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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


[pt] Assim como qualquer item, uma construção possui uma vida útil que considera o seu nascimento como momento que ela é concebida em projeto, e sua morte como sendo sua demolição final. Durante sua vida uma construção deve passar por manutenções (preventivas, adaptativas e corretivas) que permitem o prolongamento do seu uso, mantendo o seu nível de desempenho dentro do aceitável. Muitas vezes as ações corretivas se dão em períodos curtos de tempo, intervalos abaixo do esperado por seus usuários ou administradores. Obviamente toda intervenção trás consigo um custo financeiro, que cresce dependendo do momento em que ela ocorra dentro da vida da construção. Muito além do custo financeiro, toda atividade causa impacto no meio ambiente, gerando assim um custo ambiental. Determinar o preço ambiental do refazimento de uma obra, em um curto espaço de tempo (menor que o esperado) ilustra o peso deste custo, muitas vezes invisível ou negligenciado, é necessário. A Análise do refazimento de uma obra devido a falhas construtivas que trouxeram uma drástica queda no desempenho no uso do empreendimento demonstrou que o custo ambiental é proporcionalmente muito maior que o custo financeiro esperado. Sabendo que o custo financeiro de correções construtivas ao longo da vida do imóvel cresce em uma progressão geométrica de base 5, permite comparar o quanto o custo ambiental pode desequilibrar a sustentabilidade. Analisando que a intervenção de uma área de 4.200 m quadrados utilizou uma área ambiental de 1.360.000 m quadrados, faz com que os sinais de alerta se acendam demonstrando que a correção de um erro construtivo é muito maior para o meio ambiente que o custo financeiro envolvido. / [en] The world population has been growing at a dizzying rate in recent centuries. And this accelerated population gain brings with it numerous consequences, among them, the need to produce more food, housing and infrastructure. This all leads us to consume more and more natural resources and also increases the generation of waste and waste. The so-called carrying capacity of the planet (condition of sustaining a population), has not evolved in the last centuries in the same index of population growth, that is, humanity is consuming natural resources and generating waste at a speed higher than that which the planet is capable of. produce and absorb. To continue supporting the growing population of the planet, it is necessary to experiment with new technologies, methodologies and processes so that this growth is supported by the tripod of sustainability. The term sustainable development has the most common, and accepted, meaning that points to a tripod of economic growth, environmental preservation and social development. Civil construction is an essential economic sector in the development of any country and society, being responsible for a large fraction of the quality of life of human beings, since they alter the natural environment for better use of space. Understanding the environmental cost of correcting a construction failure is the objective of this work. There are countless studies that point to the financial cost of the so-called rework, but few look at this phenomenon under the environmental lens. The entire life cycle of an enterprise, from its design to its ruin, through its construction and use, causes environmental marks. To correct flaws in works already completed, or in use, there is a need to consume new materials, involving an entire production chain and generating new waste. To produce a certain input that will be used in the correction of a pathology, the following are required: consumption of raw materials to conceive it, energy consumption to manufacture it, waste to produce it, expenses with transportation to take it from the factory to the point of use. All of these steps in the process consume environmental resources. At the other end of the error correction, for the pathology to be eliminated, it must be removed from the site (demolition of a crooked wall, for example) using energy and producing residues from this removal. This waste will be transported to a suitable disposal site, that is, using more energy in this process. In addition, it is still necessary to transform a harmful waste into something less aggressive to the environment. Given the above, the purpose of this research is to understand the size of the impact that a constructive failure can cause to the environment depending on its severity and the moment it is detected. In order to carry out this work, a project was followed up with a short time of use, but which needed major interventions due to the flaws found. With the analysis of the presented pathologies it was possible to measure how much they weighed, and will weigh, to the environment. In addition, analyzing the origin and the correction method implemented will allow to index each of the flaws found environmentally, measuring how much the planet s carrying capacity could have been preserved had these defects not occurred. The useful life of a building can be understood as the time interval from its birth, marked by its design concept, until its death with its demolition and / or disuse. Project useful life (VUP) must be defined by the developer and the project designer. VUP, despite being a temporal measure, has an economic character, being defined as the best relation between global cost versus time to enjoy the good. Preventive maintenance takes place constantly and aims to increase the life of the project, whereas corrective maintenance must occur in a timely manner and correcting failures in points that are already performing below the desired level. Adaptive maintenance has the objective of adjusting the enterprise to receive new technologies, new equipment and to comply with the new legislation The economic character of the useful life of a good is characterized by its global cost, which must be defined as the sum of the cost of acquisition, or construction, of the good and the cost of maintenance throughout its life. The total cost of a construction during its life includes the costs of planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance and demolition. These construction costs represent between 15 percent and 20 percent of the total cost; 80 percent of the amount is spent on operation and maintenance and only 2 percent to 5 percent of the amount is spent on planning and design (conceptual and detailed). The total cost of a construction during its life includes the costs of planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance and demolition. These construction costs represent between 15 percent and 20 percent of the total cost; 80 percent of the amount is spent on operation and maintenance and only 2 percent to 5 percent of the amount is spent on planning and design (conceptual and detailed). The useful life of a building, for example, goes through the useful life of its components such as its foundations, superstructures, hydro-sanitary installations, electrical installations, facades, internal cladding, paintings and waterproofing. Studies show that corrective maintenance costs up to five times more than preventive maintenance. Corrective maintenance is often required in shorter time cycles than initially imagined (and desired) by those responsible for the enterprise. Currently, numerous failures in new construction (or with little use) are verified, such as buildings, bridges, roads, streets and public supply networks, which range from faults of all kinds, from simple to catastrophic. The service life can be extended with preventive, corrective and adaptive maintenance interventions. The extension of useful life is directly impacted on the overall cost of construction. The lowest global cost system is usually not the lowest initial cost nor the longest lasting. Seeking to optimize the cost-benefit ratio is the best option for society. The useful life of a building must be supported by the tripod of socio-environmental importance, cost of implementation and cost of maintenance over the years. When investors seek to save money by building buildings with low quality standards, and with low maintenance ease, they increase the cost of future maintenance. At the other end of the real estate market, users do not carry out preventive maintenance because they consider its cost to be high, often allowing certain components of the project to come close to the level of unacceptable performance and only then carry out the maintenance that has now become corrective, costing financially more than the preventive maintenance previously denied. The Sitter rule, or Law of 5, determines that the relative cost of an intervention grows in a geometric progression of ratio 5 over time in the project and its maintenance. The sooner a problem is perceived, the lower its cost. Sustainability, despite not having a unanimous definition, is a concept that must integrate aspects of social-ecological dimensions, economic factors, and the short, medium and long term advantages. Putting together all the concepts expressed by several authors, sustainability can be defined as the attempt to achieve economic and social growth while preserving the finite resources of the environment. For more than 40 years, humanity s demand for nature has exceeded the planet s replacement capacity. Currently 1.5 Earth planets would be needed to provide the ecological services that were used in the 1980s. Trees are cut faster than they can ripen, more fish are caught than the oceans can replenish and more carbon is emitted than forests and oceans can absorb. The carrying capacity of the planet has been compromised in a way never before experienced by humanity, to meet the current lifestyle of the population. Consumerism is seen as a behavior that leads to an increase in production and, consequently, to economic progress, but this equation is limited by resources that cannot sustain unlimited growth. Finite spaces cannot absorb waste that grows indefinitely. The carrying capacity of a system is obviously influenced by factors such as average income, material expectations and level of technology, that is, energy and material efficiency. There are few systems of indicators that analyze sustainable development in a generic way. The most commonly used indicators globally are as follows: (1) Sustainability Panel, (2) Sustainability Barometer and (3) Ecological Footprint. The indicator called Ecological Footprint has the advantage of being easily visualized, since the Ecological Footprint represents the ecological space necessary to sustain a given system, or community. It is a simple tool that counts the flows of matter and energy that enter and leave an economic system, converting them into areas of land, or water, necessary to sustain such a system. The Ecological Footprint is a method that transforms the consumption of raw materials and the assimilation of waste from an economic system, or from a human population, into an area corresponding to productive land or water. Using this method, it is possible to calculate the area of the ecosystem needed to ensure the eternal survival of a given population or system. Once this equivalent area of the ecosystem has been determined, it is possible to visualize how much it appropriates the carrying capacity of the planet as a whole. In fact, the size of the Footprint can change depending on the new technologies developed, which can be more or less resource-consuming and wastegenerating. The calculation method for measuring the Ecological Footprint, although easily intuitive, is difficult to carry out with regard to data collection.


JOSE LUIS LIZARBE CHIRA 10 February 2006 (has links)
[pt] Arnold no seu trabalho The asymptotic Hopf Invariant and its applications de 1986, considerou sobre um domínio (ômega maiúsculo) compacto de R3 com bordo suave e homología trivial campos X e Y de divergência nula e tangentes ao bordo de (ômega maiúsculo) e definiu o índice de enlaçamento assintótico lk(X; Y ) e o invariante de Hopf associados a X e Y pela integral I(X; Y ) igual a (integral em ômega maiúsculo de alfa produto d-beta), onde (d-alfa) igual a iX-vol e (d-beta) igual a iy-vol, e mostrou que I(X; Y ) igual a lk(X; Y ). Agora, no presente trabalho estenderemos estas definições de índices de enlaçamento assintótico lk(fi maiúsculo,xi maiúsculo) e de invariante de Hopf I(fi maiúsculo,xi maiúsculo), onde (fi maiúsculo) e (xi maiúsculo) são ações de Rk e de Rs, k mais s igual a n-1, respectivamente de difeomorfismos que preservam volume em (ômega maiúsculo n) a bola unitária fechada em Rn e mostraremos que lk (fi maiúsculo, xi maiúsculo) igual a I(fi maiúsculo,xi maiúsculo). / [en] V.I. Arnold, in his paper The algebraic Hopf invariant and its applications published in 1986, considered a compact domain (ômega maiúsculo) in R3 with a smooth boundary and trivial homology and two divergence free vector fields X and Y in (ômega maiúsculo) tangent to the boundary. He defined an asymptotic linking invariant lk(X; Y ) and a Hopf invariant associated to X and Y by the integral I(X; Y ) equal (integral em ômega maiúsculo de alfa produto d-beta) where (d-alfa) equal iX-vol e (d-beta) equal iy- vol. He showed that que I(X; Y ) equal lk(X; Y ). In the present work we extend these definitions of the asymptotic linking invariant lk(fi capital letter,xi capital letter) and the Hopf invariant I(fi maiúsculo,xi capital letter) where (fi capital letter) and (xi capital letter) are actions Rk and Rs, k plus s equal n-1 by volume preserving diffeomorphisms, on the closed unit ball (ômega capital letter n) in and we show lk (fi capital letter, xi capital lette r equal I(ficapital letter ,xi capital letter).


[pt] Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar a discussão acerca da Lei n. 11.340, intitulada Lei Maria da Penha, de 7 de agosto de 2006, na produção científica dos programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu do Serviço Social no Brasil no período de 2006 a 2018. Para tanto, foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico das produções científicas neste período em dois bancos de dados: a Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD) e o Catálogo de Teses e Dissertações da CAPES. Com um quantitativo de 24 produções, optou-se por fazer uma pesquisa do tipo Estado da arte, seguida do estudo qualitativo das 07 (sete) Dissertações de Mestrado que constavam em ambos os bancos de dados. Buscou-se analisar a discussão que vem sendo construída nessa determinada área do conhecimento, na tentativa de mapear a produção científica stricto sensu do Serviço Social no que concerne à temática, sendo necessário para isto desvelar quem, onde e como estas pesquisas foram produzidas. A violência contra a mulher é uma realidade presente no cotidiano profissional da assistente social, portanto, a ampliação do debate na formação acadêmica, seja na graduação, na pós-graduação lato sensu e stricto sensu, deve ser motivada uma vez que a atuação dessa profissional está imbricada nas políticas públicas de enfrentamento à violência contra a mulher vítima de violência, tanto na gestão, na implantação, na implementação quanto no controle social. Apesar de sua pertinência, a produção stricto sensu do Serviço Social sobre a temática ainda é escassa. No entanto, os trabalhos demonstram aprofundamento do tema ao conceituar gênero, destacar a preponderância dos movimentos feministas e de mulheres e contextualizar a Lei analisando sua aplicabilidade e/ou efetividade dentro dos espaços que atuam no combate à violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher. / [en] This research aimed to analyze the discussion about Law n. 11.340, entitled Lei Maria da Penha, of August 7, 2006, in the scientific production of the stricto sensu graduate programs of Social Work in Brazil in the period from 2006 to 2018. For both, a bibliographic survey of scientific productions in this period was made in two databases: the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) and the CAPES Theses and Dissertations Catalog. With a total of 24 productions, it was decided to conduct a research of the type State of the art, followed by the qualitative study of the 07 (seven) Master s Dissertations that appeared in both databases. We sought to analyze the discussion that has been built in this particular area of knowledge, in an attempt to map the stricto sensu scientific production of Social Work with regard to the theme, being necessary for this to reveal who, where and how these surveys were produced. Violence against women is a reality present in the professional daily life of the social worker, therefore, the expansion of the debate in academic education, whether in undergraduate, postgraduate lato sensu and stricto sensu, must be motivated since the performance of this professional it is interwoven in public policies to confront violence against women who are victims of violence, both in management, implementation, implementation and social control. Despite its relevance, the stricto sensu production of Social Work on the subject is still scarce. However, the works demonstrate a deepening of the theme when conceptualizing gender, highlighting the preponderance of feminist and women s movements and contextualizing the Law by analyzing its applicability and/ or effectiveness within the spaces that act in the fight against domestic and family violence against women.


RAFAELA SARTORE FURQUIM 04 July 2023 (has links)
[pt] Em razão do desenvolvimento tecnológico das últimas décadas, a sociedade contemporânea passou por profundas mudanças que deram origem, segundo Shoshana Zuboff, ao Capitalismo de vigilância. Diante deste cenário, o presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar os reflexos desse fenômeno no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro que justificaram a promulgação da Emenda Constitucional 115/22 e da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados, constituindo um modelo regulatório híbrido, fortemente baseado em princípios, no qual, além de estabelecer obrigações para os agentes de tratamento, cria um ambiente de incentivo à adoção de boas práticas e de governança. Para tanto, será analisado como o compliance de dados pode ser um eficiente instrumento para promover, na prática, a adoção dos princípios da LGPD e da regulação já existente da ANPD em prol uma cultura de proteção de dados no Brasil. / [en] The technological development of recent decades, contemporary society has faced profound changes that have given rise, according to Shoshana Zuboff, to Surveillance Capitalism. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the impacts of surveillance capitalism in the brazilian legal system that justified the promulgation of Constitutional Amendment 115/22 and the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD), based on the strong principled on a hybrid regulatory model in which, in addition to establishing obligations for treatment agents, creates an environment that encourages the adoption of good practices and governance. This way, it will be analyzed how data compliance can be an efficient instrument to promote, in practice, the adoption of the LGPD principles and the ANPD regulation in a data protection culture in Brazil.


MARIA INES DE CASTRO MILLEN 07 January 2004 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese é fruto de uma análise hermenêutica crítica dos fundamentos da Teologia Moral elaborada por Bernhard Häring que, por suas características e propostas, recebe aqui o nome de Moral do Diálogo. A Teologia Moral é uma ciência prática e, por esta razão, é significativo ressaltar que a construção teórica do Autor tem como sustentação o cotidiano de sua existência, a narrativa de uma longa e fecunda vida, que soube fazer do Diálogo uma experiência acolhida, construída e transmitida. Nele, vida e obra se fundem e se confundem, para mostrar que o Diálogo é um caminho ético necessário para a vida da humanidade e que, por isto, deve ser proposto a todas as pessoas como a novidade que está presente nas entranhas do ethos cristão, como a referência de uma religião monoteísta trinitária que o assume e o realiza na própria fonte. Assim sendo, o Diálogo não pode também deixar de ser assumido pela Igreja de Jesus Cristo, como um compromisso ético-moral capaz de fazer dela um sinal fecundo e promissor do Reino de Deus. O que se pode dizer é que a Moral do Diálogo, à luz da Lei do Espírito que dá vida em Cristo, traz elementos novos e imprescindíveis para a reconfiguração dos fundamentos da moral cristã e torna-se uma boa notícia para o mundo atual. As conseqüências que daí decorrem já se fazem sentir. A moral especial, ao tratar das questões relacionadas à vida cotidiana dos homens e das mulheres deste tempo, já o faz numa perspectiva renovada. A liberdade e a fidelidade criativas são os pressupostos indispensáveis para a formação de pessoas responsáveis e sadias que, em parceria, desejam buscar uma vida plena de sentido. A Igreja de Jesus Cristo não se encontra fora desta perspectiva renovadora. O acolhimento de sinceras e sadias posturas relacionais, que garantem o Diálogo como mediação necessária para a re- elaboração de um modo de ser cristão, mais fraterno e solidário, é um caminho de grande fecundidade. Este caminho nos convida a olhar para dentro e para fora de nós mesmos, na recuperação de uma unidade que se abre para o acolhimento das enriquecedoras diferenças. Esta não é uma visão ingenuamente otimista. Existem desafios a serem vencidos, mas estes não matam a esperança e é ela que nos permite perceber que, apesar de todas as dificuldades, o projeto já é vencedor por si mesmo. Os alcances hermenêuticos da Moral do Diálogo são reais e mostram que muitos autores brasileiros e latinoamericanos beberam desta fonte para a elaboração de uma Moral interpelada pelas situações vividas no Terceiro Mundo, que pedem, de modo especial, um Diálogo frutuoso em favor da solidariedade que garanta a dignidade de toda vida humana. / [en] This thesis is the fruit of an interpretative critical analysis of the bases of Moral Theology elaborated by Bernhard Häring which, due to is characteristics and proposals, is here given the name Morals of Dialogue. Moral Theology is a pratical science and, because of this it is important to emphasize that the theoretical construction of the author has as its foundation his day-to-day existence, the story of a long and productive life, in wich he perceived how to make Dialogue a welcome experience, which he built on and transmitted to others. In it, his life and his work are fused and confused, to show that Dialogue is an ethical course necessary for the life of humanity and that it should therefore be recommended to all people as the novelty that is present at the heart of the Christian ethos, as the reference of a trinitarian monotheistic religion which accepts it and carries it out at source. This being so, Dialogue could not fail to be also accepted by the Church of Jesus Christ as an ethical-moral commitment capable of making it a fertile and promissing sign of the Kingdom of God. What we can say is that the Morals of Dialogue, in the light of the Law of the Spirit which gives life in Christ, brings indispensible new elements for the reconfiguration of the bases of Christian morals, which is good news for todays world. The consequences of this are already being felt. The special morals for dealing with questions related to the day-to-day life of men and women of these days already does so in a renewed perspective. Creative freedom and faithfulness are necessary pressuppositions for the development of responsible, healthy people who, in partnership, wish to seek a life full of meaning. The Church of Jesus Christ is not beyond this perspective of renewal. The ready adoption of sincere and healthy attitudes in relationships, which guarantee Dialogue as a necessary mediation for the re-elaboration of a Christian way of life which is more fraternal and solidary, is an extremely productive course. This course invites us to look inside and outside ourselves, in the recuperation of a unit which is open to welcome enriching differences. This is not a naïvely optimistic vision. There are challenges to be overcome, but these do not douse our hope, and it is this hope that enables us to realize that, despite all the difficulties, the project is in itself a victorious one. The interpretative reaches of the Morals of Dialogue are real and show that many Brasilian and Latin American authors have drunk from this well to elaborate morals which are interpellated by the situations experienced in the Third Word, which demande especially a fruitful dialogue on behalf of the solidarity which garantees the dignity of all human life.


LUCIANA BOTELHO PACHECO 07 December 2016 (has links)
[pt] O trabalho examina os elementos centrais do procedimento legislativo resultante da atribuição, pela Constituição de 1988, de poder decisório às comissões parlamentares para aprovar e rejeitar projetos de lei. Investiga os precedentes do mecanismo no Brasil e os modelos italiano e espanhol, que serviram de inspiração ao constituinte brasileiro. Busca, ainda, apontar as falhas de regulação interna, na Câmara dos Deputados e no Senado Federal, que têm impedido melhor aproveitamento do novo instituto legislativo como canal de deliberação alternativo aos respectivos plenários. / [en] The dissertation looks into the core elements of the new legislative procedure created by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 that gives the decision power to approval and rejection laws to the committees. It investigates the precedents of the mechanism in Brazil and the Italian and Spanish models, which served as the base of inspiration to the Brazilian constituent. It also points out the flaws of the internal regulation of the legislative houses which have prevented better use of the new institute as an alternative channel for making laws.


VANESSA WEBER DE CASTRO 10 February 2022 (has links)
[pt] Trabalho, Educação, Música e Arte: o ensino de música nas escolas públicas do Estado da Guanabara (1960 a 1975) investigou as práticas musicais realizadas nas escolas públicas de grau médio do Estado da Guanabara, buscando entender as resistências imbricadas no processo reformatório da educação nacional e estadual, bem como as representações de música e de ensino implícitas nos discursos oficiais e não-oficiais. Trabalho, Educação, Música e Arte correspondiam aos princípios norteadores do Serviço de Educação Musical da Guanabara e como tal compunham a sigla TEMA, nome dado também à revista publicada entre 1969 e 1974 que expunha atividades musicais realizadas nas instituições de ensino do Estado e publicava textos formativos para os professores. Tais princípios congregavam aspectos das discussões reformistas de grupos relacionados ao governo da época, especialmente a preponderância do trabalho no desenvolvimento de um projeto de educação, que marcou especialmente a Lei nº 5.692/71. Nos anos 1930 a 1950, o Rio de Janeiro foi o epicentro do canto orfeônico, projeto de educação musical dirigido por Heitor Villa-Lobos. Nesse período, o canto orfeônico foi disciplina obrigatória nas escolas, mas com as reformas educacionais propostas pela LDBEN nº 4.024/61 e posteriormente pela Lei nº 5.692/71, o status do ensino de música mudou, transformando-se inicialmente em prática educativa opcional e depois em conteúdo da disciplina educação artística. O recorte temporal da pesquisa abrange um período de implantação de uma Ditadura Militar, fato que marcou profundamente a sociedade brasileira em todas as suas esferas, inclusive a educacional e a cultural. A delimitação entre 1960 e 1975 ocorre em função da existência do Estado Guanabara. A pesquisa realizada foi de natureza bibliográfica e documental, com a catalogação de fontes na Biblioteca Nacional, no Centro de Memória da Educação Básica do Instituto Superior de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, no Arquivo do Conservatório Nacional de Canto Orfeônico e outros. O referencial teórico-metodológico se apoia em três pilares: a história das disciplinas escolares e da cultura escolar (Chervel, 1990; Julia, 2001; Viñao Frago, 2002; 2008; Goodson, 1997); o processo de apropriação das legislações, com todas as estratégias e táticas percebidas nos documentos e relatos à luz da teoria do cotidiano (Certeau, 2009); e o impacto das reformas educacionais propostas pelo poder público na sociedade e na escola (Tyack; Cuban, 1995). Por meio do referencial da história oral, obtiveram-se dados a partir do depoimento de dois professores que viveram o período em questão. Os resultados demonstram que houve resistência por parte do corpo docente de canto orfeônico às reformas empreendidas pelo governo. Apesar dessas mudanças de ordem legislativa, a música continuou sendo realizada nas escolas públicas do Estado da Guanabara, tanto com práticas reminiscentes do canto orfeônico quanto com novas metodologias pautadas nos movimentos pró-criatividade (Fuks, 1991), tendências conflitantes que marcaram o ensino de música nos anos 1960. Espera-se, com esta tese, contribuir com a área da história da educação e especialmente da história da educação musical, iluminando aspectos que auxiliem as reflexões sobre sua atual inserção no cenário educacional brasileiro. / [en] Trabalho, Educação, Música e Arte: the teaching of music in public schools in Guanabara State (1960-1975) investigated the musical practices performed in Guanabara State s middle e high schools, seeking to understand the resistance imbricated in the reformatory process of national and state education, as well as the representations of music and teaching implicit in official and unofficial discourses. Trabalho, Educação, Música e Arte corresponded to the guiding principles of the Service of Music Education of Guanabara and as such comprised the abbreviation TEMA, a name also given to the magazine published between 1969 and 1974 that exhibited musical activities carried out in state educational institutions and published texts for teachers. These principles brought together aspects of the reformist discussions of groups related to the government of the time, especially the preponderance of work in the development of an education project, which especially marked the Law 5.692/71. In the years 1930 to 1950, Rio de Janeiro was the epicenter of canto orfeônico, music education project directed by Heitor Villa-Lobos. During this period, canto orfeônico was compulsory in schools, but with the educational reforms proposed by LDBEN 4.024/61 and later by Law 5.692/71, the status of music teaching changed, initially becoming an optional educational practice and then in content of the discipline of educação artística. The temporal cut of the research covers a period of implantation of a Military Dictatorship, a fact that profoundly marked the Brazilian society in all its spheres, including the educational and the cultural ones. The delimitation between 1960 and 1975 occurs due to the existence of the Guanabara State. The research was bibliographical and documentary, with the cataloging of sources in the Biblioteca Nacional, in Centro de Memória da Educação Básica of Instituto Superior de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, in the Archive of Conservatório Nacional de Canto Orfeônico and others. The theoretical-methodological framework relies on three pillars: the history of school subjects and school culture (Chervel, 1990; Julia, 2001; Viñao Frago, 2002, 2008; Goodson, 1997); the process of appropriation of legislation, with all the strategies and tactics perceived in the documents and reports in the light of everyday theory (Certeau, 2009); and the impact of educational reforms proposed by public power in society and in school (Tyack; Cuban, 1995). Through the reference of oral history, we obtained data from the testimony of two teachers who lived the period under consideration. The results show that there was resistance by the faculty of canto orfeônico to the reforms undertaken by the government. Despite these legislative changes, music continued to be performed in public schools in Guanabara State, both with practices reminiscent of canto orfeônico and with new methodologies based on the pro-creativity movements (Fuks, 1991), conflicting tendencies that marked the teaching of music in the 60 s. With this thesis, it is hoped to contribute to the area of the history of education and especially the history of music education, illuminating aspects that help the reflections on its current insertion in the Brazilian educational scene.

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