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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

完全競爭市場下之策略性補貼政策 / The Strategic Subsidy Policy under Perfect Competition

黃世琦 Unknown Date (has links)

探討職棒球團與球迷之關係品質以及球迷忠誠度 / Investigating the fan loyalty and the relationship quality: professional baseball teams as an example

陳佳宏, Chen, Chia Hung Unknown Date (has links)
棒球是台灣人最喜愛的運動賽事,每當中華隊代表台灣參加國際賽事時,總是能引起國人的關注,與朋友或家人一起到球場上吶喊幫中華隊加油。但是中華職棒聯盟從成立以來的二十幾年,球迷人數卻無法穩定成長,即使台灣人喜愛棒球,一次又一次的簽賭及假球事件重挫聯盟及球團,也澆熄國內球迷對中華職棒的信心。球迷的多寡也直接影響到各球團的收益,賽事的門票、球隊的周邊商品都是球團主要的收入來源。近幾年因為中華隊在國際賽的好成績及聯盟制度的改進,使球迷又再度關注台灣的職業棒球。因此如何維持與球迷之間的關係,讓球迷不要再度流失是現在各球團很重要的課題。   本研究以中華職棒的球迷為研究對象,探討「球迷觀賽動機」、「關係利益」、「關係品質」對「球迷忠誠度」的影響,此外現在社群網路蓬勃發展,除了讓使用者之間快速的交流之外,各球團也透過社群網路上設立官方粉絲團與球迷互動,維持與球迷之間的關係。因此本研究加入「社群網路互動性」來探討社群網路對球迷忠誠度的影響。   本研究採用量化分析,透過網路發放問卷,有效樣本共348份,研究中以SPSS與AMOS軟體進行結構模式分析。分析結果後發現球迷觀賽動機對球迷忠誠度有正向影響,且關係利益及社群網路互動性皆對關係品質有正向影響,而關係品質對球迷忠誠度有正向影響。本研究之結果期望能提供學術界與運動產業在關係利益、關係品質、社群網路互動性及忠誠度相關研究。 / Baseball game is an important sport in Taiwan. As professional baseball teams have established one by one, the number of fans, who prefer to buy tickets to watch baseball games, has a direct impact on their profit. It has been a critical issue for professional baseball teams to enhance fan loyalty. Professional baseball teams try their best to manage relationships with fans as longer as possible. Thus, this study investigated the relationships among relationship benefit, relationship quality, and fan loyalty. The subjects were fans of professional baseball teams. Due to the rapid growth of social media, professional baseball teams tend to interact with their fans by setting virtual community on social media sites, if better fan relationship management is desired. Thus, this study adopted social media interaction as another critical factor of relationship quality. The results, based on data collected from 348 baseball fans, indicated that relationship benefit and social media interaction have positive effect on relationship quality. And fan motivation and relationship quality have positive effect on fan loyalty.

數位國會與電子民主:立法院應用資訊通訊科技與公民互動之研究 / Digital Parliament and E-Democracy: A Study of ICTs Application for the Interaction between Legislative Yuan and Citizens

鍾政廷, Chung, Cheng Ting Unknown Date (has links)
數位時代下,政府機關致力推動電子化政策,希望藉由資訊通訊科技(ICTs)的協助提供民眾更好的服務;立法院推動的「數位國會發展規劃案」,如同行政機關「電子化政府」,透過建設網站系統架構,提供完善的議事資訊並將議案資料公開化,創造我國邁向電子民主的有利條件。從文獻和世界民主國會的經驗觀察,數位化具有促進民主發展的潛能,但如何有效應用則是必須思考的課題。據此,本文以電子民主應具備的資訊公開、公眾接觸、公民參與、提升服務效率及效能等各項指標,檢視立法院網站系統在功能設計與應用上的優點與不足。研究架構以網站系統中具有電子民主指標的系統為核心,瞭解立法院對於應用網站與公民互動的構想及規劃,以及現行政策之成果。 研究執行採取網站內容分析法和個別深度訪談法,以議案設定為導向,挑選立法院審議中最受關注的議案為例,尋找與議案相關之公民團體代表為標的,瞭解公民對國會電子民主的看法;並如何透過網站資源,獲取所關注議案的資訊;而立法委員應用ICTs與民眾互動的態度和做法,更是國會數位化之後,影響電子民主發展方向的關鍵因素。 實證結果發現,立法院網站系統當前所提供的議事資訊及議案資料等內容可謂完整且豐富;然而,公民角色的使用人數稀少且使用頻率偏低,立委方面也不常應用做為與民眾互動或提供服務之管道,意謂其功能並未彰顯,應用效果遠不及時下熱門社群網站。究其原因:一、立法院網站資訊雖充足,但部分介面設計過於繁複,應簡化操作或提供指導;二、立法院網站公開的資訊,未符合多數使用者需求;公民團體另以私人管道獲得所需資訊,但一般公民卻無法取得,因而產生資訊落差;三、網站系統缺乏有效宣傳,應擴展民眾知悉程度、提高使用意願和培養使用習慣。 本文結論建議:一、立法院網站是具備發展電子民主潛能的理想雲端空間,擁有豐沛的議事資料可供運用,應持續加以耕耘,建立有特色的網站系統,讓民眾更親近、瞭解立法院;二、資訊處須妥善管理網站系統,培養公民民主素養教育,促進理性對話空間;三、秉持更開放的態度落實公民參與訴求,結合官方與民間力量,推廣國會數位資源,使其效用極大化,朝向全面性、深入性的電子民主為未來發展目標。 / In the digital era, the Taiwanese governments have been advocating its paperless government initiatives by adopting Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to provide better services to the public. The Legislative Yuan is also carrying out the Digital Parliament Development Program, similar with the Paperless Government initiatives, which aims to foster e-democracy in Taiwan by offering comprehensive information of congressional schemes through a strong back-end IT platform. The previous literatures as well as successful applications from other democratic countries have indicated that paperless government can potentially accelerate democracy development; however, how to apply effectively is a practical issue to pay attention to. Thus, this study attempted to utilize the e-democracy index such as openness, citizen interaction, citizen participation, efficiency and effectiveness of services, to assess the functionality of the Legislative Yuan website and to compare with other similar government websites. The methodologies of the current study were content analysis and individual in-depth interview. Several bills under the legislative review process were selected and some follow-up interviews with key interest group representatives who are familiar with the aforementioned issues were conducted to collect their insights on congressional e-democracy and how they acquire relevant information from the Legislative Yuan website. Moreover, the use of ICTs for interaction with citizens among the Legislators is also a key factor impacting of e-democracy. Based on the research results, information and document offered by the Legislative website are completed and abundant. Nevertheless, there is less number of users whose identification is general citizen, and the using frequency is still low. Besides, the Legislators seldom use the website as a tool to interact with citizens. It means that the Legislative website functions are yet to be revealed and the effects are inferior to those community websites. The reasons may include: (1) The interface design of the website remains complicated for citizens to use. The officials must simplify operation and offer instructions; (2) The website cannot meet the need of citizen groups, who acquire information by private access, not by the website. But individual citizens could not utilize the same access. This situation would cause information gap; (3) The officials should propagate the Legislative website to the public and promote its popularity and utilization. According to the previous findings, three points are suggested. Firstly, the website of Legislative Yuan is a potentially wonderful cyberspace for e-democracy which should be maintained to attract the citizens closer to realize e-parliament. Secondly, the Legislative Yuan should properly manage its website, cultivate the citizens’ democratic literacy and engage them to rational dialogue. Thirdly, the public officials should keep an more open attitude, combine those diverse powers around the Parliament to get itself ready heading towards e-democracy.

加拿大廣播電視公司與網上互動 / The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and Online Interactivity: An Empirical Investigation of User Generated Content at CBC.CA

王銳言, Whalen, Ryan Unknown Date (has links)
無 / Following an exploration of the CBC’s history and role in Canadian society, this study offers an empirical examination of user generated content (UGC) at cbc.ca measuring the comment type, interactive exchange level, address features and national identity relevance of user comments. The entire comment threads of eleven stories from early 2010 are sampled and content analyzed. Results demonstrate that the vast majority of UGC at cbc.ca is not one-way as opposed to two-wayin nature and that – contrary to the CBC’s historic role – the national discussion is divisive as opposed to unifying. Finally, a discussion of how the CBC could improve its interactive functionalityis presented. Suggestions include recommending that the CBC clearly state the intention for interactive functionality, that the government re-formulate the CBC’s mandate and budget, and, most importantly, that the CBC consider a re-design of its interactive functionality.

擴增實境與人機介面應用之研究-以醫療衛教為例 / A study of augmented reality and human-machine interface applications: A case study of health education

鄭邦堅 Unknown Date (has links)
一個進步的文明城市,公共區域建築物內皆設有無障礙空間設施以照顧社會弱勢的族群,使這些族群享有同等使用社會資源的權利。同樣的,在電腦科技日新月異的當下,某些人在享受科技帶來的資訊及便利,某些人則因使用介面的障礙而無法同等享受其便利,因而形成人機介面所造成的數位障礙。 電腦虛擬世界和現實世界本是涇渭分明,由於電腦科技的進步及人們的需要在現實世界中擴增虛擬訊息成為可能。憑藉擴增實境的應用及使用者互動方面的研究,來改善人機介面造成的數位障礙,讓更多不同族群的人享有資訊科技帶來的好處。 上述的數位障礙中,最普遍的族群是幼年與年長者,其通常亦是最需要醫療照護的族群;因此本研究以一個醫療衛教為主題實例,著重預防重於治療的前提,研究醫護人員如何讓一般民眾了解特定疾病或傷害的基本知識;用於在平時或治療前、治療後的醫病溝通,欲有助於減少特定疾病引發一連串成本較高的治療程序,進而減少醫療資源的使用,使全民健保預算有效運用。 人機介面是為溝通真實世界與電腦虛擬世界,因此在本研究中以實例運用目前主流的圖形使用者介面(Graphic Uesr Interface, GUI)的操作模式下,提供以有形使用者介面(Tangible User Interface, TUI),以一個腦部虛擬實境的衛教應用,加上擴增實境技術,將教材內容具象化、內容可視化、可操作化,建立一個數位弱勢族群(如老人、小孩)易於使用的互動介面環境。

生態博物館與社區互動之研究—以北投溫泉博物館為例 / he Study on the Interactions between Ecomuseums and Communities--A Case Study of The Peitou Hot Spring Museum

周仕桓 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣近年來周休二日政策的實施,人們有更多的時間從事休閒活動,休閒活動的增加也造就了觀光產業的發展,文化觀光是其中一種型態,以博物館來吸引文化觀光的人潮更是世界的趨勢。人們對於博物館的認知大多侷限在一棟建築物內,展示著過去及靜態的歷史文物,這樣的模式卻阻礙了當地現址文化的保存,博物館與當地社區之間也無任何互動。 為了能夠推翻過去封閉的文化展現,開始出現了以「人類學」、「大眾化」、「地方化」、及「多元化」等為基礎的「新博物館運動」,藉此拆解傳統博物館的核心權威轉而強調當地社區的文化,並以生態博物館、社區博物館、民俗博物館和社區總體營造等理念來建構出一個「活」的博物館,增加博物館與周邊社區的互動。 本研究共以五章的內容來分析生態博物館與社區的互動,並探討北投溫泉博物館的興建營運與所遭遇到的挑戰,以做為未來經營生態博物館的借鑑: 第一章:以說明本研究之背景、動機與目的為起始,其次為本研究所採用的研究方法,並界定研究範圍、限制與名詞概念,最後回顧國內外相關文獻資料。 第二章:將國內外博物館相關文獻資料整合出博物館以及新博物館運動在歐美與台灣的發展歷程,並從中分析出生態博物館的興起、演變及對地方的影響。 第三章:探討台灣社區總體營造政策與博物館的結合、博物館走進社區的關鍵因素,以及探究生態博物館與社區的連接與互動形態。 第四章:以北投溫泉博物館做為個案研究的對象,分析其經營管理現況,並經由地方重點人士、館方人員與義工訪談,以及遊客參觀行為的調查,找出北投溫泉博物館與社區的互動和所面臨的挑戰。 第五章:結論與建議。研究後發現北投溫泉博物館符合生態博物館的理念,並對北投溫泉博物館的經營管理做出改善建議,研究發現期望可以作為日後生態博物館經營管理之參考。 / The ‘two-day weekend’ policy has been promulgated in Taiwan and people have more time spending on leisure activities. The increases of attending leisure activities create the developments of tourism among which the culture tourism is one of the most popular patterns. Using museums is a new trend throughout the world. However, the knowledge of understanding the functions of the museums is quite limited, where is bounded with attending indoor activities, historical and cultural exhibitions that not only impedes the patterns on sites seeing at the local level of cultures, but also lacks the interactions between the museums and communities. Based on “anthropology”, “popularization”, “localization”, and “diversity”, “New Museum Movement” is widely adopted to enhance the knowledge of using museums. It focuses on the deconstructing the existing concept of the traditional museums activities and highlights the communal heritages. A “living” museum is built under the ideas of eco-museums, community museums, folk museums, and community empowerment which increase the interactions between eco-museums and communities. There are five chapters in this study to analyze the interactions between eco-museums and communities, in addition, to discuss its construction, organization, and challenge of the Peitou Hot Spring Museum. The results of this study are expected to serve as the base for further research on the eco-museums in the future. In Chapter 1 the background, motivation, and purpose of doing this research are described. The methodologies relate to this research, regarding its area, limit, and the main concept would be explained in detail. In the end of this chapter, I review the related literatures. The Chapter 2 attempts to integrate the related literatures, New Museum Movement in Europe and United States, with the development of Peitou Hot Spring Museum in Taiwan. The literatures of how the rise and evolutions which impact the local community due to the development of eco-museums are also analyzed in this chapter. The Chapter 3 will discuss the community development combined with the development of museums in Taiwan, the key factors of the museums to blend with the interactive between eco-museums and communities are illustrated. In Chapter 4 this study aims to use Peitou Hot Spring Museum as a study case to analyze its current operations. Through interviewing local key persons, museum staff, and volunteers, as well as the assessment of the visitor’s interactions between Peitou Hot Springs Museum and communities are explored in this chapter. The Chapter 5 is the conclusion and suggestion. This study finds that Peitou Hot Spring Museum is accord with the concept of eco-museums which would provides the related suggestions to improve its further operation and management.

探討知識互動衡量指標之研究- 模型建立,建構發展與實證驗證 / The impact of knowledge interaction on innovation performance - model building, constructs developing and empirical validation

劉大銘, Liou, Da Ming Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to develop a comprehensive concept of knowledge interaction offering a robust understanding of how technological knowledge interacts with customer knowledge. There are three research questions: (1) How can we define the knowledge interaction between the two kinds of organizational knowledge (customer knowledge and technological knowledge)? (2) What are the indexes shaping the quality of knowledge interaction between customer knowledge and technological knowledge for innovation? (3) How do organizations develop innovation under the different forces driving the knowledge interaction? Through analysis of existing literature and examination of empirical data, this study will apply a theoretical framework and hypotheses to measuring the knowledge interaction between customer knowledge and technological knowledge.


李逢堅 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究中學生網際網路使用行為的主要目的有三:在瞭解中學生網路使用行為特性、中學生使用聊天室的互動特性,網路聊天室與學習的關係。文獻探討方面,本研究以資訊社會為背景,探討資訊素養問題,然後使用者與環境兩方面進行探討。從網路空間,鎖定在聊天室的網路環境下,使用者從青少年、匿名性到虛擬社群角度,經由使用符號在聊天室產生互動的分析,包括互動禮儀等相關主題。研究方法分調查與質性研究兩方面,調查方面針對台北市內外中學生經由網頁網路調查,質化部分分為觀察法,觀察聊天室的環境、訪談法,訪談中學生中學教師以及空大使用聊天室環境進行教學的教師。 研究結果發現:一、中學生網路使用的特性方面,使用經驗主要「半年至三年」,使用時段為18:00-21:00,最常從事的活動為聊天交友,上網地點以「家中」最多。2.使用網路交友動機主要為:想交新朋友、排遣寂寞感、打發時間、好奇等。3.中學生學會使用電腦網路與聊天室的都以朋友為主要來源。4.中學生選擇聊天室的條件包括:功能較豐富,畫面多采多姿,人數適中,主題相符,與室內對象的互動感覺不錯的人數越多等。 二、中學生使用聊天室的互動特性:1.聊天室互動與面對面互動皆需語言與非語言符號,但呈現方式不同。中學生使用者在「追求速度」以及「夠炫」的價值觀驅使下,產生當前的網路次級語言。2.使用匿名主要原因是「保護自己、隱密」,匿名產生兩極化現象,化名的命名包括:與姓名有關、與自己的表徵相關、自己想的理想名字、戲劇或故事角色中的名字、比較奇特沒有重複的名字等。化名以自己的考量為出發,而非為以吸引聊天對象,而除了化名外,在性別、年齡、職業。學歷上,大多數不使用假身份。3.互動對象上,「男女都有」最多,幾乎都為學生,以15-18歲高中生最多。網友數量上,十位以上最多。在網友與面對面情境的朋友差異上,大部分傾向認為面對面情境的朋友瞭解較深,而對網友持半信半疑的態度,但仍有認為網友較能無所顧忌的聊天,及交往容易而較能認同網友。 4.聊天社群遵循的互動禮儀,主要分為三個層次:第一層次為「基本原則」,以不造成身心傷害或不愉快的基本規則,大都屬於網路禮貌(netquette)的範圍,包括不暴露真實身份,不激怒對方,不羞辱對方,及自我保護等。第二層次為「順利原則」,不讓雙方產生誤解或困窘的規則,包括:1.成員發言權利平等,2.同時多人對談,3.「插話」行為的正常,4.高度的流動性,5.主題規範言論範圍,6.「舉止」文雅卻開放,7.關係的速成與脆弱,8.聊天室的社群關係(「我們一體」)。第三層次為「愉快原則」:此為更高的層次即是讓對方在互動中覺得愉快,包括:1.儘速的回應,2.善用聊天室的功能,3.使用網路次級用語。 三、網路聊天室與學習的關係方面:使用聊天室所習得的資訊素養上,在操作能力方面,是網路的操作熟練度;在技能上主要在「打字速度」,並且有較多的機會從中學習表達自我,抒發內在的情感,對網路的資訊採「半信半疑」的「後設處理」態度。適法性與倫理問題,則與聊天室的禮儀有關。使用聊天室的缺點在:1對資訊類科學生,可能無心學習程式設計等基礎課程2.網路次級用語,對傳統的國文教育,影響使用錯別字,不會斷句等。3.下課時間上網聊天,容易將聊天時後無論正向或負向的情緒,帶到下一堂課。4沈迷者無法自拔,影響功課。使用聊天室的好處在:1.相關的網路使用更為順手。2.機會學習電子郵件的使用、ICQ聊天,等相關軟體環境。3.短期內的「記憶」能力可能較佳。 教學的作法與注意事項方面,就環境特性而言包括:1.空間解放,2.時間解放,3.使用化名,4.兩極化現象,5.善用聊天室功能。就互動特性而言:1.輕鬆的氣氛,2.創造學習社群的「我們一體」感,3.社會建構主義式教學,4.協同教學,5.教師扮演導引的角色,6.教師仍擁有的絕對權力,7.人數的限制,8.善用「面子」問題,9.鼓勵正向自我坦露,10.激發集體智慧。11.先以閒聊開場。 建議方面,對中學生學校教育的建議:1.資訊素養的培養,2.與人交往的技巧,3..多元化的休閒活動,4.教師應親自使用網路,5.網路使用行為良好習慣的培養,6.多元使用教學管道,7.網路在學習上的運用。對中學生網路使用行為的輔導建議:1.對同學平時的關心與瞭解,2.傾聽多於建議,施以適時的輔導,3.注意交友狀況,4. 指導學生正當的情緒抒發行為,提供多重的抒發管道,5.多與他人接觸,學習人際相處之道,6.建立網路使用行為的責任,7.使用網路自我保護行為的教導。 / There are there main purposes of the research:1. To understand the characteristics of behavior of secondary school student using Internet, 2.the characteristics of interaction of secondary school student using chat room, 3.and the relationship of the chat room with learning. The research begins with the information society and information literacy. Then it analyzes the human interaction through Internet from two aspects: the environment and the people in it. The environment started with the human-computer interaction (HCI) , then it is based on the characteristics of cyberspace and further focused on the chat room. The user of the Internet discussed including 'anonymity', 'virtual community' and the 'youth'. The research methods include survey, observation and interview. The research results are found as follows: Most secondary school students using Internet at home at 18:00-21:00, and they have been using Internet for half to three years. The motivation of using Internet to make friends for: 1.making new friends,2. to let go of the loneliness,3. playing around and 4.curiosity etc. The interaction in chat room takes both language and non-language symbol. For the purpose of 'speed' and to 'show off', youth create and use sub-language in the Internet, it represented a kind of 'collective intelligence'. The anonymity is served to protect and conceal the users themselves. But except alias most youth user show their real status in chat room. The people they interact with including both sexes and most are students. Most users think their classmates are more familiar with than net friends, but still others think net friends are easier to talk any secrets without worrying they might tell other people users know around. There are three levels about ritual in the internet: 1.basic principle;2.smooth principle;3.pleasure principle. Every principle and its rules contain are also discussed. The negative effect of using chat room includes: 1. For students major in computer too early to use Internet may let them disconcentrate on program design, 2. Chatters of chat room always use bad Chinese grammar, 3.When chatting between two courses, the mood will affected even next course begins,4. Users who indulge in it will badly affect their learning. The positive effect of using chat room including: 1.they can use Internet more smoothly, 2. They Have more chances to learn to use e-mail, ICQ etc., 3.they may remember things better for a short period of time. When teaching through chat room, it will help teachers to achieve the aim by noticing following notes: 1.create the easy atmosphere, 2.forming 'we-us' learning community, 3.social constructivism teaching, 4.corporate teaching. 5.the leading role of teacher, 6.absolute power for teacher, 7.limitating the number participators, 8.make best of 'face value', 9.encouraging positive self-expression, 10.arousing collective intelligence, 11. courses begin with chatting. Suggestions for secondary school, for secondary school student and for further study are also described.


邱譯瑱 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 醫療品質日趨重視,但是,對於醫療品質的測量方法卻無一定論。以往有關於醫療品質的研究均是從客觀角度著手,從主觀面著手的研究卻都沒有屬於量化的研究。再加上,過去醫療品質的相關研究均是以大型醫院為研究對象,缺少基層診所的樣本。然而,大型醫院的性質與規模與基層診所相差甚遠。因此,本研究以基層診所患者為樣本,發展主觀面的醫療品質測量工具,並論證主觀面醫療品質的重要性。 本研究以變異數分析來檢測病患主觀上對於醫師醫療過程滿意度是否有差異?研究結果顯示,病患個人基本特徵上的差異是會影響到病患主觀上對醫師醫療過程的滿意度。由此可知,病患是有差異性的個體,病患主觀上對於醫療品質的感受度會因不同的個人特質而有所差異。測量醫療品質時若只測量客觀層面而忽略主觀層面是無法測量出醫療品質的全貌。 為更深入分析基層診所病患與醫師的互動,透過因素分析發現了四個因素與基層診所的醫病互動有相關,分別是:醫師看診表現、醫療專業與同理心、病況問與答、仔細與細心。並發現在基層診所的醫病互動中,病患感受特別深的是醫師的看診表現而非醫師的醫療專業。而透過變異數分析也發現病患個人基本特徵在不同因素上的滿意度也是有所差異,更是印證病患主觀層面滿意度的重要性。 本研究建議後續研究者能透過施測與修改來確定研究問卷的效度與信度,並能將這份問卷發展下去成為一套適合台灣基層診所病患主觀面醫療品質測量問卷。 關鍵字:病患滿意度、醫病互動、主觀滿意度、醫病關係、基層診所


辛翠芸, Hsin, Tsui-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以文本分析方法,剖析現今台灣兒童英語影視媒介教材,如何運用媒介特性、針對兒童閱聽人呈現英語教學的元素及互動性;並以深度訪談方法,探究兒童英語影視媒介教材產製之發展團隊分工與角色、發展策略、製作流程等面向。進一步剖陳在不同互動層次媒介之產製概念重點、差異、與影響因素,以期瞭解台灣兒童英語影視媒介教材之產製現況,為未來兒童英語教學教材製作之參考與依據。 本研究發現兒童英語影視媒介教材之定位為英語輔助教材,目標對象多未明確界定,產製上亦多以製作者面向思考、缺乏使用者觀點。媒介特性為兒童英語影視媒介教材呈現方式、及產製重點之主要考量;市場因素則為兒童英語影視媒介教材在教學設計與發展上的重要障礙。在發展團隊方面,兒童英語影視媒介教材之產製,需結合不同專業人才、不同執行單位,因而強而有力的品質管控者不可或缺;發展團隊的組成、運作、及角色分工,則受該團隊既有產製思維之影響甚深。評估兒童英語影視媒介教材之產製模式,普遍缺乏分析及總結性評鑑階段,亦需應加強製作階段之形成性評鑑、及評鑑後修正之落實。

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