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董監事及重要職員責任保險承保範圍及相關問題之研究葉力旗 Unknown Date (has links)
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高階政風人員核心能力之研究-以北台灣地區簡任政風人員為例 / Research on Core Competence of the High-Level Government Employee Ethics Officers-A Case Study of North Taiwan Selected Appointment Employee Ethics Officers石新添, Hsih ,Hsin Tein Unknown Date (has links)
本論文除以文獻分析與實地觀察進行研究瞭解外,並以深度訪談法作為本文研究途徑;研究對象為北台灣地區現職及績效卓著的高階政風人員。希望藉由本研究,建立高階政風人員應具備的核心能力項目,並將研究成果提供政風機構作為未來推動高階政風人員核心能力培育、規劃、訓練等策略之參考。 / Abstract
In the global environment of acute competition, how to acquire and upgrade their core competence to take the advantage of competence becomes an important issue for enterprises, governments and Public-Management scholars.
This research begins with the strategic human resources management theory and then study the experience how the public and private establishments, in Taiwan or overseas, promote and construct their core competence. Furthermore, we analyze the roles, functions and core value of the ethics officers of the public establishments in Taiwan from the view of core competence. And by deeply interviewing the high-level ethics officers in North Taiwan, we study what kinds of core competence a high-level ethics officer should have and what they have already to give suggestions to the ethics establishments.
This research exploits approaches such as survey and analysis on theoretical literatures, observation on reality and depth interview. The scope of the objects we study is confined to the high-level ethics officers, in North Taiwan, on-the-job and with excellent performance. We hope that this research can found what kinds of core competence the high-level ethics officers should have and give suggestions to the ethics establishments for their further reference regarding establishing policies of fostering, planning and training high-level ethics officers.
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大學生伴侶間人際行為對愛情依附的影響 / The impact of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors on romantic attachment for college students孫頌賢 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果可分成兩大部分。第一,在人際行為對愛情依附特質與風格改變的影響方面,可發現部分伴侶間人際行為的確可對依附特質造成影響:1. 「親和性」人際行為最能影響愛情依附特質,並與依附風格、依附特質改變最有關連;2.「滋潤性親和」不同於「破壞性親和」對依附特質的影響;3.個體在愛情關係中的依附特質,主要受到個體「主觀認知」到的伴侶間人際互動,而並不一定會受到「實際」伴侶間人際互動的影響;4. 逃避特質則較明顯受到伴侶間滋潤性親和人際行為的影響,而焦慮依附特質較受到伴侶間破壞性人際行為的影響,但焦慮依附特質的改變與伴侶人際行為關連性較低。第二,對個體在關係中單向的人際行為而言,親和性比互依性人際行為更能影響愛情依附特質,甚至與依附風格、依附特質的改變更有關連;但互依性指標(自主性)對依附特質並非沒有影響力,而是會顯現在雙向人際行為的互補性當中。
最後乃說明本研究的討論與限制,並提出未來在研究上與伴侶諮商實務上的建議。 / This study tried to integrate adult attachment theory and Benjamin’s Structural Analysis of Social Behavior Models (SASB). There were two major purposes of the study: The first one was to, discussing whether the impact of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors on romantic attachment characteristics for college students. The Second was to, discussing the impact of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors on the change of attachment styles and characteristics. In this study, the content of dating couples’ interpersonal behaviors includes affiliation (best and worst) and interdependence (autonomy and control) behaviors. The interactions of dating couples were measured by self reporting partner’s providing behaviors, actual partner’s providing behaviors, subjects’ seeking behaviors, the complements of self reporting dating relationship with providing-seeking behaviors, and the complements of actual dating relationship with providing-seeking behaviors. The measurement of attachment characteristics included anxiety and avoidance trait, which could be combined to four attachment styles: secure, anxious-ambivalent, avoidant, disoriented / disorganized.
The study took ‘panel study’, and the average interval of test-retest time points was about 12.49 weeks. Total subjects were 234, who were measured by ECR and couples’ interpersonal behaviors (SASB model). Questionnaires of stress events, and GHQ were interference variables for the use of the purpose of the second study. There were 232 subjects composed of 35% male and 65% female in the purpose of first study. These subjects who were all measured in the first timing were falling in love and not yet breaking-up. There were 76 pairs complete matching data, so 152 subjects could process the analysis of actual dating relationship.
There were 183 subjects in the purpose of the second study. Besides subjects who were measured in the two time points were falling in love and not yet breaking-up, it had to eliminate two interference variables. There were 63 pairs complete matching data, so 126 subjects could process the analysis of actual dating relationship.
There were two major results in this study. First, couples’ interpersonal behaviors had the impact on attachment characteristics: 1. affiliation interpersonal behaviors could affect romantic attachment characteristics, and was related to the change of attachment styles and attachment characteristics. 2. The impact on attachment characteristics was different between ‘best affiliation’ and ‘worst affiliation’. 3. Self reporting couples’ interpersonal behaviors had impact on attachment characteristics. On the contrary, actual couples’ interpersonal behaviors had no impact. 4. ‘Best affiliation’ had impact on avoidance attachment characteristics, and ‘worst affiliation’ had impact on anxiety attachment characteristics. The association between the change of anxiety attachment characteristics and couples’ interpersonal behaviors was low. Second, for one-way interpersonal behavior in dating relationship, affiliation behaviors affected romantic attachment characteristics more than interdependence. Even affiliation behaviors were more related to the change of attachment styles and attachment characteristics than interdependence. The complement of couples’ autonomy interpersonal behaviors also affected attachment characteristics.
In addition, implication for adult attachment research and couple therapy in dating relationship was discussed. Research limitation was also explicated.
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品牌人物之塑造與管理-美日成功個案分析 / Building and Management of Character Brands葛彥伶, Ko, Yen-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
Character brands have become a trend in business. Firms create character brands to draw consumer’s attention. For successful character brands, a strong attachment will be created to the consumers, so the brand-customer relationship will be loyal and powerful. The purpose of this research is to examine and discuss the marketing strategies and brand management of firms adopted to build their character brands, and theoretical and managerial implications will be addressed.
This research adopts the method of case study research. Four character brands with various natures will be discussed separately, and a comparison will be made accordingly. The four character brands examined in this research are Saniro’s Hello Kitty, Fujio’s Doraemon, Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse and Charles Schultz’s Snoopy. Hello Kitty and Doraemon are Japanese character brands; Mickey Mouse and Snoopy are American character brands. These four character brands are very popular among consumers. The focus of this research is to address the similarities and differences of character development and brand management of these four character brands.
The findings of this research are: First, characters with different nature (type) will have different brand concept management strategies. For comic character brands, firms will be focus on the development of character personalities. For pure character brand, firms will concentrate on the design and appearance of such characters. Second, the brand-customer relationship between character brands and consumers is very unique. Consumers gain emotional and self-expressive benefit from character brands. As a result, it is essential to reinforce the brand/character image consistently, so the attachment will be stronger. Third, similar brand management strategies, such as licensing, brand extensions, sponsorships and reinforce character image, are adopted by firms; however, the focus on character brand building for each firm is somewhat different.
These four character brands are successful examples on character brand management. In order to manage good character brands, character development is necessary, and it is also crucial to create a strong brand identity. Most importantly, the brand building/management strategies have to be consistent with the nature/types of the characters.
Key Word: Character, Character brand, brand management, brand-customer relationship / Character brands have become a trend in business. Firms create character brands to draw consumer’s attention. For successful character brands, a strong attachment will be created to the consumers, so the brand-customer relationship will be loyal and powerful. The purpose of this research is to examine and discuss the marketing strategies and brand management of firms adopted to build their character brands, and theoretical and managerial implications will be addressed.
This research adopts the method of case study research. Four character brands with various natures will be discussed separately, and a comparison will be made accordingly. The four character brands examined in this research are Saniro’s Hello Kitty, Fujio’s Doraemon, Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse and Charles Schultz’s Snoopy. Hello Kitty and Doraemon are Japanese character brands; Mickey Mouse and Snoopy are American character brands. These four character brands are very popular among consumers. The focus of this research is to address the similarities and differences of character development and brand management of these four character brands.
The findings of this research are: First, characters with different nature (type) will have different brand concept management strategies. For comic character brands, firms will be focus on the development of character personalities. For pure character brand, firms will concentrate on the design and appearance of such characters. Second, the brand-customer relationship between character brands and consumers is very unique. Consumers gain emotional and self-expressive benefit from character brands. As a result, it is essential to reinforce the brand/character image consistently, so the attachment will be stronger. Third, similar brand management strategies, such as licensing, brand extensions, sponsorships and reinforce character image, are adopted by firms; however, the focus on character brand building for each firm is somewhat different.
These four character brands are successful examples on character brand management. In order to manage good character brands, character development is necessary, and it is also crucial to create a strong brand identity. Most importantly, the brand building/management strategies have to be consistent with the nature/types of the characters.
Key Word: Character, Character brand, brand management, brand-customer relationship
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企業分割重組之債權人保護機制之探討 —我國法與日本法之比較研究 / A Study on the Corporate Creditor Protection Mechanism in Corporate Division: A Comparison of Japanese and Taiwanese Law徐悅芳, Hsu, Yueh Fang Unknown Date (has links)
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社群網站之多重帳號使用戰術與人際關係研究-以上班族為例 / Multiple Accounts Tactics and Interpersonal Relationships on Social Network Sites: Take Employee as Example吳皓筠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過深度訪談法蒐集了八位在Facebook中經營多重帳號之上班族的使用經驗,發現上班族使用者們以創建多個Facebook帳號,作為閃躲Facebook意圖讓使用者間更加緊密連結的主要手段,藉由「與現實生活中可連結之假名」、「不完整的個人資料編輯」、「帳號間的互相封鎖或追蹤」等戰術,來對抗Facebook希望達到的人際關係串聯。另一方面,這種策略運用可被視為對de Certeau所提出之「戰略」與「戰術」的顛覆,Facebook使用者不僅運用戰術躲避網站空間的戰略,亦用以閃躲其他戰術使用者,形成另一種「戰略」與「戰術」的共舞狀態。此外,Facebook多重帳號的上班族使用者藉著「戰術」使用,不僅翻轉了原先de Certeau對「戰略」與「戰術」之二元觀點,更推翻費孝通早期所提出的人際親疏遠近模型。社群網路中的人際關係與權力影響充滿不確定性,親疏遠近的定義隨著不同使用者而改變,透過將不同層面之好友加入不同帳號的過程,上班族使用者能夠更彈性地控制這些關係中親疏遠近的變更,並在Facebook人際互動的過程中獲得更多自主權。同時,多重帳號的使用模式將傳統虛擬社群中人們得以自由探索自我之特性帶入與現實生活緊密相連的社群網站中,藉由在不同親疏關係的帳號中有不同程度的展演,上班族使用者得以同時在前/後台中現身,一邊整飾自我形象,一邊解放真實自我。 / Given the function of representing offline social relations, social media platforms, such as Facebook, facilitate users to maintain their online relationships based on different social conditions. According to a report of Eastern Online, some users, for the reasons of privacy and image control, manage their interpersonal relationship with multiple accounts, resulting in the online phenomenon of ‘multiple accounts, multiple relations’.
This is especially true when students graduate from schools and start to work. Once becoming job employees, they have to encounter their bosses, colleagues, and other phatic relations, enhancing their desire for manipulating multiple accounts. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine Facebook users who have created multiple accounts for social groupings, to explore their tactics against the potential power subjects such as their parents, their bosses, or Facebook itself, and to discover how they formulate their images in different accounts.
Eight employee subjects with multiple Facebook accounts were recruited for in-depth interviews. The study found that, although the Facebook policy encourages world-wide users tightly interconnected, users tend to escape from this strategy by using pseudonym, partial and falsified personal data, and block and trace tactics among Facebook friends. On the other hand, users not only use tactics against the strategy made by Facebook, but also against other tactic users such as their parents or elders who are relatively powerless in using Facebook and would like to tactically detect their children’s actions all the times. Such findings have challenged de Certeau’s theory of everyday life practice, since the binary distinction of strategy and tactic is no more warranted.
The study also found the uncertainty of interpersonal relationship in Facebook. Thanks to Facebook design, users are allowed to join different friends into different accounts. In other words, they can define who are ‘close friends’ and who are ‘not so close’ online. And this definition may change from time to time. Such self-control provides users with flexibility to rewrite the closeness of their Facebook ‘friends’ in different life periods. Consequently, they rewrite the stable nature of Fei Hsiao-Tung’s sense of ‘relationship’, in which closeness and strangeness would not change easily over time. Finally, with the use of multiple accounts, the study found both front-stage and back-stage selves in Facebook, making image management more complex and increasing the possibility of liberating the true selves.
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策略性人才培育體系探討 / A Case Study on the Strategic People Development Systems陳俊吉 Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 策略性人才培育體系的架構與流程
(二) 策略性人才培育體系的成功關鍵因素
(三) 策略性人才培育體系之限制或障礙
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論美國武裝無人機的國際法問題 / On International law issues concerning U.S. armed UAVs王正, Wang, Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
隨著反恐戰爭的推進,美國派出的武裝無人機架次也逐年上升,隨之而來的是急遽上升的傷亡人數;驟增的傷亡數,尤其是平民傷亡引起了國際社會關切,其中「美國的武裝無人機攻擊是否違反國際法上關於武力使用的規範」成了急待解決的問題。本論文以當前國際法上關於武力使用的兩大規範:使用武力的合法性(Jus ad bellum)、武力使用的方式(Jus in bello)為途徑,檢視當前美國武裝無人機攻擊是否符合前述兩大規範,進而替美國武裝無人機攻擊衍生的國際法問題提供一個解答。
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論醫療代理人制度─以同志伴侶之需求為核心 / A Study on Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care—Focusing on the Needs of Same-Sex Couples林芳伃, Lin, Fang Yu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著醫學科技的進步,越來越多病患無法自主進行醫療決定的情況發生。西方國家受病人自主權的概念啟發,發展出預立醫囑(living will)及醫療代理人制度(durable power of attorney for health care)。醫療代理人制度提供個人預先指定醫療代理人,當事人無法自主做出醫療決定時,可由醫療代理人代替當事人作出醫療決定,以補足無預立醫囑或預立醫囑的不足。
本文試圖從醫療代理人制度的角度,期能另闢蹊徑,除強化並保障病人自主權外,提供同志伴侶在與生死攸關的醫療議題上更可能且直接的保障,也為不論是同志或其他愛的關係尋求更多可能,提供在婚姻以外的選擇能有更多彈性。本文除了介紹西方的醫療代理人制度並借鏡美國同志伴侶使用醫療代理人制度的經驗外,也探討醫療代理人制度對於我國家庭觀念、傳統醫療上家屬父權主義以及家庭中心式的醫療決策文化的影響與衝擊。同時更深入討論,同志伴侶必須面臨來自醫療院所、醫護人員對於同志是否友善;以及來自病患原生家庭對於醫療代理人及同志身分的壓力。 / With the advances in medical technology, the situation that patients couldn't determine their medical decisions increasingly occurs in our society. Inspired by the concept of patient autonomy, Western countries developed living will and durable power of attorney for health care, which is as known as health care proxy. Individuals can appoint a trustworthy person as their health care proxy. When the patient is incompetent, the health care proxy can make medical decisions for the patient to complete the inadequacy of living will.
Same-sex couples can’t make medical decisions for their same-sex partners because same-sex marriage is currently illegal in Taiwan. Moreover, family members play an important role in the process of medical decision in Taiwan. Therefore, this article introduces the development of durable power of attorney for health care in Western countries, tries to address the medical issue of Taiwanese same-sex couples, and discusses the impact of durable power attorney for health care on Chinese traditional family values and family-centered medical decision making. While as a health care proxy, same-sex partner has to face the medical staff’s attitude toward homosexual, also has to confront the pressure from the patient’s family-of-origin.
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ISMS與PIMS整合導入之研究 -以國防部全球資訊網站系統為例 / Research on Importing and Integration of ISMS and PIMS – A Case Study of the World Wide Web for Military of National Defense, Taiwan, R.O.C孫天貴, Sun, Tien Kuei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技的蓬勃發展,資訊技術可以提昇組織效率與競爭力,資訊系統或網站亦是組織營運重要命脈。而在近年來全球資訊安全事件不斷發生,資訊犯罪手法不斷翻新,所肇生的系統損害、資料毀損、個資外洩、財務詐騙事件近來更是層出不窮,對單位或公司而言風險不斷提高,傷害亦相對嚴重,甚至導致公司信譽破產,面臨倒閉威脅,為保護組織內部資訊相關資產與個人資料,並保持組織持續正常運作,資訊安全管理系統(ISMS)與個人資訊管理系統 (PIMS)便是一套可有效控制管理之方法;ISMS與PIMS分兩次來導入,造成組織增加工作負荷,有疊床架屋情形,成本有部分重複投資現象。本研究試著以資料的生命週期,資訊安全的機密性、完整性、可用性,PDCA運作模型...等角度進行本質上探討,來進行整合ISMS與PIMS的整合工作。
經文獻探討與專家學者建議,本研究突破各項盲點,從各角度分析進行多面向整合工作,並提出4點可有效整合具體作法:1. 清查作業流程須包含個人資料所延伸之流程。2. 進行作業流程上資訊資產及個資清查作業。3. 資訊資產及個人資料風險評鑑作業。4. 建立ISMS與PIMS四階文件,產出ISO27001適用性聲明須包含個資法。
本研究以國防部網站系統為例,運用整合結果進行實作,將實作經驗分享給未來有意導入ISMS與PIMS之IT人員,實作結果也證實本研究提出論點確實有效,更有效且更有邏輯性的面對各種資安與個資問題,以作業流程面來分析資安與個資,讓每個控制點更加明確,最後實作運用以各國均能接受的ISO標準(ISO 27001標準包含個資管理流程)來驗證本實作,也證明本研究整合後,在實施(Plan-Do-Check-Act)管理系統確實有效,均能符合相關標準與法規。
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