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內部人持股,投資人保護與公司價值 / Ownership, Protection, and Firm Value林惠珊, Lin, Huei-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
La Porta 等人以提高內部人持股可使內、外部股東利益一致,進而降低代理問題的觀點出發,在2002 年發表的實證研究中指出,提高內部人持股有助於提升公司的價值,特別是在對外部投資人保護較差的國家;他們也發現,對投資人保護程度愈好的國家,該國企業的價值也較高。本研究則從提高內部人持股可能產生的代理問題著手,在利弊同時存在之下,以涵蓋範圍更廣、時間更長的樣本,探討在不同的投資人保護環境下,提高內部人持股對公司價值的影響,以及投資人保護程度對於內部人持股集中與分散的公司價值是否也有不同的影響。
本研究發現,在投資人保護較佳的國家,提高內部人持股會傷害公司價值,但在投資人保護較差的國家,提高內部人持股可增加公司價值。另外,公司價值與內部人持股率之間呈現曲線關係,當內部人持股率相對較低時,提高內部人持股對公司價值是弊多於利;當內部人持股水準相對較高時,提高內部人持股則是利多於弊。而投資人保護程度對於內部人持股較分散的公司而言,顯得較為重要。因此,法律層面對投資人的保護程度和內部人持股集中度對於公司價值的影響有顯著的替代效果。 / This paper uses a sample of companies from 34 countries around the world to shed light on the relationships among legal protection of shareholders, ownership structure, and firm value. La Porta et al. (2002) indicate a positive relationship between cash flow, ownership, and firm value, especially in countries with poor investor protection. Besides, they also find evidence of higher valuation of firms in countries with better protection of minority shareholders. However, they don’t consider the effect of higher ownership on the cost of stealing, which may cause the controlling shareholders to expropriate more from minority shareholders. Also, their study covers only large firms with a controlling shareholder by one year data. Their
results can be restricted to large firms and a particular year. Therefore, we use more comprehensive time series and cross section data to probe into the subject.
Using various specifications of the valuation regressions of Fama and French (1998), we find that higher ownership improves valuation in poor protection countries while higher ownership deteriorates valuation in good protection countries. In addition, stronger legal protection improves firm value, especially the firms with low ownership concentration. That is, there is a substitute effect of legal protection and ownership concentration on firm valuation. Finally, we also testify that dividends are valued more in poor protection countries and firms with low ownership concentration.
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後冷戰時期歐盟人道救援政策簡嘉宏 Unknown Date (has links)
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強制汽車責任保險法基本架構與定位之研究周盟翔 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第二章 汽車交通事故侵權行為與強制汽車責任保險
第三章 補償制度制系
第四章 無過失保險制度
第五章 強制汽車責任保險法之基本架構與定位
第六章 本法基本架構重要條文之修正建議—代結論
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非營利組織創新之研究-以OLPC人人百元電腦基金會為例 / A Study of Non-profit Organization:楊琇碧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以OLPC(One Laptop Per Child)「人人百元電腦基金會」為研究對象,由非營利組織的角度觀察,運用CORPS非營利組織模式,確認OLPC基金會的非營利組織屬性,分析其願景、運作及現況,並探討OLPC基金會的創新過程、創新表現、對電腦產業的衝擊,及其對非營利組織與社會整體的貢獻與影響。本研究省視創新對非營利組織的意義與價值,並提供相關理念與具體作法,以作為非營利組織創新發展的參考。
一 非營利組織組織OLPC基金會呈現多元創新的風貌:
1 產品創新-設計與開發超低價兒童電腦產品。
2 定價議題創新-製造百元美金的價格為目標。
3 銷售方式創新-以國家為推展單位,以合作協助替代市場競爭。
4 通路創新-產品流通派送價值鍊改變。
5 組織創新-組織功能由開發研究到社會服務。
6 教育創新-開發電腦軟體以及內容改良傳統教育結構。
7 經營模式創新-以非營利組織結合政府帶動企業發展。
二 OLPC基金會的創新貢獻:
1 在非營利組織方面:開啟國際間政府、企業與非營利組織之間跨部門參與的協力合作經營模式,並彰顯非營利組織的特質。
2 在產業方面:激發企業的想像力,促使企業進一步運用科技、整合資源,推動人類社會文明的進步。
3 在整體社會方面:推動革新傳統的教育思維和方法,建立知識共享平台,改善人文環境的品質與社會的發展潛能。
一 本研究以CORPS非營利組織模式分析,瞭解OLPC基金會是同時具有「公益型」與「專業型」的非營利組織,其願景宏偉和專業技術是其成功的主要關鍵,而無私分享則凸顯非營利組織的崇高精神。
二 在其公益使命的善因引導下,結合政府與企業的共同推展社會事業,其核心能力在於專業的科技技術與專業知識,以及敏感的社會觀察力。
三 OLPC基金會呈現多元創新風貌,涵蓋以下主要特點:
1 新經營模式:結合政府與企業以及本身的能力;
2 產品創新:觀念領先、突破限制、考量成本;
3 公益而後獲利:善因引導,以達成改變社會而努力;
4 知識創新與傳播擴散:善用資訊分享與參與。
四 OLPC基金會的成效與影響:
2社會方面- 縮短數位落差,開放全球參與,改變社會觀念與價值。
3產業方面- 觸動新產品開發,開創低價新市場。 / This research is the case study of the OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) Foundation. Under CORPS model, which shows the OLPC Foundation is a Philanthropic Type and is also a Professional Type organization. OLPC Foundation has hers unique NPO attributes for public welfare.
There are 7 aspects of OLPC innovations:
1 Product aspects: First to design and produce low-cost children computers.
2 Price Issue aspects: Setting 100 US dollars as market price.
3 Market Promotion aspects: Nations are the promotion units for fitting big scale sales.
4 Supply Chains aspects: Changing the products delivery system.
5 Organization aspects: Functions vary products research to social services.
6 Education aspects: Designing free software and content for better education.
7 Operation System aspects: Associating with the governments and enterprises to reach the mission.
OLPC Foundation shows her contributions and influences in 3 ways:
1 For Non-profit Organization:
OLPC Foundation creates a new way for cooperating with governments for social services.
She shows the noble spirit and vitality of Non-profit Organization.
2 For Industry:
OLPC Foundation creates a new manufacture field for low-cost computers.
She is leading them to work benefits for children and young generations.
3 For Society:
OLPC Foundation creates a better way to share knowledge and educate children with
computers in the future. She is a pioneer for our human society.
Most of all the OLPC Foundation devotes itself to a grand vision, using technology, willing to share knowledge to the public. She is expanding her influence and is an outstanding NPOs.
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從帕費特論初期佛教無我思想 / Derek Parfit and the no-self theory of Early Buddhism劉姵君 Unknown Date (has links)
英國哲學家帕費特(Derek Parfit)在《理由與人格》(Reasons and Persons)中主張人格存活中重要的不是同一性,而是有正確原因的心理持續性與聯繫性(關係R)。這樣的化約主義式觀點,帕費特強調這不是西方國家才有的論點,他主張佛陀本來也會同意化約主義的觀點。佛陀「本來也會同意」的意思是指帕費特把佛陀所闡釋的無我思想視為比化約主義更極端的「消除式的化約主義」。在人格的本質上,帕費特反對笛卡兒的獨立精神實體,主張只有當我們是離開大腦、軀體以及各種心物理事件而單獨存在的實體,我們的同一性才是確定的。初期佛教為否定婆羅門教的「梵」,同樣是否定有常住、獨存的靈魂。在這相類似的理論基調上,是否真如帕費特所言佛教無我思想是「消除式的化約主義」的代表。又,帕費特這樣的主張是否顯現出其對佛教無我思想的理解與佛陀闡述的無我思想有所出入。這些問題將是本文所要釐清的重點。本論文的研究方向是從帕費特關於人格同一理論的化約主義式觀點切入,來審視佛陀無我思想。 / Derek Parfit in Reasons and Persons (1984) claims that in survival personal identity is not what matters, what matters is psychological connectedness and/or continuity with the right kind of cause (Relation R). He asserts this reductionist view of persons that Buddha would have agreed. It means that the Buddha’s view of persons is Eliminative reductionism. Regarding the nature of persons, Parfit denies the Cartesian View (a Cartesian Ego), he says that only if we are separately existing entities can it be true that our identity must be determinate. To against ‘Brahman’, Buddha denies a permanent, separately existing Self as well. The question arises at the gap between Buddha’s view of persons and Parfit’s so-called Eliminative Reductionism. This paper starts with Parfit’s Reductionist view of persons and discusses no-self theory in Early Buddhism.
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台灣祭祀公業權屬爭議問題之研究翁崇岳, Weng, Chung Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:祭祀公業、法人、宗祠財團法人、男女平權繼承、鬮書 / Abstract
“Ancestral estate” is a special, independent property of “joint ownership” formed by tradition and custom, whose purpose is to worship clan ancestors. This study intends to research the similarity of the purpose and objective for establishing the ancestral estate juridical person, governed by Article 50 of the “Statue Governing the Ancestral Estate” and the foundation (Ancestral Shrine Foundation), governed by the Civil Code. By focusing on the following issues: (a) Land ownership before and after acquiring corporate personality of ancestral estate; (b) Authority controversy between clan members; and (c) The appropriateness of inheritance equality between men and women, this study tries to analyze the authority structure of ancestral estate from the perspectives of “due sacrifice for the ancestor” and continuation of traditional custom of clan ancestor worshiping. The purpose of this study is to pinpoint the blind spot existing in the past and current governmental policy concerning ancestral estate so that the government may find useful reference in future implementation of relevant systems and enactment of regulations.
Chapter two discusses the nature of ancestral estate and its related regulations: the origin, meaning, historic system timeline, rights and obligation of clan members, and the compilation of controversial interpretations, judgments, precedents, and regulation. Further discussion will also be given on the legal nature, reporting of clan member, and the authorities regarding the revocation and dissolution of organization. Chapter three discusses the subject matters of ancestral estate. Firstly, the difference between the juridical persons of ancestral estate is discussed. Secondly, analyze the land ownership of ancestral estate and regulate the issues existing in the ancestral estate foundation (Ancestral Shrine Foundation). Chapter four deals with the sorting out of clan members, share allocation of property ownership, dissolution of ancestral estate, and an in-depth analysis will also be given on the authority controversies.
Conclusion and suggestion will be provided in Chapter five: (1) After acquiring staff certificate of ancestral estate, the ancestral estate shall be deemed as a “ancestral estate juridical person” in accordance with the principle of autonomy and legal nature of private law, to meet the following establishing objectives; (2) The ancestral shrine foundation established in accordance with past regulations shall be allowed to change name and registered as ancestral estate juridical person to meet the legal nature, establishing objective and objectivity; and (3) The inheritance acquisition of clan members shall abide by the terms and conditions set forth in the articles (book of property inheritance); in the event of no agreement is made, the principle of male inheritance in accordance with clan pedigree shall govern, with female inheritance as exception. The existing ancestral estate was first established in the Japanese occupation period, which was applicable to the inheritance practices of the time. If, in order to solve the inheritance equality problem between both sexes, the competent authority tries to sort out in an arbitrary way the current issue with the concept of modern Civil Code, it is bound to cause complexity and in violation to the objective of due offerings set forth by Taiwanese ancestors; (4) The ancestral estate shall set up articles (book of property inheritance) governing its dissolution, liquidation, allocation of residual property; if no agreement is made, it shall be based on pedigree as principle, with even distribution (assumed even) as exception. Finally, suggestions will be provided for subsequent studies concerning: Property protection regarding public facilities designated for the sorting out of ancestral estate; The feasibility of “public trust” management of the assets of ancestral estate; and how to position the system of inheritance acquisition in order to meet the national custom and traditional practices. The main purpose of this study is to realize the protection of property by giving a clearly defined authority of clan members through the implementation of sorting out system of ancestral estate.
Keywords:Ancestral estate;Juridical person; Ancestral Shrine Foundation ; Equal inheritance of both sexes; book of property inheritance
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財富管理於人壽保險產業之效益評估范千惠 Unknown Date (has links)
同時亦探討現行保險監理機關監管財富管理必須重視的議題,如何明確定義人壽保險業者經營財務富管理業務檢查要點,修正財富管理業務需有獨立權責部門規定及開放投資型商品設計及管理費議題。本文同時評估現行人身保險業者經營財富管理業務之效益評估,並作為監理機關監管財富管理業務時參考。 / The “Wealth Management” service was created by private bank. It is designed to serve the customers with high net worth. In order to improve the financial environment to be well managed and to be wealthy developed, the Financial Supervisory Commission Committee announced the terms of “The Notice of Wealth Management Business for Banks” in February 2005, “The Notice of Wealth Management Business for Securities” in July 2005. The “The Rules for Life Insurance Companies Hosting Wealth Management Business” had been permitted to be announced in January 2006. It defined the business scope for life insurance companies to promote the wealth management business. The purpose of the wealthy management service sold by life insurance companies is targeted to serve the life insurance customers with high net worth. Through the life insurance sales, the life insurance companies can offer the capital allocation, financial planning based on customers’ request. For the criteria of “High Net worth” customers, it can be defined by each life insurance company.
Due to the average age of population is becoming higher, wealth is becoming to be concentrated, economic environment situation is changing intensively, the financial holding companies integrated the resources, the rules of financial supervision is becoming completed, such kinds of change offer the opportunity for life insurance companies to extend their business scope to the territory of the consultant service for financial planning and wealth management. Such kind of change creates some administration and management issues. So the purpose of this study is to survey the current situations of wealth management business of life insurance to try to find the suggestions for the below topics.
1.Empower the risk management for wealth management business: How to empower the risk identification capability to propose the effective rules and policies for risk management.
2.Improve the internal audit mechanism to be more effective: How to establish or improve the internal audit mechanism without affect the business and company operation.
3.Learn more about the customers and solid executing the risk notification to customers: How to establish an effective SOP for realizing the customers’ exact requirement, approaching the customers and getting the customers’ trust.
4.Enhance the sales education training to enhance the service quality and empower the business competition ability: By integrating the IT resources and business management to establish an organized/effective sales education training package for improving the sales knowledge and business domain know how.
5.The enhancement for life insurance product creativity and clear marketing positioning ability/core competence for wealth management business: Taking the advantage of the existing sales network, combining the creative product, service and channel profile to establish the specialty and core competence.
Meanwhile, this study tries to highlight some key issues like “the important topics shall be focused by the insurance supervision institute”, “the definition of the check points for the wealth management business of life insurance companies”, “how to revised the relative rules to request the wealth management business must be performed by the independent department”, “release the permission for the designation of Investment-oriented merchandise and management fee”. This study also makes the performance evaluation for the wealth management business of life insurance companies. It would be the valuable reference data for the relative supervision institute of government.
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左錫嘉及其詩詞稿研究──以生平境遇為主瞿惠遠 Unknown Date (has links)
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傅柯規訓觀及其在學校人權教育的蘊義 / Foucault's Theory of Discipline and its Implication for Human Rights Education in School叢培麒, Tsung, Pei Chi Unknown Date (has links)
並以傅柯在其著作《監視與懲罰》中對「規訓」之析論:(1)被規訓者的身體柔順性;(2)規訓者的管教手段;(3)全景敞視的規訓環境等三方面,以及(4)傅柯對主體的關注,闡釋傅柯規訓觀對臺灣學校人權教育未來的啟示,包括:(1)教育場域中主體的關注及(2)校園生活中多元價值的實踐。 / According to the related research for human rights education in Taiwan, the current development of human rights education has not been mature yet; it could be improved in most schools. The phenomenon of anti-human rights at campus which occasionally published in the news also emerged that we should urgently problematize “Discipline/power” and disciplinary institutions in the modern society.
Michel Foucault vividly described the disciplinary power which permeated through our society by presenting four manifestations: (1) Docility of bodies, (2) Facilities for disciplining, (3) Panoptic environment, and (4) Care for the self in late Foucault.
By analyzing Foucault's theory of discipline, this research surveyed the possible problems of human rights education in school in Taiwan─(1)the lack of discussion on subjectivity/self ,(2)the disregard of multi-values. Furthermore, this research elaborate on its implication for human rights education in school, including: (1) Care for the school subject/self, (2) Putting multi-values into practice in campus.
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人際與人機互動經驗沈浸的前因、狀態及後果之研究 / The study of antecedents, states, and consequences of flow in person-interactivity and machine-interactivity environments黃增隆, Huang, Tseng Lung Unknown Date (has links)
Woodruff (1997) 認為企業若沒有由建構滿意度的顧客價值 (customer value) 中做更為深入的了解,則顧客的意見將無法完全引導管理者研擬競爭策略。因此Woodruff (1997) 進而主張顧客價值才是企業當前最主要競爭優勢的來源,而非滿意度而已。Peterson (1995) 的研究指出,透過經驗所給予顧客的價值,是促使顧客願意與廠商進一步建立起長久關係的驅動因子。Spiegelman (2000) 也建議:「廠商若希望能夠將第一次消費的造訪者,進而轉變成為重複購買的顧客,則廠商必須在消費體驗的過程中不斷的傳遞價值」。換言之,體驗價值 (experiential value) 可視為提高顧客忠誠的最佳利器 (Stoel, Wickliffe and Lee, 2004)。再者,Babin, Darden, and Griffin (1994) 認為體驗價值是消費經驗後的主要結果,若研究者沒有確實掌握所知覺的體驗價值為何,則無法清楚了解消費者的消費經驗全貌。然而體驗價值雖然對於行銷研究與管理者相當重要,但有關消費者體驗價值的探討,主要都限制在網路購物的人機互動情境。關於線上人際互動情境中,將可能產生何種體驗價值,學者就較少進行探究 (Mathwick, 2002)。
Pine and Gilmore (1999) 在體驗經濟《Experiential Economics》一書中曾指出,消費者之所以能夠形成難忘且有價值的體驗,關鍵乃在於廠商是否能夠設計一個使消費者完全融入,且如同身歷其境的感受。換言之,引發消費者沈浸當下的消費情境,成為企業傳遞體驗價值給消費者的關鍵因素所在。但很遺憾的,沈浸與體驗價值的關係,過去研究較少深入的分析與探討,而且先前的研究情境卻也僅限於線上搜尋的人機互動經驗 (Mathwick and Rigdon, 2004),忽略了人際互動的體驗才是消費者最為渴望的經驗 (Spiegelman, 2000)。因此在今日人們相當渴望透過網路進行人際接觸的同時,研究更應深入討論與分析,在線上人際互動情境中,沈浸 (flow) 與各種體驗價值 (experiential value) 的關係。
在研究方法方面,有鑑於人際與人機互動的沈浸概念必須重新被審視並釐清 (Huang, 2006),並且考量消費者的沈浸狀態是具有動態且連續發生一段時間的特性,同時也由於沈浸本身是一種內心深處的感受,若訪談過程中沒有任何憑據可提供受訪者作事後的回憶,則受訪者將很難描述沈浸當時發生的所有感受與心路歷程 (Csikszentmihalyi and Csikszentmihalyi, 1988),基於此,本研究選擇能夠幫助受訪者回憶起所有心路歷程的自發性導引法 (auto-driving) (Belk and Kozinets, 2005),為探討沈浸的質化研究方法,如此才能藉此重新釐清在人際與人機互動情境中,消費者沈浸的定義與構面。更進一步的,由於能夠更清楚掌握沈浸的本質,也才能夠使得研究者可以更為明確的探究出引發沈浸產生的人際與人機互動因子以及在沈浸歷程中消費者所知覺體驗價值類型。
另外,訪談內容的結果也顯示,人際與人機互動的沈浸經驗不只是一種最佳互動消費經驗 (Novak and Hoffman, 1996; Privette and Bundrick, 1987),同時它包含了許多豐富且多元的體驗價值 (Mathwick, et al., 2001)。換言之,當消費者全心投入在情境推想、整合思維、具象化、情緒感染與情緒激發等任一種活動時,都可以知覺到成就感、尊重、趣味性等這三種價值類型。隨著沈浸經驗本身具有多元且豐富的體驗價值,使得參與線上人際互動的消費者,更因此希望再次透過如此的經驗獲取價值。也因此,沈浸經驗提高了消費者願意再次經歷的意圖。
在經過第二階段研究中一系列沈浸量表的發展與檢測分析後,研究結果顯示,所發展的沈浸量表與體驗量表不論是在探索性因素分析、一階驗證性因素分析與二階驗證性因素分析都具備很好的信度與效度。不僅如此,藉由結構方程式模式的統計分析,研究進一步驗證五種沈浸成份間、沈浸與體驗價值間、五種沈浸成份與體驗價值間、沈浸與持續消費行為間以及五種沈浸成份與持續消費行為間的因果關係。而研究結果顯示,不僅整體模式的配適度達評鑑要求的水準,同時每一個變數彼此間的因果關係也都達顯著。 / Woodruff (1977) maintains that customers’ opinions can lead managers to plan competitive strategies if enterprises can have a profound understanding and analysis of customer value, which influences on the formation of customer satisfaction. Accordingly, it’s Woodruff’s contention that the primary source of competitive edge among present-day enterprises isn’t just concerned with “customer satisfaction”, but with “customer value” as well. According to Peterson’s research (1995), the experience-based value bestowed upon customers is an impetus to customers’ desire to develop a long-term relationship with enterprises. Furthermore, Spiegelman (2000) also suggests that enterprises have to incessantly deliver value to customers in their consumption process if enterprises expect to turn customers purchasing for the first time into those making purchase over and over again afterwards. In other words, experiential value can be seen as the best way to enhance customer loyalty (Stoel, Wickliffe, and Lee 2004). What’s more, Babin, Darden, and Griffin (1994) think that experiential value is the major result of consumption experience, and that observers won’t get a clear, and panoramic picture of the consumption experience in case they can’t tell exactly what the perceived experiential value is. However, though experiential value plays an integral part between managers and marketing research, discussions on customer’s experiential value are primarily confined to the online-shopping machine-interactivity context. As for online person-interactivity context, scholars are to put less emphasis on what experiential value can be generated and delivered to customers under such a context (Mathwick 2002).
According to the book Experiential Economics, written by Pine and Gilmore (1999), Pine and Gilmore indicate that whether enterprises can create a context for customers to fully engage themselves in and live vicarious with is the key to the formation of customer’s unforgettable and valuable experience. To put it differently, the consumption environment which can prompt customer’s flow in the present plays a pivotal role in helping enterprises deliver experiential value to their customers. However, it’s a pity that in-depth discussions and analyses of the relationship between experiential value and flow are usually overlooked by previous researchers. Besides, previous research context is limited to online-searching machine-interactivity experience (Mathwick and Rigdon 2004), neglecting that person-interactivity experience is the one that customers yearn for the most (Spiegelman 2000). Therefore, in-depth discussions and analyses of the relationship between various experiential values and flow in online person-interactivity context should be made, especially in modern times when people are desperate for personal exposure through the Internet.
As aforementioned, by choosing online games with both person-interactivity and machine-interactivity as the primary research context, the research aims to make up for the lack of discussions on flow experience shared by person-interactivity and machine-interactivity contexts. In the meanwhile, the research puts concepts of flow to a wide range of use, not just in the flow research between people and specific things.
As far as the research method is concerned, the research takes the facts into consideration that concepts of flow in person-interactivity and machine-interactivity contexts need re-examining and clarifying (Huang 2006), and that customer’s flow conditions are dynamic and capable of lasting for a period of time consecutively. Moreover, since the flow is a feeling in the recesses of mind, interviewees might have a hard time delineating the course of thought developments and feelings in the flow experience if there are no reminders in the interview process for them to recall afterwards (Csikszentmihalyi and Csikszentmihalyi 1988). Considering the above-mentioned factors, the research chooses a method called “auto-driving”, able to help interviewees recall their courses of thought developments and feelings in their consumption process (Belk and Kozinets 2005), as the qualitative research method for exploring what flow is. In this way, the definition and dimensions of customer flow experience in person-interactivity and machine-interactivity contexts are likely to be clarified. What’s more, researchers can get a more explicit picture of what types of experiential value that customers would perceive in the process of flow are due to the fact that such a method will better the understanding of the essence of flow. Furthermore, once the elements of the flow have been confirmed, the researcher may also clearly ascertain what kinds of the person-interactivity and machine-interactivity factors triggering flow.
After the first phase interviews, the present study not only finds out components of flow, but also defines flow as consumers’ state of inferring thinking, integrated thinking, visualization, emotional contagion and emotional arousal. Besides, according to the content of consumers’ self-description about flow experience, the study also found that causal relationships among the five elements of flow which were not found in the previous flow studies. For example, emotional contagion and integrated thinking influenced simultaneously emotional arousal and visualization influenced simultaneously emotional contagion and integrated thinking. Finally, inferring thinking directly influenced visualization, integrated thinking, and emotional contagion.
Furthermore, the researcher identifies both person-interactivity and machine-interactivity factors that influence flow in base on the result of interviewees’ description about flow experience. Also, there are ludus which comes from the design of winning or losing and paidia which comes from exploring interesting content in person-interactivity factors. At the same time, the elements of ludus are competition and affiliation, and the elements of paidia are uncertainty and teasing. Finally, the machine-interactivity factors which influence flow include surprise, causality, and vividness. These findings would be practical implications for design consumers’ flow experience in further for the researcher and the management in service marketing.
The result of the interviews also proves that flow experience with both person-interactivity and machine-interactivity is not only the optimal interactive consuming experience (Novak and Hoffman, 1996; Privette and Bundrick, 1987), but also delivers the multiple and rich experiential value to consumers. (Mathwick, et al., 2001). On the other word, consumers would perceive experiential value of achievement, reputation, and playfulness when they act with total involvement in one of the inferring thinking, integrated thinking, visualization, emotional contagion, or emotional arousal. Because of flow experience including multiple and rich experiential value, consumers in online person-interactivity would like to have the same flow experience in order to perceive these experiential value again. Therefore, flow experience positively influences re-patronage intention.
The result of flow scale development and detection and analysis in the second step of this study shows flow scale is validity and reliability base on the exploratory factor analysis, the first confirmatory factor analysis and the second confirmatory factor analysis. The study further confirms causal relationships among the five elements of flow, causal relationships between flow and experiential value, causal relationships among the five elements of flow and experiential values, causal relationships between flow and re-patronage intention, and causal relationships among the five elements of flow and re-patronage intention by the statistic analysis of structure equation modeling.
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