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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Congenital clubfoot : Aspects on epidemiology, residual deformity and patient reported outcome

Wallander, Henrik M January 2009 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis on congenital clubfoot was to estimate the incidence with a national perspective, analyse residual deformities and their management, and evaluate patient reported long-term quality of life and foot function. Paper I was a prospective, nationwide sampling of 280 children with congenital clubfoot during 1995-96. The average incidence was 1.4‰. There was regional heterogeneity but no seasonal variation. Paper II evaluated ultrasonography on 54 newborn, prospectively followed up to 12 months of age. Significant increase of medial malleolus to navicular distance (MM-N-distance) and of soft tissue thickness with increasing age was seen and with acceptable reliability. Paper III assessed 35 children (47 feet) after previous posterior release, mean age of 4.5 years, and the MM-N-distance was shorter in unilateral clubfeet (21 patients) than in contralateral normal feet. No association between navicular position and forefoot adduction (FFA) was determined. Smaller FFA yielded better subjective and functional outcome. Paper IV reviewed distraction treatment with Ilizarov External Fixator in seven patients (10 feet), 6-15 years of age, with relapsed deformities. All patients, except one, reported satisfaction with the overall result but less stiffness was experienced in only 4/10 feet. Paper V evaluated self-estimated outcome in 83 patients (63 males, 20 females), mean age of 64 years, through SF-36 and EQ-5D, and through AAOS foot and ankle score. Age and gender adjusted norm groups were used. Female patients scored worse than male patients did. Both males and females reported negative influence on foot and ankle function. Conclusion: The incidence of congenital clubfoot in Sweden is higher than in previous Scandinavian studies. Ultrasonography is reliable for describing pathoanatomy of the talo-navicular joint in clubfeet and can detect "spurious" (false) correction. Distraction treatment with the Ilizarov External Fixator yields subjective improvement but stiffness remains. Long-term influence on daily life activities is limited to foot and ankle function for both genders, but only female patients report negative influence on physical aspects of quality of life.

The power of character : Middle-class masculinities, 1800–1900

Tjeder, David January 2003 (has links)
This is a study of continuity and change in middle-class conceptions of ideal manhood. My theoretical cues are the notions of the male as an unproblematised and genderless norm, masculinity as homosocial, and George L. Mosse’s use of countertypes. Notions of passions, youth, and character were important throughout the century. If young men could learn to master the dangerous passions especially in the precarious period of youth, they would develop character. If men instead gave in to the passions, they would fall and become countertypes. Meanwhile, young men lived according to another notion, that young men should have their fling. The meaning of manhood also changed over time. In the decades around 1800, manhood meant to lead a life which would be beneficial to society as a whole. Another ideal, that of the man of the world, was founded on urbane manners as a tactic to further one’s career. By mid-century, the ideal of the self-made man came to the fore. The homosocial world of business was now seen as a good way to mould manly characters. In the last decades of the century, moralists criticized the sexual double standard and male sexuality. To remain chaste until marriage became a central mark of manhood. Autobiographers, however, reveal that to many men, Don Juan was a hero rather than a villain. The notion that men were genderless and that masculinity was not a subject of discussion cannot be sustained. Masculinity was indeed the subject of intense discussions. Meanwhile, neither moralists nor autobiographers shed critical light on married, adult men. The problem was how young men should best be guided into an adult position of legitimate power; that position of power in itself was not problematised. While most masculinities were homosocial, this was not exclusively so. Countertypes were more complex than what Mosse allows for. Men who had taken ideal manhood too far could be countertypes, and at times men endorsed ideals which meant unmanliness to moralists.

Families of cycles and the Chow scheme

Rydh, David January 2008 (has links)
The objects studied in this thesis are families of cycles on schemes. A space — the Chow variety — parameterizing effective equidimensional cycles was constructed by Chow and van der Waerden in the first half of the twentieth century. Even though cycles are simple objects, the Chow variety is a rather intractable object. In particular, a good functorial description of this space is missing. Consequently, descriptions of the corresponding families and the infinitesimal structure are incomplete. Moreover, the Chow variety is not intrinsic but has the unpleasant property that it depends on a given projective embedding. A main objective of this thesis is to construct a closely related space which has a good functorial description. This is partly accomplished in the last paper. The first three papers are concerned with families of zero-cycles. In the first paper, a functor parameterizing zero-cycles is defined and it is shown that this functor is represented by a scheme — the scheme of divided powers. This scheme is closely related to the symmetric product. In fact, the scheme of divided powers and the symmetric product coincide in many situations. In the second paper, several aspects of the scheme of divided powers are discussed. In particular, a universal family is constructed. A different description of the families as multi-morphisms is also given. Finally, the set of k-points of the scheme of divided powers is described. Somewhat surprisingly, cycles with certain rational coefficients are included in this description in positive characteristic. The third paper explains the relation between the Hilbert scheme, the Chow scheme, the symmetric product and the scheme of divided powers. It is shown that the last three schemes coincide as topological spaces and that all four schemes are isomorphic outside the degeneracy locus. The last paper gives a definition of families of cycles of arbitrary dimension and a corresponding Chow functor. In characteristic zero, this functor agrees with the functors of Barlet, Guerra, Kollár and Suslin-Voevodsky when these are defined. There is also a monomorphism from Angéniol's functor to the Chow functor which is an isomorphism in many instances. It is also confirmed that the morphism from the Hilbert functor to the Chow functor is an isomorphism over the locus parameterizing normal subschemes and a local immersion over the locus parameterizing reduced subschemes — at least in characteristic zero. / QC 20100908

The Paradox of foreignness

Edman, Jesper January 2009 (has links)
Diss.Stockholm : Handelshögsk.

Pro-environmental travel behavior : The importance of attitudinal factors, habits, and transport policy measures

Eriksson, Louise January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to study determinants of a readiness for pro-environmental travel behavior in households. Four empirical studies were conducted examining reduction in car use (Study I), acceptability of transport policy measures (Study II and III), and behavioral adaptations in response to travel demand management (TDM) measures (Study IV). In Study I, the aim was to interrupt habitual car use by means of a deliberation intervention and to examine the importance of moral motivation (i.e., personal norm) for car use reduction. Results showed that, as a result of the intervention, car use was mainly reduced among car users with a strong car use habit and a strong moral motivation to reduce car use. The aim of Study II was to examine factors important for the acceptability of three TDM measures: raised tax on fossil fuel, improved public transport, and an information campaign. The results demonstrated the importance of general environmental beliefs (i.e., pro-environmental orientation, problem awareness, personal norm, and willingness to reduce car use) and policy specific beliefs (i.e., perceived impact on freedom to choose travel mode and own car use, perceived effectiveness, and perceived fairness) for the acceptability of the measures. Furthermore, personal norm was found to be particularly important for the acceptability of raised tax and the information campaign, whereas problem awareness was more important for the acceptability of improved public transport. Following up on Study II, the purpose of Study III was to examine the acceptability of single and combined transport policy measures, more specifically, raised tax on fossil fuel, improved public transport, subsidies of renewable fuel, a package of raised tax on fossil fuel and improved public transport, and a package of raised tax on fossil fuel and subsidies of renewable fuel. General environmental beliefs (i.e., pro-environmental orientation, problem awareness, personal norm, and willingness to act) and policy specific beliefs (i.e., perceived effectiveness and perceived fairness) were found to be important for the acceptability of the measures. Moreover, personal norm was particularly important for the acceptability of raised tax on fossil fuel and the packages, while problem awareness was more important for the acceptability of improved public transport and subsidies of renewable fuel. The aim of Study IV was to examine the behavioral adaptations, more specifically, the expected car use reduction, in response to three hypothetical TDM measures: raised tax on fossil fuel, improved public transport, and a package of raised tax on fossil fuel and improved public transport. Furthermore, factors important for the expected car use reduction were analyzed. Results showed that a combination of the measures was expected to lead to a larger car use reduction compared to the single measures, and the most commonly chosen reduction strategies were more efficient car use and changing travel mode. Moreover, internal motivational factors, such as personal norm, and the perceived personal impact of the measures were important for expected car use reduction in response to the measures.

"Jag vägrar sätta in mig i en norm!" : En studie av "BRYT! - ett metodmaterial om normer i allmänhet och heteronormen i synnerhet"

Sandegård, Frida January 2009 (has links)
In this essay I examine how the norm-critical material ”BRYT! ett metodmaterial om normer i allmänhet och heteronormen i synnerhet” is used by Hyresgästföreningen in Stockholm in their education of personnel in the perspective of equalisation. I’ve mostly been interested in how the personnel who takes part in workshops about the material react and reflect in relation to the purpose of the material. How do they discuss about norms and the connection to discrimination and how do they look upon the power and responsibility that comes with power in relation to norms?  Earlier research in norm critical pedagogy and the critic of tolerans pedagogy perspective helps me to analyse how critical pedagogy stands above non-critical pedagogy in many perspectives. By observing workshops and by interviewing personnels taking part in these workshops I’ve examined how they react on both the practical and theoretical parts of the material. To summarise my examination I find the personnel who is educated in working with the material discover new experiences in knowledge and on how norms and discrimination functions. They explain that they have experienced knowledge about the connection between norms and discrimination and thereby how oppression could be counteracted and prevented.

En steril reproduktion? : en analys av normerna kring adoptivföräldraskapet

Hulth, Maria, Stigar, Madeleine January 2005 (has links)
Vårt syfte är att visa på de normer rörande adoptivföräldraskap som finns i Statens nämnd för internationella adoptionsfrågors (NIAs) handböcker och tidskrift NIA informerar. Utifrån queerteorins principer om exkludering och inkludering och forskarens Michael Lipskys teori om närbyråkrater har vi vaskat fram hur normen för adoptivföräldraskapet konstrueras utifrån det biologiska föräldraskapet som ideal. Barnets bästa är den princip som det genomgående hänvisas till i materialet för att motivera kärnfamiljen som norm. Dock är denna princip aldrig definierad men ges innebörd genom NIAs kriterier för adoptivföräldraskapet. Normen för adoptivföräldraskapet är kortfattat den heterosexuella kärnfamiljen.

Möjlighet att tillgodose barns behov vid långvarigt uppbärande av försörjningsstöd : En kvantitativ studie genomförd i Enköpings kommun under hösten 2012

Kumblad, Hanna, Norberg, Amanda January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether parents that obtain long-term maintenance support in Enköping, consider the support as adequate when trying to meet their children's basic needs. The thesis also intends to investigate whether parents experience that their children, because they receive income support, have been socially excluded or stigmatized in their daily lives because of the family’s maintenance support. Further, the thesis aims to examine if there are any discrepancies in the above mentioned issue in relation to how long the parents have received maintenance support. Theoretical starting points used in this thesis mainly consist of the child perspective, social exclusion and the stigmatization theory. The empirical data is based on questionnaires and thus the method for the investigation is of a quantitative nature. Because of the small number of respondents and the large non-respond rate it is important to emphasize that the result merely shows tendencies among the respondents and therefore cannot be seen as a general opinion among all parents who receives long-term maintenance support. The results of the questionnaires show that parents consider the money to be sufficient to a greater extent when meeting the children's need of food and hygiene and to a lesser extent when it comes to clothing, shoes and recreational activities. The results further indicate a variation among the parents’ perception when it comes to social exclusion and the ability to meet their children’s need of recreational activities. The results in regards to possible stigmatization illustrates that the majority of the parents in the survey had not experienced that their financial situation had led to a different or unequal treatment of their children. However, the results shows that there is differences in the way parents think about the above questions in relation to how long they received income support. / Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vad föräldrar, som långvarigt uppburit försörjningsstöd i Enköpings kommun, anser avseende att kunna tillgodose sina barns grundläggande behov. Syftet är också att undersöka om föräldrarna anser att deras barn, på grund av att de uppbär försörjningsstöd, har socialt exkluderats och stigmatiserats i sitt dagliga liv. Därtill syftar undersökningen till att studera om det finns någon skillnad i föräldrarnas syn kring ovanstående frågor i förhållande till hur lång tid som de har uppburit försörjningsstöd. Teoretiska utgångspunkter är barnperspektiv, social exkludering och stigmateori. Det empiriska materialet bygger på enkätformulär och således är metoden för undersökningen av ett kvantitativt slag. Det är viktigt att poängtera att studiens stora bortfall innebär att det inte är möjligt att generalisera resultaten till populationen. Därmed kan vi enbart uttala oss om de 13 respondenter som besvarat enkäten. Resultaten visar att föräldrarna i högre utsträckning anser att pengarna räcker till att tillgodose barnens behov av mat och hygien och i mindre utsträckning till kläder och skor samt fritidsaktiviteter. Avseende social exkludering finns det en variation i hur föräldrarna anser att de har ekonomiskt utrymme att tillgodose sina barns behov av olika fritidsaktiviteter. Dock visar resultaten att alla föräldrar i någon utsträckning anser att de inte har kunnat tillgodose barnens behov av fritidsaktiviteter. Resultaten för stigmatisering visar att majoriteten av föräldrarna anser att deras ekonomiska situation, att uppbära försörjningsstöd, inte i någon större omfattning medfört att deras barn har behandlats eller känt sig annorlunda. Samtidigt visar resultaten att alla föräldrar i någon grad anser att deras ekonomiska situation innebär en stigmatisering för deras barn. Avseende tidsaspekten visar resultaten att det finns en skillnad i hur föräldrarna anser kring ovanstående frågor i förhållande till hur lång tid de uppburit försörjningsstöd. De som har uppburit försörjningsstöd i 18 månader eller mer tenderar i de flesta frågor att vara mindre nöjda med insatsen än de som har uppburit försörjningsstöd i mindre än 18 månader.

Hen, vi och dom : En diskursanalytisk studie av ett samtal om hen och könsidentitet i Tendens i P1

Waldner, Linnea January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is based on a conversation about gender identity and the pronoun hen in an episode of the radio programme Tendens on Swedish public radio, P1. The participants of the conversation are a scholar and a journalist/show-host. The goal of the research has been to analyse how the conversation is constructed from its context and which topics that occur. The goal of the research has also been to analyse how the participants of the conversation position themselves and how the conversation composes and re-composes norms and values regarding gender identity in society. Critical discourse analysis, completed by Conversation analysis has been the theoretical and methodological approach. The result shows that the conversation functions well within its context and that the host Söderqvist and scholar Milles undertakedifferent parts and contributions in the interaction. The host undertakes the part as the presenter and questioner of problems and topics, which Milles then refute in her role as an expert. The result also shows that Söderqvist and Milles give voice to a diversity of topical and interactional positionings in the conversation, but that Söderqvist mainly positions himself as the audience’s representative. Furthermore the result shows that the participants recreate gender identity norms in the conversation. Milles dictums also carry tendencies to create and broaden norms.

Class invariants for tame Galois algebras

Siviero, Andrea 26 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Let K be a number field with ring of integers O_K and let G be a finite group.By a result of E. Noether, the ring of integers of a tame Galois extension of K with Galois group G is a locally free O_K[G]-module of rank 1.Thus, to any tame Galois extension L/K with Galois group G we can associate a class [O_L] in the locally free class group Cl(O_K[G]). The set of all classes in Cl(O_K[G]) which can be obtained in this way is called the set of realizable classes and is denoted by R(O_K[G]).In this dissertation we study different problems related to R(O_K[G]).The first part focuses on the following question: is R(O_K[G]) a subgroup of Cl(O_K[G])? When the group G is abelian, L. McCulloh proved that R(O_K[G]) coincides with the so-called Stickelberger subgroup St(O_K[G]) of Cl(O_K[G]). In Chapter 2, we give a detailed presentation of unpublished work by L. McCulloh that extends the definition of St(O_K[G]) to the non-abelian case and shows that R(O_K[G]) is contained in St(O_K[G]) (the opposite inclusion is still not known in the non-abelian case).Then, just using its definition and Stickelberger's classical theorem, we prove in Chapter 3 that St(O_K[G]) is trivial if K=Q and G is either cyclic of order p or dihedral of order 2p, where p is an odd prime number. This, together with McCulloh's results, allows us to have a new proof of the triviality of R(O_K[G]) in the cases just considered.The main original results are contained in the second part of this thesis. In Chapter 4, we prove that St(O_K[G]) has good functorial behavior under restriction of the base field. This has the interesting consequence that, if N/L is a tame Galois extension with Galois group G, and St(O_K[G]) is known to be trivial for some subfield K of L, then O_N is stably free as an O_K[G]-module.In the last chapter, we prove an equidistribution result for Galois module classes amongst tame Galois extensions of K with Galois group G in which a given prime p of K is totally split.

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