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Karakterizacija albumina i biohemijski aspekti kvaliteta pšenice (Triticum aestivum) / Characterization of albumin and biochemicalaspects of wheat quality (Triticum aestivum)Tomić Jelena 12 February 2016 (has links)
<p>U okviru disertacije ispitivan je uticaj sorte i mikroklimatskih uslova tokom dve proizvodne godine pšenice na sadržaj i strukturu albumina; izvršena je karakterizacija albumina pomoću Lab–on– a–Chip elektroforeze; određena je aktivnost proteolitičkih i amilolitičkih enzima, sadržaj slobodnih sulfhidrilnih i slobodnih amino grupa; ispitana su reološka svojstva testa primenom uobičajenih metoda za procenu tehnološkog kvaliteta brašna i izvedena je karakterizacija gotovog proizvoda-hleba. Jedan deo istraživanja se odnosio na period posležetvenog dozrevanja pšenice i stabilizacije brašna.<br />Obe ispitivane godine odlikovao je toplotni stres s tim što su u 2012. godini maksimalne<br />temperature prelazile 35 °C i broj tropskih dana je bio izrazito veći u odnosu na 2011., što je uslovilo promene u sastavu i kvalitetu proteina i skroba u zrnu pšenice. Sadržaj ukupnih albumina uzoraka pšeničnog brašna iz 2012. bio je značajno manji u odnosu na 2011. proizvodnu godinu. Rezultati određivanja proteolitičke i amilolitičke aktivnosti uzoraka pšeničnog brašna iz dve proizvodne godine su pokazali da su za 2012. proizvodnu godinu karakteristične znatno niže vrednosti ovih pokazatelja u odnosu na 2011. proizvodnu godinu i da je enzimska aktivnost pre svega sortna karakteristika.<br />Sadržaj slobodnih sulfhidrilnih grupa uzoraka pšeničnog brašna iz 2012. proizvodne godine bio je značajno veći dok je sadržaj disulfidnih veza bio manji u odnosu na 2011. Sadržaj slobodnih amino grupa se razlikovao između uzoraka iz dve proizvodne godine, kako između različitih sorti, tako i u pogledu sva tri primenjena tretmana inkubacije glutena. Značajne razlike između vrednosti slobodnih amino grupa izmerenih nakon inkubacije gluten na 37 °C, ukazuju na različitu proteolitičku aktivnost ispitivanih uzoraka pšeničnih sorti. U poređenju sa uzorcima iz 2011. proizvodne godine, uzorci iz 2012. su imali znatno niže vrednosti specifične zapremine hleba.<br />Dodatkom dvostruke količine sopstvenih albumina odabranom setu uzoraka dobijeni<br />su rezultati, koji ukazuju da su uzorci brašna iz 2011. imali manjak amilolitičkih enzima, a uzorci iz 2012. manjak proteolitičkih enzima za postizanje optimalnog tehnološkog kvaliteta.</p> / <p>In this dissertation, the influence of variety and microclimatic conditions that prevailed during the two production years on the content and structure of wheat albumins were investigated; characterization of albumins was performed by Lab-on-a-Chip capillary electrophoresis; the proteolytic and α- amylolytic activity, as well as the content of free sulfhydryl and free amino groups were also determined; the rheological properties of dough were estimated using conventional methods for the assessment of flour technological quality and characterization of the final product- bread was performed. One part of the research covered the period of postharvest wheat and flour maturation. Heat stress was characteristic of both production years; however, in 2012, maximum temperatures exceeded 35 °C and the number of days with maximum temperatures above 30 °C was markedly higher than in the 2011 production year. These conditions have caused the changes in the composition and quality of protein and starch in wheat kernels. The albumin content of wheat flour samples from 2012 was significantly lower compared to 2011 production year. Results of proteolytic and amilolytic activities of wheat flour samples from two production years, showed that the values of these indicators were significantly lower for 2012 in relation to the 2011 production year, and that the enzyme activity is primarily varietal characteristic. The content of free sulfhydryl groups of wheat flour samples from the 2012 production year was significantly higher while the content of disulfide bonds was lower than in 2011. The content of free amino groups differed between samples from two production years. Differences in the amount of free amino content were evident between the varieties and between different treatments of gluten incubation. Significant differences between the values of the free amino groups measured after gluten incubation at 37 °C, indicate a different proteolytic activity of tested wheat flour samples. In comparison with the samples from the 2011 production year, samples from 2012 had significantly lower values of specific bread volume. The addition of double amount of its own albumins to the selected samples indicated that the flour samples from 2011 had a deficit of amylolytic enzymes and samples from 2012 had a deficit of proteolytic enzymes for achieving optimal technological quality.</p>
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Poboljšanje kvaliteta napitka kafe izborom optimalnih uslova prženja i odnosa različitih vrsta kafe / Improvement of coffee beverage quality by selecting optimal roasting conditions and optimal ratio of different coffee speciesOdžaković Božana 01 February 2016 (has links)
<p>Na našim prostorima napitak crne kafe veoma je cijenjen i ima dugu tradiciju pripreme i konzumiranja. Izborom optimalnih parametara procesa prženja u industrijskim uslovima proizvodnje i definisanjem recepture, nastoji se postići odgovarajući kvaliteta, odnosno najprihvatljivija senzorska svojstava napitka kafe. Da bi kafa na određenom tržištu zadovoljila želje i očekivanja porošača, potrebno je definisati parametre kvaliteta kafe za potrebe svakog ciljnog tržišta. Primjenom deskriptivne senzorske analize moguće je dati precizan opis arome, ukusa i boje napitka kafe, kao najvažnijih senzorskih svojstava, sa značajnim uticajem na kvalitet i prihvatljivost kvaliteta.<br />Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je postizanje optimalnog senzorskog kvaliteta napitka crne kafe definisanjem parametara procesa prženja kafe u industrijskim uslovim proizvodnje i definisanjem optimalnog odnosa kafe vrste Arabika i kafe vrste Robuste, kao i definisanje senzorskog profila i sistema senzorskog ocjenjivanja napitka crne kafe koji se priprema na tradicionalan način.<br />Da bi se definisali parametri procesa prženja, neophodno je odrediti optimalnu temperaturu prženja, koja će omogućiti razvoj i formiranje prijatnih senzorskih svojstava u zrnu kafe. Za pripremanje napitka crne kafe na tradicionalan način obično se koriste dvije vrste kafe, Arabika i Robusta u različitom odnosu.<br />Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih hemijsko-fizičkim analizama uzoraka različitih vrsta kafa i mješavina na različitim temperaturama prženja i senzorskom analizom napitka kafe pripremljenog od ispitivanih uzoraka kafe na tradicionalan način, sa ciljem poboljšanja kvaliteta napitka kafe izborom optimalnih uslova prženja i odnosa različitih vrsta kafe može se zaključiti da uzorci napitka kafe pripremljeni od uzoraka proizvedenih prema proizvođačkoj specifikaciji nemaju očekivani kvalitet napitka kafe, kao i da proizvodnjom uzoraka pojedinačnih vrsta kafe pržene na 167°C i 175°C i njihovih mješavina nije postignut optimalni kvaliteta napitka kafe. Takođe je zaključeno da je uzorak napitka kafe pržene na 171°C N1 ocjenjen kao uzorak najboljih senzorskih svojstava (82,35%). Odnos kafa Arabika II klasa, Arabika I klasa i Robusta je bio 34,28%:51,42%:14,30%. Vrijednost titracione kiselosti iznosila je 128,86, sadržaj hlorogenske kiseline 3,77%, sadržaj kofeina 2,29%, sadržaj proteina 13,79%, sadržaj slobodne masti 14,37%, odnosno sadržaj ukupno zasićenih masnih kiselina 42,65%, a sadržaj ukupno nezasićenih masnih kiselina 57,36%, vrijednost pH 5,35 i aktivnost vode 0,102. Antioksidativna aktivnost je iznosila 235,57 μmola TE/g uzorka (DPPH) i 217,62 μmola TE/g uzorka (ABTS).<br />Uzorak U1 napitka kafe pripremljen na tradicionalan način od mješavine kafe pržene na 171°C, sitno mljevene okarakterisan je kao veoma prijatan za konzumiranje, sa najskladnijim aromatskim profilom, usaglašene gorčine i kiselosti, prijatne i umjerene punoće ukusa i blagog i harmoničnog utiska u ustima. Odnos kafa Arabika II klasa, Arabika I klasa i Robusta u ovom uzorku je bio 34,28%:51,42%:14,30%.</p> / <p>Consumption of black coffee prepared in a traditional way is very popular in our region. By selecting the optimum parameters of roasting in industrial conditions and defining ratio of the individual species of coffee, it aims to achieve the appropriate quality, and the most acceptable sensory properties of a coffee beverage. In order to fulfill consumers expectations, it is necessary to define the parameters of quality coffee for the needs of each target market. Using descriptive sensory analysis it is possible to give a precise description of the aroma, taste and color of coffee beverage, as the most important sensory characteristics, with significant impact on the quality and acceptability of quality.<br />The aim of this PhD thesis was to achieve optimal sensory quality black coffee beverage, by defining the parameters of the coffee roasting within the industrial conditions and defining the optimal ratio of coffee Arabica and Robusta species, as well as defining a sensory profile and the system of sensory analysis black coffee beverage which was prepared on traditional way.<br />In order to define the parameters of the roasting process, it is necessary to determine the optimum temperature of roasting, which will enable the development and formation of pleasant sensory properties of coffee beans. For the preparation of coffee beverage in the traditional way, usually used two species of coffee, Arabica and Robusta in different ratio. Based on the results of chemical and physical analysis of coffee samples (different species and blends) at different roasting temperatures and results of sensory analysis of a coffee beverage prepared from coffee samples in the traditional way, with the aim of improving the coffee beverage quality, by determining optimal conditions of roasting and ratio of different species of coffee, it could be concluded that the samples of coffee beverage prepared from samples produced according to the production specification do not had the expected quality of coffee beverage. It also could be concluded that by production of individual species of coffee samples roasted at 167 and 175° C, and their blends was not reached optimal quality of coffee beverage. It was also concluded that the coffee beverage of sample roasted at 171C, N1 was rated as the sample of the best sensory properties (82.35%). The ratio of coffee Arabica Class II, Arabica Class I and Robusta was 34.28%: 51.42%: 14.30%. Value of titratable acidity was 128.86, chlorogenic acid content was 3.77%, caffeine content was 2.29%, protein content was 13.79%, the content of free fat was 14.37%, total content of saturated fatty acids was 42.65%, and total content of unsaturated fatty acids was 57.36%, pH value was 5.35 and aw value was 0.102. The antioxidant activity was amounted 235.57 μmol TE/g sample (DPPH) and 217.62 μmol TE/g sample (ABTS).<br />Coffee beverage prepared in the traditional way from a sample U1 roasted at 171 °C, finely ground, was characterized as very pleasant, with the most harmonious aromatic profile, pleasant bitterness and acidity, pleasant and moderate body and gentle and harmonious impression in the mouth. The ratio of coffee Arabica Class II, Arabica Class I and Robusta in this sample was 34.28%: 51.42%: 14.30%.</p>
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Novi metod za analizu harmonijskog izobličenja signala kod ocene kvaliteta električne energije / A new method for analysis of signal harmonic distortion byevaluation of power qualityKnežević Jovan 16 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Naučna rasprava izložena u ovoj tezi bavi se analizom<br />kvaliteta električne energije. Visok nivo električne<br />energije podrazumeva da su napon napajanja i struja<br />potrošača idealne sinusoide sa tačno određenom<br />amplitudom i učestanošću. Bilo kakva odstupanja od<br />idealnog nazivaju se izobličenja i najčešće se<br />karakterišu sa harmonicima.<br />Poslednjih godina dolazi do naglog razvoja<br />poluprovodničkih komponenata. Takve komponente su<br />uticale na ubrzan razvoj snažnih uređaja energetske<br />elektronike. Ti uređaji su nelinearnog karaktera, što<br />dovodi do pojave harmonika u signalima napona i struja<br />elektroenergetskog sistema. Prvi problem kojim se bavi<br />ova teza je analiza talasnih oblika struja ispravljača.<br />Metode primenjene za analizu su wavelet transformacija<br />(VT) i modulated overlapped transformacija (MLT). MLT<br />nadoknađuje nedostatak VT da dekomponuje signal u<br />odgovarajuće podopsege koji mogu sadržati i više<br />harmonika i daje tačnu informaciju o svakom harmoniku.<br />Obe metode su pogodne za offline analizu. Za online analizu<br />predložen je hibridni metod baziran na diskretnoj<br />Furijeovoj transformaciji (DFT) i adaptivnom pojasnom<br />filteru (EPLL). Hibridni metod je zadržao dinamički<br />odziv DFT-a, dok je EPLL obezbedio sinhronizaciju sa<br />osnovnom učestanošću sistema. Hibridni metod daje<br />dovoljno tačnu informaciju o osnovnom i višim<br />harmonicima samo ako su njihove učestanosti ceolobrojni<br />umnožak učestanosti osnovnog harmonika. U slučaju pojave<br />interharmonika, odnosno kada taj odnos više ne važi,<br />hibridni metod ne daje tačne rezultate. Za analizu takvih<br />signala predložen je novi metod, koji je baziran na<br />adaptivnom diskretnom pojasnom filteru (ANF) t.j. metod<br />koristi diskretni pojasni filter za modelovanje<br />harmonijskih komponenata u ulaznom signalu, dok se<br />prošireni Kalmanov filter (EKF) koristi kao adaptivni<br />mehanizam. Novi metod je preuzeo osobinu ANF-a da može<br />adaptivno da prati promene učestanosti i osobinu EKF-a<br />da ima bolji dinamički odziv. Metode su implementirane<br />na digitalnom procesoru za obradu signala i upoređene sa<br />postojećim metodama. Metode pokazuju prednosti u odnosu<br />na druge metode.</p> / <p>Scientific research in this thesis discusses power quality<br />analysis. High power quality assumes that both the voltage<br />power supply and the load current are ideal sinusoidal signals<br />with a precisely defined amplitude and frequency. Any<br />deviations from this ideal vaweform are considered as distortion<br />and are characterised by harmonics.<br />Over the last few decades, there has been a rapid development<br />of semiconductor components. Such components made an<br />impact on the fast development of power electronics devices.<br />These devices are nonlinear, introducing harmonics in both<br />voltage and current of the power grid. The first issue researched<br />in this thesis is the analysis of the rectifier voltage and current<br />waveforms. Methods used for the analysis are the wavelet<br />transform (WT) and the modulated overlapped transform (MLT).<br />The MLT overcomes the drawback of the WT, which<br />decomposes the signal into subbands that can contain more<br />harmonics, and gives accurate information about every<br />harmonic. Both methods are suitable for offline analysis. For<br />online analysis, a hybrid method is proposed, based on the<br />discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and the adaptive notch filter<br />(EPLL). The hybrid method retains a good dynamic response of<br />the DFT whereas the EPLL provides a synchronisation with the<br />fundamental system frequency. The hybrid method provides<br />accurate information on the fundamental and the higher<br />harmonics only if their frequencies are integer multiples of the<br />fundamental frequency. In the case of interharmonics, i.e. when<br />this integer ratio is not valid, the hybrid method does not provide<br />accurate results. In order to analyse such signals, a new<br />method is proposed. It is based on discrete adaptive notch filter<br />(ANF), i.e. the method uses a discrete notch filter for modeling<br />the harmonic components in the input signal, whereas an<br />Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is used as an adaptation<br />algorithm. The adaptive notch Kalman filter inherited the<br />property of the ANF to adaptively track changes in the<br />frequency and the property of the EKF to have a faster dynamic<br />response. Methods have been implemented in a digital signal<br />processor and compared with the existing ones. The methods<br />show advantages compared to other methods.</p>
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Barngruppens storlek -en fråga om likvärdighet : en studie av policydokument / Size of the group -a subject of equivalence : a study of the policydokumentVigren, Maria January 2016 (has links)
2014 plockas riktmärket på 15 barn/barngrupp i förskolan bort. Det främsta argumentet till detta beslut var att istället för att fokusera på en siffra skulle ”barnets bästa” styra barngruppens storlek. 2016 återinförs riktlinjer om en maxgräns för antal barn i barngruppen. Denna studies syfte är att synliggöra de argument Skolverkets allmänna råd i frågan, kom att grundas i. Vad är skillnaden mellan de gamla och de nya riktlinjerna? Hur ringades ”problemet” med barngruppens storlek in? Vad framfördes som de bakomliggande orsakerna till förändringarna för riktmärket för antalet barn per grupp? För att ta reda på svaren har jag använt mig av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där jag granskat och tolkat Skolverkets Allmänna råd Förskolan (2016). De allmänna råden hänvisar till Skolverkets kartläggningar av aktuell pedagogisk, utvecklingspsykologisk och socialpedagogisk forskning samt Skolinspektionens kvalitetsgranskningar, vilka jag använt mig av för att få reda på svaren. Analysen visar att Skolverket riktar kritik mot kommunernas bristande sätt att anpassa verksamheterna till barns skilda uppväxtvillkor. Kommunerna anses inte kunna rekrytera högskoleutbildad personal, inte heller kunna fördela resurserna rätt i förhållande till lämplig personaltäthet, storlek och sammansättning av barngrupperna, barns trygghet samt förskolans miljö. Frågan om små och stora barngrupper är komplex och handlar inte enbart om en siffra.
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Implementering av kvalitetsledningssystem hos små företagSärnå, Sara January 2016 (has links)
De senaste åren har bra kvalitet blivit allt mer viktigt för kunder, leverantörer och konsumenter. Kraven för bra kvalitet blir allt högre på produkter och tjänster. På grund av detta är det många företag som väljer att certifiera sig enligt kvalitetsledningssystemet ISO 9001. Även Corporate social responsibility har många företag infört. Syftet med det är att ta ett större ansvar mot befolkningen och för miljön. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur små företag kan implementera ISO 9001 med hjälp av Corporate Social Responsibility på ett effektivt sätt i företaget. Det har genomförts en enkätundersökning i syfte att undersöka hur många små företag i Gävleborgs-. Dalarnas- och Uppsalalän som är certifierade enligt ISO 9001 samt vad de har för syn på kvalitet och Corporate social responsibility. Det har genomförts intervjuer på Gefle kartong & Display. De som deltog i intervjun är operatörer ifrån produktionen i Karlstad och två stycken personer ifrån ledningen. Detta gjordes för att se hur de i nuläget arbetar med kvaliteten inom företaget och för att se vad de har för inställning till att i framtiden införa och certifiera sig enligt ISO 9001. ISO 9001 är ett kvalitetsledningssystem som reglerar hur ett företag ska jobba med kvaliteten inom verksamheten. De företag som väljer att certifiera sig enligt ISO 9001 måste uppfylla de krav som finns inom ISO 9001 standarden för att kunna certifiera sig. Av de företag som svarade på enkäten var det inte många som var certifierade enligt ISO 9001. Det var många av företagen som hade ledningssystem som de hade utformat själva. Utifrån intervjuerna upptäcktes det att företaget inte har något standardiserat arbetssätt för hur de jobbar med kvaliteten inom företaget. När ett kvalitetsledningssystem ska införas är det viktigt att alla i verksamheten är involverade i arbetet. Detta för att alla ska känna sig delaktiga och för att förstå varför arbetet genomförts. Det finns starka tendenser till att Corporate social responsibility är lättare att införa i en verksamhet som redan har ett fungerande kvalitetsledningssystem. / In the last years good quality has become increasingly important for customers, suppliers and consumers. Quality requirements are becoming higher on products and services. Because of this, many companies choose to obtain certification under the quality management system ISO 9001. Many enterprises have introduced Corporate social responsibility in the organization. The purpose of it is to take a greater responsibility toward people and the environment. The purpose of this work is to investigate how small businesses can implement ISO 9001 with help of Corporate Social Responsibility in an efficient way in the company. In this study I identify how many small businesses in Gävleborg- Dalarnas- Uppsala County are certified according to ISO 9001 and what their approach to quality and Corporate Social Responsibility are. Interviews have been done at Gefle Kartong & Display. Those who participated in the interview are operators and management from production in Karlstad. This was done to see how they are currently working on the quality of the company and to see what their attitude to the future introduction and certification under ISO 9001. ISO 9001 is a quality management system that regulates how a company should work with the quality of operations. Companies that choose to become certified according to ISO 9001 must meet the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard to be certified. Of the companies that responded to the survey were not many who were certified according to ISO 9001. It was many of the companies that had management that they had designed themselves. From the interviews, it was discovered that the company does not have a standardized approach to how they work with the quality of the company. When a quality management system to be introduced, it is important that all the activities involved in the work. This is for everyone to feel involved and to understand why the work carried out. There are strong tendencies to Corporate social responsibility is easier to implement in a business that already have a quality management system.
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Utmaningar i en utskrivningsprocess från slutenvården till boende - för att skapa en trygg och effektiv process / Challenges in Discharge Planning - in Order to Create Safe and Effektive ProcessWziatek, Ilona, Ericsson, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Kvalitet i skolan : Betyder höga meritvärden att man har en skola med hög kvalitet? / Quality in school : Do high grade ratings mean that the education of the school has a high quality?Pettersson, Lena January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att kartlägga attityder och mönster i uppfattningar om begreppen kvalitet, mätning och systematiskt kvalitetsarbete. Studien svarar på frågan vilka uppfattningar det finns hos nyckelpersoner i skolans utvecklingsarbetes runt begreppen kvalitet och mätning i förhållande till skolutveckling. Studien svarar också på om uppfattningarna kan leda till svårigheter eller problem utvecklingsarbetet att förbättra skolans kvalitet. Undersökningen är kvantitativ och har genomförts genom en webbenkät som riktades mot förstelärare och skolledare i grundskola och gymnasium. Studiens resultat visar mönster som har gemensamma drag med den utvecklingsform som benämns effektiva-skolor-modellen. Där ses mätvärden som viktiga och med dem som utgångspunkt söker man en ”best practice” som är generaliserbar för skolan. Studien visar också mönster som överensstämmer med skolutvecklingsmodellen där bedömningar av utbildningens kvalitet har fler utgångpunkter än mätvärden. I samma mönster finns upp-fattningar som värdesätter kollegiets betydelse för utveckling och överensstämmer med en verksamhetsinriktad skola. Studien pekar på problem med att skolor drivs av mätfokus och lägger stor del av sin tid och energi på processer som tar resurser från kärnverksamheten. Andra problem är upplevda svårigheter i att bedöma utbildningens kvalitet samt upplevda svårigheter att få analysen att generera förbättringar av utbildningens kvalitet. Samma mönster visar och att mätning väger tyngst och är viktigast i utvärderingsarbetet. Resultaten kan användas för långsiktiga strategier runt kompetensutveckling samt för att hantera svårigheter i det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet. / The study aims to identify attitudes and patterns of perceptions concerning the concepts of quality and measurement. The study investigates the question of what the perceptions are of key functions in the school's development process, relating to concepts of quality and measurement in relation to school improvement. The study also answers about perceptions that can lead to difficulties or problems in the work of improving school quality. The study is quantitative and has been implemented through a web survey sent to teachers in career program and school-leaders in primary and secondary education. The study results show patterns that have features in common with the development of the form called effective-schools-model. Based on grades as the most dignified values, researchers and schools strive to find a "best practice" that is generalizable. The study also shows patterns consistent with models on development in schools, in which assessments of the quality of education have a better variety of information than the grade ratings. The same patterns are also perceptions that values college collaboration to the development. The study indicates that the problem of the schools driven by focuses on measurement and puts much time and energy on documentation processes that take resources from the core of teaching. The study also demonstrates the problem through perceived difficulties in assessing the quality of education and to get the analysis to lead to improvements in the quality of education. At the same time the study shows that measuring grade ratings is the most important factor in the evaluation work. The results can be used for long-term strategies around skills development and to address difficulties in the systematic quality work.
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Hantering av kvalitetsavvikelser för att främja ständiga förbättringar inom ett företag i byggsektorn : En fallstudie vid byggföretaget STRABAG Sverige ABHusman, Alexei January 2013 (has links)
In 2009 Statskontoret has stated that the numbers of construction failures has increased in the Swedish construction sector. One of the reasons to insufficient quality management in the construction sector is the project based organization. A project based organization has a temporary nature which may bring deficits in continuous improvement. Continuous improvement means that small improvements in the daily work within an organization achieve a higher quality level.The purpose of this study is to better understand how a company in the construction sector can improve its management of quality deviations, in order to support the work with continuous improvements. The study is based on a case study in order to more specifically investigate how management of quality deviations is carried out within STRABAG Sverige AB.Initially a literature study was carried out in order to increase a better understanding of how a quality deviation can be defined, and how management of quality deviations can be designed, in order to support continuous improvement in a company in the construction sector. Then a description of the current management of quality deviations within STRABAG was carried out. The description consists of information collected through documents and semi-structured interviews with persons in the organization. In the analysis a comparison was made between the produced frame of reference, and the description of current management of quality deviation in STRABAG. This was made with the intention to identify in what extent the current management of quality deviations was carried out in the organization. From this analysis several improvement areas could be identified with the purpose to strengthen STRABAGs management of quality deviations.The results from this study consist of seven recommendations that describe how STRABAG can improve their management of quality deviations, in order to strengthen continuous improvement. The recommendations refer to: • Define what a quality deviation is• Implement a systematic analysis on quality deviations• Improve a continuous follow-up for corrective actions• Implement a statistical follow-up on quality deviations• Clarify management’s commitment in the quality improvement• Create an acceptance for mistakes and highlight their importance• Improve the exchange of experience of what improvements that had been made on quality deviations in organizations projects / Validerat; 20130605 (global_studentproject_submitter)
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Kvalitetssäkringsarbete : Kvalitetundersökning om hur företag kan minimera anmärkningar före slutbesiktning / A qualitative study of how a construction company can minimize remarks before final inspectionDresevic, Mehmed, El Machharawi, Isa January 2019 (has links)
Brist på erfarenhet, bristande kommunikation och stress är några faktorer som kan påverka kvalitetsarbetet i sin helhet. Dessa faktorer finns i vår bransch, byggbranschen där företag och anställda kan påverkas av ovan nämnda faktorer på ett negativt sätt. Syftet med den här rapporten är att undersöka och utreda samt få större kunskap om vilka faktorer som påverkar och bidrar till en bättre kvalitetssäkring. Förhoppningsvis kommer vår diskussion och slutsats vara till nytta för Servicekontoret i Borås. Detta kommer att undersökas med följande: – Tidigare forskning – Intervjuer Målet med vår rapport är att: Försöka få fram idéer, förslag och olika åtgärder för att hjälpa Servicekontoret att förebygga och minska anmärkningar i slutbesiktningen samt bidra med bättre kvalitetssäkring. Studien är utförd I samarbete med Servicekontoret I Borås och grundar sig på deras kvalitetssäkringsarbete. Tanken är att komma med idéer på förbättringsmöjligheter som gynnar företagets kvalitetssäkringsarbete. Det huvudsakliga syftet med detta arbete är att utvärdera och granska Servicekontorets kvalitetssäkringsarbete. För att undvika anmärkningar på slutbesiktningen måste alla på företaget förstå hur viktigt det är med kvalitet, betydelsen av att dokumentera erfarenheter och att inte upprepa samma misstag flera gånger. För att Servicekontorets anställda ska kunna nå målet med noll anmärkningar på ett effektivt sätt bör det bland annat skapas någon form av intranät där dokumentationen lagras på ett smidigt och enkelt sätt. De dokument som bör finnas tillgängliga är bland annat arbetsberedningar och andra dokument som beskriver diverse arbetsmoment. / Lack of experience, lack of communication and stress are some factors that can affect the quality of the work. These factors exist in our industry, the construction industry where companies and employees can be affected by the factors in a negative way. The purpose of this report is to examine and investigate meanwhile gaining greater understanding of the factors that influence and contribute to a better quality assurance. Hopefully our discussion and conclusion can help Servicekontoret in Borås. This will be determined by: – Previous research – Interviews The goal with this report is to: Try to produce some ideas, suggestions and various measures that can help Servicekontoret to prevent and reduce their remarks in the final inspection and try to provide better quality assurance. This will be based on a study carried out by a cooperation with the Servicekontoret in Borås and is based on their quality assurance work. The idea is to come up with ideas for possible improvements that can benefit the company's quality assurance work in a positive way. The main purpose of this work is to evaluate and examine Servicekontorets quality assurance work. To avoid getting remarks on the final inspection the whole company must understand the importance of quality, the importance of documenting the experiences and not to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. For the employees of Servicekontoret to achieve their goal of zero remarks in an effective way should they create some kind of intranet where documents are stored in a convenient and simple way. The documents that should be available for the employees are working preparations and other documents describing various tasks.
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Kvalitetsprocess för baskartans byggnadsgeometrier : Metod för utvärdering av logisk konsistens i Topocad / Quality process for the basemap building geometries : A method for evaluation of the logical consistency in TopocadArcher, Ricardo January 2019 (has links)
Baskartan innehåller högdetaljerad geografisk information som ligger till grund för olika verksamhets-delar i en kommun. Ajourhållning av baskartan innebär en noggrann och krävande process för att säkerställa dess innehåll. Kvalitetskraven på innehållet varierar utifrån syfte och ändamål samt styrs av olika standarder och riktlinjer. Ett avtal som kommunerna tillsammans med Lantmäteriet kan ingå är, Ajourhållningen av adress- och byggnadsinformation samt information om övrig topografi (ABT-avtal). Avtalet innehåller dataspecifikationer som beskriver bl.a. riktlinjer kring insamling av specifika geodata, dataformat och datakvalitet. I avtalet ingår att leverans av kvalitetssäkrade byggnadsgeometrier ska ske. Avtalets syfte är att kommunerna tillsammans med Lantmäteriet uppnår en hållbar och kvalitativ process kring geografiska data. Syftet med studien var att utveckla, testa och utvärdera en metod i Topocad för att kvalitetssäkra byggnadsgeometrier med avseende på logisk konsistens, enligt ramen för ABT-avtal. Detta för att skapa ett underlag som kan användas för arbetsrutiner vid handhavande av byggnadsgeometrier. Studieområde är Hagfors, en mindre tätort i norra Värmland. I studien presenteras en specifik metod för kvalitetsprocessen i programvaran Topocad med stöd av den kvalitetskontroll som utförs av Lantmäteriets i programvaran FME. Kvalitetsprocessen omfattar kontroll av logisk konsistens och skapande av byggnadsytor. Målet med arbetet är att testa och utvärdera Topocads kapacitet att klassificera och korrigera topologiska fel i polylinjer samt skapande av polygoner. Därför i arbetet har klassificering och korrigering testats och utvärderats för ett urval av felaktiga byggnadsgeometrier genom inbyggda funktioner i Topocad. Därtill har även skapande av polygoner utförts genom en automatiserad funktion utifrån de korrigerade byggnadsgeometrierna. I resultatet framgår att klassificeringen av topologiska fel i Topocad är till viss del icke tillförlitlig. Detta eftersom en specifik typ av polylinjer med lösa noder inte kan klassificeras. Därtill framgår även att det är möjligt att korrigera och kvalitetssäkra de övriga polylinjerna med lösa noder som Topocad klarar att klassificera med hjälp av lämpliga toleransparametrar. Dessutom visar resultatet att det är genomförbart att skapa polygoner av de klassificerade och korrigerade polylinjerna. Samtidigt är polygonernas tillförligtighet och kvalitet helt beroende av de tillämpade toleransparametrarna samt de uppställda kvalitetskraven. Slutsatsen är att det inte är möjligt att utveckla en metod för hela kvalitetsprocessen som kvalitetssäkrar byggnadsgeometrier i Topocad enligt ABT-avtalet. Detta eftersom vissa delar av kvalitetsprocessen är otillförlitliga eller ej genomförbara. / The basemap contains highly detailed geographical information that is the foundation for several functions in the municipalities in Sweden. The upkeep of the basemap involves a specific and ever-evolving process to ensure the quality of its content. The quality requirements for the basemap content vary according to the purpose and are moderated by different standards and guidelines. The Maintenance of Address and Building Information and Information of Other Topography, ABT-agreement (ABT-avtal). This voluntary agreement presents guidelines and encloses data specifications on the gathering of specific geodata, data formats, and the logical consistency of the delivery. One specific part of the agreement includes the delivery of quality-assured building geometries. The agreement offers municipalities and The Department of Land Surveying (Lantmäteriet) in Sweden to enter collectively to construct a sustainable and qualitative process around the geographical information. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to develop and evaluate a quality process for the quality assurance of the building geometries regarding their logical consistency, according to the ABT agreement. This quality process can lead to creating a foundation for correctly handling the building geometries. Therefore, The Department of Land Surveying has contributed with its own quality control process to help the municipalities achieve a higher data quality. The quality control process was created in Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) program. The study area was a small urban area in the town Hagfors, situated in the north eastern part of the county of Värmland, Sweden. The study presents a specific method for the quality process in the software Topocad with the support of The Department of Land Surveying own quality control process. The method content is divided into two different parts that manage with the logical consistency in the polylines and the creation of polygons from the building geometries. The method was to test and evaluate Topocads capacity to classify and correct topological errors in the polylines, but also the creation of polygons. Classification and correction were performed for a selection of incorrect building geometries through program-built functions. In addition, the creation of polygons was also performed for the corrected building geometries through an automated function in Topocad. The result shows that the classification of topological errors in Topocad is, to a certain degree, unreliable. This because Topocad cannot classify a specific type of polylines with loose nodes. Furthermore, it also appears that it is possible to correct the other polylines with loose nodes that Topocad can manage to classify and thereby assure their quality. Moreover, the result shows that it is achievable to create polygons of the classified and corrected polylines in Topocad. At the same time, the reliability of the polygons is entirely dependent on the cluster tolerance applied in the method and the quality requirements established for the results. The study concludes that it is not possible to develop a method for the whole quality process that assure the quality of the building geometries in Topocad, according to the ABT-agreement. This because some parts of the quality process are unreliable or unachievable.
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