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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

NOT ANOTHER SPACE SUIT: Fusing Technology and Indigenous Solutions To Facilitate Thermal Comfort

Khairat, Alia 02 May 2013 (has links)
Unseen, unheard and unconsidered, Qatar’s migrant worker population is building one of the richest countries in the world. They labor in Qatar’s high heat index1 climate, which is coincidentally comparable to an Oriental sauna, wearing the most rudimentary of clothes. Working up to 60 hours a week, migrant workers fall victim to heat stress and dozens are hospitalized daily, starting as early as March and increasing in numbers during the peak months of June to August. Since clothes are essentially a “second skin,” affecting the rate and efficiency with which heat is exchanged between the body and its surroundings, a concept garment was designed to improve thermal comfort. Low-tech, indigenous heat-management systems are combined with new technologies and knowledge of human physiology to design a two-layer suit that aims to optimize heat exchange mechanisms. The suit enhances radiation, convection and evaporation by having a snug-fitting inner wicking layer and a loose-cut outer shell, and by using strategically placed vents, perforations, and Phase Change Material (PCM) packs. Using fiction as a medium of social commentary and critical design, the concept suit borrows from the superhero aesthetic to present the migrant worker in a new light. The suit denotes power, symbolizing the superhuman feat these workers perform and their true worth to the economy. Its aesthetic and function aim to improve worker morale and performance. Mapping, scoping and primary and secondary qualitative and quantitative research have been used throughout the design process. This is in addition to an ethnographic study, field observations, material explorations, body storming and experimentation.

Investigation on the Effects of Indoor Temperature Modulations on Building Energy Usage and Human Thermal Comfort

Traylor, Caleb 05 1900 (has links)
Energy efficiency in the operation of buildings is becoming increasingly important with a growing emphasis on sustainability and reducing environmental impacts of irresponsible energy usage. Improvements have been made both on the technology side of energy efficiency and on the human behavior side. However, when changing human behavior, it is critical to find energy conservation measures that will maintain comfort for occupants. This paper analyzes how this can be done by implementing a modulating temperature schedule based on the concept of alliesthesia, which states that pleasure is observed in transient states. EnergyPlus simulations were used to show that in cooling applications, this type of scheduling can produce significant energy savings. However, energy savings are not predicted for the same type of scheduling for heating applications. Thermal comfort was examined with a cooling experiment and a separate heating experiment, each lasting 45 minutes and taking place during the corresponding season. The experiments showed that modulating temperatures can cause occupants to experience more pleasure than if the temperature remained constant in a cooled space, whereas modulating temperatures had a negative impact on comfort relative to the constant temperature in the heated space. This presents evidence for an ideal opportunity for cooling applications by implementing modulating temperature schedules: an increase in thermal pleasure accompanied by a decrease in cooling energy.

A produção recente de edifícios residenciais em São Paulo: desempenho e conforto térmico no contexto urbano e climá¡tico em transição / The recent residential building production in São Paulo: performance and thermal comfort in the urban and climate transition context

Alves, Carolina Abrahão 17 April 2019 (has links)
O objeto deste trabalho é o desempenho térmico da produção recente de edifícios residenciais multifamiliares em São Paulo, lançados entre 2005 e 2014, considerando o contexto urbano e climático em transição, visando às condições de conforto térmico. O objetivo é quantificar, por meio de estudos paramétricos com simulações computacionais termodinâmicas, o efeito de elementos, tanto intrínsecos quanto externos, aos edifícios sobre as condições de conforto térmico no clima atual e, em um segundo momento, no futuro (cerca de 50 anos à frente) identificando as melhores estratégias de projeto e operação para o conforto térmico. A hipótese é de que algumas práticas de projeto e operação correntes nos edifícios residenciais multifamiliares, que incluem o uso da varanda como ambiente interno da unidade e a vedação envidraçada de maiores proporções, tudo isso conjugado com as pequenas dimensões das unidades e os decorrentes prejuízos à ventilação natural, fazem com que esse estoque edificado, operando em modo naturalmente ventilado, apresente um desempenho térmico insatisfatório para o conforto térmico, e que isso vai ocorrer em uma parcela considerável do tempo de uso. No entanto, a varanda, valorizada nos edifícios residenciais multifamiliares verticais recentes, quando usada de fato como elemento de transição, consegue ser o vetor de melhoria do conforto térmico interno através da promoção de diferentes possibilidades de operação, incluindo sombreamento e ventilação. O estudo parte de uma leitura de grandes temas relacionados, passa por estudos de casos reais de apartamentos residenciais e estudos de clima urbano e realiza simulações computacionais termodinâmicas de desempenho térmico de uma unidade residencial considerada representativa da produção recente do mercado imobiliário de edifícios verticais multifamiliares. O método é indutivo, por meio de levantamentos de dados e elaboração de um modelo representativo (Ap Base) para as simulações computacionais, e dedutivo, por meio de comparações entre os diversos resultados obtidos pelas simulações computacionais nas diferentes configurações propostas. Dos estudos de simulação computacional depreende-se que, para os padrões construtivos de unidades residenciais em edifícios verticais praticados pelo mercado, alcançar o conforto ambiental em modo de operação naturalmente ventilado será um desafio de maiores dimensões nos cenários de aquecimento global e urbano vislumbrados. A diminuição de massa térmica aliada ao aumento das superfícies envidraçadas não sombreadas e reduzidas possibilidades de ventilação nos ambientes são os principais fatores que contribuem para o aquecimento em edificações. A presença da varanda, por sua vez, é positiva quando ela assume diversas possibilidades de configuração, atuando e sendo ocupada como um ambiente de transição de fato e não como um dos cômodos internos à residência; deste modo ela pode ser vetor das melhores práticas de operação na busca do conforto térmico. Portanto, os resultados comprovam a hipótese inicial, destacando-se que elementos que possibilitem a operação das aberturas, em especial aquelas ligadas à varanda, a saber, envidraçamento externo, porta entre varanda e estar e elemento sombreador externo, precisam estar disponíveis para serem operados pelo usuário, que deve estar apto a perceber as melhores possibilidades de operação e realizá-las. / The objective of this work is the thermal performance of the recent multifamily residential building production in São Paulo, launched between 2005 and 2014, considering the urban and the transition climate contexts aiming at the thermal comfort conditions. The objective is to quantify, through parametric studies using thermodynamic computational simulations, the effect of both intrinsic and external elements on the thermal comfort conditions in the current climate and, in a second moment, in the future about 50 years ahead, identifying the best design and operation strategies for the thermal comfort. The hypothesis is that some current design and operation practices in multifamily residential buildings, which include the use of the balcony as an interior environment and the large glass enclosures combined with the apartment\'s small area and the insufficient natural ventilation possibilities, result in poor thermal comfort performance of this free running building stock in a considerable part of its lifespan. However, the balcony, valued in the recent multi-family residential buildings, when in fact used as a transition space, can be the vector of internal thermal comfort improvements by promoting different operation possibilities, including shading and ventilation. This study starts from a broader context, observing real residential apartments\' study cases, going into urban climate studies and performing thermodynamic simulations of a residential apartment considered representative of the recent vertical multifamily building production of the local real estate market. The method is inductive, through data surveys and elaboration of a representative model (Ap Base) for the simulations, and deductive, through comparisons between the several results obtained by the simulations in the different configurations proposed. From the simulation studies, it can be concluded that, for the building standards of residential apartments in vertical buildings practiced by the market, achieving thermal comfort in free running mode will be a major challenge in the envisioned global and urban heating scenarios. The decrease of the thermal mass coupled with the unshaded large glazed surface area and reduced ventilation possibilities are the main factors for the building heating. The balcony, in turn, is positive when it assumes several configuration possibilities, acting and being occupied as a transitional environment in fact and not as an interior room; in this way it can be a vector of the best operating practices in the search for thermal comfort. Therefore, the results confirm the initial hypothesis, emphasizing that elements allowing the opening operation, especially the ones connected to the balcony, namely external glazing, door between balcony and living room and external shade element, must be available to be operated by the user, who must be able to perceive the best possible operation and perform it.

Badrumsrenovering i bostäder : Jämförelse mellan radiatorsystem och golvvärmesystem ur energi-, fukt- och komfortaspekt i Västerås

Davidsson, Lukas, Alsterlund, Isak January 2019 (has links)
This degree project cover renovation of sanitary rooms with focus on an exchange from a radiator system to an underfloor heating system out of the three aspects energy, moisture and thermal comfort. The used method is literature study, interview, case study and calculations. When a radiator system is replaced with an underfloor heating system the energy demand will decrease due to a possible temperature reduction. The power requirement for the bathrooms will be reduced if the finish material have a higher density and the volume of the room is small. The moisture aspect can in some cases deteriorate with the replacement of systems. It is possible to achieve the same thermal comfort with any system, but it is easier to adjust with an underfloor heating system. An exchange from a radiator system to an underfloor heating system is possible. The energy and thermal comfort aspects improves, but the moisture aspect will potentially degrade.

Evaluation expérimentale des performances des systèmes de ventilation dans le bâtiment : efficacité de ventilation et confort thermique / Building ventilation performance assessement : ventilation efficiency and thermal comfort

Allab, Yacine 12 December 2017 (has links)
La performance d’un système doit être bien définie, atteignable et surtout mesurable. Ce n’est pas le cas aujourd’hui pour la ventilation. D’une part, les performances des systèmes de ventilation sont habituellement exprimées sur des considérations énergétiques ou tout simplement sur une estimation trop approximative des débits de ventilation. Les performances liées au confort thermique et à la qualité de l’air intérieur sont abordées séparément à travers des outils d’évaluation dédiés. D’autre part, les outils d’évaluation existants sont aujourd’hui limités dans leur mise en pratique pour des mesures in situ, notamment lorsqu’il s’agit de ventilation naturelle et mixte. L’objectif de cette thèse est alors d’examiner et d’expérimenter les techniques expérimentales existantes à échelle réelle afin de proposer des améliorations sur les méthodes d’évaluation et de commissionnement. La thèse aborde la performance de la ventilation en prenant en compte l’efficacité de ventilation comme performance intrinsèque et le confort thermique comme performance globale.La première partie est consacrée à l’évaluation in situ des performances intrinsèques de ventilation (taux de ventilation, âges moyens de l’air et efficacité de renouvellement d’air), en se basant sur des techniques de gaz traceurs. Après une analyse théorique des différents indicateurs de performance de ventilation et de leurs techniques de mesure correspondantes, une étude expérimentale a été menée dans une salle de cours sous différentes stratégies de ventilation (mécanique, naturelle et mixte). Les analyses ont démontré l’importance de la mise en application des techniques de décroissance de gaz traceurs sur l’incertitude des taux de renouvellement d’air avec notamment une forte influence des temps de mesure et des concentrations de gaz utilisées. Une méthodologie a été adaptée puis testée pour la mesure de l’efficacité de renouvellement d’air en ventilation mécanique, naturelle et mixte en s’affranchissant de mesures en bouches d’extraction (technique habituellement utilisée et préconisée par les normes).La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’évaluation expérimentale in situ du confort thermique sous différentes configurations de ventilation. Différentes méthodes, standards et techniques d’évaluation ont été testés et comparés avec la perception des occupants. Les résultats ont démontré la présence de plusieurs inadéquations lors de la mise en pratique des méthodes et normes existantes. Principalement, il s’agit de l’inadéquation des méthodes statiques (PMV PPD) pour l’évaluation du confort en présence de conditions thermiques fluctuantes, y compris en ventilation mécanique. Les analyses d’incertitudes liées aux erreurs de mesure ont démontré l’incohérence des normes actuelles dans la classification des catégories de confort. / The performance of a system must be well defined, attainable and above all measurable. This is not the case today for ventilation. On the one hand ventilation performance is usually declined on energy efficiency considerations or simply on a rough estimation of ventilation rates. The performance related to thermal comfort and IAQ are addressed separately through dedicated evaluation tools. On the other hand, the existing evaluation tools today are nowadays limited in their practical applications for in situ measurements, in particular in the case of natural and mixed ventilation. The aim of the present thesis is to examine the existing experimental technics, at full scale building in order to propose improvements on evaluation methods and commissioning protocols. The present thesis deals with ventilation performance taking into account ventilation efficiency as intrinsic performance and thermal comfort as overall performance.The first part is devoted to the in situ assessment of intrinsic ventilation performance (ventilation rates, mean age of air, and air exchange efficiency), based on decay tracer gas techniques. After a theorical analysis of the various performance indexes and their corresponding measurement techniques, an experimental study was carried out in a classroom under different ventilation strategies (mechanical, natural & mixed mode). The analysis proved the importance of the application of the tracer gas decay on ventilation rates accuracy with in particular a strong influence of measurement times and used tracer gas concentration. A methodology has been adapted and tested for the measurement of the air exchange efficiency in natural and mixed mode ventilation, by avoiding measurements in exhaust vents (a technique usually used and advocated by current standards).The second part is devoted to in situ assessment of thermal comfort under different ventilation strategies. Different methods, standards and evaluation techniques were tested and compared with occupants’ perception. The results demonstrated the presence of several inadequacies during the implementation of existing methods and standards. Mainly, it concerns the inadequacy of static methods (PMV PPD) for thermal comfort assessment in the presence of fluctuating thermal conditions, even with mechanical ventilation. Uncertainty analysis related to measurement errors has demonstrated the incoherence of current standards in the classification of comfort categories.

Etude numérique du potentiel de rafraichissement des techniques de réduction des ilots de chaleur urbain (ICU) sous climat méditerranéen / Numerical study of the cooling potential of the urban heat island (UHI) mitigation strategies under Mediterranean climate

Fahed, Jeff 16 October 2018 (has links)
Le phénomène d’ilot de chaleur urbain « ICU » souvent observé dans les villes à forte densité urbaine, provoque des impacts négatifs surtout sur le confort thermique extérieur et sur la consommation énergétique des bâtiments. D’où l’importance d’intégrer des dispositifs d’atténuation de ce phénomène dans la conception des projets et des espaces urbains. Cette thèse vise à étudier les effets des différentes stratégies de limitation d’ICU sur les paramètres microclimatiques sous climat méditerranéen. Le cas étudié est un quartier compact de la ville libanaise Beyrouth qui est classifié comme un territoire artificialisé. Jusqu’à présent, peu de recherches microclimatiques ont été réalisées pour le cas Libanais et il y absence des codes et des mesures d’adaptation luttant contre l’ICU. Des simulations numériques sont réalisées à l’aide d’un outil microclimatique « ENVI-met », permettant d’identifier le potentiel rafraichissant de chaque stratégie proposée. Ces stratégies sont basées sur l’augmentation de l’albédo des revêtements du sol et de l’enveloppe des bâtiments, l’augmentation des espaces verts et des surfaces végétalisées, ainsi que sur la mise en place des sources d’eau comme les fontaines et les brumisateurs. Les charges de climatisation relatives à chaque mesure d’atténuation ont été évaluées à l’aide du couplage des données extraites avec ENVI-met avec le logiciel Hourly Analysis Program. Le travail de cette thèse a présenté la capacité des scenarios proposés à modifier les charges de climatisation sensibles ainsi que celles latentes. Le confort du piéton est aussi étudié en analysant l’indice de confort PET. / The urban heat island "UHI" phenomenon, frequently detected in cities with high urban density, leads to negative impacts especially on outdoor thermal comfort and buildings energy consumption. Accordingly, it is important to integrate mitigation measures into the design of projects and urban spaces. This thesis aims to study the effects of different UHI limitation strategies on microclimatic parameters in Mediterranean climate. The case of study is a com pact district of the Lebanese city Beirut which is classified as an artificial territory. Little microclimatic researches have been done for the Lebanese case and there is a lack of codes and adaptation measures to mitigate the effect of UHI. Numerical simulations are realized using "ENVI-met" software, to identify the cooling potential of each proposed strategy. These strategies are based on increasing the albedo of urban surfaces and buildings facades and roofs, increasing green spaces and vegetation surfaces, as well as the implementation of water sources such as fountains and water sprays. The cooling loads for each mitigation strategy were evaluated by linking ENVI-met results to the “Hourly Analysis Program” software. This thesis presented the capacity of the proposed scenarios to modify the sensible and latent cooling loads. The pedestrian comfort is also studied by analyzing the index of comfort PET.

Stratégies de ventilation pour l'amélioration de la qualité de l'environnement intérieur dans les véhicules / Ventilation strategies for improving the indoor environment quality in vehicles

Danca, Paul-Alexandru 18 December 2018 (has links)
La prédiction des conditions thermiques confortables à l'intérieur d'une cabine de véhicule reste un défi en raison du comportement transitoire de cet environnement. Le développement des modèles d'écoulement reste toujours une préoccupation pour les chercheurs en raison de la géométrie complexe de la cabine et de la complexité du système de ventilation (débit, emplacement et géométrie des diffuseurs d'air). Le confort thermique a été largement étudié dans le bâtiment, alors que le confort thermique dans les véhicules est un sujet relativement nouveau, avec peu d'études qui y sont dédiées. La norme actuellement disponible destinée à l'évaluation de l'environnement thermique du véhicule, EN ISO 14505, propose des modèles d'évaluation des bâtiments, qui ne répondent pas aux exigences de l'évaluation de l'environnement cabine. Contrairement à l'environnement intérieur des bâtiments, le climat de la cabine de véhicule est dominé par des conditions transitoires thermiques: environnement thermique fortement non uniforme associé aux vitesses élevées de l'air localisé, des niveaux plus élevés d'humidité relative, le flux de chaleur solaire et le flux de chaleur radiatif des surfaces intérieures, l'intensité solaire et sa diffusion sur les différents types de matériaux et niches de surface de la cabine, les angles d'incidence du rayonnement solaire, etc. En l'absence de modèles d'évaluation adaptés à cet environnement, la littérature disponible est dispersée autour des articles traitant des conditions environnementales dans le véhicule susceptible d'affecter le confort thermique de l'homme ainsi que de celles concernant la réaction de l'homme et la perception de son interaction avec l'environnement. Dans ce contexte, nous avons décidé d'orienter le sujet de la thèse autour de la problématique complexe de l'environnement thermique de la cabine et de ses effets sur l'état thermique du conducteur et du passager. Le manuscrit présente des études numériques et expérimentales des effets de différentes grilles passives sur le confort thermique des passagers. Ainsi, les objectifs généraux du projet de recherche doctorale pourraient être résumés comme suit: approfondir les connaissances et comprendre les phénomènes thermiques qui se produisent dans l'environnement thermique de la cabine; développer un mannequin thermique avancé capable d'évaluer le confort thermique de la cabine; développer et valider un modèle numérique complexe afin de mieux comprendre les phénomènes complexes précédemment évoqués. Ces trois objectifs généraux visaient à soutenir l'objectif principal de la recherche doctorale, à savoir: l'amélioration de la sensation thermique des occupants du véhicule, par la mise en œuvre de diffuseurs d'air innovants. À cette fin, nous avons orienté nos recherches vers des diffuseurs à géométrie spéciale permettant des mécanismes de contrôle du débit et permettant d'améliorer le mélange entre l'alimentation en air par le système de ventilation et l'air ambiant dans la cabine. Au cours de la quête complexe, nous pourrions avoir l'opportunité de nous familiariser avec les phénomènes thermiques, afin d'analyser le rôle réel joué par les paramètres d'environnement transitoires, dans la perception du confort thermique et dans son estimation. Pendant toute cette quête, nous avons essayé de rester sur une ligne qui permettrait finalement de répondre à un ensemble de questions fondamentales, à savoir: dans quelle mesure ce type de paramètres peut affecter la perception du confort, ainsi que les conséquences d'une évaluation "incomplète" proposée par les modèles existants ? Dans ce contexte, comment la conception de la ventilation et de la climatisation est-elle affectée par l'utilisation des modèles actuels pour pré-évaluer le bon fonctionnement des systèmes CVC - en particulier pour les véhicules – et un environnement acceptable pour ses utilisateurs ? / Prediction of comfortable thermal conditions inside a vehicle cabin is still a challenge due to the transient behavior of this environment. Understanding flow patterns is still difficult nowadays for researchers due to the complexity of the interior cabin geometry and of the ventilation system (flow rate, location and geometry of the air diffusers). Thermal comfort has been widely studied in build environments, while thermal comfort in vehicles is a relatively new subject, with fairly few extensive studies that are exploring all possibilities of investigation in this direction. The currently available standard intended for the evaluation of vehicle thermal environment, EN ISO 14505, propose models extensively used for buildings, which do not seem to be entirely adapted for the vehicular space. Unlike the indoor environment from buildings, the vehicular cabin climate is dominated by thermal transient conditions: the strongly non-uniform temperature distributions, both in air and on the surfaces, associated with the high localized air speeds, the relatively higher levels of relative humidity compared to the buildings, the solar radiation intensity, and the radiative heat exchange from the interior surfaces, the angles of incidence of the solar radiation etc. In the absence of the evaluation models adapted to this environment, the available literature is dispersed around those papers dealing with environmental conditions inside the vehicle that might affect the human thermal comfort and those concerning the human’s response and perception of its interaction with the environment. In this context, we decided to orient the research work in this thesis around the complex problematic of cabin thermal environment and its effect on driver’s and passenger’s thermal state. The thesis presents numerical and experimental studies of the effects of an improved set of dashboard air diffusers over passengers’ thermal comfort. The general objectives of the doctoral research project could be summarized as following: to deepen the knowledge and to understand thermal phenomena that occur in cabin thermal environment; to develop and validate a complex numerical model in order to get insight into the complex phenomena previously evoked. These three general objectives were intended to sustain the main goal of the doctoral research that is: improvement of thermal sensation of vehicle occupants, by implementation of innovative air diffusers. To this end we oriented our research towards diffusers with a special geometry that allows flow control mechanisms resulting in the improvement of mixing between air supply by the ventilation system and the ambient air in the cabin. During the complex quest, we could have the opportunity to become familiar to the intricate thermal phenomena, to analyze the real role played by transient environment parameters perceiving thermal comfort and in its estimation. During all this quest we tried to stay on a line that would ultimately allow to respond to a set of fundamental questions, namely: To what extent this kind of parameters can affect the perceiving of comfort, and also the consequences of an "incomplete" assessment proposed by the existing evaluation models ? How is, in this context, affected the ventilation and air conditioning design due to the use of current models for pre-evaluating a good functioning of the HVAC systems – in particular for vehicles - and an acceptable environment for their users ?

O efeito da umidade relativa no desempenho cognitivo de idosos saudáveis submetidos a estresse térmico / The effect of relative humidity on cognitive performance in healthy older adults submitted to thermal stress

Guedes, Mariana Rodrigues 12 April 2019 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO. Mudanças de temperatura que afetam a zona de conforto térmico têm influência na saúde da população por diferentes mecanismos. Durante o processo de envelhecimento ocorrem mudanças no mecanismo de termorregulação deixando os idosos mais suscetíveis a essas mudanças ambientais. Em estudos prévios, foi observado uma tendência a ter uma piora no desempenho cognitivo em idosos quando submetidos à calor úmido. OBJETIVOS. Comparar os efeitos do calor úmido com o calor seco do ambiente, no desempenho cognitivo de idosos da comunidade. Avaliar o impacto das intervenções na temperatura corporal, pressão arterial e sensação subjetiva de desconforto térmico e verificar a interação de variáveis sócio-demográficas e exercício físico no desempenho cognitivo. MÉTODOS. Cinquenta e um idosos saudáveis advindos do Ambulatório de Geriatria do HCFMUSP participaram duas baterias de testes de cognição em duas condições ambientais, sendo uma com calor seco de 32.5ºC e 30% de umidade relativa (UR), e outra com o calor úmido de 32.5ºC e 70% de UR. Foram aplicados 5 testes da Bateria Neuropsicológica Automatizada de Testes de Cambridge (CANTAB) com objetivo de avaliar a memória, velocidade de processamento e a atenção. Para a avaliação dos resultados, foi criado um escore composto global utilizando a medida mais representativa de cada um dos 5 testes. Antes de cada sessão foi aferida a pressão, temperatura auricular e a frequência cardíaca. Para a análise de interação foi usada a ANOVA com objetivo de analisar se o efeito da umidade relativa no desempenho cognitivo foi modificado em cada uma das amostras estudadas. RESULTADOS. A média de idade dos participantes foi de 73,27 anos, 72,55 % do sexo feminino, escolaridade média de 11,58 anos. Um pequeno aumento na temperatura auricular foi observado em ambos os protocolos, mas não houve diferença significativa entre eles. A pressão arterial média e a frequência cardíaca não apresentaram alterações significativas. No calor úmido, houve uma sensação subjetiva de desconforto térmico em 3/4 da amostra. Por outro lado, em apenas 1/3 da amostra, foi relatada alguma dificuldade subjetiva na realização dos testes computadorizados. Nenhuma diferença significativa foi encontrada no escore cognitivo global entre calor seco e calor úmido (100,47 ± 8,91, 99,52 ± 7,57, p = 0,4). Além disso, nenhuma diferença significativa foi encontrada em cada um dos testes computadorizados individualizados. O efeito da alta umidade relativa no desempenho cognitivo não foi modificado pela idade (p=0,70), gênero (p=0,24), cor da pele (p=0,19), escolaridade (p=0,92), prática de exercícios físicos (p=0,82), percepção de conforto (p=0,81). CONCLUSÃO. Idosos saudáveis, ativos fisicamente, com boa funcionalidade e alta escolaridade não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre o desempenho cognitivo no calor seco e no calor úmido. Houve um pequeno aumento da temperatura auricular tanto no calor seco e no calor úmido, mas não houve um impacto significativo na pressão arterial e na frequência cardíaca. No estresse térmico úmido, a maioria dos idosos relataram algum grau de desconforto térmico. As variáveis sócio-demográficas e atividade física não tiveram influência na suscetibilidade ao calor úmido / INTRODUCTION. Changes in temperature affecting the thermal comfort range have an influence on the health of the population by different mechanisms. Aging leads to changes in temperature control mechanisms that make elderly people more susceptible to environmental changes. Previous studies have shown a tendency to worsen cognitive performance in the elderly when subjected to moist heat. OBJECTIVES. To compare the effects of moist heat and dry heat in controlled environment on the cognitive performance among community-dwelling older persons. To evaluate the impact of interventions on body temperature, blood pressure and subjective sensation of thermal discomfort and to verify the interaction of socio-demographic variables and physical exercise on cognitive performance. MÉTODOS. Fifty-one healthy older adults from outpatient geriatrics clinic participated in two sets of cognition tests in two environmental conditions, one with dry heat of 32.5ºC and 30% relative humidity (RH), and one with a humid heat of 32.5ºC and 70% RH. Five tests of the Automated Neuropsychological Test Battery of Cambridge (CANTAB) were applied in order to evaluate executive function, processing speed and attention. For the evaluation of the results, a global composite score was created using the most representative measure of each of the 5 tests. Before each session the pressure, atrial temperature and heart rate were measured. For the interaction analysis, ANOVA was used to analyze if the effect of relative humidity on cognitive performance was modified in both samples studied. RESULTS. The mean age was 73.27 years, 72.55 % were female, with a mean educational level of 11.58 years. A small increase in tympanic temperature was observed in both protocols but no significant difference between them. Mean blood pressure and heart rate did not show significant changes. In the moist, there was a subjective sensation of thermal discomfort in 3/4 of the sample; on the other hand, in only 1/3 of the sample, some subjective difficulty in performing the computerized tests was reported. No significant difference was found in the global cognitive score between dry heat and moist heat (100.47 ± 8.91, 99.52 ± 7.57, p = 0.4). Also, no significant difference was found in each of the individualized computerized tests. The effect of high relative humidity on cognitive performance was not modified by age (p = 0.70), gender (p = 0.24), race (p = 0.19), education (p = 0.92), physical exercises (p = 0.82), comfort perception (p = 0.81). CONCLUSIONS. Physically active healthy older adults with preserved functionality and high education did not show significant differences between cognitive performance in dry heat and in moist heat. There was a small increase in tympanic temperature in both dry heat and moist heat, but there was no significant impact on blood pressure and heart rate. In moist heat, most of the elderly reported some degree of thermal discomfort. Socio-demographic variables and physical activity had no influence on susceptibility to moist heat

The effects of low-emissivity window films on thermal comfort and energy performance of a historic stone building in cold climate: computer simulations with "IDA ICE"

Abolghasemi Moghaddam, Saman January 2019 (has links)
Low-emissivity (low-E) window films are designed to improve the energy performance of windows and prevent indoor overheating by solar radiation. These films can be applied to different types of glazing units without the need for changing the whole window. This characteristic offers the possibility to improve the energy performance of the window of old and historic buildings for which preservation regulations say windows should remain more or less unchanged. This research aims to figure out to what extent a low-E window film can improve thermal comfort and energy performance of an old three-storey historic stone building in the cold climate of Mid-Sweden. In this research, first, with help of the simulation software “IDA ICE”, the entire building was modelled without window films in a one-year simulation. Second step was to add the low-E window films (3M Thinsulate Climate Control 75 (CC75)) to all the windows and repeat the simulation. Comparison between the results of the two cases revealed an improvement in energy use reduction as well as the thermal comfort when applying the films. For the application of the window films, a cost analysis using payback method was carried out which showed a long- time payback period. Although an investment with a long-time payback period is considered as a disadvantage, for historic buildings with very strict retrofit regulations specially when it comes to the building’s facades, application of the low-emissivity window films for better energy performance and thermal comfort is among the recommendable measures, but not necessarily the best.

A influência das variáveis ambientais (meteorológicas e de qualidade do ar) na morbidade respiratória e cardiovascular na área metropolitana do Porto / The environmental variables (meteorological and air quality) impact on respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity in Metropolitan Porto Area.

Azevedo, Jezabel Miriam Fernandes 14 May 2010 (has links)
O Homem é parte integrante do sistema Ambiental. O ambiente cria impactos Nele e por sua vez ele também pode provocar impactos no Ambiente. O objetivo da tese foi identificar qual a intensidade e freqüência do impacto que a poluição atmosférica e a variabilidade das variáveis meteorológicas na saúde da população da Área Metropolitana do Porto (Portugal), através de um estudo epidemiológico ecológico. Escolheu-se o período de 2002 a 2005 para estudar um conjunto de cidades que contam com espaços urbanos, suburbanos e industriais mesclados, perto do litoral Atlântico com clima Mediterrânico. Usando como métodos a análise descritiva e multivariada (ACP), de correlação e regressão múltipla (RM), assim como índices de conforto térmico (ID, H, Te e Tev), trabalharam-se dados de admissões hospitalares (4 hospitais públicos) de doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) (401-405, Hipertensão; 410-414, DCV Isquêmica, 426-428, Insuficiência Cardíaca) e respiratórias (490-496, Asma/Bronquite; 500-507, Pneumoconioses), informações meteorológicas do Instituto de Meteorologia de Portugal (Temperatura, Umidade, Precipitação e Pressão) e valores diários e mensais do índice de Oscilação do Atlântico Norte (OAN), da NOAA, assim como, saídas de normais de pressão e médias de velocidade de vento do modelo NOAA e de 10 estações fixas de qualidade do ar pertencentes à Agencia Portuguesa do Ambiente (O3; NO2, NO, CO, SO2, PM10, PM2,5). Identificaram-se alguns períodos de temperaturas elevadas (38°C) durante o verão e inversões térmicas durante o inverno (2004/05), as quais criaram situações de estresse térmico por calor e muito frio (dos 1461 mais de 930 dias -24°C< TEv tmin Urmáx vmáx < 0°C), por um lado, e aumento da poluição, por outro. Esse aumento da poluição contribuiu para se observar maior número de casos por doenças respiratórias por Asma/bronquite (lag 3 dias durante inverno 2004/05 correlação com PM2,5=0,33), doenças Cardíacas Hipertensivas (regressão multivariada para Primavera, para PM10 com Beta=0,80, R2ajustado=0,076), e Insuficiências Cardíacas (regressão para Outono NO2 Beta = 0,42 com R2ajustado= 0,060). Encontrou-se também relação significativa e forte entre a variabilidade da Oscilação do Atlântico Norte (OAN) e de alguns poluentes durante o inverno (ex: correlação PM10=0,71, em 2003; PM2,5= 0,91, em 2005; SO2=0,45, em 2004). Uma importante conclusão, também sugerida por outros autores, é que as mudanças climáticas podem modificar a intensidade e regularidade da OAN, afetando assim a circulação atmosférica o que terá impacto direto na dispersão dos poluentes em pequena escala e conseqüentemente irá influenciar a saúde publica. / Humans are part of environmental system. Environment impacts on Humans and we so can impact on earth ecosystems. The thesis aims identify the intensity and frequency of air pollution and meteorological impact on Porto Metropolitan Area (PMA) public health, although a ecological epidemiological study. The 2002- 2005 period was select to study climatologically Mediterranean seaside cities with typical urban, suburban and industrial mixed spaces. The statistical methods used were: descriptive and multivariate (ACP) analyze, correlation and multiple regression, as well as, discomfort indices (ID, Te, Tev, H). Data set from 3 different institutions was analyzed: admission from 4 public hospitals referent to heart (401-405, Hypertension; 410-414, Ischemic cardiac, 426-428, Heart Insufficiency) and respiratory diseases (490-496, Asthma/Bronchitis; 500-507, Pneumoconioses), meteorological information from Meteorological Institute of Portugal.(Temperature, Humidity, Precipitation, Wind speed, Pressure) and daily and monthly North Atlantic Oscillation index values, from NOAA, as well as, pressure daily normal and wind velocity daily mean NOAA model output and from 10 fixed air quality stations (Environmental Portuguese Agency) the pollutants (O3; NO2, NO, CO, SO2, PM10, PM2,5) time series. Some high temperature (38°C) periods was identified during summertime and thermal inversions in the wintertime (2004 and 2005), which provoked stress for heat and cold (from 1461 days, 930 days the thermal sensation was -24°C< TEv tmin Urmáx vmáx < 0°C), and pollution increase. The air pollution increased the hospital admissions for respiratory diseases special Asthma/bronquitis (lag 3 days during 2004/05 Winter correlation PM2.5= 0.33), Cardiac Hypertension (Spring multivariate regression Beta= 0.80, R2ajusted= 0.076), and Heart insufficiency (Autumn multivariate regression NO2 Beta = 0.42 with R2ajustaded= 0.060). Significant and strong association was found between North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and some pollutants during Wintertime (eg.: correlation PM10=0.71, 2003; PM2.5=0.91, 2005; SO2=0.45, 2004). ). It is important to notice that some studies have already suggested that climate change can modify the intensity and regularity of the NAO, affecting the atmospheric general circulation and it could have a direct impact on pollutants dispersion in small scale and on public health.

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