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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da tomada de decisão através do jogo do ultimato no transtorno do humor bipolar

Goi, Pedro Domingues January 2011 (has links)
Contexto: O Transtorno Bipolar (TB) freqüentemente está associado a um curso crônico e altamente incapacitante, com comprometimento das funções cognitivas e sociais. O prejuízo funcional no TB pode estar associado a um prejuízo nos processos de tomada de decisão. Ainda que o déficit cognitivo esteja bem documentado no TB, a avaliação de funções cognitivas específicas como a tomada de decisão econômica e a punição altruística ainda não foram bem estudadas. Nesse contexto, o Jogo do Ultimato (JU) é um teste único na avaliação da cognição social por compreender a avaliação da punição altruística, a qual é um importante mecanismo de adaptação social, funcional e do comportamento econômico. Objetivos: Avaliar o padrão de respostas ao JU e o comportamento de punição altruística em uma amostra de pacientes com TB e em controles sadios, além dos fatores clínicos e sociodemográficos associados aos diferentes padrões de resposta ao jogo. Métodos: Vinte e oito pacientes com diagnóstico de TB, eutímicos, e vinte e oito controles saudáveis foram avaliados utilizando o JU em um estudo comparativo. Todos os participantes do estudo fizeram o papel de respondedores no JU, recebendo ofertas injustas previamente estabelecidas. Os sintomas depressivos e maníacos foram avaliados através da Escala de Avaliação da Depressão de Hamilton de 17 itens (HAMD) e da Escala de Avaliação de Mania de Young (YMRS), respectivamente, devendo ser igual ou menor que 8 pontos. A história de traumas na infância foi avaliada pelo Questionário de Traumas na Infância (CTQ), e a impulsividade foi avaliada pela Escala de Impulsividade de Barratt (BIS). Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa na idade e no gênero entre os grupos. A taxa de rejeição das ofertas injustas do JU foi diferente entre pacientes e controles (53% nos pacientes e 28% nos controles). A história de traumas na infância estava relacionada à maior aceitação de ofertas injustas em pacientes (p=0,038), mas não em controles (p=0,691). Com o objetivo de avaliar a interação entre os dois grupos, o padrão de resposta no JU e a história de traumas na infância, uma análise log-linear foi realizada, mostrando uma interação estatisticamente significativa entre as três variáveis (p=0,038). Conclusão: As maiores taxas de rejeição ao JU indicam maior uso do mecanismo de punição altruística no TB, quando comparado aos controles. Por outro lado, a coexistência de TB com trauma na infância está associado a um menor uso do comportamento de punição altruística em comparação ao TB sem trauma na infância. , A flexibilidade de uso da punição altruística parece ser um importante mecanismo adaptativo segundo estudos prévios em população saudável. Dessa forma, os resultados sugerem que tanto o maior uso da punição altruística (maior taxa de rejeição no JU) no TB quanto a inibição de seu uso, que parece associado ao trauma, podem explicar em parte a dificuldade de adaptação social destes pacientes e seu comportamento econômico. / Introduction: Bipolar Disorder is frequently associated to cronic and disabling course, with impairment of social and cognitive functions. Functional impairment can be related to decision-making process impairment. Although cognitive deficits in Bipolar Disorder are well documented, assessment of specific cognitive functions such as economic decision making and altruistic punishment have not been well studied. In this context, the Ultimatum Game is a unique test in the study of social cognition by the assessment of altruistic punishment, which is an important mechanism of social adaptation, functioning and economic behavior. Objective: To compare Ultimatum Game responses and the altruistic punishment behavior between individuals with Bipolar Disorder and healthy controls and assess its associated factors. Methods: Twenty-eight euthymic Bipolar Disorder patients and an equal number of healthy controls were evaluated using the Ultimatum Game paradigm in a comparative design study. The entire sample acted as responders in the Ultimatum Game, receiving previously fixed unfair offers. Depressive and manic symptoms were determined by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale - 17 items and the Young Mania Rating Scale, respectively, and they must be 8 points or lesser. A childhood trauma history was recorded using Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, and impulsivity was evaluated by the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale. Results: There were no significant differences in age and gender between groups. The rate of rejection of unfair offers in Ultimatum Game was significantly different between groups (53% in Bipolar Disorder patients and 28% in healthy controls). History of childhood trauma was correlated with unfair offer acceptance in Bipolar Disorder (p=0.038), but not in controls (p=0.691). In order to explore the interaction between the two groups, the pattern of response in Ultimatum Game and the history of childhood trauma, a log linear analysis was carried out and showed a statistically significant interaction (p=0.038). Conclusion: The highest rates of Ultimatum Game rejections indicate greater use of altruistic punishment mechanism in Bipolar Disorder compared to controls. Besides, childhood trauma in Bipolar Disorder is associated with greater acceptance of the Ultimatum Game offers, indicating less use of altruistic punishment in comparison with Bipolar Disorder patients without childhood trauma. The appropriate use of altruistic punishment seems to be an important social adaptive mechanism, as previously reported by non-clinical population studies. Thus, results suggest that both the greater use of altruistic punishment (higher rate of Ultimatum Game rejections) in Bipolar Disorder and the inhibition of its use, which seems related to trauma, may explain in part difficulties in social adaptation and economic behavior of these patients.

Age Differences in Social Decision-Making: The Role of Discrete Emotions

Crawford, Jennifer 03 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

兒童合作與分享行為之實驗分析 / An Experimental Analysis of Children’s Cooperative and Sharing Behavior

葉淑敏, Yeh, Shu Min Unknown Date (has links)
為瞭解兒童在認知發展行為的表現,本研究招募國小一年級學童56名,五年級學童32名參與實驗進行。應用囚犯困境賽局與最後通牒賽局之架構設計兩個遊戲,來檢測兒童在合作與分享行為之表現。分析受試者之背叛比率、提供數量、拒絕比率等實驗資料,來檢測年齡、性別以及長幼關係是否會造成顯著影響。 實驗結果發現: (1)年齡較大兒童較傾向較合作且拒絕比率較低,這個結果和認知發展理論的結論一致。 (2)受試者資料在性別效果的假設檢定結果都不顯著。 (3)年齡較小兒童的平均提供數量都大於一半,這個結果和最後通牒賽局的理論預測相反。(4)對手為不同年齡時的背叛比率和拒絕比率都比對手為同年齡時低,這個結果支持國小開設混齡教育課程。 / This paper studies children’s behavior in an ultimatum game and a prisoner’s dilemma game with 56 children of age 7 and 32 children of age 11. With the experimental data of defect ratio, offer quantity and rejection ratio, we tested the age, sex and seniority effects under these two games. The experimental findings are as follows. (1)The older children are more cooperative and have lower rejection ratio than younger ones. These results are consistent with the developmental psychology theories. (2) We observe no significant sex effect in the three tests. (3) For younger children, the average offer quantity is higher than fifty percent, this is different from theoretical prediction and literature results.(4)We found that for pairs consisting of subjects of different ages, The defect ratio and rejection ratio are lower than pairs of the same age subjects. This evidence may provide support for mixed-age education program for some courses in elementary school.

PENSIERO INTUITIVO E ANALITICO NEL PROCESSO DECISIONALE: IL RUOLO DELLA MENTALIZZAZIONE E DELLO STILE COGNITIVO IN UN CONTESTO INTERATTIVO STRATEGICO / Intuitive and analytical thinking in decision making: the role of mindreading and cognitive style in a strategic interactive context

IANNELLO, PAOLA 13 March 2009 (has links)
Il presente lavoro di ricerca si è proposto di indagare i costrutti di intuizione e analisi nell’ambito del decision-making attraverso l’integrazione di differenti tipologie di dati al fine di delineare un quadro esauriente e dettagliato dell’oggetto di studio. Nello specifico, la prima parte della ricerca si è occupata dello studio di intuizione e analisi attraverso l’impiego di scale self-report. L’obiettivo generale degli Studi 1 e 2 è stato quello di verificare l’esistenza di relazioni tra differenti strumenti che, sebbene propongano definizioni e operazionalizzazioni diverse dello stesso costrutto, presentano aree di sovrapposizione. A partire da tali connessioni, ci si è, quindi, posti l’obiettivo di identificare ampi profili individuali, cognitivi e decisionali, descritti attraverso tali differenti dimensioni stilistiche. La seconda parte della ricerca si è posta l’obiettivo di indagare intuizione e analisi “in azione”, ossia di valutare il ruolo di strategie e stili individuali intuitivi e analitici nell’ambito di uno specifico contesto strategico. Focalizzando l’indagine sulla prospettiva del proposer, negli Studi 3, 4 e 5 è stato utilizzato l’Ultimatum Game come setting sperimentale. In particolare, lo Studio 3 si è proposto di verificare se le persone siano in grado di attivare processi di mindreading pertinenti per interagire con successo nel corso del gioco. Attraverso lo Studio 4, ci si è posti l’obiettivo di valutare come l’introduzione di due distinte modalità, intuitiva e analitica, di processamento delle informazioni relative all’altro giocatore influenzi le proposte monetarie. Da ultimo, nello Studio 5 ci si è focalizzati sul ruolo giocato dallo stile individuale intuitivo e analitico nell’influenzare direttamente l’entità delle offerte e nel modulare l’effetto della modalità di pensiero intuitivo e analitico. / The present work aimed at researching into the constructs of intuition and analysis in decision-making through the integration of different sources of data in order to provide a comprehensive and multifaceted outline of the issue at hand. Specifically, the first part of the investigation concerned the study of intuition and analysis by employing self-report inventories. The general purpose of the Study 1 and 2 was to verify the existence of relationships among different instruments which, even though providing varied conceptual and operational definitions of the same constructs, showed some points of overlapping. Basing on these relations the goal was, then, to identify broad cognitive and decision profiles including a set of characteristics, rather than defining individual styles through single and isolated dimensions. The second part of the investigation intended to study intuition and analysis “in action”, that is to assess the role of both intuitive-analytical strategies and individual styles within a specific strategic context. Focussing on the proposer’s perspective, Study 3, 4, and 5 all employed the Ultimatum Game as experimental setting. Study 3 aimed at assessing whether people can activate relevant mindreading processes in order to successfully interact in the course of the game. Study 4, then, investigated how the monetary proposals were affected by the introduction of two distinct modes, intuitive and analytical, of processing information about the counterpart. Finally, in Study 5, the role of individual intuitive and analytical style in directly influencing the entity of the offers and, in case, modulating the effect of the intuitive and analytical modes of thinking was examined.


ESPOSTO, ELENA 16 April 2018 (has links)
La tesi presenta alcuni dei risultati di un esperimento longitudinale condotto in due carceri statunitensi tra settembre 2015 e giugno 2016. L’obiettivo dell’analisi è testare lo studio delle preferenze sociali nella cornice dell’Economia Comportamentale e della teoria dei giochi (osservazione diretta del comportamento dei soggetti chiamati a compiere delle scelte in alcune situazioni selezionate), piuttosto che attraverso risposte a questionari auto valutativi. Infatti vengono messe in relazione i comportamenti osservati nei giochi e le spiegazioni che i soggetti intervistati danno di essi. Attraverso analisi statistica si può arrivare a dire che i comportamenti osservati nei giochi non sono sempre sufficienti per evidenziare le preferenze sociali dei soggetti, così come, del resto, non lo sono le risposte narrative. La conclusione che viene tratta dall’elaborato è che osservazione diretta dei comportamenti e analisi delle narrative personali dei soggetti sono due elementi ugualmente importanti per la comprensione delle preferenze sociali e che, lungi dall’escludersi a vicenda, si completano. / The thesis presents some of the results of a longitudinal experiment conducted in two U.S. prisons between September 2015 and June 2016. The objective of the analysis is to test the efficacy of studying social preferences in the framework of behavioral Economics and game theory (direct observation of the behaviour of the subjects asked to make choices in real situations), rather than through self-evaluative questionnaires and surveys. In fact, the analysis links the behaviors observed in the games and the explanations given by the subjects. In general it can be said that the behaviors observed in the games are not always sufficient to highlight the social preferences of the subjects, as well as, moreover, are not the narrative answers. The conclusion that comes from the elaborate is that direct observation of the behaviors and analysis of the personal narratives of the subjects are two equally important tools in the study social preferences and that, far from being mutually exclusive, they complement each other.

Game Theory and Prospect Theory: Ultimatum Bargaining and Entrepreneurship in a Non-Laboratory Environment

Beck, Zachary Jacks 02 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.


SILVIO BARROS PEREIRA 03 March 2015 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é aplicar a Teoria dos Jogos como elemento motivador no ensino da Matemática em turmas da terceira série do ensino médio de uma escola estadual da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, que apresentam com grande frequência dificuldades no aprendizado desta disciplina. Construímos então uma sequência didática a ser realizada em sala de aula: apresentação de breve histórico da teoria, realização do jogo Dilema do Prisioneiro e posterior explicação sobre os resultados previstos pela teoria para este jogo, introduzindo os conceitos de matriz de ganhos e estratégia dominante. Em seguida foi aplicado um teste simples de auto-avaliação, para fixação dos tópicos apresentados anteriormente. Assumindo então que neste momento os alunos estão familiarizados com os conceitos mais simples da Teoria dos Jogos, realizamos em sala de aula o jogo Barganha com Ultimato, para posterior comparação de resultados com aqueles obtidos por Bianchi, Carter e Irons e Castro e Ribeiro. / [en] The objective of this study is to apply Game Theory as a motivating element in the teaching of mathematics in those classes in the 3rd series of secondary education in the state schools of the city of Rio de Janeiro which have already frequently presented difficulties in learning this discipline. We construct a didactic sequence to be applied in the classroom: presentation of a brief history of the theory; the realisation of the game, the Prisoner s Dilema; and a subsequent explanation of the results predicted by Game Theory for this game, introducing the concepts of the result matrix and the dominant strategy. We then apply a simple self-assessment test in order to consolidate these topics. Once the students are familiarised with the basic concepts of Game Theory, we realise the Ultimatum Game in the classroom in order to compare the results with those obtained by Bianchi, Carter e Irons and Castro e Ribeiro.


THIAGO OLIVEIRA NASCIMENTO 03 March 2015 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar como os alunos do Ensino Médio da rede pública estadual de ensino do Rio de Janeiro se comportam com a aplicação da Teoria dos Jogos como elemento motivador no ensino da Matemática, uma vez que apresentam, com grande frequência, dificuldades nesta disciplina. Para atingir o objetivo proposto elaboramos uma sequência didática que consistia na realização dos jogos Barganha com Ultimato e Dilema do Prisioneiro em sala de aula, sem qualquer explicação prévia sobre os conceitos básicos da Teoria dos Jogos. Nesta sequência didática, após a realização de cada jogo explicamos os resultados previstos pela teoria, introduzindo os conceitos de matriz de ganhos, estratégia dominante e equilíbrio de Nash, e explicamos o funcionamento do jogo Pôquer Simplificado com seus resultados teóricos. Ao término da aplicação da sequência didática, realizamos um teste de auto-avaliação simples, para que pudéssemos verificar o nível de aprendizado dos alunos envolvidos. Por fim, comparamos os resultados obtidos pelos pares de alunos que participaram do jogo Barganha com Ultimato (realizado quando ainda não possuíam qualquer experiência em Teoria dos Jogos) com aqueles obtidos por Bianchi, Carter e Irons e Castro e Ribeiro. / [en] The objective of this work is to investigate the effect of game theory as a motivator for mathematics education on those second year high school students in the state public schools of Rio de Janeiro who have already shown frequent difficulties with the discipline. In order to achieve the proposed goal, we develop a didactic sequence involving the application in the classroom of the games the Ultimatum Game and the Prisoner s Dilema without any prior introduction to the basic concepts of game theory. After the completion of each game, we explain the results predicted by the theory, introducing the concepts of the payoff matrix, the dominant strategy and the Nash Equilibrium. In addition, we explain the operation of the game of Simplified Poker along which its theoretical results. Upon completion of the application of this didactic sequence, we apply a simple self-evaluation test in order to verify the academic level of the students involved. Finally, we compare the results obtained by the pairs of students who participated in the game the Ultimatum Game (performed when the students still had no experience of Game Theory) with the results obtained by Bianchi, Carter e Irons and Castro e Ribeiro.

La relation entre les traits de troubles de la personnalité limite et le fonctionnement socio-cognitif dans la population générale

Louis, Pascal 03 1900 (has links)
Des difficultés sociales sont liées au trouble de la personnalité limite (TPL). Pour les comprendre, le traitement de l’information lors de décisions sociales doit être étudié. Parmi ces informations sociales, les expressions faciales émotives sont moins bien identifiées chez les individus ayant un TPL (Daros et al., 2013) comparativement aux individus sains. Également, une étude rapporte que des participants ayant un TPL acceptent plus d’offres monétaires, indépendamment du degré d’équité, que les individus sains dans une tâche de prise de décision sociale simulant des interactions avec des individus (représentés par des visages joyeux ou colériques) divisant de l’argent avec les participants (Polgár et al., 2014). Cependant, ils rapportent aussi que pour les offres monétaires de 20 à 30 % du montant à diviser les participants sains acceptaient les offres des visages joyeux plus fréquemment, cet effet était absent pour les participants ayant un TPL. L’objectif de cette étude est donc de savoir si les différences de reconnaissance des émotions médient la relation de la sévérité des traits du TPL avec des décisions sociales d’acceptation d’offres monétaires accompagnées d’expressions faciales (joie, colère et neutre). Nos résultats corroborent l’association négative des traits du TPL avec la reconnaissance des émotions (Daros et al., 2013) et l’association positive entre l’acceptation des offres et les traits du TPL (Polgár et al., 2014). Cependant, aucun effet médiateur n’est observé. Ainsi, nous concluons que la reconnaissance des émotions et la prise de décision sociale représentent des aspects indépendants des profils sociocognitifs liés aux traits du TPL. / Social difficulties are linked to borderline personality disorder (BPD). To understand them, the processing of information during social decisions must be studied. A form of social information is emotional facial expressions which are less well identified in individuals with BPD (Daros et al., 2013) compared to participants without a diagnosed mental health issue. Also, one study reports that participants with BPD accept more monetary offers (regardless of the amount of money they were offered) participants without a diagnosed mental health issue in a social decision-making task simulating interaction with individuals (represented by happy or angry faces) dividing money with participants (Polgár et al., 2014). However, they also report that for monetary offers that represented 20-30% of the divided sum, participants without a diagnosed mental health issue participants accepted offers from happy faces more frequently. However, this effect was absent in participants with BPD. The aim of this study is to determine whether differences in emotion recognition abilities mediate the relationship of BPD trait severity with social decisions to accept monetary offers accompanied by facial expressions (joy, anger and neutral). Our results support the negative association of BPD traits with emotion recognition (Daros et al., 2013) and the positive association between offer acceptance and BPD traits (Polgár et al., 2014). However, no mediating effect is observed. Thus, we conclude that emotion recognition and social decision-making represent independent aspects of the sociocognitive profiles related to BPD traits.

Influence of interpersonal abilities on social decisions and their physiological correlates

Kaltwasser, Laura 17 February 2016 (has links)
Das Konzept der interpersonellen Fähigkeiten bezieht sich auf Leistungsaufgaben der sozialen Kognition. Diese Aufgaben messen die Fähigkeiten Gesichter zu erkennen und sich diese zu merken sowie Emotionen zu erkennen und diese auszudrücken. Ziel dieser Dissertation war die Untersuchung des Einflusses von interpersonellen Fähigkeiten auf soziale Entscheidungen. Ein besonderer Fokus lag auf der Quantifizierung von individuellen Unterschieden in zugrundeliegenden neuronalen Mechanismen. Studie 1 erweiterte bestehende Evidenz zu Beziehungen zwischen psychometrischen Konstrukten der Gesichterkognition und Ereigniskorrelierten Potentialen, welche mit den verschiedenen Stadien der Gesichterverarbeitung (Enkodierung, Wahrnehmung, Gedächtnis) während einer Bekanntheitsentscheidung assoziiert sind. Unsere Ergebnisse bestätigen eine substantielle Beziehung zwischen der N170 Latenz und der Amplitude des frühen Wiederholungseffektes (ERE) mit drei Faktoren der Gesichterkognition. Je kürzer die N170 Latenz und je ausgeprägter die ERE Amplitude, umso genauer und schneller ist die Gesichterkognition. Studie 2 ergab, dass die Fähigkeit ängstliche Gesichter zu erkennen sowie die generelle spontane Expressivität während der sozialen Interaktion mit prosozialen Entscheidungen korreliert. Sensitivität für das Leid anderer sowie emotionale Expressivität scheinen reziproke Interaktionen mit Gleichgesinnten zu fördern. Studie 3 bestätigte das Modell der starken Reziprozität, da Prosozialität die negative Reziprozität im Ultimatum Spiel beeinflusste. Unter der Verwendung von Strukturgleichungsmodellen entdeckten wir, dass Menschen mit ausgeprägter Reziprozität eine größere Amplitude der relativen feedback-negativity auf das Gesicht von Spielpartnern zeigen. Insgesamt sprechen die Ergebnisse dafür, dass die etablierten individuellen Unterschiede in den Verhaltensmaßen der interpersonellen Fähigkeiten zum Teil auf individuelle Unterschiede in neuronalen Mechanismen zurückzuführen sind. / The concept of interpersonal abilities refers to performance measures of social cognition such as the abilities to perceive and remember faces and the abilities to recognize and express emotions. The aim of this dissertation was to examine the influence of interpersonal abilities on social decisions. A particular focus lay on the quantification of individual differences in brain-behavior relationships associated with processing interpersonally relevant stimuli. Study 1 added to existing evidence on brain-behavior relationships, specifically between psychometric constructs of face cognition and event-related potentials associated with different stages of face processing (encoding, perception, and memory) in a familiarity decision. Our findings confirm a substantial relationship between the N170 latency and the early-repetition effect (ERE) amplitude with three established face cognition ability factors. The shorter the N170 latency and the more pronounced the ERE amplitude, the better is the performance in face perception and memory and the faster is the speed of face cognition. Study 2 found that the ability to recognize fearful faces as well as the general spontaneous expressiveness during social interaction are linked to prosocial choices in several socio-economic games. Sensitivity to the distress of others and spontaneous expressiveness foster reciprocal interactions with prosocial others. Study 3 confirmed the model of strong reciprocity in that prosociality drives negative reciprocity in the ultimatum game. Using multilevel structural equation modeling in order to estimate brain-behavior relationships of fairness preferences, we found strong reciprocators to show more pronounced relative feedback-negativity amplitude in response to the faces of bargaining partners. Thus, the results of this dissertation suggest that established individual differences in behavioral measures of interpersonal ability are partly due to individual differences in brain mechanisms.

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