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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urban Indian Perspectives of Traditional Indian Medicine

Squetimkin-Anquoe, Annette 25 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.


ISABELLA ESTABILE ROCHA DE JESUS 25 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho pretende analisar a relação entre o conhecimento tradicional (CT) e a propriedade intelectual (PI), notadamente o uso do sistema de PI como forma de proteção e de agregação de valor aos produtos e serviços oriundos do saber tradicional. Partindo de uma análise das tentativas classificatórias de CT ao longo do tempo por Autores e estudiosos da sociologia, antropologia e direito e observando o disposto na Convenção da Diversidade Biológica (CDB); na lei de propriedade industrial brasileira (Lei número 9.279/96); na lei brasileira de número 13.123/15, que internalizou a CDB; bem como nos diversos outros tratados internacionais que tratam sobre o tema; é possível afirmar que não há um consenso sobre o conceito de CT e que o arcabouço jurídico internacional para a proteção deste saber é incompleto e fragmentado. A aplicação do sistema de PI possui aspectos positivos e negativos, entretanto ainda é mais desejável do que o sistema de repartição de benefícios de forma isolada, em que povos tradicionais são meramente recompensados pelo uso dos seus saberes e não são vistos como autores/titulares de direitos. Desse modo, conclui-se que (i) a inclusão dos povos tradicionais como sujeitos ativos de direito é questão urgente; (ii) a regulação do CT deve ser feita de dentro para fora; e (iii) a normatização do CT é complexa e demanda pensar em formas alternativas de proteção (mecanismos sui generis), para além da PI. / [en] The present thesis intends to analyze the relationship between traditional knowledge (TK) and intellectual property (IP), especially the use of the IP system as a means of protecting and adding value to the products and services derived from traditional knowledge. Based on an analysis of attempts to classify TK over time by authors and scholars of sociology, anthropology, and law, and also noting the provisions of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD), the Brazilian industrial property law (Law No. 9279/96), the Brazilian law No. 13123/15, which internalized the CBD, as well as several other international treaties in regards to this matter, it is possible to state that there is no consensus on the concept of TK and that the international legal framework for the protection of this knowledge is incomplete and fragmented. The application of IP system has positive and negative aspects, however it is still more desirable than the benefit sharing system itself, in which traditional peoples are merely rewarded for the use of their knowledge and are not seen as authors/owners of IP rights. Thus, we conclude that (i) the inclusion of traditional peoples as active subjects of rights is an urgent matter; (ii) the regulation of TK must be done from an inside out perspective; and (iii) the standardization of TK is complex and demands alternative forms of protection (sui generis mechanisms), beyond the IP system.

The (In)ability of the International Intellectual Property Regime to Adequately Protect Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions : A Legal Analysis on the Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions in the Context of Sustainable Development

Makipour, Sanam January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Innovation agenda for South Africa in the 21st century : towards an alternative inclusive and integrative model / Innovation agenda for South Africa in the twenty first century

Mphahlele, Komane Matthews 12 1900 (has links)
The founding documents for a new, democratic South Africa adopted a more inclusive and people-driven approach to innovation. The literature and policy analysis reveals a „shift‟ away from this approach to a more market-driven, exclusivist approach to innovation. R&D (research and development) and technology-driven innovation had been institutionalised at the expense of social, cultural and indigenous innovations. This „shift‟ limits the potential of innovation to benefit a wider segment of society. The absence of a „model‟ of innovation that exploits the strengths of all forms of innovation runs the risk of defeating the normative intentions of the founding innovation policies of the new, post-Apartheid and democratic South Africa. The OECD, from which South Africa „inherited‟ its notion of innovation, acknowledges the shortcomings of the technological innovation and calls for a conceptual framework that will address the shortcomings of the dominant, exclusivist notion of innovation. This inquiry was conducted to investigate an appropriate conceptual framework of innovation that would contribute towards achieving normative policy intentions of post-Apartheid South Africa. It employed a grounded theory design that used semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, document analysis, observations and cooperative inquiry. The data analysed suggest the following propositions: 1. Thesis 1: Innovation is constrained by the dominant science and technology paradigm. 2. Thesis 2: Inclusive and integrative innovation cannot exist within an exclusivist innovation paradigm. 3. Thesis 3: Transforming an exclusivist paradigm into an inclusivist paradigm requires change at constitutive level and not just at regulatory level.4. Thesis 4: Synthesising an inclusive and integrative innovation requires creativity, open dialogue and imagination. Against the above propositions, this thesis recommends a conceptual framework that is underpinned by an inclusive and integrative paradigm. Such a framework proposes transformative actions that have potential to achieve normative policy intentions of post-Apartheid South Africa. Further research into a constitutive design for an inclusive and integrative innovation policies and practices is recommended. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)

An interdisciplinary approach to describing biological diversity

Polfus, Jean January 2016 (has links)
The concept of biodiversity – the phenotypic and genotypic variation among organisms – is central to conservation biology. There is growing recognition that biodiversity does not exist in isolation, but rather is intrinsically and evolutionarily linked to cultural diversity and indigenous knowledge systems. In Canada, caribou (Rangifer tarandus) occupy a central place in the livelihoods and identities of indigenous people and display substantial variation across their distribution. However, quantifying caribou intraspecific variation has proven challenging. Interdisciplinary approaches are necessary to produce effective species characterizations and conservation strategies that acknowledge the interdependent relationships between people and nature in complex social-ecological systems. In this dissertation I use multiple disciplinary traditions to develop comprehensive and united representations of caribou variation through an exploration of population genetics, phylogenetics, traditional knowledge, language, and visual approaches in the Sahtú region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. First, I examine caribou variation through analysis of population genetics and the relationships Dene and Métis people establish with animals within bioculturally diverse systems. Next, I focus on how the Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles have shaped the current patterns of caribou phylogeographic lineage diversification. Finally, I explore how art can be used to facilitate cross-cultural collaboration and externalize the unique heterogeneity of biocultural diversity. The results demonstrate a broad scale understanding of the distribution, spatial organization, and the degree of differentiation of caribou populations in the region. I found evidence for caribou population differentiation that corresponds to the caribou types recognized by Dene people: tǫdzı “boreal woodland caribou,” ɂekwę́ “barren-ground caribou,” and shúhta ɂepę́ “mountain caribou.” Phylogenetic results reveal that in their northern margin the boreal ecotype of woodland caribou evolved independently from the northern Beringian lineage in contrast with southern boreal caribou which belong to the sub-Laurentide refugia lineage. In addition, I demonstrate how art can be used improve communication, participation, and knowledge production among interdisciplinary research collaborations and across language and knowledge systems. A collaborative process of research that facilitates łeghágots'enetę “learning together” has the potential to produce sustainable conservation solutions, develop efficient and effective wildlife management policies, and ensure caribou remain an important part of the landscape. / February 2017

Entre l’art, l’invention et la nourriture : examen de la possibilité de protéger les recettes de cuisine en droit de la propriété intellectuelle canadien

Beauregard, Gaëlle 08 1900 (has links)
Les recettes de cuisine sont partout de nos jours, dans les livres, à la télévision, sur l’Internet, ainsi que dans les restaurants et les entreprises alimentaires industrielles. Cette grande présence médiatique et économique soulève la question de savoir s’il est possible de les protéger par le droit de la propriété intellectuelle canadien. L’auteure commence par décrire les recettes et les plats, puis examine si ceux de nature traditionnelle et familiale sont des éléments de culture et s’ils peuvent constituer des savoirs traditionnels. Cela amène l’auteure à examiner si les indications géographiques peuvent procurer aux recettes et aux plats une certaine forme de protection contre leur appropriation à l’usage exclusif d’une personne. L’auteure aborde ensuite les régimes usuels de propriété intellectuelle à l’aune de la recette et du plat de chefs ou de l’industrie. Elle examine en premier ceux de la propriété industrielle. Les recettes et les plats peuvent-ils être des marques de commerce? Peuvent-ils être des secrets de commerce? Peuvent-ils constituer des inventions brevetables? Elle se penche ensuite sur le droit d’auteur et examine si les recettes et les plats peuvent être des œuvres protégeables et s’ils se qualifieraient comme œuvres littéraires ou artistiques. Cet examen l’amène à regarder le développement de la protection des œuvres musicales pour mieux cerner les enjeux pour les recettes. Au terme de son analyse, l’auteure fait ressortir quel régime appert le plus approprié selon la nature des recettes et des pratiques des chefs et des entreprises industrielles. / Nowadays, we are surrounded by recipes; they are in books, on television, on the Web, as well as in restaurants and in industrial food businesses. This great economic and media weight naturally begs the question whether recipes can be protected under Canadian intellectual property law. The author starts by describing recipes and dishes and then examines whether traditional and family recipes and dishes are elements of culture and whether they can be considered traditional knowledge. That leads the author to consider whether geographical indications can provide recipes and dishes with some kind of protection against their appropriation by a person for his or her exclusive use. The author then examines the usual intellectual property schemes for industrial and chefs’ recipes and dishes. She starts with industrial property schemes. Can recipes and dishes act as trademarks? Can they be trade secrets? Can they be patentable inventions? She then moves on to copyright, to examine whether recipes and dishes can be copyrightable works and, if so, whether they would be literary or artistic works. That leads her to look at how musical works came to be protected in order to better understand what is at issue for recipes. The author concludes her analysis by stating which scheme seems to be the most appropriate for recipes depending on their nature and the practices of chefs and industrial businesses.

Inuit ethnobotany and ethnoecology in Nunavik and Nunatsiavut, northeastern Canada

Clark, Courtenay 12 1900 (has links)
Les habitats uniques de l'écotone forêt boréale-subarctique dans le nord du Canada subissent les contrecoups du changement climatique. Combinés aux effets de la mondialisation, les changements environnementaux touchent les Inuits de cette région et imposent des contraintes importantes sur leur mode de vie traditionnel, ce qui a des répercussions sur leur langue et les savoirs qui l'accompagnent. Cette étude compare deux aspects de l’ethnobiologie inuite : a) les noms et les utilisations des plantes par les Inuits de Nain, Nunatsiavut, suivis par une comparaison des utilisations avec la communauté inuite de Kangiqsualujjuaq, Nunavik, et b) une analyse des types de lieux ou d’habitats que les Inuits reconnaissent et nomment. Des interviews semi-dirigés ont été menés à Nain, Nunatsiavut et à Kangiqsualujjuaq, au Nunavik. Les plantes mentionnées sont utilisées comme aliment, thé, médecine, combustible, construction, nettoyage, et autres utilisations. Les deux communautés ont utilisé un nombre égal de plantes, avec des proportions équivalentes de taxons vasculaires/invasculaires, de formes de croissance (habitus), et d’espèces par catégorie d'utilisation. Les éléments du paysage les plus fréquemment rapportés sont d’ordre topographique, hydrologique ou écologique. L’intégration des concepts inuits, quant aux plantes et au paysage, à ceux de la science occidentale peut améliorer notre compréhension de l'écologie subarctique, aider à impliquer les acteurs locaux dans les décisions sur le développement de leur territoire et, conséquemment, modifier l'aménagement du territoire ainsi que les initiatives de conservation de la biodiversité. Ces concepts ont également des répercussions sur les stratégies d'adaptation face aux changements climatiques. / Unique habitats of the boreal-subarctic ecotone in northeastern Canada are being impacted by climate change. Combined with effects of globalization, changing environmental conditions are causing Inuit of this region to see significant strains on their traditional lifestyle and on the language and knowledge that go with it. This study compared two aspects of Inuit ethnobiology: we compared plant names and uses from two Inuit communities and examined what kinds of places or habitats Inuit recognize and name. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in Nain, Nunatsiavut and Kangiqsualujjuaq, Nunavik, by showing interviewees (mostly Elders) plant specimens or photos of the region. Plants were used for food, tea, medicine, fuel, construction, cleaning, and other uses. Both communities used equal numbers of plants, with equivalent proportions of vascular/non-vascular taxa, growth forms, and species per use category. Forty-three species were reported in each community, for a total of 78 species from 39 families. Despite high overlap in species distributions, only half of all species were shared, reflecting community-specific bodies of traditional knowledge, or perhaps an overall decline in ethnobotanical knowledge use. The most frequently reported landscape features were topographical, hydrological, and ecological (i.e. plant associations and animal habitats). Some Inuit categories reflected their significance to traditional Inuit lifestyle (e.g. ‘berry-patch’, ‘seal-place’), aiding navigation and resource finding. Integrating Inuit conceptions of plants and landscape with those of contemporary science can improve our understanding of subarctic ecology, help involve local stakeholders in sustainable development discussions, and inform land-use planning, biodiversity conservation initiatives, and climate change adaptation strategies.

A influência do conhecimento tradicional na formulação de políticas públicas: o caso da pesca artesanal do rio São Francisco / The influence of the traditional knowledge in the formulation of public policies: the case of the handmade fishing of São Francisco river

Mendonça, Sandro Augusto Teixeira de 06 November 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foi analisada a influência do conhecimento tradicional da pesca na formulação de políticas públicas do setor no Brasil partindo-se do caso da pesca artesanal no trecho mineiro do rio São Francisco. Para tanto, fez-se uma análise sociológica da organização social da pesca por meio de seus processos, suas formas de interações e suas sínteses, em uma perspectiva micro e macrossociológica, visando identificar como o processo de institucionalização da pesca considera o fazer artesanal - cultura, técnicas e práticas sociais - no escopo das políticas formuladas pelo setor. Em termos institucionais foram discriminados os conflitos e incongruências do projeto de modernização da pesca oriundos do Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Sustentação da Aqüicultura e Pesca da SEAP/PR. Em termos sociais, no que concerne ao modo de vida da pesca artesanal, foram discriminadas as principais características sócio-ambientais que circundam e interagem com o pescador, observando a relação entre a lógica de mercantilização recente do uso das águas doces no Brasil e a evolução das condições de vida e trabalho da categoria entre 1999 e 2004, apontando para uma provável extinção da mesma. O estudo conclui a existência de grande distância entre o discurso e a prática das políticas anunciadas pela SEAP/PR em 2003 e como o projeto de modernização citado reverbera no modo de vida da pesca artesanal do alto-médio São Francisco. / In this work, the influence of the traditional knowledge of fishing on the formulation of public policies on this section in Brazil was analyzed by proceeding with the case of handmade fishing at the section of Minas Gerais of São Francisco river. For that, a sociological analysis of the social organization of the fishing was made by its processes, its forms of interactions, and its syntheses in a micro and macro-sociological perspective, by seeking to identify how the process of institutionalization of the fishing considers the handmade performance - culture, techniques and social practices - in the purpose of the formulated policies on such section. On institutional terms, the conflicts and the incongruities of the project of modernization of fishing derived from the national plan of development of sustenance of the acquiculture and the fishing of the SEAP/PR were discriminated. On social terms, concerning the way of life of handmade fishing, the main socio-environmental characteristics that surround and interact with the fisherman were distinguished by observing the relationship between the logic of the recent mercantilization of the use of fresh water in Brazil and the evolution of the life and work conditions of such category between 1999 and 2004, that points to a probable extinction of it. The study concluded the existence of great distance between the speech and the practice of the announced policies by the SEAP/PR in 2003, and how the cited project of modernization reverberates through the way of life of fishing of high-medium São Francisco.

Águas da Coréia: pescadores, espaço e tempo na construção de um território de pesca na Lagoa dos Patos (RS) numa perspectiva etnooceanográfica / Waters from Coréia: fisherman, space and time in the fishing territory construction in the Patos Lagoon (RS) from an ethnooceanographyc perspective.

Moura, Gustavo Goulart Moreira 11 March 2009 (has links)
Os estuários são áreas de alta produtividade biológica. O estuário da Lagoa dos Patos constitui a área de criação, reprodução e alimentação de grande parte dos peixes que ocorrem no litoral sul do Brasil. A maior enseada rasa da zona estuarina é o Saco do Arraial, com hidrodinâmica singular, e palco de atuação pré-histórica de populações tradicionais na pesca. Atualmente, diversas comunidades de pesca atuam nesta enseada com explotação de peixe-rei (Odontesthes argentinensis), de siri (Callinectes sapidus), de tainha (Mugil sp) e, sobretudo, de camarão (Farfantepenaeus paulensis). Entre estas comunidades está a Coréia, situada na Ilha dos Marinheiros, segundo Distrito da cidade de Rio Grande. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever o território de uma comunidade de pesca, a Coréia (Ilha dos Marinheiros RS), através de uma perspectiva etnooceanográfica. A perspectiva do território como conhecimento, não apenas o espaço, mas também o tempo é passível de ser apropriado constituindo os sinais de memória. Para atingir tais objetivos, um aparato metodológico, advindo das etnociências, foi utilizado: mapas cognitivo e vernacular, entrevistas abertas e semi-estruturadas, a técnica da turnê e a observação participante. As técnicas de coletas de dados foram utilizadas de forma a descrever o conhecimento das principais forçantes ambientais que conduzem a apropriação territorial em duas escalas: o território grupal e os pesqueiros. Os dados obtidos evidenciaram que as fronteiras territoriais são também limites do conhecimento ecológico tradicional e que três cenários ecológicos interanuais de tomadas de decisão, mediadas pelas técnicas de pesca, são construídos com base na interface de três principais forçantes ambientais percebidas: as chuvas, os ventos e o ciclo migratório das espécies. A partir da dinâmica estuarino-biológica construída (cenários), funda-se ou abole-se pesqueiros, bem como as relações sociais que deles emergem, o que confere flexibilidade às fronteiras do território grupal. / Estuaries are high biological productivity areas. The Patos Lagoon Estuary is the growth, reproduction and feeding area of the most of fish in southern coastline of Brazil. The biggest shallow cove in the estuary zone is Saco do Arraial, it has a particular hydrodynamic, besides, it has been a pre-historical setting of traditional fishing population. Nowadays, various fishing communities work in this cove exploting fishes (Odontesthes argentinensis and Mugil sp), the blue-crab (Callinectes sapidus) mainly the pink-shrimp (Farfantepenaeus paulensis). Among these communities is the Coréia, in Sailors Island, the second district of Rio Grande City. This paper aims to describe a fishing territory, the Coréia, from an ethnooceanographyc perspective. From the perspective of the territory as knowledge, not only space, but also time is apropriated; the later constituting memory signs. For these aims mental maps, open-ended and in-depth semi-structured interviewing, tour technique and participative research have been used. The data collection techniques were used in order to describe the knowledge from environmental forcings that defines territorial appropriation in two levels: communitarian and pesqueiros. The data showed that territorial lines are the limits of traditional ecological knowledge. Besides this, three inter annual ecological decision-making settings (decisions concerning fishing technique management) are built according to three environmental forcings (rains, winds and migratory cycle of fish) in relation to fishing technique management. From estuary-biological dynamic built (settings), reconstruct fishing places (pesqueiros) are established ou dismantled, as well as the social relations which arise from them. As a result, the borders of the group territory become flexible.


Lima, Francisca Soares de 14 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2016-09-02T12:49:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FRANCISCA SOARES DE LIMA.pdf: 746819 bytes, checksum: 5b9d227536e06f00abf741dd03875c94 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-02T12:49:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FRANCISCA SOARES DE LIMA.pdf: 746819 bytes, checksum: 5b9d227536e06f00abf741dd03875c94 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-14 / This study is to show the sharing of benefits due to access to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, after Law 13.123, of May 20, 2015, known as the New legal Mark of Biodiversity. The international growth of the issues related to the theme and situation of Brazil as a country holder of relevant biodiversity, justify the study done. It was intended to verify if the new standard promotes the sharing of benefits between providers and users in a fair and equitable manner as stipulated in the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol. To achieve this goal we initially approached the international Biodiversity protection idea. Protection brought unsuccessfully by means of intellectual property rights. Necessarily we refer to the DBC determinations and the Nagoya Protocol, world icons of biodiversity protection. Taking up the issue on the national scene we list the provisions of national law, facing the main problems of the regulation in force until the approval of the new law. We discuss some cases of disrespect of the law by companies using traditional knowledge associated to the detriment of indigenous peoples, communities and traditional farmers. Finally, we analyze the provisions of the new law, especially the items focused on allocation of benefits, being possible to conclude, by the lack of legitimacy and effectiveness of the law, as regards the sharing of benefits. / O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar a repartição de benefícios decorrentes do acesso ao conhecimento tradicional associado ao patrimônio genético, após a edição da Lei 13.123, de 20 de maio de 2015, conhecida como o Novo Marco Legal da Biodiversidade. O crescimento internacional das questões ligadas ao tema e situação do Brasil, como país detentor de relevante biodiversidade, justificam a realização do trabalho. Pretendeu-se verificar se as disposições da nova norma promovem uma repartição de benefícios entre provedores e usuários, de forma justa e equitativa, como estabelecem a Convenção de Diversidade Biológica e o Protocolo de Nagoya. Para atingir esse objetivo abordamos inicialmente o surgimento a nível internacional da ideia de proteção da biodiversidade. Proteção intentada, sem sucesso, por intermédio dos direitos de propriedade intelectual. Necessariamente nos reportamos às determinações da CDB e do Protocolo de Nagoya, ícones mundiais da proteção da biodiversidade. Retomando a questão no cenário nacional elencamos as disposições da legislação nacional, enfrentando os principais gargalos da norma regulamentadora, vigente até a aprovação da nova lei. À título de ilustração levantamos alguns casos de desrespeito da legislação por parte de empresas utilizadoras de conhecimento tradicional associado, em detrimento dos povos indígenas, comunidades e agricultores tradicionais. Por fim, analisamos as disposições da nova lei, especialmente dos itens voltados à questão ligada à repartição de benefícios, sendo possível concluir, a priori, pela ausência de legitimidade e de efetividade da lei, no que se refere à repartição de benefícios.

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