Spelling suggestions: "subject:"“nor”""
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Om normer och normkonflikter i finlandssvenskan : Språkliga studier med utgångspunkt i nutida elevtexter / On norms and conflicts of norms in Finland Swedish : Linguistic studies based on present-day student textsMelin-Köpilä, Christina January 1996 (has links)
Finland is officially a bilingual country, with Finnish and Swedish as national languages. FinlandSwedes constitute about 6% of the population. This study treats Finland Swedish in relation to Swedish in Sweden, on the one hand, and, onthe other hand, to Finnish. The main question is whether Finland Swedish should be regarded asa variety on a par with regional varieties in Sweden, which presupposes a common written standard, or as a more independent standard language. A corpus of 289 school essays written by compulsory- and upper-secondary-school students inFinland has been compared with school essays written by Swedes in Sweden. The number of provincial features in the essays provide a quantitative measure of the regional and age-related variation among the students. The purpose of the study is to determine whether the two groups of students are developing inthe same direction, toward a common supra-regional standard language in which provincialismsare rare. My hypothesis has been that the Finland-Swedish essays will reflect a different standardlanguage than in Sweden, which would imply that several of the so-called provincialisms belongto an implicit Finland-Swedish written standard. The results indicate that the upper-secondary students, just as in Sweden, use fewer provincialfeatures than do compulsory school students. Students from bilingual municipalities use more Finlandisms than do their cohorts who reside in more Swedish-speaking environments. In generalthese Finlandisms are more closely related to Finnish than to dialects of Swedish, which meansthat the provincialisms of the Finland-Swedish students are in many cases different in nature fromthose of their Swedish counterparts in Sweden. A comparison between Finland-Swedish studentsand Swedish students in Sweden indicates that the students in Finland use more provincialisms, onthe one hand, and, on the other hand, continue to use them at the upper-secondary level as well,which is rare among Swedish students in Sweden. The conclusion is that in a certain sense Finland Swedish can be regarded as an independentstandard language developed out of the interplay with its own dialects and with Finnish. However,regionally varied influence from Sweden, combined with active language-preservation measuresin cooperation with Swedish language planning bodies in Sweden, ensures that Finlandisms, especially in professional expository prose, are normally few in number and can be regarded as negligible, even by Swedish readers in Sweden.
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Zur Entwicklung der Auffassung von der Sprachnorm und der Kodifizierung in der sowjetischen und russischen Sprachwissenschaft / Towards the Development of the Concepts Norm and Codification in the Sowjet und Russian LinguisticsLiebich, Olga 28 June 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Sensor Fusion and Control Applied to Industrial ManipulatorsAxelsson, Patrik January 2014 (has links)
One of the main tasks for an industrial robot is to move the end-effector in a predefined path with a specified velocity and acceleration. Different applications have different requirements of the performance. For some applications it is essential that the tracking error is extremely small, whereas other applications require a time optimal tracking. Independent of the application, the controller is a crucial part of the robot system. The most common controller configuration uses only measurements of the motor angular positions and velocities, instead of the position and velocity of the end-effector. The development of new cost optimised robots has introduced unwanted flexibilities in the joints and the links. The consequence is that it is no longer possible to get the desired performance and robustness by only measuring the motor angular positions. This thesis investigates if it is possible to estimate the end-effector position using Bayesian estimation methods for state estimation, here represented by the extended Kalman filter and the particle filter. The arm-side information is provided by an accelerometer mounted at the end-effector. The measurements consist of the motor angular positions and the acceleration of the end-effector. In a simulation study on a realistic flexible industrial robot, the angular position performance is shown to be close to the fundamental Cramér-Rao lower bound. The methods are also verified in experiments on an ABB IRB4600 robot, where the dynamic performance of the position for the end-effector is significantly improved. There is no significant difference in performance between the different methods. Instead, execution time, model complexities and implementation issues have to be considered when choosing the method. The estimation performance depends strongly on the tuning of the filters and the accuracy of the models that are used. Therefore, a method for estimating the process noise covariance matrix is proposed. Moreover, sampling methods are analysed and a low-complexity analytical solution for the continuous-time update in the Kalman filter, that does not involve oversampling, is proposed. The thesis also investigates two types of control problems. First, the norm-optimal iterative learning control (ILC) algorithm for linear systems is extended to an estimation-based norm-optimal ILC algorithm where the controlled variables are not directly available as measurements. The algorithm can also be applied to non-linear systems. The objective function in the optimisation problem is modified to incorporate not only the mean value of the estimated variable, but also information about the uncertainty of the estimate. Second, H∞ controllers are designed and analysed on a linear four-mass flexible joint model. It is shown that the control performance can be increased, without adding new measurements, compared to previous controllers. Measuring the end-effector acceleration increases the control performance even more. A non-linear model has to be used to describe the behaviour of a real flexible joint. An H∞-synthesis method for control of a flexible joint, with non-linear spring characteristic, is therefore proposed. / En av de viktigaste uppgifterna för en industrirobot är att förflytta verktyget i en fördefinierad bana med en specificerad hastighet och acceleration. Exempel på användningsområden för en industrirobot är bland annat bågsvetsning eller limning. För dessa typer av applikationer är det viktigt att banföljningsfelet är extremt litet, men även hastighetsprofilen måste följas så att det till exempel inte appliceras för mycket eller för lite lim. Andra användningsområden kan vara punktsvetsning av bilkarosser och paketering av olika varor. För dess applikationer är banföljningen inte det viktiga, istället kan till exempel en tidsoptimal banföljning krävas eller att svängningarna vid en inbromsning minimeras. Oberoende av applikationen är regulatorn en avgörande del av robotsystemet. Den vanligaste regulatorkonfigurationen använder bara mätningar av motorernas vinkelpositioner och -hastigheter, istället för positionen och hastigheten för verktyget, som är det man egentligen vill styra. En del av utvecklingsarbetet för nya generationers robotar är att reducera kostnaden men samtidigt förbättra prestandan. Ett sätt att minska kostnaden kan till exempel vara att minska dimensionerna på länkarna eller köpa in billigare växellådor. Den här utvecklingen av kostnadsoptimerade robotar har infört oönskade flexibiliteter i leder och länkar. Det är därför inte längre möjligt att få den önskade prestandan och robustheten genom att bara mäta motorernas vinkelpositioner och -hastigheter. Istället krävs det omfattande matematiska modeller som beskriver dessa oönskade flexibiliteter. Dessa modeller kräver mycket arbete att dels ta fram men även för att identifiera parametrarna. Det finns automatiska metoder för att beräkna modellparametrarna men oftast krävs det en manuell justering för att få bra prestanda. Den här avhandlingen undersöker möjligheterna att beräkna verktygspositionen med hjälp av bayesianska metoder för tillståndsskattning. De bayesianska skattningsmetoderna beräknar tillstånden för ett system iterativt. Med hjälp av en matematisk modell över systemet predikteras vad tillståndet ska vara vid nästa tidpunkt. Efter att mätningar av systemet vid den nya tidpunkten har genomförts justeras skattningen med hjälp av dessa mätningar. De metoder som har använts i avhandlingen är det så kallade extended Kalman filtret samt partikelfiltret. Informationen på armsidan av växellådan ges av en accelerometer som är monterad på verktyget. Med hjälp av accelerationen för verktyget och motorernas vinkelpositioner kan en skattning av verktygspositionen beräknas. I en simuleringsstudie för en realistisk vek robot har det visats att skattningsprestandan ligger nära den teoretiska undre gränsen, känd som Raooch mätstörningar som påverkar roboten. För att underlätta trimningen så har en metod för att skatta processbrusets kovariansmatris föreslagits. En annan viktig del som påverkar prestandan är modellerna som används i filtren. Modellerna för en industrirobot är vanligtvis framtagna i kontinuerlig tid medan filtren använder modeller i diskret tid. För att minska felen som uppkommer då de tidskontinuerliga modellerna överförs till diskret tid har olika samplingsmetoder studerats. Vanligtvis används enkla metoder för att diskretisera vilket innebär problem med prestanda och stabilitet. För att hantera dessa problem införs översampling vilket innebär att tidsuppdateringen sker med en mycket kortare sampeltid än vad mätuppdateringen gör. För att undvika översampling kan det motsvarande tidskontinuerliga filtret användas för att prediktera tillstånden vid nästa diskreta tidpunkt. En analytisk lösning med låg beräkningskomplexitet till detta problem har föreslagits. Vidare innehåller avhandlingen två typer av reglerproblem relaterade till industrirobotar. För det första har den så kallade norm-optimala iterative learning control styrlagen utökats till att hantera fallet då en skattning av den önskade reglerstorheten används istället för en mätning. Med hjälp av skattningen av systemets tillståndsvektor kan metoden nu även användas till olinjära system vilket inte är fallet med standardformuleringen. Den föreslagna metoden utökar målfunktionen i optimeringsproblemet till att innehålla inte bara väntevärdet av den skattade reglerstorheten utan även skattningsfelets kovariansmatris. Det innebär att om skattningsfelet är stort vid en viss tidpunkt ska den skattade reglerstorheten vid den tidpunkten inte påverka resultatet mycket eftersom det finns en stor osäkerhet i var den sanna reglerstorheten befinner sig. För det andra har design och analys av H∞-regulatorer för en linjär modell av en vek robotled, som beskrivs med fyra massor, genomförts. Det visar sig att reglerprestandan kan förbättras, utan att lägga till fler mätningar än motorns vinkelposition, jämfört med tidigare utvärderade regulatorer. Genom att mäta verktygets acceleration kan prestandan förbättras ännu mer. Modellen över leden är i själva verket olinjär. För att hantera detta har en H∞-syntesmetod föreslagits som kan hantera olinjäriteten i modellen. / Vinnova Excellence Center LINK-SIC
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Dynamic compressive sensing: sparse recovery algorithms for streaming signals and videoAsif, Muhammad Salman 20 September 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents compressive sensing algorithms that utilize system dynamics in the sparse signal recovery process. These dynamics may arise due to a time-varying signal, streaming measurements, or an adaptive signal transform. Compressive sensing theory has shown that under certain conditions, a sparse signal can be recovered from a small number of linear, incoherent measurements. The recovery algorithms, however, for the most part are static: they focus on finding the solution for a fixed set of measurements, assuming a fixed (sparse) structure of the signal.
In this thesis, we present a suite of sparse recovery algorithms that cater to various dynamical settings. The main contributions of this research can be classified into the following two categories: 1) Efficient algorithms for fast updating of L1-norm minimization problems in dynamical settings. 2) Efficient modeling of the signal dynamics to improve the reconstruction quality; in particular, we use inter-frame motion in videos to improve their reconstruction from compressed measurements.
Dynamic L1 updating: We present homotopy-based algorithms for quickly updating the solution for various L1 problems whenever the system changes slightly. Our objective is to avoid solving an L1-norm minimization program from scratch; instead, we use information from an already solved L1 problem to quickly update the solution for a modified system. Our proposed updating schemes can incorporate time-varying signals, streaming measurements, iterative reweighting, and data-adaptive transforms. Classical signal processing methods, such as recursive least squares and the Kalman filters provide solutions for similar problems in the least squares framework, where each solution update requires a simple low-rank update. We use homotopy continuation for updating L1 problems, which requires a series of rank-one updates along the so-called homotopy path.
Dynamic models in video: We present a compressive-sensing based framework for the recovery of a video sequence from incomplete, non-adaptive measurements. We use a linear dynamical system to describe the measurements and the temporal variations of the video sequence, where adjacent images are related to each other via inter-frame motion. Our goal is to recover a quality video sequence from the available set of compressed measurements, for which we exploit the spatial structure using sparse representations of individual images in a spatial transform and the temporal structure, exhibited by dependencies among neighboring images, using inter-frame motion. We discuss two problems in this work: low-complexity video compression and accelerated dynamic MRI. Even though the processes for recording compressed measurements are quite different in these two problems, the procedure for reconstructing the videos is very similar.
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Barnens förskola : Ett arbete om barns inflytande utifrån ett normkritiskt perspektivSvensson, Linda, Strandek, Therese January 2015 (has links)
Barns inflytande i förskolan är ett aktuellt ämne som dessutom anses vara otroligt komplext, både att förstå begreppet och att arbeta med. Vårt syfte är att synliggöra de normer som kännetecknar en verksamhet där barn får möjlighet till inflytande och vilka konsekvenser det får för verksamheten. Arbetet tar avstamp i kulturanalytisk teori och utifrån ett normkritiskt perspektiv diskuteras sedan resultatet. Vi har utfört en mikroetnografisk studie och data har samlats in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer och observationer. Empirin har samlats in på två avdelningar på två olika förskolor. Vårt resultat synliggör såväl möjligheter som hinder för barns inflytande. Det som framkommer är att pedagogernas barnsyn ligger till grund för det förhållningssätt som de har till barns inflytande. Vidare påverkar deras barnsyn om de närmar sig ett barns perspektiv eller inte vilket är avgörande för barns möjlighet till inflytande. Pedagogernas förhållningssätt är också avgörande för de normer som kommer till uttryck i verksamheten. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att de normer som finns i förskolan skapar både möjligheter och hinder och att de samverkar med varandra. / Children’s influence in preschool is a highly debated subject and it contains much complexity, both defining the word and working with the subject. The purpose of this study is to highlight norms that signifies a preschool where children have the possibility to influence their everyday life and the consequences that arise. The study begins in the culture analytic theory and use a norm critical perspective to discuss the results. As a methodology we have used the micro-ethnographic approach, where data has been collected using semi-structured interviews and observations. The empirical material comes from two departments, from two different preschools. The result presents both possibilities for and obstacles to children’s influence. The prominent result shows that teacher’s view on children determines their approach to children’s influence. Their view on children also plays a significant part on whether or not they try to understand a child’s perspective, which is of great importance for children’s possibility to have influence. Also, the result shows that teacher approach plays a significant part in what norms become significant in preschool. As a conclusion our result shows that existing norms work both as possibilities and as obstacles to children’s influence and that these norms all coexists.
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Affectivity in the classroom : A contribution to a feminist corpomaterial intersectional pedagogyÅkesson, Emilia January 2014 (has links)
In this study I aim to contribute to the field of feminist corpomaterial intersectional pedagogies, which I understand as a part of the broader field of feminist postconstructionist pedagogies. Against the background of feminist postconstructionism I wish to overcome binary understandings of for example discourse/materiality, theory/practice, male/female and mind/body in pedagogies. To follow this through I have analysed how affects and emotions are present in a classroom by studying the possibility of taking a starting point in the body while rethinking the anti-oppressive and norm critical pedagogical idea of the self-reflective teacher. In order to challenge the idea of the teacher as a neutral, universal and rational knowledge producer, I have in this study analysed how one can affectively and emotionally situate teacher-bodies and participant-bodies in a classroom. The analysis was carried out on the basis of empirical material collected at a workshop on corporeality and norm critical pedagogy organised in a teacher-training program at a Swedish university. The workshop was conducted as intra-active-research and the material consists of my field diary, eight written interviews, one oral interview and my experiences from leading the workshop. I argue in this study that teacher-bodies affectively and emotionally could be situated as both following a corporeal schema, an expected plan for how a teacher-body should act and move, and also as stepping away from and disrupting this schema. Further on I argue that teacher-bodies could be situated as memory banks and as working from memory. I stress how important it is in pedagogic situations to be aware of the ways in which bodies in a room affect and are affected by each other, in other words; how bodies “do not end at the skin”. This affective and emotional situatedness shows how it is possible to overcome the idea of teachers and students as bodily neutral. I also argue that it might be important to integrate workshops on corporealities in teacher training. This could be one possible way to start to think on one’s affectively and emotionally situatedness as teacher, something I claim as required if one aspires for a feminist intersectional corpomaterial pedagogy.
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Nu kör vi! : Mot jämställdhet i åkerinäringen med ett AIL-perspektivBengtsson, Marie January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Three Essays in Empirical and Experimental Development Economics: Pro-social Behavior, Monitoring of Development-Linked Public Goods and Inequality in Sub-Saharan AfricaAsiedu, Edward 08 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Sensitivity to Growth over Time in Pre-Post Norm-Referenced TestsPeters, Wole 02 October 2013 (has links)
There is very little in the literature about the sensitivity of norm-referenced tests to growth of diverse groups of test takers, particularly low-achieving test takers, who operate at the lowest 15 percentile of their peers. To bridge the knowledge gap, this study examined the sensitivity to growth of norm-referenced achievement tests. The purpose of the study is to determine the sensitivity of norm-referenced test to the growth of low-achieving students in prekindergarten through 12th grade. Four analysis were performed to test eight identified norm-referenced test for their sensitivity to the growth of students who perform at approximately the 15th percentile or below of their grade peers. Results of the analyses suggested that two of the eight tests are adequate for use with low-achieving students within a norm period. The other six tests showed lack of precision and appeared not to be suitable for measuring progress of low -achieving students.
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以社會資本理論探討監察院的角色與功能 / Using social capital theory to explore the roles and function of the control yuan高偉唐 Unknown Date (has links)
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