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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluierung von OP-Textilien nach hygienischen, ökonomischen und ökologischen Kriterien / Evaluation of Operating Room Textiles according to Hygienic Economic and Ecological Criteria

Günther, Edeltraud, Hoppe, Holger, Jatzwauk, Lutz, Lehmann, Beata, Mucha, Helmut, Pietsch, Kathrin 18 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Der zielgerichtete Einsatz innovativer Operationstextilien ist eine wichtige Maßnahme zur perioperativen Infektionsprophylaxe. Operationsmäntel und -abdecktücher sind den Bereichen Mehrweg- und Einwegprodukte zuzuordnen, mit deren Nutzung ein entsprechender Ressourcenverbrauch sowie Schadstoffbelastung verbunden sind. Den Anwendern ist die Auswahl kostengünstiger und umweltfreundlicher Produkte, gleiche Funktionalität vorausgesetzt, zurzeit nicht möglich, da Operationstextilien bislang in dieser Ganzheitlichkeit noch nicht betrachtet und untersucht worden sind. Das interdisziplinäre Verbundvorhaben befasst sich deshalb mit der ganzheitlichen Evaluierung innovativer Operationstextilien unter realen Praxisbedingungen nach funktionalen, hygienischen sowie ökologisch und ökonomischen Aspekten im Verlaufe ihres Lebenszyklus. Das Verbundvorhaben wird in 4 Teilprojekten mit folgenden wissenschaftlichen Zielstellungen bearbeitet: - Entwicklung einer Methode zur ganzheitlichen Evaluierung von OP-Textilien - Bewertung der Barrierewirkung von OP-Textilien hinsichtlich ihrer Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen in Abhängigkeit von den Nutzungszyklen - Bewertung der Barrierewirkung von OP-Textilien hinsichtlich ihrer Qualität und Konformität in Abhängigkeit von den Nutzungszyklen - Mikrobiologische und physikalische Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Struktur von Operationstextilien auf deren Dampfsterilisation unter Praxisbedingungen - Ökonomische und ökologische Aspekte beim Erhalt der Barrierewirkung - Verknüpfung der funktionalen, ökonomischen und ökologischen Bewertungen zur Erstellung von Entscheidungsinstrumenten für den indikationsgerechten Einsatz von OP-Textilien. / The specific use of innovative O.R. textiles is an important measure for the perioperative infection prophylaxis. Surgical gowns and drapes are available as single-use and re-usable products. Their use is connected with the corresponding consumption of resources and environmental pollution. At present, the selection of cost-saving and environmental-friendly products with a high level of protection is not possible, because O.R. textiles have not been integral investigated up to now. Hence, the interdisciplinary project is dealing with the holistic evaluation of O.R. textiles according to hygienic, ecological and economic criteria during their life cycle influenced by real conditions in practice. The integrated project consists of 4 sub projects with the following scientific objectives: - developing of a method for the holistic evaluation of O.R. textiles - assessment of the barrier effect of the O.R. textiles in reference to the structure-properties-relations depending on the use cycles - assessment of the barrier effect of the O.R. textiles in reference to the quality and conformity depending on the use cycle - microbiological and physical investigations regarding to the influence of the structure of the O.R. textiles on the steam sterilisation in practice - ecological and economic assessment of reprocessing and preservation of the barrier function depending on the use cycles.

Bilder av lärare : En kvalitativ undersökning av lärargestaltningar i serien Klass 9A

Johansson, Frida January 2011 (has links)
Jag intresserar mig i stort för berättande av olika slag och vems berättande som får ta plats. En del berättelser omvärderar vår förståelse av världen, medan andra förstärker den förståelse och ordning som redan finns. Mediers bilder spelar en roll då de kan ses som förebilder som vi förhåller oss till när vi skapar våra åsikter och värderingar. I mitt examensarbete har jag undersökt serien Klass 9A som har visats på SVT under våren. Syftet med undersökningen är att få en fördjupad förståelse för vilka bilder av lärare som visas i media. Jag undersöker hur lärare berättas och medieras i Klass 9A och hur mediet formulerar bilden av lärare. Genom bilder och berättelser skapas normer om hur lärare kan vara men också hur de inte kan vara. För att undersöka detta analyserade jag två avsnitt ur serien med hjälp av teorier om berättande, dramaturgi, diskurs och dikotomier. Med hjälp av teorierna tolkade jag min analys för att kunna besvara min frågeställning. Analysen gjorde mig uppmärksam på hur det talas om personerna i serien och att det görs en uppdelning mellan lärare och pedagoger. Denna uppdelning visar hur man som lärare ska göra, vad som är rätt och fel. Min undersökning visade också att serien Klass 9A är en berättelse, vinklad för att bli spännande tv och inte så mycket en dokumentation av verkliga lärare. Serien visar snarare karaktärer än individer. I undersökningen arbetar jag med det så kallade dubbla perspektivet. Då utbildningen är tvärvetenskaplig undersöker jag genom ett gestaltande arbete som har pågått parallellt och i samspel med uppsatsskrivandet. I mitt gestaltande arbete undersökte jag samma frågeställning som i uppsatsen. Med olika metoder närmade jag mig serien. Det resulterade i en film där man ser mig imitera och efterlikna lärarna och pedagogerna i Klass 9A samtidigt som man hör ljudet ifrån serien. Det var ett undersökande av gester, miner och tal där jag använde mig av mig själv i bearbetningen. Gestaltningen interagerar med uppsatsen på det sättet att de tankar och idéer som gestaltningen väckte har berikat den skriftliga uppsatsdelen och tvärtom. / <p>För att se gestaltningen i sin originalversion kontakta Frida Johansson.</p>

Är det dags att byta färg? : Vad tjänar varumärken på att bryta mot etablerade färgnormer?

Romberg, Minna, Johansson Måsén, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Problem: Färg har en stor associativ inverkan hos individer och är därför en viktig faktor vid varumärkesbyggande. Inom olika produktkategorier finns starkt etablerade färgnormer som följs men nu ser vi en utveckling på den svenska marknaden där etablerade färgnormer börjar ifrågasättas. Vi frågar oss vilka fördelar denna normbrottsstrategi har och hur den inverkar på konsumenter. Kanske har färgteorierna spelat ut sin roll och att det är dags för varumärken att bryta mönstret för att nå framgång. Vår frågeställning är således: Hur associerar svenska konsumenter färg till olika känslor, produktkategorier och varumärken? Vad tjänar varumärken på att bryta mot etablerade färgnormer? Syfte: Vi vill studera det glapp som finns mellan rådande färgteorier och det normbrott vi upptäckt på den svenska marknaden. Vi vill skapa en tydligare förståelse för konsumentens färgassociationer samt deras inställning till normbrottet för att undersöka vad varumärken kan tjäna på att avvika från färgnormen. Teori: Vårt teoretiska ramverk består av färgteorier, kommunikationsprocessen samt köpbeslutprocessen. Metod: Mailintervjuer med yrkesverksamma sker i syfte att sätta färg i ett produktperspektiv och vi analyserar meningsinnehållet i denna information för att se hur väl tillämpade färgteorierna är i deras arbetsprocess. Huvudstudien är riktad till potentiella konsumenter bosatta i Sverige och har skett genom ett webbaserat frågeformulär som sker genom ett bekvämlighetsurval. Deduktivt undersöker vi hur respondenterna förhåller sig till teorier om färg.  Del 1 i formuläret består av sluta svarsalternativ och testar vilken av elementarfärgerna respondenten kopplar till en given känsla enligt teorin. Del 2 består av bildfrågor som testar konsumentens förhållande till normbrottet ur ett produktperspektiv. Resultat: I mailintervjuerna med de yrkesverksamma åskådliggjordes en stor medvetenhet om färgteorier och färgens kommunikativa inverkan, färgvalet utgår från de emotionella reaktioner som färg väcker. Del 1 av undersökningen visade ett svagt associativt samband mellan färg och känsla enligt färgteorierna. Färgerna vit och gul hade högst respektive lägst associativt resultat. Det visades inga större skillnader mellan hur kvinnor och män svarat. Resultatet i del 2 visade en särskild benägenhet hos respondenter att välja en normbrytande färgsättning bland elektronikprodukterna. Slutsatser: Det visade sig att få respondenter är villiga att bryta mot färgnormer, vilket talar för tidigare forskning som säger att färgvalen ofta baseras utifrån vad de ska avbilda. Kvinnor och män tenderade att svara på samma sätt i båda delarna av frågeformuläret, vilket får tidigare diskussioner kring färgsättning och kön att kännas förlegad. Däremot valde en äldre åldersgrupp den röda TV:n. Arbete har betydelse då respondenter med heltidsarbete i större utsträckning valde att bryta mot normer. / Issue: Colour has great associative impact on individuals therefore colour plays an important role in brand building. We see a development on the Swedish marketplace where strongly established colour norms that are ruled in diverse product categories start to be called into question. We ask ourselves what benefits a break of norm has and how it affects consumers. Perhaps the theories of colour should be stepped away from and now it is time for brands to break the pattern for success. Our question is therefore: How do Swedish consumers associate colour to different emotions, product categories and brands? What can brands benefit from going against the established colour norms? Purpose: This study examines the existing gap between the current colour theories and the break of norm we have discovered on the Swedish market. We want to create a clearer picture of consumers associations of colour and their attitude to the break of norm in purpose to investigate what brands can benefit from deviating from the color norms. Theoretical framework: Our theoretical framework consists of colour theories, the communication process and the purchase decision process. Methodology: The mail interviews with professionals are done in order to bring suit in a product perspective, we analyze the meaning content of this information to see how well the applied colour theories are in their work process. The main study is aimed at potential consumers residing in Sweden and has been implemented with a web-based questionnaire that takes place through a convenience sample. Deductive, we examine how the respondents relate to theories of colour. Part 1 of the form consists of close-out response options, and test which of the elementary colours the respondent connects to a given emotion of the theory. Part 2 consists of picture questions that test the consumer's relationship to the break of norm from a product perspective. Results: The mail interviews with professionals showed a great awareness of colour theory and the communicative impact of colour. The color choice is based on the emotional responses that colour evokes. Part 1 of the survey showed a slight associative relationship between colour and emotion of the colour theory. The colour white showed the highest associative result and yellow showed the lowest. There were no major differences between how men and women responded. The results in Part 2 showed a particular tendency of respondents to choose a norm breaking colouration among electronic products. Conclusion: It turned out that few respondents were willing to break the colour norms, which points to previous research that says that the colour choices often are based on what they will portray. Women and men tended to respond similarly in both parts of the questionnaire, which make earlier discussions about colour and gender seem antiquated. However, an older age group tended to chose the norm breaking red TV. Employment is important, as respondents with full-time work increasingly chose to violate the norms.

Unga mäns perspektiv på heder och hedernormer  - en kvalitativ studie / Young men´s perspective concerning honour and honour-norms. A qualitative study

Andersson, Asiye, Mehvar, Mino January 2010 (has links)
The honour norm is strong within the Middle East but is scattered all over the world. As a result of immigration, the honorary context has become more established in Sweden. Violence, committed in the name of honour, is commonly executed by male family members. Thus, young men are forced, in some degree, to participate in the oppression and control of their sisters. Violence exercised in the name of honour, can be traced back to the patriarchal family system in which woman are subordinate to men. The purpose of this study is to highlight the young men's subjective perspective to honour and honour-related violence, as well as if they have managed to distance themselves from it. In the study, interviews are conducted with four young men. The results obtained show that some of the young men have an ambivalent attitude to certain matters relating to honour and what is not acceptable female behaviour. The results reveal that certain parts of the patriarchal thinking are identified in the opinions of some of the young men interviewed. Further, the results also suggest that education and community action are essential for the discussion of honour and the honour norm, in order to create change.

Analysis of Possibility for Neutrality of the Premier of Legislative Yuan in Republic of China

Ueng, Ming-an 03 August 2005 (has links)
¡iabract¡j From the past to the present, we can find no matter mass media, public opinion, and even the government party and opposition party is in support of neutrality of the Speaker, nevertheless, it had been unable to accomplish the purpose in past decade. What we see is endless arguments, as often as there is election of the premier of legislative yuan or bill battle. Hence, the author thinks there is a gap between our subjective expectation and objective reality about neutrality of the premier of legislative yuan, otherwise why we can¡¦t put neutrality of the premier of legislative yuan into practice for a long time. So this text thinks whether the premier of legislative yuan should be development toward neutralization, it is worth to discuss. It is necessary to inspect the possibility of neutral development for the premier of legislative yuan. In this article, we define the meaning of neutrality of the Speaker includes three levels, such as neutrality of agenda, neutrality of political party and neutrality of electoral district, etc., and under the prerequisite of these three meaning, the Speaker acted multiple roles including congress chairman, legislative chief, representatives of political party, representatives of electoral district and coordinator, etc. And some of them are useful to neutrality; some of them are conflict and contradictive to neutrality. Further, these roles would be influenced by the historical background, political culture, constitutional government system, political party, electoral system, and parliamentary norm and convention. So from this point of view, we observe experience of foreign the Speaker and inspect key factor influencing role of the Speaker. At the same time, we also explored key factor influencing role of the premier of legislative yuan, and compared with both, to present useful and unfavorable conditions about neutrality. Eventually, according to these conditions, we analyze the possibility of neutral development for the premier of legislative yuan, and make the relevant suggestions. We find out something in the course of studying. At first, our government trends towards presidential government in constitutional government system, the administration and legislation is split, it is useful to strengthen orientation of representatives of political party of the premier of legislative yuan. Secondly, if the premier of legislative yuan wants to be the Speaker, he has to rely on the strength of the political party in election, it makes the premier of legislative yuan cant¡¦t keep neutrality. Finally, the establishment of legislative yuan is very short, norm and conventions that it is useful to neutrality is not formed, such as the Speaker withdrawing from the political party or setting up several vice speakers to share agenda resources. And this also makes neutral development of the premier of legislative yuan more and more difficult. So we get a clear understanding of our current institutional reality, it is unfavorable to neutrality of the premier of legislative yuan. Consequently, we should develop towards the American type of the Speaker, to strengthen authority of the premier of legislative yuan, to make him lead the political party and integrate the legislative to restrict the executive power, to improve the entity of the whole legislative yuan. Key word: the premier of legislative yuan, the Speaker , neutrality of the Speaker , neutrality of agenda , neutrality of political party , neutrality of electoral district, Constitutional government system , political party , electoral system , parliamentary norm and convention

Code Acquisition using Smart Antennas with Adaptive Filtering Scheme for DS-CDMA Systems

Kuo, Sheng-hong 31 July 2006 (has links)
¡@¡@Pseudo-noise (PN) code synchronizer is an essential element of direct-sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) system because data transmission is possible only after the receiver accurately synchronizes the locally generated PN code with the incoming PN code. The code synchronization is processed in two steps, acquisition and tracking, to estimate the delay offset between the two codes. Recently, the adaptive LMS filtering scheme has been proposed for performing both code acquisition and tracking with the identical structure, where the LMS algorithm is used to adjust the FIR filter taps to search for the value of delay-offset adaptively. A decision device is employed in the adaptive LMS filtering scheme as a decision variable to indicate code synchronization, hence it plays an important role for the performance of mean acquisition time (MAT). In this thesis, only code acquisition is considered. ¡@¡@In this thesis, a new decision device, referred to as the weight vector square norm (WVSN) test method, is devised associated with the adaptive LMS filtering scheme for code acquisition in DS-CDMA system. The system probabilities of the proposed scheme are derived for evaluating MAT. Numerical analyses and simulation results verify that the performance of the proposed scheme, in terms of detection probability and MAT, is superior to the conventional scheme with mean-squared error (MSE) test method, especially when the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) is relatively low. ¡@¡@Furthermore, an efficient and joint-adaptation code acquisition scheme, i.e., a smart antenna coupled with the proposed adaptive LMS filtering scheme with the WVSN test method, is devised for applying to a base station, where all antenna elements are employed during PN code acquisition. This new scheme is a process of PN code acquisition and the weight coefficients of smart antenna jointly and adaptively. Numerical analyses and simulation results demonstrate that the performance of the proposed scheme with five antenna elements, in terms of the output SINR, the detection probability and the MAT, can be improved by around 7 dB, compared to the one with single antenna case.

$L_\infty$-Norm Computation for Descriptor Systems

Voigt, Matthias 15 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In many applications from industry and technology computer simulations are performed using models which can be formulated by systems of differential equations. Often the equations underlie additional algebraic constraints. In this context we speak of descriptor systems. Very important characteristic values of such systems are the $L_\infty$-norms of the corresponding transfer functions. The main goal of this thesis is to extend a numerical method for the computation of the $L_\infty$-norm for standard state space systems to descriptor systems. For this purpose we develop a numerical method to check whether the transfer function of a given descriptor system is proper or improper and additionally use this method to reduce the order of the system to decrease the costs of the $L_\infty$-norm computation. When computing the $L_\infty$-norm it is necessary to compute the eigenvalues of certain skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian matrix pencils composed by the system matrices. We show how we extend these matrix pencils to skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian matrix pencils of larger dimension to get more reliable and accurate results. We also consider discrete-time systems, apply the extension strategy to the arising symplectic matrix pencils and transform these to more convenient structures in order to apply structure-exploiting eigenvalue solvers to them. We also investige a new structure-preserving method for the computation of the eigenvalues of skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian matrix pencils and use this to increase the accuracy of the computed eigenvalues even more. In particular we ensure the reliability of the $L_\infty$-norm algorithm by this new eigenvalue solver. Finally we describe the implementation of the algorithms in Fortran and test them using two real-world examples.

Bilderbücher und ihre Wirklichkeiten : Normen, Werte und Rollenbilder in deutschsprachigen Bilderbüchern von 1844-1996 : vom Struwwelpeter bis zur Menschenfresserin /

Hirlinger-Fuchs, Franziska, Herzka, Heinz Stefan, January 2001 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Diss.--Philosophische Fakultät--Universität Zürich, 1999. Titre de soutenance : Bilderbücher und ihre Wirklichkeiten vom Struwelpeter bis zur Menschenfresserin. / Bibliogr. p. 239-250. Notes bibliogr.


Moldoff, David 01 January 2015 (has links)
Behaviors can exhibit a wide degree of plasticity depending on the environmental context in which they are expressed. Despite this, repeatable differences have been found among and within individuals across a wide range of taxa. For my thesis, I investigated individual differences in foraging and parental care. In the first experiment, I assessed house sparrows (Passer domesticus) for domain-generality among neophobia, habituation and associative learning as they are all responses to novelty. While the results of the study find individual differences in each of these contexts the conclusion supported separate mechanisms for each response (domain-specificity). In the second experiment, I examined how the loudness of brood begging vocalizations influenced parent trip time, food load size brought to the nest and the amount of time spent in the box. The results of this study found individual differences in trip time and the time spent in the box with regard to the initial five seconds of begging loudness during a parent’s visit. Additionally, trip time was also influenced by the change in loudness within a visit. My findings reveal that individual variation may depend on the context in which individuals are measured.

"Det är inte okej att springa och skjuta någon..." : En studie om hur förskollärare resonerar kring barns lekar med våldsinslag

Malin, Lindkvist, Åsa, Myrman Blomgren January 2015 (has links)
The starting point of our study was raised as a concern, when we realized the fact that we both consider ourselves lacking knowledge of how we as prospective pre-school teachers should manage children´s play that perceived as violent. We were also keen to learn how certain standards may influence pre-school teachers and be reproduced by them in relation to children’s play with elements of violence. The aim of our study is to examine how teachers of pre-school children reason around children´s violent play, and how their reasoning might visualize the prevailing norms of ethics and morals, gender and child perspective. The questions we ask ourselves are:  How do pre-school teachers reason concerning children's play with elements of violence? How are standards of ethics and morality, gender and child perspective in teachers' reasoning about children's games involving violence reproduced? 
When analysing our material we chose a norm-critical perspective, when looking at our data through the three norms; ethics and morals, gender and child perspective. In collecting our data we used a qualitative approach and our method is qualitative interviews. The conclusion from our study is that we can identify the three norms about ethics and morals, gender and child perspective when pre-school teachers reason about children´s play with elements of violence, and that these norms are reproduced by the pre-school teachers.

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