Spelling suggestions: "subject:"“customer satisfaction”"" "subject:"“bustomer satisfaction”""
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文化創意產業體驗行銷策略研究-以台北啤酒文化園區為例 / The Study of Experiential Marketing Strategy for Cultural and Ceative Industries:The Case of Taipei Brewery黃聖涵, Huang, Sheng Han Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化浪潮的影響下,世界各國紛紛開始注意到「文化延續」的重要性,使得如何保存在地文化成為各國必須面臨的課題之一,創意產業與流行文化於是成為各國首推發展的產業。台北啤酒文化園區身為啤酒產業的發源地,奠定了台北啤酒文化園區於文化創意產業中所具有之重要性,但一項成功創意產業必須有賴於適當的經營方式,才能獲得消費者的支持與肯定。故本研究結合Schmitt之「體驗行銷」理論進行實證研究,根據「體驗行銷」、「生活型態」、「顧客滿意度」以及「品牌忠誠度」等理論基礎發展觀念性研究架構及問卷,研究目的在探討消費者的人口統計變項與生活型態對台北啤酒文化園區策略體驗模組、 顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度的之影響,並分析策略體驗模組對於台北啤酒文化園區消費者之顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度的關係。研究調查共回收樣本330份,有效樣本為297份。研究主要發現為:(1)不同人口統計變項與生活型態消費者對策略體驗模組感受有部份差異。(2)不同人口統計變項與生活型態消費者在顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度有部份差異。(3)策略體驗模組與顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度具中度相關及解釋力。最後,本研究對業界與未來的研究者提出適當的行銷策略與研究上的建議。 / In the trend of Globalization, the characteristics of local culture have become more and more important. The development of cultural creativity industry is thought to be the most important factor of national economy development and the promotion of quality of life. There are many countries that are starting to pay attention to how to preserve local culture. This study is aimed at the cultural creative industry, hoping the basic background and uniqueness of local culture in Taiwan can be understood through the characteristics of local culture. “Taipei Brewery” is the birthplace of Taiwan beer's local culture, so this study took “Taipei Brewery” as a case study.
This thesis is based on the theory of "Experiential Marketing" built by Schmitt(1999),to proceed to a concrete investigation on the influence of SEMs(strategies of experiential modules) on Taipei Brewery's customers. The conceptual framework of this research is based on a literature review of the “Experiential Marketing”, “Life Style”, “Customer Satisfaction” and “Brand Loyalty”. This research uses a questionnaire to survey the customers of “Taipei Brewery”. The statistical package for the social science (SPSS12.0) system was utilized for the Descriptive statistics analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation, T-test match-pair, one-way ANOVA, Regression Analysis, Scheffe multiple comparisons, and a Cronbach α.. In total, 297effective questionnaires out of 330 were collected, and the effective response rate was 90.303%.
The findings of this research are as follows: (1)The different demographic variables and lifestyles of consumers have a significant contrast between strategies of experiential modules. (2)The different demographic variables and lifestyles of consumers have a significant contrast between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. (3)There is a positive correlation between strategies of experiential modules, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Finally, according to the results of the study we came up with a connotation for the theories and actual situations in running a business.
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體驗行銷、體驗價值對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度影響之研究 : 以營養俱樂部早餐店為例 / A study of the relationship between experiential marketing, experiential value, customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. case : nutrition club鄧志鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
顯著差異。 / With the economic development and the improvement in the standard of living by growing income, the economic moves to Experiential economic gradually. The Esthetics economic imbedded into the marketing plan in the most of kind of industries. Therefore, people are more care about the living quality, change their focus from features and benefits to experiential value, so that the experiential value will not be the free offer anymore, the behavior of making purchasing decision changes from rationality to a combination with feeling. Corporate operates with the occasional customer preferences to create experiential value for customers. That is called “Experiential Marketing”, it is an important trend in the current experiential economic. Corporate improve the value for customers by five strategic experiential marketing models - Sense, Feel, Think, Act and Relate.
This case study is targeting to Nutrition Club, analyzing the relations of SEMs (Sense, Feel, Think, Act and Relate), Experiential Value, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. Providing the practical suggestions to the club base on the analysis result.
The key findings are below:
1. By choosing right modules of SEMs can positively predict or influence al aspects of Experiential value.
2. The Experiential value can positively predict and influences to customer satisfaction, the sequence of the influencing are CROI, Aesthetics, Playfulness and Service Excellence.
3. The Experiential value can positively predict and influences to customer loyalty, the sequence of the influencing are Playfulness, CROI, Aesthetics and Service Excellence.
4. Customer satisfaction can positively predict customer loyalty.
5. Demographics variables have partially significant difference on Experiential value.
6. Demographics variables have no significant difference on SEMs, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty.
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從產品設計、消費行為探討顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度關係 - 以數位相框產品為例 / Through product design, consumer behavior to research on the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty relationship - A case study of digital photo frame陳俊翰, Chen, Chun Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以數位相框為例,透過Cronbach’s α信度檢定、Pearson相關分析與單因子變異數分析等統計方法,探討「產品設計」、「消費者購買行為」與「顧客滿意度」、「顧客忠誠度」間之關聯性及影響因素,以期提供未來數位相框業者在產品設計與行銷策略之建議。
研究發現,產品設計的三個構面「外觀設計」、「基本功能」及「操作介面」,與消費行為的三個構面「消費動機」、「使用情境」與「未被滿足的需求」呈現顯著正相關,顯示數位相框的產品設計確實會對消費行為產生一定程度之影響。而研究亦發現,產品設計與滿意度及忠誠度呈現顯著正相關,且消費行為與滿意度及忠誠度亦呈現正相關。 / This research takes example of digital photo frame, to explore the relationship and factors that affect product design, consumer behavior, customer satisfaction and customer royalty. It expects to set recommendations of product design and marketing strategy for the digital photo frame makers in the future.
The research found, that the three dimensions in Product Design, including appearance design, basic functions, and operational interface are positively relevant to the three dimensions in Consumer Behavior, which are motivation, user scenario, and unsatisfied demand. This means the product design has certain level of affect on the consumer behavior. The research also found that, the product design has significant positive relevance with customer satisfaction and royalty, and the consumer behavior also shows positive relevance with satisfaction and royalty.
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群體顧客期望控制―在發展型服務提供者環境下以粒子群演算法為基礎之協同互動設計 / PSO-based collaborative interaction design For group expectation control in low-moderate competence service providers郭瑞麟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將協同式互動設計機制應用在會展產業的服務環境底下,並利用模擬實驗的方式去驗證此機制的有效性及鞏固性。協同式互動設計機制共有四大模組:(1)顧客偏好識別模組 (2) 粒子群期望因子選擇模組 (3) 情境式旅程抉擇模組 及(4) 服務執行模組。本研究設計此機制時考量了加入顧客間互動的能力來幫助發展型服務提供商進行更有效的服務互動並且執有效的顧客群體期望控制的目標,以便在減輕服務提供商所付出的成本之下,還能達成良好的顧客滿意度。而本研究的研究貢獻為幫助發展型服務提供商解決他們所面臨的挑戰,並且在有限的資源和能力底下,仍然可以使得他們保持與高能力服務廠商之間的競爭;而另一貢獻為在整體的服務環境底下,能讓所有的參與角色都能夠得到最大的價值,而形成一個高效能的服務生態系統。 / With the progressive advancement of the technology and fiercely-competitive environment in recent years, customers have paid more attention to the issue that how diversity and rich the service experience could satisfy their needs; in other words, the service providers must acquire the competitive advantage among other service competitors by pondering on that how to deliver the qualified service offerings in every service encounter to achieve the objective of customer satisfaction. On the other hand, many research findings noted that customers’ service quality evaluation in service encounter were influenced by the comparison between the customer expectation toward service and the service performance that they perceived; therefore, managing the customer expectation becomes the vital part concerning the customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the shortcomings of the low-moderate competence service providers is that they could not provide the constant qualified service offerings to customers in each service interaction in terms of the reason for lesser service capability and resource.
Consequently, this study propose the collaborative interaction design approach which based on the Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) algorithm to generate the dynamical service interaction among the service providers and customers for the low-moderate competence service providers and aids them to control their group customers’ expectation by collaborating with customers; in other words, the service effort of the service provider could be lightened by engaging the customer capability and the service offerings could be enhanced to provider for customers. Therefore, this study utilizes the four modules in the research framework to achieve the aforementioned objective. Ultimately, the expected contributions of this study are two-folds: (1) Aid the low-moderate competence service providers to improve the service experience for customers on the restriction of lesser service capability. (2) Utilize the PSO algorithm to decide the determinants that effectively influence on customers’ expectation considering the whole benefits among stakeholders. Hence, the collaborative interaction design proposed in this study has conspicuous benefits for the low-moderate competence service providers to preserve the competitive advantage by providing the well-design exemplar to let them follow.
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Effect of customer experience on satisfaction and intentions of hospitality customers / Vartotojų patirties poveikis svetingumo paslaugų vartotojų pasitenkinimui ir ketinimamsVerbauskienė, Lina 22 December 2014 (has links)
The analysis of the concept of customer experience, the types and peculiarities of customer experience, the concepts of experience and experiential marketing, the meaning and differences between these two concepts, the main aspects and peculiarities of these concepts are presented in the theoretical part of the thesis. This part of the paper also focuses on the explanation of the concept of hospitality and the composition of the sector of hospitality services. The peculiarities of hospitality customers, their experiences and application of experience marketing in the sector of hospitality are also explained in the theoretical section. The theoretical modelling of the effect of hospitality customers on customer satisfaction and intentions was made after the analysis of all the concepts mentioned. In order to reason the methodology of future research, the second part of the paper presents the empirical studies performed by other scientists. The methodological reasoning of research, instruments, logical structure of research and description of research process are described in the second part of the thesis. The third part of the paper presents research results and their interpretations regarding the effect of customer experience on satisfaction and intentions of hospitality customers based on experience marketing. Research results permits to confirm the hypotheses of the research and show the strength and relationships between variables researched. Having considered research... [to full text] / Teorinėje disertacijos darbo dalyje išnagrinėta vartotojų patirties sąvoka, išanalizuoti vartotojų patirties tipai, pateikiant jų sampratas ir ypatumus, pateikta patirties ir patyriminio marketingo sąvokos, išsiaiškinta šių sąvokų prasmė ir skirtumai, bei pateikiami pagrindiniai šios koncepcijos aspektai ir ypatumai. Išanalizuota svetingumo samprata bei apibrėžta svetingumo paslaugų sektoriaus sudėtis. Pateikti svetingumo paslaugų vartotojų ir jų patirčių bei patirties marketingo taikymo ypatumai šiame sektoriuje. Atlikus šių koncepcijų analizę, atliktas svetingumo paslaugų vartotojų patirties poveikio vartotojų pasitenkinimui ir ketinimams teorinis modeliavimas. Antrojoje darbo dalyje, norint pagrįsti būsimo tyrimo metodologiją, aptarti kitų mokslininkų atlikti empiriniai tyrimai. Pateikiamas metodologinis tyrimo pagrindimas, instrumentarijai, loginė tyrimo struktūra ir tyrimo proceso aprašymas. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje yra pateikiami vartotojų patirties poveikio svetingumo paslaugų vartotojų pasitenkinimui ir ketinimams patirties marketingo pagrindu tyrimo rezultatai ir jų interpretacijos. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė darbe keliamų hipotezių patvirtinimą bei stiprumą ir ryšius tarp tiriamų kintamųjų. Gavus tyrimo rezultatus, atskiriems svetingumo paslaugų sektoriams yra pateikiamos rekomendacijos, kaip vertinti ir valdyti skirtingas vartotojų patirtis.
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The influence of relationship intention on satisfaction, loyalty and retention following service recovery in the cellular industry / Liezl-Marié KrugerKrugerKruger, Liezl-Marié Liezl-Marié January 2014 (has links)
It is common practice for service providers, such as cell phone network providers, to utilise relationship marketing strategies in an effort to retain their customers and thereby to increase profitability. Customers with relationship intentions are willing to respond to such efforts while other customers will refrain.
Service failures negatively impact relationship marketing efforts and thus complicate service providers’ relationship-building efforts. Therefore, service providers endeavour to restore customers’ post-recovery satisfaction and loyalty through service recovery efforts to retain their customers. However, the influence that customers’ relationship intentions have on this process has not been considered. Previous research on relationship intention in South Africa focussed only on developing a valid and reliable relationship intention measurement scale. For this reason, the primary objective of this study was to determine the influence of relationship intention on customer satisfaction, loyalty and retention following service recovery within the cellular industry. Supporting the primary objective, a model depicting the influence of respondents’ relationships intentions on satisfaction, loyalty and retention following service recovery was developed. Furthermore, a model depicting the interrelationships of the relationship constructive dimensions of the service recovery process uncovered during this study was also developed.
Through non-probability convenience sampling of adults 18 years and older (residing in Johannesburg and the surrounding residential suburbs) who have used a cell phone network provider for three years or longer, 605 respondents completed interviewer-administered questionnaires. Demographic and patronage information, together with respondents’ relationship intentions, attitudes towards complaining, customers’ complaint behaviour, expectations of service recovery, perceived service recovery as well as satisfaction, loyalty and retention following service recovery, were obtained.
Results indicated that no associations exist between respondents’ levels of relationship intention and their relationship lengths, as well as whether they had contractual agreements with their cell phone network providers. It is therefore recommended that instead of using relationship length or contractual agreements, cell phone network providers should use customers’ relationship intentions to identify customers for relationship marketing purposes. Findings from this study furthermore include that respondents’ relationship intentions influence their propensities to complain, as well as the likelihood that they will voice a complaint regarding dissatisfactory service delivery. It is therefore recommended that cell phone network providers use the opportunity to identify customers with relationship intentions through customers’ complaint behaviour.
This study found that respondents’ relationship intentions influence both their expectations of cell phone network providers to take service recovery action, as well as their perceptions of service recovery. Respondents’ relationship intentions also positively influence their satisfaction, loyalty and retention following service recovery. Based on these findings, it is recommended that cell phone network providers should always take corrective action following service failures (such as billing errors in this study), preferably by including at least an acknowledgement, apology, explanation and rectification of the problem as part of the service recovery efforts. Such a combination of service recovery efforts will increase the satisfaction, loyalty and retention of customers with higher relationship intentions.
From the results it can be concluded that customers’ relationship intentions influence their behaviour with regard to propensity to complain, voicing, expectations of service recovery action, perceptions of service recovery, as well as satisfaction, loyalty and retention following service recovery, when service failures occur. The proposed model developed from these findings results in the recommendation that cell phone network providers should view the service recovery process as an interrelated process influenced by customers’ relationship intentions. Cell phone network providers should note that customers with higher relationship intentions will attempt to salvage the relationship when service failures occur, which contributes to their satisfaction, loyalty and retention following service recovery.
This study contributes to establishing relationship intention theory by confirming the positive influence of customers’ relationship intentions on constructive behaviour when service failures occur. Moreover, practical recommendations concerning cell phone network providers’ response to billing errors are proposed. Future research should address the methodological limitations of this study by using probability sampling, and data should be collected from all South African provinces. Real-time service failures should be considered as opposed to the scenario-based approach used in this study. Important influences on customer behaviour when service failures occur, such as the perceived severity of service failure, service failure type, perceived justice and attributions, should also be considered with regard to their influence on the constructs of this study. Lastly, the antecedents of or differences with regard to customers’ relationship intentions based on personality, generational cohort or population group deserve further attention to establish relationship intention as study field within the domain of relationship marketing. / PhD (Marketing Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014.
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The Effect of Value Co-creation and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Commitment in Healthcare ManagementKwon, Junhyuk 08 1900 (has links)
Despite much interest in service quality and various other service quality measures, scholars appear to have overlooked the overall concept of quality. More specifically, previous research has yet to integrate the effect of the customer network and customer knowledge into the measurement of quality. In this work, it is posited that the evaluation of quality is based on both the delivered value from the provider as well as the value developed from the relationships among customers and between customers and providers. This research examines quality as a broad and complex issue, and uses the “Big Quality” concept within the context of routine healthcare service. The last few decades have witnessed interest and activities surrounding the subject of quality and value co-creation. These are core features of Service-Dominant (S-D) logic theory. In this theory, the customer is a collaborative partner who co-creates value with the firm. Customers create value through the strength of their relations and network, and they take a central role in value actualization as value co-creator. I propose to examine the relationship between quality and the constructs of value co-creation. As well, due to the pivotal role of the decision-making process in customer satisfaction, I will also operationalize the value co-creation construct. Building upon the “Big Quality” concept, this study suggests a new approach by extending the quality concept to include the value-creation concept in Service Dominant Logic. This study identifies the associated constructs and determinants of Big Quality in routine healthcare management service, and examines the relationship among the associated quality constructs, customer satisfaction, and customer commitment. This study employed an online survey methodology to collect data. In data analysis, I used the variance-based structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach to confirm the factor structure, proposed model, and test the research hypotheses. The results show that the customer’s participation in in-role and extra-role behaviors are positively associated with their perceived quality, satisfaction, and commitment level. The major contribution of this study to decision sciences and the service quality literature is the development of a comprehensive framework explaining the importance of value co-creation within the context of healthcare quality. Finally, this work examines perceived service quality as a key factor of customer satisfaction and the relationship of Big Quality with commitment level in healthcare service management.
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Product Differentiation Strategies and Impact of Factors Influencing the Differentiation Process : A Case study of the Mobile Telecom Service Industry of PakistanQayyum, Yaser January 2017 (has links)
Telecommunication has evolved tremendously from its origin to the present. Competition has grown in the telecommunications industry. One of the idiosyncratic characteristics of the mobile telecom services industry is the offering of homogenous products/services to the whole market, which indicates services being undifferentiated. The purpose of this paper is to study the differentiation strategies of mobile telecom operators and the impact of factors influencing the process of differentiation. The study will concentrate on the differentiation strategies of the mobile telecom service firms operating in Pakistan. The analysis model of this research was developed based on the determinants of product differentiation, relating to the tools that managers at mobile telecom service companies employ to execute differentiation strategies, and the factors influencing them. The empirical part of this study was conducted in January 2017. The multiple case study approach was adopted as a study method, and four case studies of the mobile telecom service companies operating in Pakistan were compared through cross-case analysis. Qualitative methods of data collection were employed and through semi-structured interviews primary data was gathered and secondary data was extracted from the websites and annual reports. The findings from the four case studies revealed that all the mobile operators opt for the differentiation strategies based on the determinants. It was examined from this research that these determinants are interrelated with each other. It was evident from the study of all the case companies that regulations affect the industry profits, increase the cost of upgrading the networks and infrastructures, causing a delay in the adoption of innovation, thereby influencing the differentiation strategy. The second factor influencing the differentiation process revealed in this study was competitive imitation, which caused convergence of strategies resulting in undifferentiated services even though operators tried to differentiate their services. The competitive imitation becomes easier due to the oligopoly structure of the mobile telecom industry.
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Co-Creation during New Product Development : Downsides and effects of a booming activityPera, Guillaume, Chéron, Charlotte January 2016 (has links)
Co-creation is nowadays a booming activity implemented by companies in order to be closer to their customers and to fulfil their needs. By using co-creation, a company involves their customers in the process of creation aiming to get ideas and insights that allow the company to launch a new product or to improve an existing product. Nevertheless, most of the companies think that implementing a co-creation process is a question of methodology. Companies believe that by building on a formalized method and by using a step-by-step implementation, the co-creation will be successful. The truth speaks something else. Recently, researchers started to pop-up trying to highlight how the co-creation is a complex process arising the likelihood of having a value co- destruction rather than a value co-creation as a result of the process. Further, in 2015, a study states the importance of studying and understanding the negative consequences of value co-creation. For these reasons, the purpose of our thesis is to understand the downsides of co-creation during new product development and their effects on the relationship between the company and the customers. Our research question is: What are the downsides of the co-creation process and their effects on the relationship between the company and customers during new product development? In order to answer this question, we conducted a qualitative study to collect our primary data using an in-depth semi-structured interviews. Data have been collected from eleven participants involved in the co-creation field. From experts of co-creation to designers and researchers, we wanted to have a practitioner point of view rather than from a customer perspective. Indeed, the objectives of conducting these interviews were to gain a focus understanding and a comprehensive perception of the individuals using, implementing, researching on, or consulting about the co-creation process. From the data collected, we analysed our interviews using a thematic network analysis approach. From then, we tested and discussed our empirical results and our concepts from our theoretical frame of references. Through the analysis of the interviews data, we are able to state that there are four main downsides of the co-creation process during new product development: misbehaviour of the company, mismanagement of the environment, miscommunication and mismanagement of the process. The effects of these downsides will affect: the company, the product, the customer satisfaction, trust and commitment and the emotions. Further, we are capable to confirm the importance of the variables of trust, commitment and customer satisfaction in the management of a relationship. Finally, we compromise the idea of customer self-blaming, and the term of “failure”. Indeed, our analysis shows that the responsibility of co-creation belongs to the company that owns the project. Hence, the customer will not blame themselves or feel guilty in case of unsuccessful outcomes. Interestingly, our analysis debates about the use of the term failure to express unexpected negative outcomes from the process. We conclude that a mismanaged co-creation can be perceived as a learning process rather than a failure per se, leading us to confirm that we cannot consider the co-creation outcome as a failure.
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Bankerna i en ny miljö : Den teknologiska utvecklingens påverkan på svenska bankers marknadsföringSaha, Robin, Ivsjö, Alexander January 2014 (has links)
Datum: 2014-06-02 Nivå: Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi 15 HP Institution: Akademi för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik EST Författare: Alexander Ivsjö Robin Saha Titel: Bankerna i en ny miljö - Den teknologiska utvecklingens påverkan på svenska bankers marknadsföring Handledare: Sikander Khan Nyckelord: Marknadsföring, relationsmarknadsföring, transaktionsmarknadsföring, kundkontakt, kundlojalitet, kundnöjdhet, banker Frågeställning: Har och i så fall hur har bankernas marknadsföring mot privatkunden förändrats med tanke på den tekniska förändringen som har skett på den svenska bankmarknaden? Har och i så fall hur har bankernas syn på kundrelationer och kundlojalitet förändrats med avseende på den tekniska förändringen som har skett på den svenska bankmarknaden? Syfte: Syftet är att skapa en bild över hur bankerna använder sin marknadsföring mot privatkunder, samt att hur det har förändrats med tanke på den tekniska förändringen på den svenska bankmarknaden. Metod: Denna studie är uppbyggd av en deduktiv forskningsansats då författarna har gjort en förstudie för att få en förståelse av den svenska bankmarknaden. Studien har inslag av en kvantitativ metod, men huvudfokus ligger i en kvalitativ metod. Primärdata insamlades genom intervjuer med anställda och chefer på Handelsbanken och Nordea. Slutsats: De svenska storbankerna bedriver en relationsmarknadsföring med i vissa fall inslag av transaktionsmarknadsföring.Efter den tekniska utvecklingen har svenska storbankerna gått från att bedriva någon form av transaktionsmarknadsföring / Date: June 2, 2014 Level: Master thesis in Business Administration 15 ECTS Institution: The School of Business, society and engineering Authors: Alexander Ivsjö Robin Saha Title: The banks in a new environment - the technological developments’ impact on the marketing of banks in Sweden Tutor: Sikander Khan Keywords: Marketing, relationship marketing, transaction marketing, customer contact, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, banks Research Question: Has the marketing on the banking market towards private costumers in Sweden changed, and if so how, depending on the technological development? Has the view on customer relationships and customer loyalty changed on the banking market in Sweden, depending on the technological development and if so, how has it changed? Purpose: The aim of this study is to understand banks marketing efforts towards the private costumer and how it has changed on the banking market in Sweden depending on the technological development. Method: This is a study with a deductive approach based on a feasibility study of the situation on the banking market in Sweden. The study is mainly based on a qualitative approach but has also element from a quantitative approach. The primary data were collected through interviews with personal at Handelsbanken and Nordea. Conclusion: The major Swedish banks’ marketing is relationship marketing that in some case has elements of transaction marketing.Depending on the technological developments the marketing on the banking market in Sweden has gone from transaction marketing to relationship marketing.
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