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Proteção penal do patrimônio e sonegação fiscal: uma abordagem à luz da teoria crítica / The criminal protection of property and the tax evasion: a critical theory approachFernanda Afonso de Almeida 16 April 2012 (has links)
Notam-se semelhanças fundamentais entre os delitos patrimoniais e os crimes de sonegação fiscal, os quais possuem dignidade penal no ordenamento jurídico nacional. Não obstante isso, ao comparar o tratamento dado a eles pelas agências formais de controle social, percebe-se uma escancarada preferência em criminalizar os autores de crimes contra o patrimônio, que são, em sua grande maioria, pertencentes às classes sociais mais pobres, enquanto se imunizam comportamentos típicos de indivíduos pertencentes às classes dominantes, como a sonegação fiscal. Nota-se que o Direito Penal, supostamente igualitário, é seletivo e discriminatório; é o Direito desigual por excelência. A teoria crítica da Criminologia, a partir do método materialista-histórico de Karl Marx, procura explicar que, em uma sociedade (capitalista) embasada fundamentalmente em relações de propriedade, a diferença de classes estrutural acaba por circunscrever a operacionalidade do sistema de justiça penal. O preconceito de classe conduz toda a seletividade do Direito Penal: as imunidades e a criminalização incidem em medida correspondente às relações de poder entre as classes sociais. Desvenda-se uma ordem legal ideológica e imaginária, fundada em conceitos de igualdade e de justiça social e projetada para legitimar a ordem vigente, em contrapartida a uma ordem real opressiva, que se dirige aos pobres, marginalizados, despossuídos e não proprietários, com uma função distinta da que prega: reproduzir as relações de desigualdade e as massas criminalizadas. A escola crítica, defronte a esse quadro e tratando-se de uma teoria comprometida com a construção de uma sociedade mais igualitária, apresenta propostas para tentar reduzir os mecanismos discriminatórios da justiça penal. / Fundamental similarities can be observed between property crimes and tax evasion, both of which having penal legitimacy in the public legal order. Notwithstanding, by comparing the treatment the official agencies of social control applied to them, it can be noticed a clearly preference to criminalize the agents of property crimes, who, in great number, belong to the poor social class, while typical conducts from high social class, as tax evasion, are immunized. It can be noticed that Criminal Law, supposedly egalitarian, is selective and discriminatory; it is the unequal Law par excellence. The critical theory of Criminology tries to explain, from Karl Marxs historical-materialist method, why in a (capitalist) society, structured mainly on properties relations, the differences between classes limit the criminal justice system operation. The class prejudice conducts the Criminal Law selectiveness: immunities and criminalization are focused correspondingly to power relations between the social classes. It can be unveiled an ideological and imaginary legal order, founded in equality and social justice, projected in order to legitimate the existing order, in contrast to an oppressive real order and directed to the poor, marginalized, dispossessed, nonproprietary, which performs in a different way of its speech: reproducing the unequal relations and the criminalized mass. The critical theory, in front of this frame, as a theory committed to the construction of a more equal society, presents proposals to try to reduce the discriminatory mechanisms of the criminal justice.
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La petite noblesse de la sénéchaussée de Sarlat de la Fronde à la Révolution française (1648-1789) / The low nobility of the Sarlat sénéchaussée from the Fronde to the French Revolution (1648-1789)Royon, Olivier 26 March 2011 (has links)
La noblesse du Sarladais avait la réputation d'être pléthorique et désargentée, mais ce point de vue traditionnel doit être nuancé : les nobles n'étaient nombreux que dans les villes de Sarlat, de Monpazier, et dans les vallées. Ils étaient effectivement pauvres, mais leurs lignées étaient anciennes : un partage favorable à l'aîné et l'exercice d'activités sans dérogeance pour les cadets permettaient aux uns et aux autres de se distinguer de leur environnement social. Leurs relations avec l'Etat évoluèrent : aux XVI ° et XVII ° siècles, la noblesse lutta pour son indépendance, encouragée par les La Tour d'Auvergne, dont la vicomté de Turenne était souveraine. Vers 1740, avec le déclin de cette lignée, le second ordre se soumit au monarque : il s'intégra dans ses clientèles pour le servir, et il renforça ses liens avec lui, par des unions avec de vieilles lignées d'officiers, qui faisaient de l'ancienneté un élément essentiel de l'identité nobiliaire. Bien que vaincus, les nobles envisagèrent de réformer l'Etat absolutiste, car la noblesse voulait rester maîtresse chez elle en se protégeant de la domination parisienne et bordelaise. Mais, la réforme n'était pas sans risques, car la noblesse était isolée : d'une attitude ambivalente avec la bourgeoisie, elle se heurtait à des paysans hostiles aux droits féodaux, qu'un noble pauvre ne pouvait abandonner sans perdre sa supériorité dans la paroisse. / The nobility of Sarlat region was know to be overed and penniless, but this reputation needs to be qualified : the noblemen were numerous only in Sarlat, Monpazier and the valleys. They were poor indeed, but their lineage was ancient : the sharing out was in favor of the eldest and the activities reserved to the nobility of the younger brothers allowed them to distinguish themselves from their social environment. The relationships between the nobility and the State also deserve a closer investigation : throughout the 16 th and the 17 th centuries, the nobility fought for its independence, and it's supported by La Tour d'Auvergne whose the viscountey of Turenne was sovereign. Around 1740, with the decline of this lineage, the members of the "second ordre" submitted themselves to the Monarch and joined as it's followers to serve him. Trough this, they also strengthened bonds with him through the unions of old officer lineages for whom length of service was the fundamental element of the identity nobility. Although they had been defeated, the noblemen considered that it was a necessity to reform the absolutistic State, for the nobility wanted to remain in control protecting itself from the domination of Paris and Bordeaux. Yet, the reforme included risks, for the nobility was isolated : its ties with the "bourgeoisie" were ambivalents, but they faced farmers hostile to the feudals rights which a poor nobleman could not give up on, without losing superiority within the parish.
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The unilateral determination of price in contracts of sale governed by the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008Du Plessis, Hanri Magdalena 20 July 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the application of the common law rule prohibiting unilateral price determination in contracts of sale governed by the Consumer Protection Act. The unilateral determination of price has been a controversial issue for an extended period of time. This controversy is traced back to Roman law where different translations and interpretations are given to the texts dealing with the unilateral determination of price in a contract of sale. The majority of the Roman-Dutch writers preferred the view that regarded a contract granting a discretion to one of the parties to determine the price as void. Subsequently, this view was incorporated into South African law. During the 1990s the Supreme Court of Appeal questioned whether the rule should still form part of South African law. An overview of the case law indicates that the courts have been prepared to allow contractual price discretions provided such discretions refer to an objective external standard or reasonableness. There are also indications that the courts would imply that the discretion should be exercised reasonably, except in the case of clearly unfettered discretions. Recently, the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 ("the CPA") has made substantial amendments to the law of sale in respect of contracts governed by the CPA. The dissertation investigates the influence of the CPA on the rule governing unilateral price determinations in such sales. It also investigates the consumer's fundamental rights to disclosure of information and fair, just and reasonable terms and conditions. Legal uncertainties and issues arising from the provisions of the CPA are identified. Finally, a comparative study with English law is undertaken which provides a comparative basis from which possible solutions are extracted and proposals made to address the uncertainties and issues emanating from the CPA. Copyright / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Mercantile Law / unrestricted
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Stavěcí mechanismus štěrbiny kuželového drtiče / Slot adjusting mechanism of cone crusherHuňka, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the obtuse-angled cone crushers especially about design of the individual parts of the adjustment mechanism. Most space is devoted to functional calculation and subsequent technical construction of the new design of obtuse-angled crusher where the output setting is adjusted using the motion thread and hydraulic locking system for compensating the thread clearance. The parameters are chosen with regard to the already established older types of cone crushers produced by PSP Engineering, a.s. An inseparable part is the calculation verifying the functionality of the motion thread and gearing. Another essential part of this work are stress analysis of the slot adjusting mechanism design using finite element method and considering two states - adjusting of the slot and crushing itself.
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Poruchy staveb na poddolovaném území městské části Kladno-Švermov / Construction damages in the undermined Kladno-Švermov districtTrčková, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is dealing with construction damages in the undermined Kladno-Švermov district. This area is situated in the Kladno Coal district, which is a part of the Kladno- Rakovník Basin. Kladno-Švermov is one of the places which have been affected by mining activity for more than last 150 years. Firstly the historical documentation, structure development and engineering geology investigations were reviewed. Secondly the area was investigated and the catalogue of 39 documentation points was made. The aim was to register visible construction damages on buildings, roads, or bricked fences, which could be caused by effects of undermining. The consequences of undermining in the Kladno-Švermov district are still apparent and the impacts of the hard coal mining are not finished. The main impact in the area is represented by subsidence basin. It has affected all the area and the damages are mainly caused by unequal descent. They are visible on some buildings, roads, or fences. Attachment number 3 is represented by commented catalogue of the main damages in the area and map of the undermined district with documentation points is enclosed as an attachment number 4.
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Ungleichmäßige glanduläre Differenzierung im equinen Endometrium - frühe Stadien einer Endometrose?Bischofberger, Lisa 03 May 2021 (has links)
Die equine Endometrose ist eine irreversible periglanduläre und/oder stromale Fibrose, betroffene Uterindrüsen zeigen meist glanduläre Alterationen und häufig eine zyklusasynchrone Differenzierung. Sie ist eine der wichtigsten Ursachen für Fruchtbarkeitsstörungen von Stuten und reduziert - abhängig von ihrer qualitativen und graduellen Ausprägung - die zu erwartende Abfohlrate. Fehldifferenzierte Endometrien treten nach neueren Erkenntnissen häufiger (16 % während der Decksaison) auf als bisher angenommen. Sie sind durch Abweichungen des endometrialen Funktions- und oder Aktivitätszustandes gekennzeichnet, wobei die irreguläre glanduläre Differenzierung (IGD) eine vollständige Pleomorphie ihrer Drüsenanschnitte zeigt. Die ungleichmäßige glanduläre Differenzierung (UGD) ähnelt mit ihren vom Grundzustand des Endometriums abweichend differenzierten Drüsennestern, die bisher als nicht-fibrotisch angesehen wurden, der equinen Endometrose. Bislang finden Fehldifferenzierungen (Ausnahme: die Atrophie in der Decksaison) keine Erwähnung im Kategorisierungsschema der Endometriumbioptate. Tatsächlich sind sie jedoch auch als fertilitätsmindernd anzusehen.
Daher war das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie, mittels vergleichender lichtmikroskopischer und immunhistologischer Untersuchung der UGD und der Endometrose in Serienschnitten (n = 837) von Endometriumbioptaten (n = 33), neue Erkenntnisse darüber zu gewinnen, ob die UGD eine Frühform der Endometrose darstellt.
Die Bioptate wurden 31 Stuten während der Decksaison (April bis September) der Jahre 1998 - 2012 entnommen und anhand ihrer Befunde in Gruppen eingeteilt: Stuten in Gr. 1 (n = 10) weisen eine UGD auf, Gr. 1a (n = 3) ist durch eine UGD und eine IGD, Gr. 2 (n = 10) durch eine UGD und eine Endometrose gekennzeichnet, während Gr. 2a (n = 10) eine UGD, eine Endometrose und eine IGD zeigt. Als Kontrollen dienten jeweils 5 Biopsien mit unveränderten Endometrien bzw. einer ggr. Endometrose. Die Serienschnitte wurden routinemäßig aufgearbeitet und mittels H.-E. gefärbt oder immunhistologischen Behandlungen zum Nachweis von α-Aktin, Desmin, Vimentin, Laminin, Östrogen- und Progesteronrezeptoren unterzogen.
Die Ergebnisauswertung erfolgte semi-quantitativ und ohne die Erstellung einer Statistik. Alle ausgewählten UGD-Nester wurden in 3 Schnittebenen des Gewebes lichtmikroskopisch auf das Vorhandensein und die Ausprägung periglandulär angelagerter Stromazellen (PSC) überprüft. Dabei wiesen in Schnittebene 1 die Mehrzahl (78,15 %) der Drüsen innerhalb der UGD-Nester PSC auf, die häufig einschichtig (67,56 %), seltener (30,38 %) zwei- bis dreischichtig auftraten und die Drüsen meist (73,42 %) maximal zur Hälfte und selten (7,07 %) vollständig umschlossen. In tieferen Schnittebenen konnte eine dezente Zunahme der zwei- bis dreischichtigen PSC (35,85 % bzw. 34,67 %) festgestellt werden, welche die betroffenen Drüsen etwas häufiger vollständig umfassten (10,53 % bzw. 10,03 %). Immunhistologisch nimmt die α-Aktin-Expression innerhalb der UGD und (stärker ausgeprägt) in der Endometrose gegenüber unveränderten Stromazellen zu. Desmin wird im Vergleich mit unveränderten Arealen in der UGD und in der Endometrose von einem höheren Prozentsatz positiver Stromazellen exprimiert, jedoch – wie in der Literatur bereits für die UGD, nicht aber für die Endometrose, berichtet - mit verminderter Intensität. Die stromale Vimentin-Expression ist in UGD und Endometrose gegenüber den unveränderten Arealen insgesamt erhöht, wobei der Prozentsatz Vimentin exprimierender Stromazellen in der UGD etwas höher ausfällt als in der Endometrose. Auch die Drüsenepithelien zeigen in beiden Alterationen einen leicht erhöhten Prozentsatz und v.a. erhöhte Intensität von Vimentin. Für die Basallamina-Komponente Laminin kann v.a. ein verbreitertes/aufgefasertes, diskontinuierliches oder fehlendes, teilweise auch dünneres Erscheinungsbild um Drüsen in der UGD und in der Endometrose festgestellt werden. Die ER und PR werden von den Stromazellen in UGD und Endometrose insgesamt reduziert exprimiert, die Epithelzellen zeigen insbesondere für die ER eine leicht erhöhte Expression gegenüber unveränderten Drüsen.
Zusammenfassend weist ein Großteil der UGD-Drüsen PSC auf. Dies lässt, in Verbindung mit dem vom unveränderten Endometrium abweichenden immunhistologischen Expressionsmuster der UGD sowie (meist stärker ausgeprägt) der Endometrose, den Schluss zu, dass die UGD eine Frühform der Endometrose darstellt. Daraus folgt die Notwendigkeit einer Überarbeitung und Ergänzung des histomorphologischen Kategorisierungsschemas für Endometriumbioptate, wobei für die UGD dieselbe (gradabhängige) prognostische Bewertung wie für die Endometrose angenommen werden muss. Künftige Studien können anhand von Verlaufsuntersuchungen überprüfen, ob UGD-Stuten in einem definierten Zeitraum eine den Kriterien des Kategorisierungsschemas entsprechende Endometrose entwickeln. / Equine endometrosis is known as periglandular and/or stromal fibrosis in combination with glandular alterations. In view of their function and/or activity, the affected glands often are deviating from the physiological stage of the cycle. It is one of the most important reasons for reduced fertility in mares and - in dependence on quality and degree - partly leads to a distinct reduction of the expected foaling rate. According to recent findings, endometrial maldifferentiations occur more often (16% during the breeding season) than expected. Affected endometria are characterised by glands deviating from the physiological stage of the cycle regarding their function and/or activity. The irregular glandular differentiation (IGD) shows a polymorphy of epithelial cells within one gland cross-section, while the unequal glandular differentiation (UGD) reminds on endometrosis because of the glandular nests, up to now seen as non-fibrotic, deviating from the stage of the cycle. Until now, endometrial maldifferentiations, excluding atrophia during the breeding season, are not mentioned in the catgorisation system for endometrial tissue examination. But in fact, they also are reducing the fertility.
So the aim of this study was to get new insights if UGD is an early form of endometrosis by comparative histomorphological and immunohistochemical examinations on serial slides (n = 837) of 33 endometrial tissue specimens with UGD and endometrosis.
The biopsies were taken of 31 mares during physiological breeding season (April to September) between 1998 and 2012 and grouped according to their diagnostic findings: The mares in group 1 (n = 10) show UGD, group 1a (n = 3) shows UGD and IGD while Group 2 (n = 10) is characterised by the presence of UGD and endometrosis and group 2a (n = 10) by UGD, endometrosis and IGD. Each 5 tissue samples without alterations, respectively a mild endometrosis served as controls. All serial slides (n = 837) were routinely processed and stained by hematoxylin and eosin or underwent an immunohistochemical treatment to detect α-actin, desmin, vimentin, laminin, estrogen- und progesteronreceptors.
The evaluation of the results was carried out semi-quantitatively and without statistical analysis. Each three slide levels of the tissue samples were examined by light microscopy, if and of which gradual occurrence periglandular arranged stromal cells (PSC) were noticeable in deeper areas of the selected UGD-nests. In slide level 1 most of the glands (78.15%) within UGD show PSC, which mostly (73.42%) surrounds maximally half of the affected gland and rarely (7.07%) the whole gland, often (67.56%) consists of one layer and less frequently (30.38%) of two or three layers. A slight increase of PSC with two or three layers (35.85% respectively 34.67%) is detectable in deeper slide levels, also more often a complete surrounding of the glands (10.53% respectively 10.03%) by the PSC is seen.
The immunohistochemical investigations reveal, compared to unchanged stromal cells, an increase of the stromal α-actin-expression in UGD and (stronger) in endometrosis. Desmin is expressed by a higher percentage of stromal cells in UGD as well as in endometrosis, but with reduced intensity. This is already described in literature for UGD but not for endometrosis. The stromal vimentin-expression is increased towards the unchanged areas in UGD and endometrosis, but the percentage of vimentin-positive stromal cells is slightly higher within UGD than within endometrosis. Vimentin also is detectable with slightly hightened percentage and first of all stronger intensity in epithelial cells of both alterations. Laminin, which is a part of the basal lamina, can be found around glands and around UGD- and fibrotic glands primarily is characterised by a widened/filamentous, discontinuous or missing, sometimes also slighter morphology. Compared to the unchanged areas, the stromal cells in UGD and endometrosis express the ER and PR in a reduced way, while epithelial cells show a slightly increased expression, especially for the ER.
To sum up, a big part of the glands within UGD is characterised by PSC. In association with the immunohistochemical expression pattern of UGD and endometrosis differing (mostly stronger in endometrosis) from those of the unchanged endometrium, this is regarded as an aproach of UGD towards endometrosis, which suggests UGD being an early form of endometrosis. Because of that, a revision and completion of the histomorphological categorisation system for endometrial tissue samples is necessary, assuming the same prognostical evaluation für UGD as for endometrosis, that depends on the degree of the alterations. Future studies could verify, if mares suffering from UGD are developing an endometrosis according to the diagnostical criteria of the categorization system by a defined period of time.
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[pt] A desigualdade, em suas diversas manifestações, está no centro do debate da economia política há algumas décadas. Dentre dos principais fatores que influenciam as vertentes interessadas nesse debate, há as orientações políticas e a visão de como o Estado se relaciona com o mercado e com a sociedade. Na
Europa, em contraste com a ideia segundo a qual os Estados mais desenvolvidos deveriam ter condições de vida melhores, observou-se, nos últimos cinquenta anos, uma queda (média) dos índices de bem estar
socioeconômicos. Isto, embora esteja de acordo com a maioria dos estudos desenvolvidos, não é um ponto de partida suficiente para uma análise mais aprofundada sobre a realidade dos países europeus nos dias de hoje. Ao se pesquisar os indicadores de desigualdade dos países dessa área, percebeu-se uma tendência às mudanças de caráter regional que levariam a algumas hipóteses de que determinados países, com economia e história parecida, teriam seguido o mesmo caminho de aumento/diminuição do nível de desigualdade. O que foi apontado, apesar de já ser muito interessante, foi tomando uma forma ainda mais
relevante quando se viu que os agrupamentos por regiões respeitavam, também, essas tendências sob uma chave de leitura de concentração de renda e de estrutura e mobilidade social. Se o índice de Gini (principal índice utilizado para a definição do nível de desigualdade) já pode ser visto como um fator relevante para se estudar a evolução socioeconômica desses países, resulta ainda mais profícuo
associar a esse estudo uma análise sobre a polarização das rendas para se ter uma maior clareza sobre o que aconteceu de fato, e de forma mais dinâmica, nos diversos países ao longo do período considerado. As tendências encontradas com esta última análise não só revelam fatores muito peculiares em relação às diversas políticas adotadas pelos respectivos Estados, quanto constituem uma sequência de todos os momentos em que houve mudanças tanto no mercado internacional quanto no interno (como sua consequência). Com o objetivo de entender que tipo de mudanças se manifestaram nos países da
região europeia, quais foram as mais significativas e como podem ser explicadas de forma inicial para futuros estudos, essa pesquisa procura se colocar como uma análise multidimensional sobre os fenômenos mais abrangentes que o mercado e o Capital internacional geraram nas dimensões estatais. Seguindo uma vertente crítica que ponha essas problemáticas em um plano aberto de análises dinâmicas, contínuas e sem um ponto final às múltiplas respostas a serem encontradas, uma indagação na chave do materialismo histórico marxiano e marxista constituirá a metodologia, as fontes e as escolhas analíticas que serão utilizadas. / [en] Inequality, in its different forms, was putted in the middle of the political economy debate for decades. One of the main factors that influenced both sides involved in this debate, besides political orientations, stands the view of how the State interacts with the market e with the society. In Europe, on the opposite side
of thinking about the more developed is a State the more its society is living in better conditions, in the last fifty years a decrease of all the socioeconomic indices was observed. That, although it is a very significant point in common among all the academic works, it is not satisfying for a deeper analysis on the nowadays European countries reality. Searching for the area s countries inequality factors, a tendency to change was observed regionally. That could suggests a common path for the countries of the same area, that has had leaded to same inequality indices. What was pointed out, although is yet a very prominent subject to be studied, it was just the beginning of a more relevant observation when common points suggesting closer clustering of income concentration and social mobility structure was found out. If Gini Index (the main index used to measure inequality) could be seen yet as a relevant factor to study socioeconomic evolution
of those countries, it is even more profitable to link an analysis leaded by income polarization indices to this research, in order to see clearer what happened to the European countries, socially and economically speaking, during the chosen period. Founded trends thanks to this kind of analysis not just show us some
peculiarities about the diverse politics used by different States, but also sets a time-laps of every single event in which, both on the international and national market, significant changes has happened as its consequence. With the goal of catching these king of changes of the European area, which ones were more
relevant and how they can be explained for future understandings, this dissertation try to work as a multidimensional analysis about wider phenomena caused by international market and capital on the national plane. Following a critical theory that puts all that issues on a wider plane of investigation, a Marxian historical materialism analysis leads the main methodology of the research, as well as the analytical choices and sources to be used.
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Error relilient video communications using high level M-QAM. Modelling and simulation of a comparative analysis of a dual-priority M-QAM transmission system for H.264/AVC video applications over band-limited and error-phone channels.Abdurrhman, Ahmed B.M. January 2010 (has links)
An experimental investigation of an M level (M = 16, 64 and 256) Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) transmission system suitable for video transmission is presented. The communication system is based on layered video coding and unequal error protection to make the video bitstream robust to channel errors. An implementation is described in which H.264 video is protected unequally by partitioning the compressed data into two layers of different visual importance. The partition scheme is based on a separation of the group of pictures (GoP) in the intra-coded frame (I-frame) and predictive coded frame (P frame). This partition scheme is then applied to split the H.264-coded video bitstream and is suitable for Constant Bit Rate (CBR) transmission. Unequal error protection is based on uniform and non-uniform M-QAM constellations in conjunction with different scenarios of splitting the transmitted symbol for protection of the more important information of the video data; different constellation arrangements are proposed and evaluated to increase the capacity of the high priority layer. The performance of the transmission system is evaluated under Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and Rayleigh fading conditions.
Simulation results showed that in noisy channels the decoded video can be improved by assigning a larger portion of the video data to the enhancement layer in conjunction with non-uniform constellation arrangements; in better channel conditions the quality of the received video can be improved by assigning more bits in the high priority channel and using uniform constellations. The aforementioned varying conditions can make the video transmission more successful over error-prone channels. Further techniques were developed to combat various channel impairments by considering channel coding methods suitable for layered video coding applications. It is shown that a combination of non-uniform M-QAM and forward error correction (FEC) will yield a better performance. Additionally, antenna diversity techniques are examined and introduced to the transmission system that can offer a significant improvement in the quality of service of mobile video communication systems in environments that can be modelled by a Rayleigh fading channel.
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“Black Wombs Matter" : A Case Study of the Maternal Deaths of Black Women in the US, Based on the Documentary AftershockMeignen, Eva Maggy Mireille January 2023 (has links)
The maternal mortality rate in the USA is the highest in the industrialized world. Black women in the USA are three times more likely to die due to pregnancy and childbirth-related health issues than their white counterparts. According to 2017–2019 data from the CDC, 80% of these deaths are preventable.The purpose of this thesis is to understand how women’s bodily autonomy is both racialized and politicized. Key questions here are: What is the relationship between access to healthcare and reproductive rights? How are reproductive rights racialized? How is bodily autonomy racialized and politicized?This research is based on a literature review and a case study of the documentary Aftershock, released in July 2022. Aftershock charts the deaths of two young Black American women after they gave birth and shows how their partners and families stood together and became effective activists determined to fight the Black maternal mortality epidemic in the US, and thereby increase awareness and bring about change in society.
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Design and Implementation of Radio Frequency Power Feeding Networks for Antenna Array Applications: Simulation and Measurements of Multiport, Equal and Unequal, Fixed and Reconfigurable Radio Frequency Power Feeding Networks for Narrow and Ultra-Wideband ApplicationsAli, Ammar H.A. January 2018 (has links)
Power dividers are vital components and widely used in radio technology, such
as antenna arrays, power amplifiers, multiplexers and mixers. A good example is
the well-known Wilkinson power divider with its distinctive feeding network
characteristics. A comprehensive review indicated that limited research is carried
out in the area of planar multiport and reconfigurable power dividers in terms of
the power levels between output ports.
The main objectives of this work were to develop a small size power divider, a
planer multi-output ports power divider and a power divider with a reconfigurable
power division ratio. These power dividers were designed to operate over either
an ultra-wideband frequency (3.1-10.6 GHz) or WLAN bands (2.4 or 5.2 GHz).
A novel multi-layered topology solved the complexity of interconnecting isolation
resistors by introducing an additional layer below the ground layer. The prototype
was fabricated and tested to validate the results. The measurements and
simulation were in good agreement.
Finally, a novel uniplanar power divider with reconfigurable output power level
difference was developed. The configurability feature was achieved by tuning the
quarter wave transformer using one varactor diode. The power divider was
applied to improve a full duplex system cancellation performance at the receiver
element caused by interference from in-site transmitting antennas.
This study investigated fixed power dividers, multi-output power dividers and
reconfigurable power dividers. The measurements validated by the simulation
results and applications proved the designed power dividers could be used in
practical applications. / Higher Committee for Education Development (HCED), Iraq
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