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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att mäta Flow på Byggarbetsplatser : En undersökning av olika metoder att fånga arbetstillfredsställelse / To measure Flow on Construction sites : An investigation of different methods to capture work satisfaction

Siltala, Minna January 2022 (has links)
Inom byggbranschen skedde mycket förändring under tiden för datainsamlingen, inte minst genom digitalisering och effektivisering. Detta till trots fanns väldigt lite forskning kring hur de anställda inom byggbranschen upplevde att deras arbetstillfredsställelse påverkades under förändring. Ett koncept som tog hänsyn till individen kopplat till deras arbetstillfredsställelse var flow konceptet framtaget av Csíkszentmihályi. Detta koncept var uppbyggt av 8 punkter som behövde uppfyllas så bra som möjligt för att uppleva det Csíkszentmihályi kallar för ”flow” såsom exempelvis; ”balans mellan möjlighet och skicklighet”, ”tydliga målsättningar”, ”omedelbar feedback”, ”känsla av kontroll” och så vidare. Ju fler av dessa koncept som stämde in och ju bättre de upplevdes, desto större chans var det att uppleva flow och därför också mer sannolikt att nå god arbetstillfredsställelse. Examensarbetet undersökte arbetstillfredsställelsen med stöd i flow konceptet genom tre olika metoder (enkäter, observationer och intervjuer) och jämförde dessa för att bidra med rekommendationer för framtiden om vilken eller vilka metoder som bäst fångar arbetstillfredsställelsen. Detta så att byggbranschen fortsatt ska kunna genomföra stora förändringar och samtidigt öka arbetstillfredsställelsen hos sina anställda. Det fanns styrkor och svagheter med samtliga metodvalen. För att nämna några möjliggjorde enkäterna och observationerna anonymitet hos de deltagande medan intervjuerna svarade på frågorna ”hur” och ”varför”, vilket öppnade upp för en dialog kring upplevelsen. I samarbete med ett byggprojekt på Skanska, NA3, och ett forskningsprojekt på Luleå tekniska universitet undersökte detta examensarbete hur de anställdas upplevelse av arbetstillfredsställelsen påverkades under förändring. Urvalet för undersökningen bestod av arbetsledarna och planeraren i ett pågående byggprojekt som planerades få tillgång till ett nytt digitalt verktyg under tiden för datainsamlingen. Datainsamlingen genomfördes mellan v.5 och v.16 år 2020. Observationer och enkäter gjordes veckovis medan intervjuerna hölls i slutet av datainsamlingen, under v.16. Samtliga resultat över lag visade på hög chans att uppleva flow och därför god arbetstillfredsställelse. Det nya digitala verktyget blev försenat så det skedde inte så stora förändringar i de undersöktas arbetsvardag till en början, men under tiden för datainsamlingen fångades en plötslig neråtgående trend parallellt med att hela världen drabbades av Covid-19. Covid 19 i sig hade ingen direkt koppling till projektet, men den förde med sig skyndsamma digitala förändringar i arbetet kopplat till plötsligt distansarbete och online möten, men även sjukfrånvaro, svårigheter att få nog stora arbetsstyrkor, försenade leveranser samt stor oro och stress koppat till projektet och dess framfart men även för varje människas liv och egen hälsa. Flow konceptet och de metoder som användes fungerade således för att fånga flow och arbetstillfredsställelse på det aktuella projektet. De använda metoderna hade som tidigare nämnts många olika för- och nackdelar metodmässigt men även kopplat till flow konceptet. Sammanfattningsvis ansågs enkäter vara den metod som var mest tillförlitlig när det kommer till att undersöka flow. Enkäter i kombination med intervjuer, möjliggör för att kunna följa och analysera påverkan på arbetstillfredsställelsen över tid för att sedan kunna ställa följdfrågor vid behov för att få en bredare förståelse. Vidare hur väl den uppmätta arbetstillfredsställelsen stämmer överens med verkligheten behöver fortsatt forskning. / The construction industry was in a state of rapid change during 2020, not least through digital transformation and continual improvement. Despite this, there was at that time very little research on how employees in the construction industry experience how their job satisfaction is affected by change. A concept that considers the individual and their job satisfaction was the flow concept developed by Csíkszentmihályi. This concept consists of 8 aspects that should be met as well as possible to experience what Csíkszentmihályi calls "flow" such as; "balance between ability and skill", "clear goals", "immediate feedback", "sense of control" and so on. The better these aspects are fulfilled, the greater the chance of experiencing flow and therefore also good job satisfaction.  This thesis therefore examined job satisfaction through the flow concept using three different methods (surveys, observations and interviews) and compared these methods to achieve recommendations on which method or methods best capture job satisfaction. By following the recommendations, the construction industry can continue to implement major changes and at the same time increase the job satisfaction of its employees. Each of the examined methods had their own strengths and weaknesses. For example, surveys and observations enabled anonymity among the participants while an interview answered more questions such as “how” and “why”, and therefore allowed for dialogue. In collaboration with a construction project at Skanska and a research project at Luleå University of Technology, this thesis examined how employees experience job satisfaction during change. The sample for the study was predetermined by the scope of the collaboration between Skanska and LTU. It consisted of the supervisors and the planning engineer in an ongoing construction project where their tasks were due to undergo major digital transformations during the study. The data collection was carried out between weeks 5 and 16 during 2020. Observations and surveys were carried out weekly while the interviews were held at the end of the data collection period, during week 16. The results showed an overall high chance of experiencing flow, but during the data collection a sudden downward trend was captured at the same time as Covid-19 spread the world over. Covid-19 brought with it a rapid switch to work from home for some individuals, resulted in absences and delays in deliveries, as well as great anxiety and stress linked to the project and its progress but also for each person's life and even their own health. The chosen flow concept and study methods were successful in capturing flow and job satisfaction on the construction project. The chosen methods had many different advantages and disadvantages methodologically, but also regarding the flow concept. In summary, surveys are the most reliable method when it comes to examining flow. Surveys, in combination with interviews, make it possible to follow job satisfaction over time and follow-up with complementary questions to gain a broader understanding. Further research is needed on how well the measured job satisfaction corresponds to reality.

Coworker Incivility and Incivility Targets’ Work Effort and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Supervisor Social Support

Sakurai, Kenji 16 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

How family firms recruit and retain their nonfamily members : A Case Study for three Romanian family companies

Filios, Constantina-Edesa January 2024 (has links)
There are a broad range of businesses available in the modern economy we live in. Family businesses can simply be explained as a business firm or company in which most of the employees that are present are family members. With the help of family businesses present in the global economy, many new startups are recognized and boosted with the help of family firms. Family businesses play a major role in the European economy where statistics show that nearly 55% of the total company’s present are family businesses. Hence the problem arises from the introduction of nonfamily members in the family business. Due to various reasons, many family firms are not able to keep their staff strictly consisting of family members. Then comes the question of hiring nonfamily members into a family business. Hence this research will help firstly with the overall understanding of family firms and secondly how these firms approach the recruiting process for nonfamily members for them to be a long-lasting team player. The sample chosen in this research belongs to Romania. I chose the country of Romania because of my own nationality and because of my desire to understand the Romanian economy better. Eight interviews were carried out with personnel from 3 different firms, 3 founders and 5 nonfamily members. For this research, data was collected through the case study method, a qualitative methodology. At the last part of the study, the findings are explained in such a way which give a complete idea about what strategies do family-workers implement to hire and retain nonfamily workers and the opinion of these regarding the subject as a part of their team.

The Role of 3-Dimensional State Goal Orientation in the Process of Goal Establishment and Task Performance

Breland, Benjamin Tyson 25 May 2004 (has links)
The present research expanded upon the work of Breland and Donovan (in press) and examined the role of three-dimensional state goal orientation in an integrative model of goal setting and task performance. In addition, mental focus (Lee, Sheldon, & Turban, 2003) was also incorporated into the model. Results indicated that each of the three-dimensions of state goal orientation uniquely affected one's level of self-efficacy. More specifically, state learning goal orientation and state performance-approach goal orientation both enhanced an individual's level of self-efficacy, while state performance-avoidance goal orientation reduced their level of self-efficacy. In turn state goal orientation indirectly impacted mental focus, goals, and performance through its influence on self-efficacy. Implications of these findings as well as suggestions for future research on the personality construct of state goal orientation are discussed. / Ph. D.

Self-Regulation in a Simultaneous, Multiple-Goal Environment

Byrd, Trevor Graydon 30 May 2003 (has links)
The present study sought to extend goal-setting research by examining the nature of individuals' self-regulation with respect to performance goals while pursuing multiple, simultaneous goals. It was proposed that goal revision and effort allocation would be influenced by goal-performance discrepancies (GPD), causal attributions for factors affecting performance, self-efficacy, and rate of progress toward task goals. Results indicated that GPDs predicted goal revision direction and magnitude, and that controllability attributions moderated the GPD – revision relation. GPD size determined prioritization between tasks, as did self-efficacy. Mixed results were found for self-efficacy moderating the relation between GPD size and task prioritization. Rate of progress toward a task goal generally predicted prioritization between tasks and the amount of exerted effort within a single task. Although many results were not in the anticipated form, they still fit with modern theoretical frameworks associated with work motivation. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed. / Master of Science

Multi-Level Cultures and Public Employee Work Motivation: Focusing on Executive Agency Policy in South Korea

Hur, Seunguk 10 July 2015 (has links)
In contrast to the decline of New Public Management (NPM) in many countries, reports on executive agency policy in Korea point to its success. To explore why it has been successful, this study investigates the relationship between multi-level culture and work motivation (i.e., job satisfaction and organizational commitment). This study develops a multi-level framework and examines direct, moderating, and varying contextual effects in the relationships among organizational cultures (clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy), individual perceptions of organizational culture, and work motivation, using survey data from 1,535 public employees in 46 executive agencies in Korea and hierarchical linear modeling (HLM). Key findings include, first, clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy organizational cultures all have positive associations with organizational commitment; however, individual perceptions of organizational market and hierarchy cultures are negatively related to organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Second, market and hierarchy cultures have positive varying contextual effects in relationships with organizational commitment. Third, organizational culture has more explanatory power than individual perceptions of organizational culture. Finally, efforts to develop and sustain balanced organizational culture evidently led to the success of the executive agency system in Korea. The findings support the argument that NPM reforms need to be examined through the lens of a multi-level culture and balanced culture perspective. / Ph. D.

Självskattad arbetsmotivation och personlighet : En enkätstudie utifrån Self-determination theory och The Big Five / Self-estimated work motivation and personality : A questionnaire study based on Self-determination theory and The Big Five

Josefsson, Nathalie, Ålund, Ronja January 2024 (has links)
Forskning har visat att personlighet och arbetsmotivation påverkar hur individer agerar och presterar på arbetet (Judge & Ilies, 2002). Genom att generera en förståelse för hur dessa faktorer samverkar med varandra kan organisationer skapa en arbetsmiljö som främjar både individens och organisationens framgång. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka sambandet mellan personlighetsdragen i The Big Five och självskattad arbetsmotivation, med utgångspunkt i Self-determination theory samt att identifiera variationer i arbetsmotivationen relaterat till kön,ålder och tid i arbetslivet. Den första hypotesen var att det skulle finnas en positiv korrelation mellan yttre motivation och personlighetsdragen neuroticism och extraversion. Den andra hypotesen berörde korrelationen mellan inre motivation och följande personlighetsdrag:öppenhet, samvetsgrannhet, vänlighet, samt extraversion. Metoden som användes var en enkätundersökning, bestående av två validerade mätinstrument. Dessa var Ten Item Personality Inventory för att mäta personlighet, samt Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale för att mäta arbetsmotivation. 167 svar inkom, varav 160 användbara, 118 (73,7 %) var kvinnor och 42 (26,3%) män. Resultatet visade att samtliga regleringstyper för arbetsmotivation korrelerade signifikant med något av de fem personlighetsdragen. Det fanns en korrelation mellan neuroticism och fyra regleringstyper. Samvetsgrannhet korrelerade positivt med identifierad reglering. Öppenhet visade positiva samband med både intern och introjicerad reglering.Slutligen korrelerade extraversion positivt med samtliga regleringstyper utom extern. Analys av arbetsmotivation i förhållande till deltagarnas ålder visade att deltagare i ålderskategorin 41-70 år i högre grad motiveras av intern reglering, jämfört med ålderskategorin 18-30 som motiveras av extern reglering. Resultatet visade även skillnader på antal år i arbetslivet och vilken typ av reglering som styr ens motivation. / Research has shown that personality and work motivation affect how individuals act and perform at work (Judge & Ilies, 2002). By generating an understanding of how these factors interact with each other, organizations can create work environments that promote individual as well as organizational success. The aim of this study was therefore to examine the relationship between personality traits in The Big Five and self-estimated work motivation, based on self-determination theory and if there were any variations in work motivation depending on gender, age and number of years in working life. The first hypothesis was that there would be a positive correlation between extrinsic motivation and the personality traits neuroticism and extraversion. The second hypothesis concerned the correlation between intrinsic motivation and the following personality traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, agreeableness and extraversion. The method of choice was a survey consisting of two validated measuring instruments. These were the Ten Item Personality Inventory to measure personality, and the Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale to measure work motivation. We received 167 responses, of which 160 were useful. 118 (73,7 %)were women and 42 (26,3 %) were men. Results showed that all regulation types for work motivation correlated significantly with at least one personality trait. There was a correlation between neuroticism and four regulation types. Conscientiousness correlated positively with identified regulation. Openness to experience showed positive correlations with both intrinsic and introjected regulation. Finally, there was positive correlation between extraversion and all regulation types except for external regulation. Analysis of work motivation in relation to the age of the participants showed that participants in the age category 41-70 years were motivated to a greater extent by intrinsic regulation, compared to the age category 18-30 who were motivated by external regulation. Results also showed differences in the number of years in working life and which type of regulation that control one’s motivation.

Identifisering en ontleding van stresfaktore aan 'n tersiêre onderwysinrigting in 'n periode van verandering

Schutte, Orgelina Fredrika 11 1900 (has links)
Verandering vind voortdurend op alle gebiede van mense se lewens plaas. Ten einde met 'n veranderende wereld te kan tred hou en aan die behoeftes van die land en sy mense te voldoen, vind daar ook op onderwysgebied in Suid-Afrika, groot veranderinge plaas. Inrigtings betrokke by onderwysersopleiding het oo k die afgelope paar j aar ingrypende herstrukturering ondergaan. Volgens wetgewing moet aile tersiere onderwysinrigtings by die Hoeronderwys-sektor inskakel, wat inkorporering by 'n universiteit oftechnikon beteken. Hierdie studie fokus daarop om vas te stel hoe die dosente verbonde aan 'n tersiere onderwysinrigting die veranderingsproses beleef. Die navorser maak van die k:walitatiewe navorsingsmetode gebruik deur individuele onderhoude met 'n aantal dosente te voer. Hierdie inligting is met behulp van 'n oudio-bandopnemer opgeneem en verbatim transkripsies is daarvan gemaak. Na die ontleding van die transkripsies is faktore geidentifiseer wat emstige stres by die deelnemers veroorsaak tydens die veranderingsproses. Ten slotte is aanbevelings in hierdie verband gemaak. / Change is a constant in all sphere of people's lives. To keep abreast of the changing world and to meet the needs of its people, vast changes are also being implemented in education in South Mrica. Institutions involved in teacher training have also undergone far-reaching restructuring over the past few years. Legislation requires that tertiary education institutions be incorporated into the Higher education sector, which means incorporation into a university or technikon. This study focuses on establishing how the lecturers employed at a tertiary education institution " experience this process of change. The researcher has used the qualitative research method by conducting individual interviews with a number oflecturers. This information was taped and verbatim transcriptions were made of the interviews. Analysis of these transcriptions made it possible to identify factors that have caused serious stress in participants during the process of change. In the end recommendations were made concerning these factors. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Onderwysbestuur)

Employer Branding – Konsten att bli en attraktiv arbetsgivare via det interna arbetsgivarvarumärket : En kvalitativ studie på ett företag inom mediabranschen / How to become an attractive employer through internal Employer Branding

Tengmo, Matilda, Andersson, Sofie January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur anställda upplevde företag som arbetsgivarvarumärke och arbetsplats samt vilka faktorer som kan ha en påverkan på detta. Det genomfördes åtta intervjuer med anställda på ett företag inom mediabranschen. Det framkom att det fanns olika faktorer som påverkade hur medarbetarna såg på sin arbetsgivare. Dels skulle företaget erbjuda utvecklingsmöjligheter, flexibilitet i arbetsuppgifterna samt arbetsförmåner. På så sätt skapas en tillit och lojalitet gentemot varandra. Denna tillit skapar också en trygghet i sin anställning och mot sin chef. Relationen till sin chef visade sig vara viktig men även att de anställda själva fick styra över sina arbetsuppgifter. Även att arbeta på ett välkänt företag ansågs höja arbetsgivarens attraktivitet. Slutligen framkom det att de sociala faktorer påverkade hur de anställda såg på sin arbetsgivare och de menade på att det fanns en del brister gällande samarbetet mellan avdelningarna inom företaget. / The purpose of the study was to analyze employees’ perceptions of the company’s Employer Branding, the workplace, and the factors that may have an impact on this. Eight interviews were held with employees from a company in the media industry. It appeared that there were various factors that influence how employees perceive their employer. In order to be considered an attractive organization the company needs to offer opportunities to develop, flexibility in the daily tasks and employee benefits, and have a good reputation. This creates trust and loyalty between the employer and employee. It is important for the employees to have a good relationship with their manager, and at the same time it is important to have control over their own work tasks. Finally, social factors affected how the employees viewed their employer. According to some employees, there were some flaws with the cooperation between the departments within the company.

Inre arbetsmotivation : En kvantitativ studie om skillnader gällande vård- och omsorgspersonals inre arbetsmotivationsfaktorer

Lindqvist, Rebecca, Ström, Elin January 2016 (has links)
I den föreliggande kvantitativa studien var syftet att undersöka om det fanns någon skillnad gällande den inre arbetsmotivationen för vård- och omsorgspersonal i en mellanstor kommun i Sverige beroende på vilken verksamhet (sjukhus eller äldreboende) och yrkesutbildning (undersköterska eller sjuksköterska) personen hade. Enkäten bestod av sex bakgrundsfrågor och 21 påståenden om inre arbetsmotivation utifrån Self-determination theory (SDT). Den inre arbetsmotivationen mättes utifrån tre beroendemått: autonomi, samhörighet och kompetens. Resultatet visade på en signifikant huvudeffekt av verksamhet oavsett yrkesutbildning. Personalen verksamma på sjukhus skattade högre på påståendena gällande kompetens än personalen verksamma på äldreboenden. Resultatet kan bero på att personal på sjukhuset har ett mer varierande arbete än personal inom äldreboende, vilket stimulerar deras upplevda kompetens. / The purpose of the present quantitative study was to investigate whether there was any difference regarding the internal work motivation of health care staff working in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden, depending on the operation (hospitals or nursing homes) and the professional education (assistant nurse or nurse) of the employee. A questionnaire that consisted of six background questions and 21 statements about internal motivation (based on the sub-categories autonomy, relatedness and competence) was administered to health care staff at both hospitals and nursing homes. The results showed a significant main effect of the operation regardless of professional title. People working at the hospital estimated higher on the claims regarding competence compered to people that worked in nursing homes. This result may be due to that working at a hospital offers more diverse work assignments compared to working at a nursing home.

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