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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Textual Analysis of Two Translated Transcripts: 2012 Presidential Debate and a Speech Presented by Cyrille de Lasteyrie

Witty, Laryssa M 07 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Delia Chiaro (2010) describes humor in two broad categories: referential and verbal. The former focuses on the meaning of a story or event and the humor embedded within. In the case of the latter, idiosyncratic features such as word play displays humorous undertones. This Master’s thesis examines oral text transformation to another language via transcription. The transcripts themselves consist of 10 minutes of the 2012 Presidential debate between François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy and 10 minutes of a monologue presented by French animator Cyrille de Lasteyrie. Both transcripts are linked by the commonality of humor and exhibit the two categories previously outlined. Additional attention will be given to the translation challenges that arose such as: transferring the overall meaning of each idea, maintaining as much of the humor within the text as possible and conveying each speaker’s style. This study aims to provide future translators guidance in their translation endeavors by pinpointing scholarly research and discussing the various translator techniques implemented in overcoming challenges such as metaphors and collocations.

Montazami-lockar möter masterminds i Svenskt Näringslivs entreprenörsporträtt : En kvalitativ fallstudie av entreprenörsporträtt i tidskriften Entreprenör

Jahnsson, Tove January 2014 (has links)
This study has as its purpose to reveal whether female and male entrepreneurs are offered the same kind of conditions in their role of entrepreneurs in their respective media representation. This is studied by analyzing portrayals in the magazine Entreprenör (Br.E. “Entrepreneur”). Methodologically the analysis will be making use of textual analysis, semiotics and discourse analysis in order to expose the underlying gender perspective(s) in Entreprenör. The entrepreneur portrayals’ texts and visuals will be studied in the light of gender and entrepreneur theory, and more specifically on the basis of theories about representation, discourse and stereotypes. The main conclusion of the study is that female and male entrepreneurs are not offered the same conditions in their roles of entrepreneurs in a medium such as Entreprenör. A major factor behind this result appear to be found in a dominant male stereotypical entrepreneurial discourse.

Från Muhammed till Skolverket : En läromedelsanalys av islam i gymnasieskolans religionsämne / From Muhammed to religious studies in upper secondary school

Johansson, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
This essay is a qualitative textual analysis of six books used for religious studies in upper secondary schools. The aim was to study if and how a “correct Islam” is presented in the chapters about Islam, how that “correct Islam” matches the Swedish syllabus “Religionskunskap 1”, and how Muslim women are presented in books written after 2011. The applied theoretical frame for the study was “gender steps” and Hughes’ critic of studies of Islam. The results showed that few of the chosen authors reached the second step of the gender steps, the position based on how texts problematize the differences between men and women. The results also showed that elements of Hughes’ critic were found in the books. The authors sometimes expressed a correct Islam by presenting only one or few interpretations of the Quran. This didn’t always meet the aims of the syllabus. The books lack presentations of a variety of gender, socio-economical backgrounds, ethnicities, and sexualities. Muslim women were mainly presented in the text when they differed from religious practices.

Terrorist eller psykiskt sjuk? : En kvalitativ gestaltningsanalys kring framställningen av ett terrorbrott och ett hatbrott / Terrorist or Mentally Ill? : A Qualitative Framing Analysis on the Representation of a Terrorist Crime and a Hate Crime

Ågren, Jessica, Koppel Eriksson, Mathilda January 2016 (has links)
Den här studien fokuserar på mediers framställning av fenomenet terrorism i nyhetsinnehållet i pressen. Mer specifikt undersöks nyhetsrapporteringen i Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet från de tre följande dagarna efter självmordsbombningen i Stockholm 2010, som rubriceras som terrorbrott, och skolattacken i Trollhättan 2015, som rubriceras som hatbrott. Båda brott är dock enligt definitionen som finns i svensk lag terrorism. Syftet med studien är att se vad som framhävs och vad som hamnar i bakgrunden när det kommer till terrorism för att på så vis skaffa en bredare kunskap och förståelse för hur fenomenet terrorism framställs i media. För att komma åt detta används gestaltning som både teori och metod. Studiens teoretiska ramverk består också av representation då detta förklarar hur mediers presentationer formar medborgarnas bilder av olika företeelser. I analysen har tio av de elva fokuspunkter som J. W. Tankard föreslår undersökts i de valda artiklarna. Utifrån detta framkom ett antal övergripande teman, eller gestaltningar, som sedan jämfördes mellan de båda fallen. Bland annat visade resultaten att det i nyhetsrapporteringen återfinns en stark koppling mellan terrorism och islam, där religionen framställs som ett motiv till våld. Gärningsmännen i båda fallen beskrivs ha hamnat utanför i såväl lokalsamhället som landet Sverige i stort, och framför allt självmordsbombaren i Stockholm kopplas ständigt till nätverk och organisationer vilket gör att han skildras som en religiös terrorist. Samtidigt ses gärningsmannen i Trollhättan som en ensamt agerande individ som gestaltas som psykiskt sjuk. / This study focuses on the media's representation of the phenomenon terrorism in the news coverage in the press. More specifically the news coverage of Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet from the three following days after the suicide bombing in Stockholm 2010, which is classified as a terrorist crime, and the school attack in Trollhättan 2015, which is classified as a hate crime, is researched. Both crimes are however based on the definition found in Swedish law terrorism. The aim of the study is to see what is emphasised and what is understated when it comes to terrorism in order to gain a wider knowledge and understanding for how the phenomenon terrorism is represented in the media. Framing is used both as theory and method to access this. The theoretical framework also includes representation since this explains how the media's depictions shape people's views of different issues. Ten of the eleven focus points proposed by J. W. Tankard is used to research the chosen articles. In the analysis a number of overarching themes, or frames, were revealed and these frames were compared between the two cases. Among other things the results showed that there was a strong connection between terrorism and islam in the news coverage, where the religion was depicted as the motive for violence. The perpetrators were in both cases represented as outsiders of both their local communities and the country of Sweden, and especially the suicide bomber in Stockholm was connected with networks and organisations which means that he is portrayed as a religious terrorist. Meanwhile the perpetrator in Trollhättan is seen as an independently acting individual who is framed as mentally ill.

Document Forensics Through Textual Analysis

Belvisi, Nicole Mariah Sharon January 2019 (has links)
This project aims at giving a brief overview of the area of research called Authorship Analysis with main focus on Authorship Attribution and the existing methods. The second objective of this project is to test whether one of the main approaches in the field can be still be applied successfully to today's new ways of communicating. The study uses multiple stylometric features to establish the authorship of a text as well as a model based on the TF-IDF model.

"Allas" historia? : Genusroller och maktrelationer i historieläromedel för högstadiet. / History for "all"? : Gender in history textbooks.

Thelin, Angelika January 2019 (has links)
This essay takes a look at which gender norms and stereotypes can be found in high-school history textbooks, and the values that they pass on to the students who read them. By analysing the textbooks from both a text and image perspective, a rounded view of the values and ideals concerning power and gender that the books contain can be seen. The use of gender theory gives the essay a clear theoretical framework through which the material is analysed. The result showed that the history textbooks over all contained an outdated view of gender roles and gender dynamics. There was a clear overrepresentation of men in both the text and the pictures throughout the books, and the language used created a hierarchy between men and women.  This in turn sends outdated messages to students, messages which may not fit the current ideal of gender equality.

Percurso reflexivo em um programa de formação continuada de professores: com a palavra o professor / Reflective path in a program of continuing education of teachers: With the word the teacher

Bernal, Clotilde Maria Simões da Silva 05 December 2017 (has links)
Nesta dissertação estudamos os relatos pedagógicos produzidos por sete professoras participantes de um Programa de Formação continuada no município de São Caetano do Sul durante os anos de 2011 e 2012. Para análise e posterior obtenção de categorias dos registros escritos que compunham o relatório final das professoras utilizamos a Análise Textual Discursiva que permitiu vislumbrar elementos convergentes entre os sete relatos e, outros elementos que permitiram um diálogo profícuo com o referencial teórico escolhido para fundamentar este trabalho. Como objetivos da investigação buscamos identificar o percurso reflexivo vivido pelas docentes autoras e alguns elementos daquele Programa de Formação relevantes para o processo reflexivo dos sujeitos da pesquisa. A partir da elaboração das categorias de análise identificamos três grandes domínios, a saber: Domínio I - Reflexão antes da ação; Domínio II - Reflexão na ação e Domínio III - Reflexão sobre a ação. Em cada um dos domínios foi possível perceber da parte das professoras a reflexão ocorrida sobre diferentes aspectos das suas vivências como educadoras. Os relatos mostram que as docentes repensaram e reelaboraram algumas questões sobre os seus educandos, a sua realidade comunitária e as suas escolas. A reflexão revelou o compromisso didático/pedagógico das autoras com a tarefa educativa e a autonomia das mesmas ao fazer parte do seu percurso formativo um dispositivo que foi elaborado conjuntamente por especialistas e por elas mesmas atuando como coautoras da proposta. Desta forma, a formação centrada no professor e na escola dá ao saber da experiência um estatuto importante e possibilita ao professor que mude de maneira articulada e colaborativamente os contextos em que trabalha e que esta mudança seja uma decisão assumida a partir da sua própria reflexão. Na medida em que Programas ou cursos de formação continuada promovam a reflexão inserida na realidade dos professores, as escolas como comunidades poderão se transformar em centros de desenvolvimento profissional e humano para estes. / In this text we studied the pedagogical reports produced by seven teachers who participated in a Continuing Education Program in the municipality of São Caetano do Sul during the years 2011 and 2012. For analysis and for to obtain categories of the written records that made up the final report of the teachers we used the Discursive Textual Analysis that allowed to glimpse converging elements between the seven reports and other elements that allowed a fruitful dialogue with the theoretical framework chosen to base this work. As research objectives we seek to identify the reflective course lived by the authors and some elements of that Training Program relevant to the reflective process of the research subjects. From the elaboration of the categories of analysis we identified three major domains, namely: Domain I - Reflection before action; Domain II - Reflection in action and Domain III - Reflection on action. In each of the domains it was possible to perceive the reflection that took place on different aspects of the teacher experiences as educators. The reports show that the teachers rethought and reworked some questions about their students, their community reality and their schools. The reflection revealed the didactic / pedagogical commitment of the authors with the educational task and the autonomy of the same ones as part of their formative course a device that was elaborated jointly by specialists and by themselves acting as coauthors of the proposal. In this way, teacher and school-centered training gives the knowledge of experience an important status and enables the teacher to change in an articulated and collaborative way the contexts in which he works and that this change is a decision taken from his own reflection. To the extent that programs or continuing education courses promote reflection within the reality of teachers, schools as communities can become centers of professional and human development for them.

Percurso reflexivo em um programa de formação continuada de professores: com a palavra o professor / Reflective path in a program of continuing education of teachers: With the word the teacher

Clotilde Maria Simões da Silva Bernal 05 December 2017 (has links)
Nesta dissertação estudamos os relatos pedagógicos produzidos por sete professoras participantes de um Programa de Formação continuada no município de São Caetano do Sul durante os anos de 2011 e 2012. Para análise e posterior obtenção de categorias dos registros escritos que compunham o relatório final das professoras utilizamos a Análise Textual Discursiva que permitiu vislumbrar elementos convergentes entre os sete relatos e, outros elementos que permitiram um diálogo profícuo com o referencial teórico escolhido para fundamentar este trabalho. Como objetivos da investigação buscamos identificar o percurso reflexivo vivido pelas docentes autoras e alguns elementos daquele Programa de Formação relevantes para o processo reflexivo dos sujeitos da pesquisa. A partir da elaboração das categorias de análise identificamos três grandes domínios, a saber: Domínio I - Reflexão antes da ação; Domínio II - Reflexão na ação e Domínio III - Reflexão sobre a ação. Em cada um dos domínios foi possível perceber da parte das professoras a reflexão ocorrida sobre diferentes aspectos das suas vivências como educadoras. Os relatos mostram que as docentes repensaram e reelaboraram algumas questões sobre os seus educandos, a sua realidade comunitária e as suas escolas. A reflexão revelou o compromisso didático/pedagógico das autoras com a tarefa educativa e a autonomia das mesmas ao fazer parte do seu percurso formativo um dispositivo que foi elaborado conjuntamente por especialistas e por elas mesmas atuando como coautoras da proposta. Desta forma, a formação centrada no professor e na escola dá ao saber da experiência um estatuto importante e possibilita ao professor que mude de maneira articulada e colaborativamente os contextos em que trabalha e que esta mudança seja uma decisão assumida a partir da sua própria reflexão. Na medida em que Programas ou cursos de formação continuada promovam a reflexão inserida na realidade dos professores, as escolas como comunidades poderão se transformar em centros de desenvolvimento profissional e humano para estes. / In this text we studied the pedagogical reports produced by seven teachers who participated in a Continuing Education Program in the municipality of São Caetano do Sul during the years 2011 and 2012. For analysis and for to obtain categories of the written records that made up the final report of the teachers we used the Discursive Textual Analysis that allowed to glimpse converging elements between the seven reports and other elements that allowed a fruitful dialogue with the theoretical framework chosen to base this work. As research objectives we seek to identify the reflective course lived by the authors and some elements of that Training Program relevant to the reflective process of the research subjects. From the elaboration of the categories of analysis we identified three major domains, namely: Domain I - Reflection before action; Domain II - Reflection in action and Domain III - Reflection on action. In each of the domains it was possible to perceive the reflection that took place on different aspects of the teacher experiences as educators. The reports show that the teachers rethought and reworked some questions about their students, their community reality and their schools. The reflection revealed the didactic / pedagogical commitment of the authors with the educational task and the autonomy of the same ones as part of their formative course a device that was elaborated jointly by specialists and by themselves acting as coauthors of the proposal. In this way, teacher and school-centered training gives the knowledge of experience an important status and enables the teacher to change in an articulated and collaborative way the contexts in which he works and that this change is a decision taken from his own reflection. To the extent that programs or continuing education courses promote reflection within the reality of teachers, schools as communities can become centers of professional and human development for them.

Text Augmentation: Inserting markup into natural language text with PPM Models

Yeates, Stuart Andrew January 2006 (has links)
This thesis describes a new optimisation and new heuristics for automatically marking up XML documents, and CEM, a Java implementation, using PPM models. CEM is significantly more general than previous systems, marking up large numbers of hierarchical tags, using n-gram models for large n and a variety of escape methods. Four corpora are discussed, including the bibliography corpus of 14682 bibliographies laid out in seven standard styles using the BibTeX system and marked up in XML with every field from the original BibTeX. Other corpora include the ROCLING Chinese text segmentation corpus, the Computists' Communique corpus and the Reuters' corpus. A detailed examination is presented of the methods of evaluating mark up algorithms, including computation complexity measures and correctness measures from the fields of information retrieval, string processing, machine learning and information theory. A new taxonomy of markup complexities is established and the properties of each taxon are examined in relation to the complexity of marked up documents. The performance of the new heuristics and optimisation are examined using the four corpora.

Going by the Book: Backpacker Travellers in Aboriginal Australia and the Negotiation of Text and Experience

Young, Tamara January 2005 (has links)
Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Long-term independent travel is regarded by many commentators as an active quest for discovery, and has long been proclaimed by individuals and organisations, both within and outside the tourism industry, as having a social, cultural and educative role. As independent travel becomes an increasingly popular and important sector of the travel market, the guidebook as cultural text becomes a significant and powerful mediator of experience. Guidebooks have a prevailing capacity to define and represent places, peoples and cultures and, at the same time, present descriptive and prescriptive information that simultaneously constructs the traveller and shapes their perspectives and experiences. Independent travellers such as backpackers, in their quest for the ‘authentic’, often seek out experiences with other cultures and demonstrate a desire to learn about, and interact with, indigenous people and their cultures. This thesis is concerned with the complex process of the dialectic construction of the backpacker (the traveller) as a particular gazing and experiencing subject, and of places, peoples and cultures (the travelled) as objects of the gaze. Central to the thesis is a consideration of the role of the guidebook as an interpretative lens through which the constructed and mediated nature of both the traveller and the travelled can be examined and understood. Drawing on theoretical and methodological insights from the interdisciplinary fields of tourism studies and cultural studies, the thesis seeks to understand relationships between text, audience and culture in tourism. The interpretative method of textual analysis is married with qualitative interviews with a sample of backpackers to Australia to examine the interplay between travellers, guidebooks and experiences. An analysis of guidebooks published by Lonely Planet, Rough Guide and Let's Go reveals that representations of Aboriginal people and their cultures are central to constructing an ‘authentic’ experience for independent travellers to Australia. These representations are, however, not without contradiction, as traveller discourses of authenticity, cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity and responsible travel are mobilised concurrently with popular tourism imagery and stereotypes of Aboriginal Australia. For the backpackers interviewed, the discrepancies between discourses provided in guidebooks means that their engagement with texts is dynamic, and their experiences with, and understandings of, Aboriginal Australia are continuously negotiated and renegotiated throughout their travel experiences. I argue in this thesis that backpackers actively engage with narratives and representations of culture contained within guidebooks, and negotiate these textual contradictions to construct a particular type of experience and traveller-self to make sense of their travels in Aboriginal Australia. The findings of this thesis raise important questions about the role that the text plays as mediator between the traveller and the travelled culture, and the tensions, contradictions and negotiations between text and lived experience.

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