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財產保險上受益人概念之研究 / A Research on beneficiaries of non-life insurance

朱政龍 Unknown Date (has links)
關於我國保險契約法上財產保險究竟有無受益人概念適用之餘地,傳統學說上一直以來存有爭議,但產險實務上似乎卻從未質疑過而予一體適用。本文擬先就我國保險契約法上對於保險契約當事人及關係人之定位予以重新釐清,並綜合英美與大陸法系契約當事人之優缺點,提出以財產權之所有人、權利人或自己之生命、身體者為被保險人,並以之為契約當事人,享受負擔保險契約上一切權利與義務;如欲利益第三人時,自不妨另行指定保險受益人。如此作法可避免長期以來允許以他人之財產權或生命、身體來投保所產生之各項爭議。 其次,本文針對現行產險的兩大分類:一般財產損失險與責任保險,分別探究其有無受益人概念之適用以及產險受益人之法律性質定位。依本文研究發現,一般財產損失險仍有指定受益人之可能與必要,惟因礙於損失填補原則,其性質於保險法上應解為僅屬被保險人之保險金代理受領人,該受益人必須另依與被保險人間其他法律關係以決定其保險金之最終受領權。至於責任保險,則應無指定保險受益人之可能與必要。 最後,針對以特殊立法方式所形成的強制汽車責任保險,由於其雖以責任保險之形式立法,但其承保之標的與一般責任保險不同,而係由立法者所特別創設的一「法定限額無過失賠償責任」,其賠償對象及方式亦由立法者另行規範,致成為被保險人對於「特定對象」(法定之請求權人)須負一「定額」或「限額」的無過失賠償責任,故其賠償方式亦「傷害險化」;惟本文以為,該法所定之特定「請求權人」,仍非屬保險法上的保險受益人,而仍屬特別立法下的特殊請求權人。

會計師事務所提供法律服務對審計人員獨立性之影響 / The Effects of CPA Firms' Provision of Legal Services To Audit Clients on Financial Satement Users' Perceptions of Auditor Independence

張益輔, Chang, Yi Fu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來在會計師事務所積極擴張其專業服務版圖的情況下,會計師事務所逐漸發展成橫跨多項專業領域的多元化組織。為對企業營運問題提供完整的解決方案,會計師事務所聘用律師或與法律事務所進行策略聯盟,已是無可避免之趨勢。但會計師事務所對審計客戶提供法律服務則可能衍生出一些新問題,並使外部第三者對其適當性產生疑慮。因此本研究旨在探討當會計師事務所對審計客戶提供法律服務時,財務報表使用者對審計人員獨立性與財務報表可靠性之認知與判斷情形,而研究目的則是驗證法律服務類型、法律公費金額重大性與事務所職員分離程度對財務報表使用者反應的可能影響。   研究結果發現,當審計客戶之法律公費構成重大的財務關係時,將顯著影響報表使用者對審計人員獨立性及財務報表可靠性之認知與判斷;另外職員分離程度亦顯著影響報表使用者對審計人員獨立性及財報可靠性之認知情形;但法律服務類型對上述項目之影響則僅為部分顯著。其次,有效保障機制的設計與執行,包括「限制法律服務收入之金額重大性」、「對法律服務公費及服務內容設立強制揭露之規定」、「建立防火牆」與「簽署保密棄權書」等,應有助於維持審計人員之外觀獨立性,並且是財務報表使用者心目中最合理的規範方式。 / In recent years, CPA firms have continued to expand the types of professional services offered both to their audit and non-audit clients and become multidisciplinary organizations. In many cases, they found it necessary to employ lawyers or to enter into strategic alliances with law firms in order to provide complete solutions to business problems. The increase in such arrangements raised new questions and concerns regarding their propriety when legal services were provided to audit clients. This research assessed financial statement users’perceptions of auditor independence and financial statement reliability when a CPA firm offered legal services to its audit clients. The objective was to test financial statement users’reactions to different types of legal services that CPA firms offered to their audit clients, as well as the effects of the materiality of the engagement and the degree of staff separation involved in the provision of such services.   Results indicated that a financially material business relationship affected financial statement users’perceptions regarding independence and related judgments of financial statement reliability. The degree of staff separation between auditors and lawyers was also found to affect perceptions of independence and related judgments of financial statement reliability. The type of legal services offered had a lesser effect on responses. This study suggested that with certain mitigating/safeguarding procedures in place, e.g., legal fee magnitude restrictions, legal service disclosure requirements, firewalls, and client waivers, users’perceptions of auditor independence and financial statements reliability may not be impaired when CPA firms provide legal services to their audit clients.

檢視我國公司登記制度—以公司負責人登記為中心 / A study of the company registration legislation in Taiwan—focusing on the registration of directors and officers

陳寶貴 Unknown Date (has links)
公司法為求提高商業交易透明度、降低交易成本,並維護交易安全,對於公司資訊之一般公開,採取公司登記制度,由國家公權力介入,規範資訊公開之格式與內容,要求公司須將許多公司內部資訊向主管機關登記,以供不特定大眾可得而知。 然公司登記制度之立法意旨雖係為保障交易安全,惟從執行面上觀之,公司登記制度雖將公開公司資訊之搜尋與查證成本分配由主管機關負擔,然主管機關實際上無法承擔登記資訊之查證成本,僅流於形式審查與完全仰賴司法確定判決,對於登記之真實性採取消極之態度,導致登記制度無法即時與正確反映公司之組織現況。而公司於公司登記制度中應係最有能力確保登記資訊之正確性及完整性之一方,然制度設計上卻未規範公司承擔相應之成本。且於公司負責人登記發生形式之公司登記與實質法律關係不符之情形,從實務上發生之冒名登記,及公司負責人卸任後公司怠為變更登記等爭議類型中可知,利害關係人為弭平此一形式與實質法律關係之落差必須支出一定之爭訟成本,實係課與利害關係人承擔其無法控制之風險。 再者,於公司經營權爭奪之案例中,亦可發現變更公司負責人登記成為經營權爭奪之前哨戰,如果能成功掌握公司負責人登記,即享有相當之優勢地位。故公司負責人之登記在實務運作上迭生爭議,於研究公司登記制度時有特別加以探討之必要。 最後,我國公司登記制度多年來未翻修,法定登記事項、內容及程序均相當僵化而無彈性,導致公開資訊之效益相當有限。因此,本文係從公司登記制度資訊公開成本配置之調整,以及彈性化公司登記制度設計兩個面向,全盤檢視我國公司登記制度。

武器平等原則在民事訴訟法上之適用 / The application of the principle of equality of arms in civil procedure law

廖子涵, Liao, Tze Han Unknown Date (has links)
在德國,關於憲法與民事訴訟法間關連之研究可謂汗牛充棟,是故以憲法原則指導、審查民事訴訟法已經成為主流,憲法不僅在民事訴訟法之立法上扮演指導方針的角色,在實務上亦發揮重大的影響。然自德國之民事訴訟法發展以觀,此研究之主流始於第二次世界大戰之後,其關注的焦點例如突襲性裁判之防止、合法聽審權之保障、武器平等原則之重視、比例原則之考量,以及其他個別憲法原則於民事訴訟法上之作用等。在我國,關於憲法原則與民事訴訟法發展間關係之研究,原非研究民事程序法學者所關心之學術領域,其成為研究標的者,乃始於一九七0年代末期,經過留日學者邱聯恭教授予以倡議,並經過民事訴訟法研究基金會諸多教授之研討及確認,此外,晚進學者如姜世明教授、沈冠伶教授,針對民事訴訟上之程序保障論、突襲性裁判之防止、公開心證、合法聽審權及武器平等原則等議題,亦有深入之研究與剖析。是故,以憲法原則指導民事訴訟法理論之發展,至今已成為多數學者及實務見解所肯認,應無疑義。 「武器平等原則」乃一憲法與程序法原則,其包含形式及實質上之意義:就前者而言,武器平等原則意謂當事人於法院或法官前之平等地位,任一當事人不論其為原告或被告,亦不論是否具有不同之身分、階級、地位,於法律前均一律平等;後者則強調當事人於法院前之實質性程序地位之平等性(等值性),其不僅強調於立法制度上當事人應獲有同等訴訟程序上之地位,且強調程序上之機會平等性,並認為法院除不得恣意對任一方為有利或不利之偏私訴訟指揮外,並應注意在程序法上法則之解釋適用、調整當事人事實上之不平等性。此一原則對於民事訴訟程序中相關制度之立法論或解釋論具有重要之指導功能。 本文欲以當事人武器平等原則之保障為中心,探討武器平等原則於民事訴訟法之作用,筆者認為其可分為「當事人平等接近法院之保障」、以及「訴訟中武器平等保障」兩方面探討:前者係指保障人民平等接近法院、利用法院之機會,排除當事人接近法院之路徑障礙,因此管轄制度、訴訟費用負擔、訴訟救助制度、法律扶助制度以及訴權擴大之團體訴訟,將是此議題所關注的焦點;後者則著重在賦予當事人於訴訟上具有實質平等之攻擊防禦地位,其涵蓋的範圍則相當廣泛,舉凡訴訟標的之特定、主觀預備合併之主張、訴之變更追加之主張、舉證責任、摸索證明、附帶上訴、具體化義務、真實義務、文書提出義務、事案解明義務、證明妨礙、違反訴訟促進義務之失權制裁、事實於法院已顯著者或職務上已知事實之審酌可能、法院職權調查證據、損害賠償數額之酌定、闡明制度等,皆為本文討論之範疇。

同人誌相關著作權問題研究 / Copyright issues in Doujinshi

盧美慈, Lu, Mei Tsu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著科技進步以及傳媒興盛,文化創作已非少數專業作者之權利,一般大眾得藉由網路、新聞等媒介進行個人創作。日本的「同人文化」即為其中代表之一,所謂「同人誌」,係指原創作品的愛好者於未授權的狀態下,藉資訊技術,改編、混合或以原作品設定為基礎進行衍生創作,這些創作可能帶有補完原創作不足劇情之目的、惡搞或諷刺之目的。同人作者通常對於原作抱持著「稱讚或崇拜」的態度,而非企圖以自己之再創作和原作進行市場競爭,且同人作家之再創作,有時可為原作帶來更高之經濟及文化利益。 然而,同人行為以及同人誌在其內容以及行為模式上,均可能涉及著作權侵權問題,以著作人格權為例,同人誌可能侵害「禁止不當改作權」、「姓名表示權」;以著作財產權為例,同人誌所面臨者,係同人誌行為可能侵害「重製權」以及「衍生著作權」,但由於同人誌之高度經濟效益,亦有美日學者提出同人誌應得就其經濟優勢主張「合理使用」;除此之外,同人誌「借用原作角色和背景設定」之行為,同時也涉及美國法所謂「角色著作權」爭議問題。另外,同人誌本身亦為一種著作作品,惟此種未獲得同意之衍生創作,是否得以合法地取得新的著作權?   本文將先從同人誌的產生及其經濟效益為始,講解為何目前同人誌發源地--日本,對同人誌之發展採取何種態度。第三章至第五章則就著作權法法規面,先行說明與同人誌相關之著作權法規定和法學理論,進而以美、日以及我國實務判決,釐清同人誌與著作人格權、著作財產權的交集,試圖釐清同人誌在著作權法中之定位。第六章係以近來同人誌地位最具威脅性之爭議問題- -TPP協約,推測未來同人誌產業可能之走向若未來日本簽暑該條約後將對日本同人誌產業和其他國家的同人誌產業造成衝擊。    最後,本文將總結同人誌在著作人格權及著作財產權面臨之侵權爭議,依照本文所引用之外國判例或實務見解,試圖提出使同人誌合法之方式,盼能藉此維護同人產業和相關動漫產業的持續發展。 / In recent years, because of the rapid development of digital technologies, everyone can be a creator and easily public his or her work online. The “doujin-activities”(also called “fan-based activities” in American) originating from Japan has provided a good example of how ordinary people can become creators participating in the free culture.Most famous doujin-activities is “doujinshi” , which is associated with the preparation of derivative works without authors’ permission.Most doujinshi creators involve in the activities in order to show their respect of the original works. The aim of these doujin-activities is to create mocks, or parodies of the original work, or to complete the original story. Nonetheless, these fan-based creators have exposed themselves to great extent of copyright infringement. For example, doujinsi may infringes author’s moral right, like “the right to claim the authorship of works” and “the right of integrity”. Moreover, because doujinshi is an unauthorized derivative work, it could infringe author’s property right.However, due to the huge economic interest behind doujinshi, a lot of copyright scholars claim that doujinsi should apply to fair use doctine. By the way,because doujinshi is a work that “borrow characters “from a story, it also face a controversy- -whether a character should be protect by copyright or not? Considering doujinshi is an unauthorized derivative work,can this work be protect by copyright? This research will introduce the problems above. Chapter 2 introduced the origin of doujinshi, and try to explain why the birthland,Japan tolerate the development of doujinshi.Chapter 3 to Chapter 5 introduced the copyright issues which is relevant to doujinshi. Chapter 6 analysis the future of doujinshi.Finally,after discussing the copyright issues about doujinshi,this research provide certain suggestion and try to let doujinshi legalized.


葛廣薇, Ke, Kuang Wei Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:非法移民、非法外來人口、收容、非刑事拘禁、人身自由、家庭權、平等權、法官保留、正當法律程序、異議、追究、提審 近年來,我國隨著人權國際化的發展,特別是在兩公約施行法公布之後,非法外來人口的收容問題成為熱門的人權議題之ㄧ,因此,引發作者研究的動機。 由於我國國情特殊,外來人口並不限於「外國人」或「無國籍人」,尚包含「無戶籍國民」、「大陸地區人民」、「香港居民」與「澳門居民」等類人士;次查,該等外來人口來臺,未必都有「移民」的意圖,為周延起見,因此,本文將「非法移民」一詞改稱為「非法外來人口」。 經查目前我國非法外來人口以「外國人」與「大陸地區人民」居多,故本文的研究對象乃聚焦於該兩種人士。另外,本文將收容對象限縮於「已入境」且「違反移民法規」的非法外來人口,並將「收容」定義為「主管機關為達成遣返任務,於遣返前,將非法外來人口暫時留置於收容處所的行政行為」,因此,非法外來人口收容之法律性質,為行政處分,屬遣返非法外來人口前之暫時性行政保全措施,不具裁罰性,故非屬行政罰,當然,更非屬刑事處分,自應與刑事訴訟法之「羈押」有所區別。 本論文計分「緒論」、「收容制度之外國借鏡」、「我國收容制度」、「受收容人基本權之保障與衝突」、「收容實務現況及其困境」、「我國收容在合憲性之探討」、「收容與行政救濟」及「結論與建議」等八章。 首先,由美、日及其他世界主要國家對於非法移民的收容制度觀察,發現大多數國家對於非法移民之收容並未採行「法官保留」制度,各國對於收容期限的規定也不一致,而隨著非法移民的日漸增多,近年各國對於非法移民的防杜、查緝與管理,亦較以前積極且嚴格。 我國收容制度主要分為對外國人(含一般外國人與外籍勞工)與對大陸地區人民兩大類,分別由入出國及移民法第38條、就業服務法第68條第4項及臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例(以下簡稱兩岸條例)第18條規範。就外國人與大陸地區人民收容制度之比較發現,二者其實大同小異。有關收容處分機關、法律性質、期間、處分方式、收容處所、對於已取得居留許可且具備一定要件之受處分人遣返前得召開審查會審查、給予當事人陳述意見之機會以及在收容處所內之處遇均相同;主要差異在於「收容要件」、「異議程序之有無」、「折抵刑期或罰金額數之程序」、「驅逐出國(強制出境)前,應否先經司法機關之同意」等程序,此外,大陸地區人民之強制出境,因二十年來,兩岸依循金門協議機制定期運作,尚未發生無法遣返問題,故兩岸條例並無類似外國人得因無法遣返而廢止收容處分之規範。 基本權利的保障,應遵守「層級化法律保留原則」與「重要性理論」,而法益衝突問題,則應依人權調整原理處理。受收容人之基本權利保障與法益衝突,亦應遵守前述法理加以處理,本文爰以受收容人之人身自由、家庭權與平等權三面向加以探討。 繼之,由收容相關處理流程、近4年外國籍與大陸籍受收容人之人數與平均收容天數、外國籍涉案與未涉案人數與比例、收容天數的比較等統計數據,呈現收容實務的現況,並簡要敘述收容行政所面臨的困境及主管機關移民署所做的具體改善措施(包含研擬入出國及移民法修正草案等)。 有關收容的合憲性,分為「法官保留與受收容人之人身自由」、「令從事勞務與工作權保障」、「收容期間與明確性原則」、「刑期折抵與羈押之錯置」、「概括條款之濫用」與「刑事收容之新構思」六方面論述,研究結果發現,現行收容相關規定之合憲性與適法性,尚無疑義。惟查,具體個案執行上,對於涉及刑案之受收容人的「延長收容」,發現有單純僅為順應司法機關犯罪偵審需要而為,並未嚴格審視收容是否具備「保全遣返必要性」之前提要件,與立法目的尚屬有間,恐有違反比例原則之虞。次查,現行規定中,「令從事勞務」一詞,容易引人誤解有侵害工作權之虞,且不符實務現況;而「收容天數得刑期折抵」的權宜措施,不但不能消除「以收容代替羈押」有侵害人權的疑慮,反而,更混淆了收容的法律性質,也讓司法機關有藉口將涉及刑案之非法外來人口「責付」行政機關「收容」,使問題更形嚴重;至於入出國及移民法第38條第1項第4款之概括規定,也容易使收容變相成為刑事追訴之保全機制。凡此種種,均待澈底檢討。 關於非法外來人口收容的行政救濟方面,本文則分別就「異議」、「訴願」、「行政訴訟」、「國家賠償」、「提審」與「追究」等面向觀察,研究發現受收容人提起行政救濟的案例不多,而就實務案例觀察,現行救濟程序對於受收容人之權益保障,確實有緩不濟急的現象發生,亟待改善。 本文對於現行非法外來人口收容法制,歸結如下: 一、非法外來人口收容,未採「法官保留」原則,並未違反憲法第八條之規定,其合憲性尚無疑慮。 二、現行非法外來人口收容法制,符合「公民與政治權利國際公約」相關規定,亦無適法性問題。 三、程序權保障部分 現行非法外來人口收容法制中,有關外國人與大陸地區人民之程序權保障規定未盡一致,且欠缺公正第三人介入審查之強制機制,應加以改善。 四、欠缺事後即時司法審查機制 非法外來人口收容,性質上屬「非刑事拘禁」,受收容人除得依憲法第8條第4項規定向法院聲請「追究」外,亦得依公民與政治權利國際公約第13條規定聲請法院「提審」,惟查,現行提審法、行政訴訟法、法院組織法等法規尚欠缺相關配套機制,有賴司法機關正視並積極建置。 五、刑事程序與行政程序應有所區隔 現行規定,將偵審中或待服刑之犯罪嫌疑人或刑事被告,納入得收容之對象,而遣返刑案被告前,又必須得到司法機關之同意,而收容延長之次數亦未明文限制,收容日數並得折抵刑期,不但再再混淆收容之法律性質,也是遭來「以收容代替羈押」批評的導火線。為切合收容之立法目的,提升人權保障,本文認為對於涉刑案之非法外來人口,應依「先刑事後行政」原則辦理,收容對象應限縮為單純待遣返之非法外來人口。 六、得命服勞役之規定,未切合實務現況,且容易引發侵害人權之誤解,應配合兩公約施行法之公布施行,儘速刪除之。 七、非法外勞收容之法源依據亟待修正 經查就業服務法迄未配合移民署之成立而加以修正,為符法制,減少疑義,勞政與立法機關應積極推動修法事宜。 至於本文對於非法外來人口收容法制之主要建議如下: 一、對於移民法、兩岸條例之修正建議 (一)收容對象應修正為以「單純等待遣返之非法外來人口」為限,刪除司法機關得將涉及刑案且尚待偵審之非法外來人口「責付」移民署收容之規定。 (二)刪除「遣返前應經司法機關同意」之規定。 (三)刪除「收容日數得折抵刑期或罰金」之規定。 (四)俟司法院建置「追究」或「提審」等事後即時司法審查機制後,刪除「收容異議制度」。 (五)於入出國及移民法修正草案中,增列大陸地區人民與港澳居民得「準用」外國人收容相關規定。 二、建議司法院研修提審法、法院組織法與行政訴訟法,建立非法外來人口收容「追究」、「提審」等事後即時司法審查機制;此外,為提升對於涉及刑案受收容人之權益保障,則建議司法院研修刑事訴訟法,針對觸犯微罪且有逃亡或逃亡之虞之犯罪嫌疑人或被告,增列「刑事收容」制度,以符刑事偵審實需。 三、建議勞委會儘速修正就業服務法相關法規,增列移民署查緝、收容非法外勞之法源依據,並建置完善之外籍勞工相關制度,減少非法外勞之發生率。 四、修正國家安全法第3條不合時宜之規定。 五、行政院應建置跨部會整合平台,釐定完整妥適之移民政策後,相關部會應配合修訂移民配套法規。 / Keywords: illegal immigration, illegal alien population, detention, liberty, family rights, equal rights, due process of law, dissent, legal investigation, Habeas Corpus In the recent years, Taiwan, following the international development in human rights and especially after the release of Act to Implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (hereby referred to as the “Two Covenants”) has started the popular discussion of illegal alien population detention. This paved the way to the subject of my thesis. Because of Taiwan's special political situation, the immigrant population is defined as not only "foreigners" or "stateless people", but also as "non-permanent nationals", "Mainland citizens", "Hong Kong residents", "Macao residents" and other categories of people. The foreign population that comes to Taiwan may not all have "migration intent”, so for the sake of being thorough, in this thesis, the term "illegal immigrants" will be changed to the broader term of "illegal aliens." As the current investigation shows illegal alien population is mostly from Mainland China and foreign countries, this study will focus on these two groups. Aliens that can be “detained” are limited in this study to illegal aliens that have entered Taiwan and have violated immigration laws. The term “detention" is defined as "an administrative act of keeping illegal aliens in temporary premises during pre-removal process until their repatriation”. The detention of illegal alien population is an executive sanction given prior to the repatriation of illegal aliens. It is a temporary executive protection measure, not a punitive one. It is not an administrative penalty and a non-criminal sanction. It differs from the term “custody” of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The thesis is divided into the following eight sections: 1. Introduction 2. Foreign-Based Detention System 3. Taiwan’s Detention System 4. Basic Human Rights of the Detained Aliens and Their Conflicts 5. Plight of Current Detention Practices 6. Constitutionality of Taiwan’s Detention System 7. Remedies for Detaining and Executive Practices 8. Conclusions and Recommendations In the first place, most of the detention systems in the United States, Japan and other developed countries in the world do not adopt the " Grundsatz des Richtervorbehaltes " system. The periods for detention around the world are also different. As the number of illegal immigration cases increases in these countries, the prevention, investigation and management of illegal immigration have also become more proactive and stricter than ever before. Taiwan's detention system can be subdivided into two major groups, foreigners (including foreign workers) and Chinese Mainlanders, overseen by the Immigration Act Section 38 of the Employment Service Law Article 68, Paragraph 4, and the Taiwanese and the Mainland Regional Relations (hereinafter referred to as Cross Strait Ordinance) Article 18. The detention system for foreigners and Mainlanders are essentially the same in Taiwan. They both share the same agencies for detention, regulations, detention duration, decisions, detention locations, resident alien pre-repatriation reviews, opportunities for legal defense, and detention treatment. The main differences between the two groups are: the requirements for detention, the presence or absence of objection procedures, the procedure for sentence set-off or penalty fines, the requirement of judicial consent prior to expulsion (forced exit) from the country, and other similar processes. In the last two decades, through the Golden Gate Agreement between Taiwan and Mainland China, there are regularly scheduled forced exits of Mainlanders from Taiwan. Repatriation of Mainlanders has not had any issues yet. That is why there has not been the need for regulations stopping their detention due to inability to repatriate them like in the cases of foreigners. The protection of fundamental rights should comply with "the hierarchy of legal reservation" and "the importance theory". The conflicts among legal interests should be adjusted in accordance with human rights principles. And the fundamental rights of the detained people should be addressed by the past legal principles. This thesis will cover three directions: people's personal freedom, family rights and equal rights. Through detention-related processes, the statistical comparisons between the number of detained aliens and average days in the detention centers of foreign nationals and Mainlanders, and the statistical comparison between foreign nationals involved and not involved in detention and the number of days in detention, one can see the current condition of detention and can describe the difficulties faced by the Administration and the implementation of specific improvement plans (including entry and exit information, drafts to amend the Immigration Act sent to the Legislature, etc.) by the various related authorities within the Department of Immigration. The constitutionality of the detention is divided into six discussion topics: "Grundsatz des Richtervorbehaltes and Detainee’s Personal Freedom", "Right to Work and Protection of that Right", "Clear Detention Period," "Difference Between Sentence Set-Off and Detention," "Abuse of General Terms" and "Constructive Thoughts of Criminal Custody". From my research, the constitutionality and applicability of existing regulations are clear. However, during actual prosecution of individual cases, detained aliens involved in criminal cases may "extend detention" and are tried simply as criminal cases, not evaluating beforehand the necessity of repatriation, whether there is a gap with the legislative goal and whether it violates the principle of proportionality. In current regulations, the phrase “serve labor sentence” easily leads to misunderstanding that there exists labor rights violation. And the implementation of right to off-set imprisonment by detention days not only does not eliminate the question of whether administrative detention replaces imprisonment has human rights violation, but it confuses the nature of detention laws. It also lets judicial agencies use criminal cases involving illegal aliens to be part of Administrative agencies’ responsibility, worsening the problem. The Border Entry and Exit and Immigration Act Article 38, Section 1, paragraph 4, also easily transforms detention into a mechanism of shielding against criminal prosecution. All this should be reviewed and analyzed in its entirety. Concerning the detained illegal aliens’ executive relief, this thesis will analyze from the points of "dissent", "petition", "executive action", "National Compensation", "Habeas Corpus" and "accountability". Studies found there are not too many cases of executive relief filed by the detained aliens. From observing the practical cases, the current relief program for the protection of the detained aliens’ rights is quite slow and needs improvement. The detention laws regarding the current illegal alien population can be summarized as followed: 1. Although the detention of illegal alien population does not to adopt "Grundsatz des Richtervorbehaltes " principle, it does not violate the provisions of Article 8 of the Constitution and there is no doubt of its constitutionality. 2. The current detention laws of illegal alien population fit the "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights," and related provisions, there is no issue of applicability. 3. The part related to the protection of process right In the current laws related to detention of illegal aliens, the sections related to foreigners and Mainlanders that guarantee the process right are not entirely consistent, and they lack the enforcement mechanism of requiring reviews by impartial third parties. This should be improved. 4. Lack of mechanism that requires immediate judicial review The detention of illegal alien population is a "non-criminal detention". Article 8 of the Constitution, Paragraph 4 provides that illegal aliens may ask the Court for investigation; or the alien may ask for a judicial habeas corpus according to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 13. The current Habeas Corpus, Administrative Procedure Laws, Court Organization Laws and other related regulations still need supporting structure and that responsibility falls on the judiciary branch to address directly and actively. 5. The separation of criminal and administrative procedures Existing regulations consider aliens in the mist of investigation, alien suspects awaiting sentencing, and criminal alien defendants are possible subjects for detention. There must be judicial consent prior to repatriation of criminal case defendants. However the fact that limitation on the number of times that detention may be extended has not been clearly set and that the days in the detention may set off the imprisonment not only creates massive legal confusion, but also invites criticism that "detention is now replacing imprisonment". To meet the legislative goal of establishing detention laws to enhance human rights, this thesis argues for the illegal aliens involved in criminal cases should first be tried as criminals, then as administrative defendants. And detention laws should be limited to repatriation of illegal alien population only. 6. Regulations requiring serving labor sentence do not fit current reality or practices. This easily leads to misunderstanding of human rights violation. It should be deleted immediately. The regulations should be compatible with the release of the Two Covenants. 7. The laws related to illegal alien workers detention should be corrected The Employment Service Act is not consistent with the establishment of the Department of Immigration. The Act should be amended to meet the current legal system and reduce ambiguity. Labor Administration and Legislative agencies should proactively promote the amendment of this Act. The main recommendations for the legal system around detention of illegal aliens are: A. Suggested amendments for immigration laws and cross-strait ordinance (a) Candidates for detention should be amended to accommodate illegal aliens that are simply awaiting repatriation. The need for judicial involvement should be deleted. And illegal aliens involved in criminal investigation and hearing should be under the jurisdiction of the Department of Immigration. (b) The regulation requiring judicial consent prior to repatriation should be deleted. (c) The allowance for reducing length of sentence or fines by detention days should be removed. (d) After the Judicial Branch establishes investigation and habeas corpus and the judicial review, there should not be a separate detention system. (e) During border entries and exits and during immigration law amendments, more provisions for detaining illegal foreign aliens should apply to Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao residents. B. The Judicial Branch should analyze and edit current habeas corpus laws, court organization laws and administrative procedure laws in order to establish immediate judicial review process after illegal aliens enters custody. In addition, to improve the protection of the rights of the detaining aliens who are involved in criminal cases, the Judicial Ministry should review and edit criminal proceedings laws and add “criminal custody” system to meet current needs. C. The Council of Labor Affairs should amend as soon as possible the Employment Services Act and related regulations, to increase additional investigation by the Department of Immigration, detention laws related to illegal alien workers, and build a complete legal system for foreign workers in order to reduce cases of illegal foreign workers. D. Section 3 of the National Security Act is obsolete and should be amended to reflect current reality. E. The Executive Branch should build cross-agency integration platform, determining the suitable immigration policies, and relevant departments need to support the amended immigration regulations.

澳門賭場內消費借貸非刑事化及保障制度之研究 / Estudo da legalizacao do contrato de mutuo no casino e suas garantias

邱庭彪 January 2003 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law


丁小平 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration

領導幹部選拔任用制度中晉升工作之研究 : 問題、原因及對策

錢樑 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration

上海市閔行區人才資源開發研究 / 上海市閔行區人力資源開發研究

喬正余 January 2003 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration

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