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派外人員適應與影響因素探討 -自多重利害關係人角度出發 / The study on the determinants of expatriate adjustment-from the perspective of multiple stakeholders郭子綺 Unknown Date (has links)
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重罪羈押被告受律師協助權-以歐洲人權公約第五條.第六條為本 / *林志揚 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國連鎖便利商店涉入保險相關服務之法律與監理問題之研究鄭筱璇, Cheng, Hsiao-hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
另一方面,傳統上,保險銷售通路係以業務員面對面此種招攬方式為主,常使得民眾背負著不少人情壓力,然隨著生活型態改變,科技日新月異發展,電腦、電視等電子設備成為家家戶戶必備的生活用品,演變出許多新型態的銷售通路,如直效行銷(Direct Mail Marketing, DM)、電話行銷(Telemarketing)、電子商務(E-Commerce)、電視行銷等等,相較於傳統人力部隊的高成本,這些新型態的行銷偏向低成本、高效率的方式,從不同的管道傳遞保險資訊,開發不同層級的客戶群來購買保險,台灣保險的滲透度高居世界第一,換言之,台灣消費者購買保險的頻率很高,如何利用民眾進出便利商店高頻率之行為模式,將超商打造成新型態的保險通路,提供民眾多元的投保管道,亦可作為社區的保險資訊平台,推廣保險知識。本論文之研究目的主要乃探討以便利商店作為新型態的保險通路,其設立與運作過程中會面臨哪些法律問題與相關監理之規範。
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公務機關組織人際信任之探討 / A study on interpersonal trust within organizations of the public sector王招英 Unknown Date (has links)
在正反合的思辨中,本研究提出對組織及人員的建議,期能對後續研究者有所助益。 / Advanced technology comes from human nature, the administration of organization originates from the mindset. Human being is the key element in the organization, whilst the trust is an indispensable factor in interpersonal relationship.
This study, by means of related theory, explores actual status of interpersonal trust in the organizations of the public sector through interviews. After literature review, the contents for interviews are developed by using the 5 constructs that include Benevolence, Dependence, Risk, Psychological State and Ethics.
The results of interviews are analyzed by different constructs and the following status are concluded with regard to the interpersonal trust in the organization of the public sector.
1.There is no direct connection between the leadership of command leader and Benevolence Construct.
2.The sub-groups do exist and are mutually depended
3.Members of the organizations are willing and able to undertake the risk of trust
4.The interest exchange of the social exchange theory does not exist.
5.More attention is paid to the Public Ethics than to professional capability in the organization.
6.The organization has its own characteristic.
Through repeated dialectic research, this study has come up with suggestions to both organizations and personnel. It is expected that these suggestions are instrumental to the subsequent researchers.
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台灣大學生英文議論文中人稱代名詞使用之功能分析 / A functional analysis of personal pronoun use in argumentation by Taiwanese college students張銀玲, Chang, Yin Ling Unknown Date (has links)
為了呼應將人際層面融入寫作教學的趨勢,本論文將透過分析人稱代名詞(一種明顯的人際關係標記)在議論文中的使用功能來探討不同程度的台灣大學生如何使用人稱代名詞建構作者與讀者之間的關係。本研究的第一部份著重在七十六篇文章的文本分析。首先,這些文章按照評分結果將其分成高、中、低三組,然後分析人稱代名詞最常出現的搭配語言形式,並歸納出不同人稱代名詞的篇章功能。第二部份則是分析學生問卷及訪談學生,藉以作進一步的闡述。問卷的目的在找出學生對議論文寫作的看法,而訪談學生則是想找出使用不同人稱代名詞的原因。本研究發現不同程度的三組學生在人稱代名詞的整體使用數量、種類、及頻率分配上都有不同,程度高的一組明顯少於中間程度及較低組。同時,結果也顯示這些學生會搭配不同的語言形式(例如動詞、助動詞、加強標記等)來行使不同的篇章功能,而且不同程度的學生在功能運用上也會有所差異。整體而言,低組同學呈現較多的自我投射,中間組同學比較注重與讀者和其他外人的關係,而高組同學在呈現觀點時較為客觀。在選擇人稱代名詞時,學生會從自己本身、讀者、文章寫作等三方面的相互關係作出考量,決定採取主觀或客觀的觀點、表達權威或謙卑的態度、顯示親近或疏離的關係、使用直接或間接的策略。大致上來說,這些學生使用較多的人性訴求來凝聚跟讀者之間的關係,同時也強化自己論點的力道。這樣的策略充分反映出台灣文化中的人道主義和集體主義。本研究發現學生在議論文寫作中會以功能和人際關係為導向來選擇和使用人稱代名詞。 / In response to the call for the incorporation of interpersonal dimension into the writing pedagogy, this study provides a functional analysis of personal pronouns—an explicit interpersonal marker—used in argumentative texts by Taiwanese college students. The purpose is to see how students of different proficiency levels construct the writer-reader relationship through personal pronouns during the composition. The first part of the study centers on the analysis of 76 learner essays. They are first rated and sorted into three groups of different quality—High, Mid, and Low. Later, the linguistic forms associated with personal pronouns are examined, and the discourse functions personal pronouns fulfill in contexts are also identified. The results of the text analysis are further supplemented by the post-writing questionnaires and the oral interviews on students to obtain more in-depth discovery and interpretation. While the questionnaire aims to reveal how the students perceive argumentative writing, the interview intends to find out the reasons for their choices of personal pronouns.
The results have shown that the use of personal pronouns in the three groups differs in quantity, type and distribution. The High group writers use significantly fewer pronouns than the other two. Moreover, the students use personal pronouns with salient accompanying linguistic forms (e.g. verbs, modals, emphatic markers) to perform various discourse functions, and students of different levels also vary in maneuvering the functions. Overall, the Low group writers tend to be more self-involved, and the Mid group writers are more likely to include in-group and out-group members in discourse. The High group writers, however, present their arguments more objectively. In selecting personal pronouns, the students usually take account of the interrelationship among the writer, the reader and the text, on whose basis the alternatives between subjectivity and objectivity, authority and modesty, intimacy and detachment, or directness and indirectness are weighed. In general, the students use more personal appeals to achieve mutual solidarity with the reader and to intensify their convictions as well, which reflects humaneness and collectivism that have been highly valued in Taiwanese culture. The study has found that the students' strategic choices of personal pronouns in argumentative writing are usually functionally and interpersonally-oriented.
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境外人民幣債券研討-人民幣走向國際化的第一步 / The study of offshore RMB Bonds-The beginning of the RMB’s internationalization林欣儀, Lin, Hsin-I Unknown Date (has links)
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應用資料採礦於人身保險顧客關係管理之研究─以T保險經紀人公司為例 / The application of data mining in the study of customer relationship management in life insurance ─ using t assurance broker company as an example黃翠蓮, Huang, Tsui Lien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以T保險經紀人公司為例,說明如何應用資料採礦技術萃取出有利於個案公司顧客關係管理的知識,期間藉由個案公司提供的2005年至2010年保單資料作為實證分析之用。於分析過程中,使用敘述性統計以瞭解此六年期間新契約保單之概況;透過交叉分析知曉險種與被保險人、保單特性之關聯;利用被保險人和保單特性進行二階段集群分析,藉由分群結果作為市場區隔之用;最後使用被保險人、保單和業務員特性進行C&R Tree決策樹分析,以歸納出未續繳保費之分類規則。
根據本研究之發現,可將顧客分為理財退休規劃型、避險儲蓄需求型、人生風險規劃型和防癌醫療保障型四大顧客族群,可藉由目標市場族群特徵計畫行銷方案,以開發新客源創造利收;而利用C&R Tree決策樹分析可歸納出未續繳保費可能性較高的三項規則,藉此針對可能流失之顧客族群擬訂對應策略,以鞏固既有客戶提升續繳率;此外,於研究過程中亦發現個案公司資料庫缺在些許問題,應落實資料庫管理之正確性、即時性、完整性,以有效運用資料創造商業價值。期能達到目標市場行銷效益最大化、提升顧客留置策略有效性、改善當前資料庫管理之詬病。
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經理人薪酬及其避險行為 / Executive Compensation and Hedging Behavior黃怡婷, Huang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討經理人的風險承擔誘因與公司非以交易為目的之衍生性金融商品使用之關聯性。研究結果發現,第一,經理人之風險承擔誘因與非以交易為目的之衍生性金融商品的使用呈顯著負向關係,此結果顯示以股權為基礎之薪酬結構的確可以提高經理人之風險承擔誘因。第二,本研究比較若採不同類型之員工認股權,則指數型員工認股權較傳統型員工認股權提供較大的經理人風險承擔誘因。第三,若將股權為基礎之薪酬分為股票及員工認股權,發現經理人持有員工認股權與經理人風險承擔誘因呈正向且顯著關係;而經理人持有公司股票則與經理人風險承擔誘因呈正向關係但並不顯著。 / This study examines the relation between managerial risk-taking incentives and hedging derivatives usage. First, executives’ risk-taking incentives are negatively related to the hedging derivatives holdings, the result is consistent with equity-based compensation that promotes risk taking. Second, the indexed stock options appear to create stronger risk-taking incentives than the traditional stock options. Third, managerial risk-taking incentives are significantly related to executive stock options but not stock holdings.
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台灣高階人力教育性失業及低度就業問題之研究 / The Unemployment and Underemployment of the Highly Educated in Taiwan邱心怡 Unknown Date (has links)
本文引用發展經濟學大師Michael P. Todaro於1974年所建立的勞動力市場供需架構,從政府政策以及人力市場的教育供給和產業需求等角度深入探討目前現象,並透過訪談產官學專家的意見,來找出問題之原因。本文研究發現,由於高等教育快速擴張,教育性失業及低度就業問題已逐漸推至碩博士畢業生。究其原因可分成兩大部分:第一,產業界未能有效升級,再加上台灣企業型態多以中小企業為主,無法創造充足職缺。第二,高等教育過度擴張,高學歷人力品質卻無法符合產業需求,進而造成產學失衡現象。因此,要解決上述問題,不僅是教育和產業進行調整,政府也必須改進相關政策來引導兩者媒合,才能讓高階人力資源達到更有效的運用,進而提升台灣整體競爭力。 / Traditional Human Capital Theory believes that highly educated people are more productive and would enjoy more employment opportunities and salaries. Influenced by this theory, many countries have promoted higher education to cultivate domestic talent, and Taiwan is no exception. When the rapid development and ongoing transformation of the industry called for new talents and skills, the government in mid-1980s responded with reformed educational system which would produce much more highly educated human resources. But as higher education becomes common, unemployment and underemployment—the waste of human resources—gradually become a problem that needs to be addressed.
Based on the model developed by Michael P. Todaro in 1974, this paper aims to examine the current situation of labor market in terms of government policy, and labor supply and demand. Many people with master or PhD degree are faced with unemployment or underemployment for two reasons. First of all, the industry doesn’t supply sufficient job opportunities because it doesn’t effectively upgrade. Second, the excessive quantity and declining quality of the graduates does not meet the demand of the market. In order to solve these problems, both education and industry have to adjust the pace of development, and the government needs to bridge the gap by revising the policy involved. In this way, the human resources can be effectively used, and Taiwan would become more competitive.
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第三人侵害債權制度研究 / 第3人侵害債權制度研究徐斌 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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