnoli, Marco 15 April 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 6 novembre 2023) / Plus nous essayons d'encadrer ses significations multiples, plus ses contours conceptuels nous échappent : la diète méditerranéenne cristallise des imaginaires touristiques, culturels et alimentaires ainsi que des utopies géopolitiques, commerciales et socioculturelles. La métamorphose de la diète méditerranéenne, en l'espace de soixante ans, d'une acception médicale de la nutrition à une valeur plus sociale (comme le partage des aliments à la table) et ensuite patrimoniale par sa récente officialisation à l'UNESCO, la rendent un concept très intéressant à étudier. La recherche proposée consiste en une étude ethnologique des impacts de la patrimonialisation de la diète méditerranéenne, inscrite en 2010 sur la liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'humanité de l'UNESCO par un consortium de pays méditerranéens (Espagne, Grèce, Italie et Maroc en 2010, Chypre, Croatie et Portugal en 2013). De par sa densité conceptuelle et la nébulosité de sa définition, mieux comprendre la diète méditerranéenne en tant qu'œuvre patrimoniale transnationale qui se décline en patrimoine médical, agroalimentaire et socioculturel, tel est l'objectif de cette recherche doctorale. Par sa patrimonialisation à l'UNESCO, la diète méditerranéenne constitue l'énième tentative de la construction de l'espace méditerranéen et une nouvelle étape dans l'invention de la « méditerranéité » sur une base sociale et alimentaire. C'est pour cela que cette recherche se propose d'analyser le concept de diète méditerranéenne comme un rempart réactionnaire et révolutionnaire face aux problématiques propres de la modernité : du néocapitalisme à la consommation (touristique incluse) de masse. En ce sens, le projet doctoral apporte une nouvelle clé de lecture sur la fonctionnalité de la diète méditerranéenne en tant que moyen de compréhension des nouvelles tendances alimentaires mondiales, articulées dans les paradigmes de glocalisation et de durabilité contemporains. La nouveauté que la recherche annonce est l'actualisation et l'analyse comparative de l'état du bien, désormais patrimonial, qu'est la diète méditerranéenne. Pour ce faire, j'ai utilisé une approche méthodologique basée sur l'ethnographie multi-sites auprès de trois communautés différentes : la sous-région du Cilento en Italie, la ville de Soria en Espagne et Marseille en France. Cette méthodologie inclut l'observation participante in situ et les entretiens semi-dirigés avec trois catégories d'interviewés distinctes (les habitants de ces communautés, leurs représentants institutionnels locaux et les visiteurs de la destination touristique). Il a été ici question de creuser en profondeur du récit local, institutionnel et de voyage de l'échantillon de recherche afin d'examiner les représentations que les trois catégories donnent à ce patrimoine vivant et comment elles le re-créent, le représentent et le rendent viable (la viabilité d'un élément culturel étant l'objectif primaire de la Convention de l'UNESCO de 2003 pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel). L'étude de terrain a donc constitué une ethnographie des répercussions de l'acquisition du « label » du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'UNESCO et contribue à affiner la connaissance des études portant sur l'ethnologie (du tourisme) de l'espace méditerranéen appliquée à la matrice de la diète méditerranéenne, ainsi que sur la compréhension des risques « d'embaumement patrimonial » que la patrimonialisation de l'alimentation peut engendrer. / The more we try to frame its multiple meanings, the more its conceptual contours escape us: the Mediterranean diet gathers touristic, cultural and food imaginaries as well as geopolitical, commercial and sociocultural utopias. The metamorphosis of the Mediterranean diet makes it a very interesting concept to study. In the span of sixty years, the Mediterranean diet has gone from a medical meaning of nutrition to a social value shared by Mediterranean people, to finally becoming heritage thanks to its recent heritagization at UNESCO. By receiving this designation, the Mediterranean diet constitutes the nth attempt to construct a Mediterranean space and a new stage in the invention of "Mediterraneity" on a social and food basis. The proposed research consists of an ethnological and ethnographic study of the impacts of the heritagization of the Mediterranean diet as inscribed in 2010 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO by a consortium of Mediterranean countries (Spain, Greece, Italy and Morocco in 2010; followed by Cyprus, Croatia and Portugal in 2013). Due to its conceptual density and the nebulosity of its definition, the objective of this doctoral research is to better understand the Mediterranean diet as a transnational heritage which conjugates in a medical, agrifood and sociocultural heritage. This research proposes to analyze the concept of the Mediterranean diet as a reactionary and revolutionary bulwark against the specific problems affecting modernity: from neocapitalism to mass (touristic) consumption. In this sense, the doctoral project brings a new key to reading the functionality of the Mediterranean diet as a means of understanding new global food trends, articulated in the contemporary paradigms of glocalization and sustainability. The novelty that the research brings is the updating and comparative analysis of the Mediterranean diet as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage. To do this, I used a methodological approach based on multi-site ethnography in three different communities: the Cilento sub-region in Italy, the city of Soria in Spain and Marseille in France. This methodology includes in situ participant observation and semi-directed interviews with three distinct categories of interviewees (the inhabitants of the communities studied, their local institutional representatives and visitors to the tourist destination). It was a question here of digging in depth the local, institutional and travel narrative of the people who took part in the interviews. This allowed me to examine the representations that the three categories give to this living heritage and how they re-create it and make it viable (the viability of a cultural element being the primary objective of the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage). The fieldwork consists of an ethnography of the repercussions of the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage "label" acquisition. It also contributes to refining the knowledge of studies related to the ethnology (of tourism) of the Mediterranean space applied to the matrix of the Mediterranean diet, as well as to understand the risks of "heritage embalming" that the heritagization of food can generate.

La résilience par le terroir : une sociologie du bien-vivre dans les Hautes-Laurentides

Rainville, Rosalie 08 1900 (has links)
Cette étude sociologique porte sur la Municipalité régionale de comté (MRC) Antoine-Labelle dans la région des Hautes-Laurentides au Québec. Historiquement, depuis le début des années 1900, la forêt a constitué la principale assise économique et sociale de la MRC. Depuis 2005, « la crise forestière » frappe durement cette région québécoise. Un mouvement de la transition s’est installé au sein de la communauté régionale. À l’intersection de la nature et de la culture, le terroir se présente depuis lors comme l’une des voies privilégiées de la résilience. À travers le terroir, c’est le « vivre de » et le « bien vivre ensemble » que les habitants cherchent à repenser dans leur région. Aujourd’hui, plusieurs initiatives mettant en valeur le terroir régional, notamment des projets d’agriculture biologique, sont repérables à l’ensemble du territoire des Hautes-Laurentides. Plus qu’une simple ouverture économique, le terroir est porteur de nouveaux récits sociaux et symboliques dans la région. Dans ce mémoire de maîtrise, notre objectif est précisément de mettre en lumière les représentations sociales du terroir de certains acteurs du domaine agroalimentaire de la MRC Antoine-Labelle. Nous cherchons à comprendre comment le terroir se construit, se pense, se vit et se raconte dans cette région. En interrogeant dix-sept acteurs, notamment des agriculteurs, des artisans du domaine alimentaire, des chefs, des restaurateurs et des représentants de la gouvernance régionale, ceux-ci montrent que ce concept est porteur de valeurs sociales et environnementales qui répondent à de nouvelles aspirations au sein de la communauté. Non sans difficultés, le terroir renvoie pour les acteurs interrogés à des valeurs d’autonomie, de qualité de vie, de convivialité, de conscience écologique, d’éducation et d’espoir pour la relève à venir. Cette étude sociologique du terroir dans les Hautes-Laurentides jette finalement un éclairage nouveau sur le bien-vivre en région rurale au Québec. / This sociological study is about the Regional County Municipality (RCM) of Antoine-Labelle in the Hautes-Laurentides region of Quebec. Since the early 1900s, the forest has been the main economic and social base of the MRC. Since 2005, "the forestry crisis" has heavily affected this region of Quebec. A transition movement has emerged within the regional community. At the intersection of nature and culture, the terroir has appeared as one of the preferred pathways toward resilience. Through the terroir, it’s the ideas of "living" and "living together" that inhabitants are sinking to rethink in their region. Today, several initiatives which highlight the regional terroir, including organic farming projects, have emerged throughout the territory of the Hautes-Laurentides. More than just an economic opportunity, the terroir brings with it new social and symbolic narratives in the region. In this master thesis, our goal is precisely to highlight the social representations of the terroir of some actors in this field of activity in the Antoine-Labelle RCM. We seek to understand how the terroir is constructed, conceptualized, lived and told in this region. By interviewing seventeen actors, including farmers, artisans, chefs and representatives of regional governance, we show that this concept carries social and environmental values that express new aspirations within the community. For the actors interviewed and not without its challenges, the terroir refers to values such as autonomy, quality of life, friendliness, environmental awareness, education and hope for the next generation. This sociological study of the terroir in the Hautes-Laurentides sheds new light on what is meant by “living well” in rural Quebec.

The ecophysiological characterisation of terroirs in Stellenbosch : the contribution of soil surface colour

Witbooi, Erna Hailey 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Soil is a component of the environment and sustains growth of several plants and animals. It forms part of the biosphere and can be described as the interface between the atmosphere and the lithosphere. The interaction between soil, climate and topography and the resulting agricultural aptitude forms the concept of terroir. This relationship is complex and it is difficult to quantify the contribution of each. Grapevines are exposed to an array of soil types. Soils have varying colours, which can be ascribed to their origin from different parent materials and pedogenetic factors. Historical and experimental evidence points to the key role that soil physical conditions play in determining grape berry composition, but other soil related factors may also play a role. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of soil surface colour on the vegetative and reproductive growth characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon. The aim was to determine whether a relationship exists between soil colour, reflective light quality below and inside the grapevine canopy, vegetative growth of the grapevine and the berry and wine composition. The reflected light from soils was measured in three positions of the canopy and across the light spectrum (300–2500 nm) for three different soil surface treatments (black, red and grey). The effect of soil colour on vegetative parameters, yield and berry composition and wine quality was investigated. Soil surface colour resulted in differences in the reflected light quality below and in the canopy. The differences in the light quality were associated with differences in vegetative parameters such as mean main leaf, with grey soils inducing higher values. Potassium levels of the grapes and berry number per bunch appeared to be influenced by soil surface colour throughout berry development with red and black soils having higher levels of potassium and berry number per bunch than grey soils. Grape ripening parameters were not influenced by soil surface colour, but the grey treatment had a significantly more intense grape colour measured at 520 nm (red pigments). It is assumed that the importance of soil colour is its association with the physical and the pedogenetic properties that contribute to the grapevine water balance. From these results it can be concluded that soil surface colour appeared to have a direct effect on some aspects of vegetative and reproductive growth, and berry composition, but the contribution of different wavebands and mechanism of their effect deserves further study.

Nutritional status of geologically different vineyards in Helderberg

Shange, Philisiwe Lawrancia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MscAgric (Viticulture and Oenology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Little scientific information regarding the effect of different geological parent materials on grapevine performance is currently available in South Africa. This aspect is of special significance for the Helderberg area, where parent material may change from granite to shale over a short distance. This results in shale- as well as granite-derived soils often occurring within the same vineyard. The objectives of this study were to (i) quantify the nutritional status and other soil properties of different parent materials (shale and granite) and overlying soils (ii) investigate the impact of geological differences in the soil on the vine nutritional status and certain vine parameters. This study was done over two seasons (2006/2007 and 2007/2008). Two Sauvignon blanc and two Cabernet Sauvignon vineyard blocks were selected at two different localities for each cultivar in the Helderberg area, South Africa. Shale- and granitederived soils were identified within each block. Kaolinite was the dominant mineral, whereas quartz and feldspar were sub-dominant. Traces of mica were also present in some shale- and granite-derived soils. Granite- contained significantly higher contents of coarse sand than shale-derived soils, whilst the opposite occurred in terms of fine sand. These differences affected the water holding capacity, in general making it higher in shale- than granite-derived soils. Shale-derived soils had higher concentrations of total K but granite-derived soils had a higher ability to release K as they contained higher concentrations of soluble K. The Q/I parameters, potential buffering capacity of K (PBCK) and equilibrium activity ratio of K (ARK) showed no consistent responses to geological differences. Potassium concentrations were higher in the leaf blades (obtained before harvest in 2007) from Sauvignon blanc grapevines on granite- than on shale-derived soils. Potassium concentrations in the Cabernet Sauvignon juice (obtained in 2007) tended higher in juice from granite- than from shale-derived soils. In 2008, K concentrations tended higher in juice from shale- than from granite-derived soils for both cultivars. The pH of the Sauvignon blanc juice (obtained in 2008) tended higher in juice from shale-than from granite-derived soils, thus corresponding with the K concentrations in the juice in this season. Nitrogen concentrations were higher in Cabernet Sauvignon juice (obtained in 2007) and Sauvignon blanc juice (obtained in 2008) from shalethan from granite-derived soils. In terms of vine water status, vines on granite-derived soils appeared more stressed than those on shale-derived soils in both seasons at one of the vineyards. In these Sauvignon blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon vineyards, the K nutritional status was not affected by geology in a consistent manner but there were some noticeable tendencies for a specific cultivar during certain seasons. On account of vines being planted on shale- and granite-derived soils within the same block, soil preparation was done similarly for both soils, and they were exposed to similar irrigation schedules, canopy management strategies and climatic conditions. Therefore, there is a high probability that all these practices may have negated the effect of geology on the K status of soils and especially on juice K concentration at the time of harvest. It was clear that seasonal differences and fertilisation affected the nutritional status of the vines more than geology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In Suid-Afrika is daar tans min wetenskaplike inligting oor die effek van verskillende geologiese moedermateriale op die prestasie van wingerd beskikbaar. Hierdie aspek is veral van belang in die Helderberg-area, waar moedermateriaal oor ‘n baie kort afstand van graniet na skalie kan wissel. Dit lei daartoe dat skalie-, sowel as granietgronde, dikwels binne dieselfde wingerd voorkom. Die doelwitte van die studie was om: (i) die voedingstatus en ander grondkundige eienskappe van die verskillende moedermateriale (skalie en graniet) en oorliggende gronde te kwantifiseer (ii) die impak van geologiese verskille in die grond op wingerd se voedingstatus en sekere wingerdkundige parameters, te ondersoek. Hierdie studie is oor twee seisoene (2006/2007 en 2007/2008) gedoen. Twee Sauvignon blanc en twee Cabernet Sauvignon wingerdblokke is geselekteer by twee verskillende lokaliteite vir elke kultivar in die Helderbergarea, Suid-Afrika. Beide skalie- en granietgrond is binne elke blok geïdentifiseer. Kaoliniet was die dominante mineraal, met kwarts en veldspaat sub-dominant, terwyl spore van mika ook in beide skalie- en granietgronde gevind is. Granietgronde het betekenisvol hoër hoeveelhede growwe sand bevat, terwyl skaliegronde meer fyn sand bevat het. Hierdie verskille het ‘n effek op waterhouvermoë gehad en daartoe gelei dat waterinhoude oor die algemeen hoër was vir skaliegronde. Skaliegronde het groter hoeveelhede totale K bevat, maar granietgronde se vermoë om K vry te stel was hoër, omdat hulle ‘n hoër konsentrasie oplosbare K bevat het. Die Q/I parameters, potensiële buffervermoë vir K (PBCK) en ewewig aktiwiteitsverhouding vir K (ARK), is nie op ‘n konsekwente wyse deur geologiese verskille beïnvloed nie. Vir die Sauvignon blanc wingerde was kalium konsentrasies in blaarskywe (gemonster voor oes in 2007) hoër vir graniet- as vir skaliegronde. Kalium konsentrasies in die sap vanaf Cabernet Sauvignon (gemonster in 2007) het hoër geneig vir granietgronde. In 2008 het die kalium konsentrasies, vir beide kultivars, hoër geneig in sap vanaf skaliegronde. Gedurende dié seisoen het die pH van sap ook hoër geneig vir Sauvignon blanc vanaf skaliegronde, wat dus ooreenstem met die K inhoud van die sap. Stikstof konsentrasies was hoër in sap vanaf skaliegronde vir Cabernet Sauvignon (2007) en vir Sauvignon blanc (2008). In terme van die wingerde se waterstatus, het stokke op die granietgrond, by een van die lokaliteite, geneig om gedurende beide seisoene onder groter stremming te wees op graniet as op skaliegrond. In hierdie Sauvignon blanc en Cabernet Sauvignon wingerde, is K voedingstatus nie op ‘n konsekwente wyse deur geologie geaffekteer nie, maar gedurende sommige seisoene was daar wel duidelike tendense vir ‘n spesifieke kultivar. Omdat die stokke binne dieselfde blok op skalie- en graniet gronde geplant is, was grondvoorbereiding eenders vir die twee grondtipes terwyl besproeiingskedule, lowerbestuur en klimaatstoestande ook identies was. Daar is dus ‘n hoë waarskynlikheid dat al hierdie faktore daartoe kon bygedra het dat die effek van geologie op die K status van van gronde versluier is, veral die effek op die K inhoud van sap teen oestyd. Dit was duidelik dat seisoenale klimaatsverskile en bemestingspraktyke ’n groter effek as geologie op die voedingstatus van die wingerd gehad het.

Les identités partagées comme facteur de paix et de stabilité : le cas du Bénin / Shared Identity as a Factor of Peace and Stability : A Case Study of Benin

Lawson, Boêvi Denis 12 July 2013 (has links)
Les grilles de lecture classiques sur la trajectoire sociopolitique du continent africain sont souvent pessimistes. Elles semblent avoir de beaux jours devant elles puisque l’histoire contemporaine montre une Afrique perpétuellement instable politiquement, traversée par des guerres civiles et des démocraties émergentes sous tension à l’approche des élections.Ce travail invite à une réflexion et une perspective scientifique alternatives, autour d’un pays comme le Bénin. Depuis son indépendance, il n’a pas connu la violence létale, facteur d’un état social « chaotique et pathologique » entraînant un gros volume de destructions et de catastrophes, pour les biens comme pour les individus. Cette thèse relie et articule plusieurs points : l’imaginaire collectif, la relation à l’autre, l’idée que les habitants ont de l’appartenance à un ensemble nommé Bénin, les symboles à l’actif du pays, le travail de socialisation à une communauté de sens et le processus de pacification. Les tensions d’un niveau infra-létal existent mais restent jusqu’à présent contenues. Elles sont les contingences de la construction d’une société politique et traversent certaines étapes de son histoire sociopolitique.Notre démarche théorique favorise une réflexion globale autour de l’interaction entre la double altérité ‒ on est toujours un "autre" pour "l'autre" ‒ et la question de la paix, principalement à l’intérieur d’un pays comme le Bénin. Les profils identitaires ne sont jamais les mêmes à travers le temps et l’espace. Mais au-delà des écarts différentiels, le fait qu’un espace favorise l’émergence des identités collectivement partagées rend probable tout processus de pacification. Dans la mise en œuvre de celui-ci, l’idée du Bénin devient ainsi plus forte que le Bénin lui-même, entité d’abord voire surtout substantielle. Les Béninois ne sont pas en paix parce qu’ils auraient nécessairement la même couleur de peau, la même histoire, une langue commune. Pour nous, même en l’absence de ces trois critères, la paix reste accessible. Pour le démontrer, trois années sur le « terrain » (2007-2010) ont constitué le temps fort de la recherche empirique. Nous avons mené une centaine d’entretiens et réalisé des focus group au sein des communautés où la question de l’identité partagée est mise à l’épreuve quotidiennement. Cette étude doctorale est ainsi un compte rendu des résultats obtenus et des analyses proposées. / Classical perspectives on the socio-political trajectory of the African continent are often pessimist. They will mostly remain so for some time to as contemporary history reveals a continent continually riddled with political instability and wracked by civil wars, whilst emerging democracies are subjected to tensions at the onset of elections. This work offers a reflection and an alternative scientific perspective by focusing on Benin. Since its Independence, Benin has not experienced lethal violence or pathological social chaos causing immense destruction and disaster. This thesis addresses and links several issues: a collective memory, relationships to other people, the idea that residents belong to a unity called Benin; the existence of symbols that benefit national consciousness; socialization aimed at achieving a sense of community; and a peace process. Tensions were at low lethality levels were present and still exist but have so far been limited. They characterize the contingent stages of a political society and its political history.Our theoretical approach privileges a general reflection on: the interaction between duality and otherness – there is always on “other” for an “other” – and the issue of peace; here (within a country), and elsewhere (abroad). Identity profiles are never the same across time and space. But beyond various differences, the fact that space promotes the emergence of collectively shared identities possibly contributes to the peace process. During the implementation of the peace process, the idea of Benin becomes stronger than Benin itself; an entity which is, first of all, substantive in nature. The Beninese are not in peace just because they have the same skin colour, the same history or a common language. Three years of field research (2007 – 2010) constituted the most important period of the empirical research that was used to demonstrate this. About a hundred interviews were conducted and focus group discussions were held within communities where the issue of shared identity was a daily problem. This doctoral study is therefore an account of results obtained and proposed analyses.

The Terroir of Pinot Noir Wine in the Willamette Valley, Oregon : A Broad Analysis of Vineyard Soils, Grape Juice and Wine Chemistry

Barnard, Kathryn Nora 02 June 2016 (has links)
Terroir is determined by a combination of factors in the vineyard including the grape varietal, geology and soil, soil hydrology, physiography, and climate. Although most studies have examined regional differences in wine flavors and associated provenance of wine based on chemistry, few have examined the chemistry of the soil and the ability to trace that chemistry to grape juice and, finally, to the wine. This dissertation examines what soil physical and chemical differences specific to this region might influence grape juice chemistry and wine chemistry. Wine-grapes in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, are grown on three major soil parent materials: volcanic, marine sediments, and loess/volcanic. Winemakers have observed differences in the flavor of Pinot Noir wine made from grapes grown on these different parent materials. This dissertation examines differences in the soil properties and elemental chemistry of the soil parent materials at various vineyards to document their effect on wine chemistry as a step towards understanding differences in flavor. All aspects of the terroir are controlled by carefully selecting vineyards with similar exposure and elevation, the same grape varietal and wine making techniques, and only the soils vary. The hypothesis is that the chemistry of the grape juice and wine reflect the soil in which the grapes were grown and that the three parent materials have soils that can be distinguished by their physical and chemical characteristics. Soil pits were excavated in 20 vineyards, soil properties were described in the field, and soil samples were later analyzed in the laboratory particle size, organic matter, color, pH, cation exchange capacity (ammonium acetate method), clay mineralogy (x-ray diffraction), and elemental chemistry (ICP-MS/AES). X-ray fluorescence was used to examine the pisolites. ICP-MS/AES was used for elemental analysis of grape juice and wines produced from these vineyards. Principal component analysis was used to compare soil physical and chemical characteristics, grape juice and wine chemistry. The physical characteristics of soils from all the three parent materials indicate: they are old (>50,000 years) based on their high clay content, low cation exchange capacity, red colors, and high Fe and Al content. These features indicate enough time has passed to reduce organic matter and other cations at depth, leave behind insoluble Fe and Al, and develop pedogenic clays. In my study region, volcanic and marine sediment soils are more developed with slightly lower acidity than the loess/volcanic soils. A new finding for this region is the presence of pisolites (Fe/Mg concretions) in the volcanic and the loess/volcanic soils, but absent in the marine sediment soils. Winemakers hypothesized that pisolites were present only in loess soils and influenced wine flavor in some way. Volcanic soils have the highest P, S, Fe, Co, Mn, and V concentrations and the lowest As and Sr values. Marine sediment soils have higher Cl and Sr and lower P, Co, Mn, Ba, and V concentrations than volcanic soils. Loess soils have the highest values of K and Mg and are similar to volcanic soils with higher P and V values and similar to marine sediment soils with higher Sr values. The main elements found to be significant in determining one parent material from another are V and Mn (volcanic soils), Mg and K (loess soils), and Sr (marine sediment or loess soils). Sr is slightly higher in grape juice and wine from vines grown on marine sediment parent material compared to volcanic and loess parent material, whereas Mn is higher in the juice and wine from grapes grown in volcanic parent material. P, S, Fe, Co, V, Cl, Ba, Mg, and K did not maintain their relative concentration levels from soil to grape juice to wine. The principal component analysis shows that soil and wine chemistry differs between parent material, but is inconclusive for grape juice chemistry.

Les aires protégées et le développement durable au Gabon : entre sollicitations internationales et réalités locales. Le cas du parc national de Loango / Protected areas and sustainable development in Gabon between international demands and local realities. The case of Loango National Park

Moussavou, Chiberth Aulaire 10 December 2012 (has links)
La conservation de la nature est de nos jours une préoccupation planétaire. Pour la concrétiser, la création d'aires protégées est encouragée depuis le sommet de la Terre de Rio de 1992, surtout dans les pays des bassins forestiers. Avec Rio, le développement durable devient fondamental. Afin d'apporter sa contribution pour cette cause internationale, et par la même occasion diversifier son économie, le Gabon, pays du bassin forestier du Congo, crée treize parcs nationaux en 2002. À travers ces aires protégées, c'est 11 % de son territoire qu'il consacre à la conservation de la biodiversité. Notre étude est une analyse de de la conservation de la nature, précisément à travers le parc national de Loango, dans un pays qui fonde son développement économique sur l'exploitation des ressources naturelles. Elle aborde l'application de la gestion participative entre des acteurs qui ne perçoivent pas la ressource naturelle de la même façon. Elle examine l'impact social, économique et culturel d'un objet géré selon des normes internationales avec peu de considération des réalités locales. Nous soulignons aussi la difficulté du Gabon à choisir entre développement économique national et conservation. Cette difficulté est souvent engendrée par la demande internationale. L'étude soulève également la question de l'acceptabilité sociale, manifestée par des conflits entre acteurs. / Since nature conservation has become an issue of global concern, efforts have been made to encourage the creation of protected areas since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, especially in forest basins countries. After Rio, sustainable development has become crucial. In order to make its contribution to this international cause and at the same time diversify its economy, Gabon, country of the Congo Basin forest, created thirteen national parks in 2002. Altogether, the 13 protected sites represent 11 % of the national territory classified for the conservation of Gabon's rich biodiversity. Our study is based on the analysis of this challenge, more precisely in the Loango National Park and in a country whose economic development is fully dependant on its natural resources. It deals with the application of the participative management between the different actors concerned who have different perceptions of natural resources. It examines the social, economic and cultural impact of something which is managed according to international standards and with very little consideration for local realities. We also underline the difficulty Gabon faces in choosing between its national economic development and conservation. This difficulty is often caused by international demands. The study also raises the question of social acceptability expressed by conflicts between actors.

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