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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Ibland är det svårt att veta om lika med betyder att det är lika mycket eller om det betyder svaret” : En kvalitativ fallstudie om elevers förståelse för likhetstecknet och dess innebörd

Cajonberg, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka möjligheter elever i årskurs 1–3 har för att utveckla en förståelse för likhetstecknet samt vilken förståelse för likhetstecknet elever i årskurs 1–3 visar att de faktiskt har. Tre observationer genomfördes hos en lärare för att se hur läraren undervisade om, benämnde och förklarade likhetstecknet. Därefter genomfördes ett test med sjutton elever för att undersöka vilken förståelse för likhetstecknet de har. Som uppföljning av testet, intervjuades nio elever i grupper om tre för att undersöka vilken förståelse för likhetstecknet eleverna har. Observationerna, testet och intervjuerna visade att läraren benämner likhetstecknet som ”lika med” samt att majoriteten av eleverna har en relativt välutvecklad förståelse av likhetstecknet, då de med egna ord kan förklara och visa på att det ska vara lika mycket på vardera sida av likhetstecknet för att likhetstecknet ska kunna användas. Genom intervjuerna med eleverna framkom det att eleverna fått arbeta med olikhetstecknet ”skilt från” och att det underlättade deras förståelse för likhetstecknets betydelse. De har även fått arbeta med klossar och brukar regelbundet arbeta med likhetstecknets betydelse i undervisningen, främst i deras lärobok där det är ständigt återkommande.

Hur hållbarhet kan integreras i inkubatorverksamhet och startup-företag : En designprocess och fallstudie i samarbete med Movexum

Pettersson, Madelené January 2019 (has links)
Detta är ett examensarbete inom Design och formgivning, som är genomförd med två övergripande metoder; designprocess och fallstudie. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att utforska hur entreprenörer och inkubatorbolag systematiskt kan arbeta ekonomisk-, social-, och ekologisk hållbart från start i produkt, tjänst och företag. Kopplat till detta syfte var också att undersöka hur en företagsinkubator (Movexum), som eget företag, kan inkludera ekonomisk-, social- och ekologisk hållbarhet i sin egen organisation. I den här forskningsrapporten undersöks vetenskaplig litteratur inom hållbarhet och företagande samt hållbarhetsteorier. Det har även omfattat benchmarking av internationella och lokala företag för att finna metoder, verktyg och inspiration. Workshop, observationer och intervjuer för Movexum, entreprenörer och inkubatorbolag har ägt rum, för att skapa en övergripande hållbarhetsbild av Movexums verksamhet, inskrivna entreprenörer och inkubatorbolag hos Movexum. Det för att förstå problem och behov utifrån att arbeta systematiskt med hållbarhet i det egna företaget. Ur all insamlad information har ett förslag på en guidemanual tagits fram till Movexum, entreprenörer och inkubatorbolag för att informera om hållbarhet, hållbarhetsteorier och användbara hållbarhetsverktyg. Genom guiden kan de kartlägga och identifiera vilken hållbarhetsteori de arbetar med i sitt företag eller önskar att arbeta mer med, för att få olika tips på hållbarhetsverktyg att använda genom att utvärdera, integrera och skapa ett mer hållbart företag tillsammans med sin affärscoach. Denna forskningsrapport kan vara till nytta för andra inkubatorverksamheter som vill skapa kunskap hur hållbarhet kan integreras i inkubatorverksamheter och för entreprenörer och inkubatorbolag i deras företag. Den kan beprövas i andra inkubatorverksamheter och utveckla möjligheter och idéer till att arbeta systematiskt med hållbarhet från start.

HBTQ : Hur språket används och vilken effekt det får

Karlsson, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Historiskt sett har det funnits mycket diskrimineringen av gruppen HBTQ-personer både inom hälso- och sjukvården, den övriga offentliga sektorn som liksom i resten av samhället. Regeringen påbörjade 2104 en strategi för att främja lika rättigheter och möjligheter oavsett sexuell läggning, könsidentitet eller könsuttryck.  Min studie syftar till att ta reda på hur språket används runt de olika kategorierna inom gruppen HBTQ-personer och hur de har förändrats mellan 2014 och 2018 då den senaste texten angående strategin i form av en broschyr gav ut av regeringen. Min frågeställning har varit hur frekvent de olika kategorierna förekommer i texter från regeringen. Undersökningen har genomförts som en kvantitativ innehållsanalys där två texter från regeringen har studerats och jämförts med olika pressmeddelanden mellan perioden 2015 till 2018 för att se om det skiljer sig något åt.  Studien visar att det skett en förändring av begreppet HBTQ och att fokus har förflyttats till att i stor utsträckning gälla transpersoner.

Integrationspolitik i praktiken : En utvärderande fallstudie av Storstadssatsningen på Bergsjöns bibliotek / Political programmes aimed towards integration in practice : An evaluative case study about the metropolitan policy programme Storstadssatsningen at the library of Bergsjön

Kemppainen, Tanja, Makkonen, Emma January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this Master thesis is to increase the knowledge about how public libraries can contribute to fulfil political programmes aimed towards integration. To achieve this we have conducted an evaluative case study about a public library in Sweden and the activities they carried out within the framework of the metropolitan policy programme Storstadssatsningen”. The questions raised consider which the political aims for integration within this programme were, which activities the library did accomplish, what the result in comparison with the politically decided aims was, and what conclusions can possibly be drawn from this? The theoretical framework consists of theories regarding evaluation, political programmes, integration and segregation, and public library-activities. The methods used in the case study are qualitative interviews and document studies. Our evaluative approach is based on Vedung (1998). The result of our case study shows that the aims of the programme at most levels were indistinct and that the library didn't have any clear goals to reach. Hence it is impossible to show any fulfilment of goals. The library accomplished a multitude of activities, which the staff had decided about themselves. Several of the activities promoted multi culture rather than integration. The programme has been successful mainly on an individual level and this is also where the library has been able to influence. Furthermore it is obvious that the overall aim to prevent segregation is nearly impossible to achieve on a local segregated city district-level. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Hur marknadsför sig biblioteket PUNKTmedis? Lyckas biblioteket nå sin målgrupp? / Marketing a youth library. : How successful is PUNKTmedis in reaching its target group?

Pettersson, Lisa, Schaffer, Rikard January 2007 (has links)
The object of this paper is to examine the marketing of PUNKTmedis, a youth library. In order to do so we have looked at two different perspectives; how the library has marketed itself towards its target group, and how young people perceive what PUNKTmedis has to offer. The thesis’ foundation is a case study. Since the question at hand concerns the library’s intentions with and execution of its marketing efforts, as well as the target group’s opinion of them, the empirical data is based partially on an interview with the head of marketing at PUNKTmedis, and partially on a target group questionnaire. Two marketing theories, transaction theory and theory of relations, serve as frame of reference to the empirical data.The thesis establishes that PUNKTmedis has succeeded well at marketing in some aspects, not so well in others. The library’s strong points have been; creating an environment for youth and working hard at having fruitful dialogues with them. PUNKTmedis’ weakest point has been marketing in order to get new users to the library and the poll establishes that the few efforts that have been made have had little impact. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Med framsidan framåt : En studie av taste-cultures och face-front marketing på två svenska folkbibliotek / With the front facing forward : A study of taste-cultures and face-front marketing in two Swedish public libraries

Olsson, Sanna January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to examine how librarians in two Swedish public libraries view the subject of face-front marketing and literary hierarchy. The questions posed in this thesis are: How do two public libraries in Sweden market fictional literature? Which literature does get marketed? How do the librarians view fictional literature? How do the librarians view marketing? and Does Herbert Gans’ literary scale work to examine the marketing of fictional literature in two Swedish public libraries? The theoretical starting-points are Niels Ole Pors’ thoughts on stock development, Philip Kotler’s thoughts on the responsible non-profit organisation and Herbert Gans’ thoughts on taste-publics and taste-cultures. The empirical material was gathered through qualitative interviews with library staff in two public libraries in the south of Sweden, and by reading a sample of the fictional literature exposed in these libraries. This material was then analyzed using the theories listed above. Results showed that librarians in public libraries in similar sized communities have very different ideas on which literature that should be marketed through face-front marketing, but they use the same argument as to why they choose to expose a certain kind of literature.

Beslutsprocesser och informationshantering : en fallstudie inom en högskoleorganisation / Decision processes and information management : a case study within an academic organisation

Wodlén, Anna-Carin, Åmand, Ing-Marie January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis, was to study decision processes and the importance of information management in the processes within an academic organisation, which led to the work with adaptions according to the law of Equal Treatment of Students in Higher Education, (SFS 2001:1286). A general question was formulated concerning how different information- and knowledge flows interact within an academic organisation and its library during the decision processes. The questions at issue we have tried to examine, concern the factors that have influenced the participants´ choice of information during the decision processes, in their work of adapting the law of equal treatment, and how these choices have influenced the priorities that were made. The theoretical starting point was basically Cohen, March and Olsens Garbage Can Model. We also found the author Chun Wei Choo´s descriptions of organisations, as systems of information processing, useful for parts of our thesis, especially the parts that deals with the role of information management within the decision processes. To answer our questions interviews were made with seven participants who had been involved in the work concerning the adaption of the law. The result shows constantly present interaction between the information- and knowledge flows during the decision processes. New information is processed continuously by the participants. The information processes can be transformed to knowledge in sense making processes, and be useful when the information- and knowledge flows coincide with each other and provide opportunities for decision making. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Förändring av Lidköpings stadsbibliotek 1952-1959 : En utbildad bibliotekaries påverkan ur ett aktör- och strukturperspektiv / Change of Lidköping town library 1952-1959 : A trained librarian’s influence from an actor and structure perspective

Gärdefors, Erik January 2008 (has links)
In this masters paper the change that Lidköping public library went through between 1952 and 1959 is described and analysed. The aim is to describe and analyse the reactions that arose at the time that the first professional librarian, Jörgen Elgström, acted to create a modern public library in the town. The issues that are handled are: How did the local politicians and the general public react to the process of change that was started by Jörgen Elgström? What were the consequences for the staff, the premises, lending, child and youth activities? The paper is concentrated around the period 1952-1959 because this is the time when Jörgen Elgström was working in Lidköping. Jörgen Elgström has a central role in the paper. Elgström’s actions resulted in, for example, an increase in library staff, the founding of a child and youth library as well as that the library merged with the ABF library. A short history of the library’s early history is given to create background. A chapter is included on the development of the librarian profession in Sweden together with a chapter detailing three actors who during their respective periods have acted for library activities both nationally and locally. The paper is a qualitative case study that is first and foremost meant to illustrate Lidköping’s situation but it also gives examples of how it could have been in other library contexts in Sweden at the time. A large part of the empirical material consists of records and newspaper articles, so source criticism has been a suitable method to employ. The paper’s theoretical starting point consists of an actor perspective connected to a structure perspective and progresses to show how the actors integrated with society’s structure and vice versa. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Läslust och arbetsglädje : om läsfrämjande projekt på Uddevalla Stadsbibliotek / Love of reading and work enjoyment : about reading promotion projects at Uddevalla city library

Bogren, Anna-Karina, Oskarsson, Carina January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to understand and illuminate how readingpromotion projects can be carried out, what sort of activities they mightcontain and what sort of lasting impressions they might make. We choseto examine reading promotion projects because we consider thepromotion of reading and literacy a vital and important part of thelibraries work. The study took place at the city library of Uddevalla andthe projects included in the study were all directed towards children andyouth.The theory used in the thesis was Aidan Chambers’s model of theReading Circle which consists of the four themes of selection,‘reading’, response and the enabling adult. Methods used were semistructuredinterview, document studies and observation.The results show that reading promotion projects benefit from cooperationbetween the adults involved and that education of the adultsin order to indirectly target the children is an effective way of spreadingthe love of reading. Involving children and youth in the work anddecision making process proved to be prosperous.The conclusions are that reading promotion projects give the librarieseconomic and creative resources to try out new ways of working andcooperating. With these tools and the aim to spread the love of readingthe librarians have an increased possibility to reach out and providesupport and inspiration to all becoming readers. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Vetenskaplig publicering i förändring : En fallstudie av en svensk högskolas implementering av ett öppet digitalt arkiv / Scholarly publishing in transformation : A case study of the implementation of an institutional repository at a Swedish university college

Thorsson, Anna, Zhou, Xi Ha Dan January 2008 (has links)
Since the beginning of the 21st century the Open Access-movement, which advocates free online distribution of scholarly information, has gained momentum. Authors can provide Open Access to their work in two main ways: by depositing a copy of their research output in an e-print archive and by publishing in Open Access journals. During the past few years, universities and other research institutions throughout the world have established institutional repositories to manage, preserve and provide access to the intellectual output of the university/research institution. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to describe the implementation of an institutional repository at the Swedish University College of Borås. The thesis also aims to describe the current situation regarding Open Access at the university college. The case study indicates that a requirement for the deposit of references into the repository is believed to have had a significant impact on the contents of the institutional repository. The full-text availability of research publications is, however, at present relatively low. The results show that there are three main barriers in the development of the institutional repository: lack of knowledge regarding Open Access and digital publishing, copyright issues and lack of time. Misconception and uncertainty regarding the guarantee of quality of the digital material are factors that most likely prevent researchers from depositing their research articles into the institutional repository. Librarians play a key role when it comes to informing about self-archiving and Open Access. Our conclusion is that to obtain more research publications in full-text, researchers need to gain more knowledge about institutional repositories and digital publishing. / Uppsatsnivå: D

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