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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

RealizaÃÃo de PrÃtica de FÃsica em Bancada e SimulaÃÃo Computacional para Promover o Desenvolvimento da Aprendizagem Significativa e Colaborativa / Realization of Pratical Physics Bench and Computer Simulation to promote the Development of the Collaborative and Meaningful Learning.

MÃrio Jorge Nunes Costa 25 January 2013 (has links)
nÃo hà / A avaliaÃÃo educacional brasileira, segundo o PISA, se reflete no quadro de desigualdades econÃmicas e sociais vivenciadas entre os hemisfÃrios norte e sul planetÃrios. A presente pesquisa objetiva investigar, de que maneira, a concepÃÃo e realizaÃÃo de uma atividade pedagÃgica colaborativa de experimentaÃÃo de bancada, apoiada por atividades pedagÃgicas de simulaÃÃo e modelagem computacional, pÃde contribuir para favorecer o desenvolvimento do processo de aprendizagem significativa. As atividades foram efetivadas enfatizando-se a construÃÃo e (re) significaÃÃo de conceitos de fÃsica, especificamente no tema eletricidade e circuitos elÃtricos. Foram inicialmente verificados os conhecimentos prÃvios dos alunos, atravÃs da aplicaÃÃo de questionÃrios de sondagem de conhecimentos. Em seguida, se realizaram aulas teÃricas, com foco na formaÃÃo de organizadores prÃvios. Em seguida, promoveram-se atividades fazendo uso pedagÃgico de software educacionais de simulaÃÃo e modelagem de circuitos de resistores elÃtricos, PhET e Crocodile, quando os alunos inter-relacionaram e/ou (re) significaram conceitos. Para tanto, vivenciaram e realizaram as mediÃÃes de grandezas elÃtricas e demais atividades propostas, sob a mediaÃÃo do presente Professor-Pesquisador. Numa etapa consecutiva, os alunos realizaram a prÃtica de experimentaÃÃo de bancada, relacionada ao mesmo tema anterior de circuitos elÃtricos, para (re) significar os conhecimentos dos alunos, partindo do estudo do brilho de lÃmpadas. Em todas as atividades laboratoriais, foram utilizados instrumentos de coleta de dados do tipo: gravaÃÃes de Ãudio e vÃdeo; respostas e relatos escritos pelos alunos nos roteiros das atividades de simulaÃÃo e modelagem computacional, atividade experimental de bancada e questionÃrios de sondagem de conhecimentos prÃvios e avaliaÃÃo da prÃtica pedagÃgica. A pesquisa classifica-se como qualitativa, exploratÃria e pesquisa-aÃÃo. No referencial teÃrico-metodolÃgico, destacam-se, como principais contribuiÃÃes, os pressupostos de: Dorneles, AraÃjo, Veit, no uso de software de simulaÃÃo e dificuldades de aprendizagem; Ribeiro et al., nos aspectos da integraÃÃo de laboratÃrios de experimentaÃÃo e simulaÃÃo, para facilitar o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem colaborativa, na qual destacam-se Ausubel, Novak e Valente; Moraes, Galiazzi e Okada, quanto ao mapeamento cognitivo da anÃlise textual discursiva; e Almeida, Prado e GÃes, quanto à anÃlise qualitativa de dados multidimensionais, com o uso do software CHIC. Sem perda de generalidade, a anÃlise dos dados de campo evidencia preliminarmente que: as atividades de simulaÃÃo e modelagem computacional contribuÃram para a formaÃÃo de organizadores prÃvios relativos a conceitos de eletricidade, leitura e interpretaÃÃo de medidas elÃtricas. Posteriormente, a atividade de experimentaÃÃo auxiliou os alunos a (re) significarem os conhecimentos de eletricidade e circuitos elÃtricos, as atividades de leitura, mediÃÃo e interpretaÃÃo de grandezas elÃtricas, auxiliando o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem significativa. A anÃlise dos resultados tambÃm revela indÃcios que, com a integraÃÃo entre as atividades de experimentaÃÃo de bancada e softwares de simulaÃÃo e modelagem computacional, os alunos, de forma colaborativa e minoritariamente cooperativa, (re) significaram e reelaboraram conhecimentos relativos a circuitos elÃtricos de resistores, porÃm, em determinados momentos, caracterizavam dificuldades de aprendizagem, pois nÃo conseguiam expressar suas concepÃÃes e argumentaÃÃes, de maneira a se apropriar corretamente dos conceitos de eletricidade.

Ciência-tecnologia-sociedade : suas interrelações e seu ensino nas concepções de licenciando em química

Santos, Rafaela Cristina da Silva 30 March 2017 (has links)
The present research seeks to analyze the conceptions about CTS (Science-Technology-Society) and about the teaching in this perspective, of graduates in Chemistry of an IES of the state of Sergipe (Institutions of Higher Education) of the private network (Association of Education and Culture Pio Tenth), relating such conceptions to relevant aspects of their initial formation. This IES is located in the city of Aracaju, located in the state of Sergipe.. The research was developed through a qualitative approach. For this, the data collection was divided in three moments. In the first collection, there was the analysis of the curricular matrix of the course of Degree in Chemistry offered by the IES. This analysis was not an in-depth analysis, since the objective of this stage was to analyze the existence or not of subjects that contemplate the CTS conceptions, as well as to analyze the philosophical line that this curricular matrix seeks to follow. Type of state of the art, that sought to select works that already exist in the academic environment that approach or resemble the subject of the research. In the second stage of the research, an investigative questionnaire was applied, consisting of two parts: the first one was the application of the Portuguese version abbreviated by Canavarro (1999) containing 14 questions from the VOSTS (Views on Science-Technology-Society) questionnaire. The second part of the questionnaire was composed of 06 open questions about C-T-S teaching and the initial training of subjects related to this teaching paradigm. In the third moment of the data collection, there was the application of a focal group with 06 of the 07 subjects of the research. For the analysis of the data collected through the VOSTS questionnaire, a categorization of the responses was chosen considering the categories that were established by Canavarro (1999) in his adapted version of the VOSTS questionnaire. For the analysis of the second stage of the questionnaire and the data collected through the focus group, we used the Discursive Textual Analysis, proposed by Moraes and Galiazzi (2011). The results obtained in the research allow to show that the CTS conceptions that the subjects possess, in their majority, are in agreement with the already defined categories in the literature as realistic and acceptable on Science and Technology and its influences in the Society. Therefore, the members of the research have CTS conceptions acceptable to their formation. / A presente pesquisa busca analisar as concepções sobre C-T-S (Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade) e sobre o ensino nessa perspectiva, de formandos em Química de uma IES do estado de Sergipe (Instituições de Ensino Superior) da rede privada (Associação de Ensino e Cultura Pio Décimo), relacionando tais concepções a aspectos relevantes de sua formação inicial. Esta IES encontra-se localizada na cidade de Aracaju, situada no estado de Sergipe. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa. Para tal, a coleta de dados dividiu-se em três momentos. Na primeira coleta, houve a análise da matriz curricular do curso de Licenciatura em Química ofertado pela IES. Essa análise, não foi uma análise aprofundada, pois o objetivo desta etapa foi analisar a existência ou não de disciplinas que contemplam as concepções CTS, bem como analisar a linha filosófica que esta matriz curricular busca seguir, ainda nesta etapa, foi realizado uma pesquisa do tipo estado da arte, que buscou selecionar trabalhos que já existem no meio acadêmico que se aproximam ou assemelham-se ao tema objeto da pesquisa. Na segunda etapa da pesquisa houve aplicação de um questionário investigativo, composto por duas partes: a primeira constituiu-se na aplicação da versão portuguesa abreviada por Canavarro (1999) contendo 14 questões do questionário VOSTS (Views on Science-Technology-Society). A segunda parte do questionário compôs-se por 06 questões abertas sobre ensino de C-T-S e a formação inicial dos sujeitos relacionada a esse paradigma de ensino. No terceiro momento da coleta de dados, houve a aplicação de um grupo focal com 06 dentre os 07 sujeitos da pesquisa. Para a análise dos dados coletados por meio do questionário VOSTS, optou-se por uma categorização das respostas tendo em vista as categorias que foram estabelecidas por Canavarro (1999) em sua versão adaptada do questionário VOSTS. Para a análise da segunda etapa do questionário e dos dados coletados por meio do grupo focal, foi utilizada a Análise Textual Discursiva, proposta por Moraes e Galiazzi (2011). Os Resultados obtidos na pesquisa permitem evidenciar que as concepções CTS que os sujeitos possuem, em sua maioria, são consentâneas com as categorias já definidas na literatura como realistas e aceitáveis sobre Ciência e Tecnologia e suas influencias na Sociedade. Sendo assim, os integrantes da pesquisa possuem concepções CTS aceitáveis a sua formação.

Comparison of Linear Functions in Middle Grades Textbooks from Singapore and the United States

Fowler, Linda D 27 March 2015 (has links)
Many U.S. students do not perform well on mathematics assessments with respect to algebra topics such as linear functions, a building-block for other functions. Poor achievement of U.S. middle school students in this topic is a problem. U.S. eighth graders have had average mathematics scores on international comparison tests such as Third International Mathematics Science Study, later known as Trends in Mathematics and Science Study, (TIMSS)-1995, -99, -03, while Singapore students have had highest average scores. U.S. eighth grade average mathematics scores improved on TIMMS-2007 and held steady onTIMMS-2011. Results from national assessments, PISA 2009 and 2012 and National Assessment of Educational Progress of 2007, 2009, and 2013, showed a lack of proficiency in algebra. Results of curriculum studies involving nations in TIMSS suggest that elementary textbooks in high-scoring countries were different than elementary textbooks and middle grades texts were different with respect to general features in the U.S. The purpose of this study was to compare treatments of linear functions in Singapore and U.S. middle grades mathematics textbooks. Results revealed features currently in textbooks. Findings should be valuable to constituencies who wish to improve U.S. mathematics achievement. Portions of eight Singapore and nine U.S. middle school student texts pertaining to linear functions were compared with respect to 22 features in three categories: (a) background features, (b) general features of problems, and (c) specific characterizations of problem practices, problem-solving competency types, and transfer of representation. Features were coded using a codebook developed by the researcher. Tallies and percentages were reported. Welch's t-tests and chi-square tests were used, respectively, to determine whether texts differed significantly for the features and if codes were independent of country. U.S. and Singapore textbooks differed in page appearance and number of pages, problems, and images. Texts were similar in problem appearance. Differences in problems related to assessment of conceptual learning. U.S. texts contained more problems requiring (a) use of definitions, (b) single computation, (c) interpreting, and (d) multiple responses. These differences may stem from cultural differences seen in attitudes toward education. Future studies should focus on density of page, spiral approach, and multiple response problems.

Essays in empirical finance

Farouh, Magnim 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse comporte trois chapitres dans lesquels j'étudie les coûts de transaction des actions, les anomalies en finance et les activités du système bancaire parallèle. Dans le premier chapitre (co-écrit avec René Garcia), une nouvelle façon d'estimer les coûts de transaction des actions est proposée. Les coûts de transaction ont diminué au fil du temps, mais ils peuvent augmenter considérablement lorsque la liquidité de financement se raréfi e, lorsque les craintes des investisseurs augmentent ou lorsqu'il y a d'autres frictions qui empêchent l'arbitrage. Nous estimons dans ce chapitre les écarts entre les cours acheteur et vendeur des actions de milliers d'entreprises à une fréquence journalière et présentons ces mouvements importants pour plusieurs de ces épisodes au cours des 30 dernières années. Le coût de transaction des trois quarts des actions est fortement impacté par la liquidité de fi nancement et augmente en moyenne de 24%. Alors que les actions des petites entreprises et celles des entreprises à forte volatilité ont des coûts de transaction plus élevés, l'augmentation relative des coûts de transaction en temps de crise est plus prononcée pour les actions des grandes entreprises et celles des entreprises à faible volatilité. L'écart entre les coûts de transaction respectifs de ces groupes de qualité élevée et qualité faible augmente également lorsque les conditions financières se détériorent, ce qui prouve le phénomène de fuite vers la qualité. Nous avons construit des portefeuilles basés sur des anomalies et avons estimé leurs "alphas" ajustés pour les coûts de rééquilibrage sur la base de nos estimations des coûts de transaction pour montrer que toutes les stratégies sont soit non rentables soit perdent de l'argent, à l'exception de deux anomalies: le "prix de l'action" et la "dynamique du secteur industriel". Dans le deuxième chapitre, j'étudie comment la popularité des anomalies dans les revues scienti ques spécialisées en finance peut influer sur le rendement des stratégies basées sur ces anomalies. J'utilise le ton du résumé de la publication dans laquelle une anomalie est discutée et le facteur d'impact de la revue dans laquelle cette publication a paru pour prévoir le rendement des stratégies basées sur ces anomalies sur la période après publication. La principale conclusion est la suivante: lorsqu'une anomalie est discutée dans une publication dont le résumé a un ton positif, et qui apparaît dans une revue avec un facteur d'impact supérieur à 3 (Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies), cette anomalie est plus susceptible d'attirer les investisseurs qui vont baser leurs stratégies sur cette anomalie et corriger ainsi la mauvaise évaluation des actions. Le troisième chapitre (co-écrit avec Vasia Panousi) propose une mesure de l'activité bancaire parallèle des entreprises opérant dans le secteur financier aux États-Unis. À cette fi n, nous utilisons l'analyse de données textuelles en extrayant des informations des rapports annuels et trimestriels des entreprises. On constate que l'activité bancaire parallèle était plus élevée pour les "Institutions de dépôt", les "Institutions qui ne prennent pas de dépôt" et le secteur "Immobilier" avant 2008. Mais après 2008, l'activité bancaire parallèle a considérablement baissé pour toutes les fi rmes opérant dans le secteur financier sauf les "Institutions non dépositaires". Notre indice du système bancaire parallèle satisfait certains faits économiques concernant le système bancaire parallèle, en particulier le fait que les politiques monétaires restrictives contribuent à l'expansion du système bancaire parallèle. Nous montrons également avec notre indice que, lorsque l'activité bancaire parallèle des 100 plus grandes banques augmente, les taux de délinquance sur les prêts accordés par ces banques augmentent également. L'inverse est observé avec l'indice bancaire traditionnel: une augmentation de l'activité bancaire traditionnelle des 100 plus grandes banques diminue le taux de délinquance. / This thesis has three chapters in which I study transaction costs, anomalies and shadow banking activities. In the first chapter (co-authored with René Garcia) a novel way of estimating transaction costs is proposed. Transaction costs have declined over time but they can increase considerably when funding liquidity becomes scarce, investors' fears spike or other frictions limit arbitrage. We estimate bid-ask spreads of thousands of firms at a daily frequency and put forward these large movements for several of these episodes in the last 30 years. The transaction cost of three-quarters of the firms is significantly impacted by funding liquidity and increases on average by 24%. While small firms and high volatility firms have larger transaction costs, the relative increase in transaction costs in crisis times is more pronounced in large firms and low-volatility firms. The gap between the respective transaction costs of these high- and low-quality groups also increases when financial conditions deteriorate, which provides evidence of flight to quality. We build anomaly-based long-short portfolios and estimate their alphas adjusted for rebalancing costs based on our security-level transaction cost estimates to show that all strategies are either unprofitable or lose money, except for price per share and industry momentum. In the second chapter I study how the popularity of anomalies in peer-reviewed finance journals can influence the returns on these anomalies. I use the tone of the abstract of the publication in which an anomaly is discussed and the impact factor of the journal in which this publication appears to forecast the post-publication return of strategies based on the anomaly. The main finding is the following: when an anomaly is discussed in a positive tone publication that appears in a journal with an impact factor higher than 3 (Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies), this anomaly is more likely to attract investors that are going to arbitrage away the mispricing. The third chapter (co-authored with Vasia Panousi) proposes a measure of the shadow banking activity of firms operating in the financial industry in the United States. For this purpose we use textual data analysis by extracting information from annual and quarterly reports of firms. We find that the shadow banking activity was higher for the “Depository Institutions", “Non depository Institutions" and the “Real estate" before 2008. But after 2008, the shadow banking activity dropped considerably for all the financial companies except for the “Non depository Institutions". Our shadow banking index satisfies some economic facts about the shadow banking, especially the fact that contractionary monetary policies contribute to expand shadow banking. We also show with our index that, when the shadow banking activity of the 100 biggest banks increases, the delinquency rates on the loans that these banks give also increases. The opposite is observed with the traditional banking index: an increase of the traditional banking activity of the 100 biggest banks decreases the delinquency rate.

The Castle/Nikki Heat Phenomenon: A Detailed Examination of Female Representation in Entertainment Media

Skinner, Katharine Virginia 12 1900 (has links)
As entertainment reflects a culture's ideology, it is important for researchers to study its messages and subsequently its potential meanings. Entertainment has the power to inform and persuade, creating models for behavior with which the public interacts. The entertainment texts for the purpose of this study are the Castle television series and the Nikki Heat novels. Together, they create a unique multi-layer fictional world. By using postmodern, feminist, communication, and entertainment theories, the results of this study provide a tightly focused lens which views a narrow aspect of entertainment media. Each text was thoroughly examined using textual analysis, Feminist Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis, and conversation analysis. Contrary to expectations, the results indicated that the Castle and Nikki Heat texts support hegemonic ideology, particularly through the use of exaggerated stereotypes, strict gender roles, imagery, and narrative choices that help perpetuate rape culture. The discussion outlines how these results can be interpreted through the dominant messages presented in the texts. This research is intended to serve as a foundation for future research regarding entertainment media.

Policy Autopsy: A Failure of Regulatory Oversight to Ensure Least Restrictive Environment in Ohio’s Electronic Charter Schools

Churchwright, Kelly K. 26 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Popular Nigerian Women's Magazines and Discourses of Femininity: A Textual Analysis of Today's Woman, Genevieve, and Exquisite

Ogwude, Haadiza N. 03 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

A Memory of Self in Opposition: Identity Formation Theory and its Application in Contemporary Genre Fiction

Basile, Jeffrey Allen 07 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Ethical Wondering in Contemporary African American and Asian American Women's Magical Realism

Na Rim Kim (16501845) 07 July 2023 (has links)
<p>The term magical realism traces back to the German art critic Franz Roh, who in the early twentieth century applied it to (visual) art expressing the wondrousness of life. However, this definition has been eclipsed over time. Reorienting critical attention back to magical realism as the art of portraying wonder and wondering, I explore the magical realist novels of contemporary African American and Asian American women writers. Specifically, I examine Toni Morrison’s <em>Paradise</em> (1997), Jesmyn Ward’s <em>Sing, Unburied, Sing</em> (2017), Karen Tei Yamashita’s <em>Through the Arc of the Rain Forest</em> (1990), and Ruth Ozeki’s <em>A Tale for the Time Being</em> (2013). In wonder, all frames of reference at hand suddenly become inadequate. Simultaneously, the subject’s interest is heightened. As such, the act/experience of wondering may lead to humility and respect, the two attitudes at the base of any ethically flourishing life—a life that flourishes <em>with</em> others. For this reason, the Asian American woman writer and peace activist Maxine Hong Kingston espoused wondering. Affiliated with groups marginalized within the US, like Kingston my writers also promote wonder. I examine how these writers, through compelling use of both content and form, guide their readers toward a particular kind of wondering: wondering with an awareness of how the act/experience might lead to ethical flourishing.</p>

True Loves, Dark Nights: Queer Performativity and Grieving Through Music in the Work of Rufus Wainwright

Salerno, Stephanie 02 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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