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校長教學領導行為與九年一貫課程實施之研究 ─以桃園縣國民中學為例─

羅新炎 Unknown Date (has links)
校長教學領導行為與九年一貫課程實施之研究 ─以桃園縣國民中學為例─ 摘 要 本研究目的主要在探討校長教學領導行為與九年一貫課程實施相關議題,並調查不同背景變項之教師,對校長教學領導行為與九年一貫課程實施的知覺上有何差異。 調查研究以桃園縣國民中學教師為母群體,抽取768位教師為樣本,以自編之「校長教學領導行為調查問卷」與「九年一貫課程實施調查問卷」進行問卷調查,計回收有效問卷712份。所得資料以SPSS10.0統計軟體進行統計分析,並透過描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法加以分析與解釋,所獲得的主要結論如下: 一、國民中學校長教學領導行為之現況分析 國中教師在知覺校長教學領導行為程度上,以「增進學生學習氣氛」最高,而最低的為「確保課程教學品質」。 二、不同背景變項(性別、年齡、教育背景、擔任職務、服務年資、學校規模、學校位置)之國中教師在知覺校長教學領導行為上有差異。 三、不同實施狀況學校的國中教師在知覺校長教學領導行為上無差異。 四、國民中學九年一貫課程實施之現況分析 國中教師在知覺九年一貫課程實施上,以「學校本位課程」最高,而最低的為「協同教學」。 五、不同背景變項(性別、年齡、教育背景、擔任職務、服務年資、學校規模、學校位置)之國中教師在知覺九年一貫課程實施上有差異。 六、不同實施狀況學校的國中教師在在知覺九年一貫課程實施上無差異。 七、國民中學校長教學領導行為與九年一貫課程實施上有正相關存在。 另本研究根據結果提出數點建議以供參考。 關鍵詞:校長教學領導行為、九年一貫課程實施 / A Study of Principals’ Instructional Leadership and Nine-Years Integrated Curriculum Implement - A Case Study for Junior High Schools in Taoyuan County Abstract The purpose of this research is to investigate principals’ educational leadership behavior in relation to issues regarding nine-years integrated curriculum practice and also to further investigate the perception differences for teachers with different background variables regarding principals’ educational leadership behavior on nine-years integrated curriculum practice. The investigation took Taoyuan County junior high school teachers as population and selected 768 teachers as samples and through self-made “Principals’ instructional leadership questionnaire” and “Nine-years integrated curriculum practice questionnaire” to do research. 712 valid questionnaires were analyzed and explained via descriptive analyses, T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression statistic methods by conducting SPSS10.0 statistic software. The study results are as follows: 1.Teachers in junior high schools perceived that principals’ educational leadership behavior was best at enhancing a student-learning atmosphere and was worst at ensuring the quality of teaching courses. 2.Based on different teachers’ background variables (gender, age, educational background, appointed position, number of years of service, school scale and school location), there were differences in teachers’ perception to principals’ educational leadership behavior. 3.There was no discrepancy between different practical circumstances to the middle school teachers’ perceptions of principals' instructional leadership. 4.The middle school teachers have high perception of nine-years integrated curriculum practice on “School-based curriculum” and have low perception on “collaborative teaching”. 5.Based on different teachers’ backgrounds (gender, age, educational background, appointed position, number of years of service, school scale and school location), junior high school teachers perceived that there were differences in the nine-year consistent course implementation. 6.There were no differences in junior high school teachers’ perception on nine-years integrated curriculum practice in schools with different implementation conditions. 7.There was a positive correlation between junior high school principals’ educational leadership behavior and nine-years integrated curriculum practice. In addition, this research proposed several recommendations based on our results for reference. Keywords:principals’ educational leadership behavior, nine-years integrated curriculum practice.


王逸慧, Wang, I-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在研擬一套九年一貫課程之基本能力評量政策,研究以問卷調查法進行。首先分析所蒐集之文獻,繼而就文獻與研究問題發展問卷,問卷編製完成即進行第一階段之問卷調查,問卷填答對象共1137位,包括教育行政人員、國中小校長、主任、教師及家長等九類。該問卷之填答結果經分析與統整後,研究者預先擬出草案,並就草案之適切性徵詢100位審查者(包括教育學者專家、行政人員及中小學校長、主任、教師、家長等三大類),在參酌所得意見與建議後將草案修改為方案,以為本研究之結論, 方案主要內容如下: 壹、九年一貫課程之學生基本能力應以「國家基本能力評量」與「學校自辦基本能力評量」共同鑑衡之 貳、「國家基本能力評量」之實施要點: 一、評量時機:除數學因學習階段劃分的不同而於五年級及國三進行評量之外,餘六大學習領域皆在六年級及國三時進行評量。 二、評量次數:「國小基本能力評量」實施一次,「國中基本能力評量」與現行「基本學力測驗」整合。 三、實施規模:「國小基本能力評量」採抽全部學校之部分學生施測,「國中基本能力評量」則對全體學生進行評量。 四、評量機構:建議由國家教育研究院下設「課程發展組」及「測驗與評量組」負責。 五、評量發展方式:分四個步驟。分別是(一)由教育部委託國家教育研究院邀集相關人員發展「能力指標」下所涵蓋之「具體學習表現」;(二)國家教育研究院依「各學習領域能力指標」及「具體學習表現」長期進行試題研發、編製及題庫建立;(三)執行評量;(四)檢討並改進評量題目、方式與政策。 六、試題類型:各學習領域兼採封閉題型與開放題型,前者佔分多於後者。「綜合活動」、「藝術與人文」及「健康與體育」三領域之性質特殊,應加重開放題型之比例。 七、通過標準之訂定:「國小基本能力評量」僅告知受測學生及其家長通過與否,其通過標準由「教育行政人員」、「教育學者」、「測驗專家」、「中小學教師及學校行政人員」與「家長」共同研商。「國中基本能力評量」之評量結果以分數或等第呈現,通過標準由各高中職、五專自行設定。 八、結果的應用:「國小基本能力評量」的結果須作為「長期教育績效的監控」、「評鑑學校辦學品質的依據」及「教育研究的資料」,而「國中基本能力評量」的結果除具上述三種功能之外,尚需作為高中職、五專的選才依據。 九、經費來源:「國小基本能力評量」之試題研發及實施評量費用,由政府編列預算支應。「國中基本能力評量」之試題研發由政府編列預算支應,評量實施費用由受測學生負擔。 參、「學校自辦基本能力評量」之實施要點: 一、實施規模:由各校自行實施,但允班級數較少之學校採聯合式之區域性聯合實施。 二、評量時機:教師隨各學習領域課程之進行評量學生表現,並於各學習領域之學習階段結束時檢覈學生是否達到「能力指標」及「具體學習表現」。 三、評量發展方式:共分為六步驟,分別為(一)由各校「課程小組」與「課程發展委員會」研訂各學期學生應達至之「能力指標」及「具體學習表現」,並據此發展課程內容;(二)發展評量結果表格以利教師紀錄學生學習結果;(三)研商各能力指標之評量方式、評量向度、計分標準及紀錄方式。(四)教師紀錄學生在學期中之表現於「基本能力檢覈表」;(五)將「基本能力檢覈表」之紀錄結果轉化為「基本能力評量結果學期報告表」告知學生及其家長;(六)於學習階段結束時檢覈各能力指標是否皆已進行評量,並將學生於該學習階段之學習表現紀錄於「基本能力評量結果學習階段報告表」以告知學生及其家長。 四、評量原則:評量方式須多元化,且結果之呈現須質量並重。 五、過標準之訂定:由各校「課程小組」與「課程發展委員會」共同訂定。 六、經費來源:試題開發及評量實施費用,由學校所屬主管教育行政機關編列預算支應。 方案擬定後,研究者自行評估本方案具有七大特色與三項可能潛隱之問題,並提出以下建議作為未來政策規劃與執行之參考:一、本研究所研擬之方案可作為政府規劃基本能力評量之參考;二、教育行政機關應責成專責機構及早規劃基本能力評量之相關措施;三、評量機構應研發具學科統整性質之試題,且評量方式力求多元化;四、應提供進修課程以提昇教師的評量專業知能與技術;五、可舉辦優良試題設計競賽延攬人才及提供評量範例;六、各高中職、五專在選才時宜參酌學生多樣表現,避免僅將基本能力評量結果視為唯一依據;七、宜向社會大眾宣導正向的價值觀以祛除「分數至上」及「文憑主義」的迷思;八、應提供偏遠或較少班級數的學校在新課程實施與評量時的支援與協助。


張清良 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究目的在探討九年一貫課程實施後,地方政府在此一政策執行過程中的角色與功能,主要包括:1.探討地方政府執行九年一貫課程政策之執行條件;2.分析九年一貫課程政策執行組織(地方教育主管機關)之執行情形;3.瞭解九年一貫課程政策標的團體(國民中小學)之執行情形;4.探析九年一貫課程政策執行之成效與影響因素。 本研究採取問卷調查與深度訪談法。問卷調查對象為地方政府參與九年一貫課程政策執行工作之相關人員,有效樣本為417人,研究工具為自編之「地方政府執行九年一貫課程政策調查問卷」,使用之統計方法包括皮爾森積差相關、單因子變異數分析、t考驗及多元逐步回歸分析。訪談對象則立意選取教育部行政人員、地方政府教育局人員、國民中小學校長共6人。 本研究的主要結果如下: 一、九年一貫課程政策執行條件之分析:1.政策的推動時程規劃不夠充裕,2.課程內涵結構意見分歧,3.增加學校彈性自主空間受肯定,4.政策推動人力資源不足,5.教育部經費資源投入有待提升,6.行政配套措施有待改善。 二、執行組織執行情形之分析:1.地方政府執行人力及經費不足影響推動成效,2.地方政府課程政策執行組織具有代表性,3.地方政府課程政策規畫良好,4.地方政府執行課程政策配套措施有待繼續努力,5.地方政府辦理之教師研習具有成效,6.地方政府執行人員瞭解課程內涵及相關法令規章,7.地方政府執行組織主管瞭解九年一貫課程政策,8.地方政府課程推動組織能促進課程政策的落實,9.地方政府課程輔導團能夠協助教師成長。 三、標的團體執行情形之分析:1.學校執行課程政策之人力及經費不充裕,2.社區資源投入不充足,3.學校執行課程政策之組織具有代表性,4.學校課程發展委員會運作正常但實質功能不大,5.學習領域小組運作良好,6.學校辦理之研習能協助教師專業成長,7.校長尚能發揮課程領導,協助課程政策執行,8.學校人員皆相當瞭解九年一貫課程內涵與法令規章。 四、政策執行成效之分析:1.教師具備良好的選擇教材能力,2.教師教材編輯能力尚稱良好,3.教師課程統整能力尚稱良好,4.教師具備多元評量的能力,5.教師多具協同教學能力但未廣泛運用,6.教師行動研究能力尚待提升。 五、標的團體執行情形是影響九年一貫課程政策執行成效之主要因素。 依據上述研究結果,提出對中央主管教育行政機關、地方政府、國民中小學及未來研究之建議。 / This study attempts to investigate the role and function our local government play during and after the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum policy. The study means to discuss several key concepts including implemental conditions and status quo of the local government and related organizations such as the local educational authorities, the junior high and elementary schools. The concrete effects and main influential factors are explored as well. Questionnaire survey and interview are adopted in this research. A total of 417 samples were adopted. Pearson product-moment correlation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multivariate regression were used to analyze the data from the questionnaires. Besides, 6 determined interviewees including Ministry of Education officials, administrators in the local educational authorities, present of school. The significant results and findings are listed as follows: 1. Implemental conditions and status quo of the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum policy: (1) The implemental timing of the curriculum policy was not planned well. (2) The content structure of the curriculum was divided and incomplete. (3) The idea to increase school’s flexibility and autonomy is approved. (4) Source and efforts involved are not sufficiently enough. (5) Governmental annual budgets should be reorganized and audited. (6) Related policy and measures should be reconsidered. 2. Implemental efforts and effects of local government: (1) The effects are reduced because of the insufficient on manpower and budget. (2) The chosen local implemental organizations are representable. (3) The curriculum planning is fine. (4) More related measures should be added to make the curriculum policy complete. (5) The effect of teachers’ retraining program is efficient. (6) The individual personnel on local government understand policy content and laws well. (7) The every authority on local government realizes Nine-year Integrated Curriculum policy well. (8) A powerful organization can push and enforce the accomplishment on curriculum policy. (9) Local curriculum group will guide and provide assistance to teachers, which will be helpful to teacher growth. 3. Implemental conditions of the junior high and elementary schools: (1) The involved manpower and budget are insufficient. (2) The community resources are not completely involved. (3) The organizations chosen to implement the curriculum policy at every school are representable. (4) The Committee of School Curriculum Development is workable but not functional essentially (5) The operation of Learning Areas Team works out. (6) The training programs every school launch will provide aid to teachers and so as to a better teacher growth. (7) Principal plays a leading role to smooth the curriculum policy implementation. (8) The individual personnel at school understand every policy content and laws well. 4. Effects on Policy: (1) Teachers mostly own the ability to make professional decisions on materials. (2) Teachers own enough ability to edit and organize materials. (3) Teachers own the ability to make curriculum integrated. (4) Teachers own the ability to do multi-evaluation. (5) Teachers mostly own ability to do co-teaching, but such method is not adopted broadly. (6) Teacher’s ability to participate action research should be trained and promoted. 5. The fundamental factor to influence the effect and success of the Nine-year Curriculum Policy is the indeed implementation of the every targeted school. Base upon the results mentioned above, several suggestions are made to the authority concerned, local government, and schools at every level. Several research directions are recommends and proposed.

九年一貫國民中學英語教科書口說練習活動之分析研究 / An Evaluation of Speaking Activities in Junior High School English Textbooks for the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum

黃思潔, Huang, Szu-chieh Unknown Date (has links)
教科書為老師及學生在課堂中學習英語的一個主要依據,所以教科書的內容和活動設計都會直接影響教學過程的進行方式和學生的學習狀況。本論文針對現行國民中學英語教科書中的口說活動進行探討,比較其中兩家出版社所出版的英語教科書如何設計口說活動及相關練習。本論文將教科書中的口說練習活動分別依照(1)活動類型、(2)溝通前之練習(pre-communicative activities)/溝通式活動(communicative activities)及(3)溝通程度(communicativeness)作分析,然後進一步去討論該活動設計是否符合九年一貫課程綱要中所敘述的方向準則。 根據資料分析結果,兩套教科書所採用的活動類型與進行方式相當類似,且集中在發音、句型練習、對話三種活動類型;所採用的口說活動類型中,以「在溝通前之練習」為主,「溝通式活動」則是相對少了很多;在溝通程度的分佈上,也都是以Category 4 (new information being transferred)和Category 6 (no information being processed)為主要。整體而言,此兩套教科書的活動設計不夠符合溝通式教學法的精神,在口說練習活動的設計上,雖然提供學生開口練習的機會,可惜份量不多,並且常缺乏語境,仍偏重傳統結構式的教學法,藉由反覆練習讓學生熟記文法句型。此與九年一貫課程綱要中所敘述之相關口說能力的準則相比較,仍有值得思考再進一步改善的空間。 / In the language classroom, textbooks are the primary resources which teachers and students rely on, so the content and the activity design would have direct influence on how the teaching/learning process proceeding. The present study analyzes speaking activities in two sets of English textbooks, trying to evaluate how they design the speaking activities and what similarities and differences are found between these two sets. These speaking activities are investigated from the perspectives of activity types, pre-communicative and communicative activities, and communicativeness, and then are discussed and evaluated based on the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum Guidelines. According to the results, it is found that both two sets of textbooks apply similar types of speaking activities, where pronunciation, drills, and dialogue are used most. Moreover, most of these activities are pre-communicative and fall into Category 4 (new information being transferred) and Category 6 (no information being processed). Overall, the design of speaking activities is not communicative enough. Although both sets try to provide more opportunities for students’ verbal practice, the proportion is not high, and meaningful contexts are usually ignored. Furthermore, the structural method is emphasized, using repetition and memorization as main techniques for language teaching and learning. Finally, with regard to the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum Guidelines, it seems that activities in the textbooks are not closely in compliance with the guidelines for the large proportion of less communicative activities. Also, definitions of each guideline are not precise or clear enough, and this situation results in influences on how textbook writers realize and interpret these guidelines, and how they design the activities.


賴光真 Unknown Date (has links)
鑑於教科書審查規準的建構在建構過程、方法模式、規準結構及規準內容等各方面均未臻理想,本研究透過文獻分析與問卷調查等方法,針對教科書審查規準的建構問題進行研究。除探討教科書審查規準的定義、功能、特質、發展模式等相關概念外,更著重於建構原則的歸納;此外,並以九年一貫課程社會學習領域教科書審查規準為例進行實際建構。研究之主要目的在於為教科書審查規準的建構,奠定理論性的與實證性的基礎,並提出研究所得供各界做為訂定、修訂或研究審查規準之參考。 經由文獻探討,本研究認為審查的實施在我國現階段的教科書發展上具有正當性與必要性,教科書審查規準之主要功能在於可以積極性地輔助審查的執行以及消極性地管制約束審查者,次要功能則是在於可以做為出版業者編輯研發教科書的參照指標,此外亦可發揮做為與公眾對話的共同語言、做為師資培訓參考教材等衍生功能。審查規準的建構,在鉅觀層面的發展模式上,應包括規準建構規劃、規準建構、規準實施、規準檢討評鑑等四大要素,以及相關的規準改革作為與回饋程序;其微觀層面的建構程序,則應包括建構定向、規準設計、規準妥適性驗證、規準修訂、規準定案等步驟及相關的回饋線。在鉅觀與微觀層面的發展與建構模式下,教科書審查規準的建構成為一個循環不斷的動態發展歷程。審查規準的建構及其妥適性的檢核,必須把握或遵循一些技術性與實質性的原則,計有四類十三項。第一類為「與規準建構程序相關的原則」,包括:適當程序原則、專業共議原則;第二類為「與規準基本定位相關的原則」,包括:分科建構原則、審查專用原則、質性處理原則;第三類為「與規準結構相關的原則」,包括:程序區隔原則、必要規準原則;第四類為「與規準內容相關的原則」,包括:廣泛周延原則、適切水準原則、效度原則、具體明確原則、內在標準原則、項目獨立原則等。如果做為事後檢核規準妥適性之用時,則尚應檢視其是否能發揮其預期的功能。 為建構九年一貫課程社會學習領域教科書審查規準,本研究透過教科書角色與功能、課程設計、及閱讀理解等相關研究的啟示,歸納出內容選材、組織結構、教學設計、圖文傳達、物理產製、研發過程等六大項,做為審查規準頂層架構的六個構面,再進一步解析各構面的細部架構。整個規準架構與既有的相關審查或評鑑規準做對照,具有相當的普效性與涵括能力,用以做為教科書審查規準之架構,應是合理而可行的。惟為實際使用,此一理論架構必須一合理的審查作業進程做階段區隔,並以手冊形式詳細闡述各規準項目的定義與審查方法,提供審查人員做為共同的背景知識與評鑑基礎。 為驗證所歸納之審查規準建構原則的妥適性,以及所建構之九年一貫課程社會學習領域教科書審查規準的妥適性,本研究問卷調查方式,諮詢各類專家學者、教師、出版業者,以及文字編輯、美術編輯、印刷、媒體等相關專業人員之意見。諮詢結果發現,在建構原則妥適性方面,其中適當程序原則、專業共議原則、分科建構原則、審查專用原則、程序區隔原則、適切水準原則、效度原則、具體明確原則、內在標準原則、項目獨立原則等建構原則並無太大爭議,至於質性處理原則、必要規準原則、廣泛周延原則等方面,部分諮詢對象抱持不同看法,認為審查規準的建構可以考慮併用質性與量性方式來處理審查結果,可以考慮區分必要規準與一般規準,並可以將部分教科書屬性、成分與研發過程等改由其他評鑑進行處理。基於審查的特質與目的,本研究仍建議應力求維持並遵循上述建構原則,若欲放鬆,則必須有良好的配套措施。 至於九年一貫課程社會學習領域教科書審查規準的妥適性,本研究係依據教科書審查規準建構原則進行檢核。在與規準建構程序、規準基本定位、規準結構相關的原則等方面,所建構的審查規準基本上均能符合。至於與規準內容相關的原則以及是否能發揮預期功能等方面,諮詢對象多半肯定所建構的審查規準能夠符合各該項建構原則,但提出有部分的修訂意見。 最後依據文獻分析的結果與實證研究的發現,本研究針對教科書審查規準的應用、未來建構、未來相關研究等,分別提出若干建議。 / Since there is still some unsatisfactory parts on the constructive process, methodology, structures and contents of screen-and-approval criteria(SAC) of textbooks, this study tries to explore these issues through literature analysis and questionnaire survey. The definition, functions, property, develop-and-construct model and constructive principles of SAC are discussed, and tries to construct SAC for social studies textbook of 1-9 curriculum guideline of compulsory education system is tried. The main purpose of this study is to establish the theoretical and empirical basis for the construction of SAC, and to offer reference for people who is going to construct SAC, modify SAC, or inquire the issues of the construction of SAC in future. The screen-and-approval process of textbook is indispensable to the development of qualified textbooks in Taiwan. The major function of SAC is to assist and to restrain the screen-and-approval process, moreover it can guide the publishers to develop and publish qualified textbooks. SAC can also be a common conversation language between public and screen-and-approval institution, and be a reference material for the teachers who are being training. On the macro-dimension, the development model of SAC should include four elements : planning, constructing, implementing, and evaluating. On the micro-dimension, the construction process of SAC should follow three steps: to decide the approach of the construction of SAC, to design SAC, and to verify the validity of SAC. Through the model and process described above, the construction of SAC forms a dynamic circulating process. For the construction of and the appropriateness verification of SAC, there are 13 principles which can divide into 4 categories that must follow. The first category includes two principles that relate to constructive process that includes: 1.the construction of SAC must arrange some adaptive processes; 2.the construction of SAC must invite some experts and stakeholders to participate. The second category includes three principles that relate to constructive approach : 3.construct a subject-oriented SAC, not a generic type one; 4. construct SAC for screen-and-approval use only, not for all kinds of textbook evaluations; 5.the result of screen-and-approval must display in quality mode. The third category includes two principles that relate to the structure of SAC : 6.SAC must separate to some sections according to the stages of the screen-and-approval process; 7.all SAC must be uncompromising criteria. The fourth category includes six principles that relate to the content of SAC that includes: 8. SAC must contains all criteria that textbook screen-and-approval need to consider; 9.the standard of passing of each SAC must proper; 10.all SAC must be relevant to textbook quality and effectiveness; 11.the implication of each SAC must concrete and clear; 12. SAC must exclude the criteria that relate to practical effectiveness of textbooks; 13.all SAC must exclusive mutually. For the appropriateness verification of SAC, it is necessary to check whether the SAC can function as to assist and to restrain the screen-and-approval process, and to guide the publishers to develop and publish qualified textbooks. In order to construct SAC of social studies textbooks of 1-9 curriculum guideline of compulsory education system, the structure of textbook SAC is established through the discussion or research about the role and function of textbook, curriculum design, and reading comprehension. The upper structure of SAC are constituted by 6 dimensions: content selection, organization structure, instructional design, communicate effectiveness of text and illustrations and tables, physical making-up, and R & D process. Each dimensions includes many criteria items. For practical application, the theoretical structure of SAC should separate to three sections: the complication planning of textbook series, the main components of individual textbook, and the other components of individual textbook. Furthermore, it is necessary to elaborate the definition and evaluative method of each SAC in a booklet, so as to be the background knowledge and evaluation basis for people who screen-and-approval textbooks. This study tries to verify the appropriateness of the constructive principles and SAC of social studies textbooks through consults several professors, teachers, publishers and somespecialists in edition, graphic arts, typography, and courseware. For the appropriateness of constructive principles, most of them are agreed by consultants, but those three principles that the result of screen-and-approval must display in quality mode, all SAC items must to be uncompromising criteria, SAC must contains all criteria that textbook screen-and-approval need to consider, leave some rooms for arguing. Some consultants suggest the result of screen-and-approval can display in both qualitative and quantitative mode, some items of SAC can meet selectively, and some items of SAC are criteria that ought to consider in other situation of textbook evaluation. For the sake of the nature and goal of textbook screen-and-approval, it is suggested tend to persist the three principles above. If the construction of SAC don't follow those three principles, some remedies are needed. For the appropriateness of SAC of social studies textbooks of 1-9 curriculum guideline, it can meet the constructive principles which are relevant to constructive process, approach, and structure. Most consultants agree that the SAC can meet those constructive principles which are relevant to the content and can perform the expectative functions, but some suggestions for revision are offered. Consequently, with the outcomes of literature analysis and the findings of empirical research, some recommendations for the application, construction, research of SAC are made.


李佩寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國中社會領域教師教學現況,調查工具為研究者自編國中社會領域教師教學現況問卷。以93學年度台北縣國中為研究對象,採取全面普調各校教務主任及社會領域教師。共計回收學校數67校,佔所有母群施測學校90.54%;有效樣本「教師版」問卷541份,回收率58.61%;「行政人員版」問卷59份,回收率79.73%。並舉辦二次專家教師焦點座談。問卷所得資料,利用統計套裝軟體SPSS10.0版本進行統計分析,獲得以下結論: 一、 在教學現場有將近一成教師為代課浮動編制,且有教師證之公民師資人數百分比明顯偏低。 二、行政人員與社會領域教師對社會領域教學實施現況看法存在差距;行政人員看法較樂觀及寬鬆,社會領域教師在教學自我要求較嚴謹。 三、教師參加領域學分研習進修人數百分比呈現正成長。但教師參加社會領域學分研習對教學行為並無顯著影響。且資深教師參加意願不高。 四、比較83年課程標準與九年一貫新課程,社會領域均為基本學力測驗考科,教學目標不變,教材未見減少,學生學習時數大幅減少,且北縣各國中校際與年級間學生學習時數差距多達240節。使學校教師教學難以發揮,教師新陳代謝停頓,師資結構難更改,呈現教學困境之際。 五、71.2%教師授課方式採取分科教學。一年級採合科教學之比例最高(25.8%);三年級採分科教學之比例最高(70.6%)。學校決定授課方式多透過會議決,但在決定授課方式受到學校位置、學校規模及教育政策影響。 六、提供專科教室作社會領域教師教學使用的學校數不到四成,設備、教材內容、授課時數等因素影響教師使用專科教室□率。 七、學校提供電化設備的比例達九成六三,超過七成的行政認為提供電化設備的數量足供教師使用,近六成認為教師會獨立操作。但教師因電化設備、教材內容、授課時數影響教師使用頻率。 八、學校提供圖儀設備的比例達九成七;五成的行政認為提供圖儀設備的數量及種類足供教師使用;八成二行政對認為教師使用情形尚可,教師教學使用頻率因圖儀設備與教材內容的相關度、行政管理借用方便及教師用心規劃課程而影響。 九、47.9%行政及79.8%教師認為多元化教學「尚待加強」。54.2%行政已訂定相關配套措施。另教師因教學時間及設備因素影響多元化教學實施。 十、國民中學社會領域「教師教學行為」的總平均分數3.71落在「符合」與「非常符合」之間,表示教師教學專業行為居於中上。 十一、整體教師得分最高的是「增進有效溝通」,教師教學最優強項為「教學時,能以和善親切的語氣與學生互動。」;得分最低的是「活用教學策略」,教師教學最弱項為「教學時,能依據教學需要應用各種電化設備。」 最後依據研究結論,提出建議。 / The purpose of this study is to understand the current status of teaching implementation on the teachers of social learning field in junior high schools, the investigation tool is a questionnaire self-prepared by the author, which is to aim at the current status on the teaching activities of the teachers on social learning field in junior high schools. The study was to aim at junior high schools of Taipei County in 2004 academic year as the study object and adopted an overall general investigation on prefect of studies and the teachers in social learning field of each school. Totaling 67 schools of returning rate which occupied 90.54% of sampling school, 58.61% of returning rate in total 541 copies of valid sample questionnaire of “Teacher Version”, the returning rate in which was 58.61%, and 59 copies of questionnaire of “Administrative Personnel Version”, the returning rate in which was 79.73%. Except the mentioned above, we also have held twice focus seminars participated by expert teacher. The data obtained from questionnaire that has further made use of SPSS 10.0 Version of statistics package software to proceed statistical analysis, the conclusions from which are as follows: 1. Approximately 10% teachers on the teaching spot are belonged to the acting teacher of floating system, the number of civil education teacher bearing teacher certificate is apparently low . 2. It exists difference of viewpoint on the implementation status of social field teaching between administrative personnel and teacher for social filed teaching. The viewpoint of administrative personnel is more optimistic and loosening, however, the teacher for social field teaching is more strict on self-discipline. 3. The number of teacher participated in the field credit study has appeared positive growth, however, there is no significant influence on the teaching behavior of the teachers participated in the field credit study, moreover, the participation willing of senior teacher is not so high. 4. Compares to the course standard of 1994 with the new course of 1-9 integrated curriculum, social field is same as the examination course in basic learning ability, its teaching target has no change, the teaching material has not been decreased, but the learning hours is largely decreased, meanwhile, the difference of learning hours among the junior high schools and grades in Taipei County has reached 240 periods, it has caused the teachers in school are difficult to fulfill in teaching, the metabolism of teacher is stopped, the structure of teacher is difficult to change, it has appeared the hardship on teaching. 5. 71.2% of teaching method by teachers that has adopted courses classified teaching. The rate of 1st Grade adopted courses combined teaching is highest (25.8%), the rate of 3rd Grade adopted course classified teaching is highest (70.6%). The decision on lecturing method made by school, more are through resolved by meeting, however, the decision on the lecturing method is subject to the influence on the location of school, scale of school, and the education policy. 6. It is less than 40% of schools to provide specialty classroom to the teacher in the social field, the factors such as equipment, contents of teaching material, lecturing hours will affect to the using frequency on specialty classroom. 7. The rate of school providing electrified equipment has reached 96.3%, exceeding 70% of administrative personnel deem that the quantity of electrified equipment provided that is sufficient to be used by teacher. Approximately 60% deem that teacher can operate independently. However, due to electrified equipment, contents of teaching material, and the lecturing hours that will influence on the using frequency by teacher. 8. The rate of school providing drawing & instrument equipment that has reached 97%, exceeding 50% of administrative personnel deem that the quantity of drawing & instrument equipment provided that is sufficient to be used by teacher. The using frequency on teaching by teacher that is influenced by the relevance between drawing & instrument equipment and contents of teaching material, convenience on borrowing from administration and course well planned by teacher. 9. 47.9% of administrative personnel and 79.8% of teachers deem that the pluralized teaching is still pending to strengthen. 54.2% of administrative personnel have already established responding measures. However, because of the teaching hours and the equipment factor that will influence on the implementation of pluralized teaching. 10. The total average score 3.71 of “Teachers’ Teaching Behavior” in social field in junior high school is fallen behind and between “Consistent” and “Very Consistent”, which means that the teaching professional behavior of teachers is over middle level. 11. The highest of scoring by integrated teachers is “Promoting Effective Communication”, the excellent item shown by teachers in teaching is “ Be able to interact with students by amicable and kind tone while teaching”, the minimum scoring is “Vitalizing Teaching Strategy”, the weakest item shown by teachers in teaching is “Be able to according to the teaching need to utilize each kind of electrified equipment”. Finally, in accordance with the conclusion on study, we do hereby propose the suggestion. Keyword: social field, 1-9 integrated curriculum, field teaching.


張光明 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國民中學社會學習領域教師對領域教學在職進修之需求與成效。為達成研究目的,本研究以自編之「國民中學社會領域教師領域教學在職進修需求與成效問卷」為調查研究工具,以台北縣、市所抽樣學校社會學習領域教師390人作為正式問卷調查對象,回收332份有效問卷(回收率84.9%)。本研究針對所得的資料,以SPSS8.0 for Windows套裝軟體進行次數分配、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、Tukey法事後比較分析、獨立樣本t考驗(Independent-Samples t Test)等統計分析。依據資料分析發現,獲致以下結論: 壹、國民中學教師對領域教學進修之需求: 一、教師進修方式需求 (一) 就「授課方式」而言,教師覺得最有效的方式依次為「講述式」、「討論式」、「教學觀摩」、「個案研討」、「工作坊」。 (二) 就「授課講師」而言,教師覺得最有效的授課講師依序為「實務工作者」、「資深教師」、「大學教授」、「教育行政人員」。 (三) 就「上課成員組成方式」而言,教師覺得最有效的上課成員組成方式依序為「領域核心課程共同上課,專門科目分科上課」、「單科教師單獨上課」、「不同科目教師合科上課」。 二、教師進修科目需求 (一) 領域核心課程部分以「社會學習領域概論」最感需要。 (二) 專門課程部分: 1. 歷史:台灣史、世界史、中國史、世界史概論、史學概論。 2. 地理:臺灣地理、氣候學、世界地理、地學通論、地形學。 3. 公民:經濟學、法學緒論、民法(一)、刑法(一)、社會學。 三、教師進修內容需求 (一) 在「課程設計」方面較需要的項目是教學活動設計、六大議題融入教學課程設計、領域統整課程設計以及領域教學計畫撰寫。 (二) 在「教學方法」方面較需要的項目是教學方法與教學創新、教學模式與教學技巧、資訊融入教學。 (三) 在「教學資源與研究」方面較需要的項目是教學相關軟體應用與資訊概論、教學檔案之建立、社區教學資源發掘與應用。 (四) 在「評量與評鑑」方面較需要的項目是瞭解學生個別差異與診斷學生學習困擾、多元評量實務設計、回饋學習者之技巧。 貳、教師領域教學進修成效 一、在「課程設計」方面較有成效的項目是教學活動設計、領域統整課程設計、領域教學計畫撰寫。 二、在「教學方法」方面較有成效的項目是教學方法與教學創新、教學模式與教學技巧、資訊融入教學。 三、在「教學資源與研究」方面較有成效的項目是教學檔案之建立、社區教學資源發掘、教學相關軟體應用與資訊概論、教師行動研究。 四、在「評量與評鑑」方面較有成效的項目是教學評鑑、課程評鑑、多元評量實務設計。 最後依據研究結論,本研究提出一些建議,作為未來繼續推動領域教學進修之參考。 關鍵字:社會領域、九年一貫課程、領域教學、在職進修、需求、成效 / The purpose of the study is to understand the needs and the effects of the teachers of social learning field in junior high schools for in-service education. In order to achieve this research, the survey employed self-administered questionnaires. Schools chosen for these questionnaires were sampled from Taipei county and Taipei city. Teachers of social learning field in the sampled schools were 390 persons for the questionnaires. The effected returns were 332. According to the returned data, statistics results by One-Way ANOVA and Turkey and Independent-Samples t test were drawn as the following conclusions: I、The needs of the teachers of social learning field: 1. The methods of the needs: (1). For instructional ways, teachers think the efficient ways in sequence are 「speaking」, 「discussing」,「teaching demonstration」, 「case studying」 and 「working shop」. (2). For instructors, teachers think the efficient instructors in sequence are 「experienced workers」, 「senior teachers」, 「university professors」 and「 educational administrators」. (3). For members in class, teachers think the efficient ways in order are the 「core curriculum together but specialized disciplines separately」, 「specialized disciplines separately」, 「all specialized disciplines together」. 2. The needs of the subjects: (1). For field core curriculum, teachers think 「social learning field generality」 is the most required subject. (2). For specialized disciplines: i. history:History of Taiwan,History of the World,History of Chinese,Introduction to History of the World,Introduction to History. ii. geography:Geography of Taiwan,Meteorology ,Geography of the World,Introduction to Geography,Geomorphology. iii. civics:Economics,Introduction to Law,Civil law,Criminal Law,Sociology. 3. The needs of contents: (1). For curriculum projects, the items are teaching activities design, six topics included in teaching curriculum design, field integrated curriculum design and field teaching plan writing. (2). For teaching methods, the items are teaching methods, teaching innovation, teaching models, teaching techniques and information technology used in teaching. (3). For resoures and research , the items are application of teaching related softwares and information technology , building teaching files and findings and applications of community teaching resources. (4). For assessment and evaluation, the items are understanding the differences of students and diagnosing problems of students learning, multi-assessment practical designs and feedback learners techniques. II、 The effects of the teachers of social learning field: 1. For curriculum projects, the items are teaching activities designs, field integrated curriculum designs and field teaching plan writing. 2. For teaching methods, the items are teaching methods, teaching innovation, teaching models, teaching techniques and information technology used in teaching. 3. For teaching resources and research, the items are teaching application softwares and information building teaching files and findings and applications of community teaching resources. 4. For assessment and evaluation, the items are teaching evaluation, curriculum evaluation and multi-assessment practical designs. Based on the conclusions of this research, there are some suggestions which will be the references for the social field learning in the future. Keywords:social learning field,1 - 9 curriculum,field teaching,in-service education,needs,effects.

英語教學知識結構及教學流程架構之研究 (以九年一貫國小英語課程為例)

牟藜娟, Mou, Li Chuan (Jean) Unknown Date (has links)
教育部自九十年度起實施九年一貫英語教學課程,由於學生程度不一,班級人數過多,教學媒體不足,研究報告指出應該成立英語教學資源中心,提高教師教學品質,規劃線上輔助教學,以增進學生學習機會及學習效果。 本研究從知識管理角度探索英語線上輔助教學,建構英語教學內容知識結構模式及教學知識流程架構;俾使線上教學具備語意查詢機制,開啟英語線上輔助教學創新模式。 英語教學內容知識框架(English Content Knowledge Ontology)抽象化類別具多重之階層、對等及相依關係。將內容知識抽象化類別實體化,其類別與實體之集合,即為本範例所建構之知識框架。 本研究引介物件導向,視內容知識為一個物件,具有不同之狀態及行為;將狀態與行為封裝,物件與物件間藉由訊息進行協調動作,達成整體運作之功能。學生亦為學習流程中一個物件,具有不同之屬性及行為;透過訊息之交換、進行任務協調,達成學習之最終目的。 以UML表示法建構英語線上學習流程三大模型:功能模型─使用案例模型將使用者對系統的需求模型化,靜態模型─物件模型抽出物件,表現出靜態的結構,動態模型─表示出物件與物件之間訊息的流向。 研究中試圖探討有關國小英語線上輔助教學網站之現況。未來期望架構具備語意檢索機制之網站,採自由選擇學習、多元適切評量模式,能紀錄分析學習及測試結果,建立學習紀錄(包括學習風格、習性、態度及學習效果等等)以期增進學生學習機會,分享教學資源。 藉由新的學習模式,學生可以獲得自我成長的資源,同時希望可以喚起更多關懷英語教學網站之研究與發展,為我們的孩子及新的學習方式注入更多生命力。本研究所建構之模式,希望能作為未來發展兒童英語線上學習之參考,以提昇國內兒童英語教育實施之成效。 關鍵詞:九年一貫英語課程、知識管理、知識本體、語意資訊檢索、物件導向、UML / The Grade 1-9 English Teaching Curriculum was put into practice by the Ministry of Education in 2001. Due to the fact that there are too many students in each class and that there is not enough teaching media, the students fall into different levels in English proficiency. Some research concluded that an English Teaching Resource Centre should be established to enhance teachers’ teaching quality and to provide an on-line teaching aid, hence to give the students more learning opportunities and to improve their learning effects. In this study, the on-line English teaching aid was discussed from the viewpoint of Knowledge Management. English Content Knowledge Ontology and English Teaching Knowledge Flow Architecture were suggested to provide an on-line teaching aid with a semantic retrieval system so as to initiate an innovative model for on-line English teaching aids. The English Content Knowledge, Ontology, a model of English domain knowledge, defines the concepts and their attributes, as well as the multiple relationships between the concepts: Class(vertical), Reciprocity(horizontal), and dependency(grouping)relationships. An “instance” is hypostatized from an abstract class, and the integration of the abstract classes and the instances represent the English Content Knowledge Ontology built up in this research. The present study has introduced Object Oriented concept that deemed the English content knowledge as an object and as an instance with different Attributes and Operations. Encapsulated attributes and operations engaged in coordination among different objects through exchanges of messages, and resulted in the achievement of the overall system operations. Meanwhile, each student would also be an object in the course of the study and possess different attributes and operations. The final goal, learning, could be achieved through the exchanges of messages for mission coordination. UML was applied in the study to construct the three major models in the on-line English learning. Functional Model – Use case Diagram to model the user’s requirements for the system; Static Model – Class Diagram to abstract an object for showing a static architecture; Dynamic Model – Sequence Diagram to describe the information flow among the objects. This research also attempted to explore the present circumstances of the primary school’s on-line English teaching aid websites. It illustrated the needs of developing architecture for a website with semantic retrieval functions, multiple choice ways of learning and diversified modes for learning assessments It will be able to record and analyse the learning effect and test the result, building up learning records (including learning style, habit, attitude and learning effect) in order to provide each student with more learning opportunities and to share teaching resources with all of the teachers. Through the new learning model, the students are able to obtain learning resources to grow by themselves. The present study also urged more concern on the research and development of the English teaching website in order to provide more vitality to our children and their new learning methods. The model built up in this study may serve as a reference in the development of effective on-line English learning for children. Key words: Grade 1-9 English Teaching Curriculum, Knowledge Management, Ontology, Semantic Retrieval System, Object Oriented, UML


周柏雯, Chou,Po-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國中英語教師對九年一貫課程之態度與實踐,以期了解基層英語教師如何看待九年一貫課程改革以及他們如何在教室中實施這套新課程。同時,本研究希望藉由國中英語教師對九年一貫課程之態度與實踐,再一次檢視九年一貫課程改革的現況。 本研究採取質的研究方法,以台北市2名公立國中英文教師為研究對象。研究過程採取觀察、訪談、文件分析等方式為主要資料蒐集來源。資料的涵蓋面向包含:(1) 教師對九年一貫課程之態度;(2) 教師對九年一貫英語課程之態度;(3) 教師對英語教科書之態度;(4) 考試及測驗對教師之影響;(5) 教師的教學技巧與能力;(6) 教師的專業發展。經由這些資料,本研究討論了三個與九年一貫相關的議題:(1) 教師的教學自主權;(2) 教師的專業發展;(3) 教科書的開放政策。 本研究並根據以上三個議題的討論結果,進一步提供相關建議,以作為教育行政單位、學校單位、國民中學英文領域教師及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of this study is to present the results of junior high school EFL teachers’ attitudes toward Grade 1-9 Curriculum and their classroom practice. This study aims to reveal how junior high school EFL teachers view Grade 1-9 Curriculum and how they implement this new curriculum in their classrooms.This study also offers another chance to take a look at the current situation of the implementation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum. This study adopts a qualitative research method and selects two participant teachers in a well established junior high school to serve as cases which work for in-depth understanding of teachers’ attitudes and their classroom practice. In this case study, data-gathering methods include interview, observation, and document analysis. The collecting information is presented in six dimensions: (1) teachers’ attitudes toward Grade 1-9 Curriculum, (2) teachers’ attitudes toward Grade 1-9 English Curriculum, (3) teachers’ attitudes toward English textbooks, (4) the influence of examinations and tests on teaching, (5) teaching skills and abilities, and (6) teacher professional development. Based on the above information, this study discusses three concerns related to Grade 1-9 Curriculum: (1) teacher autonomy, (2) professionalism, and (3) the policy of liberation of textbooks. Finally, some pedagogical implications and suggestions stemmed from the previous discussions are proposed to serve as a reference for the central authority, school administrators, junior high school EFL teachers, and future research on Grade 1-9 Curriculum.


林素美, Lin, Su-mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在調查九年一貫課程實施後,台北縣市國中英語教科書的使用現況及國中英語教師對這些教材的意見。   本研究主要探討的為:(1)國中英語教師選用新版教科書時所強調的標準,(2)各校英語教科書的評選委員與評選程序,(3)國中英語教師對新版英語教科書的滿意度與意見,包括學生習作與教師手冊,(4)更換教科書的原因與結果。   研究對象為五十七所國中的兩百五十三位英語教師。根據問卷調查,目前台北縣市的國中英語教科書有六個版本。   根據資料分析,得到以下主要的發現: 1. 在選教材時,英語教師所秉持的標準依序為合乎課程標準,教材內容,主題多元性,字彙數量,活動設計,插圖,版面,教師手冊,出版商的售後服務、聲望,教科書的第一印象,出版商為教師舉辦的研習,作者的學識等。 2. 各校的評選委員主要由英文老師組成,大多數學校評選教科書的程序為瀏覽各版本教科書,邀請出版商舉辦說明會,及舉行評選會議 。 3. 根據本研究所收集的資料顯示,大多數教師普遍上皆滿意九年一貫課程的新版教科書,但約有一半的教師認為內容太多、太難是他們所遭遇到的最大問題。 4. 根據所收集的資料顯示,有五所學校在第二學期更改教科書。教師們對第一學期所用的教科書不滿意的主要原因為教材內容非常難,內容組織不佳,及課與課之間缺乏連貫性。在更換新教科書後,大部分教師發覺之前教材所衍生的問題都解決了。因此大多數教師在更改教科書後覺得較滿意。 / This study aims to survey English textbook selection of junior high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County after the implementation of the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum and explore English teachers' opinions of these textbooks. This study focuses on the following issues: (1) the criteria highlighted by English teachers when evaluating the new textbooks, (2) the committees and the procedure of English textbook selection in each school, (3) the junior high school English teachers' satisfaction with and opinions about the contents of the new teaching materials, including students’ workbooks and teachers' manuals, (4)the reasons for teachers’ changing textbooks and its consequences. The recruited subjects are 253 junior high school English teachers from 57 schools. According to the questionnaires, there are 6 versions of textbooks used in junior high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County. After data analysis, the main findings are obtained as follows: 1.The criteria highlighted by English teachers when selecting the new textbooks are the correspondence to the curriculum standards, the contents, and a variety of themes. Considered important in sequence to the teachers who responded are the amount of vocabulary, the design of activities, the illustrations, the layout, the content of the teacher’s manual, and the level of service offered by the publisher, the publisher’s reputation, the first impression of the textbook, workshops provided for teachers by a publisher and the expertise of authors. 2.The selection committee in each school is mainly composed of the English teachers and the selection of English textbooks in most schools are done in the procedure of reviewing textbooks, inviting publishers to present their textbooks, and holding selection meetings. 3.According to the questionnaires collected in this study, most teachers were generally satisfied with the new textbooks developed for the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum. The most obvious problem with these new textbooks, according to the questionnaires, is that about half of the English teachers' dissatisfication with too much and too difficult content in the material. 4.Based on the questionnaires, five of the schools change textbooks in the second semester. The main reasons for the dissatisfaction with the first semester textbooks are that the textbooks are overly difficult, poorly organized, and lacking in continuity between lessons. After changing to new textbooks, most teachers find that the problems are solved. Therefore, most teachers are more satisfied after changing the textbooks.

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