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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvecklingssamtal i arbetslivet / The conversation about developmental opportunities in the organization in worklife

Armbäck, Alexander, Bihorac, Samir January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this paper was to gain knowledge about the conversation about developmental opportunities in the organization, and how a company uses it. The focus was on four different themes, purpose of the conversation about developmental opportunities in the organization, planning, execution and content, feedback. The sample consisted of six people, three employees and three managers of the company. The interviews were conducted by an interview guide, one for the employees and one for the managers. The results of the interviews showed that the conversation about developmental opportunities in the organization was used by managers to make all employees to strive in the same direction, an opportunity for employees to reconcile how their work performance is perceived by their managers, the use of a preparation model differs between managers and feedback was important. In the discussion, the authors analysed the four themes and compared them to previous research. / Syftet med uppsatsen var att få kunskap om vad utvecklingssamtal innehåller och hur ett företag använder det. Fokus låg på fyra teman, syfte med utvecklingssamtal, planering, genomförande och innehåll, återkoppling och uppföljning. Urvalet bestod av sex personer, tre medarbetare och tre chefer på ett företag. Intervjuerna genomfördes utifrån en intervjuguide för cheferna och en för medarbetarna. Intervjuerna var baserade på de fyra teman som författarna fokuserar på. Resultatet från intervjuerna visade att utvecklingssamtal används från chefernas sida för att alla skall sträva åt samma håll, en möjlighet för medarbetarna att stämma av hur deras arbetsinsats upplevs, utvecklingssamtalen upplevs ömsesidiga, användning av en förberedelsemall skiljer sig cheferna emellan och att uppföljning av utvecklingssamtal är viktigt. I diskussionen gjordes en djupgående analys av de fyra teman och jämfördes med tidigare forskning.

Att främja arbetsmotivation : – en kvalitativ studie om främjande av medarbetares arbetsmotivation och ledares påverkansmöjligheter

Karlsson, Matilda, Nissi, Linn January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att erhålla ökad förståelse för hur medarbetare upplever att arbetsmotivation kan främjas och ledarens påverkan på främjandet av arbetsmotivationen. Vidare undersöks vilka faktorer som verkar  motivationsfrämjande för medarbetarna i den organisation där studien utförts samt hur väl deras arbetsmotivation främjas. Studien utgår ifrån en kvalitativ metod och det empiriska materialet har insamlats genom åtta intervjuer på medarbetarnivå. Studiens resultat visar att medarbetarnas arbetsmotivation främjas genom flera faktorer, bland annat sociala faktorer och lönen betonas. Medarbetarnas motivation främjas men skulle kunna främjas mer än vad den gör idag genom ett antal motivationsfrämjande faktorer som diskuteras. Ledaren har påverkansmöjligheter över flertalet av de faktorer som skulle kunna höja medarbetarnas arbetsmotivation. Fokus bör därför riktas mot dessa motivationsfrämjande faktorer. / The purpose of this study is to contribute to increased knowledge about how employees´ perceive that work motivation can be enhanced and the leaders’ impact on it. Furthermore the authors wish to examine which motivational factors that contribute to employees’ work motivation in the organization where the study was conducted and how well their work motivation is promoted. A qualitative method has been used to conduct this study and its material has been gathered from eight qualitative interviews with employees in the organization. The result shows that several factors contribute to the work motivation, for example the influence of social factors and the salary is stressed. The work motivation could, through a series of motivational factors, be more promoted. The manager plays an important role and can influence most of the motivational factors that are needed for enhancing the employees’ work motivation. Focus should therefore be directed towards these motivational factors.

Profesionalių vairuotojų darbo motyvacijos, asmenybės bruožų ir rizikingo vairavimo elgesio sąsajos / Relation between the work motivation, personality traits and risky driving behaviour of professional drivers

Stankevičienė, Džeralda 19 June 2009 (has links)
Kasmet apie pusė milijono žmonių žūsta eismo įvykiuose visame pasaulyje. Dažniausiai į eismo įvykius patenka profesionalūs vairuotojai, nes profesionalus vairavimas sąlygoja daug didesnę riziką nei kitos profesijos. Eismo įvykiai – tai dideli ekonominiai ir socialiniai kaštai visuomenei ir darbdaviams. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti profesionalių vairuotojų darbo motyvacijos, asmenybės bruožų ir rizikingo vairavimo elgesio sąsajas. Tyrime dalyvavo Lietuvoje dirbantis 181 profesionalus vairuotojas (vyrai) iš įvairaus dydžio organizacijų. Tiriamiesiems anketos buvo pateikiamos tiesiogiai, darbo vietoje, ir iš karto po užpildymo surenkamos. Tiriamieji atsakė į anketoje pateiktus klausimus, siekiant įvertinti darbo motyvacijos, asmenybės bruožų ir rizikingo vairavimo elgesio sąsajas: a) darbo motyvacijai įvertinti sukurtas klausimynas, remiantis V. Vroomo lūkesčių darbo motyvacijos teorija, b) asmenybės bruožams nustatyti naudotas 44 klausimų Didžiojo penketo modelio klausimynas (John ir kt., 1991), c) rizikingam vairavimo elgesiui įvertinti naudotas 24 teiginių vairavimo elgesio klausimynas (Reason ir Parker, 1990) ir informacija apie eismo įvykius bei baudas už kelių eismo taisyklių pažeidimus. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad profesionalūs vilkikų vairuotojai, pasižymintys labiau išreikšta ekstraversija, sutariamumu, sažiningumu ir mažiau išreikštu neurotizmu, mažiau rizikingai vairuoja. Tačiau tik mažiau išreikštu sąžiningumu pasižymintys profesionalūs mažųjų autobusų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Every year, about half a million people are killed in traffic accidents around the world. In most cases, accidents are of concern to professional drivers, as professional driving involves much greater risk than other professions. Traffic accidents mean major economic and social costs to society and employers. The aim of the study was to identify the links between the work motivation, personality traits and risky driving behaviour of professional drivers. The study covered 181 professional driver (male) employed in various size organizations in Lithuania. Trial questionnaires were distributed to the research individuals directly at their workplaces, and collected immediately after the filling. The respondents answered the questions in the questionnaire aiming to assess the relations between the work motivation, personality traits and risky driving behaviour of professional drivers: a) questionnaire for the assessment of work motivation was developed on the basis of V. Vroom expectancy theory of motivation, b) personality traits were determined by using the Big Five model Inventory consisting of 44 questions (John et al., 1991), c) risky driving behaviour was determined according to the questionnaire with 24 statements on driving behaviour (Reason, and Parker, 1990) and information about traffic events and penalties for traffic offences. The results of this study demonstrated those professional truck drivers, during more expressed extroversion, agreeableness... [to full text]

Organų persodinimo operacijose dalyvaujančių operacinės slaugytojų darbo motyvacijos aspektai, magistranto baigiamasis darbas / Motivational aspects at work of surgical nurses assisting at organ transplantation surgeries, final thesis for Master's Degree

Čalko, Tatjana 11 July 2014 (has links)
Čalko T. Organų persodinimo operacijose dalyvaujančių operacinės slaugytojų darbo motyvacijos aspektai, magistranto baigiamasis darbas / mokslinė vadovė dr. D. Zagurskienė; Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas, Slaugos fakultetas, Slaugos ir rūpybos katedra. – Kaunas, 2014. – 92 p. Organų persodinimas – didžiausias chirurgijos ir medikų komandos profesinio meistriškumo pasiekimas. Operacinės slaugytojai, dalyvaujantys organų persodinimo procese, yra svarbūs komandos nariai, jų atliekamas darbas – atsakingas, sudėtingas, reikalaujantis naujų žinių, didelio profesionalumo. Nors nemonotoniškas darbo pobūdis galėtų būti suvokiamas kaip patraukli veikla, tačiau personalo trūkumas, nepasitenkinimas atlyginimu, skubėjimas, viršvalandžiai, neįprastos procedūros, daug fizinių bei emocinių pastangų – veiksniai, išvedantys iš pusiausvyros ir darantys neigiamą įtaką operacinės slaugytojų darbo motyvacijai. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti organų persodinimo operacijose dalyvaujančių operacinės slaugytojų darbo motyvacijos aspektus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: įvertinti psichosocialinių veiksnių raišką operacinės slaugytojų darbe; ištirti darbo motyvacijos veiksnių raišką ir jų sąsajas su slaugytojų sociodemografinėmis savybėmis; nustatyti veiksnius, didinančius organų persodinimo operacijose dalyvaujančių operacinės slaugytojų darbo motyvaciją. Tyrimo metodas – 2013 m. rugpjūčio 25 – spalio 30 dienomis buvo atlikta anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Dalyvavo 127 operacinės slaugytojai, dirbantys... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / T. Motivational aspects at work of surgical nurses assisting at organ transplantation surgeries, final thesis for Master's Degree/ supervisor Dr. D. Zagurskienė; Nursing and Care Department, Faculty of Nursing, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. – Kaunas, 2014. - 92 p. Organ transplantation is the highest achievement of professional excellence of the surgical and medical team. Surgical nurses assisting at organ transplantation process are important team members, their work is responsible, complicated, requiring continuously-refreshed knowledge, high-level professionalism. Lack of monotony at work could be regarded as attractive feature, but shortage of staff, dissatisfaction with remuneration, rush, overtime, unusual procedures, lots of physical and emotional efforts are the factors that break the balance and negatively impact work motivation of surgical nurses. The purpose of the research was to analyse the aspects of work motivation of surgical nurses assisting at organ transplantation surgeries. Objectives of the research included evaluation of manifestation of psychosocial factors at surgical nurses' work; examination of manifestation of work motivation factors and their links with nurses' socio demographic qualities; determination of factors increasing work motivation for surgical nurses assisting at organ transplantation surgeries. Research method: anonymous questionnaire conducted on 25 August - 30 October 2013. Respondents of the research were 127 surgical... [to full text]

Motivation i en arbetsmiljö präglad av säkerhet : En kvalitativ studie om varför kriminalvårdare väljer att arbeta innanför murarna

Almrin, Josefine, Hampshire, Heather January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga motivationsfaktorer bland anställda inom Kriminalvårdens anstaltsverksamhet. För att undersöka detta utformades en huvudfrågeställning som besvarades med hjälp av tre delfrågor om vad som motiverar individer att ta anställning hos Kriminalvården, om denna motivation förändras över tid samt hur kriminalvårdarna reflekterar kring arbetsmiljön utifrån ett motivationsperspektiv. För att samla in det empiriska materialet genomfördes sex stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer med kriminalvårdare på anstalter med säkerhetsklass ett. Det resultatet genererade var att motivationen förändras över tid. Vid början av anställningen är det faktorer som inkomst och framtida karriärmöjligheter samt viljan att testa något nytt som motiverade. Efter en tid inom yrket hade motivationen skiftat till att klienterna och sina arbetslaget som utgör den främsta motivationsfaktorn, arbetsmiljön väger in på så vis att kriminalvårdarna behöver utföra sitt arbete på ett säkert sätt då detta skapar en god sammanhållning. I slutsatsen framkommer även att en motivation till att ta anställning som kriminalvårdare är att det kan vara en språngbräda för framtida yrken. Arbetsmotivation grundar sig i en avvägning och kombination av flera olika faktorer. / The purpose of this study is to identify the motivational factors among Prison Officers working in a high security prison. To investigate this purpose, a key issue was formulated and answered with the help of three sub-questions regarding why Prison Officers choose to take employment in the prison service, if their motivation changes over time and which views they have towards the working environment from a motivation perspective. In order to collect data, six semi-structured interviews were carried out with Prison Officers in a high security prison. The results of these interview showed that motivation among Prison Officers changes over time. Initially it was the need to have an income, the possibility of future career opportunities as well as wanting to test new career paths that drove their motivation. Later, motivation shifted to it being their colleagues and the clients who contribute to their work motivation. The work environment also has an impact on Prison Officers’ motivation as safety at work it is an important factor in creating good cohesion. The study also shows that one reason for becoming a Prison Officer can be that it provides a springboard for future work opportunities. Also, work motivation is based on a balance and a combination of several factors.

Pharmacists’ perceptions of Occupational Specific Dispensation (OSD): exploratory study of career and human resource perspectives

Theunissen, Michelle January 2015 (has links)
Magister Pharmaceuticae - MPharm / Prior to 2007, South Africa’s government became concerned about the loss and inability to retain certain professionals in its employment. Health human resources were distributed in favour of the private sector and urban areas while rural areas survived on a meagre portion of health employees. In 2007, the government introduced a re-designed remuneration structure for individual skilled professions namely, Occupation Specific Dispensation (OSD), with the goal to attract and retain professionals. This study qualitatively explores the perceptions of public sector employment (PSE) by pharmacists to extract how OSD-policy may or may not be succeeding. It also investigates the opinions of pharmacists on the promotional structure of OSD and opportunity for career advancement (CA) as a possible indication of organisational commitment. Participants were recruited from four career streams in OSD’s structure, all employed in the Department of Health, Provincial Government of the Western Cape. In the first stage of data collection, one-on-one interviews were conducted with key-informants which consisted of policy specialists (n=2) and management (n=2). In the second stage, focus group interviews were conducted comprising of production and supervisory pharmacists (n=27). Sampling strategies encompassed purposive, snowball and stratified sampling to ensure saturation of data and provide comparisons between groups and sub-groups. Thematic analysis of interview transcripts was performed using inductive coding in the first stage and apriori coding in the second stage. Themes and sub-themes were “reflexed” onto Human Resource and Work Motivation Theory by engaging a three question reflexive framework to ensure consistency in the interpretation of results. Eleven major themes emerged: overlapping of salary grades; variety of positions; being a manager of professionals; envisioning promotion; pay versus responsibility; pay equity and expectancy; OSD and attraction; OSD and retention; over-time and after-hours remuneration; interpreting OSD; and using unions to negotiate policy for professionals. 41 sub-themes that emerged were positively, negatively or neutrally connected to perceptions of PSE or CA. Positive sub-themes of PSE is that OSD has “ensured that entry level positions are extremely attractive” and OSD is “attracting more junior pharmacists to management positions”. Negative sub-themes of PSE include that a “retention strategy for experienced pharmacists tends to be neglected” and “some work related factors may nullify retention strategies”. Negative or stagnant perceptions of PSE produce an image that fails to care for individual employee needs and tarnishes the image of public sector employment. Positive sub-themes of CA are that OSD now “permits individual freedom of career path choice” and OSD “has created a variety positions through a broadened post structure”. Negative subthemes of CA are that “experienced pharmacists stagnate in their career” and “supervisors have a lot more responsibilities but get paid the same as production pharmacists”. Since the perception of career mobility is related to organizational commitment and retention, negative perceptions of career advancement may result in apprehension to develop via promotion or career path change. This can lead to employee boredom, complacency or frustration of career ambitions and eventual loss of staff. Some aspects of OSD, such as overlapping of salary grades, should be addressed by policy-developers to ensure the successful accomplishment of policy goals.

Identifisering en ontleding van stresfaktore aan 'n tersiêre onderwysinrigting in 'n periode van verandering

Schutte, Orgelina Fredrika 11 1900 (has links)
Verandering vind voortdurend op alle gebiede van mense se lewens plaas. Ten einde met 'n veranderende wereld te kan tred hou en aan die behoeftes van die land en sy mense te voldoen, vind daar ook op onderwysgebied in Suid-Afrika, groot veranderinge plaas. Inrigtings betrokke by onderwysersopleiding het oo k die afgelope paar j aar ingrypende herstrukturering ondergaan. Volgens wetgewing moet aile tersiere onderwysinrigtings by die Hoeronderwys-sektor inskakel, wat inkorporering by 'n universiteit oftechnikon beteken. Hierdie studie fokus daarop om vas te stel hoe die dosente verbonde aan 'n tersiere onderwysinrigting die veranderingsproses beleef. Die navorser maak van die k:walitatiewe navorsingsmetode gebruik deur individuele onderhoude met 'n aantal dosente te voer. Hierdie inligting is met behulp van 'n oudio-bandopnemer opgeneem en verbatim transkripsies is daarvan gemaak. Na die ontleding van die transkripsies is faktore geidentifiseer wat emstige stres by die deelnemers veroorsaak tydens die veranderingsproses. Ten slotte is aanbevelings in hierdie verband gemaak. / Change is a constant in all sphere of people's lives. To keep abreast of the changing world and to meet the needs of its people, vast changes are also being implemented in education in South Mrica. Institutions involved in teacher training have also undergone far-reaching restructuring over the past few years. Legislation requires that tertiary education institutions be incorporated into the Higher education sector, which means incorporation into a university or technikon. This study focuses on establishing how the lecturers employed at a tertiary education institution " experience this process of change. The researcher has used the qualitative research method by conducting individual interviews with a number oflecturers. This information was taped and verbatim transcriptions were made of the interviews. Analysis of these transcriptions made it possible to identify factors that have caused serious stress in participants during the process of change. In the end recommendations were made concerning these factors. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Onderwysbestuur)

Motivace a stimulace pracovního jednání / Motivation and stimulation of work performance

MALČÁKOVÁ, Hana January 2009 (has links)
The Thesis was aimed at evaluation of the level of motivation and stimulation of work performance in a company upon a worked out analysis and proposal of suitable measures for improvement in this sphere. I chose Stora Enso Timber Planá s. r. o. The first part of the Thesis summarises theoretical knowledge of motivation and stimulation of work performance. It also characterizes the company, its history, size and number of staff. I performed an analysis of motivation and stimulation based on a questionnaire survey, evaluation and gave proposals for improvement. I would propose the following recommendation to the company: a simpler form of lodging suggestions and complaints by means of a dedicated letterbox,improvement of staff information, motivation component of salary, use of moral stimulation and extra work benefits.

Návrh motivačního systému společnosti / Proposal of the Motivation System in the Company

Novotná, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the proposal of the motivation system in newly formed company. The current state of this company is analyzed using interviews with employees. Based on the results of analysis the new motivation system of the company is designed. This motivation system should increase employee motivation and lead to their total satisfaction.

Motivation au travail dans les institutions publiques et l'effet des facteurs culturels : une illustration dans le contexte haïtien / Motivation at work in public institutions and the effect of cultural factors : An illustration in the Haitian context

Thomas, Wisner 13 June 2016 (has links)
Les études des déterminants de la motivation au travail ont jusque-là privilégié le rôle de facteurs intrinsèques et facteurs extrinsèques. Prolongeant ces travaux, cette thèse teste l’impact des traits culturels sur la motivation au travail dans les institutions publiques dans le contexte haïtien. Quatre construits ont été identifiés :(i) la croyance en l’omnipotence des divinités, (ii) la foi en l’aide des autres, (iii) la philosophie de passage et du détachement, (iv) la tension vers l’égalitarisme. Une démarche méthodologique basée sur le cadre conceptuel de Churchill (1979) a été adoptée. Une exploration du terrain a été effectuée à partir de l’analyse de cas multiples en vue de mieux comprendre la relation qui existe entre les valeurs culturelles et la motivation au travail des agents public haïtien. Cette approche qualitative a été succédée d’une approche quantitative. Ainsi, 617 questionnaires valides ont été codifiés et saisis sur SPSS. L’analyse en composantes principales a été adoptée. La méthode de régression linéaire multiple des MCO a été utilisée. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que les variables socio-culturelles (la croyance en la puissance divine, la solidarité et la Vie Instant présent) ont chacune une incidence positive et significative sur la motivation au travail. En revanche, la croyance en la limitation humaine, la médiation d’autrui, le niveau d’aspiration, l’Auto-Retrait, le conformisme, le déni de succès et l’absence de culture d’émulation ont tous une influence négative sur la motivation au travail. Par ailleurs, six facteurs intrinsèques et extrinsèques ainsi que des tactiques de mise en œuvre dans la fonction publique ont été identifiés. / The studies of work motivation’s determinants have so far favored the role of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Extending these studies, this thesis tests the impact of cultural traits on Work motivation in public institutions in the Haitian context. Four constructs were identified: (i) Belief in the omnipotence of gods, (ii) Belief in the help of others, (iii) Philosophy of passage and unconcern, (iv) Tension towards egalitarianism. A methodological approach based on conceptual framework of Churchill (1979) has been adopted. An exploration study has been done from multiple case analysis to better understand the relationship between cultural values and Civil servants’ work motivation in Haiti. After this qualitative approach, a quantitative approach was used. 617 valid questionnaires were coded and entered using SPSS 16.0. Principal component analysis (PCA) was adopted. Multiple linear regression method was used. The results showed that the sociocultural characteristics: Belief in the omnipotence of gods, belief in the help of others, philosophy of passage and the tension towards egalitarianism significantly influence work motivation of Haitian civil servants. Indeed, we found that three of the socio-cultural variables (belief in god’s power, solidarity and Living in the moment) have a positive and significant impact on work motivation. However, the belief in human limitation, the mediation of others, the aspiration level, Self- Withdrawal, conformity, denial of success and lack of emulation culture have all negatively influence on work motivation. In addition, six intrinsic and extrinsic factors and tactics of implementation in the civil service have been identified.

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